The Goderich Star, 1918-05-17, Page 4r
law. - -----
ardi. UG
AR0, Miantage Of These Oppoftiont
Our stock of these special* Is still, large for a big May sellin Price'-.
91 _V
hCrC Ott Wow inill prices and aw#y below pralent wholesale quotatio 'no
today, Fature prices will bo very pluch higher.
mm" Fussels Gos"114 C""h
Be st9gluslity in gray and white mix 27 to Thav 1040 in frout, Gosmod QorsaU,'are AD.
incb6o wide worth 75o at per prov6d by 9vacy woman ;j�o eve, trija
yard 50C them. -Tbay oi wall r9ada, b
................. 4 sat of miteriai
and ollylestor"44
Giv 00. 42 SO. jr.W%ad *a#
Extra, 40414y worth No for ................
. . ..........
4 yards wide In beat English make in. good
Fatilor Ti"V Vatternit, worth 1111.10-st per square
Worth Wc,*at poryaW� ........ yard ............................. ......... 8.5C
....... ......... 35C LIA41i Cub
switiv, � i � � . I Raincoats all " season�a and in splendid tweed
O'd,=rr 'v'iis standard 8"ings 10 p""s bast British M%ke
044 colors warranted, out 01600swou sweat 6"h $1-A-50
worth 406 0 per yad .................. 215C LaUs, Orono
M04M Aandsome styles and beautifully made' silk
poplin and silk creps do chim Draws latest
y twill white cotton, for shoot- in every dostall spsoiah,,
,Iqg, igh, woe old put -
ii priced as cash ...... 5
freol from d=n 2& Fillow S*
atper -yao ............. . ............
CW71101111 FIX11"hA. ' . ' , � ", �4,41,inqh w all wide and:' full size superior
86 inch heavy soliUnglish flanvellattes in nest nglish 'cotton worth 80c is% per
stripes, pinks blues -ats' very full Our .. ................ 4 ................... 35C
and woolly., worth per yard 30c for 2,5C Floor 03 CIA
11ninsk Tap" and Wilton Carpets Extra, heavy quality and commended for good
wev. A.dozen new patterns in widths
AIL reduced for sale at less than they can be 1x1i 2x2* yards at per aqu&re
4upliosted at mills yard ........................................ 60 a- C
Ing of a sunset of the harbor view. and placed hie armies under
De Gobericb %tar* with a background of reddish gold, Poch. This greatly riled the men who
Tx: 9014019M VALL 71 and that this be printed In colors on had other ideas and they began a, 6ye-
tematio Propaganda to stir up the
FRIDAY. MAY 17, 1918 the letterheads, envelopes, and adver- People against the Government. They
— Using matter of the Board of Trade. evbn went So far as to publish half
"HURON'S'GOLDEN GATE" ' It Is also the idea to have it printed truths and accuse Britain's Prime Min -
on the back of a large number of on- ister of misleading itte* public by state -
This slogan has been awarded the velopes, which will later be sold to ments regarding the man -power on the
West front. They were In fact "rocking
prize of five dollars offered by Mr. J. merchants and other fIrms here, who the boat" when it was In the midst_ ol
T� Fell, the Photograph", for the most can then haver -their 'own' printing on the WoVst -,quail* that'&6� stfluckc not
appropriate slogan to be used by the the front Of the envelope. Under- Only Great Britain, but the Empire,
Board of Trade and citizens generaill neath the picture will be the slogan : They stopped at'nothing to gain their
ends, and endeavored ny alU sorts of
In advertising matter sent from here, "Iturun's Golden � Ga te." schemes to create in Sir Douglas HlUg
The vote on this slogan was unoml- a distrust of the policy of the Govern -
mous. The judges were 0. L. Par- ment which he serves. That they were
sons, C. L. Moore and George Porter. SPINDRIFT assisted by self-seeking politicians is
Miss M. E. Inglis Is the author of SL OG,4 N— GI VE US.4 S.VEL TER very evident, and that they nearly sue -
IN HURO)V COUIVTY FOR )VEG ceeded' In bringing about the def6i
the slogan and the winner of the prize, LEC7-ED CHILDR?FN. the Present Government In Great Bri-
Over a hundred slogans were sub- tain Is no secret. In the midst of his
mitted and the judges had quite an OBSTRUCTIOWAND THE WAR duties, which are excessive. and ex -
For many months we have noticed, hausting. Lloyd George was obliged to
undertaking to go 'through all the Inthe daily paper we are in the habit tackle the extra work of refuting slan-
slogans and letters and finally make of taking, a certain unfavorable criti- ders and smashing the growing op -
a selection. Slogan after slogan was cism of David Lloyd George. It began position. He had Just returned from
eliminated -un6l only four remained, In a'gentle manner With a gentlemanly France with a grist of Important work
difference of opin[OL. Later an it be- on which the succe3q or the Empire's
and much time was given to weighing gan to show -decided opposition, in its armies,depends small extent. He
the strong points of each. PinallY It editorlaK to some of the PrimeMinis- was fortunately equal to the occasion
got down to two Slogans, but on the ter's Work In office. More recently it and his government was sustained by a
final vote. all favored the one. has had the nerve to rebuke him On vote of 3 to 1. - It Is to be hoped that a
The committee desired a slogan that one or two occasions and has shown sufflolent quietus has been given to
Itself hostile to his Policy. And now these disturbers of tte peace to Ia9t till
would have advertising value away the - truth Is out, and we can See the the war is over.
