The Goderich Star, 1920-09-09, Page 3- s o- j �•� '� '_ a"�GIAQN't'!f.'�.pt:« �.,:.,�'lta fatailk �,tAtF+ >a. f . • � 14►Ti+puws tln nIr' 0l e�tnV.P11 WivaliYof oo*ftioqt° TVel! Will lai n. tl#ea b). oH.B.M. # Itorthern, $f.7ib1(• . WO, whe4tS. $2•S6'lii. 0111" OA -4044, tea 114400* Van iiYI1 #. NAh 3 4'jt''Olr­F:, 91bSc- �, M� °Fain1 t► xqt It loses, 6t;%. NA. !tc, .tea. as tt 'c,.• �a,1 if 11 r Al Is ala •a Alrit*Me /t+tirte# tl� Styr* �b t,Yltltitila). (IV" Y, PIL" r'�� No'. i C,w:. $1.26. WitL IN 9" X 0 4. Re�egte , $1.I3. Ttddt $'t2t. . Exaitie,A.q► T;tfrnWlll f}IYEa. e""A Q". +q (Track,.- Torvio$% Vrosept shipo.eat/. ,rpiigp:- + Tloth zn t'1tUsi?tWS1 a , ;qy lT No, 3 yetlaw ;z, nominal. "vVelry bothetted wltTl* bsd >rtalsel f14 Q,11! Ontario Onto (Ae wstilas to Frelsk!10 backs, A fricnf 1 lflafd l t .Int oaism It iaoan'a itiney, Putat whtgh we did, tilaxi . c No, S white. 000, to sic. %e(QlRe We had fintab 'tha I?oah.wa Tot Ontario Wheat 4F.e.h. SkIpt•lnt, Pettottl. 1 nth better, ond'hav!e Ile btid an acts, , - Acordtag to Frell,t.ls): Since,,, Ifo, 2 winter, per car lot. $2.80 to " jopnta Kidney Pills Vim 5W. -A box at naso, • ++».*WL0ealwr0 Or 13 all0tt 41r£0t on r00f11 11 of Fels (According to Frelgbas Oataldoe). 7rsltgl t+3r 'Tile T; Miibuta ¢4•t No. •2, n0mtnal pronto. Out, 011*1 t;< 4Atcordlaa to rrel,g%sx outsides Moaning 41,36 to $.1.40. U tE4PR MM 4ackwhr#t (Aceordium to Frelt[ltfa 1R. GEORPE lIEILEiifANDr. Ost@Opfth. Outride/. -F specialist in wom@n'9 and Ghlldren'ri. No. 3 trominal. Vi.3ea3Cs. Acute, chronic find nervgUa dla Dye (Accerdlas to kFrights outside). Otters. partial deal.613. @ye, ear, hose No. 3, $2.76, nominal. Ixt t1U'orit, Adenol40. ;eMQygd W1140fii "Solicits Floor. i91 Itnlre. consultation' tree, 'Olneo a 11' r4siderice, Nelson and tit. Andravlr"s' ,9tree Government standard, ;14.76• To+ hs,Ck or TeWo' p ranee itaU, North Stl•eet. ;gttto,• OQice Uolll9 @ �o .12 It tit'„• ,L to 4 0' In Oatasle, Vloor (Protupt Shlpwept). 1lotadays, Tbursdaya and Saturdayin. Lvtldlaga by appointment. Government alindaid, $13; nominal. la.Jute bags. Montreal; nominal, in lute LEI;AL CAfit?S bags Toronto; $10.40 to $lu.6u bulk board. ACHARLES GARRQW, Barrister„ Solicitor, tllDfeed (Car Lots, Dellver441, Montreal Etc Corner Norti. tit}'@at atld•Square, Fre/gbta Bags Included). 0oderleh, Oct. Bran per ton $63. Shot•.ta per tun, $61. Cims. SEAGER * (it ... d feed flour, per bag, $3.76. �k J Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public Farmers' Market. am) Conveyancer Fall Wheat—NQ. X. nuvaWal. OMgt, : Court HouseZ (Ididerleb. Spring wheat—No. 2, nominal Goosewbeat—No. 3. nominal 4s C. HAY9 'PnOne 48. Barley—Malting and Lead, sonless 3 L Oats—Nominal. aarrtster, Solicitor. Notary Public Ate. Buckwheat—Nominal. Office Hiunilton St., Sterling Bank Bloclr Rye—According to sample, nominaL Godertch Peas -.-According to sample, nominal. Real Estate. Loans. Insurance Hay—Timothy, remixed and clover. I�ONVFYANCiN AND NOT(�RY 4o tlraiw- "�. ;0 $[taw--Spndled and loose, nomina4 iEOROE E GREENSLADE. Baylleld, Con., r7� �► �`� vevatoquisr And Notary Public CATTLE MAR1 ETS ROI'DFOOT. $1LLORAN k COOKE, P tiarrutet•s, 5011C14ors, Ngtartea rub- TORONTO LIVES STOCK MARKET. ac, Etc. TORONTO, Sept. 6. -The week -end unite -On .tie Square, ;nd door from market closed with everything sold, Nalntlton street, Goderten. and prospects for next week at least Private Runde O 