Exeter Advocate, 1900-11-8, Page 1FOURTEENTI-I YEAR.. —670. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8,1900. IL ee.eee-meeeettex SANDERS, EDITOR 131S14010 & SO KEEP OUT THE COL Bring in your old STOVE and Get one of the latest --STOVES in the market STOVE 'DISPLAY. Its well worth your inspection OUR PRICES. ---gamagair Are well within your reach. eml*na.•*/••=1•KMM.6 ••••...11161•111101.31,01.1MONIIMMINCOMINIMIONCS9110,11.C..2.34000•11•01113 The next two weeks we are giving 13111...EIGg- IN McCLARY'S GURNEY'S and STOVES. OTHER Grand Bend Mrs. john McIntosh is on the sick list. ---Mr. Alex Rayelle has bought about thirty-five acres of fainting, land near Port Blake.—Mr. John Ravelle purchased Mrs. Peter Disjar- dine's farm, consisting of forty a Cl'eS. —P01 'GCS iE the order of the day.—A. 1.11)1111 1111 of sports from Zurich are spending a feW days on the Aux. Sallble.--Mr. Wm. Balkwill, of Exe- ter, has been working at the ManSe here, which is now nearly completed. —Mr. Hamilton lois purchased new . mac inety for his mill. SAD Di.t OWNINC. A am DENT. --A. sa d drowning accident occtivrecl 0 t Saable Falls, near Southampton, in which Peter Devine and Frank Pope, well known citizens of Crrand Bend, lost their lives. They,. with Mr. Saal Vary, of that place, were lifting their nets when the boat, capsized and all were drowned. The affair cs indeed a sad. one and has caused a great shock to their friends here. REMEMBER WE ALLOW GOOD FOR OLD STOVES 25 Second Hand STOVES From a $ Up. He !SHOP & onnegnon 1 Cromarty (Too late for last week,) Mrs; Anthony Allan has-been spend, ing.a few days during the past week With her aged Mother at Parkhill.— Mr.:James Campbell, who got thrown out of hisrig recently while on his way home front Exeter; is not ri3cover- ing,very rapidly.—Mrs, john Stewart and Mrs. James Westlake went dOWD to Stratford on Tuesday o±. last week; but did not ret urn untilFriday,as they could not see Mrs. Young until that day, .owing to her critical condition. OBitu./una—"The old must die; the young May." Never was the With of thiSassertion more severely exemplified than inthe death Of Jen ole, beloved Wife of :Mr.Alex. Swan, -which sad event ocetirred at their home on Saturday, Oct.,200; lit the early age' of 18 years, 7 months and 26 ,dt-ty,s. Deceased was married to her now bereft :husband, only about a year ago, and leaves he-, sides hirriself and ithmediate fiunilv connections,' a little' son of t few: months old. The sudden call; -which:. ',:tae froth a severe, attack of q rtinsy, calls for the sympathy of the,commun, itY to the bereaved friends.• " s Stephen ONEle TO,LOAN, egVe unlimited private funds for in- vest .ent upon. farrn.,or yillage property, at o we t rates of interest, • DicKsoN Sz CARLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. FOR RENT, That desirable brick harness shop in the village of centralia; also a fine brick stable. Apply to Mrs. Cottrill, Centralia. ESTRAY There came on nay premises, pt. Lot 1, Saubie Concession, Tp. of Stephen, on the '18th inst., the following: -1 ,two year old steer,•black galloway, 1 two year, gray Heif- er, with horns; one, one year olcl Heifer, black galloway, and one, one year old steer, black galloway. The owner can have same by proving property and pay_ing expenses. ROBERT POLLOCK, tararia Bend P.O. FARMS FUR 3AL-E. MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few good farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms JOHN SPACEMAN , Samwell's 'Block Exeter ESTRAY HEIFER,. There strayed from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 5, Concession 2, Stephen, a fat heifer, red; clehornefl. A. reward will be given by returning same or giving informa- tion that will lead to her recovery. Wit. ELLIOTT, Cell tralitL. ESTRAY CATTLE.