Exeter Advocate, 1901-1-24, Page 1.,„
. . • 41,11,1.4 3' 'rill I.
....1.NE.':..1711,.........Q.'N'TAAT.0.....T.J.:ITT.R,$.P47.Y..;4.A.N.,-17.A.t..-(-.Y:''.?4 .190.1.,.. „..C.'. il.. SANDERS,',..1:E.:1;DITO
,.. , ...... ..„.,.. ............... : .... ....„....... .:..,. ..„ ...........,..,.............,„ . . ..,......, .......,...... ..... . .... .... .. .. „ .. ........ . . ...... .... ... . ...„.„
,,,,,,0 ., ..«,0,,,,m4,0, .. 77447.4?„4„7-474..i„Tiozz.,„'.•.i.-L,4„ :,•-•-t.
• - „ -
Boker s Star and
30c. prand. up.
action tf
erican _tsnales. The latest and best.
Mic Mac 0 T -I .44 Club ect All
kinds. 8c. up.
McClary's Moore's Gurney's makes Coai u 7Tcod
Ileaters and Cooks at pri.ces that will sell then
Premier, lylonarch. Perfect etc ',Fully
guaranteea at stock -taking prices.
The Celebrated Kelly Axe, also the best Canadian ma„kes
cheaper than ever.
HEN we say FURNITURE EMPORIUM weliack up the statment in
fl1Jo the most ainple. sense of thetterm. We have one of the largest stocIss
to be found in any town of thesize in Wsstern Ontario; all modern
and up -to date. When we say also that we ean undersell our conmetetois
we make DO bluff, we mean business, and we 11100,11 to carinr it out. It is easy
enough, to assert broadly that We sell FITRNITURE eheaper than any other
house, but that doesn't mean anything. So we just set the prices of a few ar-
ticles for yotir inspection:
Extension Tables, from $3.90 upwards.
Bed Room Suites; from $10.00 upwards.
Side Boards from $8.50 upwards.
Couches, from $6.00 upwards.
Lounges, from $4.00 upwards.
Parlor Suites, from $17.50 upwards.
FalacY Rockers andEasY Ohairs,from $1.0,0 up.
In fact, everything found in a- first class, FURNI-
TURE STORE can be purchased at lowest prices-.
3 DA
AV1NG ptirchasecl the,en tire FURNITURE ,tk,,c UNDERTAK.ING: stoek
" , of Messrs. Gidley&,Son, we will hold a"30 day. Sale -at which we Will
4) give bargil'Ins'ill'FaliPY Roeb'el's, Fan-GY Tables, Easels, Screens, Parlor
Suites Be(troom SetSt TableS etc.
St . Joseph
Mis 0, Furgesou, from neat' Park-
hill, was, the guest of the Alisses Tay-
lor of Tayloi,s Grove a few days last
week. -One day last week as A is Le -
gar, of tt m Q ueen's Hotel, iere, was in
be had the Inisfortime to have
his rig 1)8(ily smashed 'by a runaway
team collidine, with it.---A,17c, ile s
ed tO ite)1 0 that Mrs. G. C.amphell who
is sick wi Lli typhoid, is slightly on the
roend..--Mr. C. DeLaffineer, who hits
1)000email in AR. ()on tin Q's 11131,
, •
here mane. the Trist three yes 3' ' 13'
Severe4 his cotmeetion s•vith the firm
aud is „ cannon to Strat-
ford. \ Ve arc:SON:1r to lose Chatlie
he is a' ill around good fellm,v, Int to
,11 Man of Ids 11.00'tA- 000l)t,
0f1eli (totter indueements to him than
, comd here. ---Mr. and and Mrs.
Bedaid, of Comdwright, are visiting
friends in this vichaity,
NNI'VERS:31317, -The anniversary of
he Eden S.S. will be held on Sunday
and Meaiday. Jan. 27 )100 9. On Sun-
day sermons will he prea ehed by Re V.
Hutton, of Granton, at 2.30 and 7
stnecial collections 011 behalf of
the Sutany seboel wilt be taken up,
than COST.
