Exeter Advocate, 1901-1-24, Page 5"1 THE (1.5sttcr bus:trate Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Olhoe, — EXETER —By the— ADVOCATE PUBL ISH I NG COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. no Dollar per annum if paid 'in Alvaro:1o' Ii111.50 if not ao paid. .5.ce.wortitIsa,a I'e.cetat:;pL No paper discontinued until all arre rage are paid. Advertisements without 1•411304,0 directions will be published till forbid and harged accordingly: Liberal discolmt made 1r or transcient advertisements inserted for long periods, Every description of 3013 PRINTING turneci mit in the finest style, and at mod.erate rates. Cheques, money ord.- ars, &e. for advertising , subscriptions 'etc .t be made nava hie to ChlS T1 Site.der,i • EDITOR ANn PROP rrofessional Cards. H. KINSMAN, D.D.S. & DR, Alt. KINSMA,N, L D. S., DD. S,,Ilonor graduate of Toronto University, DEPTTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad. effects, Office in Fanson's Block, west side Main Street, Exeter, TIR.D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S,,) .1-1 honors Gradhate of the Toronto IJni- rsitv and Royal College of ,Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date, °nice over Elliot & Elliot's law office -opposite Central HOtel-Exoter. onsmoscawmamoacioravoramam. wo....momocammeaglow. Medical McLAUGRLIN, MEMBER OF .15 the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician; Surge -on and Accouch- eur, Office, Dashwood, Ont. Len-..."' ry IC KS ON &, C AR LING, BARRISTERS, SoliCitors, Notaries Conveyancers, dorninissioners, solicitors 'for the liolsorts Bank, etc. Money.to loan at 5 and 51/2 per cent. Office Fanson's Block, Main St., Exeter. (A member of the „firm will be at Heusall on Thursday of' each week.) L R. CAntarto,-33. A., L. H. DICKSON, W. GLADMAN, Csit-icessor to 'Elliot (+ladrnart) Barrister, SolicitornNotary Pullic,Conveyaneer, Etc. Money to loan at l'owest fates Of interest: '.0ffice „Main. Street, Exeter. - • ' , • . Anetioinc6rs, , -ET BOSSEN13ERRY, Grand Bend, Licensed ' . • , Auctioneer for County Kuron. Sales promptly attended to, and charges moder- ate. Orders by mail wR1 receive every at- tention. ‘, • 11 BROWN, Virincheisea. LinensedAntit - `tioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, a.lsci for the township of Usborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea-• sonbale.Sales arranged at Post office. -Win - ,Insurance.. . Insurance Agent,. Main S. - - Exeter PA11.3./1 PUR MONEY TO LOAN: The undersigned has a few good farms for sale cheap. Money to loan, on easy terms JOHN SPACKSfAN,', Samwell's13locItExeter WANTED. , Salesman to call on the retail...Merchants SPecial inducernentS to their patrons; liber' al. Commission. Address, The National third floor, 331 DearbornSt,, Chicago, .„ _ • • - THE 1_,EAilD ENGr MEAT MAKETa „Timor, For Fresh, good and the choisest cuts of meat,- call on the undersigned. "While all our outs of meat are the finest, we make a'specialty of meat delicacies. Meat delivered tO all parts of the , . . . EvElt-r Dntiat-Trsarin „the land sells Pain -Killer. The best Iiiiimcnit for sprains'and bruises. The best remedy for cramps and colic. Avoid substi- tutes, there's but one Pain -Killer, Perry Davis'. 25c. and 50c. It is said that the McClary- Manufac- turing Company of Lopdou has declin- ed to renew its agreement with the syndicate that has on hand the conso- lidation of ten of the leading stove manufacturing concerns in Ontario. THE CANADIANS DID IT. The fact that the forward part taken ,"9t,he Canadian troops at the battle of Paardeberg was lare'elY instrument.: al in forcing -General Cronje to.,eurren- der has now become a.ceepted-,history. The Weekly Globe is presenting its yearly subscribers, with picture of that memorable, scene. Their corres- pondent, Mr. Frederick Hariiilton,iand