The Goderich Star, 1918-05-24, Page 4TOWN TOPICIS �y �;4* ........... Concluded from page I M en. Piano ny Boy." 'K'eatherly; Mr. Harold Alt- NE '"w"TOR111 o,ACHESON & SON - k , —. The'CO.L.BOR O'u Th s " '116 ':' ChetilliY; ) P,,fdjwC,ffi "It',' "'T sha J p. hipor Raellwatiftiolf; Miss L,t tig Save the Klag� New Mutual Life Agents 4= Elio The a of d of Dress.Goods Mes'ra' I Geo. sS% 00 1 oai-Store and c I �p �e ig 'Lp' c f -e hat Advan-to e of Thum -01-pportun"Iti'88, Mutual Life Ulrauee Cc any tile This is distinctly a Di of there_ are oulv a few things in Dre0is Materials t Canada Air. H,. E. tiodgens, retiring oq you can ask for that we hav6n't got.' .Our istock of thLkse speclikils, Is'still large for a big May selling, Pricei account of Ills removal from town. The very 110west mt4terials to be bad ar The General Agent for the Company , are here for spring and summer we . Juet read over Mr. Frank A. Copus, of Stratford state4 this list, You Will be sure to find something you need: her* are below mill prices and away below,presont wholesale quotation 'otmmert'hig wim the Ju?y pro - 1h s� renewal emiums will be, pa I y1t, n , y VOiles in �vhittb and colors Cotton :Foulards Cotton i0repes Crefies Crepons Bilk Uul.l today. Future prices will be verymuch higber. able N Messrs, lRobertson and Woods, who respectfully solicit the patronage Satin Stripe Voiles Figured Silk Tussab Stripe Voiles Large Check Voiles of the insuring public rqr this old and MUM Fkands Gwwd Csmts Muslins. `wbitegud ' lored BE well-known company." co ""* Having bought these Dress Goods months ago we know that our prices ard. the very' lowesk Dot quality in grey and white mix 27 to They lace in friiiib. Goeoard Corsets are ap. Help the Boys 28' inches wide worth 75c at per proved by every woman who eve) tried The first boy to take up a bond by Some of them less than present wholesale prices. 50C them. They am well mWo b himself In the "Earn and Give" move- .. esto ............. ....................... hw f material lent and to sign I 'dge to contri- and styles for a figam PrI $10 for s lile'p comforts Is bute oldlrV Grey Fksftk $2.00. $210, 13-30, 55.00 and up Ge e Alatheson. Britannia Ro Silks NV191? do:R George I Who will nitro quality worth We for ..... .. ....... next ? Lsulngrd and Lionel MaoRlin -Dresa-Silks.-in. black, white an(I colored t -o -be found -in- - ............. ............. ................. 35c- bo 7,edr eonsfder� the following makes and 30 to 40 inches wide and exceptional values t?s have the mat 4 yards wide in best English make in good a on and are lookin for Jobs b feadw Tickiligs patterns, wort4,$1.10 at per square which to earn the neco*ary'aw-ount J=Moiussalines Habutais poplins Rajahs Jap Sban Duchess Taffetas 85C Parehts and friends -ot the boys are Worth 60c, at per yard ....................... yard ................. ...................... quested to encourage them both by ..... ..... 3 fneteresting them In this effort and by_ 5C LA& -S coats helping them to got work. Mr. 0. M. tt, Rev, Mr. Ford, In,,,Ip,,llohu- Raincoats all this sewou's and in splendid tweed 0 Pr rr c the Hosiery ston and Mr. James S"11111 - Cda will glad pattefts best British make committee In charge an A new shipment in Bilk Rose iu'black, Old �Wk and white isUpdard 8birtings 10 to give any Information requi white, grey and fawn at $2.00 a pair, pure silk. our $16 coolis On sale at each $!2.50 - red. 0itterns and colors warranted, Won Distinction at University Silk Boot Hose in black, white and brown at 35c, 50c, 60c and 90c. worth 40o at por yard..., .............. 25C La&'* Dresm The lists of'suocessful stu to at White, plain Cashmere Hose, a special make at goo. .:I , Handsome -styles and -beautifully mqA0 silk - Toronto Univergity, published rhn past Mtgows few days Include the names of four Xipliu and Ailk,prope do chind DT�0405 late#-, - clever young Goderich ladies, former heavy 4ni tWilli whit* cotton f6i abeat- in overy low MD"Wiall nts of the 0. C. 1. If 'Plorence v Nightgowea -gr VneW household pur- stobol, -2pt in -gn=s hono a 0=-, 10a lag-, aao Th INS. 4. $171" rit 'Im from dre�siuf worth 360 topy . Ili F-ViolA. Z* IWO silk i f 0 17. OM 11W quft*?, -t $1.00'"d 41,45. 