Exeter Advocate, 1900-5-17, Page 4(Pixettn, boaredg, ob.as.li. Sanders, Editor and Prop THURSDAY, MAY rt, 1900 NOTES AND COMMENTS 'A month ago mony citizens of Port Huron who -heldinertgages transfer- red them to the people in Canada. The farmers from the different town- ships of the county :ire now oceepying the atteution of the register of deeds. M.ost of the fartnees eve getting rid of their mortgages to escape paying. taxes upon, thee. Port Huron Times. The demand of cavalry horses in Geeat Britain will not cease when the South A friean ever comes -to an end, Henceforth the Mothee coitetry \via maintain a large munher of mounted soldiers, and there is no reason why the colonies should not get the first chance of supplying the necessary horses. For years to come there will be a ready sale for all suitable horses that this country can produce. Horses that a year or two ago could not be sold now being fair prices. The supply in Canada and the Hnited States hos almost been exhausted, We think the farmers of Canada can make no mistake in paying considerable atten- tion to the breedaug of horses, partsicu- Lady of the class that is suitable for military perposes. * * The Grand Tying: authorities are rigidly enforcing the new standard rules, and a umnber of dismissals of conductors and trainmen have OCe3.11T- ed on this division. The management require that the rules be carried out under all circumstances, and do not then hold the employees responsible for any mishap. The other clay at one of the lines relining out of London, a freight train became stalled on the grade. The riles require that the front half of the train proceed on time to the next station, and that the last half be then returned for. In this in- stance the conductor deemed it best to take other'mensures, and he took his whole train along at a loss in time of only 15 minutes, while to have follow- . ed inatructions the train would pro- bablY have been an hour late. But the conductor got his "walking tie - Death of Mrs. Sceli, aged 92 1,,ueau, May 10. -Oharlotte Seale aged 92 years, mother of Samuel T. Seeli, apeonillomt Toronto barrister, is dead at her daughter's home in :Mc- Gillivray township. Choked to Death. reeeeseleeeeeesee Thamesville," wro,y Bleett, of the fourth concession of Zone Was Seized with 4 choking $ens4tiorl this morning, while dressing, arid expired a few mioeliee. .She had. beee a set - Teter fVOITI rhetithatisse for some years, and death was probably dee tO souie heart lesion. Mrs. Bluett WAS 03 years of aP,T, and leaves a husband, tWo, sous and oue daughter. re. The Moscrip Bribery Brigade Seeatford, Out., May 10 --At the trial of the South Peeth correption cases yeseprday John Graham, did not appear, but was found gutity on ad- missions made. at the election triah W. H. Irving Was also conyieted, he haying offered a voter 0, job ,on con- sidertiou of voting: for Moscrip. The arses against Perrin, Beres and GrA, haul were diamissed. Graham and Irving were fined $200, the 'fine to be paid -within a month; etherwiSe im- prisonment for one month. In the case of irviug the judges remitted half the penalty in consideration of the che c u nista u ces, *e* Many farmers are found between the plough handles themselves this spring, as they have. been unable to get the necessary hired help. The Immigration Department of Ontario have at present applications from Ontario farmers for 150 more men than can be furnished, a number much greater thanformerly. This shortage,which isincreasing year ' by year, is due to a decrease in the rural population of Great Britain many young naeri having gone to the war and. others to large cities, instead of coming to Canada to learn farming. The scarcity is due to some extent to vacancies caused by young men in On- tario going to the North-West and South Africa. Young immigrants get $15 a month, compared with, $10 two years ago, while men, with some ex- perience get $20 to $22, as compared with $15. Several young fellows who can only milk cows and do chores re- ceive $14. The other day a farmer hired