On Sunday a nd Monday evening m usic
will lac furnished hy the
choir. On Mondayevenim, a drand
ten-meetmg will be served In the base-
s- went of the school bouse from 5.30 to
Ita.rge eteck of Lum:berH4ine and hemlock:
0,000 -feet of hem loek lurnber,for 4arns, etc.,
also 4hingles, lath and cedar 'posts. Prices.
reasonable. CFAS,. WI FAILS, YardtBastside'
Main st: , ,
C. Hartleib, who has been con-
ducting a hardware store here for
some years, has disposed of the busi-
ness and premises ±0 ID. Chas. Great,
former proprietor of the -Dominion
House. lie also disposed of his inter-
est in the shoe business of P. Benddr
& Co. to Mr. Bender: MI". Hartleib in-
tends leaving our town in the nett/. fu-
ture but we have not yet learned
where he intends to east his lot.
The concert in town Frida y -evening
proved ti,n)-reat 'success:, .although' the
night . was •very 'Unfavorable. , Capt.
,Thos. Robinson. 31.13.13,. Miss 6. Tat-
tdrson-,.. 711r. Weaver and the 'Craig. Ore
chestra, each todkrunniiiient parts in
the prograin.-Mr..E.- 0. Tones 1' on
sick.list.,-MrS. 'Waren and'son, after a
pleasant visit with Mrs.' E. Sanders,'
have returned to them honie in :New-
bury. ,
Aiiss Lizzie Brophey visited lmr sis:
-1117-. Ul en s' n cl other friends
' this vicinity. Site left • Saturday
for Toronto to visit friendS, prior to,
leaving for her home in Winnipeg;
Man. -Mr. :1V. J. Wilson . lost one Of
his farm horses last Week.' „with infitini-
iiitttion of the ,Itings'.--eA.-petitien has
eeit'sent in to 11Lecr'illlyrity tep-,
hear•Councils for another 0111011 public,
School one and quarter miles west of
this .village:' -111r. Jas. AI: AVilSon has
justcoMpleted his' neW .13othe and, is
moving in this week..-Tlie lecture 'on'
the -Boer war by Mr. T). Baird Mcinday
night, was well' ot tended; The tit 1 ki n
mi.telaine delighted the young peopfe
TINPER- I .4. S.130IALT-31..' and the movin g pictrires delighted both
old and you/lg.-The ladies of the Bos-
ton _Methodist church are ttrratiging
for an At Home at the parsonage, Cor -
bet t, Weclnesday evenin g, J an . • SO tli .
Wood taken in exchange for Furniture.
Opera House 'Block.
Oddfellows Block
We have unlimited private fuUcls for in-
vestment upon farm or yillage property, at
o west'rates of -interest• ,
.• Barristers, etc., E.4....etex.
, .
• Thave.a large amount of private tuncls- -to
loan on fartn ancrvillage properties at low
.rates pfinterest. ,
' 0-LAD11AX;
Street Exeter.
That desira ole -10 acrofarrn 111 the town-.
ship of Hay, -being north half afLot 5, Conc..
cesSion 1. There is on the premises a "frame
house, barn and outbuildings:good y0004
orchard; two never failing wells, of water;
220 rods or me drajn0g;.3, acres hardwood
busli; naoderit tors, good fcncesWillho sola
reaPo .< 1 ,„
' HENR1' Hay: '
Tender's will be received by the undersign-
' ed up to April 1, til014.-.-Parcel No..1.-South
of Lot No 0, from Main to 'William etreets
' 'no wriaS "Ham lin's store. Parcel NO. ' 2.-
382-0-01.1.EliMbeth Street,' near Mc,Cal-
?,1-dm's tannery. Parcel' No: 03, 04, 85-
t/ -Andrew street,, No. 62 has a frame dwel.
cs,,a oalan co In' paymenos a,
• ti per cent, For layeher particulars .0111
torrnS apply terthe proprietor. „
The highest or any tender n'at ;ne.esssarily
aceeptecl, T. 1,v,Ittiitti.#., .
