Exeter Advocate, 1900-3-8, Page 4Oxetrt, a.Vcitucttute,) Chas. H. Sanders, Editor andProp 'TERJR6DAY IVIAliuli 8 1900 The 130ys. Eareoa sapvoreeza. "Pities" and " One Bo es" discuss in last week's issue the boy question. Both wei to letters full of fire, VIM and eat.casni. Both go for the old chaps With ,i. wean, th ;aid vigor teat is trate, refreshing, Both write good letter's, and the boys capable of writing in this style may be left to nike cape of them- selves, No one ean blame the boys for taking their own paet, I guess most of us old boys deserve a good deal of criticism flung at out. heads. We are not perfect by any means. lant we want the boys to be 'better men than their dada. The Taco •eurtainlY should improve. "Fines" is ender, a Misapprehension Ame the boys of Exeter were not ac- cused of improper conduct or language. It was only a minovitei of thein. The natjatity of Exeter boys ta•e equally as good,kind aenerous and moral as an . ijnal -nnnaber of boys in any other plaee on the continent. No particular charge wee brought against the girls in May of the coin - i m na cations that I noticed. Our girls fot morals, Modesty aria allroned geed conduct • will stand the test against any eqnal, number anywhere: Every- body acknowledges that Exeter eon - tains more- really handeeniregirls than any place, twice its size in America. That is disputed by no one. • But "Filius" will not contend that ellathe boys are perect.. Same of them could' he improved arid all could be earmaed and the temptations of life kesseeed. for then]. Certainly nothing so'fat written could be considered as a slander onthe:boYe as a eless. If that was slander, What would "Filius" aiall his own criticism of •the men? Certain forms of evil, each as cigar- ette smoking and drinking, not in texiateace•during the boyhood of the 'Old Men Of to -day are now arevaleet. Bays of to -day, have those additional teiriptations, and both are serious evils. The Old boys 'had neither the advant- age§ nor the temptatious of the boys ,uf to -day. This diaceission was opened: for the sole purpose of peiating out these evils, warning the boys and try. ing, if possible, to inak,e their lives het - ter and happier. I hope "MMus" and the eoys generally Willtakethematter mere in the spirit in Which it was .anetait "One Boy" :thinks that My sugges- tion, of a drill shed at schpoland a gen- eral Meeting place down town foe the boys; hits the nail: on the • head and nearly fulfills his idea of Whet would asuit the boys. If that is tree, and if the boys only. keep up the agitation thernseivea eve feel sate that both these suggest-1one can be carried out. The trustees will certainly carry out the wishes of the people, strongly ex- pressed end if the heye agree that they avant a general Meeting roma, I think, there are enough bad old 'Chaps intera 'etestea in the boys' welfare to see that they get their. adorn. • Suppose ave leave the„agitaticm now inthe hands of the boys themselves. Exeter, March 5th; 1900. The Boy Question. • EDITOR ADVOCATE. 013.1 surprised that "Filius," who was so wounded bythe forzaer articles on the above question, could see,fit to , villify hisparents, the preachers, muni gapal and Government officers, busine•s 'Men, in fact, covering everybody from Exeter to West Elgin and yet refused • to have oue word—even a word of ad- "ice—spoken to them. He is not par- -eScultsr, whet the outside 'world thinks of theni. And the "One Boy" attacked the same people, for he implied, if not expressed, that it would take all the space in one issue, of the paper to en unseal te the feel ts and sins of his elders. He, too, is troubled at what the outside world will think of the boys and girls, but does not care what they think of their parents and others. Boys be careful, it is not enough that you should be only ordinary men. Never before in the world's history was corupetition in every calling and pur- suit so fierce as now; never did success, in more than a moderate degree, de- mand for its attainment such a union of physical and intellectual qualities, of