Exeter Advocate, 1900-3-29, Page 8It tSnSSidieriS l'41.1LINSS 14111gS St, MSS, deurneetes A.nlanlerline AT ANY TIME cer,s Centralle. /4 'eel, d/e.'leakia 74(&, STRATF0131.)b ONT, A school that offers iidvant^ges not found elsewhere in Canada. Large staff of expert instructions' increased attendance; up -t�. date business training; scores or students I placed in good paying positions; students in a ttandanee from places in which are loeat' ed. 0,ter business collages. „Ches.' want tho test. It pays in the end NeW term now open. Enter as soon as possible. Write to- day for our handseme prospeotus. W. S. Elliott, Principal ecookmovevevantiveireing. LOCAL DOINGS. :sae ditlifeeereeeedaelatiftWeeeletteaseaLeaaega Good Friday, April Le. The Presbytera of 'Huron will meet again on the ecicond Tuesday in May ext. • , Miss Ceea Manning entertained a umber of leee yoangledends on Mon- day eye/three A statement comes from Pretoria ad- mittiag that the Boer losses during -theater exceed 7,000. Mr. Geoeis1\1Attee, of Strathroy, is here Maringiiig *for the erection of rearottege athfarand Bend Park. Mr. SeliinWoral shipped a carload of batehererittle ' to Toroneo Thursday and tenother load of export to Toronto this week. Chas, "'rout, who has been working aS tt'tWk l'Ulnd on this section of the G.T.11, has giyea, up the job and rented the feign of Mr. E. Cook, at Winchel- sea and is moving thereon this week. The vacancy on the tracie Will be tilled by W. T. fledc en, who starts work April ist, The grand jury Thursday at the Middlesex assizes returned no bill eartist, Minnie kome, the. S3 tam WO - /1111D WhO was charged with nnirdering her infant child in .13id,dulph in March 1899. The prisoner was brought before the court and discharged. Her know- ledge of English was so limited that she did not understand what the ac- tion of the jury ment to her until she was informed by a relative. It is announced that Mr. R. H. Verity General Manager of the -Verity Plough Works of Brantford, a former reeident of Exeter, has been appointed General Superintendent of the Massy -Harris Company's works at Toronto, in place of Mr Johnston, resigned. Mr Verity will retain his interests in the Verity works, Brantford, but his removal to Toronto evil' be rendered necessery by the new arrangement, which will take place elmostiminediately. Mr. W. Verity becomes General manager of the plough weeks, Brantford. None but the initiated know the ac curacy required in the printing office. The averege reader who detects a mis- spelled word or a letter epside down feels that his nnssion on earth will not he fully accomplished till he has called the attention of the overworked editor to the glaring defect. He does not no- tice the thousand and tens of thousands of letters in the right place, nor the multitude of worcls correctly spelled, but his eagle eye (?) is glued to the one that is out of place. So it is with our deeds. Man does a thousand., good deeds and no attention is paid to them hut he makes one mistake and that is flashed all over the world. A life may be spent in building up a reputation that may be wrecked in a moment. The world is a harsh critic, exacting to facts, and if the Father of All does not temper justice with mercy, we all may' fail of Heaven. Death of Airs. Geo. imp:bawl. .0 Pt • • The unexpected and sudden death of Jane Garlick, beloved wife of Mr. George A Hyndman, occurred at the family residence, Albert street, on Sunday morning last between 10 and 11 o'clock, which shocking piece of news effected a sadness and east a gloom throughout the town. Al- though Mrs. Hyndenan has been sub- ject to heart trouble for some time no one had the faintestidea that the end was so near. She was around as usual on Saturday, but feeling unwell was obliged to take her bed about four o'clock in the afternoon from which she never arose, gradually sinking un- til death claimed her. Neuralgia of the heart was the immediate cause of her sudden taking off. The deceased was kind-hearted and true as she was in- telligent and though singularly re- served was highly respected by all who knew her. She was a consistent rind esteemed member of the Trivitt Memorial churcla; from the auxiliary circles of which she will be greatly missed. She leaves tomourn her de- mise a sorrowing, husband ani two daughters, to whom no written words can convey to them the condolence ex- tended in their behalf, nor will words afford them any measure of relief from the severe shock and profound affliction in which they have been so suddenly plunged. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. A short service was held- at the residence after which the cortege proceeded to the Exeter cemetery where the remains were laid in their last resting plaae. deKeTerle"'sMNeanaiessaMaytaWeeehe''''iMeaeefa PERSONAL. The amount paid by Wm. Doherty & Company, of Clinton, last year for wages, to men employed in Clinton was $50,250. ThoseHatter, who for eeme tirne,has been of tinsel-1nd mind and confined to the London jail, was last week remov- ed to the London asylum. Dr. Moore, of Manitou, Man., was re- cently married to a lady of that town. The Doctor was a former resident of Exeter and. was widely known. Coatmaker wanted—to work by the week—with two or three years exper- ience. State wages. R. A. Lease, Harrow, Ont. Mr. A. Ford, Huron street, held a wood bee on Tuesday afternoon, when a number ot the stalwarts left an ex- cellent pile of wood ready for the stove to their credit. ,_ As a household remedy- for coughs colds and Bronchitis troubles, Winan's Cough B4154111 cannot be surpassed. Sold by (1 Lbta. Venerable Archdeacon Davis, M.A. of London, preached in the Tvivitt Memorial church on Thaescla,y even in g last. The Rev. gentleman labered un- der a very severe cold but notwith- standing his discourse,which was prac- tical and eloqaen t,was listened to With rapt attentiore At:quint Sheere, an employe at the Times office, met with a painful acci7 dent on Monday. He was in the act ot lifting a form frozen -the press which was in motion and before getting- it oat his hand became caught, sinasideg one of his fingersbadly and injuring another. He will be laid off duty for several days. As a spring medicine'use Native Herb tea to rectify the liver and puri- fy the bloOd. Only 25 cts. a box, For sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store. The High Court of Justice decided a case of interest -to farmers last week. The decision settles this point, that a fire policy -holder cannot collect ins ar- ance on property which was occupied when insured but unoccupied where burned. The moral is to notify the company if you intend to vacate an in- sured preperty. Messrs. Bawden and McDonald this week disposed of another of their en- tire horses "Branstane Boy" sired by "Prince Alexander," to Mr. 'James Sniffle, of Alivinston. This splendid horse was imported from Scotland by Messrs Bawden, and McDonell last November abd is one of the best that ever left Scotland. The Metropolitan Hotel will change hands OD May the ist., Mr. Cautelon bating sold out to Mr. W. Anderson, of St. Peal, Miten., who comes well re- commended. Mr. Cantelon's removal from Exeter is regretted by all who have known him, as during his short stay here he and his . esteetned family became very popular. Turkish Scalp Food removes dan- druff, itching of the scalp, restores the natural color aud vitality of faded or grey hair, and is a most pleasant dress- ing for the hair. Turkish Scalp Food is vapidly growing in public favor and takes the -lead of all other preparations ever on the market. For sale a•t Lutz's Drug Store, Exeter. Only 500. a bottle. Just opened at Stewart's Big Cesh . Store a meet complete range of new wall papers. Values are correct for the buyer. See the new shadings, You'll like them. Mrs. Chas. Kestle, Huron street, who some time ago was afflicted with par- alysis, suffered another stroke on Sat- urday last and it, is feared the result will prove serious. Mr. Chas. Tom, who for many years conducted a shoe store here and who has been conch:clang a similar business in Ayr, has Sold out his business in that place and will remove to London. Mount Carmel and McGillivray con- gregn dons