Every truc, English blooded citizen
is in deep :or0'S 3 t In news of he
death of 0111' Sus .1 Lady Queen Vic-
toria. --Miss Aftty .Robeilson, of St.'
Marys, spent Sunday Imre, the guest
of Mrs. Wm, Eillott.--13.1r, David El -
=ton is taking a course at Hie Chat-
ham Basiness C011ege. -Our Sunday
school intends licilding their aiinual
entertainyrient on 11tondity, Feb. 4th.
Every effort is being put forth to inake
it a suecess.-An open winter and a
late spring.
To the value of Eng,lish Stock
manufactured by•C. Exeter.
„ _
This -is to certify 'that T,'"'hav,e used
English Stock Ill'ood:ferfattening cat:
41e and pigs. I have. also -fed it to
• . .
poultry. E have founcl it the 'cheapest'
and 'most useful article .on the market.
weold 1,00mll0110 its use to stock
taiserS, .
• Roittr. SXLLE1iI, Usborne.
• ITsborne Con:131;10E;
Council Met pnrsiiant to -statute on
.1,11. 111 and. was -duly' brganiZed 'as
follows: -s -Reeve„, Win. IL Delbridge;.
C'ouncilldrs, riastVkins, JOhn Moir,
R. Ctinina and James Ballantyrie...:
following Officers were appointed' at
the, sala•ries named and the appOint-,
latent confirmed 1)y By-la,s-v:-Clen,k,
Francis Alorley, $100; Treastirer, Pit al.
'Coates) $70; Assessor,' Wm. Miners,
-$50;.Collectoi,', 'Win. Brock, .$50i Aucli-'
tors; joslitia, Johns and Will: Turnbull
at $6 etich;, Careta,ker, „Thos. vdo,,
1'he•13oard' of Health for 1901 is cont. -
posed of.Reeve; Cleric, Messrs. 10 13or-'
land, Paul' Aladge and Jag.- Iht/3(110i,(1.
H. K. Hyrglaian, M. 1),, Aiedical'Irealth
Officer; Janies C.., Trifts, 'Sanitary ••Ine
spector, • The".M.11-1. 0, •td,receive $(3'per
day, and the SA., and'nfiter- 1110311]) 11
t1 .13000i11.:$1 50 per (l)y when on.
ditty. Ifenceviedvers 'for :1901 ,are, L.
Copeland, A, Cole, P. :Moir, R., Deb,
, .
bridge Doupe and Earir' Pound-
IZCepel'i u!Ilt0 1.-IttzleSvood B.
,Keddy. ,(4.•Rook,
'hell, 3]fl0 1)11)111. rirtnt.w. Tho
Clerk was , inStrueted to "-1.corres-Pond
'with l‘Ittntifitcfurers of R,oad ,Alaking
machinery svith. a view. to ptircha sing
a grader. 'A grant of $25. was voted to
the umon burying, ground ,a,t Ext fel)
to be paid 'Directors (in • detnand.
counts, ttin(trinting.'td' $016.15, •• Were
p1)-)] 0110 (0101. issued in payment.
Council' a djon riled to meet Feb. 211(.1,' at
C-rvoad Bend
co late for last week.}
Mo. Silas Green. attended the fun-
eral :of Mr. Betchan, • Dashwood, -Mr.
:Henry, Bosseriberry -intends:, to get an
ice plough. This will be a great ad-
vantage. --Mr. and ,Nliss 011etti; of
'Walkerville, are, the guests of 'Miss
Tillie Brenner. -Mr, -Ruben Stebbins,
George Zaffe and,Fred Vary, left for
Sauble Palls largedance,
VIS held in Brenner's Hall on Friday
night. and allspent an enionable t'
This was tbe last ,hop of the season.
Messrs. Erank-Bossenberry and Henry
Weaver supplied the musi0.---Detee-
tiVe West cotts of Exeter, and a; detec-
tive:front Toronto, were Mere looking
for an illicit still, but when. they got
here and searched a few'houses ever ,
thing waS still, -Mr.. John Sttatton has'
rented a house Mere and_started a shoe
shop ,ansl is now doing, well.'This is
what we wanted, 1..
