The Goderich Star, 1918-03-29, Page 20%ft 'Total., 1111471 uave yvu soe* tlxo r6fat iro II* Oil 1411AWn by HACk(Itt 0oullcit &4jo rovo to April Rib 'lat here, Bic. Toto Wilson spent, tb# w00%-00 PIN06. G. 0roli'm clerlir. datiyu the) Country. �Oworgfi3O`03 aid Mr. & Clark has returned from a NILE pleasant visit to his old holpe, , unilgr the auspices of the Nile pablic yr. and Mrs. Gordon Youn %tepaled *Chool a conoeri will be given In the Novel S tle Girvin-MoDertuld me_49.. 44 -on The evening. �ut Thu Tour-hilY. March 290. An exc'ellent program Is E Jj* *1W &at Easter like Mrs. R. M. Young spent a few Ids prepared. with her sister, Mrs. Hurvey Atedi '141t, JNES HE CELUIthM VOLLAND I Eueuvzt;r. GODEIRICH TOWNSHIP Friday o,%eniog was. a rcd lettor day This Farmem' Clot,. will meet'od Cards from Sc to 25c. for Carlow welcoming home onel ot our Womewlsw eWW�4. - filarctl 17th, in 1yonag, Juipw from --the, � 1W*tI`MW4�-_bf` 'the Orange 11011, important bulitness. BoAlets from Sc:tuo7i,� Europe. Private Frank Perry. About 2 yearb 4#;(, wo bVAAu Frauk 004 bye A-pUrletto 4Lanze will be given under a 411spiceS #4 the United Patriotic Chickens. Ducl(s, etc., 10c, and widbod him God speed and *I' "to Society on Friday evening, March 22nd i5c and 25C return He spent seven montlis Ip the from ol tp I o'clock at the home of Mr. trenches and reePived big WOWOS lat H, XVltb I Revell. 4th Concession Lene, wounfla which onr pIlAuV Iltoldler Aamissiou Vc. couple. will carry for 14 Iota 13mi , . us' Is also shell obool(ed. Shortly after 8 o'clock Ne full s-ing the friends of Frank from far =4 segr TIPPERA-Ry w Wall Papers in 94howd at the township hall, . ReeVe Mr. Albert Coutelon Is at present laid Young 'in the chair. Spev a were up with a severe attack of I& gripp Jaintier, larger range and abso, che . e. glv6D by Rev. U. J. Ross, John Young, Mrs. Jesse Gray, who hat; been on an tuteiy as reasonable in price ss Loval, B. M. 'Young, teaCher of the extended visit amoug friends, has Young Mons, class, Councillors lwann, returned to her home. ever. Snider and Fisher. Solos were given Gladstone Grigg. of the the oth con.. ston, Mr. Elmer Robertson, and liiilrlu" Tyndall. CbRe, Bobertson made very Whitel). of the 7tb con, fitting reply for Private 139 rry. The The bean throstiers are again in our ladlerjoftheCQlborneRed0v*R served neighborhood. Partners are having the. -quiteia.tinle getting 4heir-beans'llirv- -for- pleasure of -speaking to our soldier boy. sale. The gathering came to a close by the The funeral of Joseph Jarvis.. of the singing of the National Anthem. Maitland Con:, on Monday last, was very Isegelv attended bv sorrowing to COLBORNE friends of the commutiltv. Miss Mae Glen left this week for Chas. Cooper, son of G. i. Cooper. t Alsask, Sask. Mrs. W. Jewell is her who was taken sick with bronchitis in BENMILLLR Sister. Clinton, is so far on the way to recovery as to be able to be brdhgbt home. Several peo;)ie have tanped in this � Aldin Alllu shipped one car bogs and J. O'Connor one car cattle to Terouto Messrs. George and Linda Cantelon have gone to Flint, Mich., to attend the The blue birds find robins are we]. thill week- funeral of their brotber-ID-law, the Rev. Come visitors. Hr. H - B. Churchill and hall)', Win Cole, who died in Florida And was fit.-towillor cliuruly ii utodergoing re- Norene,are visiting Monliton relatives brou'ght back to his home -In Flint. r,tic. It iti b"ug repaywrod. this week. Funeral on Titesday. (any friends and rovighborS attended Bert Varcoe spent a few days last Early HanIny, son of Robert HanleV, Fowler*. rutivral Suitday. week with his sister, Mrs. T. C. Trethe- who died on Sunday evening. will be 1.s K. w.soin's frietorit, at Butimil- at Guelph. buried today (Wednesday) in Bayfield , III be �()llv to Irain (,f her illness Geo. Feagan left this week for Port cemetery. Earl was 23 y9am anti one Inellasbut L!" OTit. Arthur to commence work on the bout month old. The young go as well- as e ale to