___ There strayed frona the premises of the undesigned, Lot 20, concession 12, Stephen, on or about Sept ist, 1900, three yearling heifers. one white with red neck and head. •one light red without horns and another dark red. Any person returning same or giving intormatuan that will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. MALCOLM ZILER Da,shwood, ESTRAY. There came unto my prnmises, Lot 36, N.B, about the 1st of August, one white ewe. The owner can have same by proving property , and paying expenses. Wm. TURNBULL, Brewster. MORTGAGE SALE —0E— Aouse and Lot in Exeter. Under and by virtue certain mortgage of sale there vv.411/11 tion, OD the SATUB' e " nt11i1led in a e prountell MI the time For sale by Public Am - I.. John- Gill, Auctioneer, . 17T11AD1 1900. 0;e1 ,, p.m., the following valunble property, ot number Seventy-five on the South side of asp1 street, in the said Village of Exeter, containing one rood, seventeen and bus tenth perches, more or loss. There is a one story frame dwelling house, (brick foundation) and a small frame stable on the premises. Timms ox SAL—Fifteen per cent. cash at the time of sale and the balance in 30 days thereafter, with- out interest. Further partionlars and terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day of . , sale or can be had on application to the undersigned, JOIN Gmt F. W. GLADMAN, Auctioneer. Barrister, Mnin se. Exeter • hated at Exeter, this 5t11 November, 1000. TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN HUNTER St. Joseph Our town is now getting a, busy ap- pearance and workinen are once more engaged on the mammoth brick block. —The new manager is now in the Queen's and Mr. j. E. Hutchinson in- tends leaving shortly for his home in Kingston. --Quite a severe wind storm passed over here on Monday last, do- ing considerable damage to some of our chirnneys.—Mr. Wm. Jennison has purchased a fine driver from Mr. E. Bossenherry,, of Zurich. To the value of English Stock Food. T am usinst• English Stock Food for calves ttnd young stock i01.1 alit highly pleased with its, efiects. It keeps the • digestive orgallS in 8, healthy condi- tion and the grotyth and huproveinent of the stock is well inarlzed. f consid- er it a most excellent food ancl fell con- fident t,liat it, pays well to est: it, I -tvoitld highly reconitnend its use to all stook raisers. .Torix Tp, Vsborne. For sale hy C. Lutz. ()Ply 50c, a 11 Usborne.Council, Council mei Nov. 3rd. All the mem- bers were present. Minutes of Oct. meeting were read and approved. By- law No. 5, 1900, legalizing the collec- tion of 5% extra on all taxes not paid on or before Dec.14th; was passed sign- ed and sealed. The Reeve was au- thorized to attend to the removal of Mr. John McGregor to the County House of Refuge. Orders Were grant- ed in payment of accounts amounting to $240.63. Next meeting of the Coun- cil on Saturdtty Dec. lst, at 10 ocloCk. FR.A.mOis MoRLEY, Clerk. Winchelsea SCHOOL REioRT.—The school report of S. ,SsicO. 6, Usborne, for the month of, *October is as follows:—V.—Toria Zliners, Alice Berrybill; Sr. IV.—Ila Delbridge, Gertie Jr. IV.— May Jones, Cecil Camni, (Charlie Godbolt, Bert Fletcher) Sr. III.—Ella Berryhill, Nelson Coultis, Flossie Francis; Jr. III. --Willie Veal, Wilson Hawkins, Nellie White; Sr. II.—Vic- tor Sawyer, Beatrice Wilcox, Clarence Fletcher; Jr. 11:—Vera Smalle, Addie Johns, Willie Elforcl; Sr. Pt. TT.— Everett Skinner, Gordon Waddell, Wellington Skinner; Intermediate. Pt. IT.—Laura Woods, Nella Heywood Ella Heywood; Jr. Pt. IL ---Laura Goclholt, Arnold Clarke, Virda Berry - hill. Pt. J.