The Goderich Star, 1920-06-03, Page 5-WINa 2La ' s. •..aa/k,�,araY
.: as
the iilokoo' rtrwsro a !rite Act of fremont brings kll►�artultlt� •
C> altGE' . 1S CRAT1 of talc ehur,01 itptt ir't � ttt� l�titlutt, &urci�' a� ��� going lt}tctt�N�tdt, l*ud 17�P
Itt�t klalkret at iiia talktt ,Qtttr..r brauai►fis o untu "m
M ilvrs ' r epr l tiara ,tyke ch citral r, jk Musing, take l'V sin Nto ur, oil
to i •+ It4:t6�t _
_ { 0
�uclx �,>.re>�.slrq ;l'ii�resrlqu J rpkturrp eslZwaftc�e, . r, rltttlt+ :arid ciccisv tt�ve aitaitat'.d. a vrnrt. gnat Q.cklii vc� .
1'Ixdle tw the tt, ii�ikllrt, " Tha uteri to itte Ist rd'rxWW. ltfQ� Let #10' 13i Qu ochre or tivaat
' 4% ted letter da fit #bye ltstolry of a 3' itkk that ther�'tn ts, tkitr rttttlpass Wf words o:>* :Ctlunat'3 few f is ttew lifa of "
Pt. 00911'T's tefiurril, tlutkeric�it„(,vas the %vol;;tat, Ova �tic';t tllftt dl4ett thJ r�'� fr+ecatim, tlOe Word corers all, be torr
T dayrdsht Bis � l i�tte the i C1', be, lossiA to, , lhrist. be twat A.o the
t Tuesda 6f rile resent v4c+rlM Nvhett +,
A hod ��1Rl�cni�. b1spop n 11 tel aflatok Was ZCacttci# .gilt ltu0b. to one another, to alt 01,0W
of the 'Iltirtln titocese,. t*ass. lie! to set Ble Bishop N af, seated.' the ;tta:ututents around, .Jct, tu;!`ally by tb.o 'word!
,�. aside the building too veered use* for fur canneetton '4ittl "the ctttutj.,h, "Ihe 'tl,t theca* IS 4r aatit�st ft!r sou
k all time. It. is cotltrary to t,•tic eu-atozia Instruments of .doggtk.oit rind ettrtow- ed with the Joy of 'nelllevetunit, bp.
of the Attghesn elturch tp consecrate went:' were presented lty= lteV. J, 14 Canso he vvtto iia l lieett Izzricety Instruo .;
a church untH it is free Iracta debt and Pothertngham, of Nratitfor(r,~a fortiret! mental In tliu accorttpkishnttnt Is gUlnii
e St • George's has had tlulte a number rector, anti laid on the riot$ fa4Ko by to leavt\ yott tpot!{glt bis heart wltj
of years to wait for the attafr►men't of th8 .$iStxBP, �1htl rites said pr tltcl t, rentals kotlg lvttkt t"4iu to 3hc held til
the happy Pu. Ilion of freedom Irony astttlltg God's bless.ila� on; this .Setting wIllelt he is a�1Rlr. Ito who is coming
apm.g nine Indebtedness and the fop3ecratiop apart of tyle place in a sattMA'Alttuner to you Is *kttkt yeti! tonlgt►l: you have
ceremony. hilt was a fond deirlre of the to reltbioug svo. ship and on tfte- Var. heard his A01,0. Give to hint yoult
t'etiring rector, Rev.. A. 1,,. G, Clarke, to iotlla ministralktatfs nvhlch titQuld be loyal services, as you 'havb given to alt
attain this end, and, happily, it was eagducted in the sacred wilt, aftgr .vottr elerg*. Tilts ciert;y of this
;.reached ere he left for his ttew parish. Which the aetitence of consecration church have ahvaa's waintained,,a pc-
`Phe church %vas erect(A14 the yea ' 'IV read publicly by the rector. sltton of Prinraev tYt lite northern parr
UK the tlrst rector belnlg the fail Then followed the Ilyntn. '':how of this diocese anti he who is eonling
Ven. Archdeacon Lhv'ood, to you now wil continue to fulio�v
There %vas a large co ret;ullug thank vve all our God," and the star- their lead.”
' ttM 'Pr--- I vice for the illy, conducted by Re%,
The offertory anthem, Lift up your
... �., , heads," by Hopkins, was vxceptionali).