from here, and one that would sug- nlgger who has been,hauleq out, of the And now we come to troubles of our
Vat a picture of beauty. Everybody woodpile, and publl�ly thrashed by the Own- Farmers everywhere are getting
sturdy little, Welshman. Certalu"offi- together and sending deputations to Ot-
10,$Orth America knows of Lake A k- cers- In. the army bad conot*q4 tawa to protest against the taking of
an, and the Idea that Goderich IiAlas ldea'thlkt,�, OY'ilhould,boitk . , _, the men from the farms. The Premier has
i ift of
Otl - � 0 or stated deflnitely that the need for men
the *Veivay to the NVest and from tho' thO - %'TAr,,Q !get =
�� I III � bbl�il!a an now Is greater than the need for pro-
Woet.- and Was situated about middle rather that 60, , 0410 - ,
thila-', a, an� ca- duction though both are -needed. The
way between the nortkern and south-
Pacity to tbixt WtN. �T.bty "100 In farmers complain that they cannot get
Oft boundaries of the Lake appealed fact. 6ave ",,bfihsh along with "green" help but in doing
strongly to the committee, The sun- Parliament. NoW the, lion,, bayld,'L loyd this they forget that they are denion-
sets 'o�#r the harbor compate favor- George holds rightly thakt-1bg ofjil�y is strating a weakness In war time ; they
ablY with the sunsets at the famo the 'e"ant of the people and IWJob 11A A&t6wledging that they themselves
is 'it, to fight, not to,,gilvern.' Had these have. tot the ability to instruct and
,001ft �Olkle of San.. Francisco bay, menibers of high command train men for the worn on thi�j farm.
wmeh has become world famous. The, ebn up ojiktod on the War Cabinet it What If the army said, "We cannot get
coriimittee therefore believed that the 16'(110 t er likely that General Poch, along with 'green' help." The army
___ _ , , , , -, 'I � 'I no been made bofn..: has, to. take men who know nothing of
slogan suggested a picture of a glor- J
IOUs Su *6'etuilf�1 'v Jew' oTigJ Allied forces. soldiering, and have to, and do, make
n"t, or a There w s a strong feelir
.1g th British good - soldiers out of them in a very,
der short time, There Is much to be said
bay. It would be especitilly offective,troepgrJ4 n te. com-
In our summer retort advertising, but mand of an� bit( a briffiti of1leer. But for the farmers of course, but the gov-
would even appeal t4 the m herein, Gre!A6,)3tI talks note shown her ernment 49 supposed to know What is
, ankkftetkkr�: Itness."," , 011ft'it',401net saw is$me- b " for the country. They- have. In-
er who was thinking of the elty 44 Mng MOV0, torm4tJoil about the war. and
ht, b vi,
, —W &kl#,ftkOt of prestige sPde 10
location because the 1n&uufoj6tt1�er:-vvhich obitiisokles Ab . 'Army-brtd man they Would, not take the men if It Could
loves to live In a place of stfikin of the'Old regime'. Vidy saw that a 60 possibly avoided. When they say
beauty as weil as any ottler mart. neoestity tkfid. men, like more necessary than food digb t
Sir Douglais HAIS concurred lit their,'their hand to do sorfiething fol, the islike
It Is planned to have a special draw, to hid 6�41klasting credit, be It said, , nb�O It Is poor policy to try and for"
kww� , , otA single class even If It be the largest
In the country. It Is not
t6 the oredit of the United Farmers of
Ontario) Oil to Individual Farmers' Clubs
,send deputations to Ottawa to at-
tempt to obstruct the course of 06van-
for 6001 8 U Ifflor Attl toelit. We have not waked up to the
fh9t, Yet. that NVO mkout win this war or
losevountry, production, homes, social
ties and everything else, to Gerii
It we hold back our men to our
crops, and by doing so lose the war,
S11411, we 110t also. And our crops seized
Germany Just as she seized the crops
Ili Ukraine, and shall %Nrc not be forced
to work In years to come In order that
Germany may grow fat 7
lUtUrned Soldier Contributes 111rawings n
o the Greater Godetich Forward h
T'on, Pritchard. the Princess Pat 0
veteran, whose talent as an artist is
unanimously reeogAtzed here, has d
1drawn several large cartoons and A
Posters for the "Greater Goderielt" E
eampafon� They were put up in Win- E
dows on the Square yeszerd, , after- 0
140011 find'Unmedlately attracted much ry
favorable attention. to
Otte Is Posted at POM6108, another at r,
Edwhr&' restaurant, and the third at at
4 Vacant store robta h6xt to, the We- y
Otte& Offlee. ro
Take a look at these pilSters, for they T
iriN well Wbrth It, and each has a %,%
F pulacb." el
AolvAr_ti"i_la h
li-11411 !1I W111", 1101 f1i
1A `K sho
CH vlainng
owl n 1(tKu
The following extract from thoa Tor.
onto Globe refers to la
townsman who has 1441M
from the front. He. with 16 number of
returned Y X C. A. men, 0 ed pul,
pits In all the large church4vTqron,
to last Sgud&y It eo
,,=, tv pie
for the 1* Y. M t. A.
C%p$- Carr* was, almosti -si y0ar* 44.
