The Goderich Star, 1918-09-13, Page 511-1 it � l !"0110-11 N TUB 400tkiaff 7 Co%xitteiller Rory thought the wnnln!� PON— 4. IR to 40 "Row waq sufficient. Hot Ur- AL ALALI i�,�C�ve asked who Was trua. Walter Bou -Its 40cer, as he so fircquently met b -Qv aylus au -4y fvpfla school. Clidef Pastlethwalte said he was the and'Rubber Goods a I from sonic socleticsit formerly did and ayup blu PROFITS allowed on all taxes paid oil of, before mau and the system adopted w that - urer be instrucled ill makei,these pay- Oct. Ist, 1918, a discount of I per cent. a been so great. In fact for two years nients front lilt, first hinds available. Ny'llen a pupil Was away a Certain time WOUT1117 & c*m*t* Hue c9fillprits- back the board had had considerable of A number (if wemint, Were recom- Ist, 119118, And th4t an addition of 2 per *p"%eye 4eMqm4 fcir ba a stru�gle. the teacheir reliturted to the chief and Ito t he low everything fil, rubber goictile for of The Board, since the proposal to fix The report N\a� id-irled. VP f* VWY W P"411ill* maket tog 1s saw absentee. it. Edwards and T. Mitchell came in bW4$OhQld and Stick room Use. Hot dition of 5 per cent. on all taxes not ly defeat of the b$qaw to authorize the 4*0 W49 iTW ni;e omm paid on or before Jan. Ist, 1919. as I% deputation front the Board of Trade wiiitor bottlisih Ice -begs. fountilia sy. partment that if it pulmotor was In- Also that ill#, sum of itt,662.50 be plac- [I- TM bring at baud&Wp�roA% stalled )ter(, I eal-Adt, inan would be and asked it the council wouhj appoint rium rubber gloves. etc. it for a local ho pit I was abandoned. An effort was b ng nalade to sell it and F1 put in charg,-. The rep'ort %Nas ad,-i,tvd. Goderich Elevator and Transit Co. for the year 11918. A -tht gMter ymr=C six months ago option was given but a oonturtittee to act with tile Board to "milleictipa witAh -the C. P. R. day cele- rw REDUCTION SALE It was not taken up. The hospital was having purchas,-d thi large cement tile If" T9 do Row what prk-ve $,M bligh. YQU UOT nem 4L 104m; if so. quamit The special committee was appointed. Mwftd hurw," h� P-,ripr Kol, !--n patients. whose expenses were not 9" Mun"er; he will bell? you out. THE BIG DRIVE A report of the inspector of weights and measures of Ills recent visit to town Cna" for $10.00. staff, I;,i,.rJrf. UNUQN BANK OF CANADA The rpioi-xit NNa, ol-i0ed. vvllext fie Weighed and measured a uum- Chairman or Ole market coin- Was a Weeh or Wory W-Alo'o"!C& - WUQQMC% MAX ber of goods off the deliver� rip show- so 91111114 Local Agent Wanted 017 Pte. .1. '%N*. Murray. N\ho is officially er probably more cases of goods over 4ed on ditty in it vwil,i. .f weeks or so and reported this week As sufferinp, front GODERICH. BRANCH, FOR THE "OLD RELIABLE" %velglIt than under and the underweight cases were only small deficiencies. gunshot N%ounds, writing from the front lol.irl"q, 'Nill, ill, d .11.1 Iff!" . " in-, ill, lit opIlli"k h� H. Keith Revell sp. *0OLLCOM11E. M.r.- to his wire here, under (late of Aiiiir. - The council adjourned till Moriday at 8.30 p. m., to strike the tax rate. also Iftraws Rougov-1art committee asked if it %\as thought ad- lith, h0fore lit, \\its v%oiiniI,-d, gi\es I Templ,inwl­ 1,-1111w- ?,-I [I,- li.l­ lie,-n Ili,f ir f... Ill- r visable it, gf,t in, twir-- of the silent efftow a polief-men, and it decided to get The adjourVd meeting of the town Pf*DW half a (iozen iww,., f -.r w4e wherever The superintendent was tile most CUO- council was held on Monday evening. Councillors Robertson and Story -3ft o bow t might ]it, docid-d -I line miqht he the big drive by now Rind \\-flat great THE TOWN COUNCIL nunlical manager that could be. The Willi as absentees. work Itir Ganucks Ila\,, dwit, this last Hospital. 