for $10 a mouth a young man who had never done a turn on a farm. * THB NA:7nm AND witanNo The man who tries to get a boy into the habit of toeing -in with his right foot, instead of straight ahead, as it is natural for him to do, wil meet with about as nauch snccess as the teaelier who attempts to change his pupils from forward slant writing to the vertical style. In the first case the boy will soon begin to toe in, and in second case the pupil will early in his training be writing backhand. It is as natural for the right hand. to strike off to the right in writing as for the right foot to point outwards in walk- ing. Vertical writing ingy have cer- tain advantages over the Spencerian method, but they are of lesser im- portance, and quite insignificant when compard with the uniformity, legibili- ty and beauty of the system that bank- ers and. book-keepers use. Vertical writing unfit a boy for a position where good writing is a necessity and places him among the sixty per cent,of applicants who are rejected because of thew inability to write well. The continual introduction of fads is what hampers the work of the Publie Schools and increases the expense. From the yentilation of the school building to the style of writing, and from the kindergarten to the highest grade the children have to run the ganntlet of fads, and their parents foot the bill. There is too much ex- perimenting tried and not enongh common sense in the 'Management of the schools. -Toronto News. Weigh:lag We regret to have to eeport a serious aeoldee t the t happee- ed no Monday elovitiog to 131r. J. Mitchell. who recently came to towie Ile was clenning his horse, when the aceidettly stepped on one of his feet. in trying to release himself, Mr. Mitchell fell over the manger and hurt himself, so that he fainted, and fell under the horse's feet. Tile ani- mal being a nervous creature, became excited, ood stamped around in the stall, treading upon his imeonscious owner. Mr, elitehell does not know bow long be lay in this eondition, hut Tony Nocoll happened to look toward the stable and seeing him lying in the stale went immediately to his rescue. The injured men had, one rib broken, his hands, face and side badly cut and bruised atalt /hailing torn. Buried to his Neck in Gravel - Dundas, may 12,. --An accident oc- quiered here yesterday afternoon at the Dieksoe send pite, in Which one 1.11411 was injered and several others had: very narrow escapes. The men were employed by J. W. Diekson in taking out gravel for thene* opulent side, walks being laid in towel, and were undermining a portion of thp mound; when the entire mass gave way. All tint.Tolue Bryant got out of the way in time. Bryant, in tryiug to escape, stumbled against, one of -the wagons, and,the tees of gravel came down upon him, burying Min to his peek against the:Wheels of the wag,oe. When ex- tricated medical aid was summoned, audit was found that, his collar bone had been broken, besides other 'Wear- ies. He was about thirty years of ago and unmarried. --02.---- Corbett Knocked Out. ---- New York, May 11. -Champion James :Jeffries still retains his title, hut :Tames J. Corbett, who lost the honor to Fitzsimmons,from whom ihe "Boilermaker" wrestecl it, gave him a battle to- nightbefore succum bin g. The Seaside A. C. at Coney Island was led to the doors by an excited crowd, the majority of which expected to witness a decisive win by Jeffries in short order. But Corbett, who looked to have recovered all his old-time vigor, and with it his marvellous clever- ness, surprised ihern, and up to the final round had Jeffries guessing. The litter's weight and age finally told, and a left hook to the Jaw won the battle. Charley White was the referee, and before the fight Jeffries W,,e., an overwhelming favorite at odds of 2 and 3 to 1. Corbett gave his weight as 185 and Jefferies at 21.2' but the latter looked more, Corbettwas seconded be- John and George Consi- dine and Lee Perdelle, Jeffries had Tommy Ryan, Jack Jeffries, Billy Brody and Ed, oTinkho,,,t in his cm. - nor. Jeffeies objected