The Goderich Star, 1920-08-12, Page 2ppwqqF*ln" T—.qr r, .117.7 Ing 4090M Sr• AA ----- - k0l 10 tlleJntto tojel? conch"jors. A WO dOtOt PM IR LAXA*Q* have to go to college' staid spend several years and Mani? 2-,P , *,..* A. thar hUndrcds of doilaT* Ill IMvIng to be a TJIURSM&Y. AUG, 1.21h, 4720. critic of Ittio cornerwocery or ittilklit- comer variety. posvibly that is #b rift. there are so Many of them. Tkvy SPINDRIFT there up lige, werdo on, a !stip. and. 1r "vir VMS Worl4 is a remarkable thing that they have yo 4 won't 4ve The old, gr;p;q'�, _V1 ta"a". f4witatIOR for V004crileb tiJo [title cffrc� on lbb progres,* of the A*.At11Ag, il'wAleniug, purgaUvv pow world, T110'iviorld has gone through Critirl"I youatry t syll'al, fulghlibe colied the Pioneer stage WV , .01 uo Affut your system. -n Kai orsp pe It to$ tipc 4 that the VA5,10 f " te thlog In the world is to criticiac. and. of cultivation, and lit the present fIM9 or , It would appear that store grotilila has -Iwy woric gp.ily Z4 �7cq&dy, from the number of people who take a been broken than the scuiller of edu- 41;ofo arpmn. you brcath b.a, Your R ry hand al 4t, we are Inclined to believe cation can peep clean. It is a well 0 unintelligent and d --tructimste. qnd IDUII- the stateinent to be true. There are, known fact among farmers that weeds I t 1DIV 111016vevev, two kinds Of critielf", "Y, vi,m pri:twofatster and stronger on Boil Ill , )KID cultivated and allowet' I t Ilias, I G ligunt and tonstructivo. The mass of to stand &D they will on ground I!iaf I critics are of the first kind, and, like has not been touched for years. -r %N4- -a Ev", of 7%;� fools, "rush In %vbvre amto tear to IN 111, 111, S **A attle learning is a dangerous tread." They maho more noise• and thing; 4 k ltdca,mto­�', Slmyt(�,I;41olthe '" 4 " It 0 AR, to neral. are Imitated and applauded 4, Drink deep, or taste not the Pleriall PA Jay a greater number of people than spring; t rolkV, 114, k r using %I lburn's w Ills. - 1 had I- a sJlf-`ir'nf 'd There shallow . orauguls in RES CESSM toxIcale . RES IES tholse rrlll.�s who 4re more conijerva ver RES tive,• and who -want ujorr titan first the brain. 40r, aunt t Ailw,., ft -)441 C.9paj 4411 of impressions from newspaper articled ,*h 09 again. ell And drinking largely sobere s�tcel" 00) 'Do" r1604 .unto IES h did r: BAXTER end GO., 1) So %Nrote, the poet pope years i W45 advised to try Y9,10 villa.—I got ILUR RY CELLS ago. and today vitv find the lines par- teat relief after tUT6 'Wr -a fqw tirtilarly appli0able to the %N4irld'li COD• If 11 OILS GREASES Be$. IsAd, , d1tion. Prcc 25c. a vial at all era or, We are - m- - QiDt r r' by The u'ra 00 , Oct, -ENE M a Bite, of Education has tic carrit-d oil, on a iinaiik,d d' pt on rot:604 T. 93b "PrYL greater scale during the last generation OXY-ACE,•F Until; titan ever tbefore. The inasso have Brea A k -Ili danger - imbibed enough it) make tht WELDING ous ' and the only saZe*,y for thorn, and outfit in the near future. the world in which they live, is mole TALLM AND SMALLEff MENBER OF T I , Pl*[C TEAM %AILL Osu11IA demonstv's t thliLwork, by an o%pert.You. rink WaterRE,, -tiqu 0 education. Criticism which simply ir, the 'tallest and 'shortest ast agitates, 1.1 all evidellee that the critic FOR EUROPE.—Pat McDonald gnd Elilven fAiggi will be gkyvn here., Wittiallfor later apoonuce, am has not sull1glitilit cijll�atlpll to I,t,nder member of the American 4)lympic Team, phutogr�fhed Ju4t 4wfurO they went for the'datti. of hot videfili pn"fltv "Inem" hill. 1-nnume from tit,, atiourat, of ad, ad for Europe.DI Overland .and I McLaitghlao for Sale .FL# k9l" ve flu -trelly wtfleh milli ViresteL4 the peace —Or— 11 vr,�� I .. 