The Goderich Star, 1920-05-13, Page 7V „z k ' Tttl'1'H.'�tl,'li, )►dA1f lSr .rinr!s» .. - .. .. :41110 , rack RoWe • a 7'f)1t9�,TQ CIIICAGQ i;pexcellea iguin1; ciir service. Sleeking cZrs oil night trains atad ptrr- lor val', ort principal day trains. YttH iprorntation front any Grand Tt•uuk 'I,icl.et Agent or C. E. Horning, pietriet eassena(,r Agent, Toronto, LAJV8V,,NC,E k SONS TO%%11 •t•useuttrr rut+) 1'Ic6et i►gents Winter •Torm Front Jqumatry ritln Open in each of t} pr Bu' inun Shaw's Sc orris. ptttc,. ( i, Shorthand, Telelrapity and Wire. leas!• • NVrito tor. bcohlet. w. H. SlikW. Yougo and Gerrard Ontario's Best Business College L A%;;ONT.STR- we Rive thorough courwos. We wive individual instruction. We have no snulmer vacation, fituclent•: m+y enter at any time. Comntt•nce your course now. We \Tlnce grwl,ratcH is po9ltrUns• Writu fgr eu'ifree CIVAIu,;noH. Principal. School of Commerce Clinton and Godekh, Ont. Offers tho following cbursC, : Business, Stenographic, Secreta, ial, Ci, it Service tutu arrang" Special Curl,;, s C„r st udents Tho following advantages Highly qualified teaching staff Actual husiness syste;n of boakl cepiug Credential typewriting tests Positions guaranteed VOCATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL for thl; district, by Goveruulent appointment, and under in,pcct- ionbySoidier'sCivilRe•estalf sh- ment Department. For terms, etc., write B. F. WARD, B.A..M. Accts., Principal. M. A. STONE. Com. Specialist, Vice Prio. 'Phone 149. Clinton. STUDENTS MAY ENTER ANY TIME. SPRING TERN'WINS TUESDAY, APRIL 6th SALESMEN WANTED To represent the OLD RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES The greatest demand Yet- Nursery ~tack in yeAfm British and European Murkrts apron Oren for Canadian n'uit Larnest list or [•runt S Ornanrrnlal 6tuek, Seed Potatoes, etc., grotto in Cahads \VR1TE !'aJt PAitT'(t;L'L�ftS STONE & WELLI.NGTON (Established 1837 TORONTO. ONT. THE SAUM COAL CO. Successors to McDouagh & Gledhill EXCLUSIVE AGRS TS FOR LEHIGH VALLEY THE COAL THAT'SATISPI VS, We des in Hard and Soft Coal, 1-;n.e Cement, Fire Brick. Fire Clad-, also Mrd and Soft Wotxl, Maple RHA Hemlock Slabs. Fresh Cars Of Lime and Cement just received OFFiCB PHONR - - 75 B. J. SAVLTS' RBSInIRNcIr 775 W. W. SAUI.TS' RsstnitN( x 207 IT. SWARTSI "Bus, Livery and 'i Hack Stables M6ntrasf Street last off the Square 11 1*r 'Bu"es Moet all Tratne And tlaaseuger Boats Passauxers cathed for in any part of the. town for all tral is at fit. T. R. or C. P. R. tkptrts. Prompt Service and Caireful Attendance. �fa� Our Wvery l'*bd Hack Setvtro '!0k� 1Ne >ti6d np-ta•dads Ia rettpwet, a 'Vogt Patrt aret dinette! "._ �ii111ARTS 'ltttliliiM' �ffi� Motetrcal Stress , ! 1 s Mel f+ir ,allpolr*"IQAm ixae:,.ti •fr•�+,• FANNING Il L SIEI�,�S AND SCREENS lt icy 'Up, Ali thein WA* no motion, %6Q YOt52 1Nf11, r ioR The play "One Night In Rome," lWor r�t44e4 slltlwi#Rcett of x5, 50, tract Ila Jown Hamilton, South Armagh, where -. F t, ♦pII lid p:r lrettt, in tiocte figr, are proposed by/+t4t, (rr(°,Yvs,��rttureat In'rrI A' r� �� +-f► �yA�,.tt,}rA't� With \\crit Aait.alilta Sieving and Sttt�ottitg prt�gtx)r'y ,,r•,tnged . Mitt ,i�.�+�.•w.••eti�% ACL epi^ Y�..r� -+1.