—Annie Wilson, Ella Veal, Alex. Berryhill. P. GARDINER 1. rp E. LI HALLS, 'eamers' 4031. Zion Scaoca, REPORT. —The following is the correct report, for the month of October, of the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 7, Usborne. It is based on the regular monthly examintitions and the names are in order of merit.— Sr. IV. ---Lila Taylor, Effie Taylor, Thorna,s Lingard. Jr. IV. --Allen Park- inson, Minnie Herm, Della Peart, Rus- sle Peart, Ida Hem, Perla Hern; —Edna Taylor, Vera Batten, Roy Stephens, Orville Roweliffe, Bertha Batten. Murtle Dennison, Clarence Leyy. II.—Edgar Gorvett, Chester Gorvett, Mary Smith, Loftus Hern, Allen Jaques, George Squire. Sr. Pt. II. --Ethel Parkinson, May. Squire, Wilber Batten. Jr. Pt. II.—Cora Bat- ten, Archie Peart, Willie Peart. Sr. Pt. I.—Mary Peart, Arnold,' Taylor, Elmer Rotycliffe, Girtie Jaques, Elsie Squire, Fiernk Ling 1111, Olive Batten. -Jr. Pt. L—Wellington Batten, Chester Coultis, Walter Stephens. , R. G. REDD, Teacher. Farquhar (Too late for last week.) The cottage and store property be- longing to the Gardiner estate was, put up by auction last weelc but they were not disposed of. Judging from tlae of- fer inacie no one appears to have much confidence in the property from a 1)118 1- 11055s tan cl poi n t. --Mrs. Alfred Chappell, whose linsban.d. died a short time ago, has Oven up Mr. Hackney's farm and has purchased Mr. Bickell's property, Staffa, where she will move shortly.— Mr. Wm. Roclgert; of Exeter,has leas- ed Mr. Wm. -Hackney's farm for 11 term Of years at a rental of $250 a year.— Mr. David G a rd in en, who 1)1011 110 attack of (ippendicitis and who WaS laid hp in bed for several days last week, is now able to get around Jatnes Gardiner, sr., gave Mr: and Mrs. Hay, or Kipen a friendly and business call last ii, 'ii:1iy. IUppen D. HAY, Nippon, Commissioner oonveyancor, Money to loan at lo west of interest, (Too late for last weelt.1 and a tee Miss Tennie Scott, who has been in, the employ of Mrs. Hay for some times left for her home the first of the week. —Mr. Robert Smillie, of the London Road, the past week had the hard luck to lose a fine Young brood mare, font' years old, Gas On the stomach wrif; the cause. --111r. Daniel Stewart, of Hensalli who went out last Sunday to hear Dr. Campbell speak at Egmond- title, on the Century Fund, spent o few hours in soeial chat with his old idend, Mr. 1. -lay, on his vett/pm—Mr. James Miller, we are sorry to note, is lying in a critical condition. Dr. Gunn ..of Clinton, with t\ '0 other assisting physicians, made a successful operation the past week, and hope is still held. out for his recovery.—Mr. John Bid - four, wbo has been in the Northwest for the past three months, looking af- ter the interest of his property there, has returned home and looks as if the trip agreed with him.—The Methodist people here intend bolding their anni- versary services On Sunday au 1 Mon- day, November nth and 12th. Rev. R. Hobbs, of Wingham, will conduct the services on the Sabbath, and also remain over for the tea meeting 00 the Monday everting-. A good time i promised for everybody.—Mr. Charles Kitchen, who has been a graduate of T. Mellis' for nearly three years, at the blacksmithing, has, for the present, laid aside the smithing, and has turn- ed his attention to assisting his father on the farm. Charley proved himself an efficient and tvilstworthy young man, a Ltd is the making of a fine me- chanic. • ii[arpley (Too late for last week) Voters turned out in large quantities to hear Mr. Laurier and others at Parkhill on Saturday.—Miss Annie E. Love went to London where she in- tends spending the winter.