I" Obs Un
Irrizoe =4 Is One �fy
Toronto men who hA*' been I=
mentioned in despatch" for bigg'"o
work omonges the soldiers, The Qlobe
wlya�Thxetapcat a Cauadlan student
as OV at the on"w"k of
'the. a "U14 for the chi
i And not" could ve
. more. It*
preasive than lbe ImpawTo somar."'i
�of the th" he told of the � OVA
efforts = Y. U. Q A. to Do 09 servift
at triplat ; 91 the obstacil" t110
to Overcome In om" Quarlim . 06
Itisir ptemon mod the cb%qes 'against
them of making money out Of the Sol.
dielto that bad to be - 41sprov6d. New,,
.44141.0 are. 1-75 --arliftolir
Y. M. c. A, � 6entres at t46 front ; the,
'British Are GPON41111111 130 000
on tho ;r_l- 0(,0,
r* *," ZIA=
baTe siked 10 T. ro"Ab.14nd
Alind their Hu6s. sa& religious differ..
.,n:dp the work
tb" to t= m. o. A.,
at the it I Capt. Carrie as I=
Loseant Inticia to the Churches at i0me.11
CAM. C",
= bow the work W"
allotted what, 1914. Thai
=for portalledes to go forward ais
but usitall e their wair with.
out permlaallon I =4'the permission IQ.
UiAllilil-- "Next Year," he said,
�Wwlnhall "'d42,260,000...
Althosbaffifting, hossod, theywere
asked Who th were doing with $helir
=-Y h1l
au VA 11bey did skoli get- their
ditad. They took the hint,
0114 now She books am audited eyery
Mouth And a aWement to made to
6TORY commanding officer, From the
tint, thelif prim were regulated by the
army authorlitt". One of their can-
WeI216 worth 01.000,000, is in a cellar at
VJMY Ridge, and has been serving the
Man Coming from the trenches., Bow
them oximosashortsoe of supplteip afid
they got permission to ship from Cana.
dal and $00 tons of supplies a mouth
was soon coming from Canada "right to
the boys."
The best of their work. said Capt.
Carrie, WAS done in the rest tents.
The bove had four or five days in the
trenches, four or five in the reserves,
and then the:9 bad a' resting period
about eJght miles behind the lines.
There they drilled an the 'morning and
had the rest of the day to themselves.
Nobody could know what tired men
meant until be saw the boys coming
from the, Irei, They arrived at,
their d'atinatines in a dazed condition
%nd throw down their things and went
Dff to Sleep.
After tboV awoke they would go tW
bhe Y. M. C A picture show, but for a
lilme not e Q Charlie Ch-plig.icould
make them orget the scenes tif , OX��`)iad
3een and done. It was the
picture shows and concerts tot�j'j6jjjr
ffielir minds to normal corldIC104," and
aelp them to forget for the tinid"the
bwful things that were going on eight
miles away.
In the summer games were provided,
kind they had Spent $20,000 on -baseball
ilone. Sometimes there would be 4,000
ioldiers watchipg a game. Capt. Carrie
Liso told of the arrangements that were
iow being made for the soldiers in
Parts and London. and statell that it
pvas the Work of the Y. M. 0. A. cord -
ng to the expressed deolaratlon.�_o
of the
3efterals, that, had made Parth leave
)Ossib)e. All the things thait could b6
lone for the soldiers, he saidi would not
mimpensate for the sacrifice and suffer -
ng of one of them. Their rewards
were in their own. hearts, in the con-
iotousikess',that they Were doing their
in, andifighting for the tight. What
heY wanted most was their homes and
his,oat least. OquId be done for thet, to
liringtheir bombs as near to them as
On Monday evening Cavt. Carrie ad-
lressed a public Meeting in Galt. held
0 Investigate the Y. M. C. A, Triangle
Pubol, AV4 U a0voiab is vet�,, favotalily
ornmented on by the press.
Capt. Carrie was scheduled to give an
ddreas In Godekloh on May ard.. but on
Mount of the decision to ask the
D1WtV council for,& grant in place of
isking & 04,11VASS this was postponed to
later date.
WILSON.—The remdlns of the late c
Irs. J. M. Wilson, mother of Mrs. c
arry St6we, of town, were tenderly c
Ad -at rest on Wednesday afternoon
lay Ist. in Paris cemetery. A o
iort service was held, In Goderich on a
uesday afternoon by the Rev. Gordon b
. Holmes, at the home of Mrs. Stowe, (
rter which the body was taken to
aris, Rev. J. C. Nicholson officiating f
; tho� funeral services there. The f
3ral tributes were Invely, and inelud- t
I wroliaths, etc., from Detroit, Toronto. e
rantford, Goderich (including a p
)autiful token from the Baptist b
iurch choir), Paris, etc. Mr. and S
rs. Harry Stowe, of town, accom- D
afled the remains to Paris.
JACKSON.—Thomag Jackson, aged 5G, t
the Jackson Manufacturing Com- T
Iny, one of the best-known bowlers h
A business men of the district, died p
his home In Clinton on Tuesday
iy 7th. While he had been III for
me time, he had only been conflned
the qouse for the past week. With
3 brother William he was Interested
the Jackson Company, rivtkers of
ildr-en's clothing, w7th factories at
9forth, Exeter, Clinton and Goderich.
was a member of the council for
W years. Mr. Jackson was a great
end of the boys and girls. and was
leading spirit in all the children's
tertainments. He was also keenly
erested in patriotic work. Besides
wife he leaves one son, Stewart, of
v York, and three small children at
1LIOTT.—Mr. 0. M. Elliott returned
Mon.. Apr. 29, from London,where lie
E; in connection with the illness and
,th of his little arknolson. SaturdaY's
!e Press had the following reference :
er a short Illness, William Lewis
lott, six-year-old son of,Sergt. W. 9,
iott, former Western Ontario editor
The Free Press, died last night from
nIngitis. His deatn brought Sorrow
i large circle of the fAmily's friends,
re particularly gs his Wher is over -
a With 010.1st Battalion and Is not
aware of the serious Illness Which
ultod In the death of his little son.