111oaril AsU Rembision of Rilei, rates for attention at tile hospital had been felt any A tax rate of 40 mills was decided oil, this James A. Campbell, Taxes -190 Rute Struch Stionday raise(I and the Board tile councitlers feeling that was for us, but A lot (if lint -d viork anti fix - further raise would make tile institution pretty high but that It had to be donc. Phm. B. meeting of th t tivollibitke Pxcept for the well to dQ, Last y"r's rate \\" 37 mill$. to him this trip All riaht. We sure (Ili] ___Tb&__Leg.!LtqE council was he-1T-(`n­FrIdiy- filifif last Aii-wiiminr thought \\.its onf.iir I,i Ili- wintlir time go- -GODERICH,_ONT_ ,with Councillors Cooke, Davis and Rub- that the Itusipital was not self sustain- payluent of one-third of the arrears "Huron't; f1jolden Gilts' ertsion as the absentees. ifig, alld lie doubted if there was a owing by the town for water and light a paradp. The collector's report showed col- hosPital lit (onlarlo or Canada that was. for tjie streets, the arrearages being ill(- vvith thern. It -iire vlas :I \%onderfid lev.dons during August and the first -few There vvn� tlio. county grant, tile Pro- 19114 and 15 accounts. sight in spp e\erythlbg till the movr, And talk ahout dead Fritz Ila Ila'. days of SePtemb r ot,$1,912.04, against int'ini grant mid the town grant. Tile The estimates for the year are as fol - about $600 for �he same period last coulltv grant fie thought �vas sinal'Itir IoNvs'. year. CO]Jections since Jan. Ist to date ihan Ili anV "Lonfity in onLario. The I Expenditures County k,r Brilt., si,500 to eackh of "Salaries 3,600.00 amounted to $13,485. As ngalrist $t,200 paid ..................... tN\,) auti -$500 was all the,prillting aull Lilt\ till, a(KWO 0 Just year, all �ucrease of *6,2e,5. Taking the auditors' report of Dee. sit, 1;mlench lo.spital hall front the V Oulity, Fire lorm-ttlivilt .............. 1,200.00 t last, which showed 31s $*21,000 of at -- hill, [it Ith. V "r the lluvou Count host"i-, Law costs .... ...... ........ N00.00 rears of taxes due, and deducting the tals bving xf,,ar tile Louth of the county, Public work . ................. $13,485 pal",ince then the Mayor tigur- there viias aIv\,,\h opposition to grants Charity ....................... 15.0.06 from Llw vionlrillors front the south, As .2-5.00 ed there vi�W_0 still $7,515 of arrears (if Asylin-I piti ........ taxes due. Ilia Worship suggested that lwtipnt� rl-till, tll,it het -tion went to Lou- Grant., ?.".00 the finance committee let the collector , lon lo"pital". )Bank Interest ........ ....... In,spital bad not had the same Elections 21 710.W know that the balance was wanted. A letter front the City of London wa-s .... ...... ......... imtr,oilw th.- past year as before. If Parks ............... ....... 3:10-00 with reference to the matter fsf Bell the \vard� N\ery filleol-the pres�cxit rates Cp Y ............... 100.00 Telephone Cu. franchise, whiell the viloll-t he '111110". Publiv sehools ............... Mayor said was a burning question \If,. Nairn A— poke and pointed out Separate sell,)ol, . .............. with all municipalities. The City of Ihat Lli(i Ilr-,\invial grant this ye-ir was Ctitlieglate Institiitp .......... ri,.)()().()0 ,580 London is taking up the matter, con- allout 1(— tlian before, The grant ... 2W00 Board of Health ......... .. sidering that the Beit Co.'s contention is hased ('11 Ili,- \\ork done. Insurance ..... X1101Y) I­Ei- ititl lie was in favor of,1\1arket that, having a Dominion charter, it I'villislion -f 11to taxes and thought tile, Debenture acemint '27, 160.s2 does not require a franirhise frOVI lutillor should to i's .......... leatit, the h,\\n couid do was to grant, 7 RailN\aN . ........... 4,500-00 municipalities, only at) pry trunk lines and not to loval vvires in tile reque-I of the doptitation. I Gount.N . ................. ­ � ... 