The Goderich Star, 1918-10-04, Page 4M 11 1:11 PON 49 Wd A 1"I ojw4wwlm��ON &SON Terms An, `Advertise.,, wut Once 04 wo sw) A4 used� A. Splendid List of Values I D b. C -,,,,h,, r es ens LONTX Iffill Yam $1.45 Dress Sillis was co Entente 2 'ply XV3 )VIVY $11 puZ wool yarn, oven 444 Con,' ea4 'ell X Black Taffeta Silks tb VIV4 a twisted yarn for talus no in wlille or greV as per Yard wide special per box. character. yard .......... $1*50 purely mj 'FOU44 .. . .................. ............. ..... $1,65 Black Duchosse Silk 70 inches Bulgaria Ap 0410 "h 04 , PACO* *be, Worth" iked "Xitcliener 4 pIv wide. Regular 12.00 for .... ........ territory a . -.A,%W, 0 $1,75 ftl* -4 White Or grey. Beat &b and Serbia itm 1=14 per pound ..................... 402 q all .150 Black and 01 colors silk poplins mmedlate;y' yard wide worth $2.00 Per yard $1.50 UL LFUJUbPVfV ;9 Bulgaria "B" Rive" 4 ply fingering black 04000i h 9 1 or White at per pound .......... ........ beats and OX �#4 84-50 North Star Batting the Dan u be,4#g,,ton*0";. to, ther VOW ......... Full one pound Batting our beat quality free passage ilb" VnjXAjr Tweed Dress GoWs Cror the and opens up beautifully for cow. OC. development.. OtnquIt4rv. 1414 Vide Splendid Tweed mixtures forters at per pound ......................... 4 All Bulgarift 4 ' ' , , MR XA!X 4kqm , Val- Aluo SW4 WCJ&14 Special per yard... 35e tion are to be Stog trOl of the XjjX6$, toL g4, Grey Flannel - loop, ed the right to 9 Grey Bkokets 27 W 28 inches wide bought 2 years ago and strategic larItOL doable t3,Ze union mill a splendid old fashioned quality. heavy soft The Assod4tojf�q "leir" h4t ets soft clean grey and beautiful for shirts, middV% dresses or this military, S took and neatly 00-004,1104'' 99 "Aulgaria anderwear. Light and dark grey. will be entruatt or wbiPPe& Blue border, will sell ten days selling worth 50c at per ongly U45 --or per Oak-.- 6.50 yFard 35c. and Italian fotr%^ 40'a $ portions Of -Orft spectively to ".0 Ire - Underwear - J� Silk Fleece Hose troops. For womea.seamless, very soft and x)icelv Ladies'and children's underwear in comblo- The armlstl�e� A Aulshed. Sizes aj to io at per pair s5c.. ation and 2 piece "Zenith" and "lleumans military urr 4,4 9'a'Ple" - Pr ..and DOW% I make oeases to be Ek 001 and.............. . I ................................. 50es 1 " . lixery All questlogg t or 0041 re.; arrangement as' was Yard Wike. Chintz Mens Underwear purposely omit e . eou*en.� Heavy spring needle wool underweaffl tJon. ftst-colars, fit good quality Paisley pattern s, heautifailly made and splendid quality The Allies maft—,irp -01­0414tlon IV for dresses, kimonas. or conifortera, sizes 38 to 42 shirts and drawers concerning -KingL F�rdjb4nd, his posi- Splendid Choice worth 115c 31 per yard 25c* worth 02.25 at per garment ........... $1.,50 tion being co*4014004 RUI l4t4prrkal matter — one for the, I 1150194rians, HARLES DICKENS is one of the world's great teachers.' themselves to deal with. The armistice, iirfu remain'ta oper- C Here is what he has* to say in one of his books: ation until a 1111�4t general bogee is *Coats concluded. "My other pieoe of advice, Copperfield," said Mr. Speaking at th,4, GoJ10haj.1 yester- 11 day Mr. Bonar LaW said' . A Bulgarian Micawber, VOU know. Annual income X20, annual and con�ention had been Sigided by which ripenditure X19. 19. 6—result, bappiness. Annual hostilities ended Yesterday at land, i neome A. C20, annual expenditure X20. 0, 6—result, Bulgaria, by thqJerms fixed. gives misergy, Theblossom is blighted, the leaf is withered, up completely the Control of the- r4ij- Jd ways, the Clianeellor,0tated. . 11 the God of Day goes down upon the dreary scene, "This convention Means," said the and—and in short you are foreyer floored. AsIam." Coating Chancellor, "that can I IMunleatJort be- tween Germany and, the: east in that Larger selection than direction has been out_ QW, and that The saving of a part of one's in- There is war -shortening work wait - we have ever sbown the German dream of.g Germari ibid. come was always a good policy. 