The Goderich Star, 1918-09-13, Page 2i k, E001DIDIR110H WTAR Italian to%%R, 10,1"ll COMMUNITY LOYALTY body to a small lZbe Qobertcb $tar. ullillt" reasons lit, l -alit -41 the ",I 7L On the Way down, v%h'ch ll� 111" the Bo)� luld Girl" Leate lwao on the Louder Of d light '11191111, 1 n isid tile old I arin 111011le 9 VolalRaDdef'red for the occab,11,11, It Us decided among the"' that till' � "tlllg with Lilt, and 8 q_-_ man should be Introduced as th" I" ol"' Act -lid. I I - -- , If, ior,ti 1--diltles f"Llj`rs d"d SPINDRIFT of England. and hill fri( was to bi-, Baron solnebody or utitcr -iin'.0tiol; tile ftilitatiola for Goderich Wiley, they arrived at file principal go it tit.. h.,yh and tied %N I it, r.,,,t .111 hollit, hotel the dining roorn %%as It L"Ns 11, th, fit[ h, ttol­jr, ""Iltilludil, I Sports Pit AVI-ATION guebts and as the itelting OR Illild aod It... be. -6 of the officers was prt!tty go ... I for tio-Ir III th'. fill tit Me subject of aviation has been four,*, It soon got round tilut that was hI this c-diflectool dt,.11tion qlglIt CIOSO home to nl�uy of our the Prince of England, who 11-1 C(lole certain 1�"dera, tpo Close home to some of them to fly on the Italian front The host 'rhih ru- Ien and M Who a few years was overwhelmed with ext-Itt"t t t)ljt ;t eartI ago. scented Men's 'regular quality, 00 �Ibt. many bo� A $0 19,oUed fo.rNVard With Interest to made file waiters doubl) att4,ntj%e 1W, Art9tiller pilotiqg an aeroplane, the party, asking afterwards It Ile ,,,Kill rairl� verro, ed \\Itll the prosper" pure white, etripeo And Plain on tilld the ("I"Illull fly bo-t�,d\,1\,,,o it" dat,- tuN�Ils 010M 950, a for $2,75 Apillimelves handled the c troller. be permittsd to advertise that fie had a P *431.0h," J040 Affectionately terms -oulitry-, - ali\e \%ith Boys' regular $1.00 to clear, the 00" atarectiona entertained royalty. Whell the flical bit% the jellght of I I idt Ah "Joy stlo*�" end IbAve do te %vas finished our young man rose with sN%ains, and inerry, n the air 86c, or 2 for $1,65. 11-4AU"os I bt put dignity, and the rest of file party rose, ."N -clle" h 4" 1 witli the beat rftheni' en it c mes bowed, formed a line on each 1J' 11cally de- Wash Ties, regular 25c, 2 for tlil� "ll"Irl"t i" Vill' ya , 'I'­I't\ 250. to flying, through which tit- passeti, 111141 fills' e t"llth 'Ind b'dilty, and J . 4 "119 '(1 1 LS : que air service Is once the most in, two abreast, followed him III th , Of It , iire" in evi- roulantle. and the st hazardous of thf-re all"Ilt i's 11111" Men's gray wool Books, to clear door. the %IlIdge its one Would ---*ayr--AXlftfie-4heAn try -Plugs-4ts- ilvay ' ShbrIly aner thts, troubir catir& t1t,04ii iind ;rf It pallpers, burial, At, "U) _2_1o"am forward through og and mist. the a d fast. lie was sent to retch a if,,%\ o,,e thiapidated aviators have so above the clouds -11- 91'I'Mid. machine fjon, surnewhere away behind NkI'c" formerly four Men's Hook -on. Ties, in black- 1114to the sunshl e and dived through the lines, slid OR the \,-,fly the P1191114' schoo], %Owre III-' 'ue- only, regular 25c, to clear 2 III,, ... Irkg 11re-l-lollatirig halls of imtl I them again to ring consternation and -I do\%n 111)(11119 it" f Ill., mill offief's are balked and he lid 11 for 25c. death to the emy's forward divisions, r n h d g h c It t ur nt u t g t h h n r t I If h dg I av ba 0 d0 d n d Ie a d t g t ra 'd 0 t u I'd an v c n. I ' h I 0 4 te a 0 r div to the c y III rd rot apparently leveLUIelld to all�ht In %shellill"ll: 11 I III) o­ etrig sports or rolnifura- it hidden ditch caused hito to crash or bvxe eng A tralk t�, moss -grown 'In, f t r., r Icy iW fillies jag , I far in the rear. :1 In "In I Ill, He was In unknown Ierrit, 11,11j, t1olt formerly co "' a so f o U, v f us who have relatives or from cornp and hadn't had it nwfl for'non it on 1, till raine of id] the he.'t coll- 'rhose It 4 Intl f ends In this branch