have presented their pastor Rev. Father Tiernan, with a horse and baggy. The reverend gentleman's work is apparently highly appreciated in his new field. Mrs. James Oke, Huron street, sus- tained a very painful injary to her arrn on Saturday last by falling on the ley eidetvails in front of her tesiclence. It will be some days before she will have use of the injured member, Rev. E. W. Crawford, of London, who is soon to go to assist Rev. T. B. R. Westgate in the Paraguayan Chaco, will preach in the Trivia Memorial church on Thursday evening, April 51h. Sertficee at 8 o'clock. All invit- A meeting of the Teachers of Dis- trict, No. 1, West Huron, will be held in the Exeter Pnblic School, on Satur- drry, April 7th, ret 1.30 rein, The fol- lowing is the progrem:—MuItiplication and division of fractions, Mr, P. Gow- ens. Tercel Turstitates, Me-, Anderson; lath'iceof tale bertring,Mr. P. Gardiner; Relation of Public School course to languege and gra furrier, Atte eafeeteee0Mi51.leMenete ette Fred Moore visited London Monday. Mr. G. A. K. McLeod visited in Sea - forth last week. Mr. Levi Walper, of Loudon, is visit- ing friends in and around Exeter. Rev. 3. W. Ten Eyck spent a few days in London this week. -Mrs. Lyne, of London, is visiting re- latives and friends in town. Mr. R. N. Creech and L. Long left Monday morning for Toronto. Mr. Rich. ER -worthy, Huron street, still continues very ill and. is not ex- pected to recover. Miss Ilavrison, of Forest, arrived in town Wednesday evening and is the guest of Miss Lewis. Me. C. Currelley, after an absence of several yeats,4s again in charge of Mr. 3. W. Broderick's store. Mrs. Mateer and son, Zinc, left Mon- day evening for Glencoe, where they will make their future home. Sir. J. Innis, of the Sutherland Innis Co., Chathani, was in town this week inspecting the Company's works here. Miss Mortlock and Mrs. 13obier are in London this week attending a meet- ing of the 1Vorcians' Missionary .So- ciety. • Mr. Herb. Elliot, after spending the winter at his home here, returned to Yorkton', AsSa. East, on Monday morning. Shiplsa: Mr. H. Wing has rented hie farm on the 16th con. to Mr. D. MeIssac for one year. Wingham: Jno. Clubb had the fore- finger of his left hand smashecl while handling a log in the chair factory on Tuesday. He will lose the finger. Varna: On Saturday afternoon while Mrs. R. Dennison Was in her room she fainted and falling against the bedstead, she badly fractured three of her ribs. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs Dennison as she is not in very good health at any time. Clinton: A quiet wedding was celebrated at the Baptist parsOnage, on Thursday last, 15th inst., by Rev T. J. Murduck. The interested parties were Alexander McGregor, of Gocler- all, and Mrs. Elizabeth Kinsman, of town. The newly wed will reside in Olin ton. Clinton: W. Doherty & Co., have been getting in some large logs this 'Win ter, bU they received the largest of the season last tveek. It crone from the farm of J. Avery, on the London road, and was hauled by Reynolds, of Ifulleet and G. Mayers, of Goderich tow 0$111p, At measured 1,480 feet and took two daYg to get it from the bush field. 34 Geeneeteent, See y, t othe, yen:I , Gtereton: Rev. T. le fia :Aeon bas The way a,emeiare scatter' a bah) • e ,• es, accepted (s1114ent to the etatiOrrillg clothes, the etrondee is that,' .she OVOP 00HHITittee),l,;46. Ithas thQu)., Agont., by the Official Borted oe tire ilitriprese. • 4•Yeelle Methoctier el: ecu, Loader) at their lest ineetine. • , alensain The many friends of Mr. A. Buchanan, senior, who has lived ee- titled in our village for a number of years, and who was the oldest man in Hensall, will regret to learn of his death, which occurred. on 'Wednesday morning. Mr. Bachiman had attained the ripe age of 89 years. The funeral took place from his lato residence on Saturday to the Rodgerville cemetery. Constance: One of those haPpy events, which always cause a ripple of excitement, took pldee OD IVeduesday at the residence of Mrs. McCully, when her eldest daughter, Miss Mery was united in marriage, to Mr. John McGregor.,Rev. Me. Coupland offi- ciated in te presence of a number of invited guests. Mr, and Mrs. McGre- gor are going to reside near Wood- stock, where Mr. McGregor takes chrtege of a butter factory. Clinton: A. (pleb, interesbing mat- rimonial event took place at the par- sonage 0f Ra teem b ary s ere et Meth odi s charch on Wednesday morning, it be- ing. the nuptials, celebrated by the father of the bride, Rev. W. G. How- son, in the mauriage of his eldest daughter, Florence N., to Rev. 3. 