The Goderich Star, 1918-05-24, Page 344i 1914 00DIVULUJI.W:
. . . . . . . . . .
i, ric ea in TM 14&R1MT`Si
'An VAS 11 A v A G- ks N
g 1 14'' 1' n g �J - --------- I ------
Tito weddt to k hrean ENTor_ Tll�, ed away at 14o, age of 24 TOBON" MAKILEW&
's T (P Am moutba and io days., 1=AtX q 21. The 13oltirlt
ay NS live ule 44) wears
0""' M � 0 1
cler,, of
d li�
e f Mr* 11�144NTr�ol NVert Koo Ir- as tor 70aterdisy are
1" on
'fall in. All, Iva Jrden, of a
that 'brings with It Tol $ a and borne, t,,,, d
Thm is noth, nesday afteriloon, 5 ay 85 I= 6 Manitoba Who& It William.
'Pich fear-M'Impen. to wake Jack a, ill. , 0 lyg 0 follows.
mling 4eatb *.a Alide off Kineardirre IS tQ result of a strokie dt too Store Fair
entej�V!,41 a) Ineg, in ilValc Tax).
up in the night with the heart poun*g be Pres Wal for Dracti. Mr. Henry Straing has*been &tppolutfII ;a I liiarth.r., $4.23-31.
*44 thujl;tplrg� This uncertain and it, eat heroism in rescuing Nurse Daniels clerk for the balance of 1918. N;, A northern. 82.24k�.
ouscs t.hie greatest from drowning tit Inverhuron last cChrit�th%n Ziltlax a former owner 'of No. 3 oartborn. $3 0%.
sumpler. Anderson is unty,144 years of the Central flotel at Brussels. died- No. 4 wheat,
rbU =koul and body, age, Mondav of last Week in Toronto In his Mafu1Qb4k oats (in Start Far% Willillm),
Milburnla ff�wt And Nerve p.Ws Master Billy JacPion. the younger 39th year. No. a C.W� 470.
No. 3 C W 831� 0
sUeqthen sad invigorate son of, tile late T. Jach;Don, of Clinton, Mrs. Susanna Sippel palisqd Extra. feel. 'Sa%c.
the hew, so
that it beats strong and regular, and got hold of a small bottle of earbolic her home, Zurich. on NN'tifti=111 M. I toed. 80%0.
One up the neryou3 system so thAt the last week ag-til & yea�s- American Corn TQlvntQ)6
acid. the other day and put It in his
cause of so much taxiety becomes I% podket but the contents lealied out, IidViANt� n 9 in I i a L
A c9mVitinity crunning kitchen will NO 3 yellow, kiln
thing of the past. saturating his clothing and boLfUy burn- be operated this summer at Brussels No 4 ) ellow kiln dried. nomiatit.
Mi. Archie Beaumoqt, VAgettle Land., Ing his ten0er skin In places, As a under the dire�ctioh of the Oniarlo Qati (According to Fr*)UhU
N B., writea-_"Have bera bothered consequencel tie bad to be wragpdd In lostitutL. It start as �.Ootl as fruit Outside).
ot4lng bandages and put to No. 2 white. See to 81c. nominal.
my heart and nerves for about six 'o Mr. and Mrs. R. itirrott. of Egmund- and vegetah�t!s are ii%ailabUi. No. 3 white. M 7004 nominal.
sed by overwork and worry. v -Hip announce the enga Although Teports, had been in cIr6_ Onto lo Wheat (Bastrin Star* Montreal).
4ement of Nor
A7:y&atrftt%s so bad I would waken up t1l,cir' daughter, Relta. to 'Mr. Welling- culatlun nionths ago of the -death of, - 2 winter, per car lot, $2,23.
deteral times during the might W eat ton ft. Cook, of Hamilton, son of Mr. Pte. R, Barker, of.%N11ug.%aoi, yet notb-� Peas (According to Freights outside).
19. Ing definitel, was. . No. 2. nominal.
4iatr4m, and my heart thumping. A out .1,nown until Satlull-m
and Mrs. A.*(;ooU I iris\biother received wur , 4 13 50.
-of Winton. day, \N I ell Freights Outside).
a year ago I took three boxes of Mfl- Pte. NNI. Grelgggp pt�,tr. T. A. Greig, that her ,on v\as dead, having boj!li� as to to Freights Out.
bwn's Iffeart and Nerve Pills and they of as '11 admitted to hOs- killed (ill tile bAtlefleld some moutw side).