I boy, who was
h his pldymatf,.9, was, thb eldest
Id. A bir6ther and a sister survive
i, In addition to. his parents. The I
eral took place on Monday after- I
Via from thb ftmily r6sidence. 620y
dn street, to Woodland cemetery,
services woro u0ndoeted by Rev.
bdu;galf, of the AsIdur Street Metho-
F,VILPTCON.;�011, hielwhy MAY Gth
4 ;�J Ethel Temple-
at t 6 restdtn�t of
Nvhtire the had made
H- '0,,S,,. ,1, E R V.
,Now Is the time for swom
or, "ose, tor we it ' In a position to 611 your
wants In, the beattllnosl at the least possible price.
Scout stocki#gs for �boys are
. . hitivy c*tt'o'u,4 'ribbed and come in all sizes from 63J,.
to io. This stocking t ' is 'w,ell adaptW to. the rough usage that'thty' are,
subjected to. Alts' 4S c a
izos C and 50
Girls, five ribbed Hose, Princess
,In all sizes from 0 to jo. A fine cotton stocking
in black which will -give gr�at wear 451tand 50c a pair.
Ladio seamless cotton Hose id all sizes in white and black �t 30c a pair.
011dred's atfd'9ii1si`11lk lisle Hose in white and black in all sizes from 43/s to 10
at 43C itud, Soc a. pair.
Ladies' silk boot Hose in vrbiteL and black in all sizes at Soco .6oc, 86d a pair.
SuMmer Dress Matepla'ls-
Our stock is complete with Summer Dress Materials in all , the I - newest cloths
.patterns and coloniugai. , The materials come in individual lengths so, thAt
no two people have diesses alike. The cloths come fouluds, voiles, crepes, -
muslins, and'crepe de chine, and range in, price from 66c t67$1.6o'4 yard
A iles- a d mulls in- -all the acwtst shades at 6oc. a Yard.
Voi n
White voiles for waists in nSw stripes and daint designs.
11WANAk" Ing Time.
Now is the time for house cleaping and you will be. wondering what to do with
the floors. We have a'6ig r nge of floor coverings in lipoleums, oilcloths,
grass rugs and congoleum r1glis
Cougoleum is the recognized economic rug today. They come in all sizes in the
brightest of patterns and look like real carpet.
New patterns in linoleum and oilcloths for Von to choo$e, from.
Be sure and see our house furnishings.
her home far the: past seven yeakB-. She
77 -Tpwl
try Rev. Dr. Rutledge and- the pall -
was a faithful member of St. George's
ship and lived on the 6th concession
bearers being two 'brothers and two
church and a member of the rector's
till some eighteen years ago when he
brothers-in-law of the deceased, Messirs.
bible class. She was a regular con-
and his wife moved to Goderich. Mrs.
James and John Fagan, of Colborne
tributor to the Goderich Red Cross
Fagan passed. away about a year and
township ; Capt. Donley, of town, and
and also did her share of sewir)g for
Sour months ago and since about that
Mr. John Fowler, of Colborne township.
the soldiers. For some years she held
time-.Nlr. Fagan had been declining in
The deceased Nvas a consistent member
office In the Royal Templars. A short
health, and since the middle of Janu-
of North Street Nlethodist church. He
service was held by Rev. A. L. G. Clarke
law. - -----
ardi. UG
AR0, Miantage Of These Oppoftiont
Our stock of these special* Is still, large for a big May sellin Price'-.
91 _V
hCrC Ott Wow inill prices and aw#y below pralent wholesale quotatio 'no
today, Fature prices will bo very pluch higher.
mm" Fussels Gos"114 C""h
Be st9gluslity in gray and white mix 27 to Thav 1040 in frout, Gosmod QorsaU,'are AD.
incb6o wide worth 75o at per prov6d by 9vacy woman ;j�o eve, trija
yard 50C them. -Tbay oi wall r9ada, b
................. 4 sat of miteriai
and ollylestor"44
Giv 00. 42 SO. jr.W%ad *a#
Extra, 40414y worth No for ................
. . ..........
4 yards wide In beat English make in. good
Fatilor Ti"V Vatternit, worth 1111.10-st per square
Worth Wc,*at poryaW� ........ yard ............................. ......... 8.5C
....... ......... 35C LIA41i Cub
switiv, � i � � . I Raincoats all " season�a and in splendid tweed
O'd,=rr 'v'iis standard 8"ings 10 p""s bast British M%ke
044 colors warranted, out 01600swou sweat 6"h $1-A-50
worth 406 0 per yad .................. 215C LaUs, Orono
M04M Aandsome styles and beautifully made' silk
poplin and silk creps do chim Draws latest
y twill white cotton, for shoot- in every dostall spsoiah,,
,Iqg, igh, woe old put -
ii priced as cash ...... 5
freol from d=n 2& Fillow S*
atper -yao ............. . ............
