The Goderich Star, 1920-01-08, Page 7I
ILS -i .iii 1
r. *et *Wi� llm
8"0'. To Rholw of the
*Mer. '0
eacheir ;M(t
a �u ]"Mon . ...... it
1** OuHl C40P-4 wore 9,11 �Zvjatmb6' U
Putt' by" oul
0 A to b,_R, bqat '94their,_""Oliismil oil"
I'luluWmf _ oxtf� s
petty. 01004 will to otlii�flif,
Nlftxeter—iotui� '0041as�
* Ale '1s T40
111 44 r NvItiji, the unjIled efforts of th
ot% 17,ll, L;
Stephens ToNvaship—Ale - Kgeb and People '09 -Ihi6, OrQUIL purpows com. ON
V1 David W�ebb. ItAgnebw an. evigWelistle eampogn in vow
Marne Towashlip—Aahur bfi,eiilcl,.Itha Beumllller ch.ureh on Sunday, jjiin.
w x1f, 401". Tluelkersallth Towushlp,_11. Crich. U0Y 11114 TJAO Music will be led b*, a
llullett Township—M, Armatr In funfan eb�lfr made
0, fg. I co UP of the wfts
Morris TQ%vnmbJpWm. Elston people from 111119, three chureholi The *1110. tos 1X*A Alhy*r 14
WUllql X06 H0.4•,1111 .000 Turnberry T;ovvA&b1p_jas hiotratt.111acell,11116 %Vill be held each night coin- ammoRtiou is, wiamt s, 40.ubt
�IcKIIIOP TOW113blip.—FrAnk' h1clQuaid. . rpelacIng at 8 o'clock, with a song and is I ltg is
_ qViuntonss a Qi4 Wt
HONVilck—P. F. Doig ArMse wrvlce A cordial Invitationklis lilt, 4 _ I ;;W
*_ W ZI
and W. J. Spot- iiiendeii to the general public to tit- *M " - 4 we v �
Grey—John INIONabb. tend these meetings. q06 no 04, Qt It""
VAA 0�r' 14wo 40 Completo The, "y tq keepr yoW" J
d hv t
en ed $or last week.) 'I
undtly. January. it, third Sunday af- James S. S. held Its annual
ter Christmas:' Holy Milt. L Wainwan, ()r0lifiti, 011t.,
Eucharist at it Christmas tPec Tuesday. Dec. 23rd, writo:�11T"M a •Ch" 1 W44 qj*s�a
a. m. Preacher, Rev wheu the children of 'RA
DUNqANNoN iiPPEJURV 'Wallt!II is to keep the livIllit fttlVa alld
Services at St. paups 'next "Int Mkintapt:V Ike use of wil.
416 tout* l$ qhuroh St. M% Ter SA
A, L. 01 (:larks, e the school wqTc Tery lb�awi Constipated, am I
of Goderich. At P Christ entertained to a pleasant treat. CAn Well
Ort Albert, at Ch rMelintm, when Juitis 76 my mother
church, Holy Eucharist at 3 p. m Sharon Sunday Sq tool held Its Will germs
ea nearly �#Tety morn.
Preacher, Rev. A. L. 6. Clarke, Oi Chrlstmaii Jrce on Monday bvening. 9: U169at to dread It. , - All through this month
Goderich. Dec. 22ad, - which Was a (Jecided suc- After taking MabMiali joXg,jUver ,we shall be putting On Sale Soline remarkably
O BENMILLER cess for the children, Pow for a whilk I am not troubw With 20,00 offers, many being at less than Half Price.
Intended for last week.) Mr. INICOOO, of We 7th (-on., and Rus- Constipation sJV sapre.18 f3airgaing and U rare opportunity.
You will find them real
JAVE010 A. CA"APBE11 sell Currie, Of the 8tI1 con.. have both M L=•U"
I '%I,. and Airs. WilliEkm Will Sr., who been trying to repair the roofs of their a A at a- 7 .0 "r
PhVn.IL its or dealers. or
reside a few miles east of the village. damaged barns, which were nA all on receipt
-y,on -Iues- ::reeked by t4je r but the n Lhuited-, -Orontiolt *at.
_"Thi_Yinjillitr Storie .-em given a farewell part. t sturm, badi), T. rice bylu
day evening, Dec, 30th. by the friends weather hgs been very tqlTavo, Wsa;stso- 49c -
Phone Do find nelghboilp and many others from their work.
ThSre seems to be a municipal uniIf communities. The evening NO, 6 S. S. held a Christmas tree on rest in thi., locality. In All white, in toile, lawn and muslin, prettily elubroid�ratl fronte, allij lace trill)tIled. 81w.,
was spent in games and music and the Frida-y, Dec. 19th, -whi 'h N Va a
�Q*wieig_Zglart. Tollet a gr no Nil Vest N w 32 to 42. Regultilr price up to $1.25. Sale
and Naylor has received the
Articles.' partaking of -light* -r4freshmelljs. Mr. Sucet'sS, for the*scholars of the Section roeveship ft. price. 49c each.
O an N nest year. in Last Wa-
Irs. Hill were made the recipients under the cart) of our teacher, Nils; Nvanosli t1`113,11'ato warden is still thirst Black Voile,`WMiSts, embroidered fronts. Sizes 34. 36, 40. Very fmv left. 0
f h beautiful reading table and elec- Annie Elliott, of Bayflel((. \N, Ing tot' the sweets of offiro.
tris lamp. They are moving to GOd#,_ her success in e While Mr. Sale price, 490 each. nular $1.7.-)
her school work. Buchanan 'I'll Mr, Currie are contes-
�Coum COUNCIL rich this week and their son, Louis, is r#,cfl Hanley, second son of Mr. Rob- tants Air the goal, Leltior and Arm-
mm,ing out to the farm, where it(, will err Hanley, died Tuesday morning, strong are
Some Now Prises Will Take Tl,,I, ros'de In tile future, Ig. fot tiro reeveship
Dec. 23rd, at -1 o'clock. Ite was buried chair in Hallett, Wool Caps and Hoods
Place in 1jr-)o Couslen v49W successful and appropriate In Hayfield cerrieterv.,, This makes Last -'�iiod-iy ,tnjiivprqary - services Two real Specials. All -wool Hoods and Caps,
Christmas entertainments 1-1-cre field three Out of Mr, Hani y home in less were hold in th" Presbyterian church regultir 50r,. Sali)
Several new men are Included in the One at Zion North In Monday evening,' than two years, the mother and two in fill' Villdgo other churches Ei✓squirnaux Caps, value $ 1.00. Stile price, 49a each.
list of 'reeves and deputy reeve!, elecl- rice. 22nd, and another at Denwiller. (it, sons. The Sviriplitliv of the wholo withdrew their servlCeS. There .N,as a
ed throughout Dec. ','itll. The drills, dialogues \v trek
neighborhood goes oll't to Mr. Ilanle), large att,,,nqanc, b,th In the morning
the County, and when vqriou� -songs and recitations \%,,re and t�\o renlaillin
the 19*20 county council g sons. tint' "Yel"lle, William Fing-
I c-onvenes it highly appreciated by lawn audiences, land, it return,A ch4pjalL Occupied All Furs Reduced 25 per cent,
"Will include tile follom.-mg - Inch -v4I-O -A+4t plact,,-thf. gvtd %Nql+ -of 4+lf- pmy 41W fm -44! -"V"iW-tftrM
__kava 11et sat at _ the board before: plo to their pastor anti III, I is
Reeve T. Wallis, of Viod,-rivh; Deputy shown 14 Presenting tl:#,rfi �%illj ;I goo.1 (intended for [list \\ol, was a tea-III,,(!tIlIg ill the church.
11 fit -N. Mr. The gre uc 11 we are making on all this sollson's Furs. lull will lili'l tittflu wollilol-
ReOvO David Webb, if -\fr- lind Mt's. -10sridl �zlalkol..'or `1�l'UlJted tilt- Muir. ful valueE,
W. J. Currie, of �Pent (ho past \isitil"'il- "'"I tho lit'\. Mr. 11111 -
Reeve -n 111, 1
00* ill this lotillih. 'Plil %I) it sJ)t1itJJ-rs, the
Reeve .1. C. Purdon, or WaWanosh' SLP OUR WINDOW DISPLAY
Reeve Jas. MiLlfr, Of Clinton: fiveve �;'1' HEAD STUFFED FROM \Jr. IWV Munro. (it'
P. loet, _Xr
Merner, of Rayflelil; Jj,P\,! I.,r,,D Ing fils holldav,at of Iii,Yornor;%-Country", Corduroy Velvet, $1.25
McQqaid, of ilcl�illoll;
Hilbit-L ]fall-
RceV0 Richardson or Deputy CATARRH OR A COLD Mliol". 01., lit- will, of J;101"'ol, Jill,
.\sIl1i,,Id. all -
A. Tipling, of Winghant cream \\I It r, ,yitiltion,
__ Says Applied in Nostrils \It'. l-'-irt4n, ;Iri,l r;llllil�, 1,1, " s, Hero is another Snap. These
Reezve W. J. Spotton, or riilt;e
Opens Air Passages Right'Up. I I. -H of tilt-, N'61vets 41-0 all perfect gjo(is, and 14
MCKillOp, have, Port Elgin, jjpo J,arenis or carilina), navy, lua J, It, colors of
sat at county council bilt %%0're + imi,it,al proirrarn. Myrtle, tan, grey, I)ro\vll; rose, cadet and black, Vitlike S11-75. Sulo lyrico, $1.25,
not members of fast y.-aX,s rluill,il 1 (lit, rol-oler, All'. anti j,ill,_
The 1920 county coilli(!ii �\,ill consist'I Instant relief—no Iraltinto file, 'if the Nillioze. KO
of the following:logged nostrils 0 Your . . I
t up; the a, t'.,.k fo11--\\iIlK is ;It,- report rill.
pen righ air ilINIT' and Mrs. sotitt,. �Nl ,
Goderich Town—Thos. and passages Of Your head clear and you can III,- Northwest. \isilill' tl_` No. if. Illorn." for the
Dr. Clark. breathe freely. No more bawking onlif. wr #4 the 1, Mrs. 11--liry Shorter Hours
il Goderich ToN,%nship- N \it- q,[- fling. blowing, headache, (irrues" No or it,(, Iti, it.
( VVIA r- struggling -,t Sr,
tha. for breath at night; Er%\in Fns�- 01, and after, Saturday next, January 10th, and until further notice, t,his. Store will close at
your Mr, aDII'Mrs. lohn jlwhsoo "r T. N'"- ter, 67: t.10". 1! 1�11: Bryden
polborne, Townshi4,(iptlon young. I cold or catarrh disappears, 1,11 is pending the cill-i,lol;t,
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream \\,fill the parcuts of the Ashfield Township—jus. Ilackett and Bal Latter. Mr, I a' \*t'o"ll"(111 1�0: 111ti.11 L (absent). Saturdays. Please do your shopping early,
Mr. Richardson. - from your druggist now. Apply Mrs. John McPhee and Sr, Ill.--EdnLt Eby, t'.`l. Jr. III.—Frank
little of , Of ColhoT'lle.
this fragrant, antiseptic, Vroolliall. is Kiirr 1;T,Alalll 'Illss"(1
J. talealing cream in
East WaWflnosh Town., A large number of till, Nla,41ni, r).;,
Currie. pour nostrils. It pen- ;11"t Jot Orders by 'Phone or Mail Receive Our Best and Prompt Attention.
nosh Town,hip-, I etrates through every air passage of the ternity attended the joint;jIlatil), .111 31,
West Wawa .1 l.; Instone,
Lead, soothes the inflamed of tilt, officers of Goderit,li ;111( 4.''vIon Poster,
at Carlow last ,N0nirIg
Pardon. ed or swollen Lodges I Carlow ljo�ll Toddiv
Clinton—Jas. -neons membrane arid relief comes i47 �Ilol% I� It'
Millar. , 11 Foster.
Seaforth—Dr. Grieve. stalittly. Mr, Frank Sturdy is visiting at III, V \1. I'm..'c ITEL. *%
Wingham—A. Tipling. It's just fine. DOn't stn Y stuffed -up houll, of his uncle, Nfl'. H. If. stinky. 'Phone 56
with a cold or nasty catarrh. Ifo is suffering front ,hell shuck, it S
IfWacY Jeff; him by the i;,.I'lllalls oil MILLAR' SCOW" S
Ille plains; of France. TORF, 'Phone 56
'Mr. Arcl4ald Edmunstoll. )f Stisliat- NOW
vilowarl, forjuvrl> .If illi, Mr, \w".il. ;I".u. livro
n.-bilillor- In,
I'll("' is \i"iti"' III this iovalit�' at pro- onto: -I1 r. rrett
S#'W. tlispos,.(l or Ili, irl-vd h� tilt' 1W."st
Goderich Board of Trade "- "' " kl,", ' 'I Th,mm,, d,,u ;iwl Nfr, froill I\lt- 11011 hoot� !.I It fit, ien 1
West. inlonding I!t 1,,, 1" i'I'll hoe eli,ni,ir: Miss Lulu ktmr, or sil-lit Children Cry
Alberta ill tl,4,, spring, Ish,r. \[I,. W, -NII,l \flIri,f King. of hIrd %\Itll Io,o, Jollg It
Word )), NIV N, Corn I it I*` FOR FLETCHER'S
I.,; bi-en revvixcd, from 1,olux q-_ Tho s. ilran,lon. or Winghani: As
00.. of the death there oil 111.1. 1' fit,- if \l,'4- CLif'ono'. Poflock, 4 lifford llulklck )CASTORIA
lith or Mr. John Clark, formerly of J. vu\\1i, dnd \\ In. Bran,G,n, o,, l
' Wburu, kind It brother of \Jr. Oliver and if. P �11"enhill
Clark, of iloderioh. ri)4_� late Xtr. (;lark fillilil\ 'J".11t tit Clinton��v:lflt'l stock, Nil, llarol.1 King,
Tho Bcard of Trade have formed It Debating I.on,loli: Nii,s f),)Iiy ij,'), ,,, or I fill
r sit I it I a�\' -1111, I'lls
illllll .a
.Y, and ililllilllllJ
oso holding the fiNt Meeting in tho11111
N. Dak., ror 11w \I r. and Nln4. florotity of Dashwood: ',\I'r
Oust thirty Yoltrc. and about it year ?.�Hl .... riflids. Will Of Detroit;
s. kndrr\%
"n Sturgeon in(] %laiton, roins, of Port
Assembly Rcom of the Collegiate Instituto, in fill, I = Wall Paper! Paperin
on ag(i r(,movp(l it) f�allrj)rnj He 14.,4\4's -Ills, Eliza Ma" Kine, of London;
it widow and One daugJ11%. NIt:1 'ill. �\flo has he
at yl�ars, i,; "' hool fill. sever- Stanloy; Nli".i!s Bessie and ilorrilri,•
Thursday Evening January 15th -------- fillftill i..1-11inw. liet, parents Elliott. if Toronto. 9
still ri'lenrl'.
tit 8 o'clock. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, Iji"i—Irl, of the Robert Mr. ':�, K •Hick I,.rt this \%vek for Paints Painting f a
HAIR STOPS FALLING ,[nt thn Winds,)r, NvIlprp 0 —
The subject for debate at this meeting will be h'! It" taken charge
Gtivistillil; 't1w parental of a drug store for it t1mv.
A E have 01)0110(1 ul) a' HtPl 0 (lil'O(AlY ol)l)oiito The Star Of co
IMMIGRATION. All members of the Board of Trade Save Your Halirl Got a small bottle
Street, with are urged to co-oporate. and the, public are invited to of Danderints right now—Also sotlool meeting on Woit �) 11
V%hs Ilvid in Ulf oz===� IL full stock of Wall plilml.
attend. ;taps itching scalp. "'Clivol early in the new 0 Solicit your trade. 11 Paints Illi(I
Year. W. B. Hawkins Was appointed
PRINCIPALThin, �tri4lo secretary -treasurer and usher business
I , Colorless iud wraggY affairs were settled atisfaeloelly.
J. P. HUMEt"B.A., W. S. BOWDIM, hair -Cold, Weather Special$ Wall Paper
-ting Secretary. _!_t of Mrs. Parney Detroit, and 1WI. .
't t vrful goarf, Mr. and Nfra. and son, of ME
Chairman of Spocial Committee. Ac WAI Jr�ph, of
is notw leotmeave to ' 1%11 1920 designs, -Staunton's make.
the hair at is Godorich, %\,ro %.181tors at "Sauitas" (oil
i4q,tauary 86, 19.20. 5 d"d*."It robs the hair tilt' IL0111C or varnish 61oth, will nok tear, designs
of its luBtre, Its strength a" Its very --i Mrs. Walker Syrup and and shades suitable fol.
life; Mutually productillf a fenrish-k llurra�. s
. __ .1 dining rooms, halls, bath rooms or kitchens
nese am ititibing, of
not remeMed causes this sapl , which if RAIFIELD 0 nc
r roots to
the bAF Pa 'akes
Els ASLt5HE1D shrink Noun and 410 --then file hair Mr. t3lolnn Str-r,�, kif London, is
7M -.11"1"'." '101. A titlik DftdorW I& -visriting at ttt,* •,f his. aunt,,. Two__
good lines for a winter Paints
I'litht'—wW-11111117 time—will surely save Thos. King, Mrs . . _ I .
ymr hair. Miss FIsfe of roronto, lunch. We'hAv_G,. Benjamin Mooro'.q celebrated interior and exterior Paints_
'" & aluili filOttlO Of X"WhOla's sp,-nt New Year, ,it th, home of her Varnishei, Stains. .818, at!. '.,�Jqo
OPEN a Savings Account for your D"delrb* frObil any drug atom, YOU mother, Mrs. Win. Hall.
Coen Syrup
1111111—lY can have beautiful hair and lots Milis, Ida Neftel. i
wife and make regular do. of it If You vrfli just try a little if Toronito, spent crushes, Oil% and Colors
l®r D"' Christmas N\itti Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 1,. 0 in fins, all sizes or by the
positsto her,credit. You will,find AM your hairl Try HI Orpensladi, ,it -J_,, x,r;kngue.,, quart 0
Mr. Alex. Verkil,�on, wh(j has been
that the whole family will he ailing. on fill. 01:-(; Lakes during the
pasit season, firi.; rotoint'd home for benefited by the control of the r the Aunt JeMiMa and Whit# Swa Papering and Painting
housekeeping expenses through a 'MODEL ����TRE Mr. and Mrs. i,llwrt
of Port tivilt-*bc promptly sittenda,l to at any tittle. ZE
Stailley, sp-ni, III,, to,liday season with
Current Account in the Bank of PROGRAM PancAe F16ur a
the, latter's Mr. and 11,11ro. Jag. 0 prepared ready for use.
ILTON Hamilton. %urwoon, i1..
o 11 �Ohd�ay allt TAlles4ily The "%t ifonle- to id In the klWn
hall on Tue,day 4'venjok last under the Special for Saturday Only
A Parankoliffat Pid,turet'', 40SO-s-' of the Patriotic Society Was
1 0 . John Cuthbertson
dislivel-s', fit,, prorp,& amounting to A 50c bottle Pure Sft'up for
ov'.r AM, Wlich \%111 bo added [1) fill. Wost Street
BAN K o F Hai ILTON. VIVIAN MARTIN Nivillorial Filli'l. 45c. OPPOsitO Star Office a
Th. il." 0
L J. McKAY, MANAGER. o ,,I* 9"od a
'You Never Saw Such a Girl' It is has he'. 0 61 frr
oft,T:.: -ttrt,,d (in De, A MAI
also 22nd, thf, f rd it
PEARL WHITE t1j, I)Id to cJ
IN Mr. Win. If,ii ,,-i Ill, A. E. Nartiq
and part of 51
• fill :312 on Ill,, it I\ i, 11 ro.ol, (ioderich @0 SAY IT WITH FLOWERS
"Lightning Raider" Ii., contilliolig lift N W PRINCESSIYJIsa M SOAP FLAKES
Ball �'J I I I K an ener- i" W
Clearing Sale I — Floral Designs and IrAr
kir \\fjrk(-r ii., %%'!I it-) doubt, make a W
7 Y and Thursday %urcvis or lli, \,ptrin., R Guaranteed Pure
Wedding Bunches
Amring ,pent th, holiday RA
An Artcraft Picture
Women's Felt Boots .1-91-fri \%]it) th,jr r,+,tJvo,4 and friend" III a specialty tH Best for all fine launderiug. 1l,V 11 IA
Featuring here ) wo notiv(,l t,i,• MIR- w Ing
sips Niabel and K tin -on, Sillvs, Laces. and all fine fabrics.
Women's and Children's Felt Misp Aaud iq also Flowering
Slipp FRED STONE Sterling, Nils- Ir, -n,• Rolls, Mr. Harold FA
era Pollock and Mr.—F. d hiniz. from Tor- Plants III
Men's Felt Boots IN
"'Johnny Get Your Gun" When in Trouble GEO. STEWARTIM
Boys" Oil Tan Shoe Packs FLORIST fill
Not a wa- Pietilro N "Phone 105 BraCe St. INN
Buck skin and horse hide also After Eating yru
Both in bulk and 2 and 5 pduud t' is *J
Moccasins A MACK SENNETT COMEDY Mr. Slnn.�er %l%%ayq Finds Relief in
OFF Dodd's 1113�,pep-ia Tubletq
Women's Missies'� and Childs' "Treating Thein Rough' Mlien )rm in.: --that unt-omfortabli,
Gaiters and- Leggings U."ong offer v.iijitg d. -n .'It you juiat 1.)n;t We BuY RaW and Dressed 00 Lily White Corn Syrup
9 for 6m,thmL I, ;jtv, yin %I,.
Women's Mena and Boyst Priday and Saturday ThOS. F. llarbol-. Ont
Hockey Boots I will FURS
A Paramount picture 11 t(II YOU %Nhat will JuPt exactly fit
your case Mr ';I�Anyer ;i,q * Do not sell until ys* have All kinds of Pork and Beans
"For flNi, years fv,r)thing I ate went
All Repair Work Your Satisfaction in water. 17ofir lie-ftr% Dyqpppo.,
&-ne to LILA LEE Jets are nviiiina M` rWht again" - I got in touch with as. .......
IN Hundred,; of Ganaoianq have round III
"S/ Carden anti after ii-ong them fn� a 91
time hn%, further diseovOrp(l that they N I I H e L EAC
aro 1`10 longer ileee 111 151111
1,111gol 11,101M that the I 'Phone 270 Godtliriclj in Phone ISO
1llt4nftJt1.h IIAI14 eceA) t Cop. Montreal at. a
VA114162 h% able to W IN n Squatitils,
do Its sNork Nvithjut assistance, 1-7-N, RLJffLAJ HERE
or your
Ir d
r. Jitu_
4 b4tIt
Ion Is
'y LEA,
bum's TA
111 11
iled din
Iffilbur 100,
0 d
�p f
I I fi
f he
Igh a
Bank of 0
M W,