Exeter Advocate, 1900-4-12, Page 5phblished every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, -- EXETER. -----; By t he— ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY Timms QV SUBSCRIPTION, 0E0 DOLtnr per annum if paid in Advance 01.60 if not so paid. Jer.olstroxtioisee Mateo nem. tic= No paper di se ontinued until all arra rage are paid Advertisements with,out specific directions will be published till forbid and • ahargecl accordingly. Liberal discount made or trariseient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turnect out in the B.nest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, m oney oed- ors, &c.for advertising, subscriptions,etc.to be made payable to allitS. H. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP Professional Cards. H. KINSMAN, L. D. S. & DR A. R. KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. S, Honor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects. Offiee in Fanson's Block, west side Main Street, Exeter. raR.D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.Sa) J-/ honors Graduate of the Toronto Um - reit', and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. ili reodes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office -opposite Central Hoten-Exeter. Medical raft.T. P. McLATIGHLIN, MEMBER OF .1-7 the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Acconoh- enr. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. If you have it, you know it. You know all about the heavy feeling in the stomach, the formation of gas, the nausea, sick headache, and general weakness of the whole body. You can't have it a week without your blood being impure and your nerves all exhausted., There's just one rernedy for you— • ' •_Lis tate. Sales sonbale.Sales ohelsea. , Main • 411T 41 '' 40 A 1 1 44 AlrIVe TNICKSON 8c CARLING, BARRISTERS, .1., Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Melsons Bank, eto. Money to loan at 5 and s -s per cent. Offies Fanson's Block, Main St,, Exeter. (A member of the firm will be at Hensall on Thursday of each week.) I. R. CARLING, B. A.. L. H. DICKSON. Vi W. GL ADMAN. (successor to Elliot (&. I . Gladman,) Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. Money to lean at -lowest rates of interest. Office Main Street, Exeter. - - -- Auctioneers TT BOSSENBERRY, Grand Bend, Licensed Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales promptly attended to, and charges moder. Orders bymall will receive every at- tention. T.3 BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Ana - Lie ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne promptly attended to and terms rea- arranged at post office. Win- , 4' 4 1 or ba of Si,2 za 0. _ III wl th Li ar st( Or in IO re' Pr no CO tel eri TE : sta of lea lea gre tEENIvi are sidl dm as I are Pa -I T bee ear Out Sca Pai Pr" A : g.". he 0 tce Wat, / M• a tra Th Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, St, Exeter ram maralar.Aaclan anczekaar.AILAK.1 ' PAYS To read the big stores' ad- • vertisements STOP! TtlINK ! For whose good are we in the furniture • business? For •Oi yours mad ours. If we are not useful to you we cannot be use- ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goods you want at the prices you want or we can- not make a success of our busi- ness. But we have been doing business right along for years, which proves that we are the right kind of people with the right prices. Come and see for yourself.... saiDLEy & SON. Furniture. Undertaking, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. 1 0. Pr : oe r ICo 111, t? 6 ee ? 1, OP infa fro] The SLIbS er, fp I ,_ at. over nrmar3151"larlarAirArNFAar'ilr The Paid RestaFuncl E. their at 7 )pen p.m; A. general CURRENT ), °posit )IcasoN Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament ,185.5. ) up Capital •$2,500,000. 1,625,000 Head office Montreal, WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., ' GENERAL MANAGER. Money advanced to good Farmers on own notes with one or more endorsers per cent. per AllnUnt, •war —EXETER BRANCH— •t every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 Saturclays 141 a.ra. to 1 p.m, ' banking business transacted. ,.a RATES allowed for money on Receipts. Savings Bank at sz. & DARLING, N.D. HMI DON; Solicitors, Manager. TO THE DEAF. -A iich lady, ;ured of her Deafness and Noises in he Head by Dr. Nicholson' s Artificial Dar Drums, has sent $1,000 to his In - Waite, ao that cleat people Unable to mocure the Ear Drums may have hem free. Apply to Department L. S. N, The Institute, "Longcott," funnel shur•y, London, W,, England MiZilalfiVNIVITI:S=IIMMAINIMIIA sa ounE ALL. YOUR PAINS WITH 1 n " 1. Pain Killer. • M ni Medicine Chest In Itself. Safe and Quick Cure for DIP-RR110EA, GfJUGNS, 151 COLDS, 17}1EU1ATI.1, NEURALGIA. 