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The Goderich Star, 1920-07-22, Page 9
M MTEETHIRM, OR , I Vnads of. This ouble"lolliack R'Oute Thou Die Every Summer. when (bs baby starts to cut fts teeth, then is tkt Vitue the poor motf.wr I$ Unexcelled djulne cat Service. under the strit-'ss of WUL aux. W ety. Folf some —on or other the bow -els becouag r'10 "aging cars ©rine traim and Par loose, and dierrhoea, dysentery, colic,lor cars uu Prluc)PaJ day trafuo' cramps ar-d many otter t)owel cotta- Bull information from any Grand Plaints manifest thenis(Aves, the guw� Trunk Ticket Agent OT G. E- I`MniDg, become 3"wolltu, cankers form ivt the • 1)istrict Passenger AP11tv Tomato., mouth, and in many umes the child wastes to a ahadit w. F. F. LAWREINCE # SON$ Ver and Tielivt Agents Wheat the &1d gets into th a all - Town Pas 'PhOft dition the bowtit; ultki j;v very cjiogtly looked untir, acid for this purl,,sp Wp kn,-Nv of notldug to equal Dr. 11oxvlvr't Winter Term Extract of Wi!d Strao-bern... Th a sterling n m, dy Lip been used for From January lith Open in each of teeth'ng babies for the past 75 years, by Toronto. (Business, 1"' Toro thousands of Canadian mothers. who Shaw "choo "d Wire. swear by its effics,", and there is no Shorthand, T-IlagwvaPhy ghort rite for booklet, mother but should lg,*p a bottle of it less}, W. P. SHAW, Yeage and Gerrard on hand. Mrs. Gordon McCurdy, Falum, Alta. wrttee, "I have five chAdren theyy have all had suMnit I complaint, espellm - 13, whAe tecth'i)g. I always k summer Term Commences bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract Y7.4 Strawberry in my home as one or two lilt July �th doses completely relieves them. I can. not aivcaktoo highly of it for both children and adults." CEMothers, don't experiment with some new snot, untried remedy which may s ftbe dangerous to your baby's health. i't Get "Dr. Fowler's''the remedy that has 6?RATFptiD. ONT. stood the test of time. This is the school which has ex- price We. Manufactured only by parjenced Instructors, gives thorough The T. Wilburn Co., Limited, Toronto, bourses and assists graduates to high Out. grade poqitiovf;. The demand upon us for trained help exceeds tho num- her graduating. Commence your course with Us at opening of Summer CS OF WEAKterm on Julv 5tb. NEWS TOM (}et oar free catalogue - D. A. M.LACJWAN, Ty.principaL Important Events Which Hav3 Occurred Durino, the Week. The l3nai-4orloorp Hatitwntrian On— CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE fully Complied and Put Into STRATFORD Handy and Attractive Shape for Bborthand-, Bookkeeping. Salesman. the Readers of Our Paper —A ship, Telegraphy- M0,00, Voice, and "Id Hour's RnjtiymenL all business subjects- Open all sum- mer, Private classes when preferred TURSDAY. and to help student% catch CIA9868 en terms. Spec- Over 8,500 Corangenten celebrated when entering b6twO the Gloiious Twelfth In Toronto. jai summer course foxt8sr3hers, Twelve I)oUara per month, There is urgent need of cherry Tuition Tw pick -r, in the Niagara fridt. belt. 6 months. $7o. (including books}. The British War Office has con - Special rates for halt day students and Students wishing only one or two firm, dthe Bi-itioh evacuation of subjects. Balum. Night School, work and Correspon- The Toronto baseball team lost to deuce colliseli,a, specialty. Redding in Toronto on Monday by Typewriters to rent or, sell. 4 to 2. Thirty thousand farm labors will L. HEWITT",.President. laborers needed in the Prairie Provinces this season, Fred J. Dixon, M.P.P., has been chosen as the leader of the Labor M I.ANTED party in Manitoba. SALES' R WA Jules Harris. aged 17, while prac- To rePrestnt the tieing shooting with other cadets at Lachine, was killed. 