The Goderich Star, 1918-06-14, Page 6F
Wil 0 11M MN I I dill I I-
. . . . . . . . . q. "Poo
R -Tr"T""
111010 94* 1910
L L U_
Me "oe al no gr6w.,tig arr.
manam These recommendit-
TWO mET11#05
Ivir. john R. Xforrison, Grand luver
FaW N.S writes - "Several months ago
PA4111aft th's Sold] the way
bay, been forw.-rded to the
Father 3 1 q9ver ts,
Ports of Japaneve
I was, tro�bled wiih a pour stomach and
Remo*, Why Amod, 00"aw is
0.' ths respective diplo-
Mats. Pclz�4:139 the Washington GeV -
qewmans. Bomb RbAspitals. Mind BrIdab
$Pecks Bdoij tho IEV4%
had specks floating before the eyes. I
-1461di I ' I it$ 0,90k Roiterve
inxilro licit
Bono, IF14,64S vialts.
Sour stoninch %nd biliousness are
took tive viols of Milburn's Laxa-Liver
% end Ainit tq.,� t$ W11
A Is, AU th*
�*Wciw The Irictlon between Lt. -Gen. Hor-
LONDON, Jun* II. -The Germans
caused by a alujggish for when the
Pills which cured, and cleared my bloo4
-Apeo i%nt -yersary ca
1 A* a
i vath, Ilitary commander at Hat bilk,
eftudola Found Complete and
now Mrs. N.n. 80111caOff has eubsided,
bombed British hospitals in prance
$even 'times between. May 15 and
liver is not working properly, it holds back
the bile, which is so essential to promote
before any length of time. I told in
friends about it, and they Ot some, aX3
1. ,
at.) ; "
`* Q"""" by
and Permanent 4.0141" From Her Samenoff having agreed to reco4nize
Kidney Trouble, Eforvatb's authority. Semonoff,
June 1. according to a statement
In the
the movement of the bowels, and the
bilp gets into the blood inste*d of
they, too, find themselves since
t", (4,0110t",*44 T hat the Blow
1 4�4, �� K io
Fisherton, Blau.. June 110th. (Special.' ever. will have, a free baud milltar2ly
made Haaw of Commons yes
terd*y by J. 1. Macpherson. Under
through the usual channel, thus causing
, _I reequq�e d y Ur
thgy _ tQA._thqln
pills very hil�hjly."
Y%A* MW4 00 P0009 -out One.
-"1 have taken your Dodd's Kidney in trans-Balkalia.
Pills for kidney troloble, in they What seemM61y tends color to Gail.
Secretary of the War Office. The
casualties numbs red 901. The e re
many stomach and bowel troubles.
F loating specks before the eyes in also
Milburn 6 juaxa-Uver Pills are 25o. a
vial at a dealers or mailed direct. on.
e '1#"-Tbzt
boms completely cured me.'- Soultoluoff's announcement nf expected
as follows:
another indication that the liver is
receipt of price by The T. Milburn CO.,
-vW bRUi"
Iraq lik t4e 1111144'. only by _0100
These are the words of Mrs. Arthur Japanese support Is am ord,?r ks6,�d
Beaudoin, a well-known resident of by the railway authorities
Killed--Oftleers. 11; other ranks.
318; nursing sisters, 5:
sluosh and requires stirrinj; into action.
This you can beat do by taking Milburn's
Limited Toronto, Out.
*rW Which ItAkes tb� alrously
1 49 Is tb*
MU by a*&
this, place. and it Is Aso exaggeration to Ing freight iklilpme.;ts bet*,Neej Har-
bin and Charig-Chung
*auxiliary corps, 8; civilians, 6.
Laxa4,iver Pa. They atir up the slog -
liver, clean the coate4 tongue
wor-Rolat Of the At
4 4ontri.
Bay she voices the sentiments of a for eight days.
large nurOer of the people of Mani - There are 6LI3,) rumcrs that the rall.
toba. They have had kidney trouble ; way has received Instructions to pre-
Wounded -Officers, 18; other
ranks, 534; nursing staters, wo-
men's auxil a co 7;
1 ry rps, civilians,
sweeten the breath, and do away with
stomach ills.