to the thickness of the bandages worn hy Corbett and the letter removed one layer from his left hind, Ienies Jewel:11,st, an inmAte of the Keel, Comity Honse of Refrige, choked to death while eating his dinner., - Children Cry for CAT* Manslaughter. Aliso, Craig, May 9. -Victor B. Hall, describing himself as a vitalist, of Phil- adelphia, was brought up before Police Magistrate Smith, of this place, to -day on two charges, viz., practising medi- cine without a license, and. for man- slaughter hi causing the death of Mrs. Wm. Charlton, of East Williams. He was remanded to the county jail at London for five days for further evi- dence. It is stated that when Mrs. Charlton died, Halls signed a death certificate, in which he stated that she had died of "inanition." Mrs. Charl- ton was suffering from typhoid fever, aincl under the care of Dte Caw, of Parkhill, was progressing toward re- covery as rapidly as possible, when Hall, who was then in Philadelphia, was sent for. Heat once threw alt the drugs, at the patient's disposal, out of the house, and set about the task of healing her by proper food, unferment- ed bread being the chief part of the new treatment. Then the patient died. The case has aroused great interest in East,Williams, where Mrs. Charlton was well known. London, May 15. -Victor B. Hall, the vitalist, charged with manslaughter, was visited at the county jail yester- day by his sister, who lives in the vil- lage of Bright. The two had not met for twenty-two years, and Ball had changed so greatly in appearance that the sister did not know him. The wo- man told some of the jail officials that Hall was always of a peculiar disposi- tion. London, May 15. -The inquest into the death of Mrs. Christina Charlton, who died at Carlisle last week, was conducted by Coroner Anderson, of Ailsa Craig. About a dozen. witnesses were examined, the principal ones be- ing Dr. Caw, of Parkhill; Dr. Hadley Williams, of London, who conducted the post-mortem examination, and Mrs. Gibson, sister of the deceased. Dr. Williams considered that if Mrs. Charlton had. had proper medical at- tendance her life would have been. pro- longed., Mrs. Gibson, sister of the de- ceased, said she herself was a, member of the Vital Society. Their methods of treatment consisted in the use of pure food, herbs and bathing, ancl tle avoidance of doctors and drugs. She admitted that "Dr." had. been paid $20 in addition to $20 which he demanded for expenses before coming from Phili- delphia. The jury's virclict was: - "That the deceased, Christina Charl- ton, came to her death by reason of the improper medical treatment ad- ministered by the said Victor 13. Hall." The accused, Victch. B. 'Hall, who is known as "the Philadelphia Vitalist," was this morning taken to Ails:, Craig-, where he appeared before Magistatte L. B. Smith. At the re- quest of his counsel an adjournment was made till gay 22, when Hall will stand his preliminary examination. Mitchell: Some Sundays age a pub- lia was held in the 0.Pero, Hall, at which addresses were delieered by mie local clergymen on the South Afri- can War. A. collection was taken up in aid Of the patriotic relief fend, and Was forwarded to the Globe. A good choir was preeent on the occasion, and it was thought that for SQ WOW y" an object all had given their seessice grat- titoesly, but, to the surprise of every- body, the leader of the ahoir, Mr. W. Glenn Campbell, has Made- a demand on tlee Mayer for $7.50 for hi $ services, with a threat that,if not paid, it will be placed in court for collection. We ecarcely thought there was a man in town, se devoid of self respect as to make such a preposterous charge, and as the Mayor has no intention of -recog- nizing the claim, it Will now lie in or- der to carry it to the courts, when Judge Barron Will deal with ie on its meritsa-Advocete, s e, 9:„ • Goderich: On Thursday morning, the preliminary teed of Itichard Gray, ot town, on a charge of horse -stealing, preferred by his mother, Mrs: Gray, of Mitchell, Was held. before Police Seeger. The horse in the case is