3a 4i4 25 anal SO oont Eloilles. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. auY ONLY THE eineln1NE, , PF.RRY DAVIS' There's nothing new about it. Your grand- parents took it. 'Twas an old Sarsaparilla before other sarsaparillas were known. It made the word " Sarsaparilla " famous over the whole world. There's no other sarsa- parilla like it. In age and power to cure it's "The leader of them all." 81.00 a bottle. All druerista. Ayer's Pills cure constipation. After suffering terribly I was induced to try your Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles and now feel liko a newman. I would advise all my fellow creatures to try this medicine, for it has stood the test of time and its curative power cannot be ex- celled." I. D. Goon, Jan. 30,1899. Browntown, Write the Doctor. If you have any complaint whatever wad desire the best medical advice you can possibly receive, write the doctor freely. You will receive a prompt re- ply, without cost, Address, Dn. J, C. AYER, Lowell, Mass. toe 4 AP'''. Wood's Phosphodinel The Great Englall Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. 'Six !cages guaranteed to cure all zn8OtSexua Weakness, all effects of abuse excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To - co, Opium or Stimulanta. Mailed on receipt price, one package El, six, 85. One min please, will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Compsay, Windsor, Oat. Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by Lutz, druggist. • Legislative .Assembly. ia-in the District of Parry Sound o are anxious to have a home, but ey are handicapped -by whom? mbermen in the United States who first asked if the land can be home - tided and they have to say whether not a young Cana.chan can remain this province, it has to be submitted the lumbermen; but I say it is a dis- Utable state of affairs wherein this ovince a young British subject can - have a home without an American sent. If, Mr., Speaker, whenwe them truths, it is decrying the untry, then z plead guilty of the nae. (Applause.) E ENLARGED TORONTO STAR ho Toronto Daily Star having in-' lled a fast press, with a _capacity 24,000 copies an our, the paper been enlarged 'and greatly Ma - yeti. It is now regarded as • the ding afternoon paper in Ontario.' A at feature. of The Star is Sam •nter'a cartoons -the best, by the , to be seen in any paper in Can- . Mr. Hunter's political subjects enjoyed by politicians of both s. The humor, which he intro - es into the cartoons makes them palatable to Conservatives as they • to Liberals. The Star is a great er. It Girdles Th Globe. he fame of Bucklen's Salve, as the t in the world, extends around the h. It's the one perfect healer of s, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, lds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches, s and all skin Eruptions. Only llible Pile cure. 25c. a • box at all store. party off 30 Doukhobors have gone a the Northwest to California. They as a reason, for going that they t a wanner climate, and say that whole lot will get out in the course vo or three years, ILDREN WILL GO SLEIGHING. return covered with snow. Half ispotnifal of Pain -Killer in hot r prevent. ill effects. Avoid titutesa there's but one Pain-Kill- erry Davis'. 25c. and 50c. E POPULAR BOOK. undrals of Thousands Now in Canadian Homes. •t and Rug making in the home is cting the attention of ladies all the Dominion. mnnufacturers of the celebrated Di amond Dyes are now prepared to meet the popular demand for novel and pretty designs in Mats. and Rugs aad have prepared an illustrated book, lett showing in colors the styles they - ha ve for •sale. Full information is given in this hook. Sent free to nny iiddress by Wells & Richardson Co., 200 Mountain St., Montreal, Q. P. Children Ory for CASTOR IA CriONJE AT ST HELEN .1.4.1101.1M•11.116111111..11.1.4,. A , THAT PROPOSED EXTENSION, 1 EXETER MARKETS, Transports With Boer Prisoners On Board !leach the Island. Irslarld of St. Helena, April 10 - The Niobe and the Milwaukee have arriv- ed bera vith Ilia 11300a prisoners, The health of the men is good with the exception of four cases of measles, which necessiated the Milwaukee being quarantined. The priscners are quiet and well- behaved. •They will probably lurid to -morrow, The governor has been 'notified of the desire of the 'authorities t /--1 the pri- soners be treatbd math every courtesy and consideration. , PERIOD OF INACTION PAST Movements of British and Boer Forces All Over the Field, --- London, April 10. -Inns Boer at. tack on Ger. Brabant's force at Wep- Der was resumed again at dawn to- day. The enemy's attack on two or •three sides ,on Monday lasted until 2.