�Wii" h :Xj=
1310Y hAvA used DOWS Kidney Pills
they have found th,;m
p ire for the early transportation of a
large force from Cbang-Chung. Re-
"On Sunday our flying
Ivir. john R. Xforrison, Grand luver
FaW N.S writes - "Several months ago
PA4111aft th's Sold] the way
..yes.1V In
Ports of Japaneve
I was, tro�bled wiih a pour stomach and
to TIcto.r.#'. I .
she says, speaking of her
cullitary move-
ments are offiCally denied,
co-o6er4tIng with the French on the
had specks floating before the eyes. I
t. to MTIVV At Its
case. suffered from kidney disease
but it to
battlefront, work-
took tive viols of Milburn's Laxa-Liver
% end Ainit tq.,� t$ W11
A Is, AU th*
for six Months beford I was married
In Octobir, 11947, aDCA IWO Weeks after
admitted that de4nite OPeiatIo:;s by
I China and Japan ov [ill allied co-oper-
ed continually from dawn tilt'dark,"
says the official statement on aerial
Pills which cured, and cleared my bloo4
kliew" 3 10% rochs MOX01310
0111Y� 0114 4100*-,dostruction of tb*
I was married I was laid up. The
doctor gave me no relief. My fattier
ation are Imalinctit,
Public opinion generally welcomes
oparations yesterday. *our bombing
airplanes impeded the
before any length of time. I told in
friends about it, and they Ot some, aX3
e y 6 cr*4 00.
advised me to take Docid's Kidney
the idea ol intervention, reco,nizing
enemy's ad-
vance and harassed his troops and
they, too, find themselves since
'In .-%
ihig, bat a Which
'PI1U.1' eolfifneni%d- io-Uke 'theffi- ift
once, and a few days after I felt bet-
the neresirty wtrlub t1rows-tilo -bhr-_
den upon Jap -,D. Expressions of re-
-tM-lisporr-with colistatit MaaW1f6-;gulj-
, _I reequq�e d y Ur
thgy _ tQA._thqln
pills very hil�hjly."
bri a about-,t4o overthrow of thS,
i0y%ro&ry. 4#0 his
tdr. I 4continued to take them until I
gret have been heard, however. that
"Strong patrols of scout mac blues
Milburn 6 juaxa-Uver Pills are 25o. a
vial at a dealers or mailed direct. on.
_Irglinizog com"
in d 4 "A
es ro fits discipline, and
was perfectly cured. I will al%%ays
keep them in the house, as they are
American trociiis will not take part
In the Inte�rvvril:on, as tile
swept the battle area throughoutthe
day, while high -flying in
receipt of price by The T. Milburn CO.,
riz, tea 11111*�Ulllllta an far as their
my best friends."
ernfideaCe is repOsed I-
_&.chinea- pro-
tected those below
Limited Toronto, Out.
11001119 P01YOt'44 concerned.
from air attack.-,
"Our il rat isif6m, must bO that Cont-
Dodd's Kidney Pills have been used
tile targets hit were an
Welk achieve its ObJect, a battlf
to treat rheumatism, sciatica, diabetes,
dropsy, sore back. gravel, and other
Anti -German.
airdrome uejor Roye, where hostile
machines on the
Must. It. he parOly defensive. A pure.
ly �, dei alve battle, Oven well con.
similar ills. That they continue to
June II. - Th,
military dictatorship In Alsace -Lor.
ground were set
q6tire; all ammunition dump at Mont�
duited, AOt result In a victor lever
satisfaction is evidenced by their
ial:ie was denounced In the Reichstag
dJdIer, which went tip in a sheet of
Fighting in Vicinity of the
&MI I va,334 410h*id. It to simply &
-growing popularity.
It you haven't used Ducid's Kidney
iaturday by Hermann Wendel, .4o-
clalist Deputy. Re said four-firtra jr
canteens and waggons at
Couchy, lorries at Laguy and Haiti
Cathedral City.
G iti. (- t uat MUNt bo begun over agalo.
Vrom tbIa_lt t* Ad obvious
Pills, ask your neighbors about tli(Aill.
jjlq population Was strongly pro-
villers, "d infantry to trenches and
PARIS, June 1l.- The most se-
1` 4 1 that whather start.
