Exeter Advocate, 1900-12-20, Page 6OWE T 110IJ Rev. Dr. rFnitnage Fells of y, Blessings e• '>----_�ElacYtield sends�us Roam. 'The says; . h.110 despatch cageWashingtonre'es. us: cickrks• 1. In the sheep's v�ool supplies l:tev• Dr, lah;aii�e pre<z<<heeLftoi,ieTd us furs. text; "How anue;h owest 'sable_aucl the ermine yield. shoes, thouruting i,,Whatis what hats; w. o unto x,r ' L2rtl"-T�ul e xvx. a. coat , to su rply you thou Y what muffles it takes 1 When the.firs{: of next affil , r Put it down low. :How �v �I bring , a in a Much? if e3 of 1an and lyou will kl all Year Gan you clothe yauisc at r race -sheet all the values and Two hundred dollars Per fr l t that rate? 1 rafter: clttr- thous - "What the he wear askindebtedness,: Indeed, for fortyyears is - eight tar 1f the question, year earl, " W the AM ask " q dollars for clothes; sixty Y t I worth 3" "How much do and Wha f7 ;, thousand. dollars for clothes, You. say, "There is so much t�ir lei a table to- lower that ease -rent; so The, next bill I find on our a I }ia'ro to pay far lx for wa ewe God for for our lest razes. ....dile interest on that mortgage, le f,a n• .�. ,, settetkr:the, soli- itbe foreclosed; sornuch to meat that families from? God you 0 the lest it be protested. 'tau in families. Have.Y note in the, bank, sympathetic, Lo -night •mht ou; could Put ion w110 is kind, gentle, sy 1 that Y 'mute,, in Pound fzgur•es, yaur whole joys and soraluck m> et how r the merry sleigh -ride that gave indebtedness to men. And y or xix. k'4 : " A stumble 'When the clues : to you? No. Proverbs u halt and lLord." Have J tt'1ryif of, all ryour life„ comes, you -will Lake, an account: Two `hundred dollars per' the generations, of Ilion fall in lino, arid" • beat a funerat-nxarob of tinge! grave ! woe ± as We go 1:0 t11a 6rave of our dead King. Eight hundred year's, after Edward was buried, they brought up ,his. body, and they found that he still lay with a crown on his head, 1al,or'e than eighthundred years have passed, eighteen and 1 look Into the grave of my dead King, and I see not only a crown, but ' on his head are many °towns." And, what. is more, he is rising. YEA, �,A 'H1 •ITAS111t3EN! Ye ,ho carie to the grave weeping,, go away rejoicing..: Let your dirges. now 6 elmn1 to anthems. He lives! Take off the blaeltiies.s from the gates Ilelives! Let earth of Elie morning.T and heaven, keep J aliilee. He lives ! knoev that my Redeemer lives. For that victory? whom that. battle and Fear whom? For you. Oh! get some clelierete scale, that you iiluy weigh His burdens. Get snxne, delicate chalice that, you may measure Ills: tears. Listen to the hard breathing of this dying Ono, yhase only crime was that he came tot save theworld. As I think of the cold nights that fell on him, of the l g tuck him,of the tempests that sta. whips that flayed him, of ,,the insult - yo P • . that was •god >vife is from the ,or m hands that strapped him' on 'the t to you. e night, ci t you. table? brag' hand chi or etor�o-rent; no much to me01 night as for �o your mach f Where 41(1 you g I suppose ' a o -nue of paper; in: five helpful;=synlPrtthetic v,'ith all your down on apiece A p sorrows? Was it good luck • •ows THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. C`l LESSON, i INTERNATIONAL �a`tarflsltan L.r14ot Mitt. 2• lr9l. Q,olderr L L1 CTIC.�L NOTES. Verse 1. Now when. This may have been when Jesus was a few week or a few months old. The stax' probably appeared some months in advance of his birth giving time for the prepar- ation atiion and journey of the wise'men• sus vv horn. "Jesus'" is a Hebrew Jas aS word, modified from the word Joshua, " help, deliverance,, and sal- vation." - atioin." Mary, his mother, and Jos- eph, eph, her husband, were both descencl- avitl. They::lived at Nazareth, antsof D but Tesus was horn at Behlehem, to e they had:gone for:regis- which plat, trati'on, under the Boman law. Beth lelzem of :Judea. So called, to distin- guish it from another Bethlehem in It is situated six northern Palestine. Palestine. It is situated' six northern miles' south of Jerusalem on the road miles, south of Terusalem`ou the, road to Hebron. It was the home of Boaz and the birthplace of David; and Ruth at reseaat a town of four thousand p mostly Greek Christians, inhabitants, m s y The traditional birthplace of Jesus is cave. Herod the acing, sllowrl in a Three Efeiro�ds aro ' referred to in the New Testament, and each in ocninec tion with a martyrdom; this Herod e Great'` the slayer of the innocent t11 children of Bethlehem; his son, the c tion L4. 