�. Tuft I& 1t: ��Aviallt "O tug U* $0 SW bkind I bill was given `itst first reaching Tuer, the .ordt sry led terpsaaIP4 to tk, 00 tin down the suiall police barracks g them. day Wo. t Wood, The tQ4 .lragl ytnt Ile;lttttt ' " O T041)A "�Filtltfiillt�'. Of t, , Q I . !11-11 , emwially in ti l MWE Im NEW decided to engage a special squad of !:!chard E. Qutlph, one of Cueiph'a caro of Cs'oM[ltl sku and >" dens• and will plough the plots for IT MAY'13F. ',Si EQUS mc;t wide-ltnowlt citizens. died chid-' w is frtJrttgilt with the great• at dxti;oar. , int: In that city. denly Tuesday nl ht. citizens free. small barracks at midnight Saturday. T O4WRi OW h l The hake to #tawny aopevatea, the Board. takes over and gperatea flit^ �� of the iBI*W - Dap tnta firent:httls,lantern- London Strogt Railway Ron. Ii. C. Nixon. See- must lad to t oolkifleM at the boOt i $rovincial (!enteral Debility and such a rUA 1 "MOM 41st! perhaps Cansnetsptlen. ret✓:try, introd,uged his amendments to dowg ccladition that the salrtrar 1 E the O. T. A. WeduecdaY- Palle # i?rey to i4most any epidemic granting passports for Delegates t(,Ltt,ier!ecl Inti Sgverteeti divorce bills passed the dtN aapeelal;ly Iafluenxa.. flhn\'d t'.ltll p.i 11 `' -•1 \\' .\11 `1 �11 Al(��1 \.T. Miss I\fara> Prot:+e. Select Commono Committee on Pri- 0914A !IF?pd 141 (1#"% sl.British Socialist party to visit Rue- sin. Therefore the, delegates will Ti•I► No. L vate Bills IA-ka many allnutts. l any drug store. App! ;• a i.! I it , 1 Fragrant, antlse1,t con,,, to' Cedardale, (int. wriiia 4 hnG the Influenza Maestro Ill. Sestero, who clalms to tarot), Paxlpitatton to N,%, rpt,,, last, r t d •t left be a distinguished musician, was ate mucous utenrbrauu and y,,,1 pct kn- ot relief, me with a terrible c( url• ) ill not rented In Torotlto id throe chltrt ea aa�= t4tter4l dlaturbanco of the bodily t ri ng attend to it tot$ it got to ecvav people fraud. tuvictlons. Iseadlltlls%Itxf#tejria, paler warned me it was time to see about it 1 Sir Thomas Lipton has accepted an lard tallow eomp'l000lot plpllor of breath. Ely's Cream Bulru is just at sufferers from head colds and ca- went to the doctor and got some Invitation to witness the America's the toague rued Ups, pum es s um- ARKIDNEYS DDT medirinr. Ire told mr it was a bad Cup races from a United States fly- dtlr the eyes and heart Ialurmt}r / attack of bmrichitis. 1 could not sleeping and would have to sit up nearly ail boat, are generally atwoelated with An- night.• it was So diflicu!t for me to get Gorman communist workmen are aetnia. meat regularly eventually pro - in form my breath. The dortor's medicine chid enteoccupied area from ng the DuessBritiseldorf from the Duesseldorf district and are Haekungrs ir � Dynamos not seem to be h,l r, me the least bit. p' g � Electric Bells and One, of our w igEbor s came in one day, bet�tg interned. A vote of confidence in Rev. Dr. in the kidney region; rheumatic twin - severe headaches, acid stomach, oon• ' liver, i Rind toad me about Dr. Wood's Norway T. T, Shields was passed by the con- NerveRemedy e � � rider and urinary irritation. The mom ant ,your back hurts or kid- Pine Syrup. 1 tried itand took two gregation of Jarvis Street Baptist ALL WORK GUARANTEED bottles. No person could belicvc how Church, Toronto. a is the most reliable medicine to it hclp1,Ped mc. 1 have recommended it Toronto won the opening game, of use. It will bring back the rosy to differtnt people wnec, for I believe 1 the local baseball season from Read- cheeks and restore Vitality and have rensons Ion doing so. ing on Wednesday, 4 to 3, before a Viger. Do not be discouraged and Dr, Wood's Nurwsy Pine Syrup' has crowd of 12,.000. do not worry for you will only, got l been on the market