of the t �mtc I tite ten hours, Fventually he got ba"k I) ilay-tit", hazaars and social . I k f. vr to t c , rl -erts, (I nervice I k forward to the letters from camp and started out )If another If it I the- Trd' telling of their exploits at- pedition over the eneul�'-, lines. T 114 the Im-A library lids lo� ,00rll oo, t� haNe been U they look for 1,.rn 411d Me ROBILNS L imost keenly as they look for letters time he was PrettY V%ell 'hot UP, li` 'File 7. frolitV home. We have watched the car- convass ripped, and fits fill but disabled thing r of one young mail on the Italian -VI , I machine Just able to limp back to it I'le's So - with ;illd .1101 thttl9l He is an A, 4 special Interest. forward acrodroule -where, oil allghtlD JTId ellill, r -'r heillthy sports 'llshinan born In London Jan. 2nd, fte had the sad Intelligence that Ills elegaLed to the all crashed and been 0 -hO reactled the age of 10 tw friend, It ---, it 1%q1th constant and�-Ilbetml -applications W/ had to report for service, and he wag ell. This fnay hme Jarred tits ner\vs. ll� l,lillik tr The local paper I of community loyalty. 1,, ind the � "11"g NO community can stanq still—it goes detailed to receive instruction in avia- the next letter wat, front it lo -1,11A 11, Let us. &.,I Uon. It was Intensive training, and for oenou, where tie \\as recoNering from 'I f"t'loer 1)(1-41ing t,(,\\n., form-a�d or it slips behind. a boy who had never been away from ronrussion of the brain, rotist'd 11Y III, III fill, f,\Is true Canadians, keep progress as the home before it \%,as at once splendidly guris (if his machine crashing do�' I 1 4 olitil \ ilhAes. itfill goal always ahead. 1�evp your cash at home and con - novel and bitterly Inexorable In its de- him when he got mixed up with ig I - willow tree in alighting. Thinas 11;1(1 rl''\% hot 111,- 111-1 111 nands. Nine months later , to be ex :!It tt� title orltentrilent vvill remain there also. (lot. last October. he went through all it, f.,I, I nose dives and other been going wrong and the lailding rtilli,111-- 1111"iligh thid pm't of the slide slips an( was 1111ed ,Nith troops (It, translmrts (,r The c.cluntry, boarder from Boston "wepto.11 of the 111hrilling evolutions which entitled him filething, Illid it(,- fooled the tree III thl liptl rilsen early �hW taken a stroll. He - to operate at; a pilot, and was at once trying to avoid them. Then vaine mn train that, turning an hour later he met the farm - told to get ready for service at file aleseenve still the taking of front, There were sonle final examina- leave" from a C0II\lkIeSCVIIL VIU1111 kilill'Illot IWlIWII'AI\ I"In-1, f -,t' the faryll- "Well,'young man," laid the latter, -e ,r, it""" 1"""" N""' out to hear the haycock crovv, tions in scotiand and some mot arrival %I his oil] c-all,l) III 11011V o(�lg1l:(;' in the distant I bitions of his flying capacity in the iiig olail ..I I �physical condition, hot if stroll suppose," And the' sly �old chap isouth of England and the next wel Illination to get after tile liligil winked at his hired man. heard of him wits from "somewhere on "No," lie Soon. 101led by (fie Catalogue Craze The Boston man smiled. Me Italian front." IrF, I sl '-'ler tells or III- promotion aid suavely ; I've merely. been out killed thit .1 Special Keen Prices � N ffop Furniture, 0 I.R4 S 9 ,.WALKER Every, Day "THE MAN WITH THE TWO STORES."' has something to offer of special interest to the keen buyer. We have gone throu'h our two stores and have prepared some very 9 interesting prices on our full lines, Our two stores are jammed full 0 to the very doors with the best selection of. merchandise ever shown .211n OftAler-11cho , In fact travellers and people who know tell'us- we :,have the best stock. west of Toronto. ....... - - - - - - - - g��' ga (I ED pJallew HE ff 0 1- It fig of F*%kafts Housafaftistiags, Refs. Linalemr. Iros, Brass. &A, W606A Will, M&tb%""- 