0 dle-eastern empire had gone forever" ing for every dollar that can, be before. Control of (We BUlgarjau railways, saved. the Chancel4or Pointedoilt, gives con- Prudent men and women have Beautiful materials trol of Bulgaria. always maintained a margin of IF Charles Dickens were writing The prompt acceptance of the Al- lies' terms by the 1�ulgarlsqts was -a saving. to Canadians to -day be would V�lours surprise. The expectation bad been that the Bulgarian eavoy.s, on general But to -day we must go farther in probably give us advice to thi� 0 principles, would advance terms of our efforts to save than ever before. effect: Chinchillas their own and endeavor to engage In debate for a time. This brief and "My other piece of advice, Canadians, authoritati,ve statements. indicate that To -day it is a matter of the you know. No matter what ercentage .,Cheviots. the Allies had virtually issued an ul- gravest importance that each Of Your annual income y( lave pre- timatum to Bulgaria. Apparently E01 they stood firm in thek-domwift-The Canadian seekways and means viously saved,' YOUr.effortS to -day should 7_1�2-ushes,, etc. ChTef--Point of interest now is Gerl to economize by cutting down ex- be to save -more. The advantage of so many's action. doing is threefold: By the Practice of Oil, Prices range from certain subsidiary conditions, the penditures for tifinecessary things, rzonomy YOU conserve the material and Central News Says, were' submitted saving the money he spends on laborwhich must be devoted to the grim 'i 6W by the Bulgarian Government. These, task before -us; you cultivate the priceless $129 $159' $209, however, conflicted in no livay with, things he could do without, so habit of thrift; you gather more, and the demands of the Allied toni-and, that when the Nation needs to/ 01009, which demands the Bul&4ylans ac- borrow money he will be in a posi- more money to tend to She Nation for the $259 cepted unconditionally. prosecution of the War to a guick and The convention was, signed at Salo- tion to do his full duty. certain Victory." nica Sunday night. Gen. FIr"chet d'Esperey, the Allied commandeir-In- chief in Macedonia, SijM6d_ for-'il[V Published under the authori ty of the 0 Allies and the Bulgarian delegates Minister of Finance of Canada for their Government. ­W.`_'ACHES0N'& SON Instructions have been given by 10� the Government to Gtbiu.,d'Esperey to 20 ceed immediately to the execution of the conditions of thkarmistice. Before the Allied troobs can* take Cbe 00b C*rt-Cb Star. nitinufa,tt-iring and industrial' plants awaken us, to a realization of the ap- ever the oc�upatlon of Bulgaria, it to BEST CARTOON Telopliene Call 71. with a IQ -4.s approximately of two and palling wastage froin, fire Is good but not unlikely that the Bulgarian mill - a half million dollan-4, making in- these fire prevention day should be every tairy party and Germany and Austria $50 BOND (is y will make determined etforU to keepr GETS F I FRMAT. OTC. 4, 19113 four classl flea tions 4,648 Ilres with a I the year. R E PREVENTI ON losm aniounting to $5,1114,813; it is tl"je Bulgaria in the Teutonic alliance be- In eonnection with the e.oming Viv-1 the secession of Bulgaria would tory Loan canipaign, tit, J.i4,jjjinj(,j)! EXTRACTS FROM EDITORIAL COMMENT that tho public couscience was aroused SAVED BY A HALF INCH 'meua'n the collapse of German atins In Press News and Featurp Committee an- I Turkey and the Near East, the prob- nounols.a cartoon contest. Artists are PROCLAMATION to (to all In our power to prevent this Lloyd Brown GIves Vivid Aecount or able elmination of Turkey from We invited to subrivit sketches suitable for As will be seea by the announcement waste. Especially at the present time, Battle In Which He was Wounded war, and the reconstruction of th6 a two -column engraving, which will bp in our advertising 'columns,. Wednes- when inaterials of all sorts are getting! eastern front, with Roumania taking judged on their merits as puhli(!ity cal- Issued by His Honour the Lieutenant -Governor of the day, Oct. 9tb. has been set aside by the so scarce, la4or go hard to get and the.' Mrs. Walker Murray, R. R. NO, 3 a leading part. oufAted to assist in the selling of Vic - IN e I Province of Ontario. orl, Albeit) series us the following Provincial 6overntnent as Fire Pre- cost of all sorts of materials so high It tory Bonds. The committep otYprs a . . . letter from her brother, Lloyd B. vention Day, the ob3cet being to awak- is nothing short tit a national crime battalion ha. $50 bond of the new issue for the best Whereas next to the care Of those who are offering tbeir If es on the France. v Brown, who was