alertness, activity, prudence, per- sistence and decision, as in the begin- ning of the twentieth century. Boys, the world is over -crowded with ordi- nary men. The writer can remember -that one of your citizens told him when a mere lad that the one who could do anything a little better than any one else was sure to succeed. I 'have thought of his words a. great many times and applied it to a great many undertakings. The boy that gets one mark more at school than the :rest carries off the honor; the horse that comes into the winning pole two inches ahead of the rest carries off the prize, and 80 00. The "One I3oy" could not see wherein industry could leseen -the evils of the boys or wherein it touched the question in hand. I take it for granted that the boys are not satisfied, and are about to begin some- thing. The advice I am trying to give is to be careful what you begin, even to spend your leisure hours. "Filius" said the records showed that criminals were over the forty year lim- it, so you see what is begun at twenty may be developed tie, forty. Men sel- dom get into positions of trust, as members of parliament, etc., until the forty limit, but they begin on the right toad at twenty. Ma thews said, Only engage and then the mind grows heat- ed. Begin and then the thing will be completed." Those leisure hours may shape your destiny for life. W. E. Gladstone said, "Believe me when tell you that thrift of time will reln'Y yam in after -life with e usury of pi-1)ft beyond your most sanguine dreams, and that the waste of it will make you d wi pc] 10, alike in in'tellecturd and in moral stature, beyond your darkest reckoninge." So it can be seen how closelyiS tainstry allied to the subject we ;tee discussing oe your time is yottr estate, you- as pi ad stock, your monaY your workmen, yourself' the general lyre !ingot., belt it is scareely prized until elea rly quondeced. 1 am looking at the r est at. 1 agreewith " J. A. R." that spending yoar eVenings in self eultura such as debating on the gime- does of the day. Music also is veey esseo tell to a yomag tetin's education You have- yoer fiela geines in summer foe playeicial exercise and amusement Id V th. , By an 1+,'..mtpr ()irt. soul! sattatig rola Inc the same puepese a the wilder and there are the cenrch• es with till their eleveting trial eefinieg tafineeces, .Now, I think you went -30inethirea, more siihstentitil than en- athei. pitabouee, I think. the pareets of Ea-etee warder ratheP GO111101.1t0 fiVe. intraleed dollare each to the budditig alt large factory teen rive dollars to anotbee place of ernusement, as the former would give openings.; for aeok- keepers, typewriters, superintendeats, engineers, business managers, ship - Plug al:erks, tVa chlingstilesmeet tual an army of employes, and Exeter' could nem every positioe with their ONV11 boys and you parents could leek with puide upon such •an institution which would lead up to comfortable happy homes Inc yom• boys at your own door and you would hear no more about boys Nvan t- ing more amusement. The " One Boy" thought the w'. -iters were old gray - headed &data let me tell' you boys that the "Looker On " is less than thirty-five years of age,- therefore. in touch, ith the boys and their peel Lie is also practicing what he is preticli, ng, he is busily engaged eenniag,busi- ness at full ctipaciey and turning to account every available moment and pleased with the results. • A 11.ttorea, ON. Stephen Mr. Gee, Walrond, Sr., is at present Very ill. --Mr. Richard Penhale, While hauling:logs to the Southerlaud Innis 'Co's mill, by some means; slipped from his load, his knee coining in contact with the spike in the end of the bunk, inflicting an ugly satrund,—Mrs. Thos. Sanders is on the sick 'fist—The eon - cession reads are in a very baa shape atpresent being blocked With snow. CoiSsorine-The Coeucil of the town- ship of Stephen convened at the Town Crediton, On Monday, March '5, at one O'clock p.m; All members pre- sent. Minutes of previous Meeting read'andapproved, Yearley-s•Willera that the anditors', teport be accepted and that they be paid $8 as their fees —Carried. Hicks—Sweitzer, that lets 19 and 23, cora S.B., be placed on the conceseion for statute labor.