The Goderich Star, 1920-09-30, Page 6A * 1W
00401 01�.mvtfm
for some time a Ptf ... _
ioolfe teacher;
the gr0ortl,. v-iln is nttw farialn . eiRd;alt �+�n�l.
., 11P
N faur Scants at ,$a9o711ka Sti t;rQr"Cp ti.� A
lncp>9ber 0s A w0or tans
�► 0 C#plls lt�ltt#
• - Kr-sents was —a
one# \r:eeT13 . is Thr I
Istge eTpn'
And Inc ' eft Victory aQxn• h9ndi ;ffDevelop
Ina Sind eWgnes. The brcda7 couple 'loo .
lite home op Cl►urs.h street aipltk a r� . O °
'9sllpNW , of coatefti and there ,v;ls 'gat Low Prices
Here Is a partial list Qf +Qui' Sill! �atga�Is ,fob' SegtelUlt�rerrbo, li,itGe �£ another shover of the eatalti wJal� ttlQ
which we have nota offered for m. any a day train was boarded; and '
Blaek or ;avy Blue Pailette Ducboss Bilk. - Ewen Clnttott GW_d Materials, iu piaial
$G inahts wild, regular $2.7G at,Qt8wnnysldeParm, La 84olro sh estternl6. All
•as Coltlorus`townshf tb
per gard.. p+ ertel9eaeh oto"' ad d o 0
e 81zeS $ p
p k cs, Printing
brides parents, ri charmingautumn} p
Bp. prices
RnductiQft 1>f; 7�ttdies" 51)k weAding LtxitS placo.Atblilkt con Trlew $3.75 O
Banta , 40 inc use, in Black, Navy t►nd DrtigbeR. priced noel re q T R, $�, ,, us and 4y, lWpp- RBtb. wiion apsn stigtbati;<, �
Brown only, 40 laches wide, regular t� /� 330 041Y 44,pahter of Mr, snit . ,
#.flit at per yard Mtt+VV �, 01ittola, w4 givou In rn Mems tweed . Trousers, Bring your film to us for devet9ping and
+�'A'ilegd to 8a
. • Royof ono i4asl 171M1s, i
#+ .tie Late assured patterxi s, plain
11Tliwtq�•i;,t ;shwntuas $ilia:, heavy wai ht and 51iit0 Serves es • ' � l�#rollx. � tfeafortbt: The cora-` �<
e a yid ' wide, regular' ;I1.60 at per gY wmRt1 b ltev. Mr, Mac- color, ftJnisled wit% 8ve printing t .
a, b v+ r.
.... nQ Black and Navy p* Yt ld 4mtlWa.
yard :.... �8C" Y Blue. Tktia '%o�l9t# V_ ta>i all prtckets, loops for 'belts ,,
British Barges, fine botany ygrp b 411 vV,4dl 3 Milk aatapin'toltr e,:,pinky Siad whiffs i and co$ buttons sizes One Day Serv>Xcg
Raw Silke, 34 inches wide, in Rose, Black, regular special $b.0o icor the y,flt'd..4 $ 1i 1. Tito pride, eiatsrfak the draw. 3� to 42, �'i5.%$
Copenhagen Blue, Dysier, White y ftg zoom to tbb $trains at the wedding
and Alice Blue at per yard............ SZa0o B�ruadClQth ` * ♦ mil Ch t *04 by 30#$ Xa;jOrie Adam$, q '
O ¢ of BpQie, vttyr $IV -On away by her father. Blue Ser es and -treat
�talah Satins, extra heavy, bast quality, IihewJr<a"not W, whiyte sativ. veiled i' Films to Fri all Carir:�r�cs
54 inches wide, with set sold trfmtnelt with lace grey patterned Tweed.