Welcollip Pie. prior to the season's sailingH. the old. He was a member of Bavfleld kerm bacli I ),-P the frmit;. if$ ar. Him Flossie Horutyv went to North line Orange lodge. Friends from differ. _1 in (in Wednesday e \ ou- Bay on Tuesday to visit her sisters. entparts of the -country are gathering Her- parents have been there toy some for the funeral. He leaves a young time. wife and an infant daughter te mourn lie Tt his loss. The sympathy of the com- -acher Traininr class of Zion ub,:,,chNorth wroteou thoOld Tests. Mrs. McManus and two children, of munity is with the bereaved ones. t the horne of Mr. and Mrs. B. MI'lly, Sask., left for their home on Cbx, last Tuesday evening. Monday. Mr. McManus left a week ago with a car of settlers' effects. KIPPEN Mr. J L N. Kerinighan has returned Miss McKenzie has been visiting In AVBVRN front Regina, where bg was the delegate the home of her brother here during ,It Brown, nur genial harness maker, rooresenting Optarlo Farmers' Club the past week. vv is absent last week visiting friends at at the farmers' Convention beta there. Mr. Faskin is In his post again as Z irich. Quite a number of the Colborne station agent after a few dayb' absence Mr. and Mrs. John RobertHon, of People attended funerals In Gotlerion In Elora. attendioghis brother's f uneral. 600t-Octi, are visiting in the village At on Sunday And Monday of Am, -Vowler. During the preparationsof movingto prt -I Ill. Hr., and Mr, Ja8. Jewell, both old resi,- his new home last wo, ek, Harry Chet�pey M-. McLaughlin. of Lhe Sterling Bank dents of Colborne. met with rather an unpleasant accident. hipre. left last week, in answer to the The Colborne Red Cross workers have He ran one prong of a pitching fork into ew. r his country. to report 253 pairs of sock4 which were Ills ankle and for some. days he has ;,­ Itev. James W114on, of Dover. krolt during January, February and for been laid up while stiff ering consider. c . ' Rc'.L,l Presbyterian oliumb, visi- the month eudlrig March 19th. They able pain. lt,f In this locality latit week. Were knit by th� following ladies : Miss Robert Thompson. jr., 18 in the Abeppard, 20 pairs; Mrs. J". McBride, county town this week attending the '1',e orivioized YoutiN People'h Bible 17 pairs,. Mrs. A. Young, 16 pairs; Mrs. assizes as juryman. He Is one of the cl-i in the Presbyterian church, Intend Ww ' Walter, Ruby Young, Mrs. F. fortunate f%rulters with his bean croO. a social evening in wie Manse, 011aers, 13 paivi esch,, Mrs. Potter, Mrs. He realized 51,900 from a field of 13 n. Friday evening. C. A. Robertson, 11 pairs each; Mrs. R. K L otes. He hand-picked his seed and � - le of tile sigbt-aftings of the villago M. Young. Mrs. J. Young, Bessie Clark, the result was a splendid even crop. is , en i 1w ice breaks up In the aprluA. Mra. Gallagher, 10 pairs eae ' h . Mildred Th.. law holds the ice bacli- and usual. Young, 9 pairs; Mrs. Johnston, 9 pairs; Mr. and Mrs. French are now resi- IN I ko ice piles up for a couple of wiles Xrtt. T. Ramijton, Mrs. Hustun, Mrs. G, dents of our village, having moved in ato% e the dam. Glou, Mrs, E: Fisher, Mrs. Levy, 6 pairs trom their farm which they have sold Mr. Jerry Taylor, of Auburn, has just each; Mrs. Scott, 5 patre; Ruth Potter, back to Mr. Wm, McDougall, from r. t.o tied home from a week's visit with Mirs. T. McPhee, Pearl Young, Mrs. whom they bought & few years ago. 1%. V. and Mrs. R. Flynn, otWeston, Kitogswell. Miss Tabb. 4 pairs ea,ib; Mr. McDougall. after trying village life vhvie he has been closing tip the estate Miss J. Wilson, Mrs. J. A. Walter, Mrs. in Hensall for those years, has decided o� tj is late aunt, bliss Baira Longstoff. Gen. Oiark, Miss Johnston, 3 pairs each; that farm life it, preferable. Mrs. -A. W. Young, Jean Glen, 2 pairs James Grassick made a good sale the kr. Nicholson. of Monckton. had a each; "dies Glen, Mrs. (Rev.) Ross, C. other day. when he sold fourteen Hall, of cattle In the village last SULU" Potto , Dorotfiy Robertson, Ethel rabb clay. Quite a large number from the r , butchers' steers, at $11.55 a cwt. When hti,tounding nelghtl9rhood were pro- Ntitiov Gliders. Mrs. J. Thompson, delivered they averaged 970 Ills. and st To. 