Exeter Advocate, 1900-4-12, Page 1THIRTEENTH YEAR. -670. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1900. C SANDERS, EDITOR. This We Bar SILK WAISTS. We have just added to our stock of Silks a large num- ber of Waist Lengths in all the new effects for this sea: - son. No two Waists alike. When you inspect our stock eve are sure you will agree with us that they tare beautiful and remarkably cheap. We have some beau- ties at 50e. a yard. CURTAINS We received last week a shipment of Bobhinet, Ruffl- ed Curtains, the swell Window Drapery: Durable, Ar- tistic, Economical, Dainty, Inexpensive. Be sure and see this latest style in Curtains. PLAID DRESS. GOODS • Oar range of Plaid Dress Goode is now complete, This Season's are more beautiful than @ver. We haus them at all prices from 25c. GROCERIE So A FEW PRICES. pig. Grocery stock is complete m every detail. Every- thing fresh and clean. Christies well-known fancy and plain Biscuits: " 3 cans Corn, 2.•5c.; 3 Crans Peels, 25c.; 3 cans Tomatoes, 25c. Our can goods are the best put up. 21 lbs. Redpath'sRedpath select l c Va ena Raisins .oc. Quality the best, prices the lowest. EGULAR 59c., 75c., 85c., $1.00and$1.25 Silks all reduced to the extremelylow' priceof 49c. 9 and Waist alst 1 en thetwo � no two alike. EPA.RTMENT4— Si51:B.M.,-1"11\TC+ TIM= 81=5=.3..MOTOR For Painting, W htewashing and Spraying. Ask for the instructivecata- logue logue on diseases affecting, Fruit Trees, Vegetables, etc. and their remedies. Compare the small cost of the SPROMOTOR with theairs�! ` i. the; quality and: ua g �r.� Y quantity of fruit. WE ALSO HAVE THE ECLIPSE ATOMIZER, .rte. and a full stock of other Spraying �gPumps. Full guarantee wit: Get our prices. each Pump. MILK CANS The latest improved Faatory Can is the SAMSON Remember the name as it is the onlyone-piece Re ne piece bottom made. Light to move because there are no sharp corners to catch and tear the flooring. No hoopes or rivets to break or tear off. Cheapest because it takes just half the time and solder to insert body tin that it does for a pieced bottom: FIELD SEEDS Red and Alsike Clover, Timothy A large stock perfectly clean, , and also a full stock of Garden. Seeds fresh and clean. MONEY TO LOAN. We have unlimited rrirate funds for in- vestment' upon farm or village property, at owest rates of interest. DrcRSoN & CARLING, Barristers, ete., Exeter. r•-1 PARA/13 PUR SALE. MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned hasafewgood farms for sale cheap. i.. Moneyto loan. oil oeasy terms Jona SPACE:HAN, Samwell's f3Iock Exeter TESTIMONIAL ®F IRVINE A T N �� O G I have used English Stock Food, man- ufactured by 0. Lutz, for driving, horse and milch cows, and in both cases have found it a most excellent food and well •:worth the money. I am informed by many farmers that it is a most valu- able food for calves a,ncl young pigs. Dray Cou>I.i<cil. Council met April 3rd. All resent.' Applications by pthe Police'' Trustees pl .. of the police villages of Zurich and Dashwood were laid before the council, asking to have the statute labour of the said; .. police villages counted at 7a' cents per day. The applications were gr'•antecl. A Coriniiunication of Jas. Ester in regard of:darna �e to his cutter on'aaccou t of the bad' road was filed, also a communication of A. T. Drum - mind, regarding contribution to the National Pa. , L trtbtrc fund • tests )tad over. Acontract. for 0000 feet of cedar was. let toff _i`'•, bre t o .c,liat Sb14.00 per rn.