The Goderich Star, 1920-07-08, Page 7.r
Double Trach Route
l'ueaoelled dln1ug car service.
S eep!c8 cars ou nlgtlt tralus and Paz -
1,r cars uta principal day tralAa,
FuII information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent (n C. E. Horning,
P District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Passenger hone s
g Agent
Winter Term
From January 5tb open in each of
Shaw's Schools, Toronto. (Business,
ShorthandTelegraphy and Write.less)• Write for booklet.
W. N. SHAW, Yoa=e sad Gerrard
Summer Term Commences
July 5th
t - ,
This is the school which has ex-
perienced instrugtors,gives thorough
courses and assists'graduates to high
grade positions. The demand upon
as for trained help exceeds the num-
her graduating. Commence your
coarse with us at opening of Summer
term on July 5th.
Get our free catalorde.
Sborthand, Bookkeeping, Salesman-
ship, Telegraphy, Piano, Voice, and
all business subjects. Open all sum-
mer. Private classes when preferred
and to help students catch classes
when entering between terms. Spec-
ial summer course for tea iters.
Tuition Twelve Dollar's per month,
6 months, d70, (including books).
Special rates for halt day students
and students wishing only one or two
Night School work and Correspon-
dence courses a specialty.
Typewriters tai rent or sell.
L. HEWiTT. President.
To represent the
The greatest Aemand Por Nursery Stock
in years.
British and European Varhefs again
open for Canadian Fruit
e1j"t list or rruit d Ornamental,
6toek, Seed Potatoes, els., nrott n
in Canada
tEstablisbed 1f•37
Successors to McDonagh & Gledhill
Wedev in Herd and'oft Coal, Lime
Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also
Bard and Soft Wopd, Maple and
Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh Cars -of Lime and
Cement just received
B• J. SAULTS' RBsuuE�v'c$ 275
W, W. SAULTS' 119smENCB soz
'Bus, Livery and
Hack -Stables
Montreal Street
Just off the Sqnsre
1111111441110.1 -
'Busses Meet all Trains and
Passenter Boats
Passenxers calked for In any
Dart of the town for ail
trains at d. T. R. or C. P. R.
Prompt Service and
Careful Attendance,
Our Livery and Hack Service
Will be found up -to -dale
to every respect..
Your Patronageeoticited
Phase P07 Montreal Street
Nut 'U'd Shoo Repair
Lrtrne3 of Hamilton and
`\owRato Streets
ww� psi ftwif
ward & Son
The Bad Geld
May Develop into lammehitls. Pneu-
monia and perhags consurniptlan,
Mina Almy rrnu,e, R.R No 1.
C(dardal,, (`r r, amts -'•1 hid lite
InAuc r za to N, \, �,r ( r l: su at d It 14t `t
me wth a n, rrir voupb 1 d d r rat
attend to a unt,l n t,(1 ereere ;•(rph•
wbxao me t "as tr ete lo'..'t 't
I went to the d, ctcr and got r,.n
medicil e. Ile t, 1.! n e rt was a bad
attack of hmnrhr•,. 1 could not sleep,
and would have to p t up nearly all
night, it was ec 11Ti u!t1(.r me to et
my breath. Thu doctor's medicine �Id
not seem to be h, Iping me the lieu at bit.
One of air neip': hors came in one day.
and told me about Dr. Wood's Norway
Pinc Syrrrp. I trod it and took two
bottles. No person could believe how
it helped me. 1 have recommended it
to diffrr(tit Pro !•lc a ace, for 1 believe I
have rtasom 10: doing eo.�
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has
been on the market for the past 30
yearn and stands out by itseh as a remedy
for ai� coughs and colds.
Be sure and get the real "Dr. Wood's"
when you ask for it. Put up in a yellow
wrapprr;3 pine trees the trade mark;
price 25c. and 50c.
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Out.
Important Events Which Hava
Occurred During the Week.
The Rusy World's Happenings (`Ire(+
fully 1)nurpilerl and Pul Into
Handy slid Attractive tihape for
the Readem of Our Palwr - A
Solid Hour's i•:ninynsent-
Belgian an,: Dutch inimigrants
passed t'''ough Toronto
Vera "ruz aulhoritit,; I -ave got the
bu!-on!. plague undue control.
1'h•• first trait; to 01awa over
C.N-:r -G.T.R. Imes lett Monday.