Clinton, h
helped me a= deal." pital at Rouen, Fran". suffvring from ag,,.
M -
Abitru!A t_=&Xerve Bile --are- Ti -ii - --i -- -- -- -- - --- . - -- - - - -- --. Rg (According to Freights Outside).
tit )urr. carri:,ge dealer,
00. per all dealers or mailed Mr. A. (CPaltilsun. G. T. R. agent at ham, has eveelved w rd that his so 2, $2.25. nominal.
direct on receipt of price by The T. Mil- Glinton, is severing his connection llarr%,, has bee4 serioust', 1w Manitoba Flour (Toronto).
otludet, WaLrqnalftor-
b=-Co.. Lituited,-Torouto, out. with the se"vith- after 49 Years! Service. huytfisr reeelved gUnSIVAK
uall; Ontario Flour (in Bags, Prompt Ship.
4 Mr. Witi. Siinderson, a profrre�siNe both sides. fie enli,;te(I %%ith the Ball -
r rl, Mont).
;irnier of ' Hullett township, died at hi.� tanis or oronto. lie has a bruthe"i War Quality, 414).66 Montreal, $10,0
OSTEOPATH hoine on su;Aday of lasr Nxeok. lie %%a� at the frunt alsio. Tolcanto. .
�n Eiigiig�#%�d k4,� Willfeed (Car Lots, Delivered Montreal
1.4p(�*as born
D;ft. (,*EORGE HEILHKANN Osteopath, in IMO. Mrs. John Brunner. Seaforti, litts., F-mghts, Bags Included).
-oticiallot. In women's and Alldran s dis- . celved word that her son, Pie. (;I Bran per ton, $35.
Acute, chronic and nervous d a Mr. Emigh and Minis Entigh, of l3runner -y, h4s bevii wound, Shorla, per ton. $40
al deu rs, re visitiug in Toronto anti by ',I wranu
P-456,ttial dearness, two. ear, nose and'stolat;� Blyth, a KlItu of In the left arm; . 11 Illi Hay (Track. Toronto).
Ad ill rernaved withjut the knife. Con- North Bay foil a short time bereire ,d �%.ith the, 33rd at Lund,.. ant't N1% per tir. $16 to $17.
sulCow'.6 free. Office and rewdence, Nelson going West where they will reside. ounded oil , two other ocousions, SN& -k per on. $14 to $15,
St. Andrew.Street, bnok of Temporal
=111. North street. Otflcebourso�o 12a. 'co Gonmilt-tecs-are at work planning Another brother is in a rt�Stlr%e bat-' Straw (Track, Toronto).
ito6p. in. MondayN, rhur6days and Sat.;'. Blyth's First of July cele`15rattuti. tahun III England. Car lots. per ton, ;8.50 to $9.
davit. Evenlialps by appointment. Farmers' Market
A very sad death occurred at the The name of W. 1'. Fui of Bru Vall Wheat-htnudg. 4214 per bushel.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuct Ross, sets, appears Ili the casualty lists as Goose wheat -42.10 to 42.12 Per bushall.
LEGAL CARDS Pmeter, Tuesday morning of lut weeli, �'In-esllllnntl to have died;" G. If. Grim- Bnrley�lWting. $1.10 per bushel.
HARIX BARROW. Barrister,. elicitor when Annie Mae McCurdy, beloved oldby, gassed ; Nursing Sister Bessie. Oat*_910 to 92o per bushel.
wife of Mr. Pere -y Immer, of Hibbert Ma:Ude Hanna, Winsh4m, Ill.
Etc. Corner North street. and 84;�, Buckwheat. P.75 iper busbel.
Goderloh� OaL Rye-Aocording to sonaPle, nockilud;
Hs�--Timothy. 17 to 418, PoIr ton; mIz-
CBRAGER ed and clover. $11 to $16.
. BAaRisTion, 801,161+01a, NOTARY PUBLV, ftbes-13 Me' 011hfy' drrn=g mud as VVINWEG GRAM KABJEW.
AND C 14VPYANCER they pushed on. and often they struck
Office: Court House Goderich sheeti of water through which they Winnl=3fty SO.-Businas was ligat
GAINS MAPE BY ALLIES In the markets today. Offerings
RC. HAYS 'Pho had to wade up to their hipe while were light and demand was not pal,
. their feet were clutched by the ticularly brisk for coarse grains Oats
BARRISTER. SOLLICITOR.-Vorhilty PvcILic, FATc. closed 27Ac higher tar May ana 2%a
Office Hamilton St.,*§terllng Bank Block 'Piench Gain All Objecfives in morass beneath. They were protect- hi for July.