430 1 d h ma .t ewa.rd to tate ye�u childxen:round about your chtak of the mou,tii5a tbat,spit iil)on Y debtors of his master; "How m Have Ye hear-. him; and ti you •o propourrc e aeh vo 'the eyesigat, when so 111anY vhila oral stand .,here, seeing „ born blind? Have Y on dots rat Cram brow Lord?" The fact have been 111 blood drlpppl a ()west thea n01:0nto more. have been born • est from more pothered:abyat 'jug, when soy many l ter cheek, from cheek Ca , is, that:, we are k and sing, when e to foot, • dollars that we de -rt ?<Can they tel . breast to knee, ,ficin ILn�a the five r hundred . . we are manyhave been barn crrl:plas8 Who! o the �romn�d,;I stand amid owe touour neighbors than so romp- tic,m foot t & _ :� ocn glad, healthy., romp -1 ,rtzish airdi cry out • ,� t�hrch wegave you oh � lrat led fear of. an„ have that d toolanay luta t wn amount so far be- :Ing children? IlaAv touch will you takBI'I "Oh blood -bought man and nva- yon plunged• . - offer to ynu 1 est the billions, ,far them ft 1 diamond lin how much--lre'vv much °w est tea millions, and . or -one, Chats -1 111 h th• t there is the Iiohinoor dr;lmond f i thou unto my Lozd¢ There d the quadrillions, t o " " are un - an t scroll of the worth Park for another, anda of men and women in this house not forme, arch n the, :, othe,r you dreds Pat the fag millions of dollars „for n twill respond, "Everything 1 sky. for the, archangel tap who p . would '. _ env:; Lo him -my time, my tirlents, mY ares. LAUGH; ME '10 SCORN! your table to -night a ,,. one, be -'hi arL—everyliri,n�g,, I, want to put on Yon would not sell the eldest o)rese+nied to you, to -night -the book , 5. have 1 the book o Gol's account • •; • the first -barn ; you would. bills --the billto- for btedness. Doing buss cause i- is h111 se different, of your t7odesell theyoungest, because it is .: bill for board; elle bbl' Y not house rent, the ness for`"�t:arnity, my brath%rs .and: the youngest and 'the Pei: ; nor this loLliim,R the rill for the family; .was wan to ' y cr c sistei'ss• �• � beeau�e it looks the very inla.ga.' a' ne eyes open want you i father • rat that one because L n })ill Will you pay4 ly done for Gal, and put them u1 one.Oh y s, gaily. because it has always been sick, and question is, day by, day, with this man w line,:and et add than up; and then g You especially love it ; nor that one, and woman, "How much?" I cannot h t done f all you., tliirrds that God , cause it' is as healthful that you tell.,, I simply know that in the olden has do. n for t Fut them 1n one could ;`not think of giving it up. Ido :.Ines, under a dispensation no t aea 1Lne, d add them tilt then sub -then p I only tSact t do rt with oar i; 5; And thye siad. Without lzesil,u- Lion, as it was well understood by the interpreters of prophecy. • But ;'r spir- it, how different was" Lh<x s1 1t, from tla;rt of the Magi. They had knowledge, tut at heart ' were. 1n- diflOteut, while : the Magi wo.co earnest seekers after the truth. One man may perish with the Brihle, and another, may find God without it. In Bethlehem. 'lhe.`p'ro- pliecy is found in•Mic, 5. 2. 'Written the : The : prediction is by t prophet. not quoted precisely, but, as was ung the Jewa, when citing usual ax u a well-krrloW11 SeTipture, with such a s would resent mare yariatiarl, a, kr clearlythe speaker's purpose 10 !the quotation. • 'n the land of Judah. G. Bethlehem i L - the, riginal which is "Bethlehem, land a aura, charged, limbo the :posiL'Lori uz,cl men e " wore the li-'--heavy :1uda11." Lhe "thousands" and four � >•onlarl were kill - to in g Knowles clivision�s,of the tribe, corresponding ii1',•liusbanciandsix'-. • _ and Colonel Y'ot b to�utns,hi,ps, arliS-alalch had, zLs red, a 1 • f co ourYeomen severely wounded in rL!rvice or ruler, • i ti�liila izr�,< all;e'nt .