The Goderich Star, 1918-05-24, Page 5411 MRS Sit GR
We have just received a lar4o . ... .... .
RRZ64, Ass&l_rs jition�64"o -,JJJ w3l ItMeod. Cora 31c.111anus'
and uar�� UO'Hurchle Receive Their supply ef
Diplomas D
A �ON ps"I
RWT.4=.OPS PROUrAM 'li Friday iri,enlug was a prQmd 1 11 1 11 1.. 1. - �1 " � 1.11 11-11 1 -
f , eira?,Joll fur tit " ladles, who J�p: 1111, It"'! liptlal 4 Jill
t4ave Ist 00111ple-ecifoil courses at
Le pe Arluenate of
the �Ilexandra Marinit� and 'General
earemmon wy_n every k*Aw Hospital and who thaL evening - Ile-
colved their diplumais, ote, The gath-
t-ring was theld tit the j.ldiltiI Hall all
4 W_# Wit and there was, a good of
in%ited' friends. The young ladies Lead
am OXMIt our lood *w4ail billit W41 V0
xftlt to pb* b"Use 7M tire Miss May McIlAeod,'of $aItford:
L Mt:Manu--, of Colborne and
hel out. Miss Mw -Y McMurchle, of Kintaii. land
The proI opeill with a selec� -NEW STYLES IN� 1`001,ES AN -0 SMOG
tion by the Godorlielk t)rchestra, after RO
UMON RANKOF CANADA which Mr. Jos. Kidd, president of the
H6,311tal Board, who occupied the
FIEAPQFF= VIDPOPMb". 21?1 I'tivi, made tits u�ig remarks dul Paris Ginunuan We are.,.Show'ing a very large assortment of these popular
Ig lJ course 'OF v, Ideb he said he
GODMUCH MIA'Ndt 11,lad reached the rourth important
period of his life. First he had been rarments. They an the ideal garment for sport and
F. WoOLLCOMB% mastaw. a father. then a illodfather, then a 9
grandfather, and now. he supposed. Sumer wev.
e occupied a sort of step -fatherly James A. Campbell,
position to the young lad), gr�ouates.
Dr. Emmerson was then called on
could not get anyone handy to do it. to address the graduating nurses and Pho. L Jack Tar Middy Women's Jack Tar Women's Smart Norfolk
THE TOWN COUNCIL it, was stated there was some dil administer the Nillitingale lyl:km,
which the y i -CENT ..... .. 1114dy
cussion las to the beat location for the oung lades repeate er -Of heavy -white jew -LMVO
cd. vimr-nund Ili- - bperafe --me TwW - - electric 111m.- - They- -were-Ahen � 'p-resellnd 41T
Boller IS -The Pros. and Cons. alarm. if it were located in the tele- their diplomas and plus, Mrs. (Dr.) "Durat,
hot Early Closing sailor collar. Long or short Made of white Joan, trimmed Nladof of white repp; box pleats;
0 phone offige'tbe tpl,3phone. girls could Taylor attaching the Jill
I close the switch on receiving intil- Miss. McColl contributed a fiviely-
The regular meeting of the town mation of a fire and the gong would rendered solo. sleeves. All sizes. Special sailor collar, vocket and cuff, Wit antl I'll sailor collar
council was held oil Friday ening ring until the switch was thritirwin off. Next came tile presentation of a in -nest check design. All with flancy trimming. All
last with all the member preselvt with The next Item on the program was beautiful bouquet of flowers to each BF"AST
the exception of Couneillior Davis. the rtillion signed by forty-two mer- of the nurses from tne General Brough Mrs. John Irwin visited St. Helens $135, siates. Specistf $1.50. sizes, Special, $2,25.
.6 Many other styles and splendid f-95, $2.50, $2.95.
The tax oollectol report showed chan ii asking for the passing of an Chapter of the Daughters of tile Em. friends last week. values at $1.95, -$1-75, $
the following collelftions since Arril early closil bylAw. I'viessrs. Pridliam, pire, the flowers being handed to them The farmers A" all busy putting
Ist last : or j915 taxes soo 50 916 Dean and Hern were heard In support by three charming lassies. Frances in the root crop.