• McGillivray Council
- co u n cidm et piirs'u n t' to 'Statutes in
Toss -n Hall, AlteG-illiVray, Jan, 14, and
subscribed to their qualifica,ion an
declarations of office, viz: sdt-t. Hutchin-
'son. Reeve.: 'M. Miller, A. H. II,odgins,
D. Dorman and T. PresR
141inuteS of last meeting.' read and ;tp-.
proved of,tuncl signed. licidgins-Mil-
ler,. that the petition of Henry 13eIllngs
and °tilers, prayillg for' an arbitrator
for the forrnation of a Union Sehool
Secticm hi the North west corner of
this towiiship,' lie laid over Until the
next Ineeting-of council, and that the
petition he returned to Ireirry Belli rigs.
-Carried. Aliller-Hodgins,--that Jas.
Miller is hereby reappointed, a
her of the board of health for the en-
suing 1.11ree yeats.-Ottrried. 'Miller--
Hodghts,--tirti t Gilbert Greive is here-
by re -appointed Assessor for 1001, at
the same salary as last yettlY and the
other officers, remain as appointed by
by -la trriecl. Pres t n,---
thtti, atteounts niiiniinting° in all to
$100.82 be paid.-- Carried, Prest----Dor-.
nian,:2-thatt, tbe eon/mil adjourn to
meet in the Town Hall, on the first
tAlo nda y March, at one d'elocic p.m.
Wm. F.Rtntstit, Cleas
Chi! reri Ory for
8 o'clock, after which the audience
will go to the chureh where speeches
will be delivered by Rel Is. L. Hutton,
and Waddell, of Elinaville, also recita-
tionsdclialogues, tableaux ;Ind choice
music fro it El i avt- 11 I e ijoii. E Vet' y-
bocly weico100.
Mr: Richard Coates is 'Visiting his
brother, Oliarles, at Pontiac,
7111 sl - „ton, ot Centraha,visitecl
Miss It, .ta isiissery forst few days last
4Veek.-.....tiss Maggie Lux ton is visiti ng
relativeS alld friends in Sarnia, ---Pa
ties are the order of the day. • The
youth ancl beauty Met arid 'spent an
enjoyable time at 1111.. S. Skinner's on
Tuesday evening, tripping the light
fantastici toe till the we,e,snia' hours. --
Mrs. job n Harmer, who hasMeen vis-
iting in London, returned home,Satnr-
, .
}lay coisuciI
„ .Counbil inein'purstituitt,to ,Statutes
011 3101111)5 0110 14th-inst. The 1o110.W.7
g. subscribed to the.statutory-declara-
tion of office ancb'qualifiCation:L-Peber
Lainont,reeye; Wiri. Stelcl, Wni.,1Con:
si,f,•Jus.tus 111elic,1( and Alek Thonipson,
councillers. F.'ifess, sr, -was appoint,
d clerk, ;tt a ,$)dary of • $125,- Thomas
1ohnston;t1e1011re17,$80; Lippharclt,
assessor. .160; Chas, Troyer,' collector,
1-arfit, car(ttitters $25:,
Ittillert,„ JOhriston and' johnothan
arerner were appeinted ttralitors, jas.
pontill'O 13, '11nd Henry "Zithinerinan
sanitary ' inspectors, •Dr'.• Buchanan
medical health officer and Alex 1!
E -Wen inentber of .Board,of,,Health- for
years.. he., Aigineel eport ler
'gar:ding 1:11 11050 .britracla,•north'•Of H.
S. I), was reac-bancl• considered and the`
Clerk instritteted to prepare a ty-law-
for next ineeting'of the. coimell. -rThe
'following, amounts were ordered to be
paid: --S. M. Sanders, statute labor 32;
C. Aldworth- cleaning' Oita $3; Tp.
.blerk election expenses $68; Tp. •Clerk
regiStering births,: marriages-. arid
deaths Tp. Clerk work re Innes
& Stitt(' • 2,11ppeal $.2; John S'ehrielly
ditch $2;, hospital for , sick
children Toronto,: grant $10; -Will.