others, who were eye -witnesses of teati memorable battle, says it gives a Irpost intelligent idea, of their position and that of the Boer campA copy of it can be seen at this office. ThouSands Sent Into Exile, Every year a large numher sufferers whose lungs are sore 'ktncl racked witIl coughs areurged to go' to another climate. But this le e0Stly,, and not always sure. 1)on't, be an eaiile when Dy. King's NeW Discovery for f Consumption will cure ;You at hoillei It's the utast infallible medicine for Coughs, 001(16, a n (I all Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings , periistent use, rtiaI free at all drog. Toronto. gists. Price 50c and t.1.90, Every bottle. guaranteed. ' 50C Astounding^ cures r es ilt fi • Does your hair split at the end? Can you handful outa by run- ning your fingers through it? Does it seem dry and lifeless? Give your hair a chance. Feed it.. The roots are not 'dead; they are weak because they are, starved—that's all. The best hair food S If you, don't want your hair to die Use Ayer's Hair Vigor once a day. It makes the hair grow, stops falling, and cures dan- druff. It always restores color to gray or -sst hair. it never fails. $1:00 a battle. , dritvgistz. 4, one .bottie of A yei•'s Hair Vigor stopped my hair frOTI1 fail/13.4 and started it to izrowaga ir nit:le-lin" ; march 28, 1899. Canova, S-Dak. .4Ayer's Hair Vigor completely ...cured me from dandruff, with I was greatlya.ffl icted,The grONV my hair since its usebasbeen some- r,_,L thing wonderful." 2 Lg.NAG„Gur.t.:-NR, Aprilil3 newYork.,35,17. it you do not obtain all the benefits v_ou expected from the use et the Dail. Vigorovrite the,Doeter about it. J.D. AYER, Lowell, Mass. , •-•t. n, • Monday morning R. Moyers, an era ploye of the Toronto Bedding Co while erossing the tracks op the Es- planade, at the, foot cif Jarvis street, Tolionte, was strtick by a passing en- gine and Jinn over -and badly .maingleche and died At the einergency hospital shortly after. - WHAT, WE EAT , . . Is intended to nourish and sustain us, but it must be digested,•and assimi- lated befetejt'can do ethis.$. In- other words, the nottrishment.• dental:tea „in food Must baiseparated'by, the '-dlges- tvie organ S from the , waste materials and:Must be carried .by, the.*blood, to all parts of the body: We"believe the reason for the great benefit whichso many people derive from. Hood's Sar- saparilla lies in thelact,that this medi- ,cirfe gives good. digestion and makes pure, rich blood. It restores the func- tions of those organs which convert food—into nourishment that gives strength to nerves' and niuscles. It also cures dyspepsia, scrofula, salt ihaum, boils, -sores, pimples and ,erup, times, catarrh, rheumatism and all diseases that have their origin in im pure blood. • is all right, if you are too fat; and all wrong, if too thin,alrea,dy. . Fat, e.nough for your habit,is , healthy- a little more or less is •no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; tOO thin, persistently thin no rr ati-er what cause ta.ke Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver. Oil. There are many causes of get- ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: overT work and under -digestion. Stop over -work, if you can; but, whether you can or hot, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, to balance yourself , with your work. You can't live on it—true...