11, Hoover, of Michigan, 17. S. A. It was 'strictly a family affaos the only strang- ers being Miss Alien of Alliston, and Mr. W. C. Myers, oitown, ' Cromarty: Mr, Donald McKellar, of Tuekersrnith, who sold his 150 acre farm last year to Mr. John Hay, of North Easthope, has parehased Mr. Donald McKellar's 50 -acre farm over here for 82,800 and has been removing his household ‘goods and implements the last few days.—Mr. John Burleigh tvho had been yisitiug friends and ac- quaintances for several weeks in this vicinity, left for his home in Dakota on Wednesday. He was adopted and brought up by Mr. Donald Park, sen- ior, with whom he lived 'until grown up. He looks well and is doing well. Wingham• There (lied at her home on Friday evening, Sarah,beloved wile of John A. McLean. The deceased W/LS 36 years, 1 month and 18 days of age and had only been ill for a little over a week withpneunioaire ,and the news of her death was received with much sadness by the people of this town. Deceased was a daughter of 'Wesley Grey, of town and her mother had died very suddenlronly a few months ago. Mrs.. McLean was a woman high- ly esteemed by a large eivele of friends and her death will be a severe blow to Mr. McLean and the nine small child- ren who are left to 111011T'D the loss of a kind parent and loving, wife. Seafmth: Much surprise and regret was felt by our eitizees on Tuesday morning on it becoming known that Mrs. William Carnochan, of John street, had passed away,. She had been ill only about a week. Mrs. Car- nochan was 60 years of age. Her maiden name was Annie McDougall. She had residedin Seaforth and vicin- ity since au early age. She was a. quien'kindly woman; and was much beloved by all who knew her. She leaves a husband and family of two sons and one daughter, i-ae lattee now being in Toronto. The remains were interred in the Maitlandbasek cemetery on Thursday. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved husband and family. Staffa: The residence of Mr. James Barbour was the scene of a very pret- ty event on Wednesday, when his sec- ond daughter, Miss Janette, was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. Willian Warden. To the delightful strains of the wed- ding march,played by Mrs. A. Patricle, the bridal party assembled. in the par- lor, where the ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. W. J. Doherty: B. A. After this the guests, to the number of 70, sat down to a most sumptuous repast. Miss J. Colquatoun acted -as bridesmaid,*while the groom was sup- ported by Mr. D. Miller. A large 1111111- ber of handsome and costly presents testified to the high esteem in which the happy couple are held. Stray Shots. Even some hankers use bad graannsar. 'Some men begin their ineal teithpie. A crea.sed pair of trousers may need patching, :One is always meeting potpie he doesn't want. We observe the t railroa,d men always hale good appetites. One is always surprised to see preacher carry matches. , Most men coley matches, shows who builds the fires. wbich Every man thinks the twee], t up ,just after he he has sold. goes It is not tbe ma,n with the biggest atm who gets the most game. • When a girl gets to wearing a boy's hat, she needs looking after, When a man sells his home every- body wonders if it is irrortgagecl. It takes some nerve to select one of two barbers' when both ate idle., Every loa,rher has some customers who think nobody else can shave them. ' In a good Many dratverFi you car-L.11nd preacher's salary envclopeS 1111 usecl. The fellow who goes to the train ear Hest does net always get away first. Some ,people miarrel so much that after a while they think they enjoy it. , Don't give up a bill fm lost. • The fellow may get married aiicl make it good.