A - oroner's jury severely cI^t icized
Toronto's life-saving equiptut,,t.
Mrs, Gro, De Beck. of Ebur'ne,
B.C., celebrated her 100th birthday
on Sunday.
Jimmv Miles, five years old, of
Merritton, was drowned In the old
Welland canal.
The Hungarian, Minis!ry has re-
signed and Count Appon•i may form
a government.
A ballot box was reported broken
into in the Libau District, Alanitoba,
and 400 ballots stolen.
The first official meeting of the
League of Nations will be held in
Geneva next Nov(•mber.
Inquiries from all over the conti-
nent are being made about the new
treatment of cancer in Toronto.
The Board of R::ilway Commission-
ers has been given extraordinarypuw-
ers to deal with the fuel situation.
Toronto's baseball -team lost to
Read. 4 to 3. Monday in the fidal
Eeute of their road trip, They pray
Buffalo in Toronto to -day.
"Bob" Dibble of the lion Rowing
Club, Toronto, and a fuuruared crew
from the Argonauts, Toronto, will
compete at Philadelphia's annual re-
gatta next ,Monday.
Unfavui-able weather prevented a
trial race between Shamrock IV. and
the 33 -metre Shamrock Monday. The
challenger took a spin with tier full
compleu(rut of forty men.
All rhe 2,000 war, prisoners on
board a Bolshevik steamer which
sank recently in the Neva river were
saved, according to a despatch to the
Dagblad from Helsingfors, Finland.
WE D N ES 1) A 1'.
Dr. Edward W. McBa!n of St.
Thomas us dead.
The Indemnity Bill pamwd the
House of Commons.
Quebec farmers have of ganized an
independent political part).
Two children were killed in To-
ronto yesterda) by mutui carr:.
The annual ruse show was hi Id in
Jenkins' Art Galleries, T'uruot i.
Several persons were sr\erely hurt
in labor riots in Turin, Maly, Tues-
Lord d'Aberr,00u has accepted the
office of Banish AlnuaMador to Ger-
The Twontu b:.r'eball team lost to
Buffalo, i to 1, on their home
The China Inland M1ss((11 annual
conference In niteting a: Niag:,ra-uu-
the- La k r.
Jut,: • t(ourc )tick -„n (,p -ped a
two-day.' 11111!,Stt� o.hta,-
Ing in ,ftiawe.
Thelw..ill lr,r,i,u .: 1:, 1na11ona1
Congr"...,,o11al Cot'__ "tees upco( .
T11esil"N ,,t II„slut,.
U\rt -scut kru saga, u.,ul( I'5 111 itis
Uni•e(i alt m.ikn g an•flmt
to unluad It.(”;
Jack Lh•n rye; it (,, mento I„ Nrw
York unto .,.,u r',..1„ i • u to tauieatur
to force i..•O, ("- C..I I„•nti, t 111,0 ,
Geo L)nn, Iran alone
dian gu,l;,:o,,, was 111" ...r 0
the u1111,1' I„uln.) .,t \:,•11,1,.., wt
'I kik, Jay.
"In. I' 'lllden „I Phdatf(•I;,hia and
Ze[tz0 �L,:1.nizu (,f Japan q,„th;,ell to
play in the final !lir !ht-
single- rh:(tr.r6o�s•h:l
T'hre, n,• a wi,,• 6111 •J venin tl,n,
wer” ,I1 ,, ,Lr tnlL, pate of
four clue, ?uth(ihrad F{ut,-i 111 i., wer
Main sire(t, Bliffk ), Tuesday.
The tm;,nrt.,l (onleivnre at Pt I—
� a
( r
E P1!,
a iu i
h,f beta: shortly and
t e tilde .-to gtt your hoose
'.,.f 're the rush is cu.
in wring of fill
Private Telephones
I Electric Bells and
Burglar Alarm Systems
.. I
i'ntsr PHOTOS OF�INAUGURAL OF 11EXIC.O'S PRESIDENT. -Thr• lna'tt:'nnr::l `party ' the
National Palace luimediately fulluwing the inaugural, Prt =id, lit • t. Vi•,u, ,I•• 1.1 11t•nrta, 1- s., a „u the c, -nice ni r ALL WORK GUARANTEED
i\fliau (IIIclothes; Ills rightG
is en. Ju611tu Tvv\111-1, ad.; un ht., wn, • , it. I_i., 1, 1., r.rl H•,.n 11111.