I t6les. 11,166.97. of the petition and Messrs. J. Cult and Thomson. Jean McLeod and Jean Walt -
taxes, $11,167M ; 191', Mrs. James Agar is bus), these days
This was referred to the finance M.. %ioublins against it. Nit. Call' had ers.
signe the petition but had since de- A short address was, given by Rev. putting a cellar under his house.
The in a cided that It wasi, a mistaite. Mr. MoDermid In jovial mood. In W Mr, and Mrs. James NoWhinney acA Hoiery of U
committee. alatmachen ,,Woi*eay, for 5mmier
yublic library. board sent standard of tht babe were In the'barg lot week.
requisit on for *",'01311) for the present Those favoring thri petItion pointed he spoke of the high
out tile j9he hours Ift business men nursing profession at tne present time liffre. Prank FIJ
Ire". the increase ever last ytar beiP, tim, Rota a:&El4eO Com'fort
�,,�Ioecavloned by the bill cost of fuer, I ad 4�ed that there would be and the service the nursing sister,, Twamley, visited on the to - oon. 8.1" 701 awn"r Roday from our 42twelve
n, the �'fptlll in having were rendering in the war. . A. y 1, _-1 I -
0 tqks. wq&I ft tbo A W.0yr- 'Women's no 1416 v9s", neatly trimil
620-blillim evening ex- A solo -by Miss - Esther Humerwi(s a I a 11 . __
row i. 1 '111 1..
much enjo d. '11KIM"SISSAW or ilo f
1�hjjjl was -referrect - to Ahe- 111inance atlaroW&
"7,40MMIttee. cept Satords, , days preceding bell- ver
40 -Aill im-um Jolla C" comes.
aii - witil r. Vie top 'ingi I bAtOn. U08. Bilk A W and 611 18"Gial. 350
III& J e n c 1%,6 WooluTtal"
I d fo v .4e hour would be $ erill Reyaolv Jok I ld sts jb,r;we 1. . I. fbr�$LOQ.'
0 - Hutchison from White. Bilk Hose for men, wor
I d '04 ddresilill.,11a h he
PtWeVeAW, 7 MeVsft VVW'101"Xil WmOtb h'dbit 4111 ifdr"RIJ11 'a
JoW.ed him. nece-__ IiEdd., people' wont to high trib ft., in to calling of Mrs. W. non arkid ehi Ill
�'whjeh has been, , w4netill's 6ne lisle Vests, beautiful quelity; lace
a was referred to the finance do their. purchasing erter these hours. nursing. Thet1herliff noluded wit church and her son bob spent Sun-- - short or a
Till and it stores were to be kept open late one of his recitations, which was mu . Il -day ev�nlii at William 9horwoodis. trimmed, no lesvill We "ch..
The city council of Toronto asked the saving of electrlil;al power aimed appreciated. We are all glad tbr see Mrs. BorlaTAI Womf)n's lisle threalli Hose, extra Ane 4uftlitY Women's porous knit Vests, low [leak, short
the town 006jacil, to jalia with them to at In the AsI saving hill would Next came a solo III Mr. James back to Belfast in her home after Aevesorsteevelel Special, 4.5c.
petitioning the Government to ask for not amount to much und business men Thomson, in his ullillial good voice. spending tile winter with her daugh- lisle, seamless, in black, white AhOl' brown.
an amendment to the British` Xbrth would not geVa chance to.aid in great- The presentation of cases of Instru- Ill Nirs, BovvIs. . Women's porous knit umbrella Drawers, lace
America Act to abolish the Senate of er production. ments to ill(, nurses by the Ahmeek. Special, 39c per pair. 2 pairs for 75c.' !
Canada. Mr. Cutt pointed out that ooderich Chapter, 1. if. 1). E., was nlade by the Jill trimmed ; open or closet]. 60c par pair.
