Exeter Advocate, 1901-1-17, Page 1ca,zo
Boker s Star and American makes
Dash vvood EXETER Dri3MDER, YARD
The 13 s. nieetings in the chnrch
here will continue (invite,- the coming
wee.k—lt is whispered tIvit, we are to
have a wedding in our vieinity ere
The latest and best. -
,ot so iron attended as stie,h things'
30C...'pr., and un. generally. aria No doubt the, meetings
keep a goodly number away and.' Mr.
}Tall having a cleitrang s -ale at the same
lib 'Mac 0 HA' Club ec
. kinds. 8e. Lip.. 411 time, people seerct to prefer dealing
'With the home ill ercisan, ts.--Mr. and
STOVESMcClary's, Moore's, Gurney's makes. Coal and Wood
Heaters and Cooks at prices that will sell them.
Fret -liter, Monarch Perfect etc Fully
guaranteed. at stock -taking prices.
Axe, also the best Cana an makes
The Celebrated Kelly
cheaper than ever.
SECOND-HAND STOVES will be cleared out at less
HEN we say'FURNITI7RE„EMPORIUM- we back p the stattirent in
the.most ample Sense of the term. . We have one of the largest etocks
V to be found in any townof the size in 'WsStern 'Ontario; all modern
and up -to date. t When we say also that We can ,undersell our competetors
we make no bluff, we.MeanhuSiness, and we mean to carry it out. It, is easy
enough to assert broadly that we sell FURNITUREcheaper. than. any. other
house, but that d.oesn't•meanianYthing. So We just Set the prices of a few ar-
iicles for your inspection:
Rxtension Tables from $3.90 upwards:
Bed Room Suites, from $10.00 upwards.
Side Boards from $8.50 upwards.
„Ctouches, from $6.00 upwards.
Lounges, from $4.00 upwards.
Parlor Suites, from $17.50 upwards.
Fancy Rockers andEasyChairs,from $1.00 up.
In fact, everything found in a first 'class FURNI-
TURE, STORE can be purchased at lowest prices.
A_VING- purchased the entire FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING stock
of Messrs. Gidley & Son, .we will hold 41;30 day sale 'tit which we will
give bargains in Farley Rockers, Fancy Dthles, Easels, Screens, Parlor
Suites, Bedroom Sets, Tables, etc. •
1,A.Tood taken in exchange for Furniture.
Devedey & juston,
Opera House Biock.
Ocldfellows Block
We have unlimited private funds for in-
vestment upon farm or ,yillage property, at
o west rates of interest.
Barristers, etc., Exeter.
I have a large amount of' private funds to
loan on farm and village properties at low
rates ofinterest.
Barrister, Main Street Exeter.
That desirable 50 acre farm in the town-,
ship of Hay, being north half ofLot 6; Con-
cosefon 1. There is on the premises a f'raine
house, barn and outbuildings, good young
orchard; two never failing Wells of water;
220 rods of tile draining; 3 acres hardwood
bush; moderately good fences. Will ben sold
reasonably. Apply,
The Council of the Corporation of the
County meet' in the Council
chaf,-;the town of Goderich, Mes-
a 22ncl day of the present month, 'at
o 0,'ClObk in the afternoon,
W3g. LANEelerk.
Dated at GI oderich this stli,day Of ,Tantary.
Tenders will be received by the undersign-
ed up to April I, Ifro1—Parol No. 1. --South
of Lot No 0, from Main to William streets
known as Harelih's store. Parcel No,
551, 882-96—on Elizabeth street, 3)000' MCCa1-
117tif tannery.. Parcel No. 3,—No. 08, ot,
(—Andrew street, No. a has a frame (1.Wel-
IERMS:-3,4 cash; balance in payments at
pet cent. For further particularS and
term's apply to the,propriefor,
The highest or any tender not necessarily
accepted. T. W. HAITIAN,
Brook holm , Oat.
awo servan ta were burned to:death
• ,
an a fire in a teileinelit lioilSesat .13uffo-,
1-, 10
children Cry for
iVi. IL
To the -value of English Stock Food,
manufactured by C. Lutz, Exeter,
Mr. Kay says 1 have used English
Stock Food for horses with excellent
results. It; appears to aid the diges-
tion -and to place the animals in the
Very best of condition. Last year I
raised nine calves. on skim milk and
English Stock Food and they did re-
markably well. I would highly re-
commend its use to stock raisers. I
think 10 an article of great merit, and
believe it pays well to use it.