Yard wide, 1n Ivory, White and �� �O finest all wool k'rAxlob ong,•tK �d koro the Q
Pink, regular $3.t70 at per yard.. , a Brotuloloths for snits or fall coats, il;t ding qQ(3 ,�}� orange tt�iVUtjo, � ►�'ervlC.e>#%le, dressy and
y Black, Navy, Ni r remarkable values. All
8$e , special 'parr ��*�� citrripd R `ltougnet of ophella roses and
Yoinen'S Fall and Winter ard'•'•"""......••"•''• ^"'•'•'••••^• w0 e' grtmrn's girt. a lavallierat sizes. ' At 6.
y tit 95 p
pearts.: Thio bride's IItatd, Arai$$ Eva
Coats /� .... Beene, of Valid", waddressed in maize
Cussard Corsets "tin, with sliver Abbots trimmings and � Ha C• DUNLOP �1.8• t
wore a cor i I
asters and ins dean Bair pink
in d t -hr ugho Tweeds, Velours, etc. hinny We tarty styles Suitable for any figure in Sower girl, Margaret Smith, niece f the
The Re8al1 Store
aro lined throughout with farmers' sada or silo, this famous Corset, They lace in front, price groom, was prettilydressed In i k,
some half)* ed, prices range $15, 20, 25,
635 and $�0 upward 63,00, 63.50, $4.00 and .65.00 and and eel i basket lilted with anemones
spa fern ` _ oLZol��oaoL�olaofq�o
upwards �• GTho Broom and groomst5an,
Mr. Hugh MacKay, of Toronto, were
w ttne bridesmaid • was ea bar pin set visiting at the home of her mother
wfbh pearls, to the pisuist a cat glass here. The New Fall Overcoats
flower vase, to the flower gir;an EnglishC
sovereign he had carried in ranee, and Mr. Ernest Lee lett on Thursday
to the best man gold cuff links. morning to resume his studies at and Sultings
After congratulations, the wedding Queen's. `
party adjourned to the dining 'room, Mrs. L. B. Hume, of Waskedo Man., Bannockburn Tweeds
where a dainty luncheon was partaken is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Matthew�atea,
SPINDRIFT of. Not the least interesting part of the Bruce street. Hair -line blues, black, sand,.browns.
UNITED STATES TRADE on Sept. 29th revealed the startling atter-dinner speeches was the reading Mrs. Clifford, of Brantford, has been
fact that -there are ninety of these in of the announcement of the engagement visiting at the home of her niece, Mrs. Indigo.Serges, Cheviots, Scotch Tweeds and
ft�Ma*: Sanitation for Goderleh. RELATIONS WITH CANADA a dirty and dangerous condition—they of one of the guests, Miss Lilian whit- Wm. Strachan. Irish SergeS
Stability are also very unsanitary. In mrpt 9. and the•oil1ciating clergyman. Rev. Suss Hutchison, of Montreal, former -
During During the year t9i9 Canada Import- Canadian towns and cities these open r• Maeduley. The happy couple took ly of town, is here at All from the beat mills.
Stability Is one of the qualities that ed from the United States goods— rin- grates are permittdd only, on condi- their departure b present, the
e p P Y cower for London guest of Sheriff and Mrs. Reynolds, The fit and style will be correct. \
matte fps good living. If a man is al- tipsily manufactured articies—valued lions that they shall be kept Olean, and Buffalo, amid s shower •of confetti i
ways shifting, without much accom- at $740,920,654, whlle the export, to and u the owner or occupant of the and Rood wishea, The bride travelled X1ms, Ruben Taylor, West Wawa- F. H. MARTIN the T ro
011 ment, wherever he goes he leaves fhat country from (Canaida for the Property neglects or refuses to do so.. to 4 navy blue suit oft cloth, nosh, is visiting her son at Detroit, I y ahjo
�a trail of disappointment. \ye think same period amounted to only $477',- they are olDsed up by the corporation slat and furs to mAtoh. where employed with the Ford . sJr
of the Rook of Gibraltar and the Bank 643,659. From the fact that the popu- at the cost of the owner. Our town Numerous and costly gifts, including 'victor Company.