6" IQI;( het., I 7eor�.- In meidfftf*� 1"m lought wlft bOA6 4ft42 1uh waU mado and full eize, supsiof, ufl�,seoo I I& -M 1i 6000P wo#b.. &-A at vw,� a nest imvtl� rr 1.1,031 eary * 11103� Aim 66 i0oh 11"Vy soft English Flannellettes I V .......... #0 ....... 4. qyqlip� ur et G.- Qq1t. passtol her first 'Y ar' in and woolly, woft per yard No for first-class honors and also winning LB Skim; owks blues ata. vem full 01 OMb In mestle Solefice, standing 8th 2,5C Slier the Dick0on Scholarship In Science for J O�RN-!E, Bittra heavy quality and commended for good the P, And 'Allss Edna Pridham flftu& Tapatry mA Wilton Carpets a ef her first year In the gen- hg81 y wear. A dozen new patterns in widths passed THE HOUSE OF RELIA131LITY e a course In Domestic Science. The All reduced for -sale at less than they can be 1x1i 2x2f yards at per aqu&re achievements of these younq latites, OODDESS CORSETS' D. A. CORSETS duplicated at millig yard ......................... L�-! ........ ..... 6oc reflects great credit on themselves and on the old. G. C. 1. Water and Light Commission The regular meeting of the Water ans oftytheir friend, Miss Charlotte Dough - and Light Commisso.on was hold on Sunday. Ing subject, "Tr er f (in the violin. INIessrs. Parsons and , 9th. formin Trn f ew days recently. we ACHESON & SON Thursday, A ubject! th Commonplace.' Evenitif or a Sturdy, of Goderich, delighted those Mr. Wm. IM1.1ttle's lawn service was 8 'The Hem of His G i ��es Young, our local f1sherman, present with their funny jokes and discontinued 'until further notice and arment. recently captured a salmon trout that the 19)7 lawn service charge was can- The pastor, Rev. J. H. osterh6ut, weighed 29 pound-, the largest known good singing. Miss Edna Rivers gave celle(V will have charge of the services next to be e&uFht on this side of the Lake, several readings In tier usual good Sunday In I lethodist an'l this is no 11sh story either. style. Rev. Mr. Hedley also epriti-lbu- The Hydro -Electric Commission in- chusch Victoria ' St. 1% ted fo the Program in a few well chos- sist on payment of Mr. Hamlink's ,,,Sunday School and Bible Class The box ocial and concert given en words. Mr. Bert Poster occupied at I ock. Epworth League. Tues - Ii is probable that no town in Canada those abour-faced 8ture-kapers moight ele0flic I lit account, and the secre here last i-'riaty ovel,ing \va� a decided I the chair and acted the part quite ably, of the size of Goderich has so large be wasfntrUcted to notif Mr. Haiti- clay even ng at 8 O'clock. All, welcome. tbe oobertcb $tar. rZoight, and they-ves ye oaWt- run 'ermons succesN thank., to the efforts of Miss The boxes were auetioned off by Mr. I ness on schrapts of papur with Iffly. were delivered Kemptoti, ,vho wor an 1110011le fur its 00"IllerCial organi- a b 11 Two fine % 71CM011own cAtz TI, The complaint of Mr. Thomas Tabb last Sun ked untiringly to Harry Sturdy and brought fairly good zation. nothin on thim but yer name and ad- dga� at the Baptist church by make it such, he ia%ing secured the prices. The ladles or the Circle should With the closing of the campaign, dries." with reference to the water service Rev H. Bennett, of Thurso, Que. Ie ndid troupe from Laurier, who so be congratulated for the part they took FRIDAY. MAY 24, 1918 Your* to his regid-ewee -on wotfe Street was Next Sunday will be anniversary Sun -k%d I y came aigd gave their services in the. management to make it a sue - the daily newspaper, "Greater Gode- fr, rich Issued to aid in the educatioual -vflSltF, Jr. settled by accepting the sum of $5.83 day and Rev. Prof. McKeohrke�' of Mr. Roy McKenzie, of the, same cess. The proceeds amounted $88.35, 1 with a discount of 10 per cent If paid' Woodstock College, has been secured also pleased the audieneie with which goes to the Soldiers' A13 Circle. wu�k of the campaign, was discon- at once, as b , clooel and house rate as the special Preacher for the day. e' EDITORIAL COMMENT gllascbagPiP�s solo and his sweet music of Ashtleld. Untied. It became a V&y popular pub- in full lip toteo. 