-but, by it, you can. There's a limit, however; you'll pay for it. Scott's Emulsion olCod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for "can't eat," unless it comes of . your doing no work --you can't long,be well and, strong, without some sort of activity. The genuine ha this picture on it, take no other. If you have not tried it, send for ree safn rile, its a- greea.bie taste wiil surprl se you. SOOTT & BOVVNE Chemists ) 1 and $1., 11' dret,4,, er Majesty Astonished All a Pleased Her Physicians, nd Monday Evening Eittperor 7 _. Admitted. to, the Sick ellE11111/01" and . , Had a Brief Conversatioa, With His Granainother--netm 'filen Yell:Asleep in'the Arms. of the Princess of Wales= eassiwing Bulletin at East Cowes, i\lonclay, Jan, 21, ,a. telephonic' message from Osborne li()use . the lodge gate says 'that, most of , the members of the rOyal family _are, lying down \vithin easy- call, of the sick room. No fetrther ratlY is expected. Osborne kTouse, Jan. 21, '11 a. in, --The Queen has ' ralliecl s ightly , Since midnight ifer Ignjesty has taken more, food' and has had sonic refreshing 'sleep. There is no farther loss , .strerigth: The symptoms Yvhich giVe.„rl.sc to most anxiety are anise Nyllich point to a' local obstruc- tioei in the • brain circulation., ed) James 'Reid, 11, Douglas Poitivell, Th dm as' Da,‘Flow. ,,Just If el d.ing Tier 0 Iv Cowes, Isle of Wight, Jan. 21, 1 2,1.5 v. ni.--The' Queen is just hold - her own: ' b215 p. r.10111R, \(7).it;gell:;itaja'nsilg2: rally of this inoreiing wa.s by a. gradual sitiking; Which, if co tinuecl, will result in her speedy death. No surprise Wi1I he felt here 'if lier death is announced at any nit)- , Ailinrierer ild PritICO Arrive. , Cowes, Jan, 21, • 12.15 p., en Shortly • betore this antaotinCeirrient was " inatle Finrperor Wilitain, the Prinee 01 , Wcdes and their party ,drove „up to Osborne 'idolise. • _A good, sized 'crowdehad moot ',them as they. .i.isetiatiarked at Co-eVes. - Naturally there was no , cheering, but the men pre:Seat took off their hats, • atild 'the German ,Emperor,cordially and fi•e- • citie,ntly. responded by ' bowing. rriiipY cluo-ve to Osborne I -louse in 01?en car - Grief of the Priiii;e. • , u.T.Ife Prince of Wales 'appeared to be lialf dazed: and the Duke of , 'York's eyes' were red, while t. he Duchess of -cleonnaue-ht. never 'ceased crying. T.here was intense relief at• -,,,Osborne On the arrival: ' of the Imperial and Rolal party, for :several times.; dufing the noorning 'it was feared the „ Queen would not live to -hear of- the Prinee of Wales' return.' Paralysis ,Nearing Vital Parfs. Cowes, Isle of, ‘Ifight; Jinn. '21, i.85• slight iinprovenient is .said to be Visible in the Queen's condi- . tion, but there is no hope ,of thing but a fatal ending.' The nigh is awaited with the greatest' anxi Paralysis, is •spreading t� vita parts. Nourishment is being iarti tic -tally administered. The Palace is packed.:,' There is scarcely room...Soo: .sttlineff'.E'',1NPV6irtcihr Leof tailoanri:SOfanndenhrsi!‘ Paper, Correspondents, there are only a few PeoPle outside the gates, Rona'e Seeisdary Re-Suninfoned. ' . London, -• Jan. 21.--,-Tlie.'Secretary of State for I-Ionie Affairs, -Air'. C. •T. Ritchie, 'WhO; had teinvorarity„ ' left Osborne, .has been re-stiminoned: • • London, jans, 21, 447 p. 'though 110 official bulletin has been issfied -.since :11 o'clock:, a teleplion message, tinied at Osborne Ilooise 4 P. ni., says: "The Queen iS very sli-htly bet „tficiare':11'r9" a.i'elisr-is.1.32.1i9tlytliteilff't.rpu;rtialonoeYnY:ccover, ba „Improvement Xiain tn in ed. Osborne iI-Ionse, „Isle 61 Wight, Jan. 21,, 5 p:. ni.—The -following ,oilicia,1 bulldtin has been 1)0sted: "The slight improvement of , the morning' is maintained. (Signed)— JianieS Reid, R. ,. Douglas' BO -well,' Thomas Barlow.- - . Ballied.' Washington, Jan, 21. -----:The British Embassy has received the -.following eablegram frOnl-'1.4ord Lansdowne, the BritishMinister of Foreign Af- fairs: ``The Queen has slightly ralli- ed since mictniglii;:" spoke to Eitiporoti William. ii• (SoNves the band of tile flagship, ;tile forsL-elasS battleship Alajestic, struck' ip tile national anthem, and. ThelPer- or William. and his Royal relatives reyerentlY hared. their heads, ObJect, of the liat,tet's Yhat., Berlin ,T 21.