1-1-- Both of th_9se cars are in 11rat-class ri rAI�IttJlrfiemsatanrunning order. Cf tile %vorld. Thq ghat (IlCitill," ;uoli all idea anter their II(Aadii eve -0 in A TONX FOR Td' NRAV" which confronts is it,' 0 full. Let Us remove the carbon from yo4r Motor --*,cq Moddor tuot as coal, WWI It bums, I fa!& that the peqg)W m. 10 nerd It most Parents who allow their girls if) The Only wal"Nerve Tonle Is 4.6004 with QV&ell. s-Wq are.d9lug vipis "rk J)v 10 a certain #Mount Of - JAC0011- a"' 41 =en! 'tlll,Q d - I; -it wear clothes to school Which attract Supply of Well, lied Blood bj),st,cars- 0 form It ts bd fble material Ill the :WO! I -ower to pr- vat education in uttentWn, rather by dressy. SlYthith- so the f04 AU4 JIrt)S liko fly. . 6C Priv form. The flols%-��vihl.i art Ilw pi- ness, than by servicable comfort, are ty pet..ple %,.uuid wk:y attend to ves in th aliments tAW -a tlents who are pasgui.; through the unconsclouslcY throwing a men Y lurld st to nut 0 -da I % lit, their blood, in.,trad of v,(,rry'Ing them, Mites the "'C', aukount 91 indlZotible In&- acute stage of edueitionil reconsirue- wrench into the line working gears of I=ps of lead. --The L -AND Oki i\e, Ill," said an eminent nerve spe� they became oftrworked; est sluggish,, T. F.; ROL terill, 'WhIC11, If tot COMP1001 011millift- tion. For years they were allowed no education. Ghildren may look (51,81imt, -wt, (ioctops would not set, tillar slabs, and feel Bite ted from the system each day, be- education. Now tile very I!ttle 1,110Y cute" In line clothes, but there will at I coyl�llitlng room, crowtit-d with nvr� ;7ji—a becohxes cloudy, tha bladder is irri- whose mothers vj&II e obliged to oak rMe. comes food for the millions of bacteria have has gone to their headt; and they ways be those I!, vous wreeks. More people suffer from tatellp and you may b which Went the 'bowels. ' From this think they know everythim; that_ it is buy tine clothes for them, and it %%,.,,I,v than anything el' lief two or three txmds during the nIgIlL crijulual, to make children feel that I clog you rhuet help ass of lef"ver waste. toxins and I - worth while to know. Thuy lutvv ar. The sort of Ihln6 %Yllich the special- When the kidneys =Isin-flke polsons are formed and flush off the boq's urinous Waste 'Lett arro- there is a class Imo, t,sPeclairy In 0 1 int spoke of Is the ner-ious rundown them rived lit it conditiod'of concli. -\vorL and the or you'll, - country. We have ieeni colitiltit,ii caiis V. • sucked into the bloo4.0 be a real nick person eborU. which ret very cart -Iii) deinocrath by overwork gance, Alen and women who can't get feel- handling. alit] 11 is aect-msar,y thlit they children going to schoul clad in a mar.- ,,any* &nxIel.j,,s of to -dal". Sufferers At Int you feel a dull misery in the 1;14 - Ing right must begin to ta*e inside receive a dt,se of ,duration, u,, n ner entirely unsuitable ,,Irin,,,nl,,l suffer from and 11 ...... selvt�s Ilrud, lo --spirited and MY lj%%;I�d baths. Before eating breakfast each If it halt it) be administered by forte not only to their physical health but III)tibl, to keep their mifids on say- sick dizziness, feel ell geii morning 4rInk a glass of real hot e sour, lloogue, coated an you rheu- That Is the way it looks to us at pre- to their staIN welfare. It would h� it thing. .Any sudden noisyhurts Ilk a , d water with a teaspoonful of time- sent, but %%v ran never tell vi -hat In- ,love Ili the right dirt-tition to have a blow. They are full If groundles.4 mistic twinges when the weather Is Its& stone phosphate in it to wash out of fluences