1�69i.50 any town or ell),. A rpsolithwi I-) refer the matter to \\'at, tax .............. ...... 1, 122.60 The literature., accompanying tile let- the 11nanee collmlittee \\as moved 1,Rt .. .............. 1,422 , 60 tile Dei,lity by ter Is lengthy, and was referred to,the Ilef-vo anti seconded Miscellaneous .. ............ 2,000 Councill.'r Wil'i'll. I - special, committee. i Street lights ............... 11, 130i0000 Chairman I.aithwaite of the flilanceJown watei . 3650.00 A request from the workers oin tile ................. ell nimilte., siml Ili, thought the hospital Street light arrear . 1 1090 sewer was for an increase of 50 cents a ......... allot, Ill al -I n1unw prol,ty well with the Water 2.671-88 if. day in wages. Khe present schedule I was $2.50 a day for work at the top, account arrears ...... grants it \\;I, ir-Iling anti apparently Is Discount oil taxes .. ..... I .... r)),fi.da Sol) PTE. 11' VOUNG Nir. \It's. Jas. Y"ong, killml opposed ill remitting the taxes. AR life interest oil 1917 county rIAG, iOl.17 �2.15 half way down and $3 &�day at the of aill ill ll(!tioll 10th bottom of the trench, and Chairman flitter votinvillf,rs present applirentlY Bank overdraft ............... 29,726.' 58 ivivre satistle(l to grant tile rernissi n. .\fig. Wallis said it was hard to get men to Doculmints fr,ott the, National Shlp- go and work at the bottom Of tile building I:o, ni\mg consent to a bonus trench. � The matter -wast referred to the public being inaile to :Ili\ similar industry byl tile t,,\\xI i'---vei�kd through the Cash oil hand .]all. 1. 18 ....... $ 3, 111.36 works committee with power to act. town solicitor Taxes uncollected, Jan. 1, is . 21,01)(1.00 1 Sergeant Mobre of the police force Iptt,,r rl*,)Ili Nit. .1. F. Toni on behalf Cemetery ...................... 450.00 Licenses 400.(K) made a request fox, leave of absence of, two months and this vi;&s granted, on (if tit#, -f(tho estate of the late ja Hickson. the ...................... Fines ......................... 25,00 motion of the Deputy Reeve and Coun- lilt's �.ed �(double fee I)y for Dog tags ..................... cillor Story, a substitute to be Appoint- ,I.t 111,� k. it-114'ry bvlaw) thel upkepp of lots lit the cemetery if tile Rents ........................ .50.00 Local improNeinent assoss... 2,051 ed. - The Fall Fair Board made applicatlu toviin \\,)tit-] --itaritiflee extra attention Ito w Sewer rental ................. 150.00 for repairs to buildings anti r IV itiatlei \N,i, n,forried to the ceme- National Shipbuilding (:it. 4,104.00 IYP vice for - the fair. The cattle sheds tery and parj,� c-onmittee, the feeling National shiphifl4fing Co. -J,OWOO Rensington Furniioro Co. needed repairs. This was referred to the public work,; I -being that ill,- hNI'lv\ could not be ex - eeeqIed iIj tili, Ill' Godprich Organ Co . ........... 9'r") ii.oz, committee with powei - to act, the. May - 1pth-r frolil -�I� \,I*,tni Beek reFretted Railway tax .................. 3610.00 Goderich MaDnfaviuring Co... 2,flmw or remarking that the grand stand was Ili,, in,11),lit \ I., wo,,pt like tovvn's in- - X3 Taxes, (�, 40 mills 18,740.05 in very bad condition and if an accident vilittion I-) ­nw h, I-,, at tile time sug- .......... occurred there. tile town Nvould likely )1111 Ill. jljl�ljt lie able to 40 so s 125,739. 