- , Reep aeveman hes be nee for nein ettliO site tterciiihd th.0 house in the after - 11000. " • •• • The elock rilways• seems to strike at the most create:1i time, wlien 'Yee' are • pettiog tee baby .be 4..boet as qi-teer buSiness as we can think of is fOr 0 num to borrow water from his neighbor who bas a nietee. When a boy says his girl is too good for Lieu and et, the same time seys that he doesn't care nitre') for her, we knelt' he is mistaken, A nom putting mains clothes in the dark always get everything on back- w:.irds. There aro eight 11101,0 Cases 0/1 the docket. Mrs. Margaret INTelarerlene is dead at Stonewall. aged 102 years. . Alv, T. L. Buller's sawmill at Ridge - town .was desleoyed by fire Thursday morn mg. ling cholera exists among the herds 01 Treherne, Men. One farmer has lost ovev 80 pigs. Ceonns, Conales AND Comes are all quickly cured by Pyny-Pectoral. It lessens the cough almost instantly, and enres readily the most obstinate cold. !Manufactured by- the proprie- tors of Perry Davis Pain -Killer. One hundred and sixty-four cases of weasels were reported to the Medical Health Officer of Hamilton last week. Peter Gibson fell from a -load of hay at Holnifield and was drowned, while riovsesii:.n g a bridge over the Pembina newt ALL OVER CANADA come let- ters telling us of the great benefits de- rived from the use of The D. & L. Menthol Plasters in cases of neuralgia rheumatism, lame back, etc. Davis & Lawrence GO., Ltd., manufacturers. A girl named McLean, while walking on the ice at Point Aconi, near Sydney C.B., caught her foot in the ice, broke her leg' and shortly afterwards bled to death. An unknown young man in an -un- couscions state was left at the Brock- ville Hospital by a stranger, and died after ten days without speaking. A Coroner will investigate. TIM D. & L. EMULSION OF COD LIVER Ous may be taken with. 'nest neneficial results by those who are rub dowel or suffering from after effects of la grippe. Made by Davis & Lawrence 'Co., Ltd. It was shown that the death of two old men, Bowen and Robbit, in the aged peoples Home at London, 001., W0S due to whiskey that ,Bowen pur- chased on the night of the fatality. A Peresemere is not always at hand. aurd yourself against sudden coughs and colds by keeping a• bottle of Pam - Killer in the house. Avoid substitu- tes, there is but one Pain -Killer, Perry 25c. and 50c. Private Stephen Tobin committed suicide Thursday at Stanley Baeracks, Toronto, by shooting. He held the muzzle of the carbine near his mouth and literally blew his head off. Andrew Hartford, a Lemington lat- her, scratched his tongue on a shingle nail, and it is feared that be will die Of blood poisoning. The tongue has become more than three times its natural size, and Hartford is in great agony. He can not speak a word. The accident hap pened on Saturday while Hartford was at work. Like all lathers he placed the nails in his mouth.. A fatal runaway accident occurred at 10 o'clock Monday morning on cu. 8, Lonclop township. The victim was Mrs, Charles Edy, a widow 70 years of age, who lived near Wesley Church, on con. 16. Mrs. Edy and her daugh- ter, Miss Victoria, were driving to Thorndale to visit Mrs. McKenzie, and after they had gone some -distance along the eighth concession the iron on the whiffietree broke, causing the horses to strut suddenly and run away. Miss Edy was thrown forward, over the dashboard, while Mrs. Edy was hurled onto the side of the road, strik, ing, on her head and receiving injuries which instantly proved fatal. Miss F4dresceped with slight injuries. The deceasechwas one of the eldest resi- dents of the township and. was very highly respected. In The Jaws of A Lion. The gallant Major Swaine tells of being knocked senseless by a lioa that lacerated his ktr01. His thrilling es- cape from the jaws of death is only equalled by Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, which has saved thousands from. desperate Throat and Luua troubles. "All doctors said my wife