- 30 o'clOck in the afternoon, when the firing ceased and It was believed that the enefhy had been beaten off, Bait It was announced this morning from AIWA' North, that the fighting had again begun. Gen. Brabant's fore d13 chinist. 0 numbering from 2,000 to 3,000 hal positions in a rough country. Th Boers are in unknown numbers wit relnforcemexits reaching them. An other body of two thousand Boers 1 marching towards Springfontein from Smithfield.; The detonation of heavy guns was heard at Maseru Monday. Sir Godfrey Lagden, the British resident com- missioner of Basutoland, has left MaSeru for the borde.r THE EIGHTH DIVISION. The events in the southeast portion of the Free State have caused the eighth division, which had been order- ed to Fourteen Streams, to be divert- ed to Springtontein. MYSTERIOUS MOVEMENTS. Mysterious movements of troops at Bleornfonteln are proceeding. T newspaper correspondents are notahle- lowed to telegraph their destinations and the presumption is that Lord Rob- erts is making dispositions to cut off the raiding Boer forces when they try to withdraw northward from the pursuing British columns. The re -ap- pearance of the Boers hi the occupied country has caused a revival of the war -like feeling among the Free Staters of the Fauresmith and Philip - polis districts. The federal agents are busy getting details of the sur- rendered Boers, and owing to the British garrison being withdrawn from these districts the British res- idents are uneasy and have sent del- egates to Springlontein to ask for help. They were told that steps for their defense Would be immediately taken. THE NATAL SITUATION. , The Boers are reported to . have. ventured .south of the Biggarsberg and to be posting heavy guns four miles north of Elandslaagte. They cire, &leo said to have fortified the vi- cinity of Wessel's Nek. CARRINGTON'S DESTINATION. Geneeral Sir Frederick Carrington has reached Cape Town and is going to Beira, Portuguese, East Africa, forthwith. The War Office purposes to land at Cape Town before the end of May, 20,- 000 horses, which will be conveyed in 23 steamers, sailing from New Or- leans, Buenos Ayres and Australian ports. New RoutaAI,rPii.sal'icxetd esi, • riOtcltnFol' the E. 0 00 R Ottawa, April 01. -- A deputation from Elgin county, headed by Mr. Casey', MaSa., waited on Hon, Mr. 13Iair this CMOriling" to ask that a new route be marked out for the exteiasion Of the L fie and Detroit Raver Railway, Which has been promised a subsidy ty the government. The people in tile southern part of ths county ask that the road .he made to run through the southern part of the county instead of paralleling within a few Mai -aired yards of the Canada Southern railway, as at present in- tended. Mr. Blair promised to send a government engineer to report OD the route Suggested, PLEADS SELF DEFENSE, New York, April 9. -The Paterson, N. J. police received a dispatch to- day requesting that a lootkon be kept Lor Joseph Zimmer, who had shat and killed ,George Marlon, son of a hotel - keeper at Wallington, N.J., When arrested the man said he had become involvecl in an altercation with Ma- rion, and a man named White, in the bar -room of the hotel at Wallington; and had fired the fatal shot in self- defense. He was taken to Walling- ton, where he was locked up. Zimmer says he is an ex -pugilist, an 'was formerly the sparring part - e ner of 'Frank Erne. He is now a THE REDDERSBERD AFFAIR, Gatacre Was Wise Net to Start the Fight Again, New York, Aprit10,-The piess des- patches are still filled with belated accounts of the Reridersberg fight, and the adventures of Burnham, the American scout, says the London cor- respondent of the Tribune. Gen. Gat - acre does not deserve censare for sending out a British column without