—While Mr. Joseph Gernaottes was threshing at Mr. B. Hodgins' last week one of their horses took sick and died, sup- posed to be an attack of indigestion.— Messrs. J. Love and J. Cochrane, of Hillsgreen, gave friends here a short call Saturday and took in the political meeting at Parkhill, returning home the same evening.—The Stratford Pledge Fence Co. has a gang, of men as work with their plashing plants in this vicinity.—A load of apple barrels arrived from Exeter here on Tuesday which will give the fruit growers a chance to get rid of their surplus fruit. 55c. per barrel is about the prices quot- ed.—The Christmas Tree entertain- ment in connection with Grand Bend Presbyterian Sunday school is billed for Dec. 20. -.The .following is the correct'. report of the standing of the pupils in S.S. No. 3. Names are in order of merit. IV. --Stella Penhale, Charles Sanders, Homer BagshaWeLaiira' Jory, Herbie -Ford; Asa Penhale, Iva Box, Sr. III. Roy Parsons; Clara Beaver, Sadie Wila Hattie Willis. Int,- III.—Willie Triebner, Jennie Sanders, Minnie :San- ders. Jr. In—Eddie Willis, Herbie BeaVer, Lizzie SanderseMitclaell Willis Edith Parsons. .Sr21L--.-Alfred.Wnerth Tommy Sand:era; Earl Box, Harry Par- sons, Violet Woods. jr. Triebrter; Garnet Craig, Ralph Willie; Annie Hinks, Part-IL—Cecilia Ford, Freddie Beater; Lillian,Stanlake,Lillie Woods, Vinnie Cookson, Sarp. Stan - lake. jr.-.P1.,-,11.--LVictor. Sweet, Edith Whittaker,' Tornmy Pe.nhale, Hilda Preszcator, Earl Parsons. :No. on 'i-611 .93.5, average 43. - T. B. HOOPER, Teacher. Sodom Mr. Wm. McCarthy has returned to Sodom and is again in the mill. There must be some attraction here as "Billy" never stays away long.—The old Pen - hale farm has once more changed hands, the last pierchaser being W. E. Sanders. --Mr. Chas. Box has rentrd the fifty acres adjoining his own farm from W. E. Sanders.-eQuite a number of the young people from here attend- ed Uncle's Tom Cabin in Exeter on Monday evening, SCHOOL REPORT. —The following is a correct report of Union S.S. No. 13, for the month of October. Names are in order of inevit:--IV.—Evelyn Ching, Milton Pfalf,,Harry Ford. Sr. HT. -- Hazel Prouty, Lizzie Smith. Jr. M.— Charlie Dunsford, Laura Hooper, Wil- lie Carrick, Annie Stacey, Silas Ford, Melvm Dearing. Jr. IL—Barton Ford, Jessie Green, Jennie Penhalc, Dolly Alward. Pt. [1.—Clayton° Pronty, Clifton Prouty, Gordon Hooper, Fred. Smith, Willie Ching, Sanford Smith, Kenneth Ford, Norman McDonald, Eliza Smith. Sr. L—Nancy Smith, Nellie Stacey, Sidney Smith, Olive Dearing. Jr. t,—Nellie Green, Jessie Carrick, Lawrence, Alward, Willie Alexander, NOrMan Vord, • Kirkton. Mr. John R. Clarkawho was to lec- ture here on Tuesday, : was taken: sud- denly 111, and so could not attend.— Mr. Frank Davis, of Strathroy; for- merly of Kirkton, is visiting friends in this locality. --Mr. \V. Haunts has rents - ed the farm of.D.`Ws Dulinage, -lately. occupied by D. Foster, and win -.mote sh or Carr; our en teiprisin g. vet., is making an imprevernent on his premises in the ehape,of a new office. —Mr. john.Donpe ,died tit his 'home here,. on Tuesday, , Oct. 30th, aged 53 years. Although not in good health for some tirne he had Only been ill for a short time hefore .his death occurr- ed. He contracted a severe cold which developed into ppentnonia. Mr. Doupe was born in Ireland, but.: canoe to Blanshard When:a child nearly 50 years ago, his father the late Henry Doupe having settled in the toweehip,in 1349. The deCeased Was one of a family of .twelve having eightbrothers and three sisters 11,11,of whent are' living. They :are Francis, of Grey Country, Samuel, of Blanshard, Robert and AMOs of Us - borne, Joseph and Jacob, of the North west, Nathan and Adam, of Kirkton; Mrs. Win. Hutchison,of Listowel, Mrs. Fletcher Switzer and Miss Catherine, of Usborne, Mr. Doupe WGS held in the highest respect.hy a large circle of friends... Centralia Your correspondent was in London Tuesday and, Wednesday, hence DO news appeared last week from this burgh, bot we are fresh in the field this week.