would soon die of Consumption," writes L. C. Overstreet, of Elgin, Terre.'but Your wonderful medicine enmpletely cured her, and sieved her life." Satisfaction is guaranteed, by alIclroggists who give trial bottles free. Large bottles 50e. and 81.00. HORSEMEN U -0041P1 ThADE " CAUSTIC BALSAM • EnanaA v&T1NArae. A. reliable remedy for 011114, SOW,. Spa -in, Sweeney, Lame:isi from ally' aause, mut Sore Threat in Horses, and Lump Jaw M Cattle. „See Pamphlet. S'atisfaef,iorOparan.teerl • All Druggists and general stcrekeepors keep it. • . Prepared by , , EUREK1 VIJERItiAliY MEDICINE Co,, LONDON, ONTARIO. BUGGIES! BUGGIES/ BUGGIES! W. IT. 1);msons has now in stock a ear -load Of veey fine buggies of differ- ent styles and colors, visa -Jean, Seats, Mikadoes, Young Men's Bo ggies,Three Quarter Buggies, Buggies for old people, and Spindle -box Buggies for besmess men, Feigners surrey etc. etc. A ny one wishing a bre nd newBuggy will find it to thew advantage to call and inspect them before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the stand, two doors -south of Town Hall, Exeter, LARGF,ST DeAcriit qWitiwN. W. H. PARSONS. Wei „ • .**010;;(4-1.i.i..: rnit5A.1- AND S.A.TILU-1-tYDAY 4"1"--411g APRIL & Jo Which You are Cordially Jnvited. E. J. SPACKIVIIAN, 1111111=2111185=111 CtN OUFF&L° PATeNT ALL 'FM MSC 15RIA05 ' , 12 ZECTIONAL, 51,',11100 Torn cuolveoR The Universal Favorite Noxon Disc Harrow, (OUT -THROW) The only Disc Harrow that has adjtis- table pressure springs. This feature is invaluable on hard oruneven ground. Noxon New Sectional Cultivator. Spring Tooth fitted with grainandgrassgrowingattaChments if desired. with reversible points, also thistle cutters if ordered. The lightest draft, best working and most easily operated cultivator manufac- tured. The teeth work directly under the axle and within the wheel line. See the New Spring Lift, THE CELEBRATED STEEL HOOSIER SpringaPildressure. Our old reliable HOOSIER Drills are so well and favorably known that they speak for themselves. There are now over 60,000 in use among the farmers of this country. HEAMAN, Agent for Repairs, Exeter. MMON SENSE ONIMANDS that you should call and inspect the lines of , GENT'S FURNISHINGS ." that we have placed in our sstoee. You will find. in this new stock Quality and Price.... to suit you. FIT WELL FEEL WELL LOOK WELL.... This is what we always accomplish when we make a suit for you. Prices that Please. Bert. itniglit. SOLE 'ILEATHER,...l. We wish to impress on the rninds of everybody that we don't sell sole leather, neither do we sell meat as tough as sole leather. OUR ilEATS Are of the very best quality. Try our big. brown Sirloin Roast. It is as toothsome, and appetizing as the 'famous peacock's roast of Kingly times. We know how to fix it up all nice for the oven. ' Try us once; • You'll try us twice; You'll find our rrieats • Arecheice and nice. , John Manning, Light your home with . ACETYLENECAS The Radiant Home Automatic Acetylene Gas Generator. ----- The le ediant Ironic Aatomatic Acety- lene Gas Generator has numerous tes- timonials And each Machine is Guar- anteed to give every sat ifaction. rilowtfact10eab3, MELYILLE & MORRISON, EXET ER, oN7. LOGS AND BOLTS WANTE1). ELIGIIEST PRICES PAID. Custom Sawing Doncf,'") THE SUTHERLAND-INNES Co. EXETER LUMBER YARD. East side of Main street, opposite planing mill. —STOCK— (Late Gould's AIM) E. C. ICESSEL, Foreman, EXETER, ONT. We have in stock, dressed and matched siding, flooring and ceiling, also dressed pine 1 in., 11 in., 1-..1 in. and 2 in. Shingles, lath and cedar posts always on band. A large stock of barn lum- ber just arrived. Call and Exarninp. Jas. 1/1////is, Proprietor. Re HICK REPAIRING If you want your Repairing well clove-, go to R. filmes—Watches, Clocks and Jewelry a specialty. MARRIAGE ,LICENSE Marriage Licenses issuedand-Wed- dingRings'always on hand, nson's Block, Exete Snell:s„migr COMMERCIAL LIVIEIRY. First-class Rigs and Horses Ieft OrdersHStoflt,belle'or tH , istt i et 'has weo lidijs a vtaeN s cri; will receive prompt at- tention. . . r e • rriolophone orrns itoasonablo -IL Connection