-__(i, p ) Foreign °Rice loas, r'eceived informa- tion since EmperoreWilliant's arrival at 'Osborne, House that the con.di- tion of the Queen is h,opeless. The Associated Press learns that the object of the Euo er ' ' l. yva,s to deliver special parting mes- sages on behalf of himself and, his mother, but, it is believed ,at the British Entioassy here, that the Quee-n has been Unconscious sirice Wecitoes- day night. The Enthassy ofrocials have. cancelled all invitations ..troot acceptances. , cabinet meets. London; Jae. 21 .—The irme,r circle of the Cabinet has been in session th,is afternoon in cononOction voith the °nicht]. procedure in case of I -ler Mai', es GY's death. .r.extii Eon isAYis YET. 'eV-it:able, The end may be a Matter of thlYs quenty mentiened In the article], bulletins, 'Another day in . flic ,VIctorhin era, now p•O rion Cowes, Isle of Wight, ;ran. 22,-4 0.111.) - No e eat chaug8 Not(w. in the CPudi 'Victoria.. Tim slight improvement, so fre- ,rapidly drawing to elctSh, pasSed without any' grc,itt change in Gm' contrition of Queen. merely indicates a postponMnent of the er tine 'Venerated Patient or only hours, but the members of the royal ht foniti,y, 'who are now dragging- out a weary vtsit, at osborne IititiSc,know that the death cn-1 of tier 'Majesty is merely 0 que.stion Of a a- Macre tinie. T'he 101,St rota:hie, "nit y,,stertlay was the s•itt-I•let .ti oii tile Queen spent in: consciousness 'elle L'Cg_ y the ,ifternoon, and still retained at 10 p.m. At that hour she, Mid' nob ,senn Wit' ia nt, local ,rumocs 50 the, Contrary notwithstanding. " Royalty 81 0Oliehie thus harl chalice to recuperate frcni the teitible -arded. ututnrgone during the efirly hoer's Of ,•• • Family Called. Tiattea... The ,cotnispondent of the, ASsocluted Press 15 Informed :that .1 t1(.! Members- itte'royni faiiiily were Called to 10 room the Queen's bedchamber 110 iess„,blaan. four tine yesteeday inorning, and werd icelit in inu, mentary expectation of being suminoned. to. witness the end up to half 'past five. , Iler -11lajesty's physi eta then had' on a ve,,st- tge .of hope ilia niey ableto heel) the .Queen's 0-..isteeee HI the Prince or wafe.s arrieed. To tleniqe thie.resint they resorted' to the frequent lista, of lirandy • and cli;ttnnagno. These stinn lan,ts; used to an extent which only the. greatest •emerg,eney inst•itled, ,werlied their ptiorces, ano, when the Prince of Wales alicl Emperor. Wt11111111 eutercal the castle griiunds at 11_30 1,10. they found the ()nem a trifle entitei- than haa boon' exilected. ,r•DesPe,rate, n en, ies' - The desperate retneclics employed Monday morning to •• en0ble ' Mall -Sty to live . -until her ',eldest son's arrival will ',not be used again to the same extent, for the docters are raarful that remedy might ' be alnipst worse than the disease. They trust to , broieeg her life by meth -rate appiintion. • or sriniulants. 6oinhined With as much nom: ishineht as Call be assiiiillated:. Such ex :pedients as were einpleyed evening and Monday mor.ning Are, -not coat - The Queen's I.:lib-astonished no 4115 more t 'than'. her physicians and ivhen. at 4 • e- clank yesterday afternoon, they heard her 1 :for 'chicken broth, -their ainazernent al- • moot 5qlieIIed _ t tr. g t. ..Privately,,, 'howeve.r,' 'they build no false' 3-kopes upint. timse,:lfaaing signs of „What ,has been one. thc..,;strongest constitutions adth which r?11 we'cisapftear=t7e3faevve6ir'aebrile( °a"ftLetr.noom. the' doe - tots' dr,eaded gi•eatlY th.e. period b,etween 'a e1c1ock midnight. Wheti, that was paSsed theY. seemed' hopeful 'of Her •Majesty , itt 'least , thru anot.her, tidy, altho the memory of the previous night'S relapse their anxiety at high terisien. According to present arrangements, the ftrSt telegram.' 