W. H. KAY, Tp. of Usborne.
Now since Use election is over and
the West end secured ansi elected a
candidate business may be expected to
receive more attention. --Mr. John
and Bessie Turnbull, cif Sarnia, 'are
visiting their many friends, in this
section and on the Lake Road. --Mrs.
Hugh Love is laid up with an attack
of grippe, the disease having affected
the heart particularly,' making her
very weak, We Iscrp'e to hear of her
speedy 1ee0Very.--Mr. N. -Mellingts
little child is very ill and little ,hopes
are entertained for its recovery —The
funeral of the late _Mrs. Lovie was
largely attended on Thursday ls
Servicea condueted by Rev. Mr. Baird.
Interment took place at the ,Grand
Bend cemetery. --.Mrs. P1filip'13aker ,is
on the sick list. ---Mrs. Stevenson, an
esteemed aged lady, who, on Sunday
morning, had an attack of paralysis
hes in 15 very' critical conclation.--A
sleigh Toad of rate payers of town- ;
ship Fire Insurance Co., attended the I
afirraal meeting at Zurich, on Tuesday
Chiidren Cry for
ANNINERSARY.—Th0 an nivereary of
the Eden S.S. will be held on Sunday
and Monday, Jan. 27 and 28. On Sun-
day sermons will be preached by Rev,
L. Hutton, of Granton, at 2.30 and 7
p.M. Special collections on behalf of
the school will be taken up. On Mon-
day evening a grand tea meeting 111
take place in the basement of the school
from 5.30 to 8 ',o'clock, followed by a
choice program. See bills for partico-
TY MEETING.—The Blanshard Agri-
cultural Society held their annual
meeting hereonWednesday afternoon
of last week. The Secretary-treasor-
er s report was read which showed
the financial standing of the institia-
tion to be in a. very satisfactory con-
dition. The debt of $400 was diminish-
ed by $100 and interest, which speaks
well for the management. The follow-
ing officers were elected for the cur-
rent year, vizi—President, Wm. An-
derson; Vice -Pres, Amos Doupe; Di-
rectors, Doupe, Walter Gowan,
Geo, Bently, John Sawyer,,Wm. Hazel-
wood, Jas. Allen, W. R. Carr, N. S.,
Albert Scott, john Fotli eringliam
Beatty was again appointed, See y-
Treas. The fall fair this year will be
held on the 3rd and lth October.
Fertile Valley.
Mr. White of Muskoka ie the guest
of Mr. S. Scott. -:-Miss V. G. Eastcott,
of Michigan, is visiting friends in this
vicinity.—During the - short period of
sleighing. the logs were moving rapid-
ly to Alm Craig. -Wedding bells will
soon he heard. little bird has told
us that Miss Norah Buekley is about
to be wedded to one of our yankee
brothers. Boys! Why do you allow
the girls to be aken from among you?
—Mr. George Pickering, sr., is very
sick.—Miss B. White, of Muskoka. is
visiting friends in this neighborhood.
—Mr: John Lightfoot iS preparing to
veneer his kitchen next summer.—
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Watson are
very poorly at present.—Miss Thor-
ance, of Mt. Bridges, is visiting at Mr.
John Thorances.--Bible reading ser-
vices are held at Eden church every
second Wednesday. A large attend-
ance is requested at each meeting.
St. Joseph
The typhoid fever is not clear of nor
' burgh yet ansi among the latest who
are 'clown with it are Mr. C. Campbell
and Mr. Geo. Campbell's wife.. We
wish them both a speedy recovery.—
A new store is shortly to be opened
here by Mr. Genderson & Co.—Mr. B.
°barrette has purchased a new grind-
ing mill and is now prepared to do ali
kinds of grinding for the farmers.—
Mr. John -O'Brien visited a very par-
ticular friend in the east on Sunday
last.—A wee stranger came to make
its home with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Hendrick, on Wednesday of last:week-
-its t girl. --As Mr. D. Regan was
making some nepairs to a roof of one
of Mr. D. Wilson's buildings one day
last week, he had the misfortune to
fall to the ground, giving himself a
severe shaking np and ceverely sprain -m ,
big his wrist which will lay hioff
work for a few days.
,One day last weelt rrhile Master
John Petty, eldest son of Mr. Oliver
Petty, was playing at school he had
,therilisfortunet,o break a small bone
in his instep. II° will 130 laid up for-
a raiontli or so.' He has onr synstmthy.