—Oarried. Clerk Was requested to write :to lum- ber eta/armies ee to prices for ceder lumber. The following orders were passerlee-Gottfrid. Graeae putting in box culvert, $1.50; Charles Brown, In - alliance on TbsanHall, $11! Wm. •Peri - bale, •Commissioaar, Ist •Sferilletpal munanpal strews, 01.45; Doyle & Brokenshire. auditors' fees, $16; John Devine, filling in 'cul- verts on 22nd con., $2M0; Mrs., Devine, week on ditch, L.R.W., $2.00;• ,Henry Wing; spikes for tp., 59e.; M. 'Morlock, tire far titoug Side of road, -$3.90; Buch- anan & Heietzipan, rebate in deg tax, $200;. • Canacil to meet Un April 2nd et 1 ram.. • • HENRY EMBER, tp. Clerk. &Howe 11 EPoasTe. —The following is it ported report of S.S. NO. 2, for the month. of Feb. Number on roll 32, average attendance 27. Si'. IVa -Lula Essery,.. Garnet gin, -Vern Essety, Louisa Flanagan, •Siloma Hirtzel, Del- phie HLe-Gleetie Hill, leaec Sans,: •Ilitadinga Bristol :Esser -y, 'ilfred Lawson. Sr.1ITt--1,0tiiSa Arthur Flanagaie Sr, HtLa-EVa Hitt- zel. jr. II-aEthelLamport, Lora Sims; Nora Sims, ROY Sims, 'Wilfred Hod; gibs, Maty Gower, Henry Clark, Roy Jas. Edwards, ' Chester Sims, Lu- ella Stahl. Sr. Pare IIa-Gertie Essery Rase Harding, Jos. White; Jos. Grower, Part White. Jis Part IL -- Evert Sims. Part i --Clayton 'Silas. • C. L. HAGGITH, Teacher. Report of S. S. No. 4, for February, based on the results of en examination in all subjects, for senior classes, and attendance and class work in junior classes. Jr. IV—Freernan aforlock, Russell Bastard. Sr. III—Arthur Amy, Fred Amy, Pearl Kestle, Garnet Amy, Albert Wein, Wilber Rowe, Chester Rowe, Tommy Roeszler, Ezra Wein, Herbert Morlock, Mabel Clink, Al - mina Yaeger, Leslie Preszcator. Sr. 1T—Elgin Amy, Willie Smith, Willie Roeszler, 'Wesley Wein, Annie Hart- man, Cecil Rowe, A. E. Whitaker, Jr. IT—Class I—Nora Brown, Idella,Smith Della Kestle, AugustHartman, Minnie Kestle, Mildred Eilber, Cora Clark, AaronWein, Wilber Morlock; Class II Willie Preszcator. Sr. Part IT—Mer- ner Felber, James Chapman, Leo Hart- man, Edwin Wein, Elde Wein. Jr. Part IT—Idella Schwarz, Lucille Schwarz. Part 1—Gladys Kestle. No. on register 41, average attendance 33. J. W. HOLMES. Teacher. The following is the correct report of the standing of the pupils in the S. S. No. 3, Stephen. Names are in order of merit. V—Edwin Beaver, Daniel Sanders. Sr. IV—Stella Pen - hale. Jr.—Vera Sanders, Herbal Ford, Laura Jory, Asa Penhale, Charles Sanders, Frank Triebeer'Horner Bag- shaw, Marshall Box, Iva Box. Sr. IV —Roy Parsons, Elsie Handford, Viola Penhale, Clara, Beaver, Sadie Willis, Hattie Willis. Jr. HI—Minnie San- ders, Alonzo Ford, Willie Trielmer, Jennie Sanders. Sr. 1I --Nelson San- ders, Herbie Dearing, Edith Parsons; Eddie Willis, Herbie Beaver, Lizzie Sanders, Mitchell Willis. Jr. II— Harry Parsons, Samuel Hicks, Earl Box. Sr.' Pb. IT—Thomas Sanders, Ralph Willis, Harry' Triebner, Annie Hicks, Gladys Bissett, Garnet Craig. Intermediate Part II—Fred Bea- ver, Cieelea Ford. Jun. Pt. TI—Vin- nie Cookson, Lillian Stanlake, Samuel Stanlake, Pt. I—Thomas Penhale, Earl Parsons'Victor Sweet, Hilda Preszcator, Maggie Biggs, Mae- San- ders. No. on roll, 40. Average atten- dance 30. Parents are cordially- in v it - ed to visit, the school at any time. T. B. I:loom-a Teacher. Troubles of a Minister. To benefit others Rev. J. T. W. Ver- non, 011rateveell, tia.,natites: "For t, long time I had a, running Sore on rw leg. 1 tried ' many tern ed i es withou t benefit, until 1 used a bottle of Electra Bitters arid a heir of Bucklenai Aenice Salve, which etieed me sound and well.' Spree, Eruptions, Boils, ,Eczerate Tet ter, Salt Rheum show imptaia blood, Teeusancla hit ve foiled in Electric:Bit- ters a grand blood purifier taint ;rase. lately CUreS these troatdee. &111Stae tion is guaranteed or money eefunded hy deuggists. Large bottles May '50e, Children Cry for CASTOR Across the Wire.S. IfieWge. comes, • Ob! sprawl it far tuel feet, 'a message we have long desired, • Th10 k -God, its came it Ittet, Wliere'reit tr born Britoil Orontes 'With joy the news received, For Buller now late reached his goal Arid Ladysmith's reieived. The gallant men in Istulysente Have waited many a day,. 