•' and 8000 feet of rock elm to A. Mc Beath at $15.00. The following ac- counts were ordered to be laid; W. paid; ,11'dc:Keat,th, work 011. �% ,Ln1 c r ,i L..rO; r Geo. Erserbach, work con 11,$2.50 Dal. wood for Hall $3.37; J. A. Wil- liams kCo. flour for indigent ,$�1.U0. .� C o moil will 'meet again. �,atn, cin Monday, the 7th (d May, at one o'clock p. rn. y children Cr for CASTOR1 A. Dashwood The streets of our little burg r are dry and the bike once more conies in- to service. -Mr. Jacob Kunz has pear, chased' Mrs. Thon's residence and will move to the village the corning sum- nier.—Mr. P. Melseae, one of onr vil- lage constables, gave chase to some of the mischievous youths: Saturday night for causing a distinrbence in the vil- lage. Boys berrranlyl-Mr. W. Noes- worthy still continues very poorly. Very little hopes ..are entertained for his recovery. -The Medicine Co. left here on Thursday last for Zurich. We have not heard of any great cines as results of their medicines. -The silver pitcher is now the property of Mr. H. L. Draft, who was the nearest on the second guess of the number of beans in the bottle. There were ten who guessed the correct number on the first guess. Those having 'a second chance Mr. Kraft was the lucky than. We congratulate him on obtaining O 7 the valuable prize. -Mr. John Taylor's team ran away from the grist mill one day bast week. They made a lively - dash for home, but were recaptured down some distance on the townline. --The confirmation' Services in eoneiec- tion with the Lutherian church here took place on Sunday and was attend- edby_a large; audience, perhaps the largest, for some years. -Several of river our sports have,l>een at -the with dip -nets a,ndhave been amply repaid fortheirlabors.-Miss Adline Pfaff, of the village was nnited in marriage to Mr. Sellery, of Stafta•, on Wednes day, at the residence of her:: cousin, \1r•. William Pfaff'. Her many friends acre wish her every success :in her new home. Our loss, we know, is others' grain. -The teachers of our Pub. Tic School are spending' their Easter ,l g , holidays at their homes in 'Brussels,, Goderroh and Clinton, 'respectively.- Mrs. Fried is on the sick list. We hope she may soon lie around again with her bright seniles ' and cheery words. -Mr. Charlie Guenther now sports a fancy driver liar chased from 13. Chiming hitn , of Shapka. at a fancy price. Trinity Church, Bradford, Weis burn- el tit the gromld 1vioridaty. •St. Joseph Lake Huron is still iveairing.its Win- ter garments and has the appearance of a vast sheet of ice,but 'we are ie in hopes it will, soon disappear (not the lake but the ice.) -Last week Mr.' E. Marshall r I s �ha11r e novetl an old and familiar lancl mark, in the shape of all old log hoarse. The house was built in the year 18818 by a former owner of the farm, the late Wm. Jennison, who was accidentally killed a number of years aLgo.-I3. Horn tvllo has been the guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. n hashis O'Brien, returned to borne at Pigen, Mich. -s• -Mr mid_ Mrs. W. Jennis- on were visiting friends at Drysdale, Saturday. -?Jr. B. O'Brien delivered a fine horse to Mr. J. 1 -Lorton, of Hib- bert Township, on Thursday of last week. -Miss Axte, of. Zurich, who has. been the guest of Sliss L. Hendricks during the :last week, has retur•necl hi a tree. -M r. tt D. Eicher andi '' s sterrwere visiting at Mr. R. O'Brien's on Sunday. --Professor Harry Wilson, magician and ventriloquist, held an entertain - anent in the hall here on Monday and Tuesday evenings of this