100n all lowest-ret@s. steady. The lamb market was half a L. KI ORAlt, H. J. D. COOSE. rf W. PRK. C., cent higher, with calves strong and i. sheep steady. There dee not many good AL ICTiOtiEEiiirG bulls offering and [Host cattle of thla description would sell well if brought +►)�110.NIAS GUNDRY_ forward, 1 The run of hogs was light during Live Steck and General Aactlopeer, the last week, and the big packers Han,llton street, Ooderleh. were practically not operating. Local Sales made everywhere and all efforts butchers have purchased all available. made to gtvp you satisfaction. Theve was a butter Inquiry for Farmers's ! notes discount -3d. breedy stockers and feeders, with a -q strong demand for first class Cows. INSURANCE Ordinary cows were slow of sale. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. 11 (cKILLOP MUTUAL FYRIr INSURANCE BUFFALO, Sept. 6.—Receipts, 626; CO. slow and lower. Calves—Receipts, '260; term and Iso)aled Town Properly Insured. slow, 60c lower, $6 to $19. Hogs-- ralue of property Insured up to January, Receipts, 3,000; active, steady to 26c ivio $3,00,97').00- lower. Heavy, $16 to $16.60; mixed, ,IHICC(ts—lames Conolly, Presldelft, $16.60 to $17; yurkers, $17 to $17.26; tloderich :. Jas. Evans, Vice-Presldent, light yorkers, $16.60 to $1'7; pigs; $1i ace,ahwood ; T. E. Il'ay:<, Sec.-Treas., Sea.. to $16.60; roughs, $13; stags, $8 to $lo. 1 41 th. Sheep and lambs—Receipts, 1,600; slow t1tIRECTORS-D. r. storreiror, Seafortr ; and steady. Lambs -$6 to $14; year 4. O, One%e, Winthrop : Win. t HII, Con lings, $6 0 $9.60; wethers, $8 to $8.60; n1snce : George 6leGartney, T ickersmith iohn rerris, Harlock ; John Bennewise, ewes, $3 to $7; mixed sheep, ;7.60 to $8. drrytadbaxan : Malcolm NICEwan, Bruceflehl. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. AGENTS—J. W. Veo, jodertch , Andy' CHICANO, Sept. 6.—Cattle—Receipts, Leiter, Clinton ; Win. Chesney, Seaf(alh ; 11,000; steady to 26c higher on desir. e. Hincliley, Seirorth. able beef ateers; hatf fat kinds un- Pollry Holders can pay their assessmAn.3 every; top, $17.76 on all weights; bulk at h. H. Cult's Store, Goderlc�71, A. J. ')tor- good and choice, $1-6.90 to $17.66; rtab's f..INthing Store, tl+nton, or J. t! grassy kinds, $9 to $14.76; good and Pwd's, s•tyiletd• choice cows, $9.76 to $13.76; canners, $4' _ _ `---'--- to $4.76; steady, medium kind, draggy; NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. bulls, steady to stronger; bulk bologna, t�T.til 0.t1L1E $5.50 to $6.76; calves, strong to 26e `V higher; chol-�e vealers, mostly $17 to NOTARY- P('Rl.lr; $17.76; few tops, higher; stockers, dull., western supply, light. General Couveyancing done Hogs—Receipts, 19,000; generally 16c Good Companjeo ,Represented to 26c higher; spots more, packing sows Phone No. 298, Goderich, ont. oft' most; early top, $16.10; bulls light and butchers, $IT to $16.90; bulk pack - Ina sours, $13.90 to $14.26; pigs, 26c low- er; yheep. 