091"P on hJy Owliatw Its fact ovwAist you ca think of is Home FurisisMajo. Ckitia, cftaoy, Glatowalt. cat Gla". Flat Wan Novelties, Piano, Pimotw*04s. """Illaph NOIN 2 goi ALKER Wd'""O th4b . . . . . M101111�0* *hd. r"O" 4,11, 1 - , , r'; Am. .1 lip. T0 win this waT every ounce-bf the strength of each of the allied nations must be put forth to meet the lorgan zed, trained and disciplined efficiency of the Central Pbmerg::��thar gigantic, ruth less-f0me-which-is- t -he -_result - of fifty years of planning and preparation. z e t d e _h ntr _r a _e I su And every ounce of every allied nadon"s strength is in the hands and brains and hearts. o li i u f the individuals of each nation, because they are free peopless 0 s w s liv I as well as Now the individuals of each nation must. el I fi ht, therefore a proportion of the effort and material ofeach nation. must be diverted. from war I purlposes to living necessities, So the less each individual takes for. himself or herself for pers6nal use'. the rnore effort will there be left for F—vw ar. fighting and winning It e Every cent you spend represents that much effort be- cause,somebody rnust do something for you ir� order to earn that cent somebody's eff0Tt must be given to, you instead of to the war. Therefore the less you spend—the kss of son-rebody's effort you take for Tour individual use—the more will you I ave in the na6o—nal surplus for war effort. The war can be won only by the surplus strength of the allied nations. The money each individual saves represents that surplus strength. So the truly loyal Canadian will use ' less, spend less, and save more, to help to win the war. Published under the Authority of 'Me Minister of Finance of Canada. A FACES REIGN OF TERROR. Tottering Russian Government Strikes at Enemies. LONDON, Sept. 10.—Premier Le - nine's removal temporarily from the head of the Bolshevik Govern- ment at a time when it is In such a precarious state threatens to shorten its existence. The Premier's bullet wounds, Inflicted by Dora Kaplen, a Social R6volutlonary_are so serious that It will be many weeks before he can -return to his desk if he recovers. I In the meantime Leo Kamenoff, vice-president of the Workmen's and Soldiers' Delegates, has been against the Soviet uovernmen which has been held In check som( what by having a Gentile Premier. Xamen6ff is, & brother-in-law War Minister' Trotsky. being a br( their. of Mrs. Trottky. With him I the Premiership, with Trotzky hot( Ing the portfolios of War and Nav: and with Sverdloff as head of Ill bentral &eellitiviD committee, III three mbd In*ortant offices of it 'goviet Government are occupied I: Jews. According to an official announe, ment made at Petrograd, and recel, ed here by telegraph, up to the pre ent 512 so-called counter-revolutioi arles. Including 10 members of t1 Right Soettali-Revolutionary part have been shot as a reprisal for U murder -of Moses UrltzkY, ebairmg of the Petrograd commission for III suppression of a counter-revolution In smolensk 34 large land-owne and the former Moscow Archima: drite Makarl bivve been shot as a r prisall for the attempt made on Ill life of Premier Lenine. Dom Kaplan, the alleged assalls. of the Bolshevik Premier, Lentle was executed on Sept. 4. 10cordli to IL Wo"ow despatch to the Look Anselger. of lieflin. MORALE 15 BROKEN. Men Are Deaftfling Prom Germ Armq lin Lwitae, Numbers. LONWN, Sept. 10.