or (Imt-lopitientm ,Till lake uniform school re Gs for girls, aud a fears, and do not sleep well at night Ikt less most, drink lots of water; 77-4 the thirty lost of bowels the previous so get fr an armacist fOuIP ounce$ day's accumulatlon of poisons and place to change tile whole order of standard school uutill fe- buy?; PN- Headat,hes and (ither nerve Rains are *I Om 7 =e V the entire slimen- things. The turning point )n John scribed and regulated by the Depart- part of the misery, add it all comes of Jad Salts; & tablespoonful ItOxInst and to keep I A life came one afternoon when ment of Education. from starved lit -eves. in & glass of water before breakfast tary canall, clean, pure and fresh.9 Bunyan ye and your kidneys will Those Who are subject to sick head- he took shelter under a tree in a Chun- There are many other things a critic Doeltli,ino, till, norvvs wittr POisVIIouF for & few da V ache, colds, biliousness. constipation, der8torm. A flash of lightning pill copid think of Its needing attention. sedativus is a terrible mistake. Tile then act fine.. This famoutsalts is made others wb* wake up with bad tasts, the tree under whit -It he was Manding, Town councillors, for lnstanCN shouldonly real Ilene tonic Is a good SIIPPIY from the acid Of Tintoe, and lemon in* P 110)[1111 breath, baeksche, rheumatic stift. and the crash of thunder which occur• always be above reproach in private as of rich, red blood. Therefore to re- combined with liffla, and hsq been used -.vell as public life, and, should, on no for generialtignis to clam ekoed kidneys Dess.. or have a sour, gassy stomach red simultaneously, %-.as to hill) as the it,ve nvrvou�nt­s and run-down 1-tvaltil vote(, of clod, lip was from that me- account, set bad examples to others by I , and stimulate them to normal activity, after meals, are urged to get a quarter I r. Williarnla' Ply,14 Pills sll()utd be pound of limestone phosphate fromrilent no more the drunken tinker of lighting fires .with coal oil, or walking taken• These pills rnake new, trich also th neutralize the acidedn urinei, so i it no longer JSL & source of irritation, the drug store. and beV , in practicing Bedford. but an t­.angellst to the world on the Krns' In the square, or even blood, which strenj�',,wng ill(, nerves, thus ending bladder weakness. internal astaltation. This will cost at large. filling their. buzz wagon tank., witty I nlrpr( N es tt,(, app, tit, gives ne-ot, lIg may gasolitle at night with a lantern Jed Salta is inexpensive, cannot in- v.ery tittle, but in sufficient to make qomething akin to the lightning In the strength and spirits, � nd mak, , hithrr- an"ne an enthusiast on the subject. ott r hand. Is that criticism or mere cheer, jure; makes a delightful effervescent I tiring the warring factions of Europe to dv��pon-lent people iright and a bathing to more "Erl as - lit4ia-water drink which everyone should Remember Ineld to theil- senses, but In the meantime I,): expression of opinion? Well, ful. if you are at ii., "our of sorts' haportantlthan outside bathing.4be. till efforts should be made in this the (10sternionger said, "Ylliu pays yv!, yon shok)ld bogin t�al..ntr Dr. W I Illanis' take vow and thea to keep the kidneys eause the akin pores do not absorb clean and activee Druggipta here say country to stimulate education in ev. Irtioney and you takes yer choi-ce, Pink plll�. they F. -II lots Of Jed Salts t6 .folks who Piles cati be cu)red bhWtilfiff Into the blood, causing poor cry possible waY. Tile passing of ex- _'Nume people Will say it it; unintell _ y,,u call g(t these dils through an do. they can't say It I y belies 