for the past 30 Miss Aida Smart of Mimico was worse. Place your confidence in he Years, and stands out by itself as a remedy attacked in broad daylight by a thug. Hackings Heart and Nerve Remedy fro for all courhs and colds. who escaped, after assistance had air- for it is a complete tonic that will t N, sum and get It,c real "Dr. Wood's" tied, vin an autonuollile. bring back the happiness of good at wlif n you ask for it. Put up in a yellow The Canadian Locomotive Co. has health that you so much destra• this wrapper; 3 pine trees the trade mark-; completed an order of ten locouiol[ves Buy a few boxes to -day. 1'rlce you prier 25c. and 50c. for the Jamaican Governnleitt, and 601 a box. 6 for $2,,60. Sold by thr l has received one for four tur the all dealers or by mail, postpaid- Boo Manulac•tured only by The T. Milburn T. & N. O. Ry. Co:umission. Hackings Limited, Listowel. len Co.. Limited, Toronto. Out. The Allies have refused the Ilun- garia'n plc; s against the terms of the sta - Lreaty handed her represent.utives in tril }�� o� ( � N S TG� 193 OF WEEK uy, -ind have given the del,- i'roilt Budapest ten days upon a' joint housing scheune, mo es to also Jz"""'r Toronto Hebrews held a parade my at• ancta mass meeting to celebrate. the for Important [vents 1Nhich Nav> Lrv;renev Cassidy of Ottawa, aced 17, was given a five yours' pentten- retention of Palestine its the Jewish horueland. wh tar .Occurred Duiin- the Week. tiary sentence, with hard labor, for Lawrence J. Broderi(k of Windscsl• shooting with intent to do grievous dtcd as the result of injuries to his ---- bodily harm; tie had been convicted head and spine through filling down LEI The Ito.y t%orid's Ilnptn ritnus (nr•e- twenty-seven times before. 1114 ( HiLl' stairs, fully t'0rnpiled and Put Into John L. Lewis, president of the Eiunloy,u of the Toronto Strc(t liandi, and Arnracftae shape for United Mine Workers of America,' Railway decided to demand a utini- Ut(• Readrrn nt our suer — A `ur'rendered Wednesday,, on a U. S. mor.) ware of tis cert:, pct• I u•Ir Pur i•`ederal indictment, charging con,pir- the cotning year. Solid Hour•' t•Iuloyrtlent• • art to violate the Lever Act. He Y t Fevcris-i twilit:rel prcpuratic:;^.: re Tt'I'SDAY. was released on $10,000 bail. in progress in Ito,,im.,niu. and Y -i lin Now firucs•,vi, h I ;; had dight FRIDAY. despni(h(s so au alliance i:, being snowfalls qn tl.e hart thre days of Duncan Cochrane, clerk of l:idge- .ori,;ed with 10hold against I;I,ssia. 'Ihe argent deliclency bill passed May, town for thirty years, •'died in his I,y the IL S. Coll('I'""S, carrying $500, - Owen Sound btisluess men have de- seventieth year. 000,000 for railroad operation defle- cided to put a stop to the 'idonations" Two six-year-old boys were Injured iency, has been singed by President du nuisance, by automobiles in the streets of Wilson. oth The Ontario Dental Association Toronto on Thursday. A deputctlon representing the cau opened its fifty-third annual conven- Three cases of anthrax in Chicago Western Canada Colonir.ation Asso- ki tion In Toronto. have resulted from handling hair inn- c•iation is coming to Toronto and slu A great increase in attendance, was ported from Argentine. Montreal to interview Eastern busi- die reported at the annual meeting of the Fifteen fishing boa have been' Hess men. Cry Art Gallery of Toronto. Four sudden deslUs occurred at sunk in the Straits of Gibraltar by Forty-five Irish prisoners were re- ges Montreal and