DovolOi51ipq acid Ptintino well rcndcrcd, anti t1t� servtee closed
041.11 prayer and the episcoppi beue-
t ! d diction, followed by the reM•sslonal
byout. "The flay Thou gavvst. Lord, l+
640011"s OP4 More P111#41.,,
Pollowing the consecration was a
T11e Penidar Store - service of Institution of Rev. Vr. Pitts
into the incumbency of Bayfield par -
to P_ The Square ish, to which the clergy and Bayfleld,•
reProsentatives reiliaiued.
®�®®®®ielB�®®®��,®a�®®���e _ DEANERY METTiNC�
10 ® Rev. It. W. Knell, Whighatu, Elected
[� : �\\ • Rural Dean—Preseutotloll to Re%.
® Y O U ® �� A. L. G. Clancv
The annual cunveutiod "f the Dean-
® ti sty of Nuron was to plot in Goderii•h uu
® * \ ° • \ Tuesday with x guod attendikrlce of the
W01 be Welcome g �� \ , lergy of the deanery .end ether church
workers. The day openod with the
® ` at the ® ='.� \ ~l . •Nlehration of Hot) t:onuunuion at 10
+ i. tit., the celebrant ly in); Rev. A. L, 6.
y Aarke, rural dean, asslsled by Rev
• �* �. llon Hill.
Py Baptist Church `"' "'•� `',,,, 4 �� :\t It o'clock lir }ut.iness oP Lir
® Deanery Chapter was npe v,l, meeting
�l Montreal Street - p [ ilii• sou r tranar aL and in addition
P i
g 4 ` to other business it new rur,o tie, R
DCXt ': r rva, plecti'd, the honoro
cnuna l,a. He\
/,. H. W. 0,nelt, rertor of S1. Paul's
h + church, Winhhanr.
® r ! Y a GL •'triol+ \t the same time fie no;orrrc
Sunday, June 6- ;' _ on's Auxiliary met in lire, lu,ri,h boll
apd. In addition to rt'porls from
® (Ills branches. hell th"Ir rit'rlltin of
offivers, resulting as fit esl-
i r dent, Ntrs. Brown. of tlti• Sd:hf rib ter-
® IL` tory: vice president, Nirs, llardly, wire
9:55 a.m.—Bible School. >rr i '} ` of the sea• Per tor lir St hlenrirt''.,,
® ,loder•ich: secretary-Iroa.,neer. Nliss
® ® .Johnston, Hensall.
a.m.—"The Virtue of W The noon -tidy prayers \\pre
® conduct-
o'd by the newly -appointed rural ilptin Obedience ' � '
tftl�ilfer. '
Stere 11mkr* 4 a.m. to 6,
p,el.� Satartl s, 10' P.M. plea" strep Burly
it PO$4iklo _
Haudsn.Yle French I"Dile Dresses, of the newest designs,
a good assorttueut. Pricrs ranging froni $$6.50 tO $25,00.
Silk and Georgette Dresses, a. good variety, in colors
navy, taupe, bladi, nigger altd copeuliageu. Prices raugine►
from $20.0o to $4,,5.o0.
Children's Dresses, a splendi ltssortmeut, in gingham,
voile, cilli and utus:iu 111 siren In s�.
tock. Prices from $1.25.
ti I
Many"are expecting, t-, entertain friends comilig oil the
A excursion, and during the holiday season. Probahly extra
Bedding will be rtgtllred, so we take this opportunity of re:aitld-
Jug you of otir well assorted stock of Sheets, Blat(ets, Bedspreads, Pillows, I-,illoly
Cases, Towels, Table Linen, etc., etc. All of tt'llich are marked at very keen
prices, and are first rate valties.
Store Closes Wednesday 1 p.m. Please Shop Early
McCall's Patterns, McCall's Magazine for .Tune Now on Sale, 15c. t
'Phone 56 M I LoLA IR'S SCOTCH STOKE 'Phone 56
Efi ® I,uueh was served at tit• ]lotel Sttn- —--_.__�_---• --
® — _ spy and tilt' rooms were \pry pea ally ,they
(Baptismal Service) IE " ;a ,'it 's wally -eyed o make ht', IIP ih y
deco « 1 I''
to :; n+tt(,d will, apple blossoms anti id- had a run for ihrir n,ona•v;
lac a
ttti Nash table had rr large floral I've watched these yuulur' bucks t
_ ,, ESTA!lLISHED 1672
7 p.m.- A Sermon to Young @1 _ – ��- ,entre Weep. A pll•a.aurl feature of �4"
.r: .•- �s :.t; the lunch hour was tilt, these last few years hold it nrr•hbe did-
' - nrraNnta lion n't make ,me feel so bony to bre a lou-
® 1210
to Rey. Mr. Clarke, on bell+rlf of the oft' of lhena gents get nipped- Bul to
to Cihlt`'istlans.` ® ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH, GODERICH. three Builds of St, r;rnrgr's clnrrr h
the ladies' be It'd to ihr slarigl,lt'r like a flock of I YOUR money deposited in the
(Reception to new members) Ic - Kulld, the girls' guild anti young laruhs tyur. hNarlrNndln>< �clih
® ® .,t'nt for the consecration service And A. L. G. Glxrkr- the chancel guild, of a thhp club hair mp needin sono• ready nionri so kern 'off Ohl Bank of Hamilton is less
EB ® the clergy who were here attending) The lessons \\ere felon I kings, A: as a Parting gift, on the termination Just now'.