-111 now c� lamplity, my earlier InfOrmatlon cc cerning the morale of the Gerin jiltiny," says the Rottetidtiln con spondeat 02 the Daily TA—ftrib 0 LU Z ra EU rel I si Bi f @ I Bi Bi m: a oes Sc'hool Sh M "M Your boy's and girls will need the very best Footwear you can buy, to stand the severe test they will Put them tO- This season the selection is greater than ever of the most reliable Shoes that can be procured from the best manufacturers, at the lowest possible prices. In Shoes for working men our stock is larger, and better __m- —.a nAVAr nut on the market, lit ore reaspnable prices. RIFPXIRING 0 it lie told of hit) reception at the camp to leall R bollihing expedithtil ig.111i'l of the Italian Expeditionary Force,, and T he" the eneiny. It(, says that \\P 41\1 e how kindly everybody had shown them- daily read that they go ("It Illd men. fie III. I ;(1.11, .9 11, 4 Miz, tho prmerhial I'll Ihe start of the vilidenlie it f -lop. 1�­l hoslile" phices lit Ille once tying a knot In a cord of wood. ' offleers and selves, both -s and ll­� found himself In company vvith a fellow homhs over the enemy's hill two 4111111&Z 11. th- lie. Honorahl Disolfarged y M USHIMS E f @ I Bi pi a pi Bi' R �': 10 1 M 0 BERM ( to, but there tire ways (if student from the camp In England. One Is to go 0111 In the direction ['oh- hwk,, III,] It"AlY It f"I'Ved 8;11 it) lva­ Army and ILM.W.M. y desertions, not only was 20.000 mamed H — Then came letters (Je- ,,, -op above the el'old, 'Ind 1,1111 ]]On machines tell, kf 11r.ditable fields, Frorn Canadian nolsbevwx ier large cities. "They are so scattered as to make scribing the chase after 0 -oil art ff the bombs whell skimlosed 1\\.i )r three ollo-hor- Police on Account of wGak Heart.. -epted that they number at least Because so many failto re- by the Czeebo-Siovaks, opening UP and of getting lost In the clouds. In oile reconnoitring flight he had di%ed to be over the target, and then get hark tiotli tumbiv-do\\n shacks, jetiellly stopped, but the stream Is nintantly swelling, as, in the last been,no official confirmation of tbW r days, the ranks of absentees bame Increased by a considerable trio- home as soon and as safely as possible. through a cloud to find sunshine flood- The other way is to go out and (10 the like the one train elle,hile,l to stop, are merely for "lle- Mr. Victor A. Tatton, Indian Read, rting from the western theatre of poisoning the wells. as Well 11111111 by Ing The land boloyv with Venice off to job as It ought to be done, flying do -11 Vie right., and the sea beyond. Then to within two hundred feet of the oh- I li,lom" purposes. the hil"jiloss Sask., writes: "It is With pleasure I am to let you know that I hav e been as the town of KhabaroVsk. TIAO Al - pear from units engaged on lines business became more activo,� and every Jective, even though machine gun bul- With Ihe llas.-ing (if hollsys, \\i1g., earlltlliz ceased in the 0- writing cured of weak heart by using Milburn 'a ag wity to the rest. Aglixilit towns, there to a regdlt been Indifttions, however, that ths time they went out they were shelled lots tear through your mitehine and ex- by what they call "Archies" or anti- had plosive shells rock the aJr around you. iliges life hct,ttfne inert and youth and I 0111 heV31111, Ilisgtiste(I ali(I (liscontent- Heart and Nerve Pills. , I had been a fRifferer, f or nearly two mink. Advicee received at SbUllighst ftOnt Itection 1110culit When they remb air craft guns, which the enemy This lie had done, wrecking an enemy ell \ III I - rl 1?11., worst (of all-farnis with heart t and could get yeara rpuble Government of Amur. at the Junettlis They heard the rumble fat' brought tip. transport and finally dropping hombs below. and within it fe%V seoortdis what -h froni � I),. th�it '�\or,, -,nov N\l,rtli ensilY froff) $15 by using ot me no relief her kindis of modici in the Canadian Army for looked like balls of cotton wool would oil an ammunition dump NvIdt two good bursts were noted. In getting I.) st(iii, doll men sloo an acre, became t at half that.prico. I had been nearly ten months and was honor ably Suddenly burst I -ound their machines. What hit their machines was the very back the air seemed flile(I with enemy rke I() IiN-t. ill a dewl" discharged on a ecount of my heart. in the Royal North-West aviators who got ready to attack when opposite to cotton wool, for It ripped they saw his