1:3 be held liable. later. A deputation from the hospital board, 011,111 .... .... innittep reppyted : The finaneo r,immittee's ropnrt, which consisting of President Jos. Kidd, Vioe �I'Ilaj lit" 11111 111, which is the was alloptod, \Nas as follows : President Ills Honor Judge Dickson, :1111otint I)-ki-I iill i,I tti,,, gexx-�ral acc011ut Your committe-P submit the attached Treasurer C. A. Nairn an$ Mr. Strick- to nivet tit-, Manufacturing Co. land, heard, "tiniates or roccipis And expentlittin- for tile year IN8, anti we recobiniend a was requosifing remission dotiontun-s ii, thie last October, of taxes for 1916 and on the has 1well 11-(ifll trllp Goderieh rater i,r 30Y. mills on the dollar for gen- �n .1917, "Ma.ples," which is held by the hospitai Mantifavtorina ir" iii,uranve money as ral pur ptises including ttic� �, 1, ,�; RAilway lvvv), 61/2 Inill., it) the il(�Ilai� board, amounting to some $300. The hospital could not pay this held by tit,- t,-\Nij mid placed back in the genoral avc-oint. The amount has for public aod separate school purposes. amount, as it had no nioney in the since been ii�,-d fit it payment to the 2% mills in the dollar for Collegial(, Institute purposps anti -1/. of a mill in %, PTE. FRED CECIL III %MILTON treasury, unless some grant were In- creased. Mr. Kidd pointed out that the sinking fulld avi,follit. Your emninittoo 11nil that there is still the dollar lifir the Nivar tax for the year Ilwd of \Niiiinds slq-l. "11141. ly hospItal had suffered through the war the stint of A3.560,110 (if 1916 and 1917 1918. in not receivirt the same as Isfam Q, 1,; V 4 _,­fq . And that a discount of 2 per cent. be - a I from sonic socleticsit formerly did and n u U.4 lia;, Ing anti we revoniniend that the treas- allowed on all taxes paid oil of, before FILNII vrillOSPHERE the patronage the 'past year had not urer be instrucled ill makei,these pay- Oct. Ist, 1918, a discount of I per cent. a been so great. In fact for two years nients front lilt, first hinds available. on all payments inside on or before Nov. in back the board had had considerable of A number (if wemint, Were recom- Ist, 119118, And th4t an addition of 2 per Dr a stru�gle. mended for pa� Ili, fit cent. be made to all taxes not paid on or before Dec. 115th, 1918, and art ad - of The Board, since the proposal to fix The report N\a� id-irled. and taps, tr"at'.41 1s up the "Maples" was defeated in the The stipcifl vwuntittvc reported hav- dition of 5 per cent. on all taxes not ly defeat of the b$qaw to authorize the Ing wriltvn 1,, Ilw Na\al Service De- paid on or before Jan. Ist, 1919. 50 borrowing of $15,000. was something of partment that if it pulmotor was In- Also that ill#, sum of itt,662.50 be plac- [I- a white elephant and the plan of using stalled )ter(, I eal-Adt, inan would be ed on tit(- rollpetor's roll against the t- it for a local ho pit I was abandoned. An effort was b ng nalade to sell it and F1 put in charg,-. The rep'ort %Nas ad,-i,tvd. Goderich Elevator and Transit Co. for the year 11918. tr. six months ago option was given but The publii, NNork� v,,nimitt& reported A bylaw levying this rate N%as passed REDUCTION SALE It was not taken up. The hospital was having purchas,-d thi large cement tile and the council Adjourned. returning to the town in attention to left over from It)- hia Sewer from the hurw," h� P-,ripr Kol, !--n patients. whose expenses were not Canadian Bank i,f i.,-ifirfierce, Chatham, THE BIG DRIVE wholly paid more than It was receiving for $10.00. staff, I;,i,.rJrf. from the town In grants by about $1,000. The rpioi-xit NNa, ol-i0ed. A Graphic Accoulut by Ill Murray -lit Chairman or Ole market coin- Was a Weeh or Wory 16111 old 1,111 mittee rpi-ortod th,it Nit. Leckie, the excellitnt breeding stock. Local Agent Wanted market, clerk. (I he able to be back Pte. .1. '%N*. Murray. N\ho is officially on ditty in it vwil,i. .f weeks or so and reported this week As sufferinp, front FOR THE "OLD RELIABLE" hedid not fppI lik,, niaking any change. gunshot N%ounds, writing from the front lol.irl"q, 'Nill, ill, d .11.1 Iff!" . " in-, ill, lit opIlli"k h� H. Keith Revell ;hairman Nviilli- -r tile public works to his wire here, under (late of Aiiiir. \,wfi-r� wit rr"I'lil.1r, Fonthill Nurseries committee asked