® Lie Deam°ry nrl,etin du the day t i, the story (if tl�e ,I-flivatlon of ahP iia position as revtor lir St. I;w,r- There'll be allothrr ailing shorty ii �� e likely t0 be spent tha9} if you
®8 P. m. Yo;ing People's g }
® . were i❑ attpndanpt'. ThN Procosi Solomon's lrtuple. and Ht'brevv's Mata- 11r.Ke'sTheAso prnaa nealn \\H., made by hogs, so any tit yu•r, that didn't get keep it in the house. it 9s also
t0 ® bions] hymn was 'Christ is made the 26. Nfr. Parsons in a neat snl,t,r11. ;and by your rhanet last vc,rli ,all just hoi'' 8>irning interest for you
® Meeriil: ® sone Pouudxtion. Christ the head and After the hymn. "Nye iuyr Lisp I:,lar,•• Nit. Clarke replied suit,ahty. ver turn. And rinn't worry boy
® rornt,r-stone," and the c'kroir and clNe-ID trod, Wherein Thing honor drvclls„ I'hr address which, X\ fo ht' lhry'li lailit' all ye gut. It accumulates. Deposits may
9®®fly®H9®®� ">' prorpNded from the chancel, down the Bishop dNlivt'red lois sernrun: tali- F1vr n
by Rey. Mr. Fier I, of r;nrrir. on "Thr _ be made by mail if it is not con-
the side aisles tr Ute church entrance• inq for his text, 1 Chron. 22:1, "Thin r:bocci and Fier Young Petiole," vva`
it,•v. 'r. It. Brown, of seaPurth, bearing is the Iohust, of tit: Lord clod," omitted on account of it,,, absence of Children Cry =' '� venient for you to call person -
ST. GEORGE•S RECTORSHIP lilt' hishup's rrozivr before him. Mr. Powell. J Y P t
'I`hP .feeling of lir necessity of. woe_ , ,MEAD OFFICE
\t U,e NotrancN to the phurch thelship, he said, was unfvesal,Nvtth man- SlrNrtty •Johnston, of S;nni .ails op FOR fLETCHERS I WAMILTON ally.
Blev. 11r: Clarke Gires..i+wr well- blew I?r'jiti0lL ,signe Nord un the subleet oP "The l,aym •n`Q C A S T '0 R I A
Q d pa' the inrurubent kftrd, and- Ctui Rrrr l{1Nrr� w7rs
sage Last Sunday—A Persanal' Para_ ch,rrphwar•derts. and others, was reset , nothing- nnblN•r. or liforp .magnificent 'lash, dealing with the raisfnlr or fill,
graph Aboral His fiurt•essor, ity Nir. C. I,. Parsons. tine of the or mnjestic than his worship. Such hudgm apportionment in l,arh parfsh.