111 the ''event c/f death, Is tiso eit, rspatjln it eo ft , or yaps_ yeomr 60.fn sttainixcItoino.;1 hat ttroPerdr:JVIll'inin arriy' ed at any place hi En.gittnd 'with so little eclat. No, salutes Were'cired, no 'cheers Were given, The mda of the 'guards -nip Anstralia,. silent-, ly nnarfiell her shie,s. ' The crowd was equally andemonstrative, the - people • con:, tenting 'themselves with. baring their needs. - oaf: iying \tg, ,-11111' yat t:toriat, n11 e "tgurfitili(etsoAjeolf. , Special cabinet Train Ready. , London, -Jan.- 22.-13.30' a..hi.)-A special train is '0115 • in .readiness' to convey the menibei.s of the Cahinet to Osborne at monient..- Thus far 'it has not been retittit- Up to 3 0110, no further bulletins' bad licen received In' London •,inee the one is- sued at Midnight. • . Emperor Ntifilltini is spending the- night at Oshorhe,- where the, accommodations:are 90, scverdly taxed that the B'attenburg clmil- dt,e siept "111-anilhy night at Lord Gart's residence,- East ,Cowes Castle. and . the roYa" yachts at.,CoWes are' tieing fitted up for the accommodation ot• Pee aewspapee eatterims r- eflect the sus- -pens& the country Is enduring,together with 'the gratit1cation and consolatio,n derived 'from the sympathy testified. on all sides from abroad. • London, '.Tan. 21 .—(voning)—A special despatch from Cowes this aVeni1g Says Emperor Willi a In was achnitted to. the Queen's presence at about 5 o'clock:. She' spoke a few words to him, and after two or three niinutes ho withdrew. The Queen took a little nourishment, and fell Wales,asleein the arms ofi the Princess of provIveris: 11,_inn(r7oviet1).. co, rn Queen's condition' is slightly int - Po Chnf.."1", at Midnight. Cowes, .Tan. 22.—(12.20 a. The following is tlie full text of tlie bullotth iss,ited a.t "There is no niaterial change in the 9acen's condition. The slight iniprovement of the ,thorning has been anairita,ined throughout the day. The food has been taken fairly well and some tranquil sleep secured. No Further Bulletin. ('owes, Isle of Wight, Jan, 22d- 5 a, ni.)eseITp to this hour no furth- er bUlletin has been issuetl. The correspondent of the Associat- ed Press , hero is informed that the Queen's condition a undergone 00 change. Expected to Liyo Till l'Irurstlay. Cowes, Jan. 22,—(5 a. In.)—The Queen is expeeted ' live until Thursday morning unless unexpected eOtnplications occur; GOD T Htl LIntacrov, Viralt... Bared Ilea Distenned.to tile ,National Antltetn. T.,t)n.d on , jan 111 ,-»-On lois ,arrival at Portsmouth Ertipei•op Wrillltttlo was noel, ,by a' •guard The party, hoiveyer,...diSpettScci' with 'the uslial f Orfila] i tres, too i at dry, Went' on' board" ya.cht• Al - As I 't sta f Tone -bring- Tribdte Prom Detroit: Detroit,' Jan. 21.-1)lityor Mayht:iry. this ramming Paid ..a touching tribute- to.,Eng- land's. dri'Pg. Thenarchn: the Boers 515 not operate to stay the Mayor's expression of honor fo-r, Queen. vic- toria. "Thls •hcair of death,"' • said ,die Mayor thiS Morning, "and Suoli ETfings as the wrongs of the 'Boers should not be remembered. The ,,QUeen is a ;noble wo- man, , one who will be 'a notable figure in history; her life :is 5 wife andmother' haa endeared her to the whole. world. irrespect We of religious :or 1;001Am-a beliefs. slie is not a .Catholic, but a. Protestant and ft tlei- fender of the, faith,' but , that •;dos net pre- VelIt the Pope -from' paying aR, most '40110 - Ing tribute. „to .her and ordering the clergy' ctf the ,Qatholie'i churches thrucort, ungiaed to include in their.: prayers 0 :Petition that the Queenhe epitred. As far as tee Beer war '.t.s ,ceneereeN 3 do not,held, the Queen, responsible' In •any way ,for. the _ants of bet Goveimment." She could, net declare war, andcould not stop It. ,,In her limited pow- ers,' of gavernment the moat. She could have done•at any•thneiwoust have been to create confusion In the ranks of her own arnees, 11 she.' dice lo-niori'ow, 8 shall send 0.