recuntly Wounded in s the, best name of any in cartoon. A. numbeiO of cartoons will front line of battle, the conservation of all our energies and substance is vn the pubile to a Sense of the im- that Stich a Vast amount of wealth action, giving a very vivid description ()vPr the top eight times In also be awarded special mention he. our most Important problem; poirtaiiee of fire prevention. When Wis should he consumed in fires, most of of the battle. Pte. Brown was in the one day, and that is going SoMe. No sketches submitted are to I Ithe doubt many of my pals are gone to the And whereas the savinaof human life, t American army serving in Texas, but hrift, Etna the pre ention 9f Stated that In Ontario more than seven which are said to be preventable. Our property of the committee and an nom- loss of property through destruction by fire, is an Aid which every one now belongs to the 102ad Canadian happy hunting grountim, but we were inal fee will be paid for any that are should give willingly to the community at large; million dollars %yorth 61''property was provJnolal reoord In the way of fire Battalion, and has one year's service.. all in good cheer, laughing and singing used Ap the campaign. -burned In 5,396 fires during the first six losses is not good as compared with His oldest brother, oteorge Brown, has when we went at them. I g And whereas the reckless and Impoverishing fire was.te that con. uess they Mr. C. P. Crandall, managing etiftor' fronts the people of our Province Is appalling; imonths of 1918, nearly all of which Miropean octuntries. For instance the been serving In France since the spring though t Hell had broken loose, for of the Montreal Star, and the etfitor -were due to &arelessness, 3,456 ooeurr- losses in Ontario In 1916 amounted to of 1915 and has not been Wounded yet. they left guns, aniniunition and makly of Victory Loan National Ptess NoWs Therefore, believing that the lose can be minimized only �y W Both thtJ boys are Canadians by dead on the flif1d in their hurry to got judges. I avrakening in the public mind a universal w&tchfulneqs against carelesli. Ing fift the homes of the oeople, at a $6 Per capita, in 1917 to M per capita, birth, Bayfleld being their chlldhoo� away, I saw many (lermans who nev.- The, contest will elow, neas, acenni alation of rubbish and unsanitary conditions and Feature service will be the on Octohor loss of more than one million dollars; and for the first qix months of this home. -41l"-are sons of Joseph Brown, er got off theirl ammunition wag 15th, and awards will he announced a and ons. Mo in farm barns, entailing a losS Ot Year to VMM jwr ('11PIta, as compared Of RIPPen, homes and men being killed on the few days later. Bpeause of this great m'eed and fn order to Arouse a Sense of watchth . I Pte. Brown wries, "I wish you could spot mesa, carefulness &-ad over $X9.0W: 601 In inercantile stores with tin average loss of 33 cents per have seen the battle. It surely was a W01, that's all for now. I will soon cleanliness, and t6 create a greatef perso '%VJth a loss amounting to over one and eatilta In the principal'Furopean eoun- wonderful sight to see. Our battalion be able to give them surne more Gana- CROSS, SICKLY BABIES sibility in reducing the number of preventable fires nal respon- We have thought fit, by Z thre"uarter million doll'aft; 261 in t0es. 'A (lay specially set apart to had advanced six miles, dlan goods, so don't wnrry. Vrn oom- . and with the advice of our Executive 0 when I gothit Council for Our Province of Ontario, to name, and do hereby name and were still going Strong wile to all. Tell daa It Sickly babies—these whoD are n I left, Ing back. Love oross Wednesday, the the battle field wifi a bullet in niN takes us boys if) put thp famous Prus- and fretful; whose little stomaeh and ova= KIM back. The bullet entered at the nintfi slan (;,jard on the buin, bowels are out of order; who sufft'r 9th DAY OF'OCTOBER, 19 IS 210 follnWing from constipation, indigestion, colds or AS rib and stopped near the back bone. 