CW71101111 FIX11"hA. ' . ' , � ", �4,41,inqh w all wide and:' full size superior
86 inch heavy soliUnglish flanvellattes in nest nglish 'cotton worth 80c is% per
stripes, pinks blues -ats' very full Our .. ................ 4 ................... 35C
and woolly., worth per yard 30c for 2,5C Floor 03 CIA
11ninsk Tap" and Wilton Carpets Extra, heavy quality and commended for good
wev. A.dozen new patterns in widths
AIL reduced for sale at less than they can be 1x1i 2x2* yards at per aqu&re
4upliosted at mills yard ........................................ 60 a- C
Ing of a sunset of the harbor view. and placed hie armies under
De Gobericb %tar* with a background of reddish gold, Poch. This greatly riled the men who
Tx: 9014019M VALL 71 and that this be printed In colors on had other ideas and they began a, 6ye-
tematio Propaganda to stir up the
FRIDAY. MAY 17, 1918 the letterheads, envelopes, and adver- People against the Government. They
— Using matter of the Board of Trade. evbn went So far as to publish half
"HURON'S'GOLDEN GATE" ' It Is also the idea to have it printed truths and accuse Britain's Prime Min -
on the back of a large number of on- ister of misleading itte* public by state -
This slogan has been awarded the velopes, which will later be sold to ments regarding the man -power on the
West front. They were In fact "rocking
prize of five dollars offered by Mr. J. merchants and other fIrms here, who the boat" when it was In the midst_ ol
T� Fell, the Photograph", for the most can then haver -their 'own' printing on the WoVst -,quail* that'&6� stfluckc not
appropriate slogan to be used by the the front Of the envelope. Under- Only Great Britain, but the Empire,
Board of Trade and citizens generaill neath the picture will be the slogan : They stopped at'nothing to gain their
ends, and endeavored ny alU sorts of
In advertising matter sent from here, "Iturun's Golden � Ga te." schemes to create in Sir Douglas HlUg
The vote on this slogan was unoml- a distrust of the policy of the Govern -
mous. The judges were 0. L. Par- ment which he serves. That they were
sons, C. L. Moore and George Porter. SPINDRIFT assisted by self-seeking politicians is
Miss M. E. Inglis Is the author of SL OG,4 N— GI VE US.4 S.VEL TER very evident, and that they nearly sue -
IN HURO)V COUIVTY FOR )VEG ceeded' In bringing about the def6i
the slogan and the winner of the prize, LEC7-ED CHILDR?FN. the Present Government In Great Bri-
Over a hundred slogans were sub- tain Is no secret. In the midst of his
mitted and the judges had quite an OBSTRUCTIOWAND THE WAR duties, which are excessive. and ex -
For many months we have noticed, hausting. Lloyd George was obliged to
undertaking to go 'through all the Inthe daily paper we are in the habit tackle the extra work of refuting slan-
slogans and letters and finally make of taking, a certain unfavorable criti- ders and smashing the growing op -
a selection. Slogan after slogan was cism of David Lloyd George. It began position. He had Just returned from
eliminated -un6l only four remained, In a'gentle manner With a gentlemanly France with a grist of Important work
difference of opin[OL. Later an it be- on which the succe3q or the Empire's
and much time was given to weighing gan to show -decided opposition, in its armies,depends small extent. He
the strong points of each. PinallY It editorlaK to some of the PrimeMinis- was fortunately equal to the occasion
got down to two Slogans, but on the ter's Work In office. More recently it and his government was sustained by a
final vote. all favored the one. has had the nerve to rebuke him On vote of 3 to 1. - It Is to be hoped that a
The committee desired a slogan that one or two occasions and has shown sufflolent quietus has been given to
Itself hostile to his Policy. And now these disturbers of tte peace to Ia9t till
would have advertising value away the - truth Is out, and we can See the the war is over.
from here, and one that would sug- nlgger who has been,hauleq out, of the And now we come to troubles of our
Vat a picture of beauty. Everybody woodpile, and publl�ly thrashed by the Own- Farmers everywhere are getting
sturdy little, Welshman. Certalu"offi- together and sending deputations to Ot-
10,$Orth America knows of Lake A k- cers- In. the army bad conot*q4 tawa to protest against the taking of
an, and the Idea that Goderich IiAlas ldea'thlkt,�, OY'ilhould,boitk . , _, the men from the farms. The Premier has
i ift of
Otl - � 0 or stated deflnitely that the need for men
the *Veivay to the NVest and from tho' thO - %'TAr,,Q !get =
�� I III � bbl�il!a an now Is greater than the need for pro-
Woet.- and Was situated about middle rather that 60, , 0410 - ,
thila-', a, an� ca- duction though both are -needed. The
way between the nortkern and south-
Pacity to tbixt WtN. �T.bty "100 In farmers complain that they cannot get
Oft boundaries of the Lake appealed fact. 6ave ",,bfihsh along with "green" help but in doing
strongly to the committee, The sun- Parliament. NoW the, lion,, bayld,'L loyd this they forget that they are denion-
sets 'o�#r the harbor compate favor- George holds rightly thakt-1bg ofjil�y is strating a weakness In war time ; they
ablY with the sunsets at the famo the 'e"ant of the people and IWJob 11A A&t6wledging that they themselves
is 'it, to fight, not to,,gilvern.' Had these have. tot the ability to instruct and
,001ft �Olkle of San.. Francisco bay, menibers of high command train men for the worn on thi�j farm.