three fatalities at Win- a furious hurricane now raging. A tablet in honor of its ex -pupils leased from Wormwood Scrubbs Prison on Saturday. The last remain- stn bla nipeg over the week -end. who served in the war was unveiled Ing 200 hunger strikers in Cork New South Wales railway em- at Lansdowne School, Toronto. Prison Meru also released. ne, ployes threaten to strike while the The man milliners of the �t'nited Lieut. L. L. Brown, M.C., snperin- 1» Prince of Wales is in the country. states in session at New York have tendent of the DowInion Forest Pro- Ja J. T. Agar left for Ottawa, where it he will make a final effort to secure re promised not to, raise the price of ducts Laboriitory attached to the Uni- tal a new fetal for George Coppet !tats. versity of British Colitwhia, has been be Toronto. Prince Edward Island is to have a appointed Provincial f..uruber Cont- ki Maj. -Gen. Sir Charles Townshend new Tax Act, providing between $200,000 and $300,000 additional ni%vioner for Pastern Canada,, with headqu ,mors at Toronto. sal all was tendered official receptions by the revenue. �+ • an Ontario Government and the city of .w ,.: %i/w�w,r/►rt/w//�,r11►� ad Cly Ahl to Take Sating dneya, Premier Drury s bill to provide for the superannuation of civil servants Police Bout Q41111beiners. FANNING Il L SIEI�,�S AND SCREENS ,.: %i/w�w,r/►rt/w//�,r11►� ad Cly Ahl to Take Sating dneya, Premier Drury s bill to provide for the superannuation of civil servants Police Bout Q41111beiners. FANNING Il L SIEI�,�S AND SCREENS Chatham City Council, by a vote ROBT TAIT The play "One Night In Rome," MANUFAMOREU TO ORDER DUBLIN, DUBLIN, May 10rhe authorl- M Jown Hamilton, South Armagh, where For tray oaks of Mill for aloaNing any kind of Grails or said • r, was again put on last night at Ga r- With \\crit Aait.alilta Sieving and Sttt�ottitg prt�gtx)r'y ,,r•,tnged . tate,, thus ending bladder disorders. in nearly any o;+litany Fanniog .hill, Feeds and igruins of auy SW bkind dead Tuesday and two ottier con- wounded near Ballylongford• can he as thoroughly cleaned as is possible to ,'.lean ' tin down the suiall police barracks g them. " Canada ELECTRICIAN' � \VlIGu ordering Sievos Or Sereen•s lie very Careful to hive success. about 40 acres of land for home gar-, o\,xot �ir.0 needed and what they are required to do. MWE Im NEW decided to engage a special squad of Sieving and Screening sold by square ft, if dcsirtd. ILLUSt" i' t Q �A1'AL ' dens• and will plough the plots for Old fanning mini frames re -wired. water drink which millions of men and . Complete Sieves and- Screens made to ander. �( int: In that city. the soldiers took lace in Moscow on p Polish citizens free. small barracks at midnight Saturday. women take now and than to keep the Mail Orders carefully attepded to commission which is investigating the - The Goderich Mercantile Co., limited - AC CIO ne Count Cork the small kidnP and urin o ane dean, thus y°' vY STOP CATARRHI OPEN M GODERIGH, ONT. NOSTRILS AND HEAD j •= would not conclude Its work until Saps Cresco Applied in Noatrila # E t)t\ing I., I(u•ntion :111,1 Ltr•ilities for inanufacturing, i havo Fu,ning \fill Supply liu,ainosR to the Relieves Head -Colds at Once. j granting passports for Delegates t(,Ltt,ier!ecl Inti •Fr-s•..•••••rbi.M•►ti•.1.•...........y„W. ` flhn\'d t'.ltll p.i 11 `' -•1 \\' .