26c lower; top native'lambs, Vr. Deux►s French Pella $12.60; top ewes, $6.75; western fat,and A reliable Regulating Pill for Woman, feeder class,ste dy; top western $6 a box. Sold at all Drug Stores, or lambs, $13:70; best feeders, $13.26. m,alled to any address on receipt or .. prise. The Scobell Drag Co., St. Guth- Bubtlaatt•.tu@ CretY Rescued, 'arlaea, Ontarl0.' NSW YOAX. Sept. G. -The Story PH SP ONOL FOR MEN of the rescue of the. Sour oMcers and Res t6res Srftpt and Vitality; for Nervb 36 men from'the•pararVily subtiterged and, rain: Increases "gray matter:” a Yost- will build you ftp• $3 a box. or submarine S -Si aitt�,r' they had been twk.xor $it, at drug stores, or by mail imprisoned undgry WiLf'er for 35 hours, on 'I0dcetpt of price,' /Me $cobell Drag was,graphically descilbed by the cap - co.. 9t. Catharines, Ontario _ tain, officers and --engineers of the 'Panama liner, the Gin., W. G. Goe- �' thals, when elle docked b1fortly after g six o'clock- T''hxzt�y night. Capt, E. O. r6 ■ V. Bros,Swensen, in c&ailland of the General Goothals, said that the chief honors in the reaClts:'! fhes,crteW,..of- the S-6 } GODERICH was due tb 'Wllilam I$." Oft&, the n_gineer, who ut and drilled the r x ^,,,;r tela a h j�uilfijarll] 0 for > 6' Ijio rd and 4 i�amintttirs= unfit the + ItIt18 aIF �q ho10 illik la4'ge• e%idugSt atn.ile rvr rich- edand Embalmers open with a crowbar so th�i the :crew could be taken out. + 1 D4'dera oaroflltty atteaa"d to 1� Tµ.� " a..,,,.•= Cts South Cath2><iCl .: e �,�: n,1t„ klis�_��,�(� :' ��iiis', ' ni�31.•FAl3�+ sept. s:�wi4�s�3ale evictions of Roman Catholic families sly Protestants continued in Belfast dwar �j` And. the vlMnity. Written notlees hwere sent to all Roman Cathtillca, 11 directing them to leave within rwglve La ,4K� TAPE O hours or their hom*s would be"at- tadr qd. The Roman Ca,tt rii ies, who .4i3I;N'1' lt'Ut:tj1h r6 are ijreatly outnumbered, were leav= 1 1 b d d G B h1 lnternatlenal haevester Company o p on> Hide RON Street o CAM AND SEE IIs no�rs>�oo For SORE ROkT COLD N CHEST SORE etc. \� chw'. t 'T'ilten. i*airviife. N.B. ll .. writes: 'I wish to inform you that we tonsider your f/J ng n on re s, en. din r clge, commanding the Bri(Ish treop8, IS. sued a proclamation vainly attempt. Ing to halt the evictions. At a mass meeting of Protestant shipyard workers on Friday, a reso- lution was adopted demanding mobi• lization and arming of the Ltislel Volunteers. ' Plague In Turk Barracks. CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. G. - Pour —Four cases of plague have been dis• covered In the Turkish Government barracks at Scutari, across the $os• phorus -from this city. The Allied Sanitary Commission has forbidder the landing of boats at Scutari, Season's•Crop Destroyed. ST. :T'I OMA9, Cent, R: Svnitan. eous combustion Is believed respons- lble for the destruction Friday of the barns. and season's crops of Alex, Duncanson, ex -Reeve of Dunwlch. The damage is placed at $8,000, With $4.600inallrance. • able rates. Ask any Gran,[ Trunk:Ag- aid) .. ' The complexion is unless clear: every ent Poi• Illustrated descriptive publica- .. ._... ... .,F.• -++M . - noon... U0, .i�.II"M MA - .. noon ... . '��� a ..: - i i` • : , . s � 1 ■�qr✓���p A�'li�fll��-�#t �l R?� �It�M � � �iY ��rY�:�IIQt�' � NII:$* Tena l9aril0q. of the B.We. l Toronto, Ont. ,r;ftr,, tins eaured A Licllalol 'tB0,v l;Xctkm healthy condition, Hheunrathnt will he entirely driven out of the c,stenr:� •CHILDREN 4F ALL AGES i The tI"aral�+ ttatl place at T%asva that tired frelinR rrmovrd: new amhi- Falls, N. 