Becker` part 'pa-yule/1f Zurich drain
$50; F. „NV. Farimornlie expenses re
,west branch, north $83.50; John How:
ald, rep. culvert con. 16,.$1. Coimoil
will ineet'again on ',Monday the lith
dayof 13'0)1a-t317y at 011e o'ClOck p.m.
• Cred-lton
T. ST113.NBORY, B. A., 21,00,7 0o100.
& Stanbur,t,,-) Barrister,- Solicitor, Notary'
Conveyancer Money to 70557-11xeter. Ont.
_Mr. and 71111. JOT NOLO. of Elk-
ton, 'Mich., are visithig, -Telatiyes 111
this vicinity. ---Air. Simon Morlock was
nturiet tO 'Miss Mary ret) of D.ish
wood, oia Tuesday last. • Congratula-
31.1t11,they have (I, 1 o tig and ha ppy
'married life.--s-The • war views -shown
by Mr. R. Baird in Town Hall Ittst Fri-
day were nery)good.. The entertain -
inept 11'-e1\ :0) larger itudience than
was present..-Atiss 's • 't
mg elative.s 111 Elmwood this week. -
ME Chas. Zwielter has purchased i1 new
driver frOin Wes Snell of Exeter
Chas. and Ezra. Will ha5 e. to take a
Frinit'..-e-Last.Stinday morning about
5 o'clock our citizens Were aroused by
the fire altirm and citizens yelling- fire.
In a short time it sva.s diScovered that
John Deit'z's'clweing svas on fire. ' A
very strOng :Viiind was blowing' frOm
the sCriitii, which was very fortunate,
otherwise a large . number of other
buildings would have been destroyed.
The fire engine Was'as prompt 0500(110
be expected at 0(1 el an hour of the day
but it was unfoitunate that it, would
not work until p11 3(50 with hot, water.
But when, it started -it did its work to
the entire satisfaction of every person,
and no doubt was the means of saving
Iritildings in the vicinity of the one
burned: r.rhe engine is till righi. ttricl
will clo; its part of the' WC/14k, 'brit it
should be kerit a. firost,prooflafiltling.
'rileluldi Il1 WaS 1O3131 JOSS. It was
'insured in tlie.Econornical 1111.1,t0al. Fire-
Inst./Nine° Co. We hove learned the
follosving from 7110(10,0-00 1' the
engine from freezing; haye the fire
altirm rung propel'Iy: obey tlie chief's
orders, and above ;di ch"), not kcep the
ashesin wooden boxes. 'Your corres-
pondent iiiiderstands tlaat the village
trustees int/pose to 'have the regula-
tions, governing Police villages,for fire
protection, 1! 1,0,1 and distt)ibtited to
every householder -and place, of blisi-
ness, and tliat they desire to be mailer -
stood th r1. they will not be p13115e0 for
an ornament, but as a warning as to
what the oonsequence will be if not
strictly adhered to. This is 05 11) 111(11(1
T.T,S11)Orile and had pal'tly eicane mt the ca
&hip in 1900, 88 bit ths-21 tortes ,ind eeetieci tu tile ti`iY innw he' e the ct.'w"
tettiaies; ,nh-12 inales and 1,1 fe,. nil deed svas acme. He fitst iemot cdt
Yinclit'ar'usg; , 12 001111
, 11tai 1;11 1 ss. u:N-fi 1;1 1 (-1,16y,°1 (111.19.11:1, gY1.1 t()111"es11"1.1•Yen‘"ilsf":1111(1YecrtIL'tlitEEl th'r^itt'
There were registerttd thts town_ bouse and. then fir9Ottring- alialterpF
Andretv Love, of Hillsgreen yvei.e om and attaching the halter to a beam anti -
darlast week t;he guests Mt. .0)0 the other end to 111s neck, 06 llPf°r"
Mrs Peter GO 1/! n yunrr i• tunate man ('0000 015
one of the pioneers a 0.01b01,110 4011;0 about time that Mr Gordon was re-
litiving resided there tor over It"'ntng to the h°1 -'re 0)155 05 the"'14eln
sixty-fiVe years. Ile is still one of tlie hers of the 'bunilr went to
tnost, extensine ntriners at -that town- .bC'C' 3.1 1110 CI
-inp 'own/ is. between four' • ',cl• when to then great hon.() the
. •
hundred acres of tarid. Although ;Inv- ne'ver•eti h 12011•1 '132‘•
ctinIdh, 3,, beam lifeless, lie, tvas en al 03210<
, . , „ ..,,Ano•
still fresh' and vienrous, and' iye itm.) kin(' ft'ieodatal
as mak, y 11.103.1 Ile istic spe50e11 (11 the 0)0)100) 1!