'rho prices realized were very Retta Young, Mrs. U. W. Walter, I pair totought $1,568.49. Mr. Grassick has go,, i at first. Toward the olose of the each ' still 33 head of cattle. He is a good F the mouth of February and up to feeder and always does well with his sa h idding wag slow, and sevbral ant- the or %%eie withdrawn. t9th of March, there were made 48 stock. Last year he received Q1,940.60 suits of pyjawas. anct 22 day shirts. for the same number of head but he These- were made by Mrli. Jarvis Me- kept them until the last of May and e�rly all children are gihject to Bdde, 7 suits of pyjamas; Mrs. E. Fish- got a higher.price per Ill. os and many are horty with thbut er, 6 suits; Ruth Potter, 5 1 2 suits'. Mrs. m" them suffering by listing Mot a 51. Young, Mra. J. Fisher, Mrs. H. I � os' Worm Exterminator, the beat n, Minerva' McPhee, 4 suits each; BRIEF TOWN TOPICS r, �;, v3y of the kind that can be bad. Mrs. Kingswelland "Mrs. Geo. Bean, 3 Mrs. E. Jackman, 2 1-� suits; Mrs. Remember Torn Marks Co., &t the J A. Walter and Mrs. Huston, 2 each; Opera House t6night Viss Gallagher, I suit. Mrs. J. Me - Huron Lodge No. 62 1. 0. 0. F. wIll Bride, 7 day shirts; Mrs. E. Fisher, AT meet every Monday might until further Fy %birts; Mrs, Geo. Clark. 3 tjhlrts� Mrs. notice. * R 54 - Young and Miss Gallagher 2 each; Don't mi -q the sacred cantata "Olivet L, 13. TAPE Mrs. Geo. Bean. Mrs. Hustoo, Al�s. Geo. to Calvary" at North St. Metbodist I* N Glen, 1 shirt each. Mrs. Hamilton gave.a coil of Qld.cotr church Good Friday evening. Yhe Singer Sewing Machine ton. The society gratefully aclittow- Tile Gen. Brougn Chapter, 1. 0. D. Agent, has taken over the led4otheButuot 55 from Mr. Andrew E., are planning to hold a patriotic eu- Young.—MRS. E. FIRTID"n, See. chre and dance early in April. Further Lq? particulars later. igency ot the 41 It Hear Mr. Percy King, London bari- ASHFIELD tone, in the Easter oaticata, "Olivet to A.hfleld Councli'Minutes, Mar. 11, 1918. Calvary- at North street Methodist W 1' Inteilinational Nuvester N The regular meeting of council was church, Good Friday evening. held to -day as per adjournment. The monthly meeting of the lied Ix Company 0 Tire minutes of Feb. 11, 1018. being Cross Society will be hold in the Grand W road, %veto approved, on motion of liach* j t, ry Roo in in the Court House next ett and Richardson. on Hamilton street % Monday evening at $o'clock. W on motion by Johnston and Hichaid- �R son, the contract of the usual printing The most marvelouB thing that happ- W tor 1918 waa lot to the Star at S7Q$.0q for cited In the making of "Nearly Married - and will handle both lines A the now Goldwyn photoplay starring % the year. IN Moved by Hackett and Richardson Madge Kennedy, was that when the FARM MACHINERY and * that Dr. Simpson be paid S50 for his director tried to find a Ford car to meet IN services as Medical Officer of Health the prescriptibut of Clio Heenarto, his W SINGER SE11118 MACHINES W and sanitary Inspector for 1917. and search was In vain for six hours, $15 for atten,lance on Indigent patient, The MbneRetung Canoe Club enjoyed Re. letterL (rom It. Vanstone threaten- a banquet at the Bedford Hotel on Mon - w A tair share of tile pUbl!C pat- two lug action ui-leas settlement was made day evf)utug-. The Club held a pool W M for Henderson bridge across the ditch tournament between sides captaillml by 0i tonage will be appreciated. to his gateway. T. M. Davis and H - T. Ed wards. f Mr. R1 Moved by 'Richardson nod Hackett Hilwards' side won the tournament and III that this clerk reply to the letter, saying Mr, Davis' side put upthe banquet. that this council refuses to take any The Board of Trade a rp holding a action in the nlatter. banquet this (Friday) atreping in the By-law No. 3 to authorize the Issue Bedford Hotel commencing4t 7 o'cloilk. of 14,500 of debentures for the purpose of Mr. T. J. Hatmigan,, secretary of the building a now school In. U. S. S. No. Hydro Radical Associat on, will give an '1� SINGERSTORE FULL S I OCK 014 MERCER AND B.P.C. THREAD A includ'ng ne%,6, B.P.C., Cana- __diap Maid. A maxiintim T4hread at a min- imum price. Clilldren's Stampad and Rudy - Mad; Omses Come nd see our line of whiis wear before making up your svpply IMI -83-8. NOBLE--.