'll':, Ain AugtiA 4414, AK' XTWs hi tion and energy ll he your:. Roel t Teresa A. NTj4u..SZ;lJ t.. fornietrly QZ will I)e able to eompPte wilt, thr flit, np-w-born habe or the gro%%ing- � Dix th, alld air, Tttuola 4. N�ct,otllleil. child -have to he Constantly guarded ' tonic today. VITAL hill neons that The Watelta>' )irks t' t p4r1.11)@.11t ot 'gv- The heat of stltniner pain in tin• loch and ght . you a hea!!! health of the little one largely depends. tet' has taslaINd- aft, 4utolwtiv, '.rater, thy apprlltr. Prise JOr per hex. Sohl @ li sup�lt5 �MVIII at this' PIUM �i0,4 011"3110"1114 ryM Insure a etifatlurlot% W, 41et in Goderich at Carnphell's Drug Store) ?'saes. 'Baby's Own rabim.,, n;'e the'i supply foe 4140, tow% tiystl'.tu-• --+ideal SUGGESTS MERCHANTSPICNIC hornP medicine for children ot all nges• They are n gentle likt thor-i 11X[1 aild' "tIM A001 CAsp. -T xeter. an- t tiub laxathfr which art` IsehltPl\' flounce lite engagement Of their To Edit„r of ThP Star. , `s daughter, Sthet t4t4ori ie. W, Stjr I)rar Sir, -Herr ii a real hnnxt fi t be to flit youngt,st oh.iid t"ith Charles Hertranil Allison. Exeter„ III(, our berg and it could be el ivdbo all our gun,) nx•rrhnnts. 4 new Ihlrr given rrrft,4 t safety and benefiC pi rrsnit.. marriage ts;i;l g pfato tarty In Septem- t =. rose. starts in to Iced IRP tray by getting all Ie .its 6P \i'itlgilant,ratopaYers \rill' vote Sept. enrpint) r I to •r U,. r, I,as a picnic oniplo pes and inditrestiun; break up colds and 27th on a bylaw gWtlbg a fixed as- nn a �t,t .\ug. 25thc S,'pl. 1 sessment afj 1 for and exemptiola and a cern roast an 1st, And p from t tauation. except school taxes and vti'il our town merchants put up a ones well and keep thr4n well by jest county Rates, to the Excelsior kuttting shout ahout.the people not coning to town, and that thev err huying out or s' Co• and lih�• giving an occasional dose to The teaching staff of the Clinton town. Why not get together and hove , Collegiate under Principal Treleaven Ix merchant picnic and incite the sus- ular and his stomach % eet. The tomvrf along. They will he too The ' Kribs'. the same this ,rear as last, with the , and exception of Mr. Motions, whose pinee right. Come on novv',tA1r. Merchant Is taken by Miss I.tnklat-,v, of (lode- CAM, AND SBE 'rTmm C rich. ,� Dir. Robert Qralg, a former resident limps, Irons, etc., always on - (if them once In it while, insf,ead of of Morris. and father of Mrs. A. It. hand Mr. Me, and nay extra dollar. Jackson, M(Irris, and Mrs. Fred Nott,. TOWNIE, Clinton, Passed away August 11201, at - - Imr or the commonest complaints of n Meadgqw• Lake, Sask. The deceased A I WQ ,'%VHO--GOER A-HIDIw G ON HIS T1tVOJsVIIEELED KMED.--Novv- ",vas !n his 811t year, adays as in the days of old, when Rings go ti -riding, they call either for cos. l;awTe3' of Saskatchewan, their aeroplarrO, their motor ear or their carriage of state, \ ery revs Kings 15-M. Virmerly of Seaforth,' died suddenly ever think of generating their own loiomuthe power, but In this plotulr last week, leaving four small children. we have an exception to the rule. Thr* Kin, or shveden. the tallest rulor Ili d one sitter, Mrs. Jas. Hughes, and four the world, when lie hoes on short trims, zn ,, util his old bicycle and genev- line ern. John, James, William and ating his own power goes a -riding around the country side. Patrick Flannery, survive, Miss Lydia KoehlcrNpassrd away on Have You Gall Stones 1 LOVE YOUR JOB Sunday. Aug. 29th, at Wroxeter, in her 43rd year. -The remains were brought to the home tier father, Dir. Peter Without Knowing It? Are you ir}•ing to climb where the of chosen are, 1<oahler, Just north of the village. Where the fret of urep ;arc few whence the funeral took place. Not