—A. few days ago rviiile Master Her-
bert, his sister, Ella, and his niother,
Mrs, 13. S. Phillips, were driving
through lies sall their 'horse toolt
fright and ran doWn the Street. Tile
buggy was 11pset, I hrowing its occu-
pants out. Mrs. Phillips got her arm.
canglst in the tor) of tile rig Nhicli
drew her some dist:ince an1 had it not
been for the plumit of the boy, who held
on to the lines, a serious accident
might have happened. However, the
1..)oy got his arm broken. The tit hers
received slight injuries.---\Ve are sorry
to learn that Aft. D. Bell bad the mis-
fortune to break his nose one clay re-
cently While entting wood in the latish.
--Mrs Thos, Dick who broke her
u lder bone some time ago, is not
re.covering as i,,5 a- 'her friends wish.
Children Ory for
ASTOR IA is pit every' hox of the, 0.115' 5110
Laxative Broine-Qiihnine ra
the rometly that coreS 3 told in OnaelettagY
Sydvamts A-Vitmer, of the Bo blon
line, spent Sunday at the home of the
latter's mother, Mrs. 0.
election here On Monday week, passed
off very quietly, :although everyone
8( eilled tO be ftliXi011s, to elect the 111 10
e. taloak. We toil ,t little out
of it as our man got left, but we will
not despair. There'll come a tinie.--
Ttlr, Charles Fritz, of Z1.111011, Wa S in
town Saturday. --The officers of the
SundaY school here placed the teachers
during the week, and all went cheer-
fully to WOIk on Sundays -2. David
:Pfaff has disposed of 'his cider -mill to
Mr. II. L. Kraft, who 'i1l conduct the
business during the coming season.
OnrroARY.—This week we record
the death of one of our well-known and
Iiighly respected residents, in the per-
son of Mr. John Detchen, which sad
event occurredon Sunday 51101 oning.
Deceased had 'only been sick since
AA7e'clnesday arid in spite of all the best
medical skill could clo he passed away
ae ithove stated. The funeral on Tues-
day afternoon was liirg,ely 'attended.
Nybieh testifies to the esteem i11. which
the deceased was held. The sorrow
Stricken family have the hea rtfel t sym-
pathy of the cOammnity in this severe
B [JAY, B. A., (formerlY Collins
2.. .
Stanhury) Barrister, Solicitor, NOtary
Conveyancer Money loan --Exeter. Ont.
Revival meetings have commenced
in the i.Ucthodise church. May the
harvest be a bountiful one.—The re-
cent fall of snow has made our village
lively.—A large number of loads . of
wood pass through here daily for the
brick and tile yards. --Mrs. Wesley
Kerr, of Minsky, . has been visitiug
her parents, Mr. and Mfs. JOS. Banes
the past week.—Mr. Samuel G. Lam-
port, of Devizes, spent Tuesday in the
village, visiting old acquaintances.—
Mrs. Wilson of Gode-ich spent last
Sunday here, the guest of her daugh-
ter, Miss Wilson.—Mr. Fred -Wuterth
shipped tow to the United States
on Tnesday.—A number of our boys
attended ti e carnival in Exeter on
Monday night. --The new Council had
ide first sitting in the Town Hall 00
rd)orday.—Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers is on the
,,..,,1„rust she
cover.—Mr. Baird intends giving Seine
pictures of the'British-Boer war in the
Town Hall next Friday night.—Mr.
ObArles Treitz, who has been a resi-
dent of this township the past three
years, moved to Listowel on Wednes-
day where he has purchased,- a faun.
We trust he will enjoy his new home.
death has visited us. This time tak-
ing away a yoring child in the person
of Annie, daughter of James Clark.
The deceased has been in delicate
health for some time, but was always
able ;to be around. About two weeks
ago she was taken ill with pneumonia
from which she never recovered. She
died on Monday at the age of 8 years,
6 months. The deceased was interred
in the German cemetery on Wednes-
day. The parents and relatives have
the sympathy of the vicinity.