—Mra..T. Wright is visiting friends nnd relatives M. London for a few weeks.—Mr, and Mrs. S. McCoy and Mr. A. Nevin spent a few days in Loudon last week.—Mr. Rufus, a0b- leigh and family are moving to Lon- don this week. , This will no doubt leave a large market for the remaining bog dealers, Messrs. 13rown &Lawson. —Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pym, of Magog, Quebec, are visiting he former's fath- er; Mr. Wm. Pvra.—Misses Mirian Els- ton and Rettie Essery, of Eden, spent Sunday here, the guest of Miss Flora Essery.--Miss Mary Hepburn spent: Sanday here, the guest of Miss Pearl Cobleigh.—Mr. J. C. Sheardown is off on a hunting excursion to Ilfuskelca.— Our tailor shop has been converted in- to a poultry house, where Messrs. W. Parsons and S, Davis are packing and shipping fowl this fall. --Mr. John Par- sons, who has been laid up for some time, is able to be out again.—Mr. Chris. Baskerville, is erecting a new stable on his prendses.—Herb Hand,: ford left for the Muskoka hospital to receive medical treatment. We wish for him a perfect cure and that he will be restored to good health twat in.—Miss Olive Down who has been suffering from an attack of typhoid, is able to be out rigain.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright spent Sunday week at Elimville, the guest, of the latter'uncle, Mr. :John Pym.—The Rev. S. Salton took tip the sixth commandment Sunday evening, "Thou shalt not kill," and brought out many useful illustrations.—Mr. S. Sheardown, who has been for the past sunnuer in :Manitoba, has returned home looking hale a nd hearty, and will resume his old trade as black- sinith.--A large unniber of the mem- , bers of the League and also represent- atives fvont Eden League engaged in the de bate, given here on Tuesday night by Messrs. W. Bagshaw, Byron Hicks and Miss Jesssie Elston,the affirmative; Misses Ida Krouse and Mirian Elston trs negative. The subject discussed was, "Resolved that wolnall'S influence was greater than man's influence." The de- bate was both profiting and an inter- esting one, and was clearly shown and decided. that the affirmative were suc- cessful in their proofs that woman's influence rules both man and the world. SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is a correct of the public school, here, for the month of October. In the Junior Division the report is based on promo- tion examinations. Names are in or- der of merit: Principal's division.—V. A. ---Polly Windsor, Lillian Elliott, Katie Elliott. V. B.—Clinton Hogarth Alyina Wilson, Edith Bunt, Fleeda, Baker. Percy Windsor, Aggie Hep- burn. IV.—Minnie Baynham, Clara Fairhall, Pearl,Walker, Bruce Mitch- ell, Mello Oallfas, Sr. III.—Rosy Wil- son, Warren Mitchell, Allie Haggith, Fred Cottrill. Jr, Division. Jr. III.— Cecil Vale, Elva Windsor, Chas. Ilea - man, Frank Boyle, Russel Bloomfield. Sr. ft.—Vet-mon Wilson, Rebecca Mc- Coy,Nellie Cettrill,Flora Hepburn and Winnie Essery equal. Jr. 1L—Enos Windsor, Wilfrid Hodgins, Malinda Callfas, Gladys Essery, Verne Shear - down, Jos. }Iceman. Part II.—Gifford Hogarth, Samuel McCoy, Frank Mitch- ell, Charlie Grafton, Goialon 'Wilson, Melvin Callf s. Pt. I.