Just a few but a largA part of Do you long for a "Job that Is worth j Ofie of the rargest funerals that hsive Canada's population haves Yours I one's while?" been witnessed in Exeter for some -afternoon Iluly Just (Muse you stomach Ir itblel ''ell, here is :a thought fur you: time took place on Sunday or headaches, indigestion or pain in The puts of bold at lite rainbow's end. August 29th, when Ahe remains of the the side. others suffer with their, Art, sought by the terming mob, late George Henry Hockey v ere W4 bowels, bile and Other nervousness But the falries %vl),) gitani there ehoo,-e to rest in Exeter* cemetery, Tho fun- Some acute cases have all these symp- as rrieni oral was under the auspice, of thei toms• If you have any or all of thent The man who loves his Job. I I. U, 0• F., of which the deceased was snake up your mind now to qet a but' No matter what grip of hand he hiot - t a member, tie of "Marlatt's Specific." r � lriSie• Hour or strong his Renin, Mr. Jos. Flack, axed 92 years, form. From all over the Dominion letters The}e's alway, it place for the man Prly a resident of Wingham, passed are constantly arriving expressing vvho tours away recently at Edmonton. )'Vhlle a gratitude and unbounded Jnr for the His vtork tcith Inl> ht and mate: resident of''Ingham lir. Flack enjoys return of health after using h1arlatt't;. cd the respect and affection of all who These are at yOUt' disposal any time. Specific is thorough ----- --- - - knew him and, when tie left was mis- s;A,particularly in the 'Methodist Marlatt's a sy- steal cleaner, yet perfectly harftttes.. PALL 11.14 DATES „lintvintr are the dates announced church, of which -he was it faithful and can be taken by young or olds for fall fairs in this district, (iuderich is member and a local preacher. one dose will be sufficient to convinct> the earliest or Ute list The Blyth Standard says: The ate. Nall fancily, reside the Auburn you of its merit. For sale at all druggists throughout Canada. If your Exeter Brussels ......................;epi. t9-15 who pn road, have been running In Ill Iuc►r ( dea.ler cannot supply you write for Pree booklet to J.''. NIgrl3tt and Go.. ........................Sr )t. Y0.2t l Zurich ........................Sept. 22.29 Wily. A eouple of weeks ago a horse l'oronto, Ontario....................... S, ttRu UiSept, 23-25 ran ii%%ay, throwing Mrs. MoNall 'from the vehicle and quite Fe\'seely' Injuring (Special Agent in Goderich, Ont., ,sus. A. Lncknow .....................Sept, 23-21 itlelP her. tel e day lea week Mr. Thos. Me- I Campbell, Dru011ist I HavOeld.......... . ...........Sept, 29-30 Myth ................... 90 -Ilei, 1 Nallft)l, fracturing one of his ribs: CAMPING AND CANOE CRUISING .Kept. �'•Ingham.................5•lit, 30-uct, I, and nn Friday Mr. (;Po. McNall, while \ Uungunn ut......................urt. 7-41 operating the slings in the barn had Young men who have only two or th,• misfortune to have his hated three weeks' vacatMn can not spend - eaiight In flit, ropes, severing one tin- l their holidays to better advantage ,er and badly laceratin:r another. It than on a cruising• and camping trip in is trito in this in;;tanre that trouhle Gods out-of-doors. A territory that ur•.er cruors singly. lis full of attractions for a trip of oris (kind is Algonquin Park, 285 miles west i f l 1 of Montreal, 178 miles \vett of Ottawa VITA Mets and 200 miles north of Toronto. Splen- did fishing, lovely srem•ry, easy port- �ages, good opportunities for the aura, true y p1mtographilt•-\\11d life ahnumis. The Great French Toni" fret ahothe level of lire _ seat 11 IMost healthy district In eastern (::rn-1 lluild. l'p It RunjDalv11 SyMem. Men ada. All the requisites for the ram,•)- I and Women of Canada Slay Noo' Burr may br hurl at rrasonalcle priers r,lI Stronil and Healthy. 