week. The Professor is worth hearing. -Three of Mr. B. Charette's children are at time Of writing very ill and render the doctor's care. We wish thein a speedy recovery --Orli local fishermen are having some good hauls of fish lately which is trench appreciated as tltPrc, Y have, not hewn n�rany4aut,ht clueing the. past win ter. -Mr. James Overholt hard the misfortune to lose a valuable horse. on Saturday last. a A Thousand Tongues, Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer of Philadelphia, Pa., when .Dr: Kings Nese Discovery cured her of'a hacking cough that for many years had macre life a burden. She says "After all "others remedies uncloctolsfalled iLs soon t( moved the pain in the chest and .f. can now sleep soundly, Something i can scarcely re- member doing before.` I feel like sound- ing its praises thronghout the Uni- verse." Dr. King's New Discovery is gnat aanteed to cures all troubles of the Throat, Chest or L'itrgs, Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at all drug stores. Sodom Bees are all the go around here. To not or n t to bee, thats the question. nestion. i. r -b1r. Will Smith passed Sunday with his parents here. Will speaks well of his place and thinks he will get along all right. -There has been a very heavy 101 on both 001 banks this spring, but by present indications we think they will be able to liquidate.-- The iquidate.-The saw mill started cutting on Mon- day. They have a great number o1 logs on hand. This will give employ - relent to quite a number of men. -Mr. George Smith is hired in the mill for season. -Mr. S. St tnlake, Si., LIS started a svoodyard and is prepared to deliver wood to all parts„ of the town on short notice and free of charge. --- One' of Mr. A.Dear•ing's yearling calves received a kick from one of the horses, the other day, conipletely blinding one eye. Jielasall 11;Iiilrneiy openings are the order of the clay, -The Zurich orchestra gave excellent music in Mr. G. T. Arnold's millinery- rooms Saturday evening.- Miss Maud Murray, of Oroderich, is the guest of her cousin,' Miss Jessie Elder. -Miss Lovica Westcott, of Seaforth, visited. Miss E. Stoneman, last week. - Miss Sheperd is visiting in Chiselhurst. -Revs. Jewett and Nethercott; of Staffer, • exchanged pulpits Sunday.- Mr. Richard Nicholls, of London, was visiting relatives here last and part of this week. -Mr. T. Kelly has engaged with McDonnell Bros. -Miss Kat eBon- thrcn has been visiting Hen sail friends the past Harry Chesney, of Seaforth, spent a, few days here visiting his uncle last week.-- Messrs. H. Rundl;:• and H. Cook have exchang- ed residences. --Miss Rachel Pascoe is visiting her sister in St. Thomas. -Mr. Gordan Manns is in Toronto ,accompan- ied by his mother -Miss Francis Rey- nolds was home from London attend- ing, the wedding of her sister, Mabel, last week. Eden The officers of the Epworth. League for the coining year are as. follows: - Hon. Pre:, Rev. Salton; Pres., Edgar Buswell; lst Vice -Pres., David Elston; 2nd Vice -Pres., Blanch Rook; 3rd Vice - Pres., Ida Cave; Sec'y, Clara Luxton; Organist'Retta Essery.-Don't forget the =Lecture to -morrow night (Good Friday) qn " To and fro in England". by the Rev. Jas. Husser, of Crediton. Admission 15cts. Good music. -Next Sunday,; Rev. C. W. Brown, of Exeter will pre�,ch'the ::Epworth League ser- mon at;'i 10 p, in Proceeds in aid of Epworth i'4eague.