—Flossie Morti- mer, Roy Callfas, Earl Callfas, Mervin Elston. W. B. BAGsHAW Teachers. Miss Orav-E WALKER. SNEEZE AND BLOW This is what you have to do when you have catarrh in the head. The way to cure this disease is to purify the blood with II° °a's Sclarhs'elpalasrilte lha. This medicine soothes an inflamed surfaces, rebuilds the delicate tissues and permanently cru'es catarrh 133,-- expelling, from the blood the scrofu- lous taints upon whieh it depends. Be sure to get Hood's. ,ius. The non -irritating cathartic—Hood's p McGillivray scHooL REronTs.--The -following is a correct report of S.S. No. 5, for the month of October. Report is based upon work and attendance of pupils. Nantes are in order of merit. Sr. IV. Cora Short, Josephine Coughlin, May McGrory, Edward Fa ulder, Lily Light- foot, Willie Lewis. Jr. IV.—S. Scott, Rosilla Lightfoot, Leo Coughlin, Olive' Short. III. —Erwin Scott, Pearl Short Gladys Short, Jennet'llaguire, Nellie Lewis. Sr. II.—ArnoldCoughlin,Allie Wilson, Lottie Welsh. Jr. IL—Ray- mond Coughlin, Adeline Hoffman, Ad - 11111 Coughlin, Malik Lic.chtfoot. Pt. II. Clara Lewis, Fred Lewis, Eliza Hod- gins, Chester Morley, Erin Scott, Ed- ward Jones. Maguire, Vio- let Short, Christine Hoftman,Ello Hod- gins, May Faulder. Average attend- ance 23. Parents tire kindly requested to see that pupils prepare home lessons. . H. Lane Teaeher. . . The followingsis a correct report of S.S. No. 1; for October. Names are in order of merit. 17 ---Charlie. Sr. IV.—Tatrick Glavin. Jr. IV.—Ada Jr. III.-4klona O'Reilly, Clara Glavin, Martha Lewis,,Eddie Miller, Fred Lecky, Joe Lecky. Sr. IL—Lucy Cotter; Willie Miller, Jr. IL—Mary Gower,- Murry Neil, Cecil O'Reilly, Joe Gower, Mabel Miller. ' Sr. Part II.— Garnet F1S7D11; Andrew Flynn, Harri- son Lynbana, Tom O'Reilly. Jr. Part IL—Edna Lewis. Sr.. Part I.—May O'Reilly, Harry Neil, Leo Thompson,. Ida Simpson, VitIlet Miller.... Jr. Part L—Willie Thompson, Harold" Miller, Ella Hodgson, : Gordon" Flynn, Mena - hers on Honor Roll for October, Chas. Miller, Mona' :O'Reilly; Clara Glavin, TOth O'Reilly, May O'Reilly, Ida Sinip- een. No. on roll BO, average .22, Greenway STANT ORYi B. A., (formerly Collins Stanbury), Barrister, solicitor, Notary Conveyancer money to foan—Eiceter, Ont. Ulens, who hits been vis- iting herparents hi Aurora Ill. dur- ing the past. month, returned home a few ,days ago.—Mr, Geo. Hartle's horse ran away from in front of the -post of- fice„last Thursday while he was in for, his mail. Tt appears. his claughter, Liizie, was holding,' the lines, when all of a sudden the horse became freight- ened at something and made a bound with all its force and couldnot beheld. The buggy struck one part of the store. Verandah and .knocked it loose, then ran aestinst three shade trees. Miss Hartle pluckily held onto the lines but did not succeed in bringing the Mad- dened. beast to a standstt11.- In its mad career it dashed On,. running against fences and finally', upset the buggy, throwing Miss Hartle out, the top and seat corning off also. She was picked up unconscious,htit soon pathe to.. Dr. Caw was. telephoned' for, and on 'exam- ination found no 'bones.. broken, al7 therig,h badly. shaken up. The horse was stopped' after running about .a mule.—Mrs. Miller has moved her household effectsto 'the. home of Mr. James Wallace where she intencls. to Make her present.—Rev.heMe for the-present.—Rev.R. C. j3itrton, of Florence; will preach in the Boston Methodist church' 'next Sunday 111 2,30.—Rev. 'J.-, W. Baird has closed the 'speeial meeting ,serviees, in the church and -has arranged to hold cottage meetings this week.—'The Mis- sionary lecture:by .Rev.Dr.Henderson, of Toronto, last.Monday night was 'a grand literary .treat. The speaker took, as it were, his audience right to 'Japan and.showed in interesting lan- guage their condition thqdark.ages, , then on . the same , WAS ", through China, .after the 'Missionaries had been there a few Years,' and showed the Crediton Hallow'een is past and gone. The usual tricks of taking off gates, etc., was oarried on, otherwise things pas- sed of quietly.