This wils referred to the special depended to a large extent on the reAent,.NIr,-. ilt, I,, Hill, after which Dr. Womea's fine lisle C)IInhinatione, in low ul
committee. farming trade. The farmers wanted Maeblin, lilt bolialf of thin town di Additional Golburno news tin page 8. Women's nbre Silk Hose. They tire silk to the
The National Shipbuilding Go. wroto to erome in in the evening aftCr their lors presented them with hypodermics. The 'Colborne Bell Gross Workers fibort, sleeves or sleeveless, knee length, in
with reference to the- Itlylaw which the day's work to do their buying lind if Dr. Maeklin %aid he had been inet in tilt, township hall on the l6th height of a tall boot, with feet and legs of platin lisle or porous knit, at, 50o, 60c, 7!)v
council Intgods submitting to,the ratil the stores were closed they would go through nianN hospitalk Ili different of Nilly and reci for the. month
payers ggnting exemption from taxes. to villages neat -by to make their put,-* parts of the world, &.I(-. had rJ been ending oil that date, 4A li of socks, fine durable ciDtton. All watited colors. 0,$1.00 suit.
The toom y has plans for the erection chases instead of coming to (loderich. in any hospital where Ill was as 9 suitt; of pyjamas and 3 shirts. The Special, 1i per pair. Wollien's Wilitte Cotton Nightgown@, matle of
of a boiler shop adJoining the Paget The working man, too, got to Nvork eflIcient a �iiperhitendvnt as in tile knitting vvas done by the. following :
factory will would give empl0yalent before the stores xvere open in the IllodeViVil 11LISPitill or girls so Ill Nrr,. Ilotter, 7 pairs : Mrs. 0allagher, good qualill white pottion, trimmed with
to thirty additional hands. morning anti could not get h0llle find 011.19hily trained. fie (tontrasted the A pairs : Mrs. .1. Wilson, Mrs. A. Young, embroidery, low nock, short sleeves. Sptl
It was decided the council should cleaned lip it) time to Ito his purt-has- dark dress --s and general appearance Ml�s Sheppard, 3 pairs : Nlrs. 0eo. Women's Kayser, Italian or Glove Silk Hose. itj at $ 1.00 t07 $2 50 13MC-111.
meet Mr. Hutchison on Monday night. ling before 6:30. 4 the hospilals in Vienna %\-ill' tile Clark Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Beautiful quality. All colors $2.25 a, 1 -dr.
The - Goderich Nlanufacturing (,o. Mr. Robins strongly objected to daitilly alilivarill o' our nurses ant] \Irs. E. Fihor, \Jr,;, N. W. Wortill White Under4kirt-;, many styles II'Lod
v. -rote that they now had the money being ash-fild to ke(,p tits store closed Iho spotl--ss cipanlines,; of utir.hospi- �kidter. J. til. NValter, Mrs. Goo.
from the insurance companies and aftpr 6:30, as he lived over ill(, sture. tals. GI-%, Mrs \\'tit. Walter, \Irs. F. (.Il- goill trimilined with la-tif find embroidoi
wanted to pay the t(Avn thi indebt- The matter was referred to the spee- A laollivs, (Illarl"ttv, eonsistilIg of thk! ders. 2 pairs olo-h : Mrs. NV. sallows, Children's Hosiery tit keeneqt prices. Front $1.00 to $3.50 0 will.
ness and have the mortgage diseharg- ill committee to consult tile solicitor Mi,(seis N�Iirll, Miss Mt -Coll and \Irs. Roth Potter. Beisiv Clark anti Rully Wornen's Cor4et Covers in wn')voidered and la,c
ed. 'Ttley had decided not to rebuiiii. and report. bunlop, gd\e a wr�\ finely rendered yoollg, I I pair t�jjclj. Tllt� sewing was -immed. All ei",s. From 2.5e to $1 54) e.wt!.
This was -reff-rred 14) tile. flnanet� Mr. Sallipid from whom the tovvn oumbt,r. d4ine hN : Mrs. F. Fisher, i stilts of Children's Socks, all sizel ti
committee. purchased wood last year v. -a s present Then i-aine ;Ili address by Rov. A ' L. p)janias, Njr�, i;eo, Betin and Mrs. J.
The finanoo oomm,tiop rpeoninlended to oXpre9S his dissatisfaction with the 4.. Glarke, Ili \\hich tt� referred to ill(, Fisher, 2 stilt-� each , Mrs;. R. M. Young, The Leading Mail and 'Phone Order Store.