-Mr. Thed Jones, of Devon,'and Mr. Samuel Cornish are busy cutting wood at Mr. Quinton's swamp. -Mr. and Mrs. Harris, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. John Essery, the past three months, returned to London on Monday. -Mr. and Mrs. James Neil, of Centralia, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rook on Sunday. -The choir is busy practicing pieces for Friday evening. A number of the -ladies attended the millinery, openings at Exeter on Sat- urday. Greenway (To late for laet week) Mrs. Thos. Bropbey and her children Rose and Howard of Aurora, • Ill., are visiting the former's f.ither and other friends in this vicinity. -S. Harlton, R. R. Wilson, H. Shank, J. Brown and several others sold soiree of their valuable horses last week. -Miss May Wilson arrived home from Thanies- vi11e where:shehas spent the past five mentos studying music. -Mr. Jas. M. Wilson who has been visiting friends in East Jordan and other places in Michigan during the past two, weeks, returned home last week. He. has no love for the state of Michigan, and could not be induced to Move there to make his home. There is no place like this Canada of onrs for him. -A bus load of young people from P ark - hill visited Alice Wilson last Friday evening and spent a pleasant tithe to- gether. -The patriotic display of flags by W . J. Wilson & Co. has been at - tracking cois.uerabla ttentionfortlle paint two weeks. They have a large stock of flags and are Selling thein by the dozen' aricl1.00. They have also a new lot of Easter cards for 15e, a dozen. They :ar•e;selling timothy,- clover -Hud garden seeds at close prices. J ' Winchelsea The School report of S. S. No. 6, US - borne, for March is as follows. -V: Linda Hunter, Dora Delbr•idge. Sr. IV. -Toric Miners, Eddie Johns, May Hawkins. Jr. IV. -Bertha Francis, Mabel Sawyer, Fred White. Sr. itt. -Garnet Minors May Delbrid e, Cecil ill Flosie aarnn. Jr: II:L--Ella "F3eryll , Francis, Nelson,Coaltis. Promoted to ° :ins jr.h1,I-Willie Veal, Wilson Hawkins, Lesle \Vorden. Pro;i :otecl to Sr. IL - Victor Sawyer, Beatrice Wilcox, Clar- ranee Fletcher, George Coward, New- ton Clarke. Promoted to Jr. 11. - Willie Elford Aciclie Johns, Clarence Miners, Hattie Hunter, :Promoted to Sr. Pt. II. -,Everett:Skinner, Welling- ton Skinner, Gordon Waddell. N. 13. Parents having children who are about to attenchschool for the first time are requested to start thempromptly 01 the opening after Easter holidays, Monday 23rd. P. GATIDINER L a E. H.rr,S Teachers. Astounded The Editor, Editor s. A. Brown of :Bennettsville; S. C., was once immensely surprised. "Through longsuffering from dyspep- sia," b writes, „ .....at stn, he avrites, my wife wags greatly run clown. She had no strength or vigor and suffered great distress from her stomach, brit she tried Electric Sitters which helped her at once, :aid, after using four bottles, she wa,S en- tirely well, can eat anything, .It's a grand tonic, and •r.ts gentle la Native qualities are splendid for torpid liver.” for indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach and Liver troubles its a posi- tive guaranteed cure. Only 50c. at all drug stores, Farquhar D. HAY, Farquhar, Commissioner and Conveyancer, Money vto loan at towest rates of interest. Miss Agness Ann 'lily, who is at- tending the St. Marys Collegiate In- stitute, is home spending her Easter holidays: --Mr. 