wmeh has become world famous. The, ebn up ojiktod on the War Cabinet it What If the army said, "We cannot get
coriimittee therefore believed that the 16'(110 t er likely that General Poch, along with 'green' help." The army
___ _ , , , , -, 'I � 'I no been made bofn..: has, to. take men who know nothing of
slogan suggested a picture of a glor- J
IOUs Su *6'etuilf�1 'v Jew' oTigJ Allied forces. soldiering, and have to, and do, make
n"t, or a There w s a strong feelir
.1g th British good - soldiers out of them in a very,
der short time, There Is much to be said
bay. It would be especitilly offective,troepgrJ4 n te. com-
In our summer retort advertising, but mand of an� bit( a briffiti of1leer. But for the farmers of course, but the gov-
would even appeal t4 the m herein, Gre!A6,)3tI talks note shown her ernment 49 supposed to know What is
, ankkftetkkr�: Itness."," , 011ft'it',401net saw is$me- b " for the country. They- have. In-
er who was thinking of the elty 44 Mng MOV0, torm4tJoil about the war. and
ht, b vi,
, —W &kl#,ftkOt of prestige sPde 10
location because the 1n&uufoj6tt1�er:-vvhich obitiisokles Ab . 'Army-brtd man they Would, not take the men if It Could
loves to live In a place of stfikin of the'Old regime'. Vidy saw that a 60 possibly avoided. When they say
beauty as weil as any ottler mart. neoestity tkfid. men, like more necessary than food digb t
Sir Douglais HAIS concurred lit their,'their hand to do sorfiething fol, the islike
It Is planned to have a special draw, to hid 6�41klasting credit, be It said, , nb�O It Is poor policy to try and for"
kww� , , otA single class even If It be the largest
In the country. It Is not
t6 the oredit of the United Farmers of
Ontario) Oil to Individual Farmers' Clubs
,send deputations to Ottawa to at-
tempt to obstruct the course of 06van-
for 6001 8 U Ifflor Attl toelit. We have not waked up to the
fh9t, Yet. that NVO mkout win this war or
losevountry, production, homes, social
ties and everything else, to Gerii
It we hold back our men to our
crops, and by doing so lose the war,
S11411, we 110t also. And our crops seized
Germany Just as she seized the crops
Ili Ukraine, and shall %Nrc not be forced
to work In years to come In order that
Germany may grow fat 7
lUtUrned Soldier Contributes 111rawings n
o the Greater Godetich Forward h
T'on, Pritchard. the Princess Pat 0
veteran, whose talent as an artist is
unanimously reeogAtzed here, has d
1drawn several large cartoons and A
Posters for the "Greater Goderielt" E
eampafon� They were put up in Win- E
dows on the Square yeszerd, , after- 0
140011 find'Unmedlately attracted much ry
favorable attention. to
Otte Is Posted at POM6108, another at r,
Edwhr&' restaurant, and the third at at
4 Vacant store robta h6xt to, the We- y
Otte& Offlee. ro
Take a look at these pilSters, for they T
iriN well Wbrth It, and each has a %,%
F pulacb." el
AolvAr_ti"i_la h
li-11411 !1I W111", 1101 f1i
1A `K sho
CH vlainng
owl n 1(tKu
The following extract from thoa Tor.
onto Globe refers to la
townsman who has 1441M
from the front. He. with 16 number of
returned Y X C. A. men, 0 ed pul,
pits In all the large church4vTqron,
to last Sgud&y It eo
,,=, tv pie
for the 1* Y. M t. A.
C%p$- Carr* was, almosti -si y0ar* 44.
I" Obs Un
Irrizoe =4 Is One �fy
Toronto men who hA*' been I=
mentioned in despatch" for bigg'"o
work omonges the soldiers, The Qlobe
wlya�Thxetapcat a Cauadlan student
as OV at the on"w"k of
'the. a "U14 for the chi
i And not" could ve
. more. It*
preasive than lbe ImpawTo somar."'i
�of the th" he told of the � OVA
efforts = Y. U. Q A. to Do 09 servift
at triplat ; 91 the obstacil" t110
to Overcome In om" Quarlim . 06
Itisir ptemon mod the cb%qes 'against
them of making money out Of the Sol.
dielto that bad to be - 41sprov6d. New,,
.44141.0 are. 1-75 --arliftolir
Y. M. c. A, � 6entres at t46 front ; the,
'British Are GPON41111111 130 000
on tho ;r_l- 0(,0,
r* *," ZIA=
baTe siked 10 T. ro"Ab.14nd
Alind their Hu6s. sa& religious differ..
.,n:dp the work
tb" to t= m. o. A.,
at the it I Capt. Carrie as I=
Loseant Inticia to the Churches at i0me.11
CAM. C",
= bow the work W"
allotted what, 1914. Thai
=for portalledes to go forward ais
but usitall e their wair with.
out permlaallon I =4'the permission IQ.
UiAllilil-- "Next Year," he said,
�Wwlnhall "'d42,260,000...
Althosbaffifting, hossod, theywere
asked Who th were doing with $helir
=-Y h1l
au VA 11bey did skoli get- their
ditad. They took the hint,
0114 now She books am audited eyery
Mouth And a aWement to made to
6TORY commanding officer, From the
tint, thelif prim were regulated by the
army authorlitt". One of their can-
WeI216 worth 01.000,000, is in a cellar at
VJMY Ridge, and has been serving the
Man Coming from the trenches., Bow
them oximosashortsoe of supplteip afid
they got permission to ship from Cana.
dal and $00 tons of supplies a mouth
was soon coming from Canada "right to
the boys."