asking: for Ute consecration wag u,e puwt•r „f as,orlauun ton our and organization t, at•Nm•N uhe deair, BEST TREATMENT FOR
On Sunday last at St, rivarj , l minds that one plofrp becomes rirller pd end. ��� OF
rhnmh, in recognitiun of tit' rlexrinr ne lyras cyee. 1n suggesting itA,ughls of t;,hd uses Thp address by Ney, NN m. Farloft,'HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE
off of the ,indebtedness un the chuvelt In I,is work here ht' had gone along I another, and r;11•islians, ;as well as '1f' S' t'• (I• missionary, on "(life Work —o-- td(ID[' tlCll BRANCH,
,n, hangs," w•aa veru interesting. Mr When the Blood does not circulate dA. J. B AYNYANAfliR,
building, the ' J`e Deuni Laudannrs" ronaructicN liars, trying to build up the rest nY mankind .hofyr sissy., srl Karp s
was sung by the congregation in the and trying to help, rather, than critf- :Apart ,places for worship. P peke of file dlfticultirs of break freely through the Veins you have
morning, and In the Nvrning, for the cizr. Sonu'Llaing w.hjeh should be at-� The signilicanrp tit' riots worship of tng through the castf;- prpjudieo% of High Blood Pressure and tbis is but
same purpose, the hymn, "No\\ thank h oiled to was till, vnlargenrent of the. «lod was that it wa.s eyfdcuee that we the ppoplp of India. who sepmt,d Iloilo
we all our God." parish Hall, which 11p had hoped to-hclfNved in rend, ;and the churches we wfiling to listen hilt vt9u, were sl�w ti, a Symptom o2 some other disease or
Sunday being Rev. Nir. (:larke's last I,ayl, done while he was• here. lie erected were monuments of our Mill abandon their old systems, ' trouble, There Is ummilly Kidney
as rector of the church, he took the would w•atel, the future of St, d,'eor_ in God. Faith in rand was the foundn- The e]ergy In nttendancc :11 0o,
Disease, Heart Disease, Nervous
occasion in the evening to giye ;t part- gv's ehur,•It with keen interest and tion of all Rreatnp,s and if wt' were to 'ieanpry- meeting wNrp Rey• +. L. r, Trodbles, Hardening Qf the Arteries
ing message to his people. fondness, and lip bespoke for his sue- build up a great people in Canada, the Clark(,, Coderich: Fla''t•, H. C. Pil's. liar- or Brain Trouble. it!rlL tl�1L Jl�ll�llu tltEt tflt
No plaee he had ever been in, he cNssnr lir carne po-uperxtion hr iharl.;eornpr ,tune roust he fait'it in God, it I Ilph): Rev. NN'. H. ilavnktna. Rrytlh, oos There le aTaaye the danger of a
said, had so entwined itself ,About his A. nurnher of willing workr'rs in a con- corner stone of our national character S. E. Nrciieg•npy. M. `C., Colinton; Its -.v rupture of a Blood Vessel amd as the
very fond of the church of St. Gear- gregation Mr. Clarks, said he appre- a living sense- of,our responsibility of A, A. Trumpor, Fxefer: Het 1, it. I., Heart, the Blood Vessels and the
ire's ano the town, and he was sorry vialed more than large vong'regAtion& God. Garrett, Hensall: flow•.. 11 t'1•• Sol' tl R Kiduefa are all associated wit High L`=
heart 8s C3oderich. He had grown and he had Puutio the "St. r.eoea,'r church," "vvliat's in a A.. 1Vfngham: Rev. T. 11. Rrown �«a- Blood Pressure tie beat and most
people of Ft. ?• forth: Rev. Nfr. NleFr• new' inrumbout lit WhyNot Have a Good
to Wave, but he lrd decided Itis duty CrnrgN'a ready at any tune to assist liamN. ' A :real deal was in a nanhe r�tisialdory breehriient Fs
lay in his new palish. Some people in any way they could, 111, reminded Its of lite contribution of Brussels, taking the place of R__.Nir.
might consider It a promotion but it Air. Clarks also spoke of the way he the Church of Fngland to the building 'Smith: Rev, Canon lfill, of t;o,le,yr_.ft Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy
was with feelings of fear he viewed had hpvn reveiypd by the oomunity asp of a strong eharaeter. The Church and lipv. NN'm. Hill,],,, Baylirl,l. and
his new work, anrn
d lie asked for the outside his oven congregation in Godp' ,oP Fngland in her system, contribule,l Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills. Drink
prayers of the people of St. „rr.,rge's, rich. In former parishes, due. to na- 1 to steadiness in rpligion and steadiness SHELLS AND SUCKERS This treatment wi l reduce the I •
Which, he said, he would need now ifunal differences, his work had in life. Steadiness vyas what till Blood Pressure by removing the
been confined to his own congrega- -hole world stood in need of at rhe --- cause and drtvintg out the Poisons
tion, but here he had a chance to get present time, •-Thio constant and re- By Josh Cnrntass''1 from the system. We aro. Army c
MODEL THEATRE more Intoit the life ,mil activities of the viler rehearsal r our faith at the ser- Y Tr our
appreciated vices pf the rhurrh, and the rehearsal r."ud rloah,-EtaNrN he n rh•cns 1n town vinced that this !n'eM•meni will re- Y
community, which hp. a last Friday and nigh life hull disiricl duce til
t cry much. i of the ten rnrnnuandnapnts, don't you 9 blood pressure below the
moved in a bodv in the general direr- dao and thus free
Nir. Clarkp's address was without a, think that contributes to our steadf- cion of the county town. Some met)- mind rf fromtheconetand worry of
text and sees a most informal one but ness in religion?" ;Asked His Lordship' 1 O Bulk Coffee
PROGRAM Was touched throughout with great.; "A man's belief, or a nation's belief in r lop just to to sea the peraab . int death.