'Thos Bell' who dispos- ed of his him stock and implements a short time'with the intention of going out to the North West, has since changed his mind and intends to re- main with ns a while longer.. -Mr. J. E. Blenshard, who was residing clown near Sunshine during the winter, hes i•c:mowectirp hear here to \h \Vin. :Iltackney'shouse, which had been of capaed till recently by lir. D. Gould- ing. -]hiss Jennie Stevenson, of Lis- towel, is visiting at her sister's itis. Joseph Vance and Mrs. "Wim. Ward this week. -Mr. George Beavers, mer- chant, went down to St. Marys on Wednesday on business.--iessrs. Jas and George Stewarts' sales, held on Saturday last, realized excellent prices for their stock and imple- ments, some grade milk cows bring- ing as high a•s $51. The auctionee rs were Mr. Harry grown and Thos. Cameron. Each did the very best he could but Mr. Brown has decidedly the advantage in voice. (Too late ;for last week .) As there has been considerable dis- satisfaction felt a•nd expressed on ac- count of the deplorable, unhealthy condition of our school by those of our 'rate payers who .knave more regard for the health and comfort of the children and the teacher than for the almighty dollar. A meeting of the ratepayers was held in our school house last Fri- day evening for considering what would be the best to do in connection' with the seating,ventilat en, enlarge- ment, etc. It was ascertained that the attendance had considerably dim- inished arnd that the prospects were that it would still decrease so it was decided to leave things as they are un - till the end of the year when the par- tition would he removed and only one teacher employed. -Miss Mary Currie, daughter of Mi Hugh Carrie from near Cromarty, was the guest of her aunt, Mr's. Barbara Gardiner here last week. -Mr. George Stewart, of the boundary, whose farm we announced last week as for sale,btas since disposed of it to Mr. James Ballentyne for the handsome figure of $7000. This is con- sidered a high price, but it is a, first- class farm with the very hest buildings and in the bighest state of improve- ments. Mr. James Ballentyne, Jr., in- tends moving on to it shortly and Mr. Ste\vartrernoyes to Seaforth. Sliephen Council The Council of the Township of Stephen, convened at the Town Hall, Crediton; on Monday, April 2nd, at 1, P. M. All members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approv- ed. Hick--V%illert, that' the. Assess- or's Roll for 1900 be accepted and that Mr. Guinan be paid, viz; $80.00. -Car- ried. Sweitzer-Willert, that By - Law No. 8, of 1900,authorizing the. Reeve and Treasurer to borrow money to meet current expenditure, being read the third time. be passed. --Car- ried. Hicks -Yearly, that the court of Revision of the Township of Stephen for 1900 Assessment Roll be held:in the Town Hall, Crediton, .on Saturday,. May 26th next, at 1' p. m. -Carried,. Resolved that the petitions of the rate -payers in the vicinity of Corbett and Greenway, requesting that an arbitrator be appointed for the pur- pose of forming a union school sec- tion, he referred back to the petition- ers, requesting them- to state what lands they desire the new section to be composed of and whatschool sec- tions would be ' affected by the new school. The following Path -.Masters were appointed; -D. Snaith, R. Hand- ford, Samuel McCoy, Frank Snell, Henry Rowe, T. M. Kay,James Mitch- ell, Newton Baker, S. J. Hoglrth. 