0 RELIABLE FONTRILL-NURSERIES The Welland Division of the G.T.R. from Port Colborne to Port Dalhousie greatest demand for Nursery Stock is to,be electrified soon. in years. Dr. A. Primrose was appointed ish and European Markets again Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in open for Canadian Fruit the University of Toronto. The Ontario tearp, which will com- Largest list of rruit & Ornamental, pate in the Olympic final trials at Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc., grown Montreal, has been selected. in Canada Fred Burke, 30 years old, was drowned in Loughborough Lake, near WHITE FOR PARTICULARS Kingston, when a boat overturned. Leading Zionists estimate that at least 75,00(1 Jews will emigrate to STONE & WELLINGTON Palestine during the coming year. Mr. Austen Chamberlain, British (Established 1837 Chancellor of the Exchequer, has re - TORONTO. ONT. fused to reduce the tax on excess profits. Ten armed bandits hold up a sub - .,b of Joliet, Ill., and robbed the state bank of $12,000. Several per - THE SAULTS -COAL GO& sons were wounded. France will demand enforcement of Successors to McDonagh & Gledhill the treaty of Versailles to the last EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR article, says Leon Bourgeois, prest- . dent of the French Senate. According to reports from Mexico Francisco Villa, the bandit LEHIGH VALLEY City, THE COAL THAT SATISFIES leader, bass been bottled up by Fed eral troops, following an encounter We des in Hard and Soft Coal. Lime near Parral. jt Brick, Fire Clay, also WEDNESDAY. Cement, Fire B Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Fall wheat cutting has commenced around Belleville. Hemlock Slabs. Horace Buzzactitt was drowned at Centre Toronto. Fresh Cars of Lime and The Provincial Normal School re - an is were announced. Cement just received t Dover was R. S. Fleming of Por fatally hurt at a barn -raising. OFFICE PHONH a75 Three thoul,,and men will be em - B. J. SAULTS' RESUDUNCH; 275d on the Provincial Highway. Ployear-Almirul Harris of the U.S.N. fu W. W. SAULTS, REsunuNCE 202died Tuesday in HumaneSouthampton, Eng. Tho ane Society threatens ('118 to catchers le,rs prosecui the official dog r, A r . Toronto. Thirty -icon Of the 6;2 ships for one T. SWARTS' ' l Canadian Mercantile Marine have Bus, L%0,J6 J and been of finished. As (;(ef-k victories the Turk N,,n()n;i1!,A-s ;1rc T -0w inrlivivri HackStables toTwo sign peare. 1110- Irish ,Wl:;tablc-s were shot Born amboses and killed in Irt- Montpeall Stroet land ou 'I 110sday. I off the Square •Tbe Twonto team were deteated by RP:1111119 in two g,011"s W Toro -110 On Tiw-d,r),. 'Busseq Meet all Trains and A cloudbliv I tx- , p: orpr Hit, Snake Passenger Boat* River valley courom- of ld;,'110- Passengers cal.Md for In any era! fatalities and oluch &1111age l.i Part of the town for all reported. trains at G. T. R. or C. P. R. An unknown man broke into Gen. Depots. t tli ridenhurr. s house in Berlin and fit - ed at tht field marshal. The bullit Prompt Service and r".;qi- Pd its mark. Careful Atten -dance. F.ineral services were bold in Westminster Abbey for the is, c Baron Fisher of Kiiverstone, Rd.ir-d our Livery and Haclt Service Of the British fleet.I will be found up -to -4460 Nick Dabelm and GIOTVP M,0111:1' In every respect., two 1',ollnlanians, who murderer!a, 15, compatriot. Toter Kortinian. on JAja Y 27, 1919, were hanged in Quebec Vour Patronattibollelled 0 The Canada Temperance Act Wit be voted ItDon on October 25 in tb� SWARTS *`Vac ITT Montreal street V MODEL t atum, shoo Repair Japot corner of Hamilton and Newgate $trots Footwear Itt"Irs Gated Welt viQ It"Its prkles Qvinsmea wam & Son a,— W2 7 TONMODFIRTCA -- . -— — — — — 7 havo bcgun Oro The F"410h "mi, Di'ahop Albert Vuscoo of Prince Albert 1110 In FMCLCe- Chancellor Fletirentach will leave Spa for VAMP to-4ay. The Present Whoal Board 15 not to Control the JV29 wheat crqp� lArge nutu bets of Armenians aro eallillilial; In We Greek arwyk . Syr-'Acuse t4l-ewl tealtu wore alain dertatied. NY Toronto by 11 tQ 4, Ontario Indtistries will try to ise- eqre their coal from Canadiati