•,0011. mu nicatIon to -the -Gammen, Council nt the meeting In' the evening,..urging thab. o reno lution. of .aultaWe nature he vint • the City Hall Say be halt -masted :tit ',the (line oof the fanny -al; ,',I nifty, also ,snirgeSt -the hoid,t/ig. of (1: rrhiimpilf:i 1, mass, in g the',,t1ree of.. the fanfold, where a Suitable Ahldress ,lie, dellVered." connectienat at Pan-ottinei4eairt; ' state Ott" Connecticut Is getting together -a: large display:thatevitill 'rep* esent farm,' fruit aticl -dairy Inter, ests itt the Part,Anierican Exposition next year.' Benjamin EI.',Lee of Hart. ford' IS the commissioner, In charge, ef the work, and he Is aSsisted by a coin' mittee Composed of N. §. Platt, chair: man, ,New Iayen Professor C.. S. PIntilps, secretary, agricultural station, sfessor. 4, 0. rieultural. col- lege, Storrs; E. II:Jenkins, agriculteiral'. s ttaet:10.sr:.! e b on, Poqiioto,elikp'fitPt:r.. son, m .o‘. 600191ISSIOIter; referd; fl.el aSter of "Statrgrange, "I'errIngt. • .[ Y! A Deep Mystery. a mystery why wpinau en Backache, Headache, Nervousi Melancholy, Fainting:ma Dizzy s when thousands have proved Electric Bitters will quickly cure s troubles. "I suffered for years kidney trouble," writes Mrs, Ph Cherley of Peterson, ao, 'and a 1 back pained me SO 1 could not d myself, but Electric Bitters wit cured me, and, Although 73 years I now am able to do all my ho work.' It overcomes Constipat improves appetite, givesperfeet hen Only 50c, at all drug stores. A Young couple, were found froze death near Morris, Man, Johann Faber, founder of flu_ Fa lead pencil factory is dead. George Elligsen, a young fart near Stratford, liTtl* killed by it tree ling upon him. Eva Gauthier, a three-year child, fell from a window in Montt ald wits killed. Blown to Atoms. Tho old idea that the body so times needs a powerful, drastic, pr alive pill has been exploded; for I'(ing's New Life Pills, which are fectly harmless, gently stimulate 11 and bovvels to expel poisonous unit cleanse the system andabsolutely Constipation and Sick Heade che. 0 25e, atall drug -stores. Charges of ill-treatment of patie in the Brandon Asylum for the inse are made in the press of 'Winnipeg. There is a famine in the Province Sh<tnsi, China,and it is said that 5,0 000 people are facing starvation. Thomas May & Son's dry goods . tablishinent at 1Nlentreal was dame., to the ,extent, of $250,000 by fire Frid The Farmers' Milling Company's r and elevator at Fort Saskatchewan, W. T., were destroyed by fire.; T joss is $25,000. Very slight hopes i.re entertain for the recovery of Mr. Justice RO who 00113 reported very 1001- at an ea: hour Tuesday nlOrning. It Girdles The Cilobe, The fame of Budkierirs Salve, as t best in the world, extends around t earth. It's the one perfect healer Cuts, Corns, Burns, 'Bruises, Sor Scalds, Boils, .Elcers, Felons, &eh Pains and ail skin Eruptions. Oti infallible.Pile cure. 25c, a box at drug stores. TheMightDirectoryCompany,whi has just published a new directory f the city, figures out the population Hamilton at 05,582. The best that money can buy shou he ,your Aim 10 chosmg a medicin and this- is Hood's Sarsaparilla. cures when others fail, Dr. Young of 'Smith's Falls w found dead in his room Thursdarnigl and it is supposed a 'shock from t electric light wire killed him. customers on Sunday, Magistrate Jell decided that the defendent was n ich breaking the law and dismissed th ciTannsgTeCaa. kpRe :At axica:teiLvi engine, "n°O ern" E°.i.19vQhA Quinine topple Tal 'John Jones, of Aldershot was mo over an embankment, dragging jon with it, and he Was terribly injure It is doubtful if he will recover. In the case of Barber Phillips Hamilton, charged with shaving Isi signature is on each box. lets, All droggists refund the 'non