sels has been Lae.: by the Council horse to Water at Sans Souci, riQ \Lai• \ \RIFIES OF 1%11%.kT Electric Fixtures and Supplies of all
of the League of Mations, which has Kingston, was thrown of! and ---- pp
decided it shall be held July 23, it drowned. Eaelt pr,I\inI, i. :hewn by a serir_l kinds kept on hand.
was announced. John T. Haig, Cons rvtuive, ie dt- of arlieles to the 1Krieultural „uzelte;
THURSDAY. clared elected ifi,Winnipt-R At(]. Alt:- of Cana,la f„r \la\\tu ha\t• taken .lu'
Au unknow ❑ mon jumped into alis Queen is also electe[ . He is a Social. important part to extending „heat
j P Democrat. enitl,.11lou. in alled io a n• \c \ -' 11). ROBT TAIT
Gatineau and was drowned. A Sinn I'tin party In anllntnit ut. of fall „brat ralle,t u. .\. 1: \,,, I11s'
A Woodstock hotel has cloand its tacked four- polic•[niun on Fiide.y bt, Iia- been pl•oduce,l by crossiurr Itatttl •
dining -room for lack of help, tween Cashel :,rad bullinurt, Ircla[,d, 11” t;• r, ten 1:11n11' \\till Nnlrariau.
William Cutting of Acton was killed Sergi. Tom w;.ti Lilted ztnd lu,:au hl( This \ariely has beaten an „user -t-14 ELECTRICIAN WEST STREET
by a lalling tree on his farm. Brady was w•oo.ideu. `Phone 82 or 193
A committee, has been named to MONDAY —
investigr,tts HigSchou! courses. R( -v. Dr. Andrew Rubcrt: wi t t Te -
The French tienale has raiitled the ,!�
Treaty of tiI. Germain with Austria. rui,to is dead. £ - GRAY HAIR BECOMES Ink the ,r„\ iurt• ,4,irtnc a mach, 1, „f , nitnral tail!, I:
llegislrat:on fee Iter I'tte:r \;1, Le\ 1 tin• h'uh1 (lush.+ud-
The British lieu:+( of Cunm,c.:s lU l'(•Itlr• 111. Ill Jldj ]J. I y,•,,r Th” \Lana. h 1 \g,1.•Il1li1t%il C"I• r'\ I,, porton nl 1s t,r„during .1111 selling
haspassed\L,usese•ventyulthelrish I,uc I,n� ,h\„h ,1 itv \\„rk .J) \\hes) I„ utr•dth,t .rant,rs and tit,, prmnn-
Bill. Ito, w , hie, I ]I, W ester t0u i, Ter DARE AND BEAUTIML -,
runt0, w,,s hI:•i u; ;: uwtur vr:1Jt lite � 1 jirnL,rlj 1,1 the rla�sit►r,illon „( ,•1•II ,h ni„ustr,Ition f.Irm-, .....! ,.f pnt•,r
Toronto Ru:,ru of Contiol ii.",Icd fu [t stt%,rns (tld \arwtn•a the making ,Iran The frog \\ill tit, I,ureh.iwd
Nt w al puiul:ut,,.: nava b• e„ err.,
Georg( H. 1{es:; to sut\ced MI. r;tud- f \arv, i I,st., :utile (n Ir)hntllcuie, hack. I'rt,lt.rl\ rlt.m„1. and again •.,Ill
letmpuru[vly to ;;,e Lu::;_ Of shaw' [uolc•e. ! Ili,• ” 1, rtn,n „f {nor Int, . au,l the t,r„ t„ f inn, r, lit th.• \.iri„nv a,tru•ullmr.d
The lnter•nationai Conference oT Try Grandmothers Old Favorite ,lurtinn lir l lh•r strains \ srh, air .0.1. to , dirt,:lulitiul lin' prl,vntrr
SunrtyPide ('1'Oruntu)
Baptist 1'uung People err n.,t.•eting iu , Recipe of Sage Tea and f„r• n1,,kuig u,.ttlable to all parts of III..
\reach was the scene o. [.t,u.tit r It lakes a woman t.. bottle tMwn ham'
Toronto. nnnlr> \;u•irti"s lir the best kuuls ha,
The Univ,,rslt\ of Tororic hes tat- drowning. Sulphur. Ihren unttrrtukrn by the rmtan,i Airri, rt\al is praised.