engine hall gono "dud." inity \0io could possibly help it. served Mounted Polio, a, in 1917, and was also ..... ..... the canvas and splinter6d the frame His joy stick was hit and "the old hus Who, thell, coold expect boys all1i IZ irl, \NJIh L,,,),l red blood coUrsing in honorably discWged On the 89200 ao- work. reeled over doing a staggering nose di\e One day they saw two machines fly- in whirls .5,00(l feet." lip. managed to Neill, t., ttivk to Such ml' clivirtill count. advised me to t A f rio�nd of mine Ing towards them at it lov0ver altitude, and and the flight commander, who was In get hold of the controller agnin pulled the machine owit on a level N\ith- f ns? cl.th. Iioallfi and life to not Ilour- Your pills. After taking three boxes ;vas c cured. Y ou can please the lead. signalled, "(let ready for -,ft,s ahle Huns," Then just as fie was ready to in 300 feet of the grotind and \ to landing within (III r NI,Irk 11 the ll'�SOTI. )olt fathors ,.�mpletely use his as you Sce fit-" Wberever there a" people suffering 'Z fire. the flight commander dived, and its to glide a placti, lines, 11)[111 mother, of the fLirm., afol of the with weak hearts, they can find no reme- le own every other machine had to follow tl Such is aviation. \11hg'-s ill t,.\\ Its. �'1!1,m, dy hat viiii do so mpch to make the leader fie dived Loo. ­�lood job I didn't "it DER.\10T \IcFV()Y �our to re 11 -hildron - o1ri'll honto if ymi dv�-ire Notir colli - heag regain strength And Testore it to a - Mil- fire," lie remarked ; turned out tobe two of our machines going honie." t,I �-tzool tirot and prosillI'011s, normal and bealth_y condition burn's Heart and Nerve Pills- Then came a slight rest from the enemy The most obstintite corns an w rts hvellill- r­,' WIh the unvea.,ing inarch tillill.111 I') it that 50c. a box at all dealers, or mailed Pric ile T. Mil - by T and a desire for a little recreation. The fail In resist Holloway's Gor;l Cure. pr"Lress- �ov yoll direct on receipt of price of tile flying corps went In a Try it. the 10,1111 If 11(olle prosp, rity burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. "M Special Keen Prices � N ffop Furniture, 0 I.R4 S 9 ,.WALKER Every, Day "THE MAN WITH THE TWO STORES."' has something to offer of special interest to the keen buyer. We have gone throu'h our two stores and have prepared some very 9 interesting prices on our full lines, Our two stores are jammed full 0 to the very doors with the best selection of. merchandise ever shown .211n OftAler-11cho , In fact travellers and people who know tell'us- we :,have the best stock. west of Toronto. ....... - - - - - - - - g��' ga (I ED pJallew HE ff 0 1- It fig of F*%kafts Housafaftistiags, Refs. Linalemr. Iros, Brass. &A, W606A Will, M&tb%""- 091"P on hJy Owliatw Its fact ovwAist you ca think of is Home FurisisMajo. Ckitia, cftaoy, Glatowalt. cat Gla". Flat Wan Novelties, Piano, Pimotw*04s. """Illaph NOIN 2 goi ALKER Wd'""O th4b . . . . . M101111�0* *hd. r"O" 4,11, 1 - , , r'; Am. .1 lip. T0 win this waT every ounce-bf the strength of each of the allied nations must be put forth to meet the lorgan zed, trained and disciplined efficiency of the Central Pbmerg::��thar gigantic, ruth less-f0me-which-is- t -he -_result - of fifty years of planning and preparation. z e t d e _h ntr _r a _e I su And every ounce of every allied nadon"s strength is in the hands and brains and hearts. o li i u f the individuals of each nation, because they are free peopless 0 s w s liv I as well as Now the individuals of each nation must. el I fi ht, therefore a proportion of the effort and material ofeach nation. must be diverted. from war I purlposes to living necessities, So the less each individual takes for. himself or herself for pers6nal use'. the rnore effort will there be left for F—vw ar. fighting and winning It e Every cent you spend represents that much effort be- cause,somebody rnust do