\11 `1 �11 Al(��1 \.T. f your nostrils aro clac•*„^ed awl your is stuffed and you enn*t '-. pi,t , �1A1111111111111111111g1i1111111111111111i1111lI1A11111A1I1101N11111111111111U1111111111111M ` o because of a cold or catcrr',. �,)�t sl.British Socialist party to visit Rue- sin. Therefore the, delegates will a small bottle of El)"S Cr,,un 1'-'111 any drug store. App! ;• a i.! I it , 1 Fragrant, antlse1,t con,,, to' r nostrils and ht. it pructnual r oWb every air pusa(go of your head, I Electric thing and healing; the• ilot.'r ell, swul- i mucous utenrbrauu and y,,,1 pct kn- ot relief, how good it feels. Y,wr noe- t ri ng s aro open, your head i, rh•ar, no hawking, snuffling, blu,cin;t; no re headache, dryness or stru*; ing breath. Ely's Cream Bulru is just at sufferers from head colds and ca- Spring will be Here shortly and rh need. It's a delight. MEATwired, IFBACK Dow is the titnei'to get your hollSe before the rush is tnl. ARKIDNEYS DDT 1 ���e specialize in wiring of all kinds. / a glass of Salta to flush Kidneys if Bladder bothers you—Drink / Private Telephones lots of water. Motors meat regularly eventually pro - in form vs kidney trouble some or er, says a well-known authority, be- Dynamos se the uric acid in meat excites the . they become overworked; get' ggish; clog up and cause all sorts of Electric Bells and tress, particularly backache and rude- ; in the kidney region; rheumatic twin - severe headaches, acid stomach, oon• ' liver, i Burglar Alarm systems pation, tdrpid sleeplessness, rider and urinary irritation. The mom ant ,your back hurts or kid- s aren't acting right, or if bladder ALL WORK GUARANTEED there ou, get about four ouno,•s of d Saps from any good pharmacy; -e a tablespoonful in a glass of water fore breakfast for a few days and your kid will then not fine. This famous is is made from the acid of 9finpes d lemon juice, combined with litbla, d has been used for generations to 1 tY Electric: Fixtures and Supfilies of ali hinds kept on hand. Toronto. I� Premier Drury s bill to provide for the superannuation of civil servants Police Bout Q41111beiners. nueh clogged kidneys and etumu ate ern normal activity; also to neutralize the Chatham City Council, by a vote ROBT TAIT The play "One Night In Rome," met with general a approval in the DUBLIN, DUBLIN, May 10rhe authorl- acids in the urine so it no longer incl• Jown Hamilton, South Armagh, where light saying scheme for this year. g g • r, was again put on last night at Ga r- Legislature, tees are continuing thheeppolicy of shut- tate,, thus ending bladder disorders. The bill providing for the nnerging tacks garrisortr,d by five men. The dead Tuesday and two ottier con- wounded near Ballylongford• rick Theatre in London with entire Belleville has given the use of' tin down the suiall police barracks g •Jud Salta cannot injure anyone; The Dubiin Corporation has passed ELECTRICIAN' � WEST STREET success. about 40 acres of land for home gar-, in the rural disu•tc•ts and sending the men to the larger central stations. makes a delightful effervescent lithia.- decided to engage a special squad of Phone 82 br 193 Public riots and uprisings :,r,:ong dens• and will plough the plots for Two organized aitacks occurred at water drink which millions of men and . men .continned their galiairt defence. int: In that city. the soldiers took lace in Moscow on p Polish citizens free. small barracks at midnight Saturday. women take now and than to keep the ernment. commission which is investigating the - receipt of news of the Toronto again beat Reading on AC CIO ne Count Cork the small kidnP and urin