Tht lmternal! ,n; t L .ptir. I'I.,nr:
nouuce. tux ,.h ills of i.,,,:.r ti:Id- Peuple's 1''Jor ((t:,venuua it, f( 1uri:o
inatioas. \lmn-t rvrr}'one knows that Sage Tea
I (•;true to n clot,..
0,,i uue hundred thousanu cline• bri �1,ack t, properly compounded,
I A W'estrr,. ru,11 nein i'an�' uCi •ti u' brio,•[: Imck tele natural color and lustre
riage hcr-It,tes wire u(Lxn [,lit it; w j sand ew-t 1.('i,( tori• — t.o„I :t dc.y fur ,err
York in June. ;. Ute liars ,\hon faded, streaked or �O M
I IvJ�: next e(}!�t wcekt-• f-r;ly- Years olio the,only w -a to stable sen•
The ;. •,tfs wer, uet algid to! be y y g
second con:':-,: ,:\t tint l c lsuliale Irene P(:,rct.ce M:(sua of lNtau'a• n,i.eurrr \cna w nuke it at home, which I A 11f�ei1laotAl.
ant._ ] t,, I: good sw ul,L(r, ups Brow :•- is nmssy and troublesome.
in Tomato, b to red In Luke Deschenes,
Stephen Lusted, city clerk trf Wind- Nowfor ”" y simply eek n any drug
The Nach of Lactoses Union, oto- tore for "1Fveth's Rage and Sulphur ,e.,•,••„aaw
sot lucre that. Iort) ytutra, IludO foie- ink to la(Ft of patronage, has si,x Compound.” 1'ou will get a large bottle
well to l,i>.:tsco(uUes. ,pended for rite season. of this old time recipe improved by the -
Hoa. Mi. Raney lips sen, on, •Irl- Gabrietie Land:lauil, aged threo,' addition of tither ingredients for about ✓aTlNPott,
lets to magi irulrs lir. the Onturl° I w&,; lately injur -d when i un down :,fl cents. F:\er\body uses this prepara- a Nv"110Mtrm
Teperance Act changes, by a motor u•l,rk in Oouwa. tion now, because no one can possibly tell
The ,roots of Gen. Wrang,J arcs Maj. -Gen. Sir Charles Tuwnsbend, that von darkened your hair, as it does 1• •
advancing with litile opposition 0, the hero of ICul-el-Amara, lit- ir,u, m- it so natural) and evenly. You dampen
r p y P i Piles can be cured
the norlli \•.,oro- r. the Su, till Azov. � ed to Bt•u,1in lir. the Ivfonl;oli:,. ' a sl,onge or soft brush with it and draw
Gour•rt•s C; ilwnt ier volt'. chmopion j Lord Duwntivin. fort\., -i Iy i,ig'it i this through your hair, taking one small nn Ig':DEOL Su oe{
give rellof to those wile
Jack Dempsn will holo a ,conference Hun. li-yt,- F[si,eu, aux look ot,e lit' strand at a time; by morning the gray 1�1 suffer from pPiles nor ev Hemonboids. They are prsacrilr•d
In New York relative •t+u then pro- tLo Uulunit,t leaders, is th-oc'. hair d1lappears, and after another appli- I br le„ding Physicians all over the world
posed titular boat. l:epo:Is I)-w,l ltidia ore that the cation or two, \`bur hair becomes beauti- j Box containin one dozen, 81.73
The rePuli of the N lean :incl Cn!ne I gine I`ri,: a] iuttluu leas c:,.,s• ,; u, u_ fully dark, thick and glossy and you I It your Druggist eanrot supply you, write direct toI
election tr it \ielury loi Latur. Rob- tiny at.,ur.g Iris. troolis in 11,iiat. look years younger. . Wvetb'B '''cage and
inson Graitari. Laker candidate, b(•- Sulphur Cohi ound is a deli btful toilet 1L[.IH:D URl'C. f0.
1'hc L<a:• (iefrutrt, I{uc�u.�„-r in P P F
Ing elect\•,.: l0 tl;(• }'ritii.h Cununutis 1'(n'unuu on �11tu,'dav ht 24 it, d, „u(1'requisite. It is not intended for the cure, Port Nope. Ontario,
with 14.)84 volt,,. at l;u,h•olcr u., tiund;:y t) , to 4 mitigation ur prevention.of disease.