'Win Bagshaw, Win. Penhale, W. H. Dearing, Thos. Wilson, James Boyce, Jeremiah Heaanan, George Montle, Ezra, Haist, Abraham Dearing, John . Robert Stanlake,J. Latx1 fart Ii,ol .r t 1 , Sweet, G. K. liienzle, J. K. Morlock, J. G. Wein, Thos Members, Thos. Lawson, Geo. •r inkbeiner, Jacob Schwartz, John Br.okenshire, John Rowe, Pat Kilgallen, Lyman Glanville, Richard Glanville, Simon Hartman, Jonah Kestle, Patrick Hall, James Doyle, Patrick Sullivan, \tern. \ itzel, L. Dietrich, Christ. Stacie, Angus McGor- mielh, Win. Baurngar•clen, Robert Keys, John Schroeder, Jacob Link, John Hullohan, Fred Gaiser, Christ. Fin kbeiner, Abe. W,:rrnerJohn Rhode, Richard Hodgins, Fred 'Heitzman,. Isaac Bastard, Thos, Webb, Isaac Tetreau, J. Carruthers, Charles Stone, John Allister, Geo. Webb, F. D. Tet - ream, Peter Disgar•dine, Henry Hamil- ton, Stephen Webb, Philip Baker, Aug, Hayter; Jr., }leery Brinker, :Henry Bertram, Andrew Disgardine, L. Reilly, P. Glavin, James McKeever, Jr. James McCarty, Jas Bowland, Jas. Hays, R. O'Rorke, Pat. Pyan, Theo. Whiteside, C. H, Wilson, Fred Green, Silas Stanlake Sr., Silas Stanlake, Jr.., Fred Penhale, Jas Atkinson, Henry Kraft, Iy.Schroeder, Peter Schroeder, Jas. Merrit, Conrad ;Wolper. Fence Viewers. -Thos. Shapton, Newton Baker, ,Terries Ford, Richard Glanville, Henry Doyly, Chas. Holt,Ware,Oliver, Robert McLinchy, Peter Farrell. Pound Keepers -.W. Moffatt, P. Shap - ton, Robert McFalls, C. Finkbeiner, l ler: Jos. 7I1 ol.<.y , Lords �' a 1 , has Holt Pat, Hall, Jos. Edwards,Edwards,.l. J. Amy, C , Pre iter, _ Silas Joseph Brenner, 1 rl'.d., P tv T. Stanlake and G. Masser. The fol- lowing orders were passed: -Advocate Printing Office, printing, $31.50; John Klumpp, tile, $1.10; Joseph _Guinan, assessor, $80,00; Mr. Pcnhale, re-wnrtz diptheria, x;1.00; P. Gooding, gravel contract, S.B., $7,.17; Chester Prouty, gtile . 30 0(l; ; John Kerr, eir. t lc: firer. tp., 31.01; Frank Suns, box culvert, $2,00; Charles Brown, rebate on taxes, $7.00. Connell adjourned to 'feet on .lYtay 7th, next at 1 pan. 1 I IINlt k Err ilr�za, Tp. Clerk, Shargn. 'Farmers in this vicinity are anxious ly looking k o��a spring :showers, rri for warm, n s ers. seeding 1i ill be 1 Ery fat , gand grass will not be fit to pasture cattle tilt' well into i\Iay.:--Mr. Jacob Schwartz: is busily engaged clrinsing. lumber. for his nesv building.-: Snow still hangs iii, sonic of. the concession roa,cls.-In spe d0 ° Tern paid ui visit to our school, on Friday morning and strongly urg , eel upon the tivstee.s the necessity 101- new desks and seats in the school as Sharon, is the only sehooihouse it? Stephen boasting of the o1d. seats.. The trustees visite d S.S. No 3, Stephen in 1110 11ternociu with the teacher and Mr. Tom, and later examined the seating of the: Exeter Pablie school, with e1. 1iew l;0 getting the, best sup- plies to bo hacl. Only, one S. Section in Usburrre has still the old straight back, straight seat forms of discomfort, like ours, It's time for a change. --Mr. and Mrs. Hooper, othhiva, visited atShar-- cul on Sunday and Tuesday. -A num- ber who attended the sale at Mr. Pen- hale's on Tuesday afternoon were sur -- prised to find some of the best stock sold ere a sufficient number had gath- ered' te aathered'to make a decent bid. The auc- tioneer was agood. man to buy from indeed. SURPRISE PARTY. -Two large band. mm agons from Exeter conveyed a happy peaty= to the residence of Mr. John Rowe on \Ionda.y evening where their- desire heirdesire to have a "good time" was more than satisfied. Music, games, pleas-' ant conversation, and songs, were the 'Ulu•.>, fi7 cs of the cl eelsin ;,. Adel to these tasty luncheon provided by the ladies of the party, a.ncl the merriment and enjoyment was complete. - The company broke up "early'i reaching home in the " wee sura' hours. 