1•our DruffIII If) the "Highland Inn" general store of 1 Has Il and Gnarunlees Furry Box. Algonquin Park Station, inrlutiin,g prn-i \'I'1'.\L i+ the latest intention, giviMons and fishing' tackle, trntc"-can- oes cooking utensils rented at reason - nets leas, of lire I, truaranh'ed to Pvery man and tconlan tvhu talo~.: 11TAi, able rates. Ask any Gran,[ Trunk:Ag- aid) .. ' The complexion is unless clear: every ent Poi• Illustrated descriptive publica- a a H S KEM P 1 blernish \Till be renu,vc,l, til, blood tion telling you all about it, or apply made, pure, the nerves, made strong ; to C. E. Horning, District PassengPr.' I L' THE HE and every organ will be plact,d In , 'Agent, Toronto, Ont. healthy condition, Hheunrathnt will he entirely driven out of the c,stenr:� •CHILDREN 4F ALL AGES i Hydro Store that tired frelinR rrmovrd: new amhi- hi tion and energy ll he your:. Roel (ih.ildren of all acres --whether it ho will I)e able to eompPte wilt, thr flit, np-w-born habe or the gro%%ing- tvnrld. Get a box of the, wonderfu) child -have to he Constantly guarded tonic today. VITAL hill neons that Rs to their hPaith. Upon the gouty, The heat of stltniner pain in tin• loch and ght . you a hea!!! health of the little one largely depends. thy apprlltr. Prise JOr per hex. Sohl his strength and usefulness in after makes all household in Goderich at Carnphell's Drug Store) ?'saes. 'Baby's Own rabim.,, n;'e the'i tasks more difficult. --+ideal SUGGESTS MERCHANTSPICNIC hornP medicine for children ot all nges• They are n gentle likt thor-i Btly an t tiub laxathfr which art` IsehltPl\' To Edit„r of ThP Star. giiar•anteed to bp free from opiates „► tether harmful drugs and thick "lay' Electric Washing I)rar Sir, -Herr ii a real hnnxt fi t be to flit youngt,st oh.iid t"ith our berg and it could be el ivdbo all our gun,) nx•rrhnnts. 4 new Ihlrr given rrrft,4 t safety and benefiC pi rrsnit.. Machine Through their aetlon on fir buwrl4' starts in to Iced IRP tray by getting all Ie .its and stomach they banish Constipation, enrpint) r I to •r U,. r, I,as a picnic oniplo pes and inditrestiun; break up colds and . V� e have three makes nn a �t,t .\ug. 25thc S,'pl. siluple rP\'ern and make teething rariy.i and sizes at different and a cern roast an 1st, And Mothers. you ran make your littl,r i vti'il our town merchants put up a ones well and keep thr4n well by jest prices shout ahout.the people not coning to town, and that thev err huying out or keeping a box of the Tablets at hand The ,Thor„ and lih�• giving an occasional dose to town. Why not get together and hove the ha`by to keep his little bowels re;r-1 The "Trojan” merchant picnic and incite the sus- ular and his stomach % eet. The tomvrf along. They will he too The ' Kribs'. only Tablets are sold by medicine dealors. and glad to horst it along if it is handeill or by mail at 2S rents n box from Ilir i right. Come on novv',tA1r. Merchant I Dr.''illlams Medicine Co.. Rrock,lllej CAM, AND SBE 'rTmm ,and shote ynnr interest in your town out. all(] get