Godorioln ed ill part by a creeping barrage from gh
REAL ESTATE. LoANs, INSURA ICIC Whirlwind Attack. 11.1r1l., closed ire' higher for 'May at
,the British artillery, and behind this $1.42.
CONVEYANCING AND NOTARY screen of breaking steel they worked Flax closed 6�jc higher for May and
Wonderful Pluck and Daring of the forward deterr�dnedly. 5c higher for July.
GICORGEMORKENSLADE, BaYfleld, COaVeY- - Winnipeg market: Oat. -May, 84Wc
an�nwand Notary Public. Australians, Who Wad.C4 Through "Just northeast of Moriancourt Is to 86%c; July, 807Ac to 83%c,
PROIJIDFOOT,, M - LLORAN & 060i[CE. Nak�sh to Attack Poe _- Strong a hin-which, the Germana had man- Barley -May closed $1,42.
Barristels, Solioit6rti. Notaries Pub- ned heavily with machine glans, and Flax -May, $3.78 to $3.84; jury. $3.80
to. to $3,84%.
lie, E German Positions Captured After from this elevation the enemy pump- Cash prices: Oat3-No. 2 C.W.. 87j;
Offloo-On the Scl uare. 2a d door from Handl- Bitter Fighting In Ville -sur- ed a steady stream of bullets across N
ton street, Goderich. a. 3 C.W.. 83%c; extra No I feed,
VwWrivate fund4 to loan at lowest rates. Ancre., the mist-sh)rouded marshlands In an �8%c; No. I feed, 80%c; No. 2 �o. 77%c.
PROUDrooT K C. attempt to stem the onrushing Aus- Barley -No. 3 C.W.. $1.48; No.
J. L. KILLOR;N. D COOKIC- LONDON, May 21. - The allied tralians. It was desperate work,but $1.38; rejected, $1.14, feed, $1.09.
armies are not permitting the Ger- there was no besitatiotf-on the part $3 F!ax-No. I N.W.C.. $3.84; No. 2 C.W..
AUCTIONEERIKU mans to 'get set" fur a serious blow of the assaulting troops. .81; No. 3 C.W.. 41.3.69.
HOMAS GUNDRY. at the Western front. Here and . "The Australians rushed the de- CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET.
Tthere along the live there have fence In the face of a heavy fire and J. P. Bickell & Cu. report the following
Live Stock and General Auctioneer, been sudden blowo at the German, bombed the Germans out at close Prices on the Chicago Board of Trade:
Hamilton street. Goderich. sitions, and in all of them ground quarters, standing on the bank of a Prev.
Sales made everywhere kind all efforts wade Po Open. High. Low. Close. Close.
O&Oyou atitsfacno was captured by the,allies. road and hurling scores of explosives Corn-
.P1 sale notes ceiscounted. The French have done the most down among the struggling masses of 'May .... 127y, 1277/s 127% 127% 127%
7777=7=_=--'__:�' of this work. On thbjront east anti grey coats. 3 uly .... 141 143% 140% 143 % 141
June .... 141 141% 110% 141% 139%
VETERINARY. n6rth;east of Locre, on tht, nurtnern "The fighting in the village of Oata--
stile of thii Lys salient in Nortl,er;i Ville-sur-Aucre was intense. Tb--- May .... 76 V, 78% 76 V, 78 76 V,
Ontarl� e rin olege, Toronto. I France, and Just to the west or Kera- Australians battered their way for- July .... 66% 6 66% 68% 66 1�2
if t a attention of horse owners 72!4 73% 717/s
reapectfully met, where some of tile iii,)ry iatei!sc, ward by sheer force, engaging the June .... 721A 711
to my ap et ad of operating on homes'
tooth. fro Supply at veterinary medicine fighting of the war has been going enemy fit close quar,,ters with. Pork-
wgate MaY .... ..... ..... ..... 1342.30 42.00
ai*ays on ha and stables -No on, the Frbuch have uilvaric-d Lheil" and �ayonets. There was no StOPP'ng July .... 42.97 42.97 42.45 42.65 42.60
treet Goderici - line ov4r a two-mae rront. them and the Australians kept on on- Lard-
- The Associated Press correspon tiI they had stormed their-wAy-to-the May .... ..... ..... N24-87 24.75
INSURANCE dent with the HELIsIl army iO further side. The streets were strewn July .... 25.06 25.07 24.75 24.92 25.00
Prance, describing tile * OI)PrAtiOI!, with enemy dead when the -victory Sept. ... 25.30 25.40 25.07 25.22 25.32
ANCE CO. I telegraphs: ' "The Preach troops, had been completed and a stream of may .... ..... I .... ..... N25, 5 22.615
pmrrn and isolated Town Praparty insured. who :ire fighting alongs!de the British prisoners was flowing bacl� to the July .... 23.17 23.20 22.87 23.10 23.07
another of their whirl rear." Sept. ... 23.70 23.75 23.42 23.62 23.6Q
value of Property insured up to January, have carried Q
1910 wind attacks to a successful eunclu-
ICEI-tS-James Connolly President. sion in the Fland,�rs battleflold,'and Food Crisis Past.