P'ltlf)Al WiJti:,u: 1'. 'lil(ttn w(.0 the i.:itt;,lt � � -- ---_---- --. _ _ --- -- - ,— -- —
(:Prmanr'<. Inial tit b! is place (: :,[ Ic cions (,plouslup whin 1, et.,
21iL.Ouo,000 u00 marl:' F:u t,,.om u: A,i•;r,, u: in rho tl,a1•
uinF 0u h, I'uli�ri fru-\: 1, u. 1.1..,.c (” liz'Jos,
Three 1,• t'",i, w. ie i( r1,cu ,'t 4,,u\error til ,W ,, ,Av of
Thtnrsday by Toronto lift-„,vir.,, PL:. A .\o Lat tett: OI,,, -
crews. r cui(d by L r:.
Geo:ge Duncan won Iht Brinsu 1A',1r.
open golf championship wt;L• a total I'i1c (!call,: :,:o ivvtwit•d In Lo: '
of 30 - don o1' ti,r Fr+w:.rG !turaod, A.,;.!
Wall - Morrison, Nassar sleet+t, Ind):u:, 1i t,L ti:: Uuti.,
Toronto, was fatally hurt a: Hanlan's of tL( ,'A :.rue .d,r,l -G(r. Al ea,oL•u• r
Point. Lion, Alutu:) v, ter:.n. ,.rid S;i h(wer' I
Thousand) attended the annual Berm: rc:, Nuhl,c \A'urkl; Coil) Ili n r.. r
Horse Show in Queen's Par k, - - -------
Toronto. China Will Bove l'mtsul rat MOCIIlvt, j
Thorold Council has appointee PL?KIN, July S.- -Tho Ci:i1lerm (;n, Children run for heaping dishes of
N. C. Marvin, a Cauadiaii, town ernineni. t1, eccoid:ance Willi it!,rt;,- L f ^
uud11OT. cera! policy of wooioting r-l,t„n,r rlCh, crackly Kellogg: Toasted Corn ,
Reports that Avlona has been cap- with Russia, hes de( (diel lu isu,rl t, /f�� err
lured front the Italianshave s ave not beer] at Consulate- a n lin
Consulate -General lit Musruw :t n, Flakes ---toasted as only Kellogg's
L �1
cunfirined. co,du,emial dei(patiu;,t 1 t i, , i,. know how ---poured Crlap and fro -
Belleville Board of Edueation hitt die;ski Siberi.i. 4! TITS' g
rant from WAX
incrnat;Pd tl:P saluri(•s of the Higi, -- ----- � , packages `
School teacher's. I Three 0-wmIz••:•• Nil' plump with goodness Made an ✓
F,dward Smith, ttfled lie waF CF1AHf.I•:r'I„` \V \,, J..'.
o• ”-
drwned in liomillon Bay when a� Three oryanlz , 1a ;i, Conto.
ked In our big kitchens here In
canoe averturned. I Workers of Ante, I, I: ba\ ( l,I , 1. t,,, , This signature is your uaranteA powerful bomb teas exploded or, In a fight wi'i 1, n,• I.U..t•I�r ,g O
Wednesday new fit(- J:ipanes; Hous,,, Aelu, hilt-Liw, 11 t•oi may, .,n 4 ,
of Repr(xentwlv(:. - tS�K-' ;tet snar+a
A. A. ;Nac(Icuihlr.. judge of (he Pro-
bate Court for- Prince Edward Is. �
land, is dead, age,i ;0. t610ASIPAcog
In the firs: of the inter -city sore er SAYS HOT WATER
° ItAWAC”`
games between Montreal and 'foronto srnucwrsr'rNr
the I"atlYt lost by 2 to a. WASHES POISONS
Two poli solea were killed anti
many persons \ ere wounded in food
riots at s k. Germany' FROM THE LIVER
The Leafs d(frTo_•aled Buffalo in T- � .,
ronto Thur,d;,y iu both ganttIt-. Iht i
scores beinr 4 to 2 and 10 to 4.
"Bob" D+W(. ('.;inada's eh:.nirmr Everyone should drink hot water
narsmtan, pro•\.•, r, ensy winm r it ' with phosphate In It,
'foront(i u:1 'CI i • !;:y agatnst Johne,) before breakfast.