The best of their work. said Capt.
Carrie, WAS done in the rest tents.
The bove had four or five days in the
trenches, four or five in the reserves,
and then the:9 bad a' resting period
about eJght miles behind the lines.
There they drilled an the 'morning and
had the rest of the day to themselves.
Nobody could know what tired men
meant until be saw the boys coming
from the, Irei, They arrived at,
their d'atinatines in a dazed condition
%nd throw down their things and went
Dff to Sleep.
After tboV awoke they would go tW
bhe Y. M. C A picture show, but for a
lilme not e Q Charlie Ch-plig.icould
make them orget the scenes tif , OX��`)iad
3een and done. It was the
picture shows and concerts tot�j'j6jjjr
ffielir minds to normal corldIC104," and
aelp them to forget for the tinid"the
bwful things that were going on eight
miles away.
In the summer games were provided,
kind they had Spent $20,000 on -baseball
ilone. Sometimes there would be 4,000
ioldiers watchipg a game. Capt. Carrie
Liso told of the arrangements that were
iow being made for the soldiers in
Parts and London. and statell that it
pvas the Work of the Y. M. 0. A. cord -
ng to the expressed deolaratlon.�_o
of the
3efterals, that, had made Parth leave
)Ossib)e. All the things thait could b6
lone for the soldiers, he saidi would not
mimpensate for the sacrifice and suffer -
ng of one of them. Their rewards
were in their own. hearts, in the con-
iotousikess',that they Were doing their
in, andifighting for the tight. What
heY wanted most was their homes and
his,oat least. OquId be done for thet, to
liringtheir bombs as near to them as
On Monday evening Cavt. Carrie ad-
lressed a public Meeting in Galt. held
0 Investigate the Y. M. C. A, Triangle
Pubol, AV4 U a0voiab is vet�,, favotalily
ornmented on by the press.
Capt. Carrie was scheduled to give an
ddreas In Godekloh on May ard.. but on
Mount of the decision to ask the
D1WtV council for,& grant in place of
isking & 04,11VASS this was postponed to
later date.
WILSON.—The remdlns of the late c
Irs. J. M. Wilson, mother of Mrs. c
arry St6we, of town, were tenderly c
Ad -at rest on Wednesday afternoon
lay Ist. in Paris cemetery. A o
iort service was held, In Goderich on a
uesday afternoon by the Rev. Gordon b
. Holmes, at the home of Mrs. Stowe, (
rter which the body was taken to
aris, Rev. J. C. Nicholson officiating f
; tho� funeral services there. The f
3ral tributes were Invely, and inelud- t
I wroliaths, etc., from Detroit, Toronto. e
rantford, Goderich (including a p
)autiful token from the Baptist b
iurch choir), Paris, etc. Mr. and S
rs. Harry Stowe, of town, accom- D
afled the remains to Paris.
JACKSON.—Thomag Jackson, aged 5G, t
the Jackson Manufacturing Com- T
Iny, one of the best-known bowlers h
A business men of the district, died p
his home In Clinton on Tuesday
iy 7th. While he had been III for
me time, he had only been conflned
the qouse for the past week. With
3 brother William he was Interested
the Jackson Company, rivtkers of
ildr-en's clothing, w7th factories at
9forth, Exeter, Clinton and Goderich.
was a member of the council for
W years. Mr. Jackson was a great
end of the boys and girls. and was
leading spirit in all the children's
tertainments. He was also keenly
erested in patriotic work. Besides
wife he leaves one son, Stewart, of
v York, and three small children at
1LIOTT.—Mr. 0. M. Elliott returned
Mon.. Apr. 29, from London,where lie
E; in connection with the illness and
,th of his little arknolson. SaturdaY's
!e Press had the following reference :
er a short Illness, William Lewis
lott, six-year-old son of,Sergt. W. 9,
iott, former Western Ontario editor
The Free Press, died last night from
nIngitis. His deatn brought Sorrow
i large circle of the fAmily's friends,
re particularly gs his Wher is over -
a With 010.1st Battalion and Is not
aware of the serious Illness Which
ultod In the death of his little son.
I boy, who was
h his pldymatf,.9, was, thb eldest
Id. A bir6ther and a sister survive
i, In addition to. his parents. The I
eral took place on Monday after- I
Via from thb ftmily r6sidence. 620y
dn street, to Woodland cemetery,
services woro u0ndoeted by Rev.
bdu;galf, of the AsIdur Street Metho-
F,VILPTCON.;�011, hielwhy MAY Gth
4 ;�J Ethel Temple-
at t 6 restdtn�t of
Nvhtire the had made
H- '0,,S,,. ,1, E R V.
,Now Is the time for swom
or, "ose, tor we it ' In a position to 611 your
wants In, the beattllnosl at the least possible price.
Scout stocki#gs for �boys are
. . hitivy c*tt'o'u,4 'ribbed and come in all sizes from 63J,.
to io. This stocking t ' is 'w,ell adaptW to. the rough usage that'thty' are,
subjected to. Alts' 4S c a
izos C and 50
Girls, five ribbed Hose, Princess
,In all sizes from 0 to jo. A fine cotton stocking
in black which will -give gr�at wear 451tand 50c a pair.