-.--, cents each. Be sure and buy a ticket Ickets to sell. AMONG THE CHURCHES "Olivet to Calvary" will he a musical ,reat—Good Friday evening at North St. Methodist church. Watch for further announcement of special Faster services In the S. A. Cita- del on Monday evexk1ug, April Ist. The hymn "For those In Peril on the Ses,"' %-as sung at St. Oeorge's church ast Sunday, as It was believed Lieut. Jordan was on the ocean on his return - to the trout. Rev. Mr, McDermid will conduct Per. viceli In Knox church next Sunday. Morning subject "Our Horne Misgion Situation." E veuing subject " rhe Glory of the Cross." In the absence of the pastor, Rev. Gordon M. Holtriltst, the pulpit of the Baptisb church will be occupied ue t Sunday at both Herviceg hy Rev. J. t. Ford. The church auditorium is being used again fOL'the 3uuday services. All are welcome. The phstor, Apv. J. H. Osterhout will have charge of the. services in Victoria & Methodist church next Sunday. M�orniog subject "The Gold of that Land Is Good, " evening, "The Guide Book of the Way. " Sunday school and Bible Class at 3 o'clock. Epworth League Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. All welcothe. Last Sundav was observed as :league anniv,?rsarV at Victoria street Methodist church. E. B. Pale, an old Godetich boy. who Is a commercial traveller with headquarters at Stratford. and is presi- dent of the London Conference Ep- worth League, preached both morning and evening. His subject in the morn. Ing wFut "Conaecration, " and In the evening Builders. " Mr. Hhlq is a fluent talker and presented some good thoughts. The chqir tarnished special music. The ptilstorl. Rev. 4. H. Osterhout, had charge of the services and he was assisted by Pte. Harold Lawson, of the London Military Camp, The services were both well attended. The annivergary services of the North St. Methodis;t church will be held next Sunday. The psg;.or, - Itev. Dr. Rut ledge. will preach. Morning subject, "The Church agArn Inveityrreut" even. ing. " rhe Furious, Driver. " Special music will be furnished ;by the choir. As this is to be the congreg%tional come to church Sunday, all members of the congregatfuu, N;umig and old, who are able aro expected to he present. Visitors are alway,; welcime. The service,i will be heIJ ito the church aqdl�qtiuui. . 'rhe Men'R Sugolay Club inects In church parlor lit 10 a. m. Easter Cards And'Novelties In Great Variety The chotce-t Booklets and Fo'detq, fross. Sc tip to 50C. ' - F�iqlt-r Post Cards, from Ic tip. Fluffi� Little Chicks, 2 for Sc Dainty EAster Roxeyi. Sc Hasler Pevinants. 15c mud 25c Ha6ter Pictures and Mottoes. Remember rour friends. also the Kidd,wq. with not Easter Card or Nov- eltv. Smith's Art Store 6&t stree"', Phone 193 71 I ty t itkss' -Eister' wsplay, reveadini A''il'i is new and fashionable in the Millibmary. world. Attractive models direct from the fashion ,centres, �as well as charming productions from our own workroom. A wide' variety of Styles, shapes and colors that baffle descnotion. Visit our Millinery Department and know the satisfactioft of being suited with a Hat thail seems to be ma e or you indii I _k -1 11y, so _okil- fully. do our .