Goderinh,.Jag. Evans, Vice-president. Beach- have thereby advanced tht�ir line CATTLE MARKETS
wood; T. E. Hays. Soc.-T Erlas" Seaforth' (3. along a 4,000 -yard front it PARIS, May 21. -Victor Boret, the
WRECTORS-D.F. Me regor,Seaforth; J. i the Locr.�
Grieve, Winthrop-, Win. wrin. Cont4tance; sivtor. SoeNeral hundrod Cvrmau French Food Minister, was asked by UNION STOCK YARDS.
�Georgo vtney, Tackersmith; JohnForrk, prisoners have thus far Leen brou4l,t the Associated Press yesterday what TORONTO, May 2 I. -With re-
Harlock;John 3ounewtoo. Broadhagan, Mal, ,
001 in. Iracedoid In. The prisoners have ll,�en !zent on effect the first three meatless days celpts of 4058 cattle on the Union
ENTS J. W. Yea, Godetich; SKI)(1.7 the happy road to the Fiench reat, terminating Friday had upon the Stock Yards market yesterday aild sA
MCEWJ Win. Chesney siniai ion In France, He replied: strong and insistent demand for the
Utik(311, Ulint.on: No attempt was malde to push for-
Hinctiley. 8eatorth. "It means that our and YOU" better class of butcher steers and
policy, Holders can pay their assessments at ward to a great depth. and all obje.--
a. H. Cutc�l store, Goderich. A. .1. vtort, 'h's Lives were gained. As a consequence brave boys at the front will hence- heifers, the market or this class Of
Olothina! SWre. Oilman, or J. V. ltefd,e� Bay- there nas been a decided LmprOV6- forth recelve all the meat necessary cattle was decidedly strong.
fi old ment Ili the allied positions. to strengthen them for the arduous For cattle weighing from 1050
Just to the northeast of Locre N task of beating the Germans. Com- pounds and upwards the market was
FRATERNAL SOCIETIES a pile of brickdVal, w.,hich represents plete returns have not yet been re- probably from 15c to 25c per cwt.
ANCIENT ORDHR OF FORF�STRRS. -Tile aill that is left of tile pretty haplat ceived, but Judging from the figures higher. Light weight cattle, weigh-
ouly legal reserve, ftlendt and Bencvc sent in from the Parts, Seine and Ing less than 900 lbs.. sold at proo-
lent Society in canada. sick anY f.weral be.e' of Bruloose, over, which the contend- outlying districts, I can say that the ably from 10c to 25c lower.
grit life. to to 30 Year pv life and Ing troops foUghtL 3suCh sanguinary
fl is insurance. Fuuda $50,000,` engagements ill reoent days. Slightl The hog trade was weaker, except
eadow2ratnt, 2,000,002 �-Oul t � in all parts y thr,ittening crises has been safely
lvieuibershig 0%lct to the west 6X_tbe point of attack is Passed." for the contract animals, which sold
of the orl
CourtwMaitland, NO 8Og7, GAerich, tneet-4 Ist Locre Hospice, which has changed at 216 fed and watere,1, but for the
avd 2rd monatlys eac -n3nth , Hall, co-ner ha:14il mavY times, until finally the others from $20.60 up was the price
Nort streetand Square. Vi'liLOrs always wel- Freiich :'J& a firm enougll;-�.flold on,it Grand Old Man generally paid, and packers are quot-
come. For infe- nation a,,,�Iy .-
GE(). H. SMITH, C. M U. HUNT. See to, be abl'b, to ciaim it Eta ��i4plr owl -I. Ing considerably lower prices for the
"Locre Hospice, Bruf6ois%-abld the Makes Statement balance of the week.