Mr. Lewis called on friends here
last Tuesday on his way to Granton.—
Miss Minnie Cunningham has return-
ed home after a few days visit in Lon-
don.—Miss Bessie Jell spent Friday in
London. --Miss Francis Jell has re-
covered_ from a two weeks illness.—
Harry Atkinson'Of Liman, was in
town Friday.—Some of the young peo-
pleiof town attended the party given
by Mr. W. Thompson Thursday even-
ing.—Soine of our young folks attend-
ed &party at Mr. Louis O'Neil's Fri-
day evening..—All come and enjoy the
hest concert of the season on Friday
evening, Jan. 1Sth, under the auspices
of the young folks of town. The fol-
lowing will take part: ilaiss 0. Patter-
son; Captain TfRobson, Mr. H. Weav-
er and kr. G. Zwicker also others.—
Miss Blanch Simpson left town on
ItIonday for a few days' visit in Lon-
don,—Miss Patterson, of Denfield,
was in town On Monday.—We are
very glad to say that Mr. Collins, who
has been very sick-, is able to be oat
again. --Mrs. Porte has gone to Lon-
don to nurse her sister, Mrs.Thompson.
—We are very sorry to here of the
death of Mr. I3etchin, of Dashwood,
last SLinday. Ire was well known to
many in town.
(Too late for last week')
MI'S. BnetVII entertained her Stmday
school class the other evening, and pre-
sented each of them \with a boola—A
very interesting concert is going" to be
held in the 'Temperance hall, here, on
Jan. 18. ---Mr. E. Hudson lost a very
valuable horse the other clay,..--Mr.and
.Mrs. Harold Sutton spent a /eV., clays
at Mr. Sutton's home here.—Abe Car-
ter spent Sunday in Luca n.—The Miss-
es Lula flhc s nT Olive Carter called on
Mr. C. C. Hodgins, of Lnean, one day
thie e,eke—Mr. a 11Ci MI'S. ITOiler, Of
London, are Visiting at 3lr.J,Carter'a.
A little excitement was caused by- a
burning eltinmey on Mr. Ira, Biee's
house the other night.-11tr, Bert AVil-
Hams, of Toronto University, spent,
the holidays at his Immo here.-- _Mas-
ter' Perry Bice has left town to go to
the higli School in Clinton'.
stoe:k 01 Lumber- 1n e and hemloolt
7 000 ) root of liealleelc lumhorl'or tarms, ettt.
also shingles, lath and cedar pests 'Place
reasonable. ZrAS. WILLIs, Yarcl: East s,ifle,
Main st. '
Sickaests is quite prevaleot in this
Richard Neil, Mr. Wm. Baker ancl
George \V. bbre 1111 on the siek
hist. —Th e ursday morning trai n
laet weelc. beought home the re-
inainS of Miss Emma SiSter of
Mes. G. Grafton, who died in the Pi --
11 '1 Londini of 1,100,1 poisoning-.
A inimber of friends followed lier res
mains to the cemetery south of this
village.- -.Mr. Sam Shearclown left, last
week for Gran -Lori and is engaded as
blacksnntls at that place. --.At the
district, nieeting„ held mi 'Tuesday oi'
last weelt, a new staff of officers s' 1!
elected. with Mr. Frank Davis as alis-
triet Masten-3dr. and Mrs. Joh':
Davis, of Iowa, are the guests of his
brother, Air. Frank Davis, of Usborne.
—Miss Fannaa Abl)ott left Tuesday
for Lmidon on a visit.—Nliss Pearl
Cobleigl, of London, is visiting friends
and renewin..,?. oldacq naintances around
here—The Epworth League social held
cm Tuesday night was a grand success.
A large gathering wits present and
heartily' enjoyed -themselves. The
rearlinge, singing, and the music 1.337
the Messrs. Windsor arid C's. Inmera
hid Orchestra, and the Miss Anderson
and Courpany was idtogetlier a gr.:1nd
and delightful affair. A splendid sap-
per VVtIS given ancl on the whole the
entertainment WaS °lie of the best
ever given by the Leagare.
The Rev. I3aird is holding revival
eervic:es in this place With good rest -tits.
--The stift weather has spoiled our
sleighing, ancl we regret it, 'as things
were quiet lively the -first. weeka—Say
baby, take Tiora.ce Greely's advice
and go west; go West young norm --
Our new Reeve wears quite a smile
since the election. --Owing to the soft
weather our flax milt, has snapetided
operation.---Oui. new merchant is do-
ing a rushing business.—Grand Bend
Id losing their young men, Mr. J. Han-
non and Mr. T. Harlton each liaYirig
employed one for clerk.—IVIrs, Mc-
Innis who has been sick for some time,
is still confined to her bed and is in a
very low state, .suffering -from tuber-
culous ulcers of the throat.