if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove THE WORLD'S BES It Has Met the Needs o Thousands in the Past. Pairie's 0 1 er Cures and Make People Well It is the Kind You Need if Yo Are Ailing, Nervous Weak and Despondent. Polog's Colorll Coillpolio Makes New Blood'and Builds up the System. --- Years of' eFneriences and tests by phySicians a"...d its use as a family medicine have fully proved that Paine's ,Celery Compound is the world's best and most reliable medicine. Thi3 relative merit and efficiency of Paine's Celery Compound, in compari- son with all other remedies for mak- ing, people well, is clearly shown in the intelligent character and respons- ible standing of the people who to -day rely On it to cure insomnia, nervous debility, rheumatism, neuralgia, liver and kidney troubles and blood dis- eases. Its power of rapidly- repairing the tissues and cleansing the blood makes reiines Celery Compound the great saver of life that it is, lt brings 15 the weak and suffering Cie needed nutriment to the IJCFV19 tissues an over the bOdy, and increases ide voluille of healthy blood SO that a breakdown of sorue vital Part is vort ed. 'thousands of lives tiONV fast, weari 1)g' PAN ay can be saved if PaiiWs celery Compound be promptly used. . .01.1 1) /'" r1l1 M her0C1 amongst the sick ones, rroolve Pttine'S Celery Competind to -da y, snd test, its health-reetoring powers, • 11 ess, tells ,hat uch nth ebe /me ress Dily old, lbe- on, Eth. , 501 lier fal- old eal 110. rg- Dr- r o'er 10(„ Ay als ole 1,- 0 ed illr, N. he ed. 1.0, .1,- lie ne, of is, s, ly ill , )er )1 id Et ,,s_ it 'e .Y , , rf e t L r , That's of Gent's ICEPAIIIINC4 IC AitAIRRIAGE from o Have A If - Overcoats All DO it question HaVe you not, drop first, opportunity show you Faney, 'Worsteds Tw19edS, YOU soeu Thei i gbone are boauiiei. iirange of Serges at yonwamil it bitielc sva,nt in Clays. OVERCOATS in Beavers, Naps and wsrk clone in is s'uaranseet, J4. NOT that your in, and a few the must interest Nov see ' and prices and new Staples patterns, and Blitek, voices. R UP yol tut?S us at ti let e of tt Scotc an The iris what ye an 011011 style ani Officc Blues the old we Twills, Montanacts, have Venetians l‘leltons, latest GIRIEVE Post the ' Opposite ,, . txeler----sier ROLL E R iirl E. LS. LADIES If you want to have good luck with your Xmas. Cakes, rise 0111 Princess Pastry Flour.Ask for it and inSist on haying it. - WHEATLET ' Is a dish for the dainty, the robust, the dyspeptic and the hungry. for all apPetities and conditions. It is the peerless itern of,a good 'breakfast and there is no substitute. STAR FLOUR _. Will inake more bread and a larger loaf than any other family, flour. Once used always wanted.' .,J. COBBLEDICK1 SON, . . better lines., Sewing' Cutters lnoe Organs. , repairs. Berliner CALL ."4111111111500.. Our Call Organ . stock assorted and such Machines and Boards, and Also Talki.no• as Music AND S.. see has that Pianos, Sleighs Violins Sewind, the our of SEE MARTIN never been at present. . different Organs, Children's Croko- I Mouth all kinds. Machine celebrated Machine, US , mises are mises modern made We all reason a..te• Gen, business We have opposite now open are modern and in the Most Personally . . Out made op —as well as tliedetails. why t.,s, Furnishings Comeand and 'Furnishings. Bert OUR _ moved the for up-to-date at fit our into Central business. and modern . Every this it—and This prices . our Knight our new pre- Hotel and Our pre- we give you goods and style. G-arment , est,ablishnient look after is only ono are moder- . . . new place our stock of See us in examine RIiICKS, . , , you want y,ronio Ropairin IT W done ' go to R. RI(Kti--Wootclies, C.100141 and Jewelry' a,speciall;Y, .. , , LICENE-44.".,,,,,,, gi- / Marriage IiicenS64"ISMilii)"Ftiand. 50.* OlingRings alWayS on 11:014.. 1(1 sn 3