something for you ir� order to earn that cent somebody's eff0Tt must be given to, you instead of to the war. Therefore the less you spend—the kss of son-rebody's effort you take for Tour individual use—the more will you I ave in the na6o—nal surplus for war effort. The war can be won only by the surplus strength of the allied nations. The money each individual saves represents that surplus strength. So the truly loyal Canadian will use ' less, spend less, and save more, to help to win the war. Published under the Authority of 'Me Minister of Finance of Canada. A FACES REIGN OF TERROR. Tottering Russian Government Strikes at Enemies. LONDON, Sept. 10.—Premier Le - nine's removal temporarily from the head of the Bolshevik Govern- ment at a time when it is In such a precarious state threatens to shorten its existence. The Premier's bullet wounds, Inflicted by Dora Kaplen, a Social R6volutlonary_are so serious that It will be many weeks before he can -return to his desk if he recovers. I In the meantime Leo Kamenoff, vice-president of the Workmen's and Soldiers' Delegates, has been against the Soviet uovernmen which has been held In check som( what by having a Gentile Premier. Xamen6ff is, & brother-in-law War Minister' Trotsky. being a br( their. of Mrs. Trottky. With him I the Premiership, with Trotzky hot( Ing the portfolios of War and Nav: and with Sverdloff as head of Ill bentral &eellitiviD committee, III three mbd In*ortant offices of it 'goviet Government are occupied I: Jews. According to an official announe, ment made at Petrograd, and recel, ed here by telegraph, up to the pre ent 512 so-called counter-revolutioi arles. Including 10 members of t1 Right Soettali-Revolutionary part have been shot as a reprisal for U murder -of Moses UrltzkY, ebairmg of the Petrograd commission for III suppression of a counter-revolution In smolensk 34 large land-owne and the former Moscow Archima: drite Makarl bivve been shot as a r prisall for the attempt made on Ill life of Premier Lenine. Dom Kaplan, the alleged assalls. of the Bolshevik Premier, Lentle was executed on Sept. 4. 10cordli to IL Wo"ow despatch to the Look Anselger. of lieflin. MORALE 15 BROKEN. Men Are Deaftfling Prom Germ Armq lin Lwitae, Numbers. LONWN, Sept. 10.-111 now c� lamplity, my earlier InfOrmatlon cc cerning the morale of the Gerin jiltiny," says the Rottetidtiln con spondeat 02 the Daily TA—ftrib 0 LU Z ra EU rel I si Bi f @ I Bi Bi m: a oes Sc'hool Sh M "M Your boy's and girls will need the very best Footwear you can buy, to stand the severe test they will Put them tO- This season the selection is greater than ever of the most reliable Shoes that can be procured from the best manufacturers, at the lowest possible prices. In Shoes for working men our stock is larger, and better __m- —.a nAVAr nut on the market, lit ore reaspnable prices. RIFPXIRING GEO. Mac"VICAR 5 North S,11de of 150JUAP8 GODERIGH Fe M USHIMS E f @ I Bi pi a pi Bi' R �': 10 1 M 0 BERM f first place, with reFgar-d-To-mill- CZECHS MAKE GAINS. y desertions, not only was 20.000 ) number of absentees I gave in IM, Tolm of Tchita U Taken Froul din alone an underestimate, but that must be added the men In nolsbevwx ier large cities. "They are so scattered as to make VLADIVOSTOK, Sept. 10. — TbO town of Tehita, on the Trians-mberlan .culations difficult, but it may be railway. in about the centre of the trans-Balkal region, has been taken -epted that they number at least Because so many failto re- by the Czeebo-Siovaks, opening UP ,000. rn, leave from the front has been their toffte toward Irkutsko according to reports received here. There bas jetiellly stopped, but the stream Is nintantly swelling, as, in the last been,no official confirmation of tbW r days, the ranks of absentees bame Increased by a considerable trio- however. In the region toward$ the 116"h an N Iliver the frontier of soldiers de. of Vladl,108tok