'Right Valiantly they held their own And kept the Inc at bay. [there, Teose, who at last, litive reached them Have struggled braveLV on detithly storms of shot and shell, Then fought their Way itrid won. Oh freedom's cause is triumphing, 'Twill beitimpa more and mote, The Empire's sons in spite of all Will beat the wily Boer. Hang out your flags and ring the bells, The nOWS has been received, Throw up your hats and pheer egain For Ladysmith's relieved. - .A.r4)11141.• aklaiallt Us Zurich: Mr. Jacob Savers received tee sad news teat:his fathersa resident of NOW Hendee, departed' this life lase Monday, Saterns was apioneer sett- ler of that district and had reaphed tbe ripe old age of 90 years. r Staffa: A disastrous tire occurred on the farm of Mr. Wm. Jeffrey, a mile and a quarter west of here, on Sunday afternoon last, when his house, together with all the contents, was completely destroyed. About four o'clock Mr. Jeffrey's another went out for a pail of water, and it was then the fire was discovered. At that time the roof WaS about to fall in. With this head way and the terrible gale which was blowing at the time, made it hal- . possible to get any thing out of the house, and the only things saved were the clothes which Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Mrs. Jeffrey, sr., the occupants- of the house, had on. The fire is suppos- ed to have originated in the chheney. It will be a serious loss and a great in- convenience to Mr. Jeffrey, who has the sympathy of all his friends in his loss. Bayfield: Seldom does death's call cast a greater gloom over a neighbor- hood than that which was cast over our village Tnesday afternoon on hear- ings that -Mr. Joseph 1Vild, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Stan- ley township had breathed his hist at the ripe age of seventy-four • years, after several weeks of illness produced by stomach trouble. Deceased, al- though comparatively speaking an old man. having passed the allotted span of life, was until very recently full of life and vigor, actively engaged in the pursuits of life and giving promise of life being prolonged many years. But fate would have it otherwise, and to -day Hayfield and vicinity- has one usefull, genial, hospitable citizen Jess and the Stanley -agricultural Society has lost one of its most active and en- ..ergetic members. Goderich: On Wednesday Jas. Gil- lespie, of Seaforth, who has been com- mitted by Police Magistrate •Beattie on a charge of ,assaulting with, hodily. harm, Chas. Aetizel, of the same town, was brought before His Honor Judge Masson for election. Gillespie elected to be tried by the County Judge, and Pleaded guilty of common assault, a plea that was accepted by the Crown. Stanley Hays, of Seaforth, who ap- peared for the defendant, made a strong plea for his client, holding that the charge should never have been sent to the county town. In the end the de- fendant was fined $5 with -out costs. The origin of the trouble is said to have been caused by complainant keep- ing hogs, which were a nuisance to his neighbor, the defendant and that on the day of the assault theiplaintiff was closing up eight of way defeadant had used all along, and in the warm argu- ment that naturally followed Gilles- pie struck Aetizel. .Seaforth: Mr. Charles Wright, .of McKi,1160, had an experience on Satur- day night last that he will net .soon forget. He came to Seafarta during the afternoon, and left for home aboat 11 o'clock at night. fle had a horse and a cutter. On account of the: severe storm which MIS taking at the time, several advised him that it was dangerotis to start 0111: at that hour and tried to persuade him `to wait tilt morning. He was determined; ,how- ever, to make for home. He had, evi- dently, got as far as Grieve's bridge en the north gravel road aleeady. Here ,e turned east on the concession, and