artillery, as it had been destroyed on a long circuit for the purpose of re- ceiving arms and pacifying the coun- try, and 1,4:18 caught through a sud- den change or the Boer tactics. The troops offered a stubborn resistanee and fought bravely as long as their cartridges held out. There was no- thing discr6ditable to the British arms in this affair, and Gen. Gatacre was well advised in not renewing the attack with an inferior force when he arrived with reinforcements from Springfontein, The Boers are now reported to have retired eastward, dispersing in small bands. They were probably bent upon sending the • prisoners northward be- fore renewing their attack upon the Isolated British posts. The Herald prints a despatch from Ladysmith dated Sunday, which says the Boers have posted a big gun on Knight's Hill, north. of ElandslaagLe, and an- other In the vicinity of Wessels Nek station. The enemy are reported to be strongly entrenched at Help- makaar. ARRESTED AS A REBEL, Cape Town, April 9 --William Sauer, brother of the 'Cape Minister of Rail- ways, has been arrested in Barkly East on a charge Of being a rebel- BADiEtN4P0 1VELL'S HOPES. Buluwayu, March 31- Colonel 113ad- en-Powell wires 'from Mafeking un- der date of Marehe27, confirming the report that the Boers had been pushed back so far that the town was com- paratively out of range of musketry. He concludes with saying, "All pro- mises well for eventually cutting Of this force of the enemy if we can hold Suyinan here. AN INTERESTING RUMOR. London, April 10 - In connection with the resumption of hostilities M .Natal an interesting rumor is cur- rent Lila 1 Gen. Buller ' has obtained command (al one Of the Drakkens- berg passes, whereby he hopes to take the Boers in the rear. In the event of his being successful Gen. Buller has enough troops to leave 20 000 men to hold Natal while the should advanee by• way of ijarrismith, whence he would be Male to threaten the Boer *Lad osi lions at IleLhieli,eni 0,nd B. -"r001.1 - MURDEROUS BURGLARS Two Masked Men Maltreated Three Ohio Women Columbus, 0., lApril 8.-A special to the Ohio State Journal, from Barnesville, 0., says: "Last night two masked men enter- ed the house of Mrs. James Warwick, an aged widow. five miles south of this place, Living with Mrs. Warwick were her granddaughter, another young lady and her grandson, Clarence Warwick. The wo- men were terrified when awakened by the threats of the intruders but young War - rack, on hearing the men, ordered them to leave. A scuffle ensued in which young warre.ck was shot and killed.. The bur- glars then bound the three women and ransacked the house but only secured six cents In money. It was daylight before one of the women freed herself and gave the alarm. Bloodhounds win be traced on the .trail of the murderers." THE 001,03113I4N REVOLUTION Kingston, Jamaica, April 9.- The Colombian advices just received here announce that a rebel attack is nao- mentarily expected at Savanilla. It is added that the place has been pre- pared for the expected movement and that artillery has been trained so as control the harbor. At Cartagena all is excitement in consequences of the rebel successes, and a large body of goverment troops has arrived at Colon to strengthen the garrison there. FUNSTON MAY BE COURTMARTIAIIED Manila, April 0. -An interesting topic of conversation in army circles is the investi- gatioh of Brigadier Gen. Frederick Fun- ston's.execution of two Filipinos and the Passibility of a court martial resulting therefrom. The story is that the Filipinos „capaiired three Maccabebe .ecouts, •who were crossing the country near San Isidro and were preparing to kill them, when one of the Maccabebea escaped and found Gen. Funston svith, a scouting party near. This man guided the Americans to the res- cue of his companions and when the troops approached the Filipinos fled, leav- ing, the Maccabeben. Several of the Fili- pinos were shot and Gen. Funston cap- tured two of them, took them to the village square and hanged them without trial as a warning to the Filipinos. HER MAJESTY PLEASED. Dublin, 'April 10 -Queen Victoria, through the authorities here, has notified the citize.ns of Dublin of Her sl itgehrdt aayl, the reception accorded Her Her Majesty took Her customary drive in Her chair in the Vice -Regal gardens this morning. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS, Rev. Canon Nesbitt of Smith's Falls Is dead. • ' The British losses in the war now total 17,901. It is believed at Pretoria that Sec- retary Reitz is suffering from soften- ing of the brain. The Duke of York's Royal Canadi- an Hussars of Montreal will visit To- ronto on the Queen's birthday. Mr. Chamberlain says the commit- tee conducting the Pacific cable neg- otiations are making considerable pro- gress. . Jas. Flews of Montreal was suffo- cated by a small fire that started in a room where he was sleeping last night. The Austrian press, without excep- tion, approves the intention of Emper- month. or Francis Joseph to visit Berlin next Alexander Orr, of Tweed who was sonvicted at Belleyille of attempting Ruicide, was sentenced 40 one year in the Central Prison yesterday. The conductors and motormen of the Hamilton, Grimsby & Pea insville Elec- tric Railway Company have asked the directors for increased wages. ' The manager of the Glucose Works at Cardinal, which were destroyed by fire, states that the reconstrucion of the buildings will be begun forthwith. Hon. Sir Francis Richard Plunkett, Minister from Great Britain at 13rus- sels, yesterday afternoon the nked. Sta- thinmaster Crocius for saving the Prince of Wales' life. The bye -election in the Second Ward Hamilton, to fill the vacaamy created by the cleatli of Alt!. Blaicher, reSult- sa in the election of ex-Ald• James DUn1011). Senor 'Antonio Del tVlso, the Argen- tine Charge D'Affaires at Naahing, on, reported to the police last night that his house had been entered and rob- eeri of jewelry approximating in value $5,000. It is believed in Montreal that Mr. Reeves, the former general traffic ivtger, will Ilene two sucCessorS, Mr. W, E. Davis being appointed as pus- 3enger traffic manager, and Mr. J, W. t,oud as freight traffic Manager. While a priest was administering the last sacrament to a dying man near Corunna, Spain, yesterday, in :he presence of his relatives, the floor if the room 'collapsed and the dying ,nan and four other persons were kill.. and fourteen were injured. (Changed every 'Wednesday) ,. wheat per bushel...................69 1o43i4 Fleur per cwt., 1 {3) to - 00 Barloy_......,...,. , . .. ... ..... „. .. . . ... .. .. .... . . . ... . 44 to 41 Oats 57 to 30 Peas 60 to 15 Sutter i.5 to 10 ,Lggs. . ........ .. .. .... ....... II Potatoes per bag , , 40 Hay per ton 7,00 to 800 Dried Apples per lb 5 Turkeys . . , ., 8 to 9 .. ... . ... ...,,.. ho. lb, Chicken ---- IMcks .7 Ci-oese .. ., . .. ... , .. .. .. ,. Corn ,iii o 45 timothy 1 9510 1 50 Clover .400 to 525 Fleshy . Consumptive Did you ever see one? Did you ever hear of one? Most certainly not. Con- sumption is a disease that invariably causes loss of • If you are light in weight, even if your cough is only a slight one, you should certainly take Scott's Emulsion of cod Myer oil cwilb hypo - phosphites. No remedy Is such a perfect prevent- ive to consumption. Just the moment your throat begins to weaken and you find you are losing flesh, you shourd begin to take it. And no other remedy has cured so many cases of consumption. Unless you are far advanced with this disease, Scott's Emul- sion wilt hold every in- ducement to you for a perfect cure. _ All Druggists, goo'. and sr., SCOTT & BOWNE, Toronto, Crediton Mrs. John F. Brown is visiting her daughter in Detroit this week.—Wm. Ballantyne, of Seaforth, hotel inspec- tor, was in the village Tuesday.- Mrs. Lydia Hoffman, of Plattsville, gave our Village a flying visit last Friday. —Mr. Waldron, of Palmerston, travel- ler for Clare Bros., Preston, was in the village last Friday on busines.—We must congratulate Mr. C. Zwicker on the artistic appearance of his East window. The Queen's Picture, decor- ated with red, white and blue is suit- able for the occasion.—Mr. B. Brown is attending the,bnarriage of his broth- er John in Sebewaing, Mich., this weelt.—The sild'Aen change bf weather ,has driven away the spring birds. DEATH OF JACOB FINKBEINER.