The,ship (! y• Ipir arr \r(! : ! To feel as fine as the proverbial
'Vee York On Fads.) firldle, we must keep the liver war:' r',i
4 epee nal sou+n igen:,•: haP ht et; up.- clean, almost every morning, to per
pointed to study I oralrredilP vent its sponge -like pores from rl,,;_
Una id KO's, son of Prof. D. 1{, g!nS with indiges!!hlc ma',rlal, , + .
Keys, won a Harvard fellowship, bile and poisonous toxins, say,\ a L,,:, -d
James J Higgins is 9oldi( r -labor , physlrlan. Xeu
rand{dat( for Norl rap: Tnron'n. If You gel bralar!,es, f!"s 'ollr llrp- oat'\Prod uetr—Toasted Cw, FI-ket, Shred.
) ded rum Wes—grumbled Bran—ore meds ,n wr
Toronto was drfe.ile,: by Buffalo If you catch rola raptly, it's tour llvt-r. clew modernaed Iritehern at TORONTO and
nn ]'riot:,\. The score w,.•: 3 to 1. If you w•aLe up with a bad taste, fur rid erwayr wr•yped "Ww"Ite••—had averywhertt
A voinirulee Is to re]•cirt or pus- '(rogue, nasty breath or stomach be.
sibtr• (x:ension of Land T111(F Ar -1. comes rancid, it's your liver. Sallow
Heelassihration hercre iner,•as•s, i Fkln, muddy rornIJPx:on, watery`ey`es
all denote IJ%, r uncleanliness. Your
Premier Drury told civil sort:utas.
Th • C h '1 1 r 1 I );ver is the n.o^.t fmprr+ant also the --- - - -
r ,zee 0-h ova[ '10,11• a -
-a•ti(r Camp v7ere rt•viPwtd on DOir,-'
muPt ahus,d and 9negle(te,I or&an of
inion Day.
0-P L"'(1Y. Yer! know is function or!
('.,Itrnn carpenter iter n„w to g,,
ho* to release the dammed -up body
$ 1 an t w;r, hriclil;.yrrr and pl;.sler-
waste, hfle abd toxins. :host folks !
:8, 1 ] LS
resort to vlolent calomel, which is a
Atiss Toronto H. broke the world's
dangerous, salivating chem;ral which
record for one milt• ut liurling10:.
can, only be used occasionally because
Iowa, Friday.
It secum ulates in the tissues, also
ttev Lir 1) J Evans told MINIMS
attarks the bones.
' livery
Dttawa'P new party looked like a
man and woman, sick or
well, should drink each morning be-
fore breakfast a glass of hot water
Toiler! F;.rrnerc of UiiPI-r
I with a teaspoonful of 11mr,tAne phos -
will work 1n Lannor v with tit, I noon
pLato In It, to wa:.11 from the liver and
Iles Ciirty:0eur`
I bowr;s the previous Ca)•"s f gestlble
The it"lgian ('t,amhtl of f)"p.it1's
malerfal, the polsona, sour ilo an
,n Friday di feast d a 1•111 to xntnt
toxins; thu4 rlPane!gp -V -et R
t,rffragP to wouuPn.
and freshening 010' entire aliment
The Winer ('on;rr.tca,on i< ,v,nr' ••1
canal before p :,t.reg mono food-lntti
o rrrommond a Oegrev n' , it $ rt•-
the Ftomach. -
arnnter+t for Egypt.
1Jmestone rho,:pbatP does not -foe
Tn•• lU.,cr„ . t: ( ,, ler Icer elan. 1,
strict the diet like r%lomel, birrause 1t
iefPar,•,1 1 nein II r, t }i,atron
tan not r,rslfvntn, for IC 1� harmiew and
rntna• Illi H r,: •a 1;,.^�(:
tou can eat an)thing afterwards. it
MI n1,ta larrn.Iyv, ,'14-d 1 u. ec" -
to lnPxronsfreand almoot Capt-lepa, and
nertiel arlisr ,r Ell” 'a 111,01"y : t°
aby pharmacist will sill you it quarter
R'Innfl1eR. w'as killed by a motor r:,r
pound,1whfell is ouf0elant far a dears
Thr PrineP of W I hn- hn• w -I
onstratton of bow bot %rater and lima
It, War 1,r[icr tltn:c•n:,l Cluu •
clone f•Par,pt)a+w elpana, AUM:iintpa and
..,.realm ,ra I1 nerrry prt3.,len+.
freshens the liver, keeo!nr you feoling
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Ct )lay In and day out.
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"The National;x
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Still the most '
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