when he got to the tel.) of the hill, lie-. tween the residences. of Rev. Mr. Mus- grave and NI.. James Lockhart, the road was drifted full, and he had con- siderable difficulty in getting through. He was forced to unhitch the horse :rola the cutter, and, leaving the latter behind, started on With the horse. He had not gone very far until he caree to the turn in the road around the riv- er in front of Mr. Henderson's tfarm. Here again the road was badly drifted, and instead of going around by the road be seems to have kept straight on and himself and the horse got into the wetter which had not been frozen, How long he had been there no person knows, but he was found about seven o'clock Sunday morning by Mr. Robert Habkirk, who liaes neat by. Mr. Hab- kirk's dog wakened him by his furious barking, and he got up to try and pa- cify the . animal and letting him out, the dog started for the river. This it- duced Mr. Habkitk: to look after him ahd during a lull in the storni he etrw the horse standing in the ri•Ver. Sup- posing Something to be . wrong; he hur- tled. to . the place, where he foetid the !mese in a cornet of the fence, in about eighteen inches of water., and neat- by Mr. Wright, also • standing in waters nd leaning up ngangt a enoete batik. EJe Was barely eonseloas and neatly ex- hausted,' Mr, Habkirk .lia,d• hirrf con- veyed to his house arid sent for • Dr. icett, • who was eeriein attendance: :Yft eaatnination it Was feenia that one foot ;tad orm hand were 'tardier .froeete Under. peeper treatment, hoWeVets he 5oon rallied and was re[nOved to his )tvn hetrie, a distance of about three nileg;' the same eVenitig. CAST lik ,tmilover Infa'ata awl Children' Teo aerates' lre 1/-44g( 07,0ra awe' lasses Ar,..IlleDaL O'. GA iilixlkilni ''::-----'''A7:::\li'Hior'itil‘'N'cB"0,,K11-pPi-sitsiAcT272':::NmEt../rst'A'o'il'iSt'ilLy:DD- 0.2...,.._.-ts DE BEsT ANTFRH4utgric DS4,-, 1,0o EDA-\ ,Rou,5pRIc 0 DAVIS&LAWRENCECO LT i,,,. 1eW1UPACTUR515 MONTReAL Her Head a Fright. " Large sores coveted the head tied face of our child," writes C. D. Isbill, of Morgan ten, Tenn, " that no treat- ment helped till we ased Bucklen's Ar- nica Salve, which quickly cored her." Infallible in Eruptions, Beaisea, dents and Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. tit all dreg store. David M, Robeson, a fever .patient was burned; to dc nth at Port Huron b his clothe! taking .fire, Thinadays CHILDREN WILL Go SLEIGHING They return covered with snow. Half a teaspoonful of Pain -Killer M hot wat- er will prevent ill effects. Avoid sub- stitutes, there's but one Pain -Killer, Perry Davis'.25c. and 501... The south bound passenger train on the Northampton division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Rail- way ran into a washout about three - nut -la -tees of a mile frorn Plainville. It is reported that four .passengers were killed and a number Injured. IF TAKEN IN TIME The D. & L. Emulsion will surely cure the most affections of the lungs. That run down" condition, the after affects of a heavy cold is quickly counteracted. Manu- factured by the Davis as Lawrence Co., Ltd. Edouard Bourgault, a fatale'. of the parish of St Aubert, Que., left his house, with his wife, for L'Islet, lea'. mgtwo children, a young girl of eleven years, and another of three years und- er the care of his sister. On returning at 1 o'clock in the morning be found his sister and his eldest daughter lying on the floor unconscious, having had their skulls fractured and bearing sel,- Ella other wounds on their bodies, in- flicted with a piece of firewood. THAT HACKING COUGH is a Warning not to be lightly treated,Pyny-Pectoral cures with absolute certainly all recent coughs and colds. Take it in time. Manufactured by the proprietors of of Perry Davis Pain -Killer. The Grand Taunk express from Chi- cago to Toronto ran into a freight tram near Petersburg on Thursday. Brakeman McHugh was killed and brakeman Hill seriously injured. Both men belong to Stratford. Blown to Atoms. The old idea that the body some- times needs a -powerful, drastic, purg- ative pill has been exploded; for Di. King's New Life Pills, which are per- fectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system and absolutely cure Constipation and, Sick Headache. Only 25c. at all drug stores. Charged with Murder. Landon, March 6.