31st, 1918. The services in the OBITUARY North Street The Star extends congratulation 114 s to licatlon. Ir. ntephen Weller was given an Methodist church -III be' conducted The meniberships were secured. Ik allowance of four mont�s off this next Sunda the pastor, Rev. Dr. 00000"0000CHMM0100111110*11111CH3 : 000000001011MMODOCH"000000111 Dr. Case, of Dungannon, on his be.Ing weli-kno-om' former Gode- � by efe% en -committees, of -from Ahree it Yell -17's. wil-ter rates. for his residence On Rutledge. -Evening subject "The First Behoted as the Conser%ati%-, staridard four rich��oy, Mr., Frank S. HieX, passed e men each. Tnis I)ody of ap- away on Saturday evening- last, 16th Wolfe Atr6et as settl�ment Of 00111- Xlember of the Ananias Club." Men's FOR ALL KINDS OF bearer in North Huron for the tintario 'proximately forty men made a thor- net.. at his resfilenee in Toronto. afte� plaint with reference to freezing of §unday Club -meets In the church par, . water main. for at 10 a. in. Subject for discussiob, Legislatureoto fill the, vacancy caused ough canvass of the individuals and hree months' illness, and his fdrieral, - Lawn service water Pa�e against R. "Shall we Stop Seeking for World by motors) to9k place Tuesday after- C by the appointment of Mr. A. 11. Mus- firins that had b n listed, an�f not i Even for 017 and against Mrs. Doran Peace ?" All men will be made wel- grove to the position of postmaster at many ".caped this1ragnet. The'work, cob to Mount Pleasant cemetery, the for INC) and 1917 was cancelled. Also come to this service. CLEANING AND' PRESSING. -S Wingliam, and as It Is understood of 'the committees was high class, offiolatill inister being the Rev, Mrs. Guff. Bruce street, was allowed and shows that Goderich possesses a A o Or allace, of Berkley Methodist three mQnths off this year's rate! Evangelical church, Colborne, Rev. there will be no opposition offered, bunch of livo-wire men that will get re , ssis%ed- by the Rev. Win.. The engineer was instructed to re- W. H , Campbell, B. A.. B-D., pastor. TRY this means, practically his election to on the job any day when there I sley, of Tdronto, a brother-in-law i6ost of installidg water Sunday, May 26th : Service at Col- s 'A port oil the borne at 10 a. m. Pastor will preach t the recent con- piece of constructive work In sight. eceastid. The pallbearers were his service to Mr. Qqpelana, Wells survet .the Legislature. A The workers met Thursday and Prl- two � brothdra S. E. and W. F. Hick, also on the matter of complaint w 1, a sermon to the mothers, subject, THE GODE]RICH FRENCH DRY CLEANING WORKS vention In Wingham a number of day mornings of last v%, ek of Goderl his three sons, Ernest F reference to Wolfe street water main "God's Great Women.,, Sunday School 8 were , and- Tues- Reginald and Walter NI. Hick, a;A freezing. at Ila. m. Young People's Alliance at Wr%ST STRXXT name proposed, all of wh of" day morning of this weekS t the rAla9e his son-in-law George A. Ho 8 P. m. Service at Zion South at 8 have some claim. for consideration Club rooms and wdnt out as 0 Oli 0 ev 09-sOn, Of No action was taken on the appli- Qm- Tok t , A I v intimate personal cation of Mr. P. m. Pastor's subject. "Th, Un Now is the time for your Lace Curtains from thb paTty, but with the exception mittees. They had camWgn I Jos. X urray, Kingston treet for rebate of t1jo months' water filled Program." e it 'u un., frWridill Invited to the service at t[te A cordial nv t.ti,!n of Dr. Case, 'Dungannon, and Nir. Spot- cheons the first two days -at the Bri- house, which was private, were Mr. 'when selvice was frozen. . I L =Phomal 2.2 tish Exchange hotel. rates is ex ended to all. ton, of Winghatii, all retired from the E. S. Caswell. assistanE public 'Ilb- A rebate was allowed to Mr. Gardi- H. VROOMAN, Proprietor. contest and the linal balIL-t ga%C Dr. Now that the membprship eamfiai#n rarian of Toronto , Mr Win. T. Prid- ner, Brock street, for two months' ser- fs 6fficially 'over, President 0. L. Par4 ham,� "Air. i try U4. H;rton, Mr. and vice not used and PaId for In advance. PEOPLE WE KNOW 1 11111100000000*0111100000" CAse the majority. Dr. Cast, Nvill prove his at plaitning. to..Pus L MIX A letter from the Empire, Coal Go., Misses De4l and Jean Nairn are on sons, at deb -Aril N rs. atafia .,i Robingo . of West fi -Xfrs.--Ro eR H lines.* )p a worthy repreiientative from North the war of the nevry Board of r4de' fortilii�;. 1 0 stating that the commission's, order for a visit In Toronto. )JUrOn In the local House and The Star itt the earliest possible Moment. B, 6p," es J &be4latiful. floral offerings six = of three-quarter lump coal Dr. Wigle, of Wiarton, was In town 'N"rell, V (I friends was one had booXe. was filed. the papt week on a visit to his son, congratulations. Quality Is Economy In ,one# ingro 4&o In O't he Uft--, 'th �J'itlVe Of "UrOA A letter fr6m he Hydro Commission Mayor Wigle. A full report of the Wingliam cOU- Vold '80yal, As !_t on of Toronto, of authorizing the supplying of the West- ventlon will be found in -6ur corres- NISELF, JR., HEARD 1FRON VvU.11ch deceasel had been a member Thos. Stewart, of Cransford, visited Ajid0t I gleelitto).b. ..The late Frank ern Canada Flour Mills Co. with 50 his sister, Mrs. W. Burrows, Nelson potidence from Dungannon this week. . . more of electr o power was read e- Sehrap#A of Sc4iles, I an the pplication was anted. SPRING AND SUMMER V Can't [tun a i 0-41's on % t, was horn on Brock St St., this week. Gold!byloh S2 rears ago,,Vedest soil �1 t Mr.'Stothers. agricultural renresen- Papur, Ses He el I I was decided to purchase 1,000 lbs. A SUCCESSFUL CAWAIGN a UW,, at#'Wal er, Hick. hen quite a of 14 -Inch lea�&'ftbfii- thid- arff6§­3To-r�- -tattve-f'()1�HU—r0n coun y, was in town Slabtown.t ,Ont., May 13th, .1918. yo�)ng Man, li%4-a w years after his rison Brass Manufacturing Co. at 14 on Friday last. fir.$t';'PWr an Aq 11 Mellish Of cents a lb. and that the engineer order Thos. Burrows' many friends are It Is Expected the 2WI-Members Goal bulooky c%y ter shure. NOES Dear EdItIIur,-8IJIW Beya t, con .. 0 trio 14ve Winnlpeg, balance of supplies required from the eased to see him up town again after In Goderich Board of Trade Will erd 0 N.V44 e In usinegs for Hydro Commission. s long illness Itioxing so well. The waT bas created a sbort- Abroo Wo Ovur and rultilt? 0" 91, A He fleacried talkinVe day aild sea 81111 'r Vas few yea et.u, Ing to Goderich A letter from Sir Adam Beek enclosed Pie E. S. Smith, brother of Mrs. John a irytin a 6 ort, t e' -'removed to Tor- a new order.of the Dominion Power A. Harrison arrived In Goderich on "Faith, an plivilt isthis cash an oredui for age of good leather as well The campaign for members for the systhum we near, ovur to Goderich onto 0 ago, where his Controller with reference to profflpit- the Q. P R. irain yesterday at i o'clocke reorganized Board of Trade was opli- ho e a 0 eve Ing use of electricity for shop window as skilled shoe makers. toV '"eOldrking about 12 years lighting and ornamental' lighting. The ,M since. His first Saunders left on Mon - eluded Tuesday with IA3 membershlog. 'Sis mlafM 111TI19 JIM lolke thlej, whin �v­e 8 e � Mrs. Charles Oiily by our close relations There are still a number of applica- Giniral George Mrther and Jidge ago, he was, later married to Aliss engineer was Instructed 10--efiferce the day, accompanied by Master Billie ,cums in on ye Esthrr Pu Port Dover, who order. This order prohibits the use -of In Detrolt.. tions that may be closed up in the Hooley and sum Moore igle, Saunders to spend three weeks visiting with leading manufactur, next week or two, and the genetal w1d their folnest Sundoiy marnin sury ves Ill i besides, his two brothers reflectors In stores- to throw the light opinion of the com Ittee workers is smoile an ax ye to pay hventy-foive o Goderich. lift.three sons mentionea into the windoWs, it having been found Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston and ers are we able to command dollurs a yore, fur thract ares to Sove. one augliter Mrs. George A. that stores in some cases, were getting baby, of Listowel, motored to Goderich that the,20D goal wM be reached be- is Q erich to%vun a oil: �about ten grandchildren, round the prohibition of window light- and ent the week -end with Mr. John- for our customers still the fore many weeks. Malk y, you sto i see, 'Shulu! Molke ' and whin they t at near Toronto. Ing by Installing additional lights in itepbrother, Mr. J. H. Johnston, Bri- bigbest quality at popular The campajgn was lilglily gratifying stands aftindt Mike as it they had HARRISON,—On April 22nd death the- store and using reflectors. tannia road. to the Int1nlNUf19'0f- the, Board of Trade- - ldgt th-6 braiikt-ot -their- Hinery- -Foord -odled.---from ­6ur- -midst a bright Atwas decided to sell botpoint elec- Mrs. King; of Kipeardin% mother of prices. who took part In the campaign. it piece ship, and 0" U a sea. , 10111 oullig life In the person of Hazel ric toasters on hand at $2 each. Miss King, superintendent of the Alex -1 was quite a surpriw to the pe p e pay sris whin 1,,f6t , r2de 'inn the foirst, Idela Switzer. aged 24 years 8 andra Hospital, was In Goderich for See our sni�py styles in generally for It was not believed that strate car' th#, 6 the credut bizness months, daughter of Mr. and kra. the week -end and attended the nurses' It would be possible to sign up ter YlSk" � James S%vit2re 6th con. Goderl It BRIEF TOWN TOPICS graduation in the Oddfellows' Hall on bigh and low cut Footwear, members on the SW ttiree-year fts !Wj Ovur "Belorra. an, it's me %el -A il tOwnshIP and oved wife of 'Mr. Friday night last. in the most popular colors. #ffiat due be ath nklo �'s a divil a loni bett ll;gison, of the Atli cou.. Gode� A dozen families In St. Patrick's From the work of the saMpal#h' I Mr. and Mrs. Tbncott left this week new Board of Trade will, have t)ltoltne e will be gI�ti) a rolde tun ric township, The young woman ward have moved to different parts t. , 1V k for Toronto, where they will In future o Fear for three ye I I % I q1tht an ye be to oulde yls will had only been ailing a short time and of the town this spring. reside. Before leaving Mrs. Tancott In white, the ritevailing ars to work. W'. 1616 sibc) W1 I I I . tier deA , h came as a great shock to Mrs. Wisboy has removed from the. as,,R te SUMmer coilor, we have a smiin d with a hand bag by the or $11'X0 tor' the three yeO 41A i� ray for a hn mapy friends. She was a kind Signal block to the house on West %Lvdi Guild of St. George' church, The revenue & vie Old go 11. Odoticb;� �ffflth� %hoys, weell an k ving w10 and mother and tier street recently occupied by Mr. John of which she was a valued member. layge range of ityleS at Trade was less than SJOWO­4 I, shortIftiarried life of four years was a RAV'01 R'SUO(IlUt an. aVe 00 I r h the gain made by pit 1 11 65%'A off* 1!01$ht 47. one d6v0" to her hoine and children, TancotL 1917 sellillg priCes. bus the new 0oaro. 18 11t 1 51 an per aps a id per absence In the home. Will be Nilss King VvIshes to thank all those SWIPPAIRDTON the i= eatly motirried.. Site leaves to mourn who so kindly sent, old linen and cot- The weather at the present time and t"M I, Cr loss her sorrowing husband and ton to the hospital, and to say that for soille time past has been very fine 11111 1 ba 0 1 two little sons, Kenneth and Elmer, her further donations of same will he and the crops are looking splendid so SHARMAN, TA SHOE MAN parents, hip. land Mrs. Jas. Switzer. 6th gratefully recelived. far. 'Plione 156 -concession- Goderich township - one -MessrFw Lane, Of Godexich, and Bry- Igs Jean M199 Emily MeArthlat amd NX three . brothers, Slorris, o ngs Woodfie, Sa k. ; -9106f, ',Wrs. Get. Lindsay, BayflelA and done, of Clinton, have been appointed Bogle, of Goderich, were the guests L f Little trustpos to take care of the belongi for r%AA. 'R1 I M -M APA t t Charles, of Goderich, of the 1161st battalion, hand Instru- "Wit''S16", CK 1 11 IF, YOU WILL BE WISE To an Advantage Buy Heavy on all Lines of Groceries Got your SUPPIY for, some -time to comie. Conditions fully warrant this alpd almost all Groceries are tood buying and especially Teas, Spices, Canned Matches, Soaps A WORD TO THE WISP. IS SOFFICENT. we i Pow 1-11 and Earl, at home. . Tte funeral took place from the merit% etc. which will be sent back to G�deri�h. famly restdonce, Ah concession Gode- Mob, towhollfg, on Thursday, April The gocial evening announced last weell for Tuesday evening, May 28th, V.3th. at 9 p. tn. to Ilayfield cemeter And witis large, attitnded. The =,f In the Odtifellows' Hall, by the Re - Vices -were cohaucted by Rev. A. E, bekall IAO e, htT been ostponed until Thursday. (h. T A iVill bo� tht' fay 0 R Naoftrj�ne, Bayfleld, assisted by Rev I)Arling, Hayfield. Tho pallbe rer:i .111 . last dance of the season. and proceeds for Or- \Vere 0 ar SiVitzer Cecil HarrIson, larrison, will be Patriotic purposes. Neliard Allen Beetlee, Peter ehestra. Everybody come. Young and William EiIewlirt. Tile lVer- ()n ite#'Ount of Mr. Sexsmith being eVed family have the sympathy of the community in their sudden loss. upable to take part in the production o the Lass of Limerick, which.. was REST Beantihil toiler, thy work all done, liftautiful soul Into glory booked for Seaforth Por Tuesday nt t last on aegult of, the death of is gone, faXer and ho critical condition of hit; Beautiful life, with ItIg crown now won, God giveth lhe(v rest. m4t from mother's hettlith the OertormAnce was po-Aponed i�r 1 week. The company ail sorrom-, and watchings hiivp Inquiries for bpokings from (apil re"Ji, ., Wingham, Auburn and LUCknOW. Rest from all% possible sighing and 1. - I WV , tears, , 11t9t through d6d's endle�� wonderitil MONO THE CHURCHES years, At home with the blest. Starting with next Sunday eweninf. Beautiful spirit, f"L e from all stain t e evefflng Nerviee at St. Georges Anirch will eommm" at 8 o'clock for Ours the. heartathe, the sorrow ana pain the summer months. Thine is the (t1bry, Influlte gain, wtv. It. Q M�Dermld will conduct Thy slumbt,,� - Is sweet. both servites to Knox church dext SHE M X()T GONE 13eside the dead I` knell III prayer I ft"tore' hier to our heV0 that a0he."; "Ofic Is not 90110." And felt a proSeluee $is prayed flo I it \�vaa JeAfts standing there. Ile slolled atid,sisild 1 "Alaso too NVO1111 A*,e'knOW Our 16,88 JIle smiled and said "He not afraid." "Lord bast death Not hope ag&lh Out Joy to tOuc�- of Ideath \0 cross, �hou eoholuered we lj7til tm, stroam le guill(41 and said. "Thete Is no low I 'Aestore ain to LIK, I said, ts oil to Oil out a 0.11 rmeh.11 -Vot so far, �al Ito smired aud�sal hb It n1ol dead." Our beloved ones seom The to teol 111611i "AAlon then ""a8 Thou on(% didit Yet holl c ' st lift. the lids that lksea%a' Nvhlle �Nre yfarn Albeflnew'Airt'll Thop, �ve, trust thR an; I I prlso&d tVts, from purs kw.Ay.1 Ito uhiltdowt r4K AM am erp.. lli� SWIM Aild ftid "4116 d(10 111011 "Mar Loa lJow shAH wo know that they 1%Xay 'thpilt, thooth hanov she �doek t * 1411 \s,,Ilk A)tk-,�tm xvith, ile and Tht.p It wttkt Xjj �!I& fibir 1N'1at1dt"4r Nt NW&Y "a. "Abide f1i Me. - AIT4 100va b"A somt Al"Ir 'ashmu, lie sm&-d and A 1 11 IF, YOU WILL BE WISE To an Advantage Buy Heavy on all Lines of Groceries Got your SUPPIY for, some -time to comie. Conditions fully warrant this alpd almost all Groceries are tood buying and especially Teas, Spices, Canned Matches, Soaps A WORD TO THE WISP. IS SOFFICENT. we i Pow 1-11