if it %\as thought ad- lith, h0fore lit, \\its v%oiiniI,-d, gi\es I Templ,inwl­ 1,-1111w- ?,-I [I,- li.l­ lie,-n Ili,f ir f... Ill- r visable it, gf,t in, twir-- of the silent graphic arrount (if lite hig drive. Anti polief-men, and it decided to get the grfiat work (if We Canadians. It" half a (iozen iww,., f -.r w4e wherever says, I supposo )-(.if ha%v read About Thousands of Orchard trees need re- might ]it, docid-d -I line miqht he the big drive by now Rind \\-flat great placing. put near till, lo,,pil.ti ind one near the work Itir Ganucks Ila\,, dwit, this last War Gardens for school. \%,.r,, received from live (lays. it sure Nva4 a \Nooik nf glor) call small fruits, early bearing fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhubarb Britannia Ir.,t ­i-kiii- of s0eding for us, but A lot (if lint -d viork anti fix - on that -tre'l citement. I It(] Fritz sim, got it handed plants etc. Tile Milyor r-illin-l"d on what he to him this trip All riaht. We sure (Ili] The demand for Ornamental stock in thought \\.its onf.iir I,i Ili- wintlir time nish hint off his I'vi-I, Talk aholit a 'ralk towns and villages is large, !R little burst ,r la -I .it the Square 'bN- I-i-, rpquIted in the surprise. ahout firi,,-ners. Jilst like big Tile road- \N -PrP linvil Secure a paying Agency- with liberal a driver of I a paradp. commissions, Experience not necessary. driver being tililled 111i. but in summer vvith thern. It -iire vlas :I \%onderfid autolsts vNpre 1(, go far faster. There viias s(,IIw di,ciission 'as to the sight in spp e\erythlbg till the movr, And talk ahout dead Fritz Ila Ila'. rproper speed to h- illowod oil the Say we made mince nivat )tit of them. 'STONE & WELLINGTON Square and tit., Nii­r liggested tife And talk aboiit the Canurks. say ir L*17. F. If. JQRD%\ (Established 18.47) passing (if a bN I—\ imiting the, speed we had not been stopped we Nivould h"'pit 11, below the 1.,) 111111 , I.i,,\ ill(,(] by Pro- have been going Net. The Carmeks got In 1,,. TORONTO. ONT. vincial statute. tired killing them. 'rhen they 9tarte'l falling them prisoners (Ila ha'. Rut It Is all In ilivar. 000*CH"CH39HMCHMOO"0000000*C000ct000*00*0000000000000 Well I rnu,it If.]I you about our bat- tallon. We Qiirr had a trip all right when our tiirn cam-, to go (,%,-r the lot). MODEIIJ THEA"I"RIE as they call It, I hRd R elgarptte In mN month. What a trip ! Say, talk about luck. God surely N%as vvith tit;. Yoll The newest triumph of the must have prayed ri,r me all right Well we had to pass through one other girl who never disappoints -- battalion And vve captured a big village ,77777 and prisoners. After that again we had to take one morn trench, go over the GOEDWYN once again-thp -.;time. thing over. top PRESENTS What a trip, bot wr .;tire made the grade. The boys front old' Goderich are lighters all right. but Nve are out now. so After rill it iq not so bad -but Mabel Normand It Is hell, thnt'q All. A nerves are, all gone after it trip like it. Onr IN battalion got great praise Jpr the good ork they did. I giwsq the folks at home would sunfle We took prisoners In line (Jay find Advanced 10 Joan of P lattsburg 'miles, so that'-;- not had." By PORTER EMERSON BROWNE We have a theory that an entprprll� Ing man who rould Pro in Russia and eierted I;zar without The Screen's First Big Patriotic Comedy -Drama establish . 4Iring (if frpe-hinch eoun- ters could be opposition. -4.olumhug Ohlo Sta to Joumal. PTF_ OTTO W. 1.1,1111RURNFIll MODELTHEATRE, Son if %Ir And Mr- Ni V I.Nwhol-o­ Children Cry ?if I Niq. in li­pital in Fr�po­ �of Monday Rill TLICsdlv, ept. 16-17 FOR FLETCHER'S 11. it - Ili � it., our Ideeklm obt Vacation (lays are now over (I! Or this season we have all returned to our usual places some spending their v ation in tile country others vildtiling the cittia" but all f�=WC�F - thusastic for a Fall a;j**Lnter TroAlis which has e4ready made a sulcuditill start and we have "every reason to feel confident that we are Pinlominence is. II Given to the Showing of entering an the biggest Falland .0 the Scotch store. 