a sorrel mare, which the defendant got in a trade with another horse. Mrs. Gray said that thetraded horsee, was hers and that "Dick" put the sorrel mare in her stable at Mitchell and Unit she used. it in her trade of ped- dling. Afterwards, stie'' clailued, the stable was broken into and the mare taken out and brought., to: Goderich, where it is iia the possession Of ehe de- fendant, who has since leePt staying here with his brothers. Sam and Geo. This happened last winter, and Mrs. Gray a few weeks ago, came to Gode' rich to gee her sou and the horse so they could go off peddling. Diek re- fused to go or to give up the horse. Mrs. Gray stated that her son Sam, in the presence of his brothers had offered her $25 for the mare. The de- fendant andehis brother George,. who testified; denied this; and stated that the Mare never 'belonged to their mother. Richard Gray said he un- locked the stable to take the mare away. The defendant was committed for trial, Chicago now claims a population of 2,000,000, an increase of 11,00(3,090 in ten years. He Fooled The Surgeons. All doctors told Reeish Hemilton, of of West 3 effeason, 0., isftee euffering 18 moetlis from Rectal Fistula, he would die un1es a costly operation was performed; Ont he cured, himself with Bucklen's Salve, the best in the world. Surest Pile cure on earth. 25 cents a box. Sold by all druggists. 4r - On Saturday afternoon, George, the 10 -year-old son of Mr. Sam Pettit, Ayl- mer, met Nvith a serious accident. The lad was cutting a piece of rope, which was hanging ;:i,bove his head, when the knife slipped, striking him in the left eye, splitting the eys hall nd destroy- ing the sight. Medicel aid was at once called, but nothing could be done to save the sight of the eye, and the doc- tors fear that the lad may lose the siglit of the other eye and become to- tally blind. The by -la* to raise $10,000 by deben- tures for waterworks improvements was carried at Waterloo. Mrs. Mooney was acquitted at Que- bec of the charge of com.plicity with David Dube in the murder of her hus- band. "Safe bind, safe find." Fortify your- self by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla now and be sure of good health for months to come. At Cataraqui, Charles Purdy was ac- cidentally killed when working at a barn, part of the wall of/ the building falling, on him.' Mr. C. M. Counceil,tstock broker, of Hamilton, died 'in St. Cathevines of paralysis, having been stricken on Sat- urday evening. Hon. Mr. Fisher states that the Ot131- :Alan exhibit at Paris is, with the ex- ception of the German, the most ad- vanced towards completion. Arottnd About. TXs Parkhill: During the thunder storm Tuesday morn in g Oho u t 2 a. in., Mr. Jabez Eases house in the eastern part of the town, was struck by lightning. The lightning went down the chimney badly damaging it,entering a bed:5eon-1' its which three boarders were sleeping and Make its exit. through the Ceilieg, setting t;he hith on fire. The flee Was noticed at once and extinguished. ParkhilI:' MIs. E. 'Manes 'deported Ibis life on May 2, after a long illness, borne with great resigeation. She had beet an invalid for the last .13 years. The funeral took place.Friday. Rev. 0. R. Conine held it short serviee at the house, after which her remains were interred in PArkhill cethetery. She leaves to molito her death her luisbond and five Children, all of NV IV )131 NVOre 'at the ffUn eral, and. to who pl. .she was de vo tee). encl affectionate An old man teemed Satin& areeof Glen arm, lost litinself in it swain I? was found dead after ton days wi hisit t furl his home. Children Cry for gTOP Seventeerrears Of Torture, "I had a i'Ad Cough for seventeen years" writes. Mes. Sani'l Hamilton of Lawnville, Tenn. "No doctor or medicine could: cure it until a year ago I began to ase Dr. King's•New DiSCOV- ery for consumption, 'which did, me more good than any etherjnedieines I ever used. It is truly a grand cure for stubborn Coughs, Colds and Throat and. Lang troubles:" Pesitively dares Consumption, Pneumonia, Grip, Bron- chitis, Asthma, Hay