—Rev. Mr. L. Wing, of Berlin, held quaxterly meeting in the Evangelical church, last Stinday.—Mr. and Mrs. Moses Geiger, of Zurich, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seigner last Friday. --Mr. Valentine Rats held a political meeting in the Town Hall, Tuesday evening. The meeting was fairly attended.—Miss Soloma Tiernan spent a few days last week with relptives in Dashwood.— Mr. H. Either, M. P. P., and Mr. Aug- ust Hill left for Parry Sound District Wednesday On their annnal hunt. IN'e wish them 'success. --Miss Ida, Winer has returned home from Platts- ville, where she has been visiting friends the past few montbs.--Messrs. McKenzie and Lynde were in the vil- lage on Tuesclay organizing. What?— .Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dick, of liensall, spent last Sunday here, the guest of Mi M, mid Mrs. Matthew Winer. —Mr. C. Eilber, of Zurich, was in the village last Sunday visiting relatives. —The Township council are asking for ten- ders to re -floor the bridge across the Aux, Sauble River.—Mr.' and Mrs. J. K. Schroeder were the gnests of Mr. (Ind Mrs. ,John Wind last Sunday.— Mr. Wm, Sweet, of Ilderton is visit- ing his father'Mr, Robert' Sweet.— Our flax -mill hits started with the winter's thresh i n v Hive fathers have at last repaired our side -walks, C, 13, ElIGUSON, leacher, Thanks. wonderftil improvement in the court- . tries and the condition of the people,. The audience was spell bound for over an hon'. The choir gave several ap- propriate selections.' A good collec- tion and subscriptions were taken and every body was highly pleased with the grand addreas.--Nliss Nellie Mc- Pherson, who has been visiting friends in Sarnia for several (lays, retiirned home last week. FXETER MIMS-ER YARD Large stock of linmher—pine and hemlock 70,000 feet of hemlock tunaber for barns, e te. , also shingles, lath and cedar po. ts, Prices reasonable. JAS, 'WILLIS, Yard; EaSt side WHAT WOULD Y017 GIVE To be cured of catarrh? If you or your friends have this disease, you know how disagreeable it is. Its sym- ptoms are inflamed eyes throbbing temples, ringing noises in the ears, headaches, capricous appetite, and constant discharge of MliCLIS. Fortan- ately its cure is not a question of what 'you will give, but what you will take. If you will take Hood's Sar- saparilla, the great constitutional remedy, which thoroughly purifies,en- riches and vitalizes the blood,you may, expect to be completely and pees inanently cured. The good blood which Hood's Sa.rsaparilla makes, reaching the delicate passages of the mocous membrane, soothes and re- builds the tissues and, ultimately cures all symptoms of catarrh. LET DEEDS RAZ...127 SENTIMENT. 551055 , Ladies of Ca1111da The worldnever saw such an exhibi- tion of patriotic sentiinent as the Afri- can war called forth, Otnadians, Australians and the splendid youth of Naval -fought side by side with the British tea planters of Ceylon and India. , Australia drinks the teas of Ceylon anti India, while Canada alreay d drinics their Black tea. Drinkers of Japan tem should try their Green teas, Up to date tea merchants (the &dada, Company -1(11 inst lice) now sell them entirely cm merit. "Middle-of-the- road-menae o " rnly 'waiting for sup- plies. While "sit -on -the -fence -men ' are waiting to see how the cat AVM j — Ladies of Canada, yve pray you aid the British planter. Colonist. DEATHS, Dashwood, on Nev. Hannah Fried, relict of the late , Absloin Fried, aged. LO years and 23 days.