Gqrman wL
-n t bill
he war began,
tA'lAL no,,v conditior;s weria
on the roads along and behind the
whole fighting lines."
vere a monj the minor battles fougb�t
recently,, in the Marne,-Rhelms re�
A,: 04 at the beglikain Of An. action or
U(bether it. folio, k
ro% -4rsed.
gion, was in the vicinity of St. Eu-
wo 6 defensive. can
only give r4SU44 q4d In Consequence
German Officers Arc, Now Active In
Deputy Wald3teln, PrQvress;ve,
conoborated Herr Wendel's state.
phralse and Champi.t, westward
from Rheims. The Germans launch-
*ust 111WAYiP44 adopted st the finish.
"To lnalntaln� �0� position -is not
Siberia. I
LONDON, June offl-
-When the Blood'IN Out of Order theiThursda'y
a serious attack here Pt dawn on
morning along a four -mile
synonyMoUn �'Wllth being victorious,
incl even,,plppares for a detest.
e,r, for the first time are now taking
Louis Gurofsky, a well-knowL
Nerves Are in a Starved Condition
front. They planned to pierce the
allied lines to
WO VSMILIU Wtiore we arie and
hand In Siberian politles," a Pekin
ticket and realty agent in Toronto
has enlisted In the Jewish Leg!on fo;
The nerve system Is the governing
a depth of two and
one-half miles, which would permit
P It PDXX tb 'the offohmiye to nx
despatch to the Tim,s reports, "and
service in P41astine.
ystern of tile NvhoLe body, controlling
them to outflank Rheims mountain
('117041011, Of Attack. to guard
'r nst thO Plans of the enemy
the fact that they hpv(- begun ol)L-.r-
Th�- urgent need fjor more trained
the heart, lungs, digestion and brain
; and thus capture the 9ity. It would
at the
41, and
V jLjin fjrom�carrylng out the,
ti,n, Must not be overlooked,
. "Owing
au:ses both during and after the war
so It Is not surprising that nervous
disturbances should cause acute dis-
same time reduce the salient
held by the Allies, which endangers
133411" OUVZO, we must underteike
to the concentration
against him, Col. Some ioff has fallen
was dealt with at the convention of
tile Canadian National Association of
tress. The first stages of nervous de-
a large part of the line. The village
carry. -On and sustain nunierous
imb h With dotermined alm.
back on Borsa, Sla'lon, 120 miles
*1 rained Nurzes.
bility are noted b) irritability and
restlessness, in whien tile
and spur of Bliguy fell into their
hands when they came forward In
ut,;?4"08 there remains no doubt
from Karfmaka Junction. His oppon-
onto. who no -w bold the Onon, con-
Romanoft In Switzerland.
vich Ins
seem to be oppressed by their nerves.
enBO waves, but the British Imme-
An Fine very Key- Slat Of Tile matter requires irninedlate atten- UlaLeAy counter -attacked and took the
2,300 German and Austr'iin BERNE, June II. -The arrival In tions, for nothing but suitable treat- spur. Simultaneously the French
Of 'A battle. all other actlonS Prisoners and 700 sallors, with n;ne Switzerland of the �Grund, Duchess
whiob.!=06 UP A 6attle ofiUst be e ment will prevent a complete break- ocunter-attacked and reached the
Pieces of heav) ard-lery, three bat- Olga, sister of former Erdperor down. 'I'tie victim, nov.ever, need not outskirts of Bligay, and on a second 'gj11NjaMjl.MgNnM Fill
v1sated, considered, Organized, Pro- teries of Da!j and mountain guna and Nicholas Of Russia, gives co
jor to despair for even seNpie nervous dis- attempt recaptured the village and
vided With forces in the measure in four ma,hlutj guns. Another for...e recent p9raistent reports toat t re-established the !Inc. The Ger-
which 067,, Will he orders may be cured by improving the
of prisoners, possibly 3,000 strong, former Emperor and Empress and
and guarantee development of & do- conditions of the ))too(]. It j,, be- mans suffered most severely from ar-
Is reported at Chita (the capital )f others of the Romanoff family may
s illery
cleive attack Characterized by this rra,isbarkala). take up residence here or at some cause Dr. Williams' Pink Pilk Retuall t fire, the two divisions eagag-
mass, its surprise, Its Speed. and for At bough it has Levu reported that inake npw, rich blood that this jiledl- ed losing many killed and over 200
which, In con4equeno, It In essential Gen, Semenoff is hourly in expe:,ta- 0 ther points outside Russia whepe vine has cured extreme nervous dis- prisoners.
their personal safety will be less en- orders after all o4her treatment had The enemy seemed somewhat dis-
that-tbere shall be the maximum re- lion of Japaneip troops to support dangered by disorders In that
oetft -force
popsible failed. The nerves tneive on tile new 'heartened, replying only feebly to
or troops of 111m, there is no continuation that exmiltry, blood i ade by these Pills : tile appe- the allied fire. Prisoners arriving at
manceuvres. The res6rve--that Is to these troops actually tire on the way.