��. p ilashin;'• af,fa r, 4 6 8, What tiara ;. fie wished to ut clti l` .h;i, orderly 7, e; G tlynel•;_; lay u a 1 01 ` g ne;arl : as possible t11c ,> rifles :and know eb p found au'rrrr'401-'va.rious purposed to slay,. Tho Brit- ing the child he l I other debris of the fight an old B in child. Perhaps he was uuwill- , �. !arch on ex-, young g z.r,b sward-ba,y ()net, w o give him his royal title. That 1; was bund La be sL-arnpocl g 'This animation, I may 1 � ri the frog with Lhe 0 kiss, 1, 11e adds that 3rd Battalion titlth li•l1 l 't,, the dace ,of h ht be- h d tad Taking quay transpired that t Y had 1 "In" is and South Notts Hussars, whr`�c`h corrx- Pose Part of the 3rd rinporia1 is '»,- nua,nzY, dashed up to the front� of the cover d i Y under e pr)�siuiou, and dismounted Wilh,in thirty yards of the enemy, eslrosed not only to a terx'ible hail4 of sihoL and shell trona 111 Boers, krul ac- ctdentally'also from. the British l'orn- p01115, :Elven tilt nIOst veiera'p, troops ar1igl11 be wolf dismayed under such u fearful ordeal, but Colonel l oung- husl.and happened to be the survivor' many a d»sazarate encounter 010 L1ze at , Y un•lei. and at this c;iLleal Iizdian fz {{ h ; w (lashed to the front) and si1�;r�ncrit c ti ,n over and at shouted "Action front, • ": r was 112an10(114 them, boys." .!'k cry !'e'I0 ,1r llase1ig110,t� atelytaken up `by J �,pcgin command, and Captain Beres- ford r d ford Peirso, the «djirtant, the rue- hesitation has: ed, and, ledp;by mentaxy , a soot a baht.' of `1e. o ,. " se three gallant or:fiaers, the I d f Judah," the e �. • lt'orontu;Ont," :Cornices h the bayonet we say, he Boers out. with 3 of Judah; In Blip, 5, 2, "thousands of drove L r loss., Lieu tenant A• �I,� of t o the bill for tea©.�> the t I-1' d to gather o it • boole hill, and s a Se _r you have ever: its a t, o re E;mp iui gather all the thrna y looks line its mother ; nor this one, „ ever ma 1 says. The oar Y an rat :want you to give t .n u . the Reser from the greater, v brnght'as this want you, if golds and diamonds, and ON D{liV'1' BE Al'12t1ID.: all the earth cannot buy thein, to' Is rain`, The settlement viii ba right. If think. of the magnitude or'. the Hues - God owes us, he is rich, and can, pay.tion:' 1 ask' you, standing in your If we owe Gad; we are honest, and will family group, "How- much ()west '' uirt-a my Lord?" Ah i be to you. During all th. when you rack^' -were' ser try to pay, ' Now' will I phut on your table these bilis _ of indebtedness. If they are, wrong, don't ptiy them; reject them. If they are r ;11t, say `so. The first slayer of John the• Baptist ; ,end his grandson, the slayer of the apostle James. flerod the Great was the son o' nti)ater, an Eciomite. lie was t A L made king of all Palestine by- the Bo- m maas, and reigned thirty-eight years. the ablest man ' of his time, He �vr1N., but was, unscrupulous and cruel, the murderer of even his ovum wives and children, and a tyrant over his peo- ple. The events of this; chapter took place in: - the last year of his life, Tonere carie wise men. "dlagi." These were a learned class among the Ver - sans much given to astrology and;' Ver- sions, other kindred ,studies. They worshi111: ed one' God. of ~whom' the sun !id. fire 10010. the rens', come and worship 1zm, c' nariin; of the hypocrisy. P e would 1 e hiss, like Judas, that' a tray'' issue being 1870. 0a Cur ther r n farm ra hb cu z t ve>, g z Y L a S 0 10. ]:. ey , upzrr ' . a .. • : . . the bayonet a peen !. in the night, perhaps,�l keg their )termly. gn -b a Boor, named gngc U , because "cooler than in the!, daytime, takes y at Majuba mil, on February 17, because they could not wait lois curious :irzd perhaps ' •_ 1 1881, and zvow, in t until tile. morning. The. kings base gess req urtEh'hasLe. La , thee s t a r. It ht,stu ¢ie ia tnner, ba s fallen 011t,'a“i1n uesswdoubtless, ;greatly prize interestin,g memento.. +' had disappeared after ,starting them on thejouiney, but now it appeared once more. Went before them. Seem- ing to travel through, the heavens. 11. Into .the house. :The tempor- ary shelter of the stables had been exchanged for a more perivauent: home. Mary his mother. She was 0 maid of Nazare,th of lowly station, ' lthough a descendant of I(ing David.. Presented unto .him gifts. The orierntais always bring gifts when they visit kings or great' personages. Frankincense,. A fragrant guui used Mvrvh A. • . , into British hands. I3is Royal Tlz,e.h TII11.1 CATCH ABOUT IT. The business of fire izlsur ws ,to seams to have been.- a good deal of ystery to the middle-aged .gnglishwo- man, who called at an agent's o .ice and said !.fiat: she Nvished to Lnsur her house. , 1! or"how much? asked the agent. Oh, for about two hundred pounds Very well. I'll come up and Imes +;rata it.