Fever and. OrOLIP. Price '50c. 4nci. $1,00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at drug store. "A SINGLE FACT Is worth a shipload of argument." NiThat shall be said, then, of thousands of foots? Every cure by Hood's Sar- saparilla is a . fact, presenting the strongest possible evideece of the mer- it of this medicine. Thousands and thousands of such facts prove that Rood's Sarsaparilla will cure all dis- eases caueed, or prenioted by impure blood. It is the beet medicine mousy can buy. At Poet Dalhousie a sailor walked one of the Wellington Hotel window in his sleep. He fell three stories to a board walk, lint was apparently unin- jured. M. Carpsnter, 78UltetleroaissWMilterdesia with hissou in 11sui- cide Monday: He • stabbed himself six tiMes in the side with it knife. He Was insene. To prevent any hostile action such as the Welland Canal. :outrage the Ontario Government has provided ehe Parliament buildings With outside Watchmen. . . jasper Horsell, Who has been an in - Mate of the Hamilton asylum for About seven months, committed sul- eid by throwing-himeelf from a hio window to the ground. , President McKinley' has issued his warrant for the sorrel -icier to the Can- adian authorities Of Alexander Daigley under arrest in Detroit on a charge of forgeryte the amount, of about $1,000 in Montreal. A man named_ Lai one, working for Mr. Goslin, Pittshurgh.toWnehip, was kicked_ in the abdpinen by a horse, and after much selferi lig, died on Friday. Some months ago Patrick Blako was kick by the same horse, and also in the abdefnen. He died from the injuries also. Indigestion, nausea are cured by Rood's Pills. Geo, Dadson, of Union, was painfully injured on Saterclay forenoon while engaged: hewing timber on the farm of Mr. Angus McLarty, Southwold. His brother; John, was working on the same Caliber; scoring, and his axe ()lanced striking George over the eye, inflicting a deep wound. A doctor found it necessary to put in six stitch- es. Luckily it was the heel of the axe. ITEMS OF INTEREST. The population of the Sudan is numbered at 3,000,000, nearly all whol- ly uneducated. The total pipe line runs of Pennsyl• vania, oil for 1898 were ai,loo,sso bar- rels and for 1897 34,724,684 barrels, Of the present rulers of European em- pires and kingdoms only one-third as- cended the throne by direct hereditary rights. Since the introduction of pneumatic rubber tires on the London cabs, many of the cab horses wear large Swiss cow- bells on their necks. To test the skill of their workmen a French company, at their works in Epernay, recently caused a locomotive to be "mounted," or built up, piece by piece, as soon as possible. It was fin. ished in 56 hours. He Is A Wonder. All who see Mr. F. C. Collier, of Cherokee, Iowa, 1 as he is now, cheer- ful, erect, vigorous, without an ache, could hardly believe he bis the same man who, a, short time ago, had to sit in is chair, propped up by cushions, suffering intensely from an aching back, in agony if he tried to stoop -all caused by chronic kidney troeble, that no medicine helped till he used Elec- tric Bitters and was wholly cured by three bottles. Positively mires Back- ache, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, all Kidues" troubles. Only 50c at all drug stores. "Seeing is Believing." When you see people cured by a remedy, you must believe in its power. Look around you. Friends, relatives, neighbors all say that Hood's Sarsaparilla, America's Greatest Medicine, cleansed the blood of their dear ones and they re.se en masse to sing its praises. There's nothing like it in the world to purify the blood. Sore s oreonone ofmy lrnbs.My Myoheh ati'was poor 'incl1 hadas father thought .1 better try Hood's Sarsa- parilla, and did so and the sores are noav all better. Whenever .1 do not feel well I take Hood's." Miss 1Vellie e./1. Law, Rchmond, Quebec. Richard Kessel, who has beery work- ing in Bryanston; returned Monday and has resumed work with the Sutherland -Innes Co, A NEW WARM Innimomilesenswilmamizimiffivimr.4s A Radical Change in Marketing