0 n overcoming kiduq trouble antics, at s dralv-, in niedicine. t r b)� mail at M bea".qVIIII0 the bowel pores animations successfully should be gent, but surely 11"t as amp aud,hot water cleanses, for W.50 from while - is only trouble. Suppositories quickly give relief to 1110110 wits sweetens and freshens the akin, 50 1 inade an occasion fora public demon- destructive. OT MeEVOY. cents it box or six boxei, MEDEOL we prescrilt" bet water and limestone phosphate l straiten of approval so that children I) E, R.N I The Pr, Wilhan's' ',J,, Brock-, ADVERTISE, IN THE STAR suffer f"In piles or Hemorrhoids. They eys and , ilviiii now itpeak Jociflarly of their it elainleo Ville, Offt. by leading Physicians all ever world. let on the stomach, liver, kldn schools as -gaols" should never have Tito Oil of Power. -It is n( Boz containing one dozen, $1.75 bowels., • for Dr. Them"' lftlectri.e Oil that it If your Druggist cannot supply you, writel dicastw- t will cure every Ill, but Its uses art so THE HOME PAPER ALLIED DRUG CO. various that It may be looked upon as Read (in NewsCaper oay at, Nev,' M(DDEL a general pain killer. It has achieved sta1f, College of Agriculture.) Port Hope, Ontario. that greatness for itself anji all ill- I' alit the friend of the family, the tempts to surpass. It have failed. lt� Boot aLrd, Shoo Repalp br:nwer 1 f I &ng,, frc.ni (,llitr friends; excellence is known to all -110" ! I al�i I sp al the 1,rijilt, in th-, evening -0 Prout'g Creek,• and Ivarnt by X AT- , I COAST 'Ray, Scaft)01 Reach, The Western Fair tesk,dvits I. light "r vlt)e-clad porch or 3epot PORTLAND AND ATLANTIC Old Orchard Ketinc-bunk, Bidd . Biddeford A fence. \\intvr'q iamp. ocruer of Hamilton and illustrated descriptive :!!I T,ONDON I i,tip inaiv, this «,vcning hour: Trunk offers day and night' Peel, etc. For ALL FAIR DATES Newgate Streets The Grand T with list of botell; and ail in I ri cord t!,., great and the small, the I through service between Montreal and literature,DPIY to any Grand Trunli %W*jt��l acts .f the da�-., and works that Footwear Reeirs Portland, leaving Montreal daily at 8.30. formation, at -4,1"T. 11T'H TO 18TH Following art- the date�z announced " Ip life. Good Worli acd Reawilible Prices A. M. and 8.20 P.M., arriving Portland Agent. or C. E. Horning, D. P. A., S r for fall fairs lit this district. oodprich is • 9 141- 1, -%N I 8or-cafe Toronto, Out. I am for :and of tho, home: � follow Guaranteed at 7.30 P. W. and 7.80 A. M., PW THE GREAT AGPkULTURAL AND LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION the e-,11,st - If - ft - 11 .. list _IREPT. 8-9-10 tht,,, \\I,,, humble beginnings: car service on day train, sleelilng carai Market gardeners could soil 1`110:` GODERICH, \V helher tit,\- go to lrreittriess or to on Dig tritin. No change between Mon- dies �A I OF WESTERN ONTARIO Brussels ......................Sept. 14-t9 the *,,ik#, i,. th(in the thrill S. Ward & Son treal Portland. The comfortable vegetables by making the bun Exeter ........................Rept. 20-21 with vv !i Ina asst Portland, theiRlandsof Casch little bigger. I urich .......................... IePt, 22-23 seaforth ...................... Sept. 23_2.� 1 speak t!i,, languag- cif till, conuto.l. $35,000-00 IN PRIZES AND ATTRACTIONS 1. 11 are Mt._ Lucknow .....................wept. 23-2 1 n is lill-g- to his un- r Rayllf.ld ......................Sept. 29-3( derstan,fln-­, Vit;, eongri gatio Blyth ................... . iowlit. 3()-()ct. I el, tilall .1iiiii if any c�!urch in my town. -1 ic'. i I IIIV F, H.J.-M, JrT Mort titan those in the JOHNNY J. JONES EXPOSITION ON THE MEDWAY Wingliltim ................. Sept. 30 sch-,:. Young tinil ell alike find it, Dungannon....... .. 