mines. ' Eddie Ouslov. is the Leafs' leading tiatman. His overage to date is .365, 'rorme veterans renewed their 1 call on the bulon Government to resigN. Capt. Bodley, SO4th Africa, won ase at the Rt, George's Challenge V Btsley. A Toront% jury in the Water Mor- rison inquest pronouneed the Roller Coaster safe. W. J. McCombe at Btresford, Man- colnuienced harvesting his crop of rye on Friday. Germany is returning nineteen famous astronomic;:) instruments A health body MC4nS hedhhY 4r.'CrieS, stolen from China. The railWilyS are the a4tries of Canadc. Bela Kun, former Dictator of Hun- gary, left Vienna on Friday for Rus- sia by way of Germany, Frank Gahan. of Toronto, has been awarded first-class honors in civic .law at Oxford University. IN the operation of railways Canadians 31,11ibUl.19RADED .4$ fWAS FOR FIVE Flour severe earthquakes took M5NTHS IN TltkVELING ROUND place in Los Angeles. Cal.. on Friday. hold high reputations. COUNTOV,Mrs. Ivy Nasur. 21 yi-ari A number of people were injured. Old, of Cuiumbus. U., photographed in The chief Canadian systems are operated the Harlem Prison, N. Y. City, Nvfivrt Premier Lloyd George may go to site is being held charged with utas- the country on thb Irish question to over great stretches of territory presenting querading a-, a tnan. Mrs. Nasur was counter labor's request that troops arrested at 24th St. and 2nd Ave. by be withdrawn from Ireland, widely different problems. two detectives, who noticed something The Aquitania was unable to Bail I peculiar In her appearance, She %vas from Liverpool Friday owing to a dis- Their traffic obligations fluctuate rapidly accompanied by her five-year-old son, pute as to whether one man should tend nine or twelve Oil furnaces. She told the Court she left her husband Day Scouts to the number ot .150 with the seasons. live niontits ago, taking her son with arrived In England Tr*ni the Unittd I her. Having difficulty finding work States to atterld the Firs, Intel- Climatic conditions are sometimes difficult. and traveling a, a suntan, she adopt- ed male attire, She had less difficulty national Conference of ScoutExecu- Unusual foresight, skill and determination getting along this Nvay, slip added. tives. MONDAY. tt are called for. Ali entry in the diary found on ,the I' wouian 0314 Aho had travOled The Amputations Association cipen- Uung 111ort. than too miles with only tO evilt- ed its new clubhouse. in hv�r pocki t, The diary also told of Party thousand men nre wanted to Yet the only unfailing highways for the heavy how she had worked as a bell boy in harvest the crop in the West. it Buffalo hotel, as a bus N+y in Cleve- An unknown motorist drove away traffic across the Ncw World from China to France land and as a waiter with Barnum & after killing a child 'on Colligestreet. during the war—were Canadian railways, Bailey's eircti,;- Site told th-, N'l- Toronto. Irate rhe was tired of traveling about Four canoeists wore rescued from rt and ,vantvd to go hollit' to llt:l i)- 1W the waters of the lake by the Toronto Canada alone among the allied countries had no in Columbus. it is said the Young lite -saving crew. war -time transportation crisis. When foreign roads wonian'6 husband lives In Detroit. The liner Aquitania sailed for New A woman probation oftleer is inves- York Saturday. This is her firm trip choked under their load, she relieved them of millions 11ga-ting Mrs. Nasur's story and will since the war. of tons. At a time when ships were the need of th,"1 try to arrange to end her back to Col- The body of Cniin Nadolleek, trines umbos. ing since July 9, was found In the hour no ship lost time in any Canadian port through�__ River St. CWr near Cour1right. kilure of the railways to deliver cargoes at the docks. Yukon Territory and the Pr v Cos Frisby. aged 14.,f,,Il direct- Elmer In )ply 1918 the Canadian of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, ly In front of a Metropolltnti