lite ritirens with yoii. Think limps, Irons, etc., always on - (if them once In it while, insf,ead of No articles offensive In orior or np- hand Mr. Me, and nay extra dollar. pearanee or of a combnAlbiv (or etc - TOWNIE, plosive ehararter are arc• pted for dls- - - Imr or the commonest complaints of n play at the Canadian National Kxhihi- WATER AND LIGHT (OIIM1S810N J. is weans, and the most effect- Safety pins are all right for cerhin 66DEfliCN fvP application for thorn ly %bother things, but they are not safe thingf, (lraves' Worm Exterminator. I for a baby to swallow. 1 to six 'years � This fe11< ukablo mxtm ion in the satesNof a business manufacturing chocolate products and ice cream, ' over a six-year period. indicates. i. (I) A statplc product for which g, r there is a constant and vow - ins demand. (2) A well organized marketing organization. (3) A plant complete and modem in every respect. (4) Capable and progressive management. Write for our circular describing fully the 9Ao cumulative Pref. `Yn�l Yielding erred. Stock of this Company 81% carrying a bonusof Common Stock. I��r�st�tN=O,NM��cu�i�t - '' MPORATION _ NEAR ppMGltt TORONTO cls Q4ilte smri KC _ ` 640MMRAL RSTAat1$ NO 100/" RLO"00111 t. RNL6 floe. hr tilh a ditchoo• blazt,'a. trail wilh the 4viunem-love your Jabt \\'here the dream of man may runfi From the Loudon Advertiser. - Nu Antis of earth shall shoulder him R'en't IIIthe placekick, out In the sun! C A S T O R [ A it isn't the kirk, it's not the pull, That hri ng lhstrung nacul: For Inttanfs and Mdren But !Cs long tiro• work andnd It's ell t tedda rrit eheerful heart and shout! t In Use For Over 30 Years .. y Ilatr you faith in yonrsr•If" Iu Alwah, yott want to isle" hebean 44 '1'hwr's Just one thhig ran hc•Ing you In Signature of , waz Acetylene Welding AND ALL KIN03 OF Repair and Machine Work DONS BY THE DOTY ENGINEERING CO., Ltd. WORKS AT THE DOCK. GODERIGH 'Phone 280 Farmers and others having broken castings can have satue rel•alred good as new on short notice,'at moderate port. �I MItN.tl"tD5 Lifd. ' IMENT a very end aid) .. ' weusorarticle. e 'WC'cte It a! •lure ,r a a H S KEM P 1 irFlitfTftftdt' t,ittt , ,raa1T+� rtct ite,,with@ut it fi` t�. EXPERT WATO MAKE4 i W, trwtW, Rattles. Creaks, ste., Chmetl ud SeNarretl sathtesterlly.” » sot ew* ot•..ew atrirrvotee - NiWotan wMentibSSW to plasevifbtae TMMM's TOUNC& M" 'M7t�lLTHKAL t h011diC9111 IN A tCl1�•lrarl Cerroll the author of true Lady of the Lamp Mwrawta and 'producer OT the plat which critics eonet'(le fa the best thing yet produetvl this treason at his desk in htf 4;,� office ill the .Lyrlo Tttrioit`e Building Althouph Me. Garrod in only twenty Ovr tie is being hailed as the future " Relalgen• Itetlfat ails Lady of tho Lamp. Mr. corroil anis- 'rico Long i.otl.v." "l:n ary� Cottage" "rile Lose Still." $renew wur ". ill tial rater. "Gall :+ 'rax) anri f-4 new abtnii to start rpheara+I on hitt Jateat offering "Daddy (umpllnti•' written In coUnbnr• 4"01111111dil!'+Ow. atlon with George Hier AtcCutcheon, lbn anted anchor. we specialize In Trlring of all Kinas. us give, you an estimate for wiring y house or garage. Private Telephones Motors Dynamos Electric Bells and Burglar Alarm Systems ALL WORK GUARANTEED Let our =r uc• ,r t�. Cook, Iron and Toast by Electricity We have an assortment of the hest,Eloidrie irons and Towers made in Canada ) I RBBT. TAIT ELECTRIC WEST STROU 60 82 er 493 4a