-The hand of death; has again come into our .midst and taken away Jacob Fink- hiner;one of OM` most respected citi- zens, at the' ripe age of 79 years, 9 months. The, deceased was born in Baiersbrom, Wurkmberg, Germany, in 1848, emigrated to Morriston, Can- ada; where he worked several years and in 1852 he came to Stephen, and has since resided here. About twelve years ago he moved to the village. Mr. Finkbeiner has been an invalid for a number of years but was able to be around, until a few weeks ago, when he was taken seriously ill with inflammation of the lungs, from which he never rallied, having passed away Sunday evening. He was interred in the German cemetery on Wednesday. The funeral being one of the largest that has taken place in the village. All the children of the deceased were present, except one son who resides in Manitoba. He leaves to mourn his loss a beloved wife and eight sons:— Rev. Chas,. Finkbeiner, who resides in Zurich, Samuel, in Lockport, N. Y., Rev. Thomas in Elkert, Indiana; Rev. George ia Dixon, 111., Fred in Manito- ba, Michael, John and Christian, who reside in Stephen township, and two daughters, Mrs. Munich, of Lockport, N.Y. and Mrs. Levi Stahl, of Crediton, besides a.large number of relatives and friends,, who all have the sympathy of the community hi their sad bereave- ment. Glag Paille's Coleril Compomil Makes Sick PeopleWell The Great Banisher of All Troubles Brought on by Careless Living. The cities and towns of Canada in spring -time are full of people who are in a thoroughly woruout, "unstrung" nervous condition, brought on by careless and heedless living. Sleep- lessness, irritability and despondency help to make the cup of wretchedness more complete. This army of brokendown men and women should know that new and ,vigorous health depends on purified blood, regulated nerves, sound sleep and perfect digestion. These happy conditions come only by the use of Paine's Celery Com- pound. If any have thus far failed to get rid of nervous diseases, Impure blood, kidney and liver troubles and dyspep- sia, it is because they have not used Paine's Celery Compound. The past testimony of clergymen, lawyers, physicians, merchants and people of responsible positions, who have been made well by Pnine's Celery COmPOlind, Should induce every ail- ing man and woman to carry home a bobble of nature's life -giver, so that they may test it for their own satisfac- tion. Do not allow any dealer to offer you a substitute. insist upon gettin' 'Paine's,' the kind that "makes 8ick people well," DO NOT RUN from a question that must interest you. Have you your New Suit l If not, drop in and see us at iblats first opportunity- and let us show you a few prices of the, Fancy, Woresteds and Scotch Tweeds. Have you seen the 'leis: Staples anG Therringbone pal:tents. They are beauties. A big range of Blues and Black, Trish • Serges at the old prices. ff you want a black we have what you want in Twills, Venetians ana Clays. OVERCOATS Overcoats in Beavers, Melton, Gturth Naps and 1VIontanitetse Alf verk done in the latest style arni fit gunranteed. J. fi. GWEVE Opposite -Post Oilitke Exaterar ROLLER ALWAYS RE ADY. Flour, Mill Feed and Corn con- stantly kept in stock. Highest market price paid for good red Winter Wheat. Car:road. Mara. Southern: Sweet and Imported Learning Seed' 001•11. J. COBBIEDICK & SOL 11 01111.1100 Yes, we have justireeeived another carload. of furniturewhich when added to oar already fine stock we can supply the latest:, most hand- some and cheapest, things on the market. TIT STOCK We have the Stock -you have the money—we want to trade, and if it is furniture you want it will pay you 'well to drop in and, see our dandy line before purchasing else- where. We haue the largest and best assortd stock in town, R. N. RowE FOR FIRST CLASS BEEF, LAMB, ?ORM, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, PRES nED TONG UR. CORNED BEEF; SAL9r. FRESIEI 0,R SMOKED MEATS, Call at The Family Butcher Shop. One d oor North of 11, Pickard's stare. LOUIS DAY Proprietor. SMITH'S Repair Shop. Now is the time to get your wheel cleaned to store away for the winter Gun Repairs We- make gun repairirig a specialty in all its branches. KeyS We have a large stock of keys i sizes. Horse Clippers Ground and made as good as new. Everything Repaired Here. I, SMITE rOook's Cotton Boot Comportat • IS successfully used raonthlY by over Iwo Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask •K' your druggist for Coek's Colton Root We - pound. Take no other as all Miiturea, pillsaild imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, 8I. box,. No. 2,10 degrees stronger,43 per box, , & 1 or,2, Mailed oh redelpt of price and two 2.emit stamps, The Cook floaaPal41- W1neeer4 Ont. te.-No1..1 and 2 Old and recommended by ell reSponSible Druggists in Canada, L , 'Nos, 1 a ra NO. 9. sold uhtxeter by 0, Lutes a, Drutgia 1. „