For week Juno 7 to 12 reeling. Fnr many personal kindnes- the ten eon1man npntr, results in o 'lune a mob scraped tog(,lhl,t' a bark
l ." fit slide up and down the slats toy People who have been ailing for
cps hr expressed iia sincere apprpria- steadiness in life." ed for ordinary folks In flip 1, G Irl yeM, should not ezpeot a complete
Linn. I The state was an insirunient rot• the g fent. cure in a few days, one should take
Mondaysta Tuesday
un Sunday ht' made the formal an- organization of our secular life is the owat ay a bad show ofs µcrows g at least six boxes of Hacking's Heart We also have on hand Rideau Hall and
y nonneempnt of the a nnwaday% but ih, best allnelons g'
appointment of c�iurclr svgs for the religious. tverpn't in the main lent. Those and Nerve Remedy and three boxes
A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Rey. Samuel Stewart Hardy, M. A., as The church wHs is monument of Ihr what went Into till, ••awe sl,„vv" gut of the Kidney and Liver Pills. Ise
rector of the church, lir take phargc gift of God and also the home of our relieved of a Chase and Sanborne'x Coffee.
quarter, heard a slier_ wee to pet Hacking's. If your dealer
i Do, first Sunday in .July, and stated souls, for sur soul•, needed a home as I tongupd orator, saw worm' girls direct does nart have them, he will be glad
CHARLES RAY that the churchwardens had arranged well aR our bmiles. NVe should never from the harem of the Sultan perform to get thbm for you.
1 for the supply of the pulpit during the tet our thoughts end with tuaterfal I with their eyes awl -well a number Mee. Walker, farmerl� of Port
month of June fiY Rev, Canon Hill. things. IIrrN in Iht' church we r•nterNal,qut some good experfpnre ;and weep
ei rs Ret•. Mr. Clarke's,Auecessor as rector into communism +vllh Clod and wflh'relleved of the nepescilf of stunting Elgin, now living In T?`Iltrt, Michigan,
The Busher SI. rteorge's church is a native of those vyho had , nlr•r Into rest. Ift'ra says: "The net bone are perfetrtty
bhpir surplus enrnings un Uhl way
London. hmt., and had his eduentinn in rite vcnrship of ibis boost' of trod hrm1e, astonished to see me getting along
also :it iluron Gollegp and Western Uni- we gathered-tr•nathfur ,another I'll(' "Poll" is still in cohfidrnev. Its' so well!, I oo'ntrlbute my good health J. H. Leach
Episode 11 tensity. London. lie tins the degl•ee week to got forth fn ,oil• di;1 Finite a spell rinse til,, bnys from .1sh- to the persistent use of Hacking's
of H. .\. fr•Mn N1'esfprn University and The builrlluL its,•If would (ell us a fleld used to lock til•• lhle\ing skunks Heart and Nerve Remedy and gladly
also ]ooh the degree of M. A. front story. The Lural': Iahh•, never allow- in the back room of ,Johnny Martny reeommond It ,o Fill my frtonth Phone 180 Cor.'Montreal St. and Squares
"Adventures of Ruth" king's roller, N. S.. Laking the work ed 'to be out of sight, was Iia• r coir" :hostel and relieve th, 1n of limp of U„+ �
xlrannrrall>. Mr. Hardl o
Hardy has hepif our religion \-Milos in the elturelt d -
Now is .the time to secure
Garden Plants
Flower Plants
We have a fine lot of Toma-
to, Cabbage, Cauliflower
Mixed and separate colors of
Special price this week on
Toilet Paper
Dean's old stand
'Phalle 110 The Square
,learn year, in t o' work of the minis- %%as without its ,m anise .
of} s Plunder but it lop. .t•e,o ns
l (hough mpbbe 'twill 17a\, to hdo
if-)- anti it vva., ten years ago next Fun- "You art' ass,nlbled tonighl,"
shirt some yet.