—County Detective ,Ward effected a 'clever capture last Week by locating and arresting Man ie Abo Lamm, a'Syriati Woman; 26 years of age, Who: is charged with the mur- der of her infant child. The alleged Crime Occurred on Match 15,- of' last year, in Bic:Mulish township. •A man .and a woman, both foreigner's, the lat- ter Carrying a child a few days old, were tramping along a road, and going .fronahouse: to hoese trying to sell goods. The Woman Was seen to enter a piece of woods with the child, and re- tinal &Driers few minutes later. The badywaslound, and a post -mar - tem established the fact that it had berm murdered. The Men and woman •svete Oar:deed to London; but nothing further could be. learned of ' them. .1,Vbile ha Berlin on. ,private business lest, Week, Detective 'Ward came into p0 session of a elite to her Whereabouts and followed it through. Georgetown, Berton and Collingweod, where he ef- fected the araest. He bernightethe woman to the city last night, and, she is new in the county jail. The marl is said to. have returned to Syria. Sentenced to Death. "You are In the last stages of Con- sumption and cannot live more thaii a month," were the words of doom heard by Mrs. Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs, N. C., from her doctors, "bet she began to use De. King's New Dis- covery" writes R. L. Daughton, of that place, "and was wholly cured by it. She is Jam a stout, Well woman. It's the supreme cure for desperate dis- eases of throat .and 'lungs. Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma Croup, Whooping Cough. Guaranteed bottles 50c. and $L00. Trial bottles free at all drug stores. oFirLD Always cheaper In the end than iiny seeds that only cost half as much. Tented, trite to name, fresh and reliable. Always the best. Ask for Ferry's — take no others. Write for 1p0O Soed D. M. FERNY & VO., mammy, Oat. ALWAlf$ KEEP 0A HAND jg as /111V es• TNR IS NO KIND OF FAIN OD ACHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, f,s THAT PMN -KILLER WILL DOT RE- LIEVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SU El- STiTUT ES; THE cleautaa BOTTLE KARS THE NAMa, PERRY DAVIS oct.'SON. SIMMIAllis4befa.11601 ea: 'ea sr 4.reatc What is Castoria, is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric!, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Qpimu, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. ()Astoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and. Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels of infants and Childrcm, healthy and natural sleep Castoria is the Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. 'Castoria. ',Castor's is an excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children.' DR. Q. Q. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass. Castoria. "Oastoria Is so well adapted to children that1 recommend it as superior to any pre. scription known to Jae." 11, A, ARCHER, M. D. Brooklyn, N. Y THE FAC -SIM I LE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. Tilt CENTAUR c. IRRANY, 71 URRAY STREET, NEW 7085 C Y. aaaaW ssaarlaa "Sae ea• S`a; HIE ONTARIO LOAN DURINTURE CO Paid -up Capital, $1,200,000. Reserre Pend, 3313,000. 6 DIRECTORS s JOHN IldoCILAILY, Esq., President, A. S. SMBRY, Dsg.