the fteml Is retreat- Ing, dest"Ting the water supply bY rting from the western theatre of poisoning the wells. as Well 11111111 by i.r. ,,Behind the lines there is a cortill- other mcmillym as he flals b*Ak* He to undetstood to have tettred An W In of things which deVes the "wer the suthoritieg. Daily merk dis- as the town of KhabaroVsk. TIAO Al - pear from units engaged on lines lied groups are keeping editittact *hb 'eaSaV, communication and from duties a In Vench Jrid the enemy, but no serious ment has develoVed. The" h&" ag wity to the rest. Aglixilit towns, there to a regdlt been Indifttions, however, that ths Iiffic with soldiers for eivillLn enemy purvosed to defend 1311103' )thes In which to make their eaftilie ,or the fXontler and to render their mink. Advicee received at SbUllighst ftOnt Itection 1110culit When they remb Vladivostok latt weeii: reported tb@ ciecupation by the JaZiftneele Of Nbs" Rrmw.ls b&rovsk, the seat of the Win" Government of Amur. at the Junettlis ADVERTISE,IN THE STAR 46f the Amur and Ufmuri IrWen. 4 ..... ..... Z A r, 'Z 4 ;A J Special Keen Prices � N ffop Furniture, 0 I.R4 S 9 ,.WALKER Every, Day "THE MAN WITH THE TWO STORES."' has something to offer of special interest to the keen buyer. We have gone throu'h our two stores and have prepared some very 9 interesting prices on our full lines, Our two stores are jammed full 0 to the very doors with the best selection of. merchandise ever shown .211n OftAler-11cho , In fact travellers and people who know tell'us- we :,have the best stock. west of Toronto. ....... - - - - - - - - g��' ga (I ED pJallew HE ff 0 1- It fig of F*%kafts Housafaftistiags, Refs. Linalemr. Iros, Brass. &A, W606A Will, M&tb%""- 091"P on hJy Owliatw Its fact ovwAist you ca think of is Home FurisisMajo. Ckitia, cftaoy, Glatowalt. cat Gla". Flat Wan Novelties, Piano, Pimotw*04s. """Illaph NOIN 2 goi ALKER Wd'""O th4b . . . . . M101111�0* *hd. r"O" 4,11, 1 - , , r'; Am. .1 lip. T0 win this waT every ounce-bf the strength of each of the allied nations must be put forth to meet the lorgan zed, trained and disciplined efficiency of the Central Pbmerg::��thar gigantic, ruth less-f0me-which-is- t -he -_result - of fifty years of planning and preparation. z e t d e _h ntr _r a _e I su And every ounce of every allied nadon"s strength is in the hands and brains and hearts. o li i u f the individuals of each nation, because they are free peopless 0 s w s liv I as well as Now the individuals of each nation must. el I fi ht, therefore a proportion of the effort and material ofeach nation. must be diverted. from war I purlposes to living necessities, So the less each individual takes for. himself or herself for pers6nal use'. the rnore effort will there be left for F—vw ar. fighting and winning It e Every cent you spend represents that much effort be- cause,somebody rnust do something for you ir� order to earn that cent somebody's eff0Tt must be given to, you instead of to the war. Therefore the less you spend—the kss of son-rebody's effort you take for Tour individual use—the more will you I ave in the na6o—nal surplus for war effort. The war can be won only by the surplus strength of the allied nations. The money each individual saves represents that surplus strength. So the truly loyal Canadian will use ' less, spend less, and save more, to help to win the war. Published under the Authority of 'Me Minister of Finance of Canada. A FACES REIGN OF TERROR. Tottering Russian Government Strikes at Enemies. LONDON, Sept. 10.