Of England as typical of stability. lation of the United States is about •council and chief of police should see glistantial cheques, attest the esteem Miss Leckie left Wednesday for Tor- —
The Oaosenger from England on route eleven :times as great as that of Can. that this condition fig remedied at ogoe. n which both are held. Thev will re• onto prior to leaving for Fort Worth, '
to the Mediterranean would be very ada, It is shown that, on an average, October 9th Is Canada' q fire proven- side in Toronto, the groom being con. Texas, whore she will remain for six visit at the home of bar. and Mrs. Reu- I turned this week, accompanied by Mrs.
much surprised if he didn't find the every Canadian purchased from the tlon-ddy and this might well be a part netted with the Civil Service. or eight months, ben Taylor, West Wawanoah. I N. If. Johnston, ststergipf Mrs; Prldham
great mass of rook standing guard at United States $100.266 worth of goods, of the program for the Goderich poo- ' • Mrs, C. Seager leaves today for Tor- Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Forler and their surd �Irs. Luker.
the southern alp of Spain, but his sur- Ivittlo the American ebeople bought pie to do their part to assist in redue- BRIEF TOWN Topics onto to attend the wedding of her three children, of Kitchener, n)otorerl �Ir. 3. E. Caswell, of Toronto, was a
Prise would be less heart-rending from Canada only $4.41 worth of goods ins the country's fire lose which .in niece, Miss Kathleen Carr, which takes to Goderich on Sunday morning to isitor to town this week, the guest
than the surprise of thousands of peo- for each in her population. People 11919 amounted to the enormous sum Remember the G. C. I. sports tomer- place on Saturday. visit the lady's parents, Mr, and :firs. of .fir. and bits. S.
E. Hick, Elgin Ave,
pie the world over If they found that wonder why our Canadian dollar is so of �'��•1b• or $2.90 for every row (Friday) at the agricultural Js. McCracken, Victoria St. ONIr, t;aswell was born iters, his Father,
the Bank of England had been obliged heavily discounted in the United man' woman and child In, Canada. Mrs• W K• Bates, of Toronto, has the Rev. James Caswell having-
to close Its doors. grounds. been visiting Wm, Glenn, of Goderich Mrs, Edward Maskell, West Street, g Pastor -
States and this is part of the answer. ARCANUM. Learn to danoe. Blackstone -Buckled► township, also Mr. and bfrs. Wm, and her daughter, Miss Mabel Maskell, aft : at the old New Connexion"
Some times changes are necessary The great question for the Canadian Strachan, of town. of The Star staff, who have been vis_ church on Brock street, now a part of
for Improvement or on account of Government and our Canadian people TOWN TOPICS dancing class open„ every Monday ev+ of T relatives ,, Saskatchewan the the National Shipbuilding Co.'s prem-
ohanging DtlnPss conditions, but the to consider, Is, how beat to develop ening 9 to' 111. -itMrs. B. Newland and Mrs. W, •past month, are expected to arrive ises, and at Dungannon and Lucknov,
process is generally fraught with in. the resources and adjust our consump- Highest total score was the deciding Shields, and two little girls, of Ch1- home this (Thursday) evening. �Ir, and hies. Will Smith, of Chicago,
convenience to someone. We have tion so as to purchase as little as pos- fcontlnuea from pace t> factor in Wednesday's local bowling cago, have been visiting Mr .and Mrs. who have been spending their vaca-
changes in time tables for trains and stele from outside. The tariff tournament. Mr. L, B, Tape had high- Geo. Hunt, Britannia Road. Mr, and Mrs. Duncan B. Gillies, of tion at the family home, South street,
changes !n prices of standard quer' of the lives of successful business men est and. Mr. F. Hunt second, bliss Parrish and her daughter, of Mr. and Mrs were guests
Iatthe at theBates o Bruer g �An their
goods lion is now recefvin� special consider- who refused to adopt one sat of left this (Thursday) morula
(vary inconvenient when they go up atlap b the prin Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ervine.bave pur. Waterloo St., returned this week after Street, the return journey, The people f This
as they have lately, and the latest not be madegovllt flee fanciful witjhes oilier spheres business
eof actiand wether fug past week, Sirs. Gillies is �
thing the Goderich township telephone DSL the Western farmer, or wholly to The heads of the Marshall Field givep Com, chased the cid Dan, $uohanan property an extended visit with the former' a daughter oP John k. Dickson, form- `'o'nnrunily are pleased to kDw that
on Eldon street from Mr. Herb Hal., daughter in Calumet, -Mich, a of of town, there is a Place —a big place'• for men
mors have had to face 19 a change in conform to the highest hope of our pany, for instance, it was stead, and will occupy it shortly. Mrs, Walter NaPte] left this morning a like Nlr. Smith, in that great Western
circuit aurnhc•rs, ,without any Intima- successful manufacturers °f Ontario, practical ChristfaR pointed
The on a visit to her old home in Perth Mr. Hugh; C. Wilson loft on Monday city. Young men of integrity and op-
tion that It vas were Mr. and Mrs: R. Y. McLean and fam-
Whengoing to happen. Farming and production must be put ease of Win. Colgate who started out Ily will occupy the residence recently She was accompanied by Mrs. H. C. of this week for Toronto where he rightness usually rind themselves and
numb a end calla for his hn))sa phone on a sound and Profitable basis if Can- i++ life a pour buy who had to metra vacated by bar
. and bits. R. J. Alegaw Dunlop who will visit in Perth, will enter on his college course. Iiuf lI .+ place in lie commensurate with
number and is told p?,IitPty by central ada is to pay 'her war debt, and take his way, but who adopted the prin- and family, moving in next week. Mr. Maltby of the L. R. Steel Co. will be greatly missed in social eir. lh,•,r ability to make good.