Methods as Applied to Sewing Machines, An original plan under which. yon can obtain easier frrSirat7T;'tter value in the purclaase of the world famous lir ri=ing Machine than ever before offered. Write for our elegant n.as catalogue and detailed particulars. How we can save you money in the petchase of a higlagrade sewing machiee .21,euttewskeetnuourrsemer,eure,"f and the eawat sy erms opayment we can offer, either direct from s factory or through our reguYar,„ authorized agents. This is an oppor- , Vanity you. cannot afford to pass. Von know the 4,White," you know its mralamf actUrers. Therefore, aMtailed description of the machine and rttoiastruction is anccessary, If you have an old machiee to exchange we can offer most liberai termS. Write today. Address in full. Wink SgWING MACIIINE COMPANY, (Dep't A.) Clevelooti, For sale by S. MARTIN, Exeter, OrmantimMammEnsmanKmoMmWessimisamms tt II t1111011l11111(11,11(111111I11.1100 EXACT 'COPY OF WRAPPER', ealsiseee-eie •frot.AT THE F4Np-,SIMILg. .SIONATVR:g. IS ON THE W APPER 01' EVERY BOTTLE OF ILIMM1314. li Castoria is put up in one -size bottles only. It Is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell you anything else on. the. plea or promise that 1.6 is "just as geed" and "will answer every pm,. pose," Aej- Bee that you get 0.A -2 -T -0.31 -I -A. The fu- chaile rignsiuro of . mosnransost , 10v 0 On' lifilleleMieleleleedebetele 14:ie.:sec:Se ",st Ise TIN ONTARIO LOAN D[BINIURE CO. Paid-up Capital, $1,200,000. Reserve Fund,• $313,000. DIRECTORS I JORN McCIART, Esq., President. A. S. EMERY, Esq.. Vice-Presicianb. WU:LIAM BOWMAN, Egg. WILLIAM McDONOTIGH, Esq. LIMIT. -COL WM. M. GARTSHORB. SAVINGS BRANCH. Interest allowed on Deposits at Three and One-half per oentaiy paid or compounded half -yearly. Married WOMON and Minors can aow deposit and draw out money in their own names. DEBENTURES Issued for one or more years, bearing a slightly higher rate of interest than Deposits. Interest payable half -yearly. The Debentures of Ws Company are such a Digit class of security that they are accepted by the Dominion Government as a Deposit from The and Ufa Insurance Companies as SominattY for their Pank:21 Holders. Executors and Trustees are autboris,ed by law to invest in these Debentures. • The Act of Parliament, under which the Company is incorpor- ated, restricts their business solely to loans on Mortgages on Real Estate, and Municipal and other Debentures, which are the safest securities the DOMill10.0 affords. wmarGAGES. Money loaned, on Mortgages on Real Estate at low rates of Interest. For full particulars apply to WILLIAM F. BOLLIX, Manager. Office -Coe. Dundee St.. wad Msatet lazie. LONDON. ONT. 10•114 K PE SeECOPE- RS Katioi ISINUJL 11A, ITS I YL Ttl LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN TUE RESULTliguRYX:gcelgaiL.mog!g-tt';,°;:f.retie,dx.:.°nilg.V.1°,11diatz .0013aPeinece of thousands of promising young mon. Borne farm anawither at an early age, mwa at the blossom of manhood while others are forced to drag ant a weary, fruitless andm, melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony but find no solace or comfort there. Thelli victimm, s are found in all stations of lifm-The farthe offices the workshop, the pulpit, RtheS I3Y DRS. K. cZ K. g trades and the professions. RESTORED TO MANHOOD tit Wm. A. WALKER, Wm. A. WALKER, DOB. CHAS. FERRY, CHAS. FERRY. al 1 t szrortir TEEATILENT AFT= TTIEATAMIT Divorced but united caia ItErNO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Wm. A.. Walker of 162h Street says: -"I have suffered"! untold agonies for ray "say life." I was indiscreetwhen young and ignorant. As One of the Boys" I contracted Syphilis and other Private diseases. I had ulcers in di( Month and throat, bone pains,hair loose, pimples on face, finger nails came off, emissions, became thin an despondent. Seven doctors treated rae with Mercury, Potash, etc. They helped me but could not cure me. Finally afniondincluceclmototrr Drs.Kennedy &Horgan. RTheir Now Method Treatment cared me in a fow weez.s. Their treatment