—Premier Le - nine's removal temporarily from the head of the Bolshevik Govern- ment at a time when it is In such a precarious state threatens to shorten its existence. The Premier's bullet wounds, Inflicted by Dora Kaplen, a Social R6volutlonary_are so serious that It will be many weeks before he can -return to his desk if he recovers. I In the meantime Leo Kamenoff, vice-president of the Workmen's and Soldiers' Delegates, has been against the Soviet uovernmen which has been held In check som( what by having a Gentile Premier. Xamen6ff is, & brother-in-law War Minister' Trotsky. being a br( their. of Mrs. Trottky. With him I the Premiership, with Trotzky hot( Ing the portfolios of War and Nav: and with Sverdloff as head of Ill bentral &eellitiviD committee, III three mbd In*ortant offices of it 'goviet Government are occupied I: Jews. According to an official announe, ment made at Petrograd, and recel, ed here by telegraph, up to the pre ent 512 so-called counter-revolutioi arles. Including 10 members of t1 Right Soettali-Revolutionary part have been shot as a reprisal for U murder -of Moses UrltzkY, ebairmg of the Petrograd commission for III suppression of a counter-revolution In smolensk 34 large land-owne and the former Moscow Archima: drite Makarl bivve been shot as a r prisall for the attempt made on Ill life of Premier Lenine. Dom Kaplan, the alleged assalls. of the Bolshevik Premier, Lentle was executed on Sept. 4. 10cordli to IL Wo"ow despatch to the Look Anselger. of lieflin. MORALE 15 BROKEN. Men Are Deaftfling Prom Germ Armq lin Lwitae, Numbers. LONWN, Sept. 10.-111 now c� lamplity, my earlier InfOrmatlon cc cerning the morale of the Gerin jiltiny," says the Rottetidtiln con spondeat 02 the Daily TA—ftrib 0 LU Z ra EU rel I si Bi f @ I Bi Bi m: a oes Sc'hool Sh M "M Your boy's and girls will need the very best Footwear you can buy, to stand the severe test they will Put them tO- This season the selection is greater than ever of the most reliable Shoes that can be procured from the best manufacturers, at the lowest possible prices. In Shoes for working men our stock is larger, and better __m- —.a nAVAr nut on the market, lit ore reaspnable prices. RIFPXIRING GEO. Mac"VICAR 5 North S,11de of 150JUAP8 GODERIGH Fe M USHIMS E f @ I Bi pi a pi Bi' R �': 10 1 M 0 BERM f first place, with reFgar-d-To-mill- CZECHS MAKE GAINS. y desertions, not only was 20.000 ) number of absentees I gave in IM, Tolm of Tchita U Taken Froul din alone an underestimate, but that must be added the men In nolsbevwx ier large cities. "They are so scattered as to make VLADIVOSTOK, Sept. 10. — TbO town of Tehita, on the Trians-mberlan .culations difficult, but it may be railway. in about the centre of the trans-Balkal region, has been taken -epted that they number at least Because so many failto re- by the Czeebo-Siovaks, opening UP ,000. rn, leave from the front has been their toffte toward Irkutsko according to reports received here. There bas jetiellly stopped, but the stream Is nintantly swelling, as, in the last been,no official confirmation of tbW r days, the ranks of absentees bame Increased by a considerable trio- however. In the region toward$ the 116"h an N Iliver the frontier of soldiers de. of Vladl,108tok the fteml Is retreat- Ing, dest"Ting the water supply bY rting from the western theatre of poisoning the wells. as Well 11111111 by i.r. ,,Behind the lines there is a cortill- other mcmillym as he flals b*Ak* He to undetstood to have tettred An W In of things which deVes the "wer the suthoritieg. Daily merk dis- as the town of KhabaroVsk. TIAO Al - pear from units engaged on lines lied groups are keeping editittact *hb 'eaSaV, communication and from duties a In Vench Jrid the enemy, but no serious ment has develoVed. The" h&" ag wity to the rest. Aglixilit towns, there to a regdlt been Indifttions, however, that ths Iiffic with soldiers for eivillLn enemy purvosed to defend 1311103' )thes In which to make their eaftilie ,or the fXontler and to render their mink. Advicee received at SbUllighst ftOnt Itection 1110culit When they remb Vladivostok latt weeii: reported tb@ ciecupation by the JaZiftneele Of Nbs" Rrmw.ls b&rovsk, the seat of the Win" Government of Amur. at the Junettlis ADVERTISE,IN THE STAR 46f the Amur and Ufmuri IrWen. IN