4 sy t
the Prepared bludgeon - to or- Lite h2proves, diges-fon Is better the rear In small batches appear to
It haA been learned. however, that Children Cry sleeplessness no longer troubl" (h� be thoroughly exhausted a d depress-
CnIzV and kept carefully instructed iitronx recommendat Ions have been -_ fornier nerve -shattered victim, and ed by the turn affairs are taking.
t x cute. the single act of battle made by the diploinalle corps for the FOR FLETCHER'S
from results are expected, life generally takes on a cheerful as- 'ONQUIN PARK
imej;�I"ch ImmedlatQ Intervention of the Jap- 70.RIA 1:very suffe,rer front ALG
the decialvie attack. pel, nerve
`Roserv4 must be husbanded CAS. troubles, no matter how slight, should The Algomittill Park of Ontario Is,
vOlh the most extreme parsimony so lose no time in giving Dr. Williams' a great reserve of nvarly foul. tholl-
T i tl,p' the bludgeon may be strong Pink Pills it fair trial, thus regailling sand s(piRre miles, It, s
I on the very
e,lo4�h__Fo_iiiake'tbe blo- their old-time health and comfort, Mrs. ridge (If the farned "Highlands of
64 , w as violent
a, -tsible. Let loose at the finish, Victor Booth, PaIrry sound, ()tit., of- Ontario." Its altittidI, above sell
v)ff'"Ut any lurking idea of saving ers proof of the vallip of f r. N\,il- level averErges 1,7% fe L et, while some
tile". with a W011-thOUght-out plan liants' Pink Pills !it nervous troubles. (If the lakes in the Park are 2,0W
f(It �tlnnlng the battle at a point She sa,�'s :--"Some. year., ago I \va,. vi"Mia X.
g feet above t4a s�ea. Its ionic air -
chorcti and determined, reserve. are taken ill N\ith typhola revev. Tilt, at- filters through millions of acres of
thrown In all together In an action
Vil, lack %vas not a severe one and after a Pitle alld balsam and spruce. Tile
urpaasing in violence and energy all
s few weeks I was around again. But fragant hush, through roads
other phases of battle, an action with I dill wit reco\i,r my former strength, and trail,* arf- constantly being ex -
Proper chamcteristle---surprise, mass The wearer of clothes tailored by us al*ays and ni� nomys began to give me tended, tile. tree.-fringet", lakes, dis-
4: and speed. All our forces really par- troublo. 'rhe trouble %:,-ent on from oil(, turbed only by sportlNe blit4s or trout "Breezy Music"
tielpitte. either by preparing It or by bears with him the stainp of being well dressed. O� stag', to Another until finally St. N'iWg or the s-,N,Ish of tilt' paddle, file sereni-
carrying It out. daneo developi,d. I was under the tY, the Impressiveness, an(I till' beauty
"In this. our supreme alm we work has the fit, and finish and style. care of otv faillily physician but my Of it all combine to plave tile yi.sitor
must -not be deceived by appearailces. condillion under the spell or ti i. to -help you keep cool
a[wearPri to be growing 1 s wonderfut na-
Although theory falls when applied 11)rse. It was at this stage.Ll decided tural domain.
bv feeble hands and when accessories Armstrong's Tailoring Is Quality Tailoring. to, 11
try Dr. Willianis' Pink Pills, and The Park makes an especially strong
rIll,uro the main Principle, history after taking a cijupiv of boxes I could appeal to the fisherman and canoeist. With some 6ppy-hearted,
r tit) reason shown that In battle there see they \\erf, helping me. I conti.nued There are morft than 1,500 lakes in the
J- nt sarglj argumont which Is worth f.11i 41- 111 - t;, . I fmrl, 14 .1,
.6 s un ind usett ewilt I . P excellence o, I e Snort - on C �Ija � n I . 3
',blle, namely, decisive attack, which boxe,.4 when nty health was fully re- draws onglam froill every part th
Of e
K4 On -Arynstpong
fR albne capable of agsurIng th d stored, -e since continued to n the
it is quite possible to forget
;'tilt I lia\ Dominion, and front every Stat I
McLean Black
r 'r -d result the overthrow' of t hoe South Side of Square enjoy that blessing. I have recom- le
Union. Among tile special -varit s to the, heat.