is wonderful. CeCM feel yourself gaining every day* I have never heard of their failing to cure in asingle a8e'" WOURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED KCapt. Chas. rerrY says: -"I owe my life to Drs. K. & K. At 11 1 learned a bad habit. At 21 I had all the symptoms 1M POTENCY p,m of Isemal Weakness and Sperraatori Mee Emissions ICIErvere draining and weakening my vitality. I. married at w24 under advice of my family doctor, but it was a Read experience In eighteem months wo were divorced. I mithen consulted Dm. H. So K., who restored me to manhood "by their New Alethod Treatment, Volta new life thrill through ny Ynoeurroveus.507eDwree.reXuniteol. aargeaerni:rintifiacrespeacPialtte mild° NvI aheeiz eartily reconamond thorn." Relk treat and cure Varicoeele, Enzirsions, Nervous Debility, Bernina cr. " a Weakness, Gleet, Strictztre, Syftlzilis, Unnatural .Discharges, SeY Kidney and Bladder Diseases. SYPHILIS EMISSIONS - STRICTURE CURED 17 YEARS IN DETPOIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK /ix son a victim? nave you loyll st hope? Are on contemplating m r nage?° HOB your Blood boen diseased? Have you any weaknessOntNew Method Treatnient cum Yon. What it has done for °there it will do for yon,READER! CONSULTATION FREE, No matter who has treated you, write for'an honest opinion Fro of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOONS FREE -"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseasee of Alen. Inclose postage. 2 aente. Sealed. '1109"2,NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- VATB. No medicine sent 0.0. D. No names on boxes or OnVei- otkes. Everything confidential. Question 1ist and cost of Treatl PaoliU 0 DETROIT MICH cl merit, FREE. nno VEMilegy VrpflAN N0.148 SHELBA I • K -124Rp.1111LejtropM_IM,;12.1Mr„,....eip S. s* ;roe 1301-doo.. five,year-old sin of A. Bolduc, of Will, \vas 51 cver by ail electric 01 1 tlo city to -day ,m0 501 10 p1055. Tltc' fAthei,' of tllo u L. I fOrtnnate lad is a uffil hand, ,P 5e0t,i(5 '1111011 found Hie dead leele of Sohn B s op lyieg between the ra118 (Al the track, a bent one end. a, half miles fame Se Thomas. He Was '1;o:elated lo besese 1 is:cognition: 9 oo 14'4 „ . ..: c. , e 1 . 4-- - - ,it 1100 i I 000 000 10.0 0 1 0 11 AVege table Prep ardtion ferAs - simila I ing theTencl andReg ula- ling the Stomachs andBowets of .., , - PronotesDigestion,Clieerful- ness arid Rostkoritains neither Opiutii,Morphine nor Mineral. NOT 4CNA.0 'ICI C . ------ .Recrp. e of Ole 1 lirSiiielTELPIMER Fumph'a Seel. Abadan(' . RoolfzEle Sales - alnisc Sea v. lippormint - RI come:sada, # Mil* ;feed - Orfied Szigiaca;m: "aw7 A perfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach ,Diarrhoea Worms ,ConvuisiOns ,Feverish mess and Loss OF SLEEP. - latSimile Signature of af/--//fig-zi.44 NEW YORK. EXACT 'COPY OF WRAPPER', ealsiseee-eie •frot.AT THE F4Np-,SIMILg. .SIONATVR:g. IS ON THE W APPER 01' EVERY BOTTLE OF ILIMM1314. li Castoria is put up in one -size bottles only. It Is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell you anything else on. the. plea or promise that 1.6 is "just as geed" and "will answer every pm,. pose," Aej- Bee that you get 0.A -2 -T -0.31 -I -A. The fu- chaile rignsiuro of . mosnransost , 10v 0 On' lifilleleMieleleleedebetele 14:ie.:sec:Se ",st Ise TIN ONTARIO LOAN D[BINIURE CO. Paid-up Capital, $1,200,000. Reserve Fund,• $313,000. DIRECTORS I JORN McCIART, Esq., President. A. S. EMERY, Esq.. Vice-Presicianb. WU:LIAM BOWMAN, Egg. WILLIAM McDONOTIGH, Esq. LIMIT. -COL WM. M. GARTSHORB. SAVINGS BRANCH. Interest allowed on Deposits at Three and One-half per oentaiy paid or compounded half -yearly. Married WOMON and Minors can aow deposit and draw out money in their own names. DEBENTURES Issued for one or more years, bearing a slightly higher rate of interest than Deposits. Interest payable half -yearly. The Debentures of Ws Company are such a Digit class of security that they are accepted by the Dominion Government as a Deposit from The and Ufa Insurance Companies as SominattY for their Pank:21 