Itayment of a nuinoer or accounts ; \\ay the dcal was warking out. The nurs," \ovalion as one of the noblest I !�tlit ; \Irs, Jar\i� Nh-Bridp, 2 shirts :
ITC011"Iniendoil tha�t $100 be paid the brush was not removed and he vanted if callings, f -w \Nhivii \cry few 111441 \Ij.'s Gallacher, I shirt. MIA�',. E. EL
Public Library Board (in their grant : to AeL the )and seedeil. no tw-I ;tt -ow Jim,, ov ollier, and Ili
and recom-memlipil that \Jr. TovIvnsf,ridl., Appat'ently tloi agroenient. all-ve-I Ito- (if 1--1 0w oo, - wlts 44 -ritabIc
offer 4o print the auditors' report be tho town till next )ear to get tilt, wood allgol,
accell off, but Mr, SaIlleld ehlinied that brush A oullihor I'l, i --\Il\ bouquets frolo AUBURN
The report was ll,10PLed. vvas not "wood" and the council hav- persomd frion& of Ifie different llilrs- Mr. Sitpllhen Nilvdd I, 'PorldilI4.� it 'Phone 56 MILLAR9 S
The. specLal committee r,�connopildod Ing the wood off 0orild maki, s(,ttle- Ps were pmsrnt,,d at this stage, anti \Npeh A Forglis. SCeOTCH STORE 'Phone 56
that renewal of billiard anti poul roorn ment anti not keep tivin front the use of \h,- hing, tio- slui rintondont, \\a, ling al 11
license be granted to Messrs. Crallifil his land. Isil present -NI ,\ith a lioolN holl.1110 'Jas.
Bros. : and that IvIessr,;. \10,ean Bros. This nottter was referred to the -11' ",-(1 Will- I* the "witieral BVoligh bome in Dungannon.
and Chailles Black eeeh be given the putilic \%orks committeo. 11, 4). E. \Irs. w. T. lit-Idell and \Irs. I'l. lio.,s
contract for outfitting onr of the poliv(- Chairman Wilson of the parks votn7- Miss Il Nas in IhjQ f0Vjij lioltol-01 ill London (in Tuesiday.
with a uniforilin suit and extra pair of
e ...... of
mittpe stated that a ne\vnio\\-,r Nvaq
in hot, sojo, v%hich follm\pd.
N11r. J, La\\,on Is Irldinf; u dri\ing
\\oIllidell at the BlIttio If ill,, Sollolle, v%ol0d IiI it pri�llj.l' 11, if ad -
trousers, at a cost of $52 oach : and
noeded. He was gi\en power to Pur-
.111'. Jilin Mavdonald, (-.alled on ne.xi,
shed ill his livery stablf�,
was \ery instructi\e kind much ap- \aiwing -I eii-iijlt� ro. sollitill Ill Ito
that the chairman havp po\\(,r it) pill--
chase a new mower.
The a to spread
!.add tit- -was happy to Ile present. He
hkLd steel) joany ijursps and
\IV. George Ilawsoll has pVQVIlVPII a
previated. Ili, P\plained tit#, groat need stal--d that the III I.r.- eks, cloth -
chaise uniform caps.
securing of machine
the tarvia the town has
these AN-ould �,dd to th-e credit they
ipw horse tit varry lilt; Majosty's inail,
or socks in the army by suitinw that it i Jim it lilt -,wor. it I\\ , % - r.,iwiied vle
This was adopted.
The -water, light and harbor com-
('am-, up for discussion. Last year the
bad all been it) the hos'pital.
The \11ses llunt,� Brussels,
soldler is supplied bN one it- tv\(I pair 111.11 Alld .,)I.l till, Y, M.
two milien I:. V Tho I \1. i:.
mittee reocraIninended thalt two otore
Dominion Road Maelfinery GO. rerited
A happy thought wjjjc�h was, much
\ijI(,d ill thi, home I I I. E. Er-
willo-ii jolnt; the colors and
life preservers he purchased and in-
tlo� mavilline to the III but, would
apprecLated Ity tile lzraduating 1luVseI,
raft, ]list 'Sunday,
these are dons, lie must bit-,- his ,\Nit thev i1roeored'.1,1 1, 1 1, ...... AkIn
tit- " te.,i W
stafled at the wate,. -ront, a.4 thpre
.ar, but woull sell a
not (to ,,o this ye
16vas tile seoding of a I+,IeWrHm of ron-
Potato, PlAnting is the ol,del. (if the
when ossible anti \%hen IiO -to- 11,11 -Ir -o -d l u - -1 1,,.:,
4:ros,, Ill, onl- Thor�da%
were only two there at present, the
niartiltip, The, comoanv selling the
gratulations from three former grillolu-
djiy. The twvnt�-roijrth is t P old
pendetif on the Bell Illild'! .111.1
phasized that tile wks �tlould be good, bor'' mi I'lolaN till
li of the new on -,s hoing $14 for
tarvia had a small 2 -wheeled machine
fit" at-,, nil\%, porsuing post
set time it) have that work finished.