Ladio seamless cotton Hose id all sizes in white and black �t 30c a pair.
011dred's atfd'9ii1si`11lk lisle Hose in white and black in all sizes from 43/s to 10
at 43C itud, Soc a. pair.
Ladies' silk boot Hose in vrbiteL and black in all sizes at Soco .6oc, 86d a pair.
SuMmer Dress Matepla'ls-
Our stock is complete with Summer Dress Materials in all , the I - newest cloths
.patterns and coloniugai. , The materials come in individual lengths so, thAt
no two people have diesses alike. The cloths come fouluds, voiles, crepes, -
muslins, and'crepe de chine, and range in, price from 66c t67$1.6o'4 yard
A iles- a d mulls in- -all the acwtst shades at 6oc. a Yard.
Voi n
White voiles for waists in nSw stripes and daint designs.
11WANAk" Ing Time.
Now is the time for house cleaping and you will be. wondering what to do with
the floors. We have a'6ig r nge of floor coverings in lipoleums, oilcloths,
grass rugs and congoleum r1glis
Cougoleum is the recognized economic rug today. They come in all sizes in the
brightest of patterns and look like real carpet.
New patterns in linoleum and oilcloths for Von to choo$e, from.
Be sure and see our house furnishings.
her home far the: past seven yeakB-. She
ceased Wh9-a-ndtIve of Colborne'town-
try Rev. Dr. Rutledge and- the pall -
was a faithful member of St. George's
ship and lived on the 6th concession
bearers being two 'brothers and two
church and a member of the rector's
till some eighteen years ago when he
brothers-in-law of the deceased, Messirs.
bible class. She was a regular con-
and his wife moved to Goderich. Mrs.
James and John Fagan, of Colborne
tributor to the Goderich Red Cross
Fagan passed. away about a year and
township ; Capt. Donley, of town, and
and also did her share of sewir)g for
Sour months ago and since about that
Mr. John Fowler, of Colborne township.
the soldiers. For some years she held
time-.Nlr. Fagan had been declining in
The deceased Nvas a consistent member
office In the Royal Templars. A short
health, and since the middle of Janu-
of North Street Nlethodist church. He
service was held by Rev. A. L. G. Clarke
ary was conflped to bed. The remains
is survived by four sisters and two
at Mrs. Horton's on afternoon,
were brought to Goderich for inter-
brothers and one brother, Mr. Thos.
at which all her girl friends were pre�
ment, being actompanied by, the de-
Fagan, died some three or four ypani
sent. The remains were then taken to
cea§ed's only son, Mr. Everett Fagan,
age, The survivors are Mrs. Donley4
1he home of her uncle, Mr. A. Mg-
and his wife and little boy, William
Mrs. M. Carl and Mrr,. Henry Robin,,on.
gins, Crewe, from which place the
Herbert. The funeral took place on
of town, and Mrs. John'Powler, of Col -
funeral was held on Wednesday after-
Friday afternoon from the residenec. of
borne, and James and John Fagan, of
noon to Dungannon cemetery. Mrs. W.
the deceased's sister, Mrs. (Capt.) Don-
the 6th concession, Colborinc - Mr.
L. Horton, Miss Daisy Johnston, Miss
ley, Lighthouse street, to Colborne
Fagan's father died many yeaN ago and
Mary Sowerby and Miss Ida Sillib at-
cemeteyy, the services being conducted
his mother died some four iears ago.
tended the iffineral service, which was
also conducted by Rev. A. L. 0. Clarke.
The funeral was largely attended. The
Bible Class of St. George's church sent
a floral cross.
DUNLOP.—A gentleman whose bright,
optimistic Personality made him many
friends, and whose sterling character
won for him the highest esteem from
all, completed his earthly. race on Wed-
nesday, night, May Ist, when Mr.
Hugh C. Dunlop passed away at his
home on Waterloo street. Mr. Dunlop
was a native of Toronto, learned his
trade In Streetsville, and was in busi-
ness in Goderich ever since coming
here at the age of nineteen, with.the
exception of the Past few Years when
his health obliged him to give up active
Ife. Mr. Dunlop always took a lively
interest in the affairs of the town and
'or a couple of terms served on the
ounell board. He was a life-long and
onsistent member of the Presbyterian
hurch but always refused appoint-
nent to tiny official Position. He was
f Scotch Parentage and was the lastl
urvivor of the family. He Is survived
y his wife and by two children, Major
arfrae Dunlop, who Is serving with
he Canadian forces somewhere in
rance, and Miss Dunlop, at home. The
uneral took place on Friday afternoon
0 Maitland cemetery, the services being
onducted by Rev. R. C. MeDermid,
astor of Knox church, and the pall -
carers were Messrs. John Knox, George,
tewart, J. Linklater, Arthur Simith,' A.
McLean and Frank Bingham,
PAGAN.—A very eatfml�ie resident of
his district passed to his reward on
uesday of last week In Detroit, where
e had been living iatterly, in the.
erson of Mr. Wililaa, Fagan. The de- i
'IF Y0"* U, WiLL Bar." WISE
To an Advantage
BUY HeaVy on ' all Lines, of Groceries
Get. YOUP supply fop some time to comes
Conditions fully warrant this and almost all Groceries are good buying
and especially
Teas, Spices, cannedrGoods, Matches,
W.0 i a POW,