rzir In i To -day the Canadian producer still commands the I roads were threatened with a Ontario and Nova Seotili:_It. '11,, e Toronto and was instantly killed. t railway a, straiKht question. "Yes' or Dow Munn, an elderly bachelor, I fastest, the most dependable and the cheapest -ftcnctal strike. To prevent THURSDAY. perished in a fire which destroyed ?its service in the world. this public catestroph6 they Mrs. Cox of 63visecon has a white brother's house In Sidney township. agreed to follow the Anverican robin with red eyes. Commissioner Slqyth of the Royal But the foresight that made this record possible "c of wage Increases. The A plentiful supply of amber is re- Irish Constabulary *as shot stead In could do nothing without moNF-Y! The skill that Government of Canada ported at Cedar Lake, Man. the country club at Cark Saturday Physicians will be allowed to keep night. kept terminals uncongested had to be backed with meantime allowed freight t rea gallons of liquor on hand. ' Prince Joachim of Hohenzollcrii, rate Increases intended to h The Toronto baseball team beat the yollngo�t son Joachim former Einlwroi Wil- mo -4F -Y! The determination that drove crippled en- make up the cost of these Marimps Wednesdays at Toronto, by liani, committed suircide &,turdity in gines ahead in the face of 40 -below gales and mountin.g now wage rates. 7 to 5. PO:sduill. snow NXIOuld in the long run harvibeen uselm without Leaving aside all question Rouert W. Chry.9dale was fatally Sian Fein police, bearing arrollvis crushed bt-no-ilth his wa��oa in To- inscrll,,•d "lr!Fb Republic polk-erlar." MONEY! of increased cost of material. ronto. h�,�Ve InaLic their appearance on the the new wages cost the rail - A meeting of Earlse0tirt (Toronto) str,-ets of publin. ways of Canada an extra residents warnity endorsed Hydro- J. C. O'Neill, a returned veteran, and employe 'Of the C-P.R., 0:41gary, Thus to -day the alarming fall in the net eighty million dollars for the radials. f I Peace between Lithuania and So- was killed when his automobile Over- revenues of the railways is a menace to first year alone. viet Rumna has been signed in turned Oil Saturda*, I The new rates yielded them Moscow. The remains tof ex-Ellipress railway efficiency. It injures railway credit. an additional foray -three S. Cole and J. Mitchell, returned Eugenie were plaft,&'''beoide lbi't of soldiers, were drowned in the Mantas- her husband and s6b In St. Michael's It dissolves the reserves needful to meet the millions! ka river, near Granby, Que. Abbey, Farnborough, England. The annua I dclic it on wuges Hotels and stores belonging to Halifax poll" force made a unique expanding needs of a growing Country. It alone was thirty-seven mill. Jugo-Sliivz were sacked and burned capture Saturday evening when they imperils national prosperity. itim and 15 constantly in demonstration In Trieste, gathered in it red deer, which appar- The French residents of Montreal entiv had sprang from nowhere. growing I are celebrating the nittional holiday Toronto baseball learn beat 1,yra- Increased freight rates are imperative there- of France in three days' festivities,. ense in both ganies of the double- fore, not merely on behalf of railways but in President Wilson has issued a call header at Toronto Island Stadium for a meeting of the Assembly of the on Saturday; 2 to I and 6 to 1. the interests of Canada itself! Leakue of Nations at Geneva, Swit- Saturday',; Anterica's Cup race WILS zerland, on November 35. declared off for lack of wind. with The. Irish Secretary has repli-ed to Resolute a long wuY in the le4,d. Th* Jhj3 JS thefirst of a ,erste f ildtarissomews P�blhhed under she of British Labor demands for with- Shamrock is likely to have atlotheri \ I drawal of troops from, Ireland th4t captain for bet, next race. The Railway Asstwiation of Canada compliance cannot be given. folmtrly the CANADIAN RAILWAY WAR BOARD Thirty-two curlers from Canada will visit Scotland in the month of January at the invitation of the f�oyal Canadian Curling Club of Scotladd. The men who are to investigate and report on Hydro -radials are 4s follows: Mr. Justice Sutherland, T. A, Russell, Fred Bancroft, W. A. Amos, anti A. F. MacCallum. By an order -(n -council the Dom- inion Government has transformed Commission into. the War Purchasing Commir kkk a Central Purchasing Commission for all Government Departments. FRIDAY. Canada's fisheries have doubled In V&IlLo since 1914. VMS% - A big pulp mill is to be esta ed at Kapuskasing.