o ane dean, thus y°' vY went of Lands, Forests and Mines victories. Two Two young women and four young men, students o• graduates of Queen's University, are leaving short- Thursday, 8 to 3, putting Toronto in third place in the International League race. Johnny Wilson of s outpoint- y y garrison of seven, after a prolonged fight, was compelled to surrender, one of the men being wounded. Chatham City Council, by a vote ly for foreign mission fields. The Windsor Jockey Club an- worldBost' Mike O'Dowd, world's cIlatnPion The otber raid was more serious. It took place at the -village of New- of four to three, defeated the day- nounces that the Frontier Handicap middleweight boxer, in twelve rounds Jown Hamilton, South Armagh, where light saying scheme for this year. g g will have a value of $10,000 this sea- Thursday night. 300 Sinn Fetters attacked the bar - Police Sergt. McKenna war shot son. Other stakes of high value have The bill providing for the nnerging tacks garrisortr,d by five men. The dead Tuesday and two ottier con- wounded near Ballylongford• been added to the card. of the Dominion and Nova Scotia fight lasted two and a half hours. stables Ireland. The Dubiin Corporation has passed Steel Companies into the British The building was sprinkled with Toronto Police Conunlsbioners have a resolution acknowledging the Irish ,Amet•3ean Steel Corporation passed petrol and burned, dr}vlpq the gar-. decided to engage a special squad of Republic Parliament's author#t¢ to;; f second eading unanitnOusly'in the � a Scot a-'HobS6 of Assembty:•t � riso�n into -an outhouse. Where tha plainclothesmen to check ante Peed- L undertake the carrying out o all its . men .continned their galiairt defence. int: In that city. decrees affecting the municipal Gov- h that the Mr. Justice Riddell stated t The raiders ultimately reared. The first aerial trail for Wemern ernment. commission which is investigating the _ Canada was brought to `r',-innipeg I Grand Forks N 1) 6c !.cern WEDNE6DAY. grant of concessions by the Depart- Labor Delegates Get Passports. went of Lands, Forests and Mines LONDON. May 10.—The Foreign Fred Matthews has been appointed would not conclude Its work until Office has withdrawn its objection to wl Fire Chief of Brockville at $1,400 Hon. G. Howard Ferguson had been granting passports for Delegates a salary. The first number of the Western heard. SATURDAY. Quelch and McLainrt named by the m act Army War Cry of the Salvation Arm • was Two Italian priests have been pine- sl.British Socialist party to visit Rue- sin. Therefore the, delegates will in issued in Winnipeg yesterday. ed under arrest on a charge' of steal- start at the earliest possible date for Chatham City Council, by a vote 1 ng art treasures. investigation of Russian condi- up of four to three, defeated the day- Joseph Webb o[ Coburg was fatal- ti tions. wa light saying scheme for this year. g g ly hurt when struck by a C.P.R. train ._._—_ ph Police Sergt. McKenna war shot on a level crossing. l'reniler tlomrr R'ednrsday. fir dead Tuesday and two ottier con- wounded near Ballylongford• The Ontario Provincial Association OTTAWA. i�a7 IO. --Sir Robcl t Uhl stables Ireland. of Retail Merchants Is seeking to have parcel post rates raised, Borden may not take his scat In Iho ge Toronto Police Conunlsbioners have Mrs. Rice Honeywell 'passed away House of C'omnrnns until Wedno�day, to decided to engage a special squad of at her home in Haldimand township, in time for the introduction of the pu plainclothesmen to check ante Peed- in fret ninety-fourth year. current budgrt. Sir Itobert i;; ;tt int: In that city. Representatives of six Kiwanie present in N u fork. and mr;c not ba The first aerial trail for Wemern clubs attended a district conference come direct to Ottawa Pro:.i that clay. or Canada was brought to `r',-innipeg I Grand Forks N 1) 6c !.cern and dinner In Toronto on Friday. - Hunger Htrilu•r iKeh In Dublin• ur st roin a A. F. Bingham. A sAtleu,enl has, it ,s nn(icrstood, been effected between H., (:rortc Gov- ornment and the Cana(lian t,,,v(I u- ment over wheat pries. Premier Drury introduced in the Legislature a bill giving n lipicipali- ties local option in exempting c( I'Iain improvements frou, taxation.. Over n mitlion francs toll,ri, d in Denruark for the rebuilding of the cathedral of Rheims w(r•.• d(li«cicd I the French Minister Ir, 1•npen- In practically all sections of the Canadian West farmers are on the land, some having completed seeding. Unlversit.y of Toronto and Young Torontos unofficially opened the la- crosse season with an exhibition game here to -day. Edmonton was without water, light or street cars fo• several hours, as a result of the pump house pit becom- ing flooded. Ubell Laporte, aged five, was killed when struck 'by an auto at the corner f d• DUBLIN. May tn.- Aiden itnt:- mond, one of the hunger strikers ri- eently rvIva=. d frnrn the Mou;it Joy Prison, died in the huspit:d hcr•e uu Sunday morning He had und, zgorw an opere:,on fci appcndicilia. 1'" ,ply• (t I , I"% t•, anent pr,,sp rii; ar,•-f„nii�h T't, } -hould nut ,,lnHn and L,k� -it oiding serious kidney diseme. DRINK HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST Says you really feel clean, sweet - and fresh inside,, and are seldom ill. Ii you are accustomed to wake up th a coated tongue, foul breath or dull, dizzy headache' or, if your eals sour and turn Into gas and ds, you have a real surprise await - g you. To -morrow morning, Immediately on arising, drink a glass of hot ter with a teaspoonful of limestone osphate In It. This is intended to fire neutralize and then wadh out of ur stomach, liver, kidneys and rty feet of intestines all the lndi- stible waste, poisons, sour bile and xIns, thus cleansing, sweetening and rtfyfng the entire alimentary canal.. Thoso subject to sick headaches,' elcache, bilious attacks, constipation any form of stomach trouble, are ged to got a quarter pound of ltme- one phosphate from the drug store and begirt enjoying this morning In- stdo-bath. It is said that men and I women who try this becomo onWu- slastle and keep It up daily. It is a splendid hr.alth measure for it Is more important to Levi) clean and pure on the Inside than un the outside because the skin pores do not absorb impuri- ties into the blond, ranrin ; disease, I while the bowel pores (to. The priticit''e of lathing inside is not new, ag-1111linnR of people practice it. ,lr;r,t as hot, water and soap cleanse, purify and freshen the shin so hot 0 i,aKen hid("'I i, ,on- Yy, o Dun as stree an ens ng oave nue, Toronto. GRANDMA NEVER LU- water and a trasr`nnnPul of limestoneDiscoveries on clic stomach, liver. of The resignation of Toronto's fln- I v I' ( 1 t -11 NS low phospi:ato not nnue in northea::ci n 1;, .1 .,n> Tho once commissioner, Thomas Brad- kidneys an l lnc.r' Urn—tone phos- ' (,vc•d t- t ich alnaw, was reluctantly accepted by the ghat„ h+ wi ,,, .i rr•;iv, white powder and alms^t • •tr', THE AFTER EFFEOTI OF THE "FLU tl Has left Marty Weak Rearts. 