meeting of the Ladies Dinard I -live,
No. 329'', the following offic-
ers Ivereinstalled:--Lady E. Co-
m-inder; Lady M. 'McKenzie, Past
Com.; Lady TiannOn, Lieut. Com.;
Lady 1-1a1 lton, Chap.; I.ady E.. Ratz,
:keeper; Lady S. Schroeder; Nils. at
Arris; Lady E. Bastard, Sargent:
-Lady j. Keys, Sentinel; Lady J. Sch-
roeder, Picket; Ladies Mollard, Buni-
ga.rten. and Schroeder, Banner Bear-
Bills are out annouiicind ati oyster
supper and concert under tbe auspices
of -10thard }Jive, L.O.T.11., in Hannon's
Hall; Shipka, on Thursday evening,
Jan. $1st. The committee have spared
no pains to make'this one of the best
entertainments' that has ever been
given in this section. W. S. Trusler
will be present'and deliver an address
on the ainis and objects of the order.
There will also be addresses, by other
Maccabee friends. Mr. Catichlin, the
Irish Comedian, of 'Parkhill, will give
a number of Irish COMie songs,' while
the Misses Cauchlin will give orches-
tra selections, duets and solos. Read-
ings, recitations ansi dialogues, will
also' be given by friends and ladies of
the Hive. Music will be furnished by
the Cauchlin Concert Coinl)any and hi
conclusion the ladies of/ the Hive
give a grand tableux. No person .can
afford to miss this as it will be the
grandest treat of the season. The
chair will be taken by H. Eilber, M. P.
P. See hills for particulars.
'Stephen Council
The newly elected Reeve and Coun-
cilmen' at • the Township of Stephen,
Convened at the TOWn Ilall; Crediton,
to the declarations of office the min-
utes of December meeting -were read
and approved.- Anderson—Wuerth—
thiit Charles Brown be, and is hereby
appointed, Treasurer and caretaker , at
his former sl31311-Y/ and that lie sub-
mit new bonds for the approval of
the Council at their next meeting. --
Carried. Anderson—Webb—that Jos.
Gtlainall be, and is hereby :appointed,
Assessor for the year 1901 at his feria' -
(1 salary.---Carriecl. McKeever—An-
derson--that a grant of $10 be given to
Hospital for sick children at, Toronto.
--Canned. A petition ivas presented
Lo the Council asking that 11,11 Arbitra-
tor be :appointed to consider the advis-
ibility of forming a Union School Sec-
tion, west (if Greenwi-iy, between tlict
townships of Stephen ancl _McGillivray.
Anderson--McKeever---that Mr. H. E.
I-luston be, and is hereby armointed
Arbitrator for the township of Step-
hem—Carried. Wiley cReever---
that the printing contract be again
.5) :51(31(1 to the, AravooArrE l'rin Ling
Co., at the former price.—Carriecl. 11:
Lan' No. I, of 1901, to appoint, '1
(1'. Assessor and Caretaker, lieing
read tile third time, was Oil niotion
signed by the IteeVe and Clerk. The
f0110Wing orders were granted:--Ilos-
pital of tick ehildren, $10; &
Co., nails, etc,, $2:, Ed. Gill, avork on
con. 22, $3.60; Som.' Stanlake, lumber,
N.I3., $0.31; do., $17.89; Bayvden,
gravel, $2.16; Gottleili Brown, taxes
of 1900 LIOC011ected, $3.50; do., salary
is Collector, $90; Philip Baker, gravel
contracts and commission, ,S88; E. El-
ston, lumber, 1il5.3-1; John Lingard,rep,
culvert, $1.50; .i 15,115 Hill, stattite 1,511-
„e-2-7Y7artiamiv, or, $1; Retrirrting.Officer/ D.ThO. awl
polling booths, $70; Atigast . nalst,
drain on Con. 0, 3323 iNtr• :Rush, culvert,
,s1.50; Jelin Dalziel, graveLt1.2.60;Jolin
rokenslure, andOing, $8; H. Doyle,
do., $8; Rich. Hodginei r
$10t C. TT, Wilson, gravel cordraefa,
,S.1-3., $203,J. T3. Iledgins,
Wt)rk. on block 11,, $/.25:15,
refund of statlite labor, $1.
Eagleaon, cleaning ditch, $11..
13ros., cul tirtg hill, $3.75,"
loomed to ineet again on M4t'dh ;4t
at 1 pail.