Wednesday and Thursday
'fay hr re,•rfrrd his ordination as the. Bi -hop. "f,r a Zrr+ happy
lie Jxrtpd ids work
pur-I The way this nevy aetwralion fell
priest. as curate puce, to eon rn,ir ibis rhurelr .lo
in ito late Dean flavis and subap- worship or P lmurhl> r;,, 1. You
the for the old shell carni nnast have
lurnlly held ruriMNV
t'., at norlstork ur
broil yr�r •,nnnrrp:,tiun 11 is
rely- marls .lease James torn in ills grove
till,�.tesse had to
awl at the rhor0h of Vit. Mary the Vir- first limo• yon ii,o, leen free for
Pay gooey coin to feed hfa
a in. Toronto, and is nmv reetor at very long nnmh,r pf y, .ars. F,vpryl,•,
mare and keep his hank at;d-w1ot a1 1-
Ilidgelown. I man is n slat, who t- in deht.
proportions and in lit- r rout
'I'll!" heave saved hors rr, •t gral,o••. If he'd
Rpv. and Nfr.,. Ifardy and ihrir five- rnngregation Ic1- I d n "rraid In lannrto
only knowed thpre
fi • rt
Pinto k
year old daughter• the only child, will oiXt ahenys thinking there fig
move in r;ndrrirh in time for Ntr.JQebt to be pr•v'ided fa,r if
w as such plaepq as
that Ashfield. Colborne soil r,nrl,rich
flardy fn eommenre. iia work herp the do this you can flo r,l1wr things.
Sompibody had rrAerfully greased the
1'on `•Golden
A Pietttre in olrhiah Mabel Norwood
f ;ate," - for Nolen the stlek
first Sunday in July. I fall by refUEing to go fonvarrl just ag I gents from the south hose In sorbi the
11 it
brings thh"Wftt 6b the East.
old gale just nnturilly na nperjl
and all and sundry paaµpit in. "gr+lir
holed" awhile on the wreen and to ihe
time of slower musir marphedw
away to
their next having their little
isP t'f c Fiendish
Iambs to wander wr�rlly hock to the
sadder—and mel,be w Jaer.
�y y�+. +r
London, Ontario
the "goats" w, re a aelpet group
loo. Pretty
Ila as a*f
M M as
I much , ver) imdy sepmed
get on giving up any thing from chew-
"tial.� -
Ing gum to a lurid or sheep lir n mean
Frifiry >Atlt Sfttlsrday
,� Scie�
r "'s �"'s 4 rt�S and
of fish. But Hae trouhle v ihr
Judges wren'! careful 'null I
I11mp de- 1
A $44 Piddre
�✓ •j CeS
etalons, i'vp seen haw -ball nm Irpq
t l
lynchpd for
gel Potion stuff that war
3 i
• ' Summer School
ingest Inngslde what theae amts ant
sw ay with. Ifebbe ••nmvbwly praypo
brit In the skirmish ha gel lid of Ih,ir
surplus earning, the u ord moat r to
July 5th to August 13th
been Inst on the boy a r
'Tis said that In th, older days when
4 Ares
mein w•ua more lir VJhrri,ahln bore.
abouts many a ripver caroe vvirr rook -
pry sip. But one suer' fhina flip hos�,a
home up In the pectin' ring all event I„
K. P. R. NEVILLE„ R cuter ar t
the post. Last tt-pek Otero tv nPn't rv-
t 7r y� V�• IN TOWNt,
Pn a race. F.vpry hwot wuz enterpd
but evhpn post time rams, pion the fel-
Tern with apnea hall to egnint Ilnem-
Now is .the time to secure
Garden Plants
Flower Plants
We have a fine lot of Toma-
to, Cabbage, Cauliflower
Mixed and separate colors of
Special price this week on
Toilet Paper
Dean's old stand
'Phalle 110 The Square
The season has arrived for
• White ry ootweacr
We have a large assortment of Women's
White Pumps, Colunials and Oxfords, with
low and high heels.
Also for Misses and Children we have
White Canvas Oxfords, Slippers and High
White Canvas Oxfords and High Boots, in
Welts and McKays, for men.
Let ns supply you with,oyour White goods.
4 �
The season has arrived for
• White ry ootweacr
We have a large assortment of Women's
White Pumps, Colunials and Oxfords, with
low and high heels.
Also for Misses and Children we have
White Canvas Oxfords, Slippers and High
White Canvas Oxfords and High Boots, in
Welts and McKays, for men.
Let ns supply you with,oyour White goods.