0 ground Just captured all go to form EAST BUFFAIA) LIVE STOCK -
the gateway .'wfilch thus far ha.;; lilill. GF0. SI)MERS FINDS DODD'S Eest Buffaid- May 20.-Cdttle-Re-
blocked the enemy's approach to IiIIIINE PILLS REST CelPtS, 2500. ,Krong; prime steers. i-11
7rnsl Mount Rouge and otlier Impr)rtant to $17.75: shipping titeers, $16.5,0 to $16.75;
Bros. minences, ' that In f&n -,Ire in- 'fit lit% Ffqht�-m,cood Ve"r He Tell% butchers, $12.25 to $16,75; yearlings, $13.50
MOW zuarding sentinels for 'widn reachcfs W1 i y, Al'ier 'Lr�injl 01her Medicines, to $16.76; heifers, $10 to $11.25; cows. $6.50
t ) $13; bulls. $7.50 to $11; fresh cow&
GODERICH of the untrivaded portions of Flan- He Ilins His Failh to Dodd's kidney a`nd bpringers. $65 to $145.
ders, 1111 Is. Calves-Recelpts. 2600. Strong; $7 to
The WOO "Detalls of the Pitest French sit-, ',Ill special. $15 25.
Hugs-Recelpts, 7200. Active and
vess are lacking at thE, m6niprit but Nfr r-". grand old strong; heAVy, $19 to $18.50: mixed, $18.25
Funeral Direacirs whilp it was a comparativel ' v � 111a; I oi�i in lit, citrllt� �Var, to $18.40; yorkers, $18.35 to $18.60; light
and Embalmers o1wratlon, it was hhper,:,nt, Th ", �18 , 111ildt- a Ili regard I(, Yorkers and pigs, $18.50 to $18.75: roughs.
lni�mrtaat:e Is*necentuatpd b,� til- r.,t dd's Kidno� P-il-, -:,,I fla(ia,s grall(I $16 to $16.25; stage, $12 to $13.
that the vlAtory comes it a time when '1� -1 ft� Shtej) and lambs--itecelpts 12000..
Orders carefully attended t t1w en,�niy undou')todly is r-ady ..d 11 I'l lddfw� I"d 'e% La b slow, others 'steady; la6bs,' $11
0 : erat kind, r,f kidiw\ Mr. Soriwr� to mls
at P411 hours -night or day w-,itirg for tb,, signal to renew his $ 7.40;-yearlifigs, W1 to $16.50; we -
,J ;Illr- nlT,,risiv- against thp Istal. "I at ff)(, cml- there $14 to $14 - 50; e,-,-,. $6 to $13.50;
11 ... 1,1', 1�141ije\ 1,1119 are tmxe� sheep, $N50 to $14.
"Brilliant work vias donp S-itida, 141-1 host - tit, : ;0 tlw� lune CHICAGO LIVE STOCK.
hy the Australians' on the swillipry,
front, whereby they captur-6 Worn Im. 11w b-1 'Aifaetiml. I ha\v Chicago, May 20.-Cattle-Recelpts, 18,_
lalwli 111,111 f -'r lw:lrl� (too. Weak; b"ves, l,10.7& to $47.76;
CLUBBINC RATES ur-Ancre, and ad-vanced L�eroby' -)13 Ni,ar.� ort and on, stockers and feeders, $9.40 to $13.25;
a front of approximat-ly thYpp tho,t, cows and helfers, $7.40 to $1460; calves,
sind Yards, Th- ovi-raki, $8 to $14.
rn�'n wOr" I Mr, Smllf-rs, \\101 F -)l: f�- loga - Receipt R, 36,000 UnAeitled,,�ight,
VITH- THE STAR holding their new pos,',:nns q(ronzlv* fiiry $17.30 to $1785; injotd. $17.05 to 7.80;
Monday, and rnore than� four hund. -d striiinf-d hi.s hack \001,- Iz.inh-nmw, heavy, $1635 to n -ugh. SIr,.35 to
The Stal and Toronto D loba ......... .. $5 25 prisoners vv,,, spnt back to ItIt' mid for ,%,,r 1%N, -oh \oat., 11;1, he'.tl p1g.R. $14 to $17 60. bulk ut sales.
G ca Again the A,istralln-is b, -iv,,, SI-, J() fo $17.70.
Daily M.. ai'y 5 25 ges. \%tilt hi� kl,l
-a 11:11".. 1 ...... PvIdenc-d. in thi, (if ,r(,at ob s�
Fimfily Ill and stacles, that Indmnitabl- - -1 11111 1-
Sp4rit 111hil; hat 11'. 11:1, 1 hi, r. U. S. Will �,end All Men 'Needed.
Weekly Star. . .......... .... 2 65 has won for th"'m in swh b I Kjllllv� 11111, .(hr 11.611g Ill-- Ni,'.W YORK, May 21- President
Weekly San (Toronto) .......... 2 40 3trugplfs in !be past 'r i ,, '3 r" �,h! s
Toronto Daily Star ....... ..... 4 30 mtn r hin,k i� -n -i- r -I i -1,1--ndid Wilson. who openpd the lt,,d Cross
Toronto Daily World ........... 5 25 stormed their way Into Viq,,,,, tribUtp, to the ur:md ohl 1-aliadfall drive for a s(rond $100,000.000'war
Toronto Daily News ............. 4 30 Ancre iq u n (I P v morniniz lddn�y nwifivint- NI ht� :19,- fund at the Mptiopolitan opeta
Farmer's Advocate .............. 3 00 mariihes. Into %&hosp loul w i!pr�, t hoa I,,. is �Itl,lljlld -F Ih, c ..... I Hous� Saturday night with a stirring
'116a Country Gentleman ......... 3 25 sank whist -deep af times. N%�,rk D -Id's IN1,111", 11101, f, .1 o� appeal for gen�roti% contrilintfoliq,
London Difly AdViiittiser ....... 5 00 "The attack lek:an at two n't-10A said incidenially that the Unit, -d
London Daily Free Press ....... 5 00 1 . n thp morninc. ivh'!p Ili,- SPORT FOR Tflb: AM.I.Lit States will not too diveited fn ) 111 7 'g
Montreal Weekly Witness ...... 2 90 w,r, til? hw91T19 (,v,,r t � 'I'll lllf� �f III, 11,111lig I,t purpo- of winning tnt, war hy n -
World Widw Renewal ......... 4 25 gish w,.ttvri; nf Ow An, r,.. Ilt tb:it Ill- vlijov'oll it) Nig-1111111111 Ilarl� simer� approaftws of) tit,- subi,.rt if
Pro hyterian and Westminster. 3 30 hour the AustraliarI4 qurgod rorw;ird I,; IIII'displited 1,qII 1), -;, ( . ..
Cattolic Register ....... ....... 2 go against Ill(- Qpur of, high vronrid wpqt I I can say with a rlf�ar 1 ()n.qf on, P.
orlancourt, ind by a livhfning caught in Life vxah-r� 4if Ili- Park s -
Sitarday Night (Toronto) ...... 4 25 of M ha%v Aon each yvar rwmN ,( iho that I havp tes(pd tho., lqlc,ntion�
M Le I M * ........ 2 75 stroke wrenched this Mtvallon fro 111 National compOitwiiA iilwil 1,) ihi, anti havp round Iht-rn Insin''r..
aM 'I'll, now rprognlz,� ilwto ft)r 1A hat Ill, 11
firaf( ........ 2 25 ill,- enemy. From this riss� lh� Brit -
11161111. J.1. T anglors of the G)ntitwrit.
Woman's Home companion ish were then ahlo to look down on I ,(), it of -Algonquin Park aro ,I I lit- ar� all opporiunit% t) hat, a rr,.(.
(Now York) ................... 3 25 th- ruins of Vilip siir-Anrre. In tho gonuine Rquary ladod. rf\41 parll(ularlv th- Ka -l. it)
The Saturilay Evening Post .... 3 25 reg!on of Morl-incourt ill(, around ir ;ppekled variv tv. lillpl, t,:t ;Ii... (,ill puip �,s wfltl� arld
Ile Ladies' Rome journal .... 3 50 was not so bad, litit fartlipr north 't ployllifill in if,(, I i(qqj I,ai,.. I j.1 I,. i Pxj.loltunon F,vei) ro,,po�al W1 h rf,
ancinding po-tage to Canadian fthscriber�.) was vile, The rw�n saak to tll,,I! W - I
111111 are of 1ho sinall-triwilhod \w i- gard to a(c,)mm0daln in lh,�
The Camadiail Countryman 1,,ty. Salmon trout arn foun(l m all invok,�s a ieFt,rtRnon in r,-gard
(Weekly) ..................... 2 00
The YouWs Companion ........ 3 75 (lip waters of the park and aT,- rimch the East. I InIptil to sland b) NuR
Scottish Asle�icirx .............. 4 00 SAYS LEMON JUICE garmer than the. sanif, s1wei- in Ill., 41a a-; A,,Il a- Fran-
Scienti(k Ataoricith ............. 4 75 -Itithern part of the llr-i\ ii),- lip was d % ti, n h- said thal
Cosmopolitan Magazine ...... 3 00 WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Splondid camp sites unhniiti�ll f aii-s- thp T'niipd t�nles in,#-nfit-d to stand
McClan's Magazine ... ........ 3 00 rtifP.q anti holols ift you Aaw f1win by RURBia ;IR'%Pll ah France.
American Romeii ana Garleas EaqA I of access, only 200 11111", 11"r!h
Girlsf Make this cheap beauty lotion
(Noothly) ..................... 4 50 to clear and %vhlten your skin. fir 'fortynto and 170 milog %%v-0 of (.Pt' a Spra) ( alenflar.
To nutiRcriben In the 'United States ( )t(awa. Illustrated deseripti\o :0-1 lhis o, the lime of year whe:,
60 cents addition to all above, to pay -aturp giving full particnlar,4 f r rnu�t (ominand the att.-n
Squeeze the juice of two lemons intb III-, asking. Appl) ti) any 4,rmol
postage. a bottio containing three ounces of Trunk Ticket Agent or C. F II(Ifi\ 11 1 0 ri r in, rmt grr)w,r Fvr-rycin-
Any combination of the above pnbli- orchard wbitp, shake well, and you hime IN(;, 1). P. A , Toronto, Ont ii prfvijrf� from ih,, Dopart in ent
Cations may be had with The Star, for q arter pint of the beat fiteekle and -9 ,, u,oir, . a spra) ralondar -n
example: t'snulotion, and complexion beautifier, at Worth�, hi tilt- irritat, .,, I r, ' t . iir4j,,n9 aro- gl%,Pn f,,r tt.o
The Star and Daily Mail an4_Empire .... $5 25 very, very small cost. c-ali in file 41oniarh and int, tm, g ! ,Il kindq of fruit tre-9
The Family Hefttil($2.65 Mis $1.501, 1.15 Your grocer has the lemons and any tfollrhp Infants of Vil, n,0lT1,hrfwnt prp�tration of thp varinviii
- drug store or toilet counter wi)l Supply that they Mould flo-rill, (r,orl f--l ia��( tl( d, ind fw girldoq Ontario
In* Three Papers ...................... $6 40 three ounces of orchard wbite for a few and mal -nutrition I,,; the riQiflf �111' ""114 tie Not".
Remittances by Postal Note or Ex- cents. Mamge this sweetly fragrant lor',i Worm Powders dpstr6y %%..rrIl-
Tire" Order at our risk. Address lotion Into the faM ne$4 Isms and and correct the morbid condilom- in
hands emh day and see how frecklea and the. 6#0mach anti howelA that :it-- fa% Ohildren Ory
VANATTER & N&PTEL, blemishes disappear lind how clear, soft nrable to worms, Ra mat tho foh wit FOR FLETCHER'S
Publishers The Star. and whitA the skin becomes. - yes I - It rimprit of the child if, rind ft, -
11"A..4.% fv.# is harnitleft 4a 6, V.1 - ff. - . � .1 , J CASTORIA
paware of
on the
merlu 01
Wake money in your spare titne
this Winter by srjliug Nursery
Stoclz- still New Seed Pot�toes.
77-% ot. .3ght little to st trt on
�5ptitlg SAACS.
WO pay hileb0itt 00onnJOA1011A and turn.
Ish our Saleanlen will% literature %N ith
a "ptio.h" to it.
Otwd turuur If,*; of New QffqrIrg,4 and
Lfull particulard.
1 -
The Foothill Null"ra
lTAIL11111011111100 U371, OUT
Re iable Agent In Huron County to
Asell Pelham's Peerless Fruit and Or-
tiatnental trees during Fall and Winter
months. Good pay, exclusive teiritorv;
free selling equipment.
Over 600 Acreh of the choicest Nursery
Stock,. iulZIuding NEW varieties con.
trolled by us. Handsome up-to-diag sell.
Ing' equipment and a splendid Canlidian
grown stock to offer Custnuiers. We are
cot jobbers. Write now foi agency
tertus to
Toronto, Ont.
N. B- --Catalog a� sent on sequest to appli-
cauts for agencies or purebabets of
Nursery Stock,
The A�nlv,incial Govel-111114,111. of
Ontario varne(I the gratitude of all
10VVrS of out.-of-doorg when it set
apart, in 1893, noavly t-wn million
acrvs ill' hotivily thn1berod land star -
rod with beatififul lar(es and wind -
Ing st-vottins, as a preserve for -1,he
wild things and a recreation ground
for tho people. They called it Al-
gonquin llark. Away tip in the,
"Ifighlands of Onlarro," 200 miles
Tiorth of Toronto, 110 illiles west of
Ottawa, and Iwo thowsand feet
abo�o tilt, IvN.el of tilt, sea, this
For Tiffants and Children
Always bears
the � *1
Signature of 44901 IWO;
Illowir It AO a
kd gou-can let -
Specials at
McEwen y s
1 (.It(] \ d'' I I f(WgVt I,\ v 1 1 1 k v t I �o
New Seeds
,, Dutch Sets, Irish Cobler Po-
tatoes, r1wit III(,
('11 Tea. U -411'e,
IW 1410.-11 v''th... 1�
SIM1111d Ill Illatcho-A I.,l
1,1\ .') cent � pet 1. 1, 4 it k�..
it r,,w rame% Ivft at 'j(, a im, 1i w,,
%%,,till to(, n,,\v awl -orm, ;,1 1 -
,North Ilw. Our line -f pt-,rw- %,-
nm% Ing at 12 lie and I*,(
.k nics, ak-t-townt ,( , l,,, In 1
hool horn ill good Valli, -
Highest Prilce Paid for
Butter and Eggs
taken in exchange for- either Dry Goods
ii? Groceries.
'Phone 11outh side 1114tairt
Y e.4 PUI�
NeWest folios Fashio 8
rMpt ovottw4cm Como reports that the demand for 0 or(6
, (�_ 0
V404% almost W IL CMXID. H&VO Ill cam the 1- Pd
you ItIny, ter the well-litting eses &I_
The latest creations are here in white, blaclit, mabegany kill
and potent leathen. Thoy 9" made by tilt) best Fot,ear
104406cliurers anti will give a clinging. comfortable no to &I,
Who WeAT them. A4 a moderatio price.
TeAuts and OutIP9 Shoes for the boys and girls axe
Ill stock.
Norith 111111d* of square GODERIGH
D�, "'A
Pre'llem It?
The, Prompt Answer!
Fthe habit\ of- answering promptly
when the telephone bell rings ,vere
universal, the saving of time would be
q Few things are more plea3ing to telephone
users than a Rrompt and courteol.13 response
to a telephone call. In �usiness, the practice
of prompt ansivering has been a money
maker, for customers appreciate it.
q Practice prompt amwering yourself and
make it a rule in your business.
The Bell Telephone C6.
of Canada
. t9-
lo.)vely rogi,in reinuins to -flay un- RICED * POTATOES IIIELP OUT
spoiled, a 1wi-foct refuge, for tile FLOUR
croatures ill iiii, riwost, anti art idoal
cankpitig Fround for tile sportsman Fveshly cooked poLatoes, put
rind hiisint-4s inan. The Grand through a 'ricer, or forci�d through
Trunk (iperate hotel and log cabin a flne strainer, can be used Ill placo
I - of ptLrt of the flour in battors or
1,1kIrn, cripl, - 4the feet anti make doughs. Cold, left -over potatoes
kv. Q it torture, )ot sure vellef In may be used but are n0. so onsily
fit,, shapo (if 11,01ovay's Gorn (:tire Is blended as the frosti h(it iwtatoes,
%%tttlill roach of all. nor is the flavor quite as good.
Six -
I -Steadies nerves
2 - Aflays thirist
3 - Aids appetite
4 -Helps 41'gestion
S -Keeps teeth clean
6 - lt*s economical
Chew it after dvery meat
The Flavour Lasbasd