1 Instruction, entertain-\ FULL PROGRAMME TWICE, DAILY nient, inspirati(n. wdaeo, comfort I and I the ,hron:ek-r 4.1' birth. and love Auto Polo, Music, Fireworks. Two Special Events 0 d dcallt-th, three great facts of Daily. S man'., vx1st,i-ce. EXHIBITS.OF Mob h11NDS. I bring l,.Lwlhrr Ilil\or and seller, to the I�vrwfit of both'. I all, part of the SOMETHING DOING ]EVERY MINUTE.ket-plai- ff the vit,rld. Into the h Ill, I carry \\ w -d of the goods wiliell Genial Admission, 5k. Children, 150. Auto And,11river, $1.00 iM Reit, and :IP!1, I. and which tial -t, r Ili oowfort, o,,sp. health ane All information from the Secretary. happ.m-". 7 I -T. -COL. W. V. GARTSHORE, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary. I wit thi, word of the Nveek, the his. 6• �A 1, F, 147 j F� Ni tory of tit(, p-ar. itiv roeord of my Community in the archives of Mate and • nittlim. KillImp F I �ini the exponent of the liv,,q of my ST"111'" OF MUE Q0,MP,4%NY K, 10C ket lmii thi, Country ;at lk'all" _i I- a it Noxvi!-Disordcr.5 of the diges- ,ts a"Cm D STABILITY IN 1 -HE PRODUCT Live anymratnA should he -dealt with at 7 enter hpforo eomplic.it ions arise that "I`"WLM*WE yews of wo-ing b4cp cEWE N rq in Ly tftich *44 ramer World over on may I.r diti'tcull. to,cope with. Tit,- q markets, hav� of t4* 0�')bur podua— W6.41- _*the o* 'me 4 stirept reme,ly to ffills end and one that &oe it tx* statria to. region we &n & %i6r'seh Itis ill" Garare .11amilton street 14 within r-aeli of Al. is Parmelee's• Lou" Paris. Now York, simultan eouill1r. Wwvou bw It Twill ig auCh Si6knO38 Due to, Vegetable Pills, the br%t lavatiye atkd -------- val-im fted(itivirl on the intitrket. Do not delay. L"k of 'fork PW '4 Anmifir 'IobeC � ' - bud try Virtu now. line trial will cony b vine anyort, that they are the beat 6� e t SPDCW S4J rfbg egUb *dy produces morts .8t,11flaoli rrgulato at,c 1, �r� th an be g I* "I - GREY," -EXMA 14FAVY SERVICE CJUEY." "BRIM MUP RtW Win emu= y iloida to k4ep the L.. 1 1! . 11 , �, p -scit--si-DUNLor ACCZ0801t1ZS OF Hastrittl LuNip and 11111OWels w0rldZ9- JUIS surplus anergy tit uA be 04111t in mental or pilft"Iftl Ntft& Oil the Dt�*op lalmw & Rubber - CNOO& other ill"d, people who work too Hood 01ke and Factoritist' TMONTO hard usi their rieseffe Strength "d Esz -LMout a* systek .ea to Nor.. 101. People Ift a" tat] ILLAMNO voinnopill, Constipation, or have any am a of the Cit tbft Trouble Hart, LIVON Nerves, kidneys. stoftwoh or Illowalls 1W We have a large supply of kfali Crtsitly ImprVvei thio colildlition Ot- their licWth It they 60 *10�. Tires ou b and, all makes. if towwroft t6o haw. take more . . . . . . . it &rvice tee, if yoUl *ork too 11[ttlt, W06 used med. y". tootlie exercies, IOU will F it's &=k idno to Gottect tho ttdUbles rauirati 4e. a, ft A � Goodyear Illy your 1h4wrotlobs Ann, Xor IdIlld—or H is a a ucw v iia to refrtioi* fiam. waim To a .0'so us DualoP Z1 $up* an your tiliteds At Heart alid NOrve."Wole4y Aft 1" pro% VM ft4*1% 4 taktilt' A I Domtinii 0k, One 0"ttWowt-la x portasm Wi" iviju '�i efficient yow ` IoMRoyd, Oak M"llittat Uver- Flu's tttroftaAtiW4, Will w4k W# leave tbe tSr­6'ie ii, *M $"t0*66 *m sal a am tho 11hpar. 'GooMich Chat ummaomw wtign ipftifift. 4*1ttft, , Vilft JAW "y lit%lifil a)$0* Midwe tross softlift *A In 111101111111, Of P Ktft=tiyV#aiI Jdt 4 ' iritic. V*d.t;ttlke a+ A 4r out lilso VOR94*4464. 1*4001fta ot $WdkW* Kid - .60 to Pr Cf• • 4 iut J67;; �,O* 6 4 -ti' kl„ to XiAlv 40; 0"k14%, top "A Avg t�tt to %Vln "r ot 0, X `-I• . ou tti V w Ike few 11*11* 11(� "*Ili#. 4 L