Its 11 it, poor soclis v\ oill(I ettliso
one Government in,, fjro�rl -\ Pr
whiett wouid (it) the work and would
graduate 6v43rk in Nc%N York, Miss
\Ir and Mrs. Rallifill (; ri enstem
: It 1,011NIar � fall out w1th sure fl -Ill I It
and $8.50 fur one cork preseiner.
This -was
rout it at it moderate rf-Dial.
This matter was referred to tile pub-
Schafer, .1liss A�nrr and \Iiss Sha\v.
The singialK ,f tile Nati,onal Anthf,w
m,)ent a ploa-ant visit-aarnoing Idd friends
In last
4 Pill Thill Lillijbilro, Life, -T-, Ito,
a Iong march and (hiring If t -etrotit 1�p 11,111, "Im i� it \iotilo .r ljohir(I tile
report adopted.
The plitilli-v -works vuromitlt�p rp-
lie works committep.
bl"luught tile Iti-ovoedin S to a Hose,
,,III V,hjti),(,s ,vock.
\Jr. Norman Mulell is at hume hope
frall-4ii .f hosin.." 1W."olle. lilt all -
commended tJI cattle be allo\\P(l to
*bcl pastured at Agricultural Park at
Thp completion of thp -ii work
stArted last year is to be undertaken
afti vvii a pleasant %vas tipent
1 f4w -whiich lPe Goiter"
at, present. He expiI ordors soon,
liming enlisted in the Flying
ROAD JOBS I ...... ... He viloll"t J-urj,�ejjtrate
odrill lipoti hj� t;i�k, and It"s
$125 a month, cattle to be tethi-red and
soon as the chairman (if the finance
(I hestra fpro%ided Ili tullsic,
to be removed"If ordered by tile coun-
cil; and that Sames Dealt be allowed
oommittee, can provide the funds the
DePlItY Reeve and Councillor Wilson
Miss hill,., desire, 14) thunk -all thoe
who so k�ndjy took Part in the musdi-
.Nlargaret -4nall ioft (tit Tue-,day to
visit IIPV 7011sill, IAPV. J. L. Small, All
�le� 1,,,f '. rrill, ,L to I e� I
Noxation "i him .11oll It man
Parmelee's Vi-fretidi pills offer relief.
Tha Caularil of Colborne wal let k r,4v 1 6 , I - -
the use -of lotat the Wheel Rigs faetory moving Ito this eneet. I program, and thus heIpoj to 'mak P 1 0 1 in ng 1 10111 reit fit, n , ;I,. oi ding to
-sure -off the I, Reeve wantc-d to know, the graduating --kol,cises tile suceps, in Toronto. A
for pasturage :al the plea The Deput,. the following jobs on diroctioniq, Nvill flonNin- Jam orf their Children Cry
couni hei to look after the factory if the sedimentation bagin had been they v,,ere, Mrs. Clark, of Gotterieti, pas4ed III exeellene,. - The), uro ronilden Ily
cleaned out lately, the water was so thr(iugh tilli vill.arge last Tue"Iday to thev X%Ill d,)
in rettirn- I I.[, FOR FLETCHER'S
T'his last -clause was the. occasion of diruy, Information as to this was 'not �%isit her mother, Mria. Robertson, tit Thursday, May 30th it, I j, "laillo'd for them.
some little discussion. The Ma or it forlheoming but the clerk raid he C.ODMCH TOWNIMP Will k-orbulrn. IC.ASTORIA
seems gave �some latay pernvisXln' to wntild find out. Tit,, Taylil Cornor Patriotic so- lilifs Maggio Small, after un oxten- as follows:
use part of Ithis lot for a garden, not Tb�e Dellut), Reeve said residents on cifty vt-ill hold a �Pwing meeting at tht, tted visit at \It*. JaiTves Carter's, of the 1) if. fit. GraNpllIng and putting tit
hilowing the committee was mak-Ing ',onto outlying streets -,�anted taritia on home of' (1, ;hill on Mkl� 29. %flLiJI returned tit lwr home in Tilt,- tile eiihert tit Chas. MellheWs. MORNMEMEM ram mom
the other a!rTangeni-ilt. the frontage tax system. He suggest- Mr. Jamf-s Mir,41JIL-ul, ollile of our onto this A ,k. 9:30 a. tit, Gra%eling on Burnh' sidel
During the discus�ion, Nvhj(,h seemed Pit that the town nilKlit take the mitt- Progressive farniors of the 6th con-
sidents know what the cekc Mr. Brown. our 011ago harness mak- line.
to hinge on who �had th, authorilv to ter upv let re 1011, is having a fine new barn , I
make tbe arrang,-ment. councillor 100st would be and lay the tarvia or oti Prected on his farm, which will gr(,atIN- r, intends to ebl-, lip his business 9:30 a. ill. Gra%elmg (In Itl 10 It
Robertson reminded the ciuncil thl for them, at their exponse. Residents assist him in 0oring what prolill . s hert, this .vf�pk ami enlist in the si at (;has, 'MrIl
he was chairman of that illstriet for tin St. Ueorge's vrercent wanted tarvia. to be a butuper rrop this season, Thp \jvp or his votintry. 10 a. tit. Tilo vitl\,,rf fit Fd%%urd W H ITE STARLI N
the- ailocating of lots for cultivation This was referred to the public works barn %I be 73ft6O feet and will have \It,. Kohert Ffirting, a former rpsi- Ilood's.
and die: lady should Iltive been rpfeerred committee to report at next meeting. a eciment foundation. Will Edwards has 41ont of Ih4� Hai4c line, Hullett, and lator 10:20 a. tit 4',ra%rling ,n %ill-, linl�
to him and h -P would hallo told her The Mayor inquIrPd what had been the contraot for the harn and Weston of Manitoba, Is ronoving (old avitualn- at Richard Nllitrh014.
she could wt have the lot oil account donp at the cemetery, whether the RIVOS. of Baylield, are doing the cement lances In this locality at. present. M:i5 a. m. Tilp vuI%,-V.t at Bonjuillor.
of the other arrangempnt. grader WA been out yet or not. He wor1k. Thorp is till doubt that thp We are sorry to report that Mrs. R. opposite Mrs. .1aq 1,,;nf ,
Councillor Cooke m was told nothing had been done yet. , it a tit. i;radina .: 11 tlj.� ill Annual Excursion
ovpd to rofox th su pors true Lure will be a first-4ass job, 1. Asqijith IF; still iinite Ill. Miss Ver-
, Tile grader had to be taken when It as the buildor is ill,. �amf, as Prected , , v.. I 'H%N
matter back to the committoP and this list .0 S atlPill Ing the Stratford' Nle"
was seconded by the unairman of thp �xas not in use on the town streets. the model barn flit, \Jr. .1. B. Reynolds, Normal School, sji III v%evk-end at it :20 it. fit. Tilt- vijh,�rl ,I) sid-- IiII
committee, who had previously moved His Worship suggested the appoint- on the Huron road. jij,4 (nitside lhe holo". 0pj)o,.Ite,,BPn. Cox\s.
the adoption of the mpiort. m -put of a special day to receive flowers corporation lifillits. 1 :30 1 6ra -hng (in von i, lilt
Rather than put the amendmi to -a to put on the graves at the cemetery- Mrl;. litellvenp, of Watford, has b"'I'll Oeorgi, BaxtfI GODERICH TO DETROIT
vote, the Mayor asked Mr, Gooko to a sort of general decoration day -and The evPning lineeling of tho II xi,4ting her ljarenf,�. Mr. and Mrs. �iis- III a. lll� ';1eaning ditell opposit'.
re- Win. Lippet's.
and III thi, Sunda)-, June ?nd, was fixed as the d Patriotic �-,ttvjvt% told A the home of (pilt1h. of tile villailirp. :4ho intends rp-
withdraw his motion 'Y' %lr L. SaReloll, %%as just fairl %X-4-11 turning home the hoginning of next -Ide lin.. if
port go through, morriding his_,artion The question of two lights in the , �l and Return
in iving this lady the lisp of file lot, harbor park and one near the summer attended h) th-- gi-fillpinpii, ow ng to wee k. L. %lask"Ill"4
atifthis was done. hotpl on Norfolk street was re ferred the Inli,rest in the (;realpr Gill N'Pxt F.&I-thath is communion service 12 noon. Ill,pairing f,-tw,, at
A report of the. spovial f,i the street Ingpector and the chair- (finnPr. Airrangoniont,; wore made in tit,, Pr,--hytorian rviumh. The ii to ry.
appointed by the Mayor to ime,,Iigato loan of conit"nittee. for the lli,ddintt of an, -Old English Mr. A\,ry, of L,,ndf-horo, \vIll ron- 12:30 11. Ili. 111onns-r- at \Ir
and report on the Chr�stal Ill-, \\its The Nlayor asked if anything had Ii ahwit Jone 2,th. on flip, grovintifil thiet pr,-IiI -vr%iers ,if Fdda� t*A W_
(If \Irs. H,-nr% Curvv,-n, Miron road. I 'to It ill. liq),iinui., r-ol 0 iij� I
to the effect that the \\,Il,r prl,�tir- b. -on dono yet aq to the advertising
as Jill
was splendid, Thero was R dplaN (If I" iuklets of the to-svn and the Dell The foli,,\\inw 111naneial r, port vv \1I .f till, 1,-rii il Flank
about tIvo minuteq in ixettIng the alarm 11—\P ,fill not, as they thought th� niade (If hov% lilw nionvy has bnen re- -tarr, IQ PrijoNing IAo v%eeks' 1%acAtion. 2:1:, 11 tit 4;radmil irid wra%, II
turned in but no other delay. When 1j,IIIIrd of Tradp might be taking a hand "i"'d ;A"'I '11" Ill from Ifer. fl), 191- ', Hot* p—ition is hving IMP(] by Mr. .1. -11 "ill"" -.11 8
the brigade arrj\od -in Ili(, ojw fill III fhi� -iort of thing. - to Nla) I -t, 1!-18 : [Aoceived by gub- Tliotnli�oij, w ho -t- homo iq it I �;t, 2:30 p. in, Gra%--hrisr -it -i,l- Jim- :.i
building wit, pa4 sa\mg. it was decided to have a poillic .12-,,',-,0 : front the enuritv .1--hn I rk'%,
Roll N\ Io. unill- iti. - ling called to arrangr- for ill, First �Illl '2", : War Pri,toners, Fn*- :30 in. Til,- ool\, I I I I -
Councillor on. .. v"ho IIA41 Ill" ;I- - —
,, f .1oly epl(,bration. tertaillin'-fit, J.1? S"Vial Nfr I;.". llav,!n, -I I"1111
tentloill was the ratiII-e -f t1o, fire, mk!�, V
anted t,� make. siirp thlil flit, re ThP .1tiostion of wood siipplv for it,,, Ing. li io�j donations, C) I i's n0-r,,rton,, la -11 %-,vek I,, h., thro%Nn 1, ro 1;Vij\, ling �,Tl -1 Ill I "=v
p"VI jim �%intpr was brooght' oil and fr(ma it rig by a -Ij�ing horst% anti it, ............
foV r 0.11111 Tota I `iarn I :t,.rIIng'9
wAs not blamirilir him a y in t P i and 0ov\1TIL, ha\,- a Hit fractor,A. I. pn-gro—itur
urnin in thp allirio and jjIRin,.I fli- oonuinit e was nst-ructi,,il to I. tit Gr.i\,-ling
that tre diffietilty -a.; that \Jr RatiI rurf, priec-; on local wood liols Pri-oner.' F.iwj. I.t "'.11 ''N Ill-, road lo roe-oery.
who went to givo it, ;il;irin ti� ph,in-, Ti.o- hyla\\ authortzing tile counvil 1301411"P oll 4�3 \Ir G P Yoolighlill, avrollipatood 3 20 1,
`f itn�onp b, takP Ill,, ioal,v tj�e of any lot in tawn not in I-\ %IV- N,,Ilngt)ltjt, hi, molher, and
ii -v, for cultivation, was pa
could not get hold oQ Read) en LEAVES GODERICH
the a.�Arm. There N%o , Ill, on., at the ssed, and A poll tgaln,t Pain— ljtll-- flAoxIttors, inol,or,�,l to /urich ill i �o p Ill fini% .-Illig -.11 -'r) I!.
town hall and the contral tvh�phonp the eouneil adjourned. There Is nothina ,qual t,. 111r. Thomas' anoi �rvnt thc. wrek-onfil 7it p—It,- .11— \I,'(;ann'-
to 9 (1 1 Felor1ric I \0o,n \%Pll robto,d In it ill,, lo-rio. If fit, br-011"r, \Ir If N'.1111AI i I:P p n, hoporinit r,,.#,l
operators could not be
out and ring the bell and in thi� eas, I Get your Job Printing at The Star. penotrntiI tho tis�iir and pain dl� I and wrd-ling I
ears Wore it Ther,- I- n,, lin,mil tillhoril Hapti-I rlom'li gi%.-s In it) r-ol
\jlalion lo voti Io aft,-rol its . 11 11 Tile rok,if 1, 1! it Tuesday. June 11th 10a.m FT
--They also serve who stay
at home."
mac mar8h
f icidJ8 101
The Rtory of the shot that rang
amuno the world.
Model Theatre
IMAV 27th and 28th
preparation 111�11 \1011 r'-peil lip ,pol
11:. " 1,
'N vo-\1 -;ondaN..
Detroit this season
lowill-I !-r ri-le- It( military age on this trip.
quicker titan tlii� mago- mi. In con
soqlienre it ranli- llr,f arwmw litilill"Ilt.
\Ia-v 2611h. at 2,30 Ito% .1 F, DInji
If \\ill prearli \fr% hov
.1.30 1. In B'j'alrill,
liflo it itrthur ono-'
- 'Ilk. if -I,
RetUrning Leaves
Detroit, Thursday,
now off, red It, III,, joiblo, an.t ji� lic-
joijuh;jIll irg cit--ull prosirril "'
June 13th, I P.M.,
Detroit time
Ff 1,
eorded first plao,, aill000z all its eom-
addrpt,- gl%,,n at ftw 1wd 1:r—s
hN Lis-u?� Iikin. \0io .\a%
0" I.;L\ I helt.1 'ilx I 'I Nepolillt� 9 11tiolgrarilion
3 for 25
One" W
. ............
The only boat triP fe0m Goderich to
Detroit this season
lowill-I !-r ri-le- It( military age on this trip.
The National Smoke"
'I dut,N "ll b(mi'l toalvf, I! t�1111. (If (140parture. Excepting that
111 tilt- cittle of i,el- ifir sz - ('1aafA 1, now called, itvrill be
e-qq:tr,, f,,r I lieti; 1,L%,, * t,#, ,i�Rerit of the Registrar to.- their
Nk�� 1);-'r- I,, he I0,lient, from Canada.
The "Bachelor" is a good cigar, of generous proper
0" I.;L\ I helt.1 'ilx I 'I Nepolillt� 9 11tiolgrarilion
tions, perfectly made and finished by hand from the
3 for 25
finest imported tobacco.
. ............
The only boat triP fe0m Goderich to
Detroit this season
lowill-I !-r ri-le- It( military age on this trip.
Sitywlv ogo ,ir n,,tov Im the Immigration Officer who will be
'I dut,N "ll b(mi'l toalvf, I! t�1111. (If (140parture. Excepting that
111 tilt- cittle of i,el- ifir sz - ('1aafA 1, now called, itvrill be
e-qq:tr,, f,,r I lieti; 1,L%,, * t,#, ,i�Rerit of the Registrar to.- their
Nk�� 1);-'r- I,, he I0,lient, from Canada.
Cavul�wiq (ir,mg ,, Delt,w f,,r a temporn, qfdY fitre not re -
0" I.;L\ I helt.1 'ilx I 'I Nepolillt� 9 11tiolgrarilion
)it I ill will he I i ! I,e �tv,wwr to pass excurglonl9jig.
Monday Eve., June 10th, 8 P.m*
Music and Dancing in Greyhound's Now Ball R"s
J! AW RE WHO 0 E-0-1 r 11
. ............