Holders. Executors and Trustees are autboris,ed by law to invest in these Debentures. • The Act of Parliament, under which the Company is incorpor- ated, restricts their business solely to loans on Mortgages on Real Estate, and Municipal and other Debentures, which are the safest securities the DOMill10.0 affords. wmarGAGES. Money loaned, on Mortgages on Real Estate at low rates of Interest. For full particulars apply to WILLIAM F. BOLLIX, Manager. Office -Coe. Dundee St.. wad Msatet lazie. LONDON. ONT. 10•114 K PE SeECOPE- RS Katioi ISINUJL 11A, ITS I YL Ttl LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN TUE RESULTliguRYX:gcelgaiL.mog!g-tt';,°;:f.retie,dx.:.°nilg.V.1°,11diatz .0013aPeinece of thousands of promising young mon. Borne farm anawither at an early age, mwa at the blossom of manhood while others are forced to drag ant a weary, fruitless andm, melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony but find no solace or comfort there. Thelli victimm, s are found in all stations of lifm-The farthe offices the workshop, the pulpit, RtheS I3Y DRS. K. cZ K. g trades and the professions. RESTORED TO MANHOOD tit Wm. A. WALKER, Wm. A. WALKER, DOB. CHAS. FERRY, CHAS. FERRY. al 1 t szrortir TEEATILENT AFT= TTIEATAMIT Divorced but united caia ItErNO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Wm. A.. Walker of 162h Street says: -"I have suffered"! untold agonies for ray "say life." I was indiscreetwhen young and ignorant. As One of the Boys" I contracted Syphilis and other Private diseases. I had ulcers in di( Month and throat, bone pains,hair loose, pimples on face, finger nails came off, emissions, became thin an despondent. Seven doctors treated rae with Mercury, Potash, etc. They helped me but could not cure me. Finally afniondincluceclmototrr Drs.Kennedy &Horgan. RTheir Now Method Treatment cared me in a fow weez.s. Their treatment is wonderful. CeCM feel yourself gaining every day* I have never heard of their failing to cure in asingle a8e'" WOURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED KCapt. Chas. rerrY says: -"I owe my life to Drs. K. & K. At 11 1 learned a bad habit. At 21 I had all the symptoms 1M POTENCY p,m of Isemal Weakness and Sperraatori Mee Emissions ICIErvere draining and weakening my vitality. I. married at w24 under advice of my family doctor, but it was a Read experience In eighteem months wo were divorced. I mithen consulted Dm. H. So K., who restored me to manhood "by their New Alethod Treatment, Volta new life thrill through ny Ynoeurroveus.507eDwree.reXuniteol. aargeaerni:rintifiacrespeacPialtte mild° NvI aheeiz eartily reconamond thorn." Relk treat and cure Varicoeele, Enzirsions, Nervous Debility, Bernina cr. " a Weakness, Gleet, Strictztre, Syftlzilis, Unnatural .Discharges, SeY Kidney and Bladder Diseases. SYPHILIS EMISSIONS - STRICTURE CURED 17 YEARS IN DETPOIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK /ix son a victim? nave you loyll st hope? Are on contemplating m r nage?° HOB your Blood boen diseased? Have you any weaknessOntNew Method Treatnient cum Yon. What it has done for °there it will do for yon,READER! CONSULTATION FREE, No matter who has treated you, write for'an honest opinion Fro of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOONS FREE -"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseasee of Alen. Inclose postage. 2 aente. Sealed. '1109"2,NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- VATB. No medicine sent 0.0. D. No names on boxes or OnVei- otkes. Everything confidential. Question 1ist and cost of Treatl PaoliU 0 DETROIT MICH cl merit, FREE. nno VEMilegy VrpflAN N0.148 SHELBA I • K -124Rp.1111LejtropM_IM,;12.1Mr„,....eip S. s* ;roe 1301-doo.. five,year-old sin of A. Bolduc, of Will, \vas 51 cver by ail electric 01 1 tlo city to -day ,m0 501 10 p1055. Tltc' fAthei,' of tllo u L. I fOrtnnate lad is a uffil hand, ,P 5e0t,i(5 '1111011 found Hie dead leele of Sohn B s op lyieg between the ra118 (Al the track, a bent one end. a, half miles fame Se Thomas. He Was '1;o:elated lo besese 1 is:cognition: