The Goderich Star, 1918-03-29, Page 10I. I , It 11 !1, if I to I
I it I-
cmu"Ous 110
f" y#g the carlict Oyle
of IVA Dewar" at VOT smill
The new All ovef patterns are
Vc.,f, V pleasing acid , gr) teabon,
atue in pri;e 20C anJ zi,..
The plain Eff-La mud Tmp"try
foppers are swoply but] at -
no &d#snC:tunajur1i`LL, 23c; to
Genuine We$ Felt oetwitals sad
Varubbed Tileill arill the most scrVictil'
Ills made, grud we carry a full
Ordinary gir?'Unded popere auttabilt
for almost say room at Self I ft, 126
X)Minty �Irl etc., more Fileaslux
th"Iti ever 12ind Ise.
-!*A,,d the W 11110111111111 Of all, POsiti'll"410-
Mr. 6i,forw- N'tinlablid wen( Io Tor-
islito ",lift it iarkoad of Cattle last
mis,j Maggie Sinall. of frorontil,
bol,111PH), a re-odf-lit of file village.
lA visililig ill tile %illagi� at presp it.
Private William (:arlipr, pof 10
IhLIlaIIVV Ho-pariniont, 'I Aran I,
-III last �%,111 lots Is
fit- folliag'..
Ir. Wfillsfor. art i , vei, of flip
lift TI -11111, liallway, resiololtz nonr
ln,tf, friplids ill ihfl� vil-
I z 1114. part ot last wel-Ii.
Wiffid bef4 are (if,, ortlor of the
,i,,% ouing lit Hit, sevort- winter
at);l scarvily of labor quito a large
tkiiiiiher lia%:: to provide their sum-
111or supply f fliel,
Ist of April, 1918
the DairVulen of Gso,de:ich
have diddi'd to do"I
Strictly Cash
zl�&! req46st their patrons to
govern themSelves accord-
Jas. McNanus
Jobastion Bros.
John Beattie
Chas: Bissett
PONM 4111150 7XIM." T'"N' MW W"',
Tho, 1180, of To -
A 511118IM, CRA11011V IN'TWO ACTOl
to Ile given 1tv
TbuW�y"--44#1,-F�-pri.d�-$-Y--919I oll frl! 4th and 5th
�by leading local tglcinli
undev'tlie auspices of the Tolaple Litat Cha " iter,
....... ..........
I ell at e h Par ons
Sir Charldi Wortbin a pFomised tits friend, Donovan hieCoy,
w%#n the tati wasif nh
,yin*, hat-1iia son, on coming of age should'inarry
NoCq's d R_., Beforiii the opera bi)erw Rose infi�rits a fortoue
froiA an ie4rl Ataqrlo$� as she is 4 few � tours Older than -her cousin
110,8140 lives In Limerick town Witter Judge Hooley's,gr4ard,
OY r ington, Comes of a e, aud� hostecis to
lok fif a fill . well awara tl)At Us fluntly needs beV nnap mroqeir arcie.ntiy. in love wan the real. tsetf.y
uer as MO. , .' Sir Chairlesnand hiswife arrive and are indignant
111� r f in
re, The I,
..,..)ely arrival of an eveentric Amp�lcrg- who
to onexprtea u ngentous manner that Betty is hereal
ut a 4ppagV
eir 9 rin a I Ing, Rose finding consolation in the arms
of a er . suitor.
1 --Overture and Opening Cho!rus ................ Lads and'Lassiea"
�b� Song ............................... ol Am the Landlord"
e Chorus ....................... As We Drink to Your Health"
"ong ........ ............. I .................... 6. Molly Mine::
3— Duet ............ .......... .......... ..... "Tick,tock
"Was er fate So Cruel"
etty Is a Darling"
111- n ............ "Betty McCoy"
I_D%"oWealth a Poverty"
.......... .
............ .......... : ......... nd'
.................. ........... . 'OU -Hera Is a Ritlidle"
............... ....... .......... ..... .. What. Full"
10—Song ......................... ........ U.*.'.*.... "Ireland Dear"
I lf—Chorus .................. Watch Him Greet His Bride -to -bo:'
10 --Duet, .............................. .. Your Eyes are Bright'
13--Finate ............ ...................... .. Ott, Mr. O'Flynn"
t4—Opening Solos. and,Cborus .................... 118 Nine O'clto ck"
15 --Trio ....................................... . ... Tis lbe llqart.:
1644ong ............... ............... "Coiiie Back, "BeWed".
17—Song ................. .................... .. Maggie Ma uiro'
18—Ensemble ......................... .. "Sit- Charles and Cady"
19 --Duet ........ ......... S ................... .. Youth Undutiful"
20—Song .............................. Tile Well Known Farmer"
21--Dilpt and Finale ..... f ....................... ... "I Love You,,
Irish Jigs, 6avottes and New Dances.
[Proceeds for Patriotic Purposes.]
Plan open at Edwards% Ap�il Ist.
'Flie riv,qv,.brokp.uP gradually, tit) On Weduesdav evening at the rest-
dainage being clont,. dolince of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Miss Evelyn Hayden is speliding a Mrs. W. J. McCabe, Goderich town -
few days in Goderiun. ship, their eldest daughter, Barbara,
was united in marriage to Mr. John
T. E. Gauley is (iriving the team Snell, a prosperous young farmer 'of
for the Port Albert millpr. Nile.
Mr. Adam Schaefer of Wilighalli.
spent a few,days with relatives Ill LEEBURN
tile village. Mrs, Gordon, of Michigan, is visit -
H. 11schoenhals, of the old burg,, ilig Mr. arid Mrs. J. Cook at present.
a!tetided a hockey match in Clinton Fred Ciliddon left Tuesday morn-
line,day last week. ing to join tits boat at Midland.
Mrs. olohn Schoeithals, of Clinton
has been renewing old acquaint- Miss Bessie Smith, of St, Helarls, is.
Miens here recently. I visiting tier frienti, Miss Anna
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Burrows, ofiStawart.
Goderic It, spent the week-ond at the Mr. Jas. Chisholm is busy hauling
home (of the former's tivother.. lumber- and other timber from
J. W. NIC 1. , of Poyt Albert, had1i, Goderich.' He'is preparing to build
vevy mcceXul sale bringing him a new barn the coming summer.
tile goodly suhi of Zout $4,! M. A 1). Parrish, while out hun
Ml�s Margaret Wilson, of Gode- in"!"i2t. Thursday, capturied' a V5
rich, silent a few days last week goose, the same evening entertain -
with her friend, Miss Delia McGee. ing some of his friends to a goose
Mr. arid Mrs, Thoinas Dic�son arid Supper.
Miss Mae attanded the Girvin and Mrs. NN'm. Bogie returned last
McDerrorild wedding at Nile last Week. week from Mus�oka, where $he 11as
Rov. Mr. Clarke, of Goderich, will boen nursing tier mother, Mrs.
admintstor the sacrament of com- Ro-we. Thp old lady is over ninety,
inunion on Sunday, April 7th,at 3��yvars of age, but was improving
m. when Airs, 'Bogie left.
The popoplin of this comniftnity ex-
tend their sympat'hy ill Mr. and Air
Prank Olivet, in the loss of Lho lady�; REQUISITE. ON THE FARM,—Every
r 4 1 and stock -raiser should keep a
mother. ft= -f Dr Thomas' Eclectrio Oil
Mr. Thomas Green and Mr. .1 ek on hand not only nA a ready remedly for
Burrows leave this week for, Wei- ills in the family. but because It is a
Intid, where they inV(*iid taking a horse and Pattie medicine of great
IF Position.
IN 6N I Potency. As a substitute for sweet oil
W Nfiss 1�.Iiza Voting expeeLs to reltit"i for horses had cattle affbeted by colic
Le 13, TAPE Rhortly froin Detroit, accomptinied it far surpasses anything that can be
g3 by tier sister, Mrs. Dave Martin, who administered.
If Tile Singer Sewing Machine' IN has been ill.
Mr. arid Mrs. William Gray rehirn-
t* Agent, has taken over theC�ffi elt bonte rpeently after spending fhe
R? A 'lady -s brotber, Rev.
11? WiliteV With the
agency ot the 16%'. It, tla,.Nkins, ot Blyth reclorv. Luxury—No
We regret to have to part with
11 4nd Mrq. James Oliver. of -this
th%linvingboughl the rest
International Harvester I I f Necessity—Yes I
S I fence 0 rs. May, of Nilli arid at
I he Same time we-%vewonle Mt'." Ed.
compant Olivet- and bride. Xow that Photographs—and
0 first class work. too—are ob.
R on HAIR11ton Street GORRIE tattlable at the low prices we
Rq (intended for last week) offer, they can no longer be
and will handle both lines Mrs. Mr.) L. N. Whitley returned classed as luxuries.
home oul Frior!!W_190-litter spending a
week with relativoist Chrisloy. Photographs are today as
9 4 W. D. VOilliani returned home from- negossary &A the family re -
10. 3 one of the French West India islands, Cords your mother kept in
INGER SIVIING VACHINES �.Y No where he had been etnplpyed durlbg the
1 winter. 'tile Biblet
Ili A fair share of the public pat-' N John and Norman Jardine left on
Ili Monday for Tugaekt,"gaoik., after spend- jVA
tonage will be appreCiated. 10 toga Couple of months visiting here.
I 'W. J. Adgar left for Pocitco River on the ST.- T. FS
11111 same 11ay. at b"'a homestead tile
The toltowing from Thb Tars Leadre'Dr'
voters to IL brother of Dr. J. Armstrong,
V.S., of Gwrle, who attended the Inner.
&I last week : Thp sad news at the
IS dcrath at Dr. U. A. V, Armiltroug, which
000tkr3*d at about 8 O'clock on Tutesday
morning, brought ox rectrotions of the Ito na
uTar mcift'gMulide ftgm cin our Citizens Anno un.14ument
Relkeiialy. Abonlitelidayidpreviousto
The Sugar situation does his demise liffarwas, prostrated. by an at. im was
tack at erystpOINA. vmpb r4idly lie. VA IN
not look good. To be We ve44*410446161toet and herai His Ill- IN
put in a sup#ly., At ore. usio W"bf!iuslitered "'*erlot*� from the
a"- 111A bitidthorrof,111r. Ar "rang, of S
sent We lire in a po§ittou Mitthell, and" Dr� 96koh, at Ca. were N
to supply your laeeds, in atteadlinee amid tild all In tbigr il�wer I at of. April, 19;8 19
ftr 11IM6,141118 9
4itantities 0014 for' I)c. *v0*#f4# W ba%lafficIp . , �X
L. , _ 1. 11 , r the Grocety bifofliver3
t6illitht, 00, 1hiALft *a *"1fQ as Men have dedded
*as tibia
th6 ttowicp 16
Have You fouaid a G004 to ilirmtk* fitIll Vroloossion- Or, Aqu- 1.
Oft*# W" bitift " M7114111% 0AL, in, Sao
not we can supply you.
#ad .
wk 'b 06416106 M pir"UNK AVB 'on ,
"Wo *or
0 44, Aft r0A;X6, 4
6botit #*
led, SW 0214h ho I ily kod
&e wr
by** "#At* 001111111AIliulty. 0 W" a
? 1i On SoLtur. 1 tnoitilliolifif
ladw sit" loll a" t*#'*p
0 whil butirli" OX
toll0b1W 61, 0AW AM Wif�
wo b4f:# ov O&V *4",*064*60
rik*U 1'061111111518 1111111111111% ##A of , at lrvoiltlii, *w* Am
oiww*� Wo 1 000 1 14" ; It-",
Q14A b61*4 Tb* t0*4 Uft
WW*I"%wf111^ WNW"
I mt,"W" *ANON"
"Wii 460411111
suo'n jsupf%(� YOUR.
cow 00.0 see� ow stqck of
UwWallod 4411614
feacy VmWi sai, Tatted
0 8 LL EE_ -
Service Will life, held til St. Faults
rCh onGoodEtiday eveliloo, at'7:SO
MISS 9pliel Brown returned on Uou.
day after k6lieving for a cotipl.e of wepkg
in the Telplillihe olitce at, Seatticitti.
Mrs, 0, Bgqwit and Alliett Brown haye
gone to Mitclifell to atifecid, the wooding
at Agnes Youpg, daughter of Mr. G
Young, formerly of Dungannon. T
lucks' Luau As Thos. Fanson.
ati.� Paut!o-churell will hold its-acinpaj.
at 7.80. Bar, Mr. Robinson, of Clinton
will have charge. Rev. Mr, Clarke, oi
00dedch, will hold communion service
on the Squday after Easter in the morn.
Ingand win preach.
Tbos., G. Allen, Dungannon, can
supply you with a Marriage Licensti,
a Birth Cartiftate or a Burial 'Per.
wit. Whiobdovou want now?
Says you should have your Will
ina 4 a., and he Says he can writelyour
"Itoisil,;Will & Testament" go as to
lengthen your days "In the land"
and- tak6 much A)f tue, "stlacto! avi
from Death, assured that the Hem.
cry of you will be revered,
. He also says be is very careful In
making odo Deeds. Mortgages,
Leases, Agreements. etc.. and that
he can attend to any of your Con-
veyancling;satisfactortly and so that
you will still have some of your
property left after paytog for the
It you haven't enough -Insurairicts
on your life, he says he can pet you
the kind of policy you want. and
tba,t it will be the tiatne, as you
thought It was, when you do get it.;
He says he can't uti!1erstand A man I
who carties *11 thin insurance be; can
get on his -buildings, to protect -him-
self and family, and who still carries
little or fie b2sursince on hlil life. to
protect himself in old ageto and his
family An case of death. ge SayFt he
does noit think it �elther fair or wise
An these days for a, man to ask his
Wife and family to run the risk ot
his death any minute, and after his
death to o'grin and bear" the loss,
and lament that Da&. did not carry
any insurance. I ,
Allen says too Ahat it might be
well for you to see,lihn about invest.
Ing that spare cash of Vours.
fIntended for IaFtt week)
We welcome the itibin once were.
Mrs. Win.,Tviiiably was at Toronto
IdWweek. . * I
Mr and Mis. Adam Johnston spent
Sunday on the title,
Mrs. Whitiv, of Volingannoutt, is visit -
Ing Mrs. Ralph Nixon. ,
We are -sorry to report that Mrs.
Rowers is on the slok HLAb. I
Mrs. Henry Gardiner. or Zion, called
Oil bier sister, Mrs. All, Sherwood. last
Mrs. Win, Sherwood spent last week
vilth beirdaughter. Mrs. Adam Johnston,
of.Lanes. I
Mrs. Win. Twamly and Mr. James
Coolte attended bfie sale at George
Dilettanti, latit weeI4.
Mrs. Hattliltou sad tier "on. Fra,lk , of
'I , Snuday wit,
Paxamount pent � I the
forLti brothor, Mr. Jamei Cook.
Mrs, James Alton who has been
waiting on her si &Lrler. at Lanes,
who has been ol the sick list, haq
returned home.
Our roads tire n'early clear of snow
and irp again, wi
,�ieh is agreat vlea-
guile. , 'p
The little tvinl�,r of tile past flow
datS hills put the.spring work back
9, 1 tile longer.
Miss Annie ' Cooper boas ripturned
,to tier home for a rest after several
weeks' hard unratuo near Bluevale.
41r..Mbert Cantelont of thel0th con
sold a fine horse to Mowatt McDou-
gUll, of tile Sth 'Concession. Many
40rises tire - chalrong ttandr, these,
iflays. . . I
Mr. Ralph GantWon, o lot 38,con.
9, �Vas the 1`11'st mah 118 neighbor-
hi)od it) start, pl(�Wfng, on thw-12nd,
Of Waroh. Tile fintl Weather ofthe
1$q,'Week hilWed things along.
Mosra. Goo,, and Linda Cantolon,
bUto rorftftied from Flint, Michigan,
Where they attended the funeral of Rev. Wm. Cole,
Mr., Cilille Nva$ wolf -known Ili 'this
Soule of ont, nf[�Jghbor$ aP(% tryin,9
to make syrup 11VOM a feW shade trim
�"Y few maple 'Arees are loft in
110115 neighbotho& to 111tike syrup
lintss ot.SUPr-mftk-
.froln Tile WAS
-r`--V-.-JPW-A'7'#N-VVIV- 7'o_— 7F-
Interesting. 4isplay of Suits stU4 to fvr, Ea
early Spring wear. A greater Var, an more A11010
ityles, than we've e r sb before Bes h is 460
via own 9' J
00w who 'Stocks are -it their 'bost. 'Prices Ate veo 04
Coats of fine Serge
black, of the stur6, hard-owedring pooart* oft
handsome velours I" the brigbter shadea, as
rose, �ekln blue, purpto,jight green, sand".:07,
the always stylish, allway� serviopable WOO:
Prices are from $I oo.00,for a Very _�eryjcft
Coat of good st le up to $�o,00 and $35.'00 feez,
high-class novelties.