that 1) WN Is no heth number, hr be- her proper place among the self -sup- ciPle contained in the advice given . The Ahmeek Chapter, I. 0. D. F.., y to attend a co cies and especially in Victoria 5f.
slits !o wonfler wl+ether his own name porting countries of the world, but no him when he went .t�.-work to make Paaial meeting on lion_ venleaves on Saturday n, Methodist choir, of which he was a NVith a girl in a hammock ft's a case
wit, ,sand for himself much longer. effort should be made to kin or dis- an honest cake of soap, and who later. vvlll. Oct. 4, 'clod, in the Hoar fkfo an of the Company's men in BuT,!valued member, f suspended animation.
Why the RNI Tete hone Company hay day q - fate and will be away for some days.
P rfnu'aae our Canadian manufacturers+ on rose to the position where hr put` of Trade rooms. .The ladles are ur- Mr. and tars. Hall Rutledge were , air. and Mrs. W, T. Prtdham, of Tor- tu a •—`--
lo eltange tllese circuit numbers so Mauy of our Canadian manufacturers rflased a half interest, and then the gently requc9ted' to attend, visitors last w. k with theira onto, abcompaniQgd by Mrs. Berta Luk- C.lrri'lllei
oaten is so ealij,! the Patient publln err yet In their infancy, while flare wllolr interest, in the business \here The Goderich lila in nephew er, Mrs. A. F. F Idham and son, F'tank, a ren city
will atter he able to fathnln, but It !s In the United titNlrs under a protec- 11 g Mills Co. is and niece, Mr, and Mrs. Wm• Plunkett •motors. to town last wank for FOR FLETCHE '
he had been employed, asi, eite+l• working overtime on a contract for the in Moll!)ett. Returning they maids a f with their relatives here. � h � v i it R s
about time that the puhilr\'Nkf'd up, tion tariff since 17?9 have been able to I ' Sh'. Smith is a nice plPasin>r speaker', frame and sash for 100 houses being C A S T C7i R
to the tart that tlm Bell Triephone forge ahead, so that they are nmv suf_ and at the conclusion of Itis talk a erected under thn Housing Commission r r I A
C°n)pany, althoufrll it has spent thou, tlriently strong to Compete sucossfutly vote of thanks
' d
can s of dollars advertising its crit,
riency and thuuxhtPulness
with outside countries.
a. Bowden and ,yea.°n dP,-41 hY �i\. W,
in Wiydsor. Several shipments have
for public
N&vire, falls down, like a great many
`either the Canadian farmer nor thn
Q''cnadfan manufacturer can
Mrs, Ccix, Britannia
other concerns vvhn dnp't do so much
blowing of their horns,
independently of the other, and the
i he following from
toad, has sold
here resid` nce ttor. Mr. AlbertAllen,
own on the lit-
tie things that are aRgravting. it
working people are dependent upon
both. The
the \sail and
En'PirP refers to the nlarriafie
and mo
(tAve been a simple thing to have ad- should
principle that the strong
assist the weaker ones is
of a
sister of Mrs, C. C. Lee's, of town.