ne 110 f lan, 1115
sisters, I113,s, Rise'and AIrs. •nitv- ,CA111) 117,13:.‘3::1c3C.S.2-- 0 ex-
binthers, Ns 0110111 and Alt '0)001, and
•ing died Wit1011 the 11ist four year). -s tend 100' sincere thanks to thenfitein-:
rniln),nyffs(t bers of ti)e.OvAbg 301)50 0) ri
Justice. Mereditli siiStitined his reptita-' 1)(i1s 'for the.kindnesS shown.:'fon.'
tiontfOinSWeeping aside technicalities the time of the illness' taiddeatft
in ajudrinen t in the Division Court in !relayed husbahd. assure' yOU,' you
Terolitt) on San, 15. Arr. 111c)Pherson, kind rittentiou mid assistance swill tietts,,,
formerlyteacber 10 Usborne, whb had ei, be forgotten) '
been got rid a because the. trus (.•ts, ,neers-1•
wanted to engage it 'cheaper. teacher, ,E
was .suitig to get 51000± salary. •Tile ,-
EA,cH civ. GEO, EL
shool trUs tees in their dn
efece claiid
med very saddeoth occurred here, on
that they should not pay, because the
!agreement with McPherson did not
bear the Oorporate seal of the 'board
'and was Dot dintered , the minutes.
Th,e Chief Justice lectured the board
represen tatiVes for entering, sucha plea
and sttid the law was not sci absurd as'
to defeat justice by taking' cognizance
of swill technicalities. The teacher
gets,hie money. • ,
PREsolindr.m.riax.-On Wgclitesday eY-
ening, Jan.:16th, alatut fork- .of the
young people and inthnote fliends of
Mr. alto Mrs. ;McCord aSsembled 1)0
their. present home On the Thames
Road for the purpose of 0011)12 1103 and
presenting them.with 861005011110< that
will recall o their Minds- the host of
friends to whom they axe' soon to bid
good' bye. The amusements and gaineS
of the evening havin0<. begun, these,
were Suspended for a short fime when
10 1)1 bat expressive ttddress was rea0
h3r Mr. P. Gowans, while 'at the proper
time two , handsome 'chairs 'Werepre-
sented, by Alessi's. Albert E:;Hodg-son.
and 'Garnet Fray/3e' to Mr. and 'Mrs.
'McCord. The following -is ,the address.
Mn. AND MI5., Atr,CORD',
DE011 TittExiss:--.Knowing that you
are soon to titice your departure from
this -neighborhood, we, in behalf of
your many friends, have .asseniblecl
this evening to express 0111' tmfeigne
regret at your removal from 01112 1111dSt
and to e011 Vey to you in a tangible man-
ner an expression of the esteem, in
which 5011 are held by your ti•tend.s
this vicinitY. Dttring, Your sei011r11 of 3t':(''rii5il'nvicTi,h1ll
ehT!i''.17ilosIt-leal,te's Vh
111:2111, ;1 gtield-e...