Ile caught are the genuine square -tai -
mended ill(' Pill, to others and I ak I
Nvays keep them in the house, having el brook trout : 1he gainey black bass
proved their great , Of tile 41,11, 11-11) o u thed variety, ranging
You CH11 get I)r. Williams' Pink froin half a Pound to four pounds, and "His Maglees Voice". Records
Pills through any dealer in medicine, the black-SPotted salmon, or its near
01' by "';III at 50 cents a box or six relative, the grey. trout. 90 cents for 10 -Inch double -sided
I)OX& for -'5"2--*)0 front The Dr. Wit- The acconimmlatioti in the Park, is
At the Jazz Band Ball
IJR'rls' Nf0diville Co., Brockville, ont, such that the most varied tastes �cao -One-Step
be pleased. There are hotels, 111clud- Original Dixieland jazz Bd.
Ing the well-known "Ifighland Inn,"
THE KAISER'S TALK TO HELL for Lho,, who want to be in the wild- Ostrick Waltz -Fox Trot
erness, yet enjoy all tile comforts of Dixieland Jazz Eld.
Tile Kalser called the Devil up good service and social companionship.
On t,l-le telephone one day What'll We DO, With Hip
There are rog cabin ca6ips, Nominigan Eils I
The girl at central listened Lit Wrn. J. ("Sailo ly
%ll they bat] to say. Go -nip and Canip Minnesing, comfort- 18460
furnishvil and i;lf-al for family A_i, 01.1 9-ct the Gang 0eq
_0E If Ife to, sh-I heard the Kaiser so v, parties.
Is old -%Ian Satan home. ? - Wrri. J. ("Sa for") Re'll
The park is easily accossible by the
Just tell hini it is Kalser Bill Orn (I Trunk Bailway from all parts
That wants him on the phorip.
'If Knadii. It I, two hundred milps, $1.50 for 12 -inch double -sided
The I)e%il sal(l, 110110 to Bill. norRy of Tornntn and orip hundred and
sixQV-nlne Nvest of Ottawa. For
And Bit glid, how are you I Cem- f,orn "Oh. Lady I La ly I
I'm runnill j a hell here ot earth, I
It 7 S reserva Lion., at tile Flighland Inn, No- Vic or L i�lit Operi Company �
So tell nit, N\hat to do. 35672
miftigan Garnp and Camp Minnesing Gern.-i from "Going L p"
\\*))Rt Van I tin file Devil said, apply to Miss Jean Lindsay, Manager,
My deal, ohi Kaiser Bill. Algonquin Park Station, Ontario. For Vidor Light Opera Company
11 there's a thing that I can do, more detailed Information, maps,
To hell) vou I sure will, routes, etc., vvritp to or call on G. E. 'I'wo Charming Red Seals
The Kaiser said, now listen Horning, Union Station, Toronto.
Classined List of 9,706 Con And I -will try to) tell Hebrew Melody (Violin)
The way that I am riinning The original spelling of Mississippi
on earth a nil derfi hell. was Meche-sebe, whielf. in the Algon- Jascha Heifetz 74563
secutive Ford Wes I've saved for this for many vemrs quin Indian language, meant fattier of
Pot PW per And I've started out to 01-1: Waters. God Re With Our Boys To -night
TOW C"t Total Coat Total Cent That it Nvill be a modern job JOEn McCormack 64773
Fruit and Vote. TRANSPORTATIO You leave to Kaiser Bill.
11462 1111." tablIn 32 IF 49 Credit" In'bualbetis Is like loyalty to
=_TnX*_ araceft M 9, W. M -NAT My army went through Belgium, government. Vou ninst take what you Ask to hear them at any "His Maste '1111
In" 47 .47 46 Cab 271 2.90 1 Shbothrig %vomen and children down,
I I R-61106111 38 is can Hod of It and work with it it Poo.
to 0 OUS417 17 .17 NV41 tore up till her eountry sible.-Ragebot, Voice" dealer
62 .61 JA up all her towns.