71ry .1 The Fall Coats are' here in all their uty, the styles are most charming and you re sure to get just the garment you de "re from our big stock. We give sped I 'i Plu mention to our showing of Saults Plus Coats in Plain Plush, Baby Lamb and Es- quimette and Ponytex, which are so dressy �nd so comfortable for winter L wear, priced from . . . . $35-00 See Our Fall Coats from'$15.00 upwards Children's and Girls' Coats from $4.00 upwards Empire Cori Velvet, Cord Velvet Hoppockses' Flannelette at Old hice, E'xtra quality in Nack, nigger, greon, cardinal 500 yards florrocksoe' English,11arinelette in burgundy, liew-1, battleship, nav� 81000 splendid pyjama, designs. Full 36 inches and Copen, 27 Ili. wide, per yard wide. This is less than manufactur- or's cost today, special ..... f� ........... 35C Rich Quality Velours. for Dpapes Rockfast Shirting Beinitiful rich quality Velours for portiere's hookfast Shirting may be relied upon for satia- drapes, etL(.., in of tan, I -ORO factory. wear. Fast colors, litundqr an(] green, 50 in, wide, per yard .95 perfectly, 2S it). wide, lier yard ...... 45e CONGO EUM 'ART.RUGS Congoletim. Art Rugs, in all sizes, from I yd. square tO 3 ydi. bV 4 yds., from to $ig.00 each. 'Xcmderful assortineut of designs, NEW ARRIVALS THIS WEEK: Furs, Skirts, Gloves and Underwear, 'Phone and Mail Orders a Specialty. 41111) it. 'Phone 56 MILLAR" SCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56 PLAITSBURG LENDS ar" .,Ili lilt,, Ifilrorl 4:0.1111tN V.,1111'ark emne batik, but It vion". FILNII vrillOSPHERE ill -or IaVi, firosvetill,-Ii NN11i follo%% 1,111 The thollsand,; if 'fild'-fit ' I'll,, floelm's and vXpri". Ili ary al- offivers In tile � ...... od Iraloillia rallill it so liable ill if tljt,N \Iodah� lolattsbtirg, \%It(, kn­\ Willi 11111 r0- fill- I.lvi. lw� giNing (I - h\-infiA4 shipinetils. I.i,lowr kill(] alri- CASTO' R I A veille, boans, drill, lwan,�, drill. and taps, tr"at'.41 hill l"11), I . w ill I (I,,, ,ill\ through it druggiNI in aI For Tnfanta and Children inorsel or mand vivas Ill volol. limit, r', pr.- ripti"n. and ',I#- dock.. In Use For Over 30 Years ir one may jo(ig. h\ Ill-, -rillillsi- -,r)l% pr­vril­ W,w is r., I I. r a,,m \\till viNch hiq it.oviit \\;I, 11,01"'l, IN n.-ve-sarN at 1,11, ill, Always beam libsoltit. , I;f, a lll()ti?ltl piettir,, lar till, ­Idmo rowl-, prescrilition Is 91\1111. and th.- qtlalltll�% the a "personal all1w,irline, otusll n''I pv­"'l t"n Sign*tUTC of eessful. rially thoso liohfillk ir-, f.ir avvay and Ili \01'. ' ill WE ntdhinv Illit stood ilb,olt v\0h I oxpressimi on 11wir ­ont, REDUCTION SALE Arapod. NIal,lel Nw-nimid', 111--t -lo ­I\ (,,I' 0 F hurw," h� P-,ripr Kol, !--n for many martial v,n­ Ili 01-111J.'Ifir lilt tit-, dir,-vl-ir to -+ iru-, NIr lir­\ fw Bred t6"- Lay Barred Rocks - staff, I;,i,.rJrf. 'istallt, II)d :4 h- I- 1� 'I 111, 0 rillllwl� 'I.. Ill k- k� Yearling Hens ,7 Wopll, old Ill,% NVe have sold over two-thirds of this B 16111 old 1,111 - excellitnt breeding stock. .... .. This is positively the last call 11, tidw - ir. po,liinv it,. lol.irl"q, 'Nill, ill, d .11.1 Iff!" . " in-, ill, lit opIlli"k h� H. Keith Revell \011,11 \,wfi-r� wit rr"I'lil.1r, RIDGCREST FARM %NIIh lAlladd Templ,inwl­ 1,-1111w- ?,-I [I,- li.l­ lie,-n Ili,f ir f... Ill- r wdill­l HE 40 Is ILT . 0 - 2 10-- I., Value, flavor and uniform quality. Carefully made for for those who appreciate the best in eigan. 3 25 "q 9�­- , , rw��-V Zl�' ANDREW nonnnnn0*0c""Ma C-0 Ak %J1, I W rqc I 40L% I ILI. A" V _j Aw . ..... :Jr lit J 'ii W