the hnuse at present occupied by Rev,
Sir. McGauleyf. 'Mr. McCauley
vertised the Mining change 90 that and
subscribers erould have
Proper, whether It be' m paying
Mr, and Mrs. Lpe and family, Mrs,
1f,ddlrtan and Mlss
bought the Jamieson Reid house on
been prepared,
and it would have saved them, and ural
off our war debt, developing our oat-
resources, building railways, in
Middleton And
Miss Hodge attended the lton
Pough street.
the girls.- lots of trouble,
supplying electric power, but before
took Place at
Ralph Orae i3 preparing toy open
Changes can he so regular s to be- real
progress can be made in any place
MountPle sant, Clinton, nta 1
o'clock noun
up a cash and Carry store corner of
Kingston stMet and the Square,
as, for Instance,, the of
change from day to
development someone must have a
on Wednesday, Sept.
when Mlss Hele Hoit
expects to be ready for business in
night, and the surplus
changes of the seasons of the living,Youngest
beyond his needs for a mere
,Daisy) Middle-
ton delle-
daughter oP Mrs. Mid-
about ten days. Though he and his
but In nearly all changes in natt a surplus
there is a warning
n have thatuthey ran
dleton,aOf Clinton,nd of the lg te !mar IMr.
associate comp from Detroit, they
claim Bruce County as their native
g givn which pre-
Pares mankind for what is going to forward
make a contribution for the pushing
of new
as ledgto
Arthur Lewis Smith, son of the tat.
happen, and gner�lly IL Is his own vvhirh
enterprises, without
no real progress can be made,
Mr. and \Ire. W, J, Smith, of Weston,
The W. C. T. U. Purpose holding a
fault If a man taels Inconveniently
Ontario. The Rev, , A. L. G. Clarke.
silver medal contest in elocution, and
caught by them, We -have 'noel to
motor of the Church of St. John the
vocal and Alstrumental music. Will
from nalure, and one of the
greatest things MIA teaches
evangelist, London, officiated in the
Presence Of
boys or girls between the ages of ten
and fourteen
is the val. 'ho
ue of the quality of stability.
the Editor of The Star•
The tic t
eladws and nfriends very
yThev immediate
yearn, who desire to tom-
Pete. please send their names at one
as a paper, dry leaves and It me was gaY with Autumn flowers 'to bliss Bentley .at the Children's
v w - DERbIOT McEVOY. other rubbish taut gathers in the h°t- and foliage. The Home. Gameron St„ or to Miss Could,
+ • pretty bride, who
•", Fed r Miller's Worm Powders
-tom of window areas leading to the was given away by her brother, Jlr, Market St.
v' value• They do not cause any violent ease basement
ttto tmoatr commoncantile causes of \V H. Middleton, s1mp1y, marls t in a Mr. J. G. Camet•on, of Toronto, has
graceful, though gcrvvn taken the positioll at the National
i disturbances in tate stomach, any pain fire. These are covered will) an open of white georgette and -charmeuse Shipbuilding Co.,. made vacant by Mr.
or griping, but do their work
p quiet- grate or other n)Pans of protecting trimmed, with Carrickmaeross lace. A. B. Dixon's removal- to Windsor.
A ` ty'ettd painlessly, so that the destrue- pedestrians from failing In, but at the wn-Manager Shaughnessy has removed to
The wedding veil was of
n tion of the warms is imperceptible same time they serve ,as collecting orange blossoms. and g position with
Bret they are thorough and from the haslns for all dirt and rubbish and the a with oral Toronto but retain his
f1t'et: dote there lA improvemfitt in the dCopplpg of a match on the end of a peas. The bridegroom's gift, the only the National Shlp�'itilding Co. Mr.