'Phe verset, were sent home any other of the minor llisl of little 0 Nfy Webb equipment stopped the force frnrn the front by pte. Brown a short of the bullet, which was very lucky. ; FIRE PREVENTION DAV one% can be promptly evired by Baby's (L titue before gone a half mch further. It own Tablets. Concerning them Mrs. would have hft the back hone ano dis- llome--and the Trench" Jean Paradlej St. Bruno, Que., writem: And We do hereby urge that on this day, throughout our ProviAa faii 801t8, U090FU 'Tha a rolq drtt of Ontario, attention be called in schools and public Oates f*� the, 0 abled me for life, or perhaps killed ine. arY 'tight in the trenches, "rdy bapy �yaq yery.111 rand vomited all tionA that exist and to -the need of)mmediatc U Sb Yottli see T was �ivy lucky to get I watch on 111Y outimst alone; his -food. lie w ' as crass and cried night action and co-operation on the part of evbryone ; and speclar ekerclaes, addr6soes and other me n tbrough safply, The German machine And iny 1110119htd� NNander back Wtil, and day and nothing helped filin till I be employed to impress on the public mind lessens Of Fire Proventloq, A 'a gun bullets were dropping around me the oman begam using Baby's Own Tablets. # . * _j To a spot which iny heart knows They soon set him right and now he Is To his'arts the success of this great Clean-up C&mPSI9n it' Will be like hail In a storria, tin(] It's a wonder W as Home. a tat, healthy boy." The tablets tire necessary to have the hearty and harmonious co-operation of all W I didWt get a dozen Instead of one. It was a wonderful sight to se�, the I hear the sharp track of it rifle sold by niedicine. dealers or by mail, who have for their-objeets civic, we F- i4l and Industrial betterment. air planes scrapping. the tanks advan- And the whizz of thr shells going at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- I cifig, and our heavy shells dropping W1 by, liamA Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. The Proclamation should be— A Z over the German lines, who were In tb all acroplanelm heavipr bumming i Gatherings. read In fill Schools amd' at Public Z full retreat. The Germans who stop- As It scurries away in the Sky._L� � - "The World luts alwa �s been div Ided 01110-eWthe Pift Marshal of Ontario, 6EbRG'E F. LEWIS, W ped to check opr advance are there yet From the eneiuy,� lines (,n the hillside into two classes—thosp who have ssvAd Department, of the Attorney-Geitieril. or taken prisoners. I Saw one German Sharp flares light the plain far and Toronto, Sept. 21st, 1918. Deputy Fire Hitrshal, U I and thoa� Who have spejit—the thrifty with a machine gun f1ring on our pla- near; ind the extravagant."—Richard Cobden. kw toon. We dropped on the ground and Then the Lewis gun barks in the dark - 110 kept on shooting and one entered nem; I raised up and let h(m have back than th,9 my back. Farther shlbs k a red hot one. I don't Inow it I killed appear. hiM or some one else did, there .Vtre And I watch Meady on frnm my out - so many riffies going at once. I PAW post� him X* Jowa like,4­16g, uffl f ffjy jhi�jg — Mr-ured eye ft&�f sfpkln4, to _AW, P wounded till ona of our stretcher bear- WhJI10 Swett visions come drifting trS came UP and drmed me. I then before me— walked out to the ro Mir Pictur0s Or If,vpd -ones - at d od "d Caught an 114a NationalSinA0 anibulince and went to the dressing home, station, and liftre I Ota feeling quito As 1 99," far away 0s) to the eastwgrd 01 fl, well *and my wound to healft up fast "n sce the mild breaking of, I tOOk U gftnce Mck M My battallon dawn, and they Wert still 96ing f4rofig aheAd And my heart with %hp qk Si)ftd My, -best wishes wen4 *fit, nly lightens, y spleadoll t , eOmr4des 64; theY PlItStled the Ger, 1"'Or the cold night has fadod avid th"g, -brl"In In MA11Y I)rlMfmft and gone.. leAvifit deAd Oe'r#*'As be Ind ftejr Peaee will come tO the advhhet. The ,, wattiNd Ird out up fiations ll#ht. th0 fire Ger'Many's pleke4 And iny glad way %vill 1p, Oset the ft. We went through them &s 0 foam, *00*ft o'bolt4wooki wum" ffto we W0V dOWS 10*110eavfts. To my o�vn natINS land. brave' (;o. I %w but v"y f6W kWAd, (�Oaadj&n& luinblat. 14or 60tto*ii. viwtk luld watiring of th6io R V W1h W"t OW tht tOb 14 hOtkt Ot And ft 1�pflt which ray he' (Aw* its J1 a ask Afnfthk, Nothing %"-g to Stoo Ug %W a itipftfift a a* 1101ne I W—CAft Ilk WiitS,W6d1'0li1-tAtd it th8 * liothltw did stoo Wis. to taot %6-lhas Ptlfttv bloyd Burgp rt jovog f Al"t I .25 CHA I US khd *X Caw The � of..Ohla U� A. V of The I aciotes Sir Re, In New visit ti lwonitoi --Can�Lda' the wa paniptit public War Ef press It the woi cod(prei ltiberty editoria Mary 01 The e, Few po§sess to.say t M(