"AbIts 't, dr"
its 1.13 14 %IV e "ped bombs on citif-, Write for free copy of our 620 -page Musical
tr6etwe 221 1.24 P v ho:ll h-0 old and voling Encyclopedia listing over 9000 "His Mafter's
.91 ralatem becom-
I them it),, �vllt) Ins didil't g. 1*
tcws 40 .40 Voice" Record&
to a NN",rr 144K,li , id and hill)
19WAteM Mach-
SAICS 130 1.41 F BE HURTS ff
111tuldry 91 .91
is 4 227 N\ilh ill(! aft] (of pofqonou� gas
Berlim Grain -o -phone Co.
14 PitarRMONAL The Belgians, darn them, stopped ub
4- 7 Doetaft \not would not let us Pass. MIS FOR MONEY IS 14IONTRIkAlL LIMITED
14 --ohmil" 'N '100
144 11.50 -46 43 .43 Mv submarines are devils
CHAIM .17 Why you should see thern flight EM Lenoir Street
CHARMAISLU They go sneaking through the sea
1 .46 111*11TITUTIONIS 10 .10 jkt 141111 seat It Kid** red Las 1"d
2r21 20 144 .30 And will sink a ship, on qIght.
7 TOTAL-Ptlm- jw ft"ar bothims yn-Umt
.27 AQXXU for budmo I was running things to, suit me
is is ZrApkak"Ith 1 1.04 =7 4.350 mos Till a year or so. tam 111idd adlL
19"baAe"610110. .01 -His Master's Voice" Goderich Dealers
92 .9111 MD r WhPn a man called Woodrow Wilson
.41 AWZ4ftftmd
Not maded I* Wrote me to, go more slow.
2st Lot abwe doW11- JA& 1% TH01111088H J. 11. LAUDEI
.21 1.136 11.93 IfP Qays to me, Dear William, Atod blim forpt that t1w kidalls,
.14 111911114411110tvWS We don't want to make yon sore, Ilks tho b6"! t 41
CORPDXATIONIS 1114 44 Ors" TOW 9.706 100, Z a 91 =01
and a oonalonallyt also we
So be sure to tell your U-boaLs baft boak"he and dull talsor Don't Forget
a of~ we, *"manas V" to 6"Wel the tuboAt alftla" Not to sink our ships no more. In the
ow, MW I IWO- 4*W*A . Am -
'Id liver, 642=24
-t aw as a fT to We have told you, for tho last time, watle. t*11*8, There aire vio otheral You 'cannnt� Purcimm vid'.1s,
�_ wr A" awra we bawa Used. So dear Hill, it's up to yen or is after a oice** Records at URY 6ut -.r
191 111to 14
I by buyins FahL "PhM*iia and ill Sorts ot bladder dis-
Aq4-1W yow do not stop it too. authorized dealers.
30" $010 Tou have got to fight us
Won viluA keep your kidneye
Oiwi** Two& V60 I did not listen to hini "are no othorn
alcure "a a , and the monme Yom
1b 0 And he's coming after me. , SAU i0'r pain In the kidim
1041ifAl With a million Yankee soldiers,
From their home across the sea. to IN.94 "t 4(!n �Ouneft Of Jail
Now that's why I called you, Satan, to w" 00' store hav,
For I want advice from you. "M again 06., dwor wMW
I know that you would tell me botolre Voleso Mir 444, '4078 AM
= k;= will Win ut 93ki. whit
Just what I ought to do.
Pa Js MSMEWAN 1%hdoa% old Kaiser William, Sal " W#Ae f"W tu " of
Por the Y not much for me to tell. "a 14116611 *444,46"11114 Witk
anks will makft It hotter. am 115 111163nal" fib 1144 010994
Than I can for you in hell. "a athumutill fieth to 216iiiial
bZALSO GODERICH I've lienn it tnean old doVil, ., It Also xotitrall" as am&
But not half as mean as you. *Ift 00 it *0 loSgW lrrItfitiNk
And the minute, thitt vou, got here,
I will give thy job 1� you. 91 1& barn"I
�y for your colnig',
I'll be, tea A� MAP
And I'll 0ep the fit" all br gK
""k ghwWd
th-6 tom
it 46k6* rt okm
all rftdy. Inew "A an
%Vheh the Yank$ b4** tk to ftht. *to& 1* - 6
Fot the b6VIS in hlu* will ot you I 29-M P_
IDS mom to tell, ir limit
40,000 it* PhOW "a Oil Volu L "11 -wk for
AM Awt. too heft in 15611.
�A_ L