13tiaRRY, A 1OEC.,31E1z RESIBEN
1ile icillowing froin the Ohleago
gives the particulars of the murder
conniiittecl.-by Wiliiarn Barry, a
. .
mer atesident of plien, in Osriai
Gr.:A.11cl Forli.S.', N. D., J,tn. 10. --The
people of l‘filLon, t,'ne business center '
of sciuthern Cliivaliee county, Were, ,
horrified Yvhen 13r v, came 10
and asked to be placed in custody by "
a deptity sheriff, stating that he had
just killed his hired nran, Andrew Mel-
' Air. Barry isai men of /Diddle age, a
weirlthy farmer, and c)ne cif the most
respected residents of the cc rutty. Ile
owns it fine farin alacitit, twenty' lodes
froni Milton, with modern residence,,
and being, a single inan has for, years
had hsister sc!tl hiii as housekeeper,
Illellen has been employed by him at
intervals for the last,eiglit years.
The story that Mr. 1 la115- tells is
substantially that lie had found his
sist t irs ears. On being questioned
by him she confessed there had been
a secret 5). [4-15115)) of inarriage, but
Alellen had broken it. Barry became
enraged and went in -01 ('1 of lifellen.
_Returning to the 115)u56 he found that '
his sister had. clisappe,irecl. He began.
a search for her, yvhich cootinuecl all
night... Toward morning he found her
lying on the prairie with hands and
feet badly frozen, the night having
been very cold.' He placed her in the
care of a neighbov and returned bailie.
Going to the barn he found. Mellen_
:aside doing the morning chores.
went in, fastened the door and i old
Mellen w,hat liacl occurred and that he
hacl resolved that INIellen must die.
He gave Mellen:the choice of death by
the rope Or knife, and (1 emanded _that
he choose at once This Alelleii'decliii-
ecl to do, and 13:13.1%y then took it rope
o /id with it atterupt,cd to hang his
victitn to a beam overhead. Mellen
sisted and a desperate strtiggle,ensued,
lasting, 1\11'. Barry says, :rhout fifteen,
Mellen .iboitt 140 llut so deep "61-afdi -
did the Tatter struggle that the plan of
hanging, was abandoned. _Barry then
took ont his watch a.ricl told Al -ellen;
that he had ju'st five minutes - fb
and reconimencled that lie sa.y his
final prayers, and the latter, 'too ex-
hausted for furtherhsetinice, knel1 .
on the floor of the stable and implored'
heaven ,for forgivrress and: mercy. At
the end of the -five mina teaBorty clos-,
ecl his watch. returned it to his pecket
and with a knife with 3vhic5 he had
armed himself stabbed the 'kneeling .
nian in the neck. The wounded inan
died instantly. Barry tlaen drove to
town and gave hiniscif up, '
Gargles can't go back far.
enough; sprays, don't.
reach deep enough; but the
air you breathe touches
every part. Then why not
put 'sonic healing, medicine,
in the air and let them go aloin
together? That is what Vistyri-C`. ies"
lene is for. it puts the .,11
cine light on the
need it. You now
quickly cures sor,s
chitis, hoarsenes.,--whooping-c
and asthma.
Vapc-Cresolene is sold by druggists everywnere,
The Vaporizer anti Lamp, which should last a life.
time and a bottle of Oresolcuc conipletc, Sf.5o;.
extra supplies of Cresolene 0.5 cents tnd so cents,
IllUstrated boolclet.. containing P13 0)01 testi-
monials free upon request, VAPo-CRESOLiaL"
180, Felten St., New York, U.S,A,
SatTooR—In 1,lth con. on Jan,
9th, the wife. of Cyrtis Schoch, of a.
IIENDBIGK.—At the Eray„
(.)ta Jan. Oth the wife of All)ert I -lend
, rick, of a claug,liter.
at St. jarnea
Rev. C.' `R. Gnone,
aelne "Islicky, of the, Town
Stepheta to Mr. A.rno
of Mr. John Gill, on the 9th ini.
the Rev. O. W; Brown, 13,A:
Henry Gould. to 'Miss tacht‘a
Well, agecb,S1-years, 9 niontlasand,"P"
SPARks,-11 , Stanley, Bronson line
on :1:iron-try 7, 1, tile youttri:
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sparks
age -of olie and a hog yearO'''
Eiseten 'ma j'arit1
John White, aged 73.years•
. and 6 days.
GRAHAM—TH St, Marys,
Ellen Banks, wife of J. D. Gra-
ham aged 41 ye tre
William McKernan
5 ilic),rith'