-Hat& -give- th-e- personal, touch to smartness. The seal of good taste brands every Hat. It would be difficult to choose wrongly. Come Saturday, or early next week, for best choosing, and be sure of your new Hat for Easter. .0up Hats ape sold at modepate ppices Spring Suits and -Coats Smart, Dressy Suits In Serge and Wool Poplin, in the popular colors; sand, gray and navy. Priced f rom $22.50 to $40.00 Spring Coats In smart, practical styles, made from tweeds, novelty checks, poplins, serge6,. coverts, valours. wool jerseys, etc, featuring new collars, b. -Its 11 and pockets. The colors ot)tainable a re grey, sand,'black, navy. taupe, and all the popular sprin.Z shadeg. Prices raiige f rom 1$10.50 to $37.50 "ODGENS BR04Z Direct Importers GODERICH SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Subject for discussion "How can we at present acting as manager here. fr6m C. B. Routley Co., Toronto. 1918 get west out of the sermon All men Mrs. McGregor has joined her bus new Wall Paper Sample Books are now Invited. !band, Mr. H. McGregor, the new ac'-- in'the hands at out, represective, Mr. A. countant at the Sterling Bank here, Snazel, whitry we can guarantee as a PEOPLE WE KNOW arriving on Saturday last. Mr. Me- practical paper hanger and decorator. Gregor has been enrolled in Knox Get your wall paper early before the Mr. W. C. Bcough. of Toronto, was in church choir and Mrg. McGregor pro�_ spring rush from A. Snazel, West St. town this week. ably also will become a member. 5 doors West of Star Othce. Rev. Gordon M. Holmes is spending Mrs. McManus and children, who Miller's Worm Powders prove their the week -end in Mt. Forest and Toron- have been spending the winter with the value. The (10 not callse any violent to. I oy's parents, Mr. and Mrs John A. disturbaDees in the stotriach any pain M rs. Wes I c v Walker d alter, Colborne Tp., left for their or gripiog but do their work quietly and 'a,;k., on Monday, pa)ir3lesslv, Clarence, %% ere visitors at 131.,M lurpio-n se in Meyroryne,' '- so that the destruction of the week. -Mr. MaManui3 preceded then] last eck die worms is imperceptible. yet they H. R. Long, district representative of i taking with him a carload of chop. are thorough. still from the first dose I - -.- — __ - tuereis inivrovement in the condition ,;on Life ARmrance Go., was in Walton ! of the sufferer and an eutire cessation the past week. 'Get your job Printing at The Star. , I ( f manifestations of iritertial trouble. Miss Bradford, 9f the local branch of I the Rank of Montreal, has been visiting in Toronto this week. Dr. Spottou. Inspector of Collegiate In4titutes, was in town the earlier part of the week visiting the local Collegiate. Mrs. W. T. Pridbam, of Toronto, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. A. Tailori ng Cook. also her sisters, Mrs. R. 13. John- ston and Mrs. W, G. Luker. Deputy Reeve Clark was in Lon (Ion this week saving good-bye to his son, Robert, who left Wednesdav with the Furnishings 7th Western Ontario Regiment for the front. Also SPMAL ORDER CLOTHING Mr. Jackson, manager of the local branch of the Sterling Bank Is away in- specting branchen and Mr. Loynes, manader of the Dungannon branch. Is 110011 1.100 am 4, was doly read and finally passed. address on H Tials, Nationall. There was consideralito discussion aA nation of R, AILL 43 a allways, and Distribution of to abolishitgatatite labor, part Of tile Hlectric RnergN Oounell strongly favoring doing so, bu t y. Mrs. Daniel, lining conflaed to the thc Sugar sittiatiou doeS no action was taken. house every winter assoon Us the snow instead of knitting for the sol. not look good. To be safe r((Acdlao'axr'odoe6Attegn—&Ntoedwetot&i'nlsyo Twsnlyof "I'd comes, STOIDU a' diers this winter has been making a Pax in a supply. Atpre- as a lot Clt work tot practicall y wasted on Fillk and vlolvet quilt which has over A SHOE really good stretches, &oil as iso much three thousand ptece4% In it, which she —FOR— sent tve are in a position very poor work Is done on some road%, Intonds to donate for patriotic purposes to supply yottr ueeds. Ally(I as thO Work Or parts of it in cover by SCIII1114 ttckcts, the price being top all the EVEDVBODYI done on some roads. and &% JL 1%. JL Large quantities sold for tarmer's time is now relllutml in pro- Catