The Goderich Star, 1918-10-18, Page 2AN 0 114%
fte 0011" A" FM '00ti par year It
woo Irlatted *$4*4F 111 W 4. 111104,14ow
Uen's tweed rquors, in wly
W bhok, strip,
W;0C0"rrWJb, , VW fail to recolva, 00
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stimt: $000, as Possible. I* riew
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Men's good
jiltrons Work
Laical Adv"Promit prites Pants, in M0,4 11 W
yearly contr4Wit display 4dT0301intr to
cents per w0t, OAM stripe ...... R1�0. ruER
six gionatis "ne"s
Men's heavy$,rey 0 ONTA N n, if H, I
cems; , GE Of VOLU"Ir Eft EA TH' AMIL:
vent,11.61 . Ell
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Mrs k4na".11 Of Pit 8407 4,
Ille"o, uot4b Um 2
on changes or tile, tur 111; issue of The
rawlist u,'....N."S. or Mar NOW
ater Will 011011ty Boys' Sehool,$WrL A.Isrgd 09-'
W solitment of
1%9 and other shall silverilson" Otowtir ISM
t9 cents per ithier for firs insertion VA i's A. Joss. terns, 12 to if
IS Was kyrra sizes PC*
per line for 0 Write us.
Neasuired by Ths Nownst VM 0, obassistal ft Boys' School knee Pants 44*
twelve lines to on inch. of aseatd% Z11*11K T0900", 00,
nosiness cards or six ling's W4 W4 brown twopil Wed, withh WAnted, Vol u' n t
�!C` , Miss III I
dv I it Of SINIMOVIS V40.111. pookets, sizes 27
*1 9 M
Milt stew
;polls- ur so
on lit
t c
t rtl le for it of usjng the exercises
In 8 w
I r. each Mr. Roly Stonchouse Introduced mein
are% Oil cents or eac 0 INN 31 ork sUirts Atron�
s. He
n r VVIV11soments in V=r. ory selections for junior cluse
told how lie taught the subject and colors black an4whito stripes.
ausiness Notices (news ty") 5 cents per tills. showed that he knew [low to and floral shades in blue. "I
une; as local or news ms;ter. 110 teach It. He took memory work every Chambray 4 ell I!
counted The Provincial Board of Health, with the authority, of the
""ttper line each insertion.
I ecific, lastrue- day, never asked a pupil to memorize
Ad ertisements without 14 to 17.
ubas wM -be InserM '41 forbid, =d a kelection untli It had been taken tirst,
I e 0
chartreo "Co ng as a literature lesson, never allowed Government of Ontario, has organized an "Ontario Em rreo-
Acco 1, r,2cley."a ollectorl,montlity. , I I I
Irr-1211"t adivertisink and jQb Nvork cash. prompting. always suggested that th
pils, recite as though they were re- -a -training
pu M a cy volunteer Health AUXIHary Ifor the purpose of
Decisions flesiltC1111111111 N0111111111111111trS citing for a concert and I;e made the
Anygeragn who takes a length of recitation In proportion to OPEN 1l;VIP"IN0S
; paper regularly
from ot omee, whether addressed In the diffleulty of selection in proportion g- nursing help to be utilized wherever need
ihft name or another's Or whether he ties and supplyin' ed in
subscribed or not, Is responsible for pay- to tile dialculty of selection memorized.
went. The discussion was continued by the C $
it a person orders his paper discontinged islottirnt, Tom, and Miss' -history to ombating the Influenza outbreak. A strong executive ha
be miv�l Fay fill arrears, or the vintills er pre inspeptor day befo im the part of 71
way cont nue to 86114 is unm pax"laut. Is be studied the next dRk, the pupils that r7l:
matte, and then colleet the Whole _111=0111111, Mrs. Urquhart, classical teacher of being required to be able to glv# all- -been form d in Toronto. It is strongly recommended
whether the aper to taKen or not the Goolorich Collegiate, Institute, dis-
J, The court vlave decided that refusing to svwrs to these questions.
take newsp%pers or periodicals from the cussed it reading course for teachers All viery pleased 0 have Dr. Strang
post onice or removill and lxavinr them and in till able way told the convention lirresent, who though he was ill in eacl� mu icipal council and local Board of Health, working�in
uncalled suitserl what the reqiflirerrivilts were. for a good
for while i Cou r 8
Is facie ev denct 'oTalun- h -he suggesod first. that the bed during the morning could t re-
Arn - 'diat steps to form a local -branch of
or rpoild.3 sist the temptation to throw
tUITP141.141 dt.(retkm -e ---
books should be varied to suit the to tire witifis and be present with his Co- ra ion, tak me e
tastes of various people. She ld ra
associates and pupils In another teach-
Lbe Wberfcb %tar, hit,.-(- such a rourgo comprise 1) X'�',uln ers' comentimi. Alt hope t1hat he rpay this org i anization. The Volunteer Nurses will wehr the -off ici- a
the fi-,e departments of biography. tra- b hing spar,ld to give us his kindly I
Telephone Call ?I.* vel, histury, poety and general liter- li-wne- ad0ce- and - counsel: 91,
FRIHAY. OCT. 18. 19,18. attire, n biography she would Include For inory than forty years he has given `6kize'& -badge 'ONTAIZIO S. 0. So (5is
those t�iat told of the work of great and who atly' A -6th terAi of 5ervice). G
of tits heI to make a success the
Christian riiAshmartes, such as br. tearliers' institutes in West Huron.
WEST HURON TEACHERS rummond, Dr. Paton, etc., reforinprs This call may. be urgent. Classes taking lecture's are
I I Friday Afternoon F3
�like Lincoln, and others. In travel she
11old a Successful Convention In Vic- would also include some of the blo- 'rho pr-sidout ticcupted the chalr�
toria schgol Goderteh Last Thurs- graphlus of missionaries its that of 11w inintites of the forenoon session already opened in the Parliament Buildings, Toronto (Private,
ID history she re- wer.- �Fad arid apppqved.
day 'and rriday Dr. Livingstone.
very highly The Ghron- Min,, lif'ad)'. of Winchelsea, gave a
In spile of the influenza senre more tries of Ganada and other works. In good on the summer school Bills', Committee R.0om, ground floor), where they will be car=
t.han one hundred teachers were present poetry she would Include some (it coorse tin agriculture at the 0. A. G., 13 -
the (11"t day from all parts of the In- Shakowpoare's works and some vollirl'" Guelph. Sh,- explained what tile 2Durse m rther notice.
2spectorate. or the shorter pocins of other poets, %%its like slmwing that along wiCh the ried on every day at io a. m. and 3 P. until fu
The following Is Ule official report of such as Longfellow. In general liter- study thery was blended a large
Me gathering. attire slip wouldn't include works of aniount (if practical work. The as- Young women of education are urged to -avail themselves of" a
The president. Miss Nellie, Medd. Cen- iletion, with the exception of King- sociation "ith so many teachers was
tralla, occupied the chair, The opening sley's Ilypatin, because we all read also delighted. Miss Ready drew such
exercises were conducted by Inspector too Inuch of it, but would recommend it beautiful pIcture that all the teachers this unique opportunity to he of real service to the commun-
inutes of Cho last session the work of Dr. Van Dyke, Essays, etc. ,%!sit to go next year.
if they are
of the last convention In Exeter, Oct. She concluded by -emphasizing the I'lip discussion was continued by the ity. If they are not needed, so much the better.
12th, t9li, were read and approved. Ahought that teachers sliduld desire proi,'sldent, Nip. Howard, Miss Young, In -
The following were appointed as a to ln�uldAhe character of their j.hild- spector Toin, Mr. Mawson and Dr. Sil-
libran- corrililittee to report at this ren for good and future grpa ess. cox, all testifying to the desirability of
needed, we hope to have them ready. All.towns aind cities are
irneeting- -filf."es Le Touzeli- -Phillips To, Ao this the teacher should be Well all teachers to take this course and to
read in the books and the pleasure that all who- go will have
and Mr. Howard. and widefy%
%lisses 1. 14.1. Sharman and Jean Mur- literature of the day. In their associations there. urged to organize and peepare in a similar manner.,
ray and Mir William McKay were ap- The discussion was continued by Dr. Silcox. principal of the Normal
the president, Dr. Strang, W. H. John- School, Stratford, being Introduced,
pointed as a committee to makii sug
gestions on the revisions of the read- ston and inspector Tom all commend- spoke flrst in favor of the next Victory
the splendid address Loan exhorting the teachers to help to
�4 ers, and other matters for the informa- Ing very highly A Syllabus of lectures is being sent to the Medical. Officer
4 tion of tile Department of Education. delivered by Mrs. Urquhart. make Mis loan a success. He held they
as 0 en- coold do
M I May Stioddart took up the sub Mr. J. H. Johnston spoke on th this in three *ays, first by
for junior trance course in hi§tory. He thought subscribing themselves for a bogd, se- -of Health of all cities an� towns. Further Infor ation may
ject of arithmetic exercis
classes with a class. With a large that the placing of history on the Cur, (4ind, by shewing their pupils and the
number of exercises she showed her ricultiln its an examiatition subject people of their section that this Loan D., Chair- a
way of teaching combinations. etc., though, it may have some good rqsults is absolutely necessary to carry on the had on application to John.W. S. McCullough, M.
V�ith young chlhh�en. Tlie'legsan was yet fn the long run' IV Won't do WIT11it business or,pur,eouittry,-andAn the-
nston iLsked see thkit ''Pa
it good rine and was listened to atten- Is eXpeeted bf It. Mr. Joh third place teachers should man o xecu ive, rflament B1uildihgs,'T6r'o`tit6.' �Teleohone
tively by the teachert, presehL a number of questions of teachers the literature' sent out by the govern -
The president paid a pleasing Com- present and a number of good ideas
ment is sent out to the people.
best Inspector Tom spoke also, telling of
pliment to Miss Stodddrt for her In- were brought out, one of the Main 5*800.
st-l-tictive lec;soll being given by Inspector who what he had done In seeuring owners.
inspector Tom emphasized the bene-. would give a number of questions tile of automobiles to help to save expense
by 1,istributing Iflieratu're, taking a
spea er to some place of meeting or in C. S. NEWTON,, J. W. S. McCULLOUGH W. D. M&FT"IERSON
Pit Other ways.
Dr. SlIfox then- gave. an Interesting SecretaLry-Treasurer. Chairman of Executive Committee. Piesident.,
address on the problem of time dis-
cussing the time allotted to each sub-
ject in the School Management Manual
and getting the opinion of.the teachers
as to whether the time was too long
or too short.
The aim of his Jecture was to enable
IROGO Ran -els and the schools. He felt that the re- all, was an attempt on the part of the ment was opened by a 0eiii-rendered the Association. I
bel The
the teacher to save time in teaching - National Anthem
M the various. subjects in his school. To PPeRentative's work was arong'the line lecturer to make a little clearer the Instrumental solo from Miss Isa singing of �..h`_
lit the in" ng to a Close.
accomplish this he,would stress the Of organizing school fairs. He then magnificent spirit of the men and wO- Foster. Miss Lyttle sang a solo which broug
teacher's Prepamfloh of the lesson be- explained how this. organization was men of the two countries in which the was encored, as was also a iolin se� Frida;t Morning
v I
fore coming to the class. regular at- aCCOMPlished and said' he was—willing present war --is. being waged. The re- lection by Air. R. R. Redmond. Miss The president c !cupred the chair.
is work. He felt marks were related to beautifully, col- Plorence Young recit6a one of Miss) Devotional exer -ises were conducted
tendance, limiting the time for the to assist in doing in
pupit's work, proper grading, ete. The. thatAtfe boy who took an,interest in ored lantern slides showing views of Pauline Johnson's poents,07he Cattle by Dr. Silcox.
PE Every mfimber The minutes o r the afternoon and
and Heaters address was interesting and valuable. this work would make 4 better citizen kQth countries with a rffw showing the Thief, " very cleverly.
Mr. Geo. W. Holman, a former Recre- and in time would probably take a destruction brought upon Belgium by was excellent. In fact We evening
in agriculture the invading horde of the German army, meeting was one of the best Continued c vage 3, Col. 2.
tary of this Association'for many yeaN3, shorter�or longer course
are DIFFURENT from all otbers. An entirely new 0 being present, was called upon to give in Guelph. The address was Interest- especially Louvain, where. the oldest 40
ing and called forth many enquiriesl university in Belgium with Its in-
ion. a sho 'I
ustruction and fuel combusti rt address. He responded in a valuable library was made a heap
principle in stove co toritib hich. were lucidly answer
happy little talk, giving some bull us at the close, w
ruins. In this recent publication of
reminiscences of former days when ed by. Mr. Stothers.
eren't 'so many changes every Miss Mabel Ballbb, of Dungannon, and Dr. Muehlon's diary on the early stages
there w
Other views showed the
One bucket of coal in a Range or Heater will do your cooki year in the teaching profession. W. H. Johnston gave the teports of the of the war.
1191 Inspector T6m on matter, material AclegRtes to the 0. E. A. Besides giv-
be"tifbi buildings of Brussels and Ant-
bakiiag or heatink'more satisfactorily than two buckets in other the addresses de- werp, Parts and Versailles, whose his -
and methods in teaching gave many Ing a synopsis of
Ranges 6r Heaters. urged as many Leaellers tor is so Interesting in connection
splendid hints to teachers to hojp them livered they
work. Fie would fiave 1he as possible to attend because of the witt the German invasion and occu-
In their i -Pg�m? Mrstsio win stop -it i
ratiqn received as well patlen of France by the Germans in Japan. ai
teachers take great care to use good Intellectual insill . t
felt in meeting 1870, as well as with the history of AW60years totelloval awbiki;6 uourrallf(!�4 9,
Cho, earaches awilifien Jowts, am g;;;;t ranew,
stop That AWFUL WASn"v of Fuel English , and �eorrect pronunciation as the great pleasure
Arts of the province. the French monarolly under Louis XVI.
themselves. He would teach -reading teachers from all p
Several views of Versailles taken by ints. Wye a bMk In the boom AD dealers �t or
On account of complete cornbubtion of fuel, they mfike only one- to beginnifts from the Illorang tablets Evening Sm,;:on
Iffid alphabet card prepated 6y hitmand the speaker himself In 1913 were ghowq Hhtgt 43� W111111"ANT. Hantilt6i Coutsda. 1'
third as many ashes and NO CLINXERS. The &all pan requirps inspector Tom occupied the chair. and added to the Interest of the I
%Qileh lie supplied to all the schools This presignt, Miss 'Vellie Nledd, took ture.
to he emptied every -second or third day. free. Reading should be taught from as the subject of her address true The. musital part of the entertain
print but not from written words. Jn patriotism, and in an eloquent nisimer
writing he would have the, exprelsois shp what sh con -
Burns Soft Coal, Hard Coal, Wood or Slack told the audiente, 1�
done with lead pencils Instead of with si&r�d true Patriotism. Pill IJL
pen and ink, tie --would have, the olos- 8ho didn't think it was that love of NEVER TROUBLED ot lb 'TEL REOFOR
cts carefull� inspected and kept cl9n% country that loved selfishly or that
These am
Better, Safer and More Economical Than .1 & uitAmb�r of other hints loved one's laild so as to hide Its WITH CONSTIPATION -on lednesdev, Oct.
were very helpful. faults, but it was the love that recog-
Mr. R. 9. Stothers. agricultural re- nized . one's coullift-Y-S failings and SINCE TAKING
betwoen the agriltultural represtentative ir
Gas or Electricity presentative, spoke on the connection sought to correct thoise raults. Our
country should be the better for oit MILBURNI LAXA-LIVER PILLS.
living in IL Teachers have the great- Too often Cab its. liable to dinain can- b; of TORONTO
Pst honor thrust upon them because
10 CENT "'CASCARETV atipation as a trifle. It is not. When
they have the privilege of training you allow your boviels to become cloned Invite you to their dis-
Hint Noloug for FOR LIVER AND DOWELS the future citizens of our land. There- UP, there Pam a strearn of nniluted inlay of the newest cre-
fore they should teach whv anu flow *&#a into ihe blood instead of it b&g atlaiiiii1t. " I r .
No wilifiag. . oves always may. we are governed, beginning first with Carried off by nature's channel, " A_
Cure %jok, Heraidatithe, Coiattl1patlan, the home, the child learns why God bowels, amd *fift this waste matter getar
One feisailloofow *111 hold ovah Ilb to wing heat Ax eight placed us In famille.% that we may inilet that blood it caut" headraefteis faus- Affiffic Hair Goods
tal for the other members 4ite, Piles, liva complaint, sow stomach
-boan. B-1vab heilk on all aidw'4 o"n without use of dampers. brat"Pdamy "Rib: learn self -den I I
of the home as well as obedleneg, SW Many Otbor Wublciil, C It your own bair is thin, A
FmIn the home we Pass to the school
it y takhtst Milburn's taxa-luver Pa dull and unbecoming, let
Owt tho bowels will be kept
No Morebtave JX section. then to towushiP untll$t yo*;jW1
NO 0IN11111 IWW Ud Your liver, 6400WAb we reach the Itonilitlon Governmenf, ul an demonsttste just what
in, Ude Mt* At pittiontrig of 4,
'Or b0*40 MW *%WA Y602 11111100A 11,01111111111, We should teaeb ofalt, childtitri Wait% can be done to suplily
1A �lood d, fter wftkeuin$ of the
Ali 1h&0o, Utku, being. made of highly poUbW metAls, does how ulaii" Ift W* irm wasups- mere facts are not onough. Sho '60. "tam. is vind,the entire body your lack of hair. and
*wav vitith this itleudg&y. The top retains its finish. fli I Wftfteft MA AN* pealed for teachers for the fort,1#11t jjVnto" n&Q1 condition.
secret i�,f , MirisilEWeZimmermin,Thodford Ont:, hovr perfectly it Is aiccom-
glib bo="*yZ 11111, q* ot Witt with schools of 'the west. The
$"at tuothoo
#*ft, h1ilick bOU6% utensils. AD kottleb boil readily on top y 614"" latitaln's g"Atnegs 19 her used ymr Milb�Wa' a._� plished
'Of tb* RiU600 PA00. Never'lift e4vM fte6pt to (66d fuel. love for all peoples and tier desire to �IAWIjuvft Pine tot ftistipiation, go FOR I.ADt8S-,.-:SwIte'he#. Trilikarfamations, Weves. PC
100a &Mf lift, f6tiad self troubled finciii. Ifte.
JL it b4ft i" "d The address t�ds rk olendid effort. I oft vey glad to IhTve found something VOR BALD MEN:-0ORENWRND"S TOUPS
L ft" 0C #Aer *0w*1*" WasA6 n*Atw equal to tho- bost of f0r]APP Yeam t6co"1110# a" will 4dw ten 0"velyme. via I rove sour
M, Jounsare"Sand Sealed "a ptilsw M** 06 itak"Usiso A" \v6rdA of praise woste heard on tvery abbot 0*11 Who' in trou8=1 in t6 eame will raske you look yftra Idabiter MP
the ftleethig. *110.11
104"'Ibm h&nd after lVe hedth. Light as a feather andludetec-
_red gn. Ithtfititriiii0d 4 or, re.
4*4*&Utoy Or 00 up. All too plaft ind 048 havo al fismge . . . . . . Or Silcox &I - - -_ - I tAble on our sallitary PAtect Atriletu
lelghtin and Vriiii 0eldheetotiffteapt6f -*b$,;&T.UJJ.
#Wj0,V**a whith -pito"tatts Iftkagit of gir ilmoks or gai Pot lecluro on I %�js much enjoyttil, bY1 bft* CO.* lhlakil# T4*ftj�4 O&t.
Inture which
This WWRY Is W I oq olly,
Ww* lk" it esday, Oct. 23rd
Aak, Ut fto An Zxplanatio"
Appantineata eM be anriingba tit
,Tj"t1k1a ig No CHAR09 FOR A 00MONSTPATI10
CHAS, 01 0 'L ro,
Tht 10RINUVID scomPANY of 7
1 4 .40
41 � :11 6, U Ifto
. . . . . . . . . . . .
ft"A 64140-1421-101 YON000.