The Suits are models every one of them.
Strictly man -tailored Ill Xhout.' Some are,
made f row f ine all, wool,serges and can be had
0 in navy, green, brown, sand and black. Others
come In Broadcloths, and others in pretty f anoy,
tisaterials. We. show nice Suits at $2,2..
Some specially good ones at g25.00, and, rea�ly
handsome models at $,32.5o, $15-00 and $37-80.
An Easter Glove Sale
We %%o4d like to make Saturday, March 3eth, tht� biggest day
Rour Glove Department has ever known. To do It, we�are willing -to
make two of as tempti gi GlloiVe* Bargains as the store has k"wn. be
wise and buy all tile Groves. Kid arid Chamolsette, you'll need for a year
These Uloves are real bargains.
or more.
Kid Cloves, $1.79 Chamoisette Gloves, 89c
Real Kid Gloves, dressed or suede, also heavy Fine quality Chamoisett� Gloves. wasbabie and
Leather Gloves in white, greys, fawn, t%n and Splendid wearing qualities. Perfect fitting.
black. fleal $2.25 and 62�50 lines. An Easter Plain white; white with black points. plain
Spectal for Saturday only. - Per black, or nice shade of grey. For East -
pair. $1*79 er, Saturday only. Per pair .. ...... 89e
Easter Millinery Wainty Easter Neckwear
Come as early as you can on Saturday if you want Very pretty Neckwear just received.from the fac-
your now Hat for Easter Sunday. Our Milliu- tories. Novelties as are shown in New York.
ers have prepared some specially attractive J ust, right to give the finishing touches to your
models for Easter and are ready to give you Easter gown. Many Styles in satin. P.K. and
good t�ervice on Saturday. crepe. Big vAriety and very moderate prices.
DireU Importers
Ing is a thing of t1w [fast.
I he funerul of I he late Eart Han-,
1p� (If the 811.11 concession, son of R...
Hatilev, was Npry largoly aftended. 7
'tvir li�ifley son who
has betin cy Poorly - -for
-1 - -i ERY''
sollw 'of'. The synipa% Of' CASTER 000
Iilui pA 3
tiw coninionio- goes otit to Mr. an-
ltiy in this 1wroavement.
For Infants and Chfldren V2
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always b6rs
Signalure of 4a090.11aRz:
Spiling Tepm From Appil 2
Commercial life offem the, grett
Recent lady RrArluates of thio; school
are earning ai;; high as Sioclo per
Rtintim The last ripplieftliwi we re-
ceived from sti office itine with some
experience offered ititkofol salary of
SiSoo per annutit. IS tidents nv-y
1`1 IVII
UT =
enterourchissesmanvItitne. Gradu-
at laced lit po�itiotm.
I'S p
C.I.Illiercial. Shorthand And Tele.
graphy departments. Gct our free
W. 1. ELL187T, A. VeLACHLA14'
Principal. A
Prefildont. CHI Aiii ye BLACK
. ...............
hay'd S
tyk Fit and Quality
ceinhibibd. Mado on Amoi
da"ll "'W"t Will i*
dud'6i cut ityle.
twit Mat J60aill'Iflon pQ0 4)
Ok iti'llIt, bxwy IS M, 5 78
'aod, Nov,entias
See oor*bigh cut 9tyles in We
Flew 1, sea) brown, crdl;
to 0, 00.
It C vivitti %
:tei grey. nigger and Afflt�p
W TO 1,06
...... It to to 110
Tht thowiliA Dkkv,140,% *64 'rotattiloo
from $0 it 0, ft.
brown. Vootweat with, snap,
sind style sure to pleaoe
V.W. 00 4,40
MtOk� opd Iadlesl� HraWn`L.
li�*000666%".00i. 1,00 fib'
00, M""Nool, '$ttle$ I W,
ketktillbo, $our fdotlilti� 406ilit
bet kiitls
*toq 00
iiiiiii�iiii,oliliwilililillilii'I Q 11 IM 14111-1111-11111'' ik