'finis terrible ecr (irgr hat, 1, -ft rain weak hearty, Plimicrrd r,Pltry vnrl it general run-d,rt n rondAinn r' L n s1Pm. Thousands of peop',, throughout Can ,da, are. now needa,r the t'mely 1— o1 `.tilburn'e llrart and Nrrve Ville it untntrract the effrcte of this troubk wLi(•Ifa short time aro swept our count r v Mrs. C. C. Palimr, Repprl, Si --k. wiitc&:-"1 wish to ,nf•)rm you of thr great good Milburn', Heart and Nervi Pills did for me. Affrr a bx4 attacl, ni th,. "Spanish Influ( nza," my heart and wrcre were left in a very bad condit.io,,. I trot two boxes of your pills and I n; tet an Y rhry etre the best I ( ver used, ru.r: I tinve r(ikrn a great many different 1 r*('o. 1 will always krep lit ort and Nerve V;r- in the house.” Milbnrn's heart and Nerve I'i!!r hrr 50c. a box. For sale by all dealcrr, or mailed direct on rereipt of pprlee b}- Tbp T. Milburn Co, Limned. foroutu, Ont. ,c regular arscnnl of „S.•1"'I. 1 Bo of Control. NER NAiG GL.s GRAY had s been ecreted 0I o::110h06t Ann'Italian chemist has discovered - - ---- — Plotters. The23-metre Sh„r,I, ml, t sail f1 un England ycr'rrda, !w \ew 1o, k. She started aho: I ta, %-vks ago, but was obliged to put t,,Ick on accuunt of bad weather. Open conflict w„s singed in the I,egidrttZute Tuesday nla:hl wt(cu t.Le r r - t 23 THE P, , f a, method of cheaply producing liquid hydrogen, which may be used for driving automobiles. Dr. James Anderson, a prominent Hamilton physician, died at Roches-- ier, Minn., where be went for an operation for cancer of the throat. The Socialist party of the United States will choose its Presidential candidates to -day. Eugene V. Debs will likely be nominated for the Presidency. Fifty-seven entries have been te- cN-. Pd for the British ladies' golf , hanlpionship tournament which be- gins at Newcastle, County Down,ife- land, next Tuenday. Two are CaAa- dians. MONDAY. Sterling exchange wias quoted In New York at $3.828A. Cbtas. W. Lawton, editor of the ' Parir, Ont., Review, It dead, ftged $0, Four ltebrew boys escaped frbin a Sunday clots at Mimico Industrial school The Toronto baseball team defoitt- ed Rp*ditig''for the fourth conb66u- rire time on Saturday. fo. Catharinen 0 , Cwinell and Chamber o*, Cgmlp(.• , u ►havo at'raed She K t Her Loch Dark and Glossy, with Sage Tea and Sulphur. When you dnrken your hair with Sing„ Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, I,,- causo it's done ro naturally, so evenly-. Preparing this mixture, though, at home is mussy and troublesome. Por 60 cents you can buy at any drug store the ready - to -use preparation, Improved by tke addi- tion of other ingredients, carled "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound.” Youes jt dampen s eponi or soft bruah with it and draw th a throughour hair, taking one small strand at a time. By mgrninR all gray bair disappears, and, after an- other applicAtion or two, your hair be- cowes beautifully darkened, glossy and luiuriant. Gray, faded hair, though no dlspsee is a slin of old age, am as we OTT 4e - sire a youthful and attractive dpjiear- amxt, busy at coon' with Wreth's ire and ffnlpbar t",jompottM and took years yyounger. This readyttru” preparatiott is a delightful toilet r"uksite•aad not a medicine. It is not Intended for the dues mitigation or pmventim oftdkmw. R I$ t W I The a tSmoke" k r�l / Still the ce 4 r the money A .% • I v I' ( 1 t -11 NS low R I$ t W I