some twenty-five years in this ; pla re 5321g11011s b 2 fp g r s d . Hickey ID1L51 es-
YOu Iittve t'neteal'ed 3011rsel50'0 to thOse 041. 1'110 i'vvLS the ,,ittodine oi
whoni Yon (011110 1)) cOnta et 11 10 .111 old decision or the police
with fet'liugs of regret 031(13 we eon- trate,,,, which has 'been rani:ling for
template our opportunities fen SPends years, and was stirred up by whiskey,
nag a fess- social hours in Year „liospits •
able home will be -soinewhat hmiteci COLLISION ON TI -IE
owing to your future home being at. a 0 9-, ,
distance: Frdira the many pleasant 9t. rear-cno;cot-
hours 'spent 1Vit.11 you we • shall ever laiOusise412annnienyurprectlinuth,i,tbiloeu7daohs'ctsli.,1,TteityiV,s,-.,...,,
eberish the kindest recollections of
da 11.101:Din`' eYtisa double -he. d- •
your courtedus disposi tbinS: ° a •
111150113' of 11013 a011, svhen 000igc ii
at the age cif SU years, 7 mouths arid 22
days. The deceased loft Lis hom e 'hest&
a little over twO months ago -far SO.in•-:'
erset, where lie remained tott,n
svithin about two weeks of his demises',
when he 31'/I13 Diken ill and retusenetilt:
110R10. He at once tools his bed, ant,
suffering from a severe attack of ty-
phoid feVer, he gradually sank kinti:j •
death claimed hill). Mr. Webber WaS
a Valued meufber 05 (110 Orange Socie,
ty and also a tnetriber of the Nt, orkinen
sartvying in the latter secietn benshos
iary of $1000.: The funeral took place
Saturclay to the 'Centralia eenistery
ander auspices 'of the Orange (Ir -
der who gave their brother 11 .worthy
burial., The deceased leaves a'sorre,w-,
ing wife anti a yonug family of threE
c'hildren--two danghters and one seep
-to svhom much sympathy is extend,
ecl in this the hour of their grief anef
sorrow. A truefriendsa loving brother.,53
a devoted husband and a kind father
is now at rest. •
Goderich, ,Tan. 20. -Officer Gundry,
lodged Patrick Hickey 01 jail lastnighn.
The prisoner made an assault on Police
Magistrate Beatty, of Seaforth, the
night before. Ire entered his house
twice, the second time walking at mile
to his own Lome. returning with an
We therefore bet, -.of You to accept of er freght was running 'tin" three
ar.ni a half 1111.1CS h0111'. WaS £617,
lowed by extra freight No., 150. The,
latter was running faster than ''the),
train ahead, and owingto the howling
of the wind eaul(1 not see or hear the -
front train. • The result sVas that tti
P113011-111 occurred; The caboose of the-
. , ,
double-header and three box dat's were
prit out of, linsiness, iind Else's 0110<111
1505 somewha 1 damaged, 'Several of '
the trainmen were injured.' Engineer
Else, of this city, had his left asdrivt,
slightly hurt, aol Fireman Ketmedy,
of this city,. hod his ankle, sprained.'
Brakeman Pennon, of Windsor, had:
his head put. and Conductor StoreYt.,
of 'Windsor, 111 his neck and back e
strained. The coiymany's ,physicinns 1.
attended the injured men. Tra c was • "
only slightly delayed.
these chairs, not. 'because, of their in-
•tein,sic value but becanse they are the
affectionate gifts of loving hearts. We
sincerely trust that you -may be long
sparedto enjoy the comforts of sthennt
And also that 1<011 and your f amily m ay
enjoy health, peace and prosperity in
your new home.