ornament the bride wore, wag a gold DIO° has sono into the brokerage
* 1;> coktdYttt171 of the sufferer, :)ad an entire rig tt Is a very common cause of tire, bar pial set with d1amOPYds and pearl
s: business at Windsor,
k t1�JMI19n of manifestations of Internal A survey of the business seatlon of The bride and bridegroom were uhat-
t �llttillb.:
Goderich made In just aloe minutes tended. After the service a buff PEdPI.E WE IilljO�iy
h, luncheon was served the guests,. 'Mrs. w
(ieorsr Middleton, mother of the stride, Miss Ivy Elliott Eft for London on
pfi Ir-
wore a becoming gown of black crept Wednesday of this week. ,
da Chine and georgette, Stith guipure Mis9 Nellie Colborne is on a visit to
trimming, Miss Smith, of Weston,
sister of the brldegro0m, was dressed for sister, Miss G, Colborne, at Toron-
t "">Ct t S•C]�?t% ,�„
In a midnight blue taffeta embroidered
7' " In silk. The bride's n �y going -away suit �:\firs Kata. Lyttlr, of Brantford, is
14� the BestIrI a t and she wsmart, of French navy blue, •" ler the wedding a small feather hat. Af•
ng trip to Now York. Mr.
and Mrs. Smith will reside In Toronto, ��;'
t AT where Mr. Smith is with tike Canadian .V.
C Bank of Commerce.
@ " Salkeld- . lark ■u ��
The following from The Smiths Falls ij Store
( 1
Record Sept. 16th refers
BLACK'Sg e err to
the marrla a of `fr. T. J. Salkeld, son
} a Mrs. J. T. Salkeld, Bayfleid road, to EAST SIDE OF SQUARE
Miss Amy L. Wark, daughter of .fir
g 11 and Z*fra, g, J. Wark. On their return
to Goderich Mr. and )firs, Sal eld were
tendered a reception at the tome of
k• We Draw the Live at anything of inferior quality � the 8teoom's mother and have since
gone to their home near l ucknow : doming flit ower Shortage
ttItrA•romance whish had ata beginning and the present'cost of inatatla.
"end gents' Feu nis when Doth of the partiesthetveWretk►tt, etr$Onb Coiltenaptating tet Furnish
sided in the Western Ontario town of . u
se of electricity will avoid nn.
o cf ek sad !t, 00118ummatlon at n
:} yesterday morns at the "Use and annoy.
home of Mr, si1°e - b fi *pin yt g }
i xi 6omg at ti►JkCK'5 ysn are aanroi of tits 'lit and l+irra.. "J, warn, Y est 1 to 118 he
S Church street. when their efdeitt Watch and Light Commisdon
b F , '' Ou #iluiii'eil
daughter, 14iiS$ Amy Lillian Wark, Ile• Slid obtairting # oontract for w
stanui tW �n •acne the %ifs of'+ W T. J. Salkeld et
Merida, -itte�t '.`' l tlts, pastor of *80PAY of alectrio anergy. , V6
t critical. The u ms it trite of wr famillllia' the Meth"st eriUrch. eondtleted the foot wire your housb of inlifun
rererilon3, '1'lte I►rtdo, who a un- aY, eleatria etovQ, motiPoa or any
Ii eta. %lith ov- otltlir elechill a
tttt sdof tette itro tie. #fid oar. 1'�l mins, until
i •wa•wv...w. rico! a Douquoteot7 brxtt e> * relaid• 40,111 hAoe Made"ftagemeh#k
'• " . Dia rotes, `Iter 901111) -0fty dens trag hit the neoesary electric cul"•
of Taupe broadcloth, with hitt to
match. A wedding brealttaat toltow "— -
'e here l »+ r -and W. ,ltd lN'ra. �1�. ur water
d A
CHAS.,',lBLACK stile a tb eft inlror ntb0Wllo, ihorbtAstbt� t bk« �'orolrto aw born
�i*"n CRT t UtItAoW, Vete t die Ott>" d t,r
' 1t7Mii(illlt��� D > th'eta i,ra'Mvere liar$ fIt `:`"
d alight
ar a erd'e wMYi� 1f�!
the t 0011i�A iho�tor ting,f otkrkh�
also btttivt"a filar) -U rw.., of , ,
'�-'w�•ysiliiir'....�+.Si..ktt+tu- -;�w+. ..�- o;.��.. -,++,s
�,�_- _ •