„ ise-President. WILLIAM BOWMAN. Kea, WILT TAM IdoDONOTION, Esq. 1.11111%..COL. WM, M. GARTH/30RD. SAVINGS BRANCH. Tnterest allowed on Depoefts at Three and Ono..balf per (sent., fetid or Compounded half -yearly. Married Women and Minces CUM now deposit and draw out money in their own names. DEBENTURES ftisued for one or more years, bearing a slightly higher rate of interest than Depositeinterest payable half- yearly, The Debentures of this Company are such a high chaos of security that they are accepted h- the Dominion Government as a Deposit from Fire and Life , Insurance Companies as Secs:Any for their Policy Holders. Executors and Trustees; are authorized by law to invest in thetie Debentures. The Act of Parliament, under which the Company is incorpor- ated, restricts their businesa solely to loans on Mortgages on. Real Estate., and laturdeipal and other Debentures, which are the safest securities Lbe Dominion affords. M'OR7rGAGES. Money loaned on Mortgages on Real Estate te rest. For full particulars apply to WILLIAM F. SULLEN, Manager. oal.a—Cor. Damao St. and Market Lune, LONDON, ONT. at low rates (if SIN[ 8 LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD K MAKE NERVOUS,DIE'ASED MEN .zahappeinees of teoesenes of 1 oef Ig.ny0TausnipatT.2.,folly i_n Tottqa, overexertion of.mind and body inane./ THE RESULT "F',conlisfIP.1-4-;=. cI1V-A'&721;Ttyi2eativg. aengl';Iltanjo,e0 0 RgOtitradmseasreanfdinthdbiPuroalost estia0118i°•11 at the eiossons of manhom , while obers aro forced to drag out a weary, frnitlesa anti) melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony but find no solace or comfort there. The s of life:—The farm, the offioe. the workshop. the lailPit,R 8 RESTORED To MANHOOD BY Ewe. K. & it, S • Wu. A. WALKER. Wm. A. WALKER, MRS. CHAS. FERRY. CHAS. FERRY.* ----z•-._ • "1 a ?:„....tft. ) e SDEFORZ TM:ATM:ENT ASTER TEEATXENT Divorced bat united again tarNO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.-Va SYPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED Wm. A. Walker of 16th Street earn—"I have antlered untold agenies for my "guy life." I wasindisereet when young and ignorant. As "One of the Boys" !contracted blyphilis and other Private diseases. I had ulcers in the moath and throat, bone pidnii,hair loose, pimples on face, finger came off, o Potat,h, etc. They hel ed ine but could not cure at despondent. Seven doctors treated mo with Mercury, nails missions, became thin and i Finally a friendinduce me to try Drs.liennedY&Rergazn heir Now Method Treatment cured mein a few Weeks. Their treatment is wonderful. saoi.3c(13.f,e, el yourself gaining everyday. I have never heard of their failing to cumin &Dingle * 137 -CURES GUARANTEED 011 MONEY REFUNDED I/ CaPt. Chile. Perry says:—"I owo my life to Drs. IL .14 IL nAt 14 I learned a bad habit. At 21 1 had nil the emptoms I rviPoTENcy i ilk,of Seminal Weakness and Spormntor:heeri, Emissions VARICOCELE igwere draining and weakening my vitality. I married at sad experience. in eigidebn months wo vrero divorced. 24 under advice of my family doctor, but it I WES 8 MISSION "'tit:heir NM) /sfethod Treatment. I felt anew life thrill through s K ...then coneulted Drs. li. di ff., who restored mo to manhood six years ago. Drs. 11., di K. are emeriti:6o epeci sts and I heartily recommend them." CURED my.fiervee. We were united again and are happy. This was Lir We treat and cure Varicocele, Entirsions, Nervous Debility, Semina Weakness'Gl^et, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Set f Abus • KidneYalndliglARdTID:DETROIT, 7 y 200.000 CURED. NO RISK e, At yo a victim? Maya you lost hope? Aro.yon contemplating mar K42EfilikephoEaTR ! vr ereatm nt will eine von. What it has done for othrre it will do for y ._ ria°o? nHad your Blood been chanced? nave yoa riny weakness? Our a CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated yon write for an honest opinion Att— of Charge. Charges reaeoriable. BOOKS FREE—"The Golden Monitor" (illnetrated), ori" DieSGSGS Of Men. Inclose Postage. t cents. &Illetl• 1:17•NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- VATE. No medicine sent C.O. D. No names Oil bo:teti or envoi. - ones. Evorytning confidential. Question list anti cost of Treat-. DRS KENNEDY 86 KEROAN ment, FREE. I DIITROIT MCH No.148 SHELBY ST, kcoltcgmmt„....„; orterfrepnies . cot i • =ORO Mr. WinQilitIni -earetaker of tile' 0' III at Niagertaelathe-Leke; drop- ped ineeneibie -3•ust inaide the schteta toorn door ai Thinada,y, and died a feW inirietes Wr.f. CLAIM t tile & L. `Menthol Pltatt'r eare Mullet go, brickeehe. , , seal tica , neuralgia puns quiet:et. then iny other remedy. 'article by Davis &, La %via ti ee Co., Ltd.