'Zurich (Tc late:' for last week.) Spring has made its appearance but, the warier south' winds are not the prevailing cines., -Messrs. Damart and Rickbill will have their:delivery Thurs day; a good tinge is expected. -The- Millinery season: has opened again and • some of our windows are ;lined with Most beautiful hats. -A number from town attended' the wedding .ala Mr.' Bechler, when his daughter Annie was,. united. in marriage to Mr. Gerigerich of the Bronson line Tuesday. The happy couple were the recipients of many beautiful and useful presents.:. -Mr. Canning, merchant, of Kippen called on Mr. William Hess Tuesday on business. -Mr. Ortwein, merchant,. of Seaforth, called on :friends Tues clay Mr. Torrance is..(featinghis friends to a number of socials. -Dr. Pallister, of Bayfield, Called on Campbell Monday night. -Miss G. A. Dempsey is in charge of Merner Bros. millinery department again this sea- son. -Mr. Sam.` Faust visited -`friends in Dashwood Sunday. SCHOoi. RnPOET-The following is a correct report of the public 'school here. Names are in order of merit. Jr. III. -Peter T.eiehert, A. Bossen- bery, F. Demuth. Edwin Koehler, A. Kolhler, Chas Eiiber, Herbert Bloch, Herbert Axt, A. Heideman. Sr. _II- Rosa McNevin, Helnia Sipple, Roxie Eilber;. Ed H'aherer, Ida Prang, Frank Uttley.. Jr. II. Fred Hess, "Mebel• Finkbiner, 0. Weseloh, G.: Hartleib. Sr. Pt. II. -Eva "Prating, Ireene`' Lipp-' hardt, M. Fuss, Percy Bossenbery, Herbert Uttley, Mary Uttley. -Jr. Pt. II.-Acla Koehler, .0. ' \teseloh, Howalcl, A. Wurnr, E., Smith, J. Goll- man, M. Smith, A. Their. Sr..Pt. ',- Elmore Weido, A. Brenner, N. Schnell, Milton Weber, Ema.unal Volland. Pt. I. -Celia lless, T. \Y eseloh. A. Ben der i\'Iinnie. Price, Gideon .Kolhler, rl. 'Hilderbr•, nd. No. I, -W. 13)111mel, 0, Finkbiner, C. l3assenberry. B. E. Gl r.0 ui, Teacher. ENAM1yiTioNs.-The,foliowiing _ are, the narues of the successful pupils of. Zurich Public School at the e aniina-- tionshelclMaa•ch 29, 80, aecording to ruerit.-From Sr. III. to Jr. 1V:=Hilda Koehems, Edith Torrance, Earl Ilan-" dy, Elrnore Thiel, Herbert Howald, Herbert Smith; Henry Heiclemann, Abram Bender, From Sr. II. to Jr.. IIT. -Elba Webber, Idella 1! islier,I:izzie T'ruemner, Laura Boysenberry `Lottie Hilderbranla, 3'headoro Scllrade a. Prorn Jr. II. to Sr. Il. -Warren. ,Lev - i good, Lily Faust, Freda'laborer, ic.,: Lydia Braun, Eva Z3ra,rnn, '11laurrO Weber. Prom Sr. Pt. I1. to Jr. :LI. Ella Wes cion, Ale g alLzalu a•: J roles,- Leolmarcl \Nunn. Froin Jr. Pt. II. to Sr. Pb. II. -Arun Fishery Hamour Well, Clara Bloch, Corina l Holtznan, Charles Bossenberryl -. From Sr. Pt. I to Jr. Part it. -Pearl John sten Alma .Brenner VictorR eichert Mary Thiel. Prom Jr. Pt. to Sr. Pt.' I. -Henry Fuss, Harold Appel, Lorne • Weber, Alex Foster, Melinda Randell, Henry •Price. From No II to Jr: Pt. i..-Ellinora I:Iartileib, .G or ma Gott-' schalk, Edgar Torrance, Willie Ben- der. From No. I. to No. IL-Gertie Magell, George lI3ess, Leonard Hayst. Peter B,anclell Abrim SVurrn. JOHN TOUR\ OE, T caches. MARRIAGES. Roc+Fims-Cr irS'.CIr'- On Wednesday, Y, April 4th, 1900, by the Rev. D. H. Goodwillie,Robertll,anclolph Rogers, only son of T. L. Rogers, ., bank- er, 9 er Parkhill, to Annie Mande Chris , , .ire,. only daughter of Edward Christie, Esq., Postmaster of Exeter; Ont. FISriLR-Ktsri:r--At the residence of the brides' fattther, on April 11,• April by the Rev. C. AV. Brown, .Teff. Fisher, of 17sborne. to Miss 1\Icttie Nestle daughter of Mr, Chas. Kestle. t. CASTOR IA n For Infants and Children. , Tho fao• �tmlle algaalult er it