Signed on rbehalf 051 1<0110 friends and
. „
The recipients though completely
taken by surprise thanked their donors
tind -reciprocated the good wishes of
their friends. This part of the _pro-
gram being over the games and. am user:.
ments 1111 again T esurned 011011near
midnight, when the inner man crasied
.or a change, willed was soon gratified
by the bountiful supply of provisions
Provided by the ladies present. After
sat s ten' a,ppe roes the enter-
tainment of the evening again proceed-
ed. Two new.featrates were introduced
at this stage, namely, nansic, as there
were many musicians and singers tires-
ent, and the telling of,fortunes. Many
:of the young ladies were anxious to
get their fortunes told there being one
young gentleman present who pro-
fesSed to have the power of foretelling
the, .futnre. Though this proved a
source of alllUseinent to:those looking'
on, yet it clonded 501.1t651110t the bright
prospects Of the fair ones 101 0 were
informed that it woifid he some fifteen
or twenty years before the at1sPiC0013s
day would occur. The wee sma,' hours
of the morning 'having been reached
the guests joined hands with Mr. 01101
Mrs. McCord and family and Sang the
old familiar soil g, Auld tang Syne,
after which the gentlemen hunted in)
their Jemimas, realizing , that the old
saying.is stall true: '
I am my Jeminaa's,-
And my Jeinima's Mine.
of the saddest andinost lamentable a e-
eidents that has occurred in this tosvu-
ship happened tire latter part of 111 -1!
weelt., A young /Ilan riaxned McKay
svas cutting wood in Mr, Ed. PtIpple's
bush, on. the 5th concessson, anti svhile
standing 0101 a tree which had been
sett on tiro :-,nd Whtell had burned .off
fell uncut him and killed Min almost
i lista n fly.
Sskt) Sutottiu.-- On Friday last rtincb
Surprise and regret WaS fOlt on it be-
coming known that Mr. \VIII. ...A. Gor-
don, oi. the 450 concession, had com-
mitted suicide. Mr. Gordon was a
1110S1 prosporous and, highly respected
fariner and those beStacquainted '3 1!)
him svould be the last to siispeet that
he could be guilty. of ceminitting so
rash 111tit)t. Tlie deceased. got up Ft I -
day morning in his usual spirits iip-
pal crafty and proceeded the stable
the .Lla7,.1.,
Did you know you con]
givctniedicineto your coil
re011 while they were sound:.
-137 sIeeping,? You 051701110113.
can. It is called- Vapo-('
Cresolene. You put sorne
Cresolene 10 tbe vaporizer, light the.
lamp, ancl place near the bed. ,The
children quietly breathe -in the vapor
There is nothing equal to it fo
whooping 000g11,.cr1"17, colds, cough
sore throat, and all other troubles of.
the throat and chest. It is coo.
nomical pleasant safe. 12
Vapo Cre 1,e 1 old ty druggists 'every -oilier
rApo-Cir soig-ne 01 113 inehuling the Vaporder atici
Lamp, wInckes11.; 01,1, lest ,a life -time, and a bottle de
nrcsolcce, complete ;Ds.50., extra suPPIms of Cresp-
leric250no,and so ,,,:ente 'Illustrated booltleteontairi.
inrurstolyLsci s ;lo inonials free upon request, VAro-
cFulton St., Now York, -U.S.A.,
IT.\.EiNESS--GUENTHER.,--At the Alain
street Illethodist parsonage, on
uesday; 'Jan.: 23rd,- by the Rev, 1-i„
MilIyard, Mr. Edgar 1 -farness. 6
this plane, to Miss Sephlit Guenther
daughter Of Air. Fred.' Guenther, of
Dashwood. ' '
NVII.1}313ETL-At 13eV01), 01) Xt
' ,IGneoen.rt21 les ,lia,,, 1 1,I7t 9e21:) hi e., r ,., aged '36'
,Itrilllilabetlii Alary ' 'd' ',toll ''''•t, '
. - u0N-- n 'Elxetct,, ol <TA,11.q"
- Mrs. Geornedr. Ila'rtdatl, Igte.ii
2 intintils, 4.9 (3-) 51
ys, 1 a'-'6
Br'-isofiFiN---At the To\ 01:1
• Sarepta, on. Jan. 18t1it JohttO
'aged ,o5.years, 3100110,.
:cure a cold in, a night -use V'tti)d...;Pi0446"
50 to do the chores, lie fed the cattle itchnaen'