{ %1 . Y.:. Iie� Manitoba celebrated her fiftieth birthday on Thursday. aged 18, was John Haberman, drowned at Toronto Island. John Ward, a pioneer of Islington, died In Toronto. aged 85 years. Sir George Froaler says there is no EWA N0r1X=Nh= SOPrOum ban on trade with Soviet lOwsia. Loondon Cionceft Party. -onto baseball team defoat- The Tot ed 'Syravuse lav S too 5 on TlimsdaY. A for Saskatchewan A new inarlipt \k1l,t tipm lin-1 no iri,l dairy hum -l- has been found In cell ill\ Chicago. William cal:liri,ni war, fined $5( i the Tdronto court for iiiiii running. Four (anadl,'lr'� Pr)t0rPd the se(Ond DARKEN GRAY HAI stageof the King q pi,ze c()i;ipetidtvn IN, ""Tww. a I'lisley. t The Trades and IAI,cir Coo LOOK YOUNG, PREM �,:,,K Toronto refused to -,elit W. J. 1,P"3! its a delegate. (its An illicit whiskey still was v covered In a St. John's road cellar, gage Tea and Sulphur Darken In Toronto. go Naturally that No. NE"QI1%f1FIl. T,- Ill. - The President of Mexico has is body can tell, sued a proclamation (.111ing for gen- oral eleeti�ous. Dublin Castle's mails were again Hair that lopes its coloir and lustre, or seized on Thursday morning by the when it fades, turns ray, dull and life- Rppi tillean army. less, is caused by a lack of ) bur In #to I made up M the hair. indications n leations of foul play were rt (her grandmother vented at the inquest in Toronto on mixture of gage Tea and Sulphur to an unknown man. kt*p her locks dark and beautiful, and The fire brigade of Sarnia have thotutands of women and men who value resigned In a body. They want ailed- that even color, thAt beautiful ark shade of hair which is so attractivt,j1100 "The National Smoke" ble platoon system. Three leading members of big pro- only this old-time recipe. 'NOS vision firms In France were sent 10 Nowadays we get this farnoija mixture WWO ,ring� improved by the addition of other Ingredi- prison for profitek ants by asking, at any drug afore for a 50- Rbamrock TV. won thr first 6f the cent bottle of "Wyeth's sage and Sal - America's Cup races run TlInirsday. EhUr Cc ound," which larkens the The Resolute fail, -(I to finish. "In Mr. and lira F. C. Whitney, Of- air to naturally, so evenly, that nobody larva, has given 91on.000 In Victory can possibly tell it has been applied. You ant dampen P allontre or r4oft bruall with Bonds for a mberrulriqlp Ranitarl"In. It and draw this through your hair, tak- Arthiir AugPIS Of Montront. was Ing one small strand at a time, By morn - killed when a freight car crashed in the ray hair dfftpp�ftro. but what through a w:01 causloitz a boUl-T to in Still most deVight. he ladies with IN yeth a Page and explode. Sulphur Compound, Is that, besides lvcau• Cbnrl(,,; Onwrivy. aged 19, wall kill- tifully darkening the hair after ri few gal q(l b_y q train which struck a motor applications, it also brings back the gloves ear IV wbich he was tiding at and lustre and gives if an appearance; f©r the money 10 Ornemee. - of abundance. Tbre. hiindrel infmbprn oT the , Wyth's Sage and Sulphur Compounill I %ig,ln e4ot-taticin V19110d to a delightful toilet requisite appearance to the 141t PlW AIL I .4uisitp to impart I ANDA "'lSoftoko"OV11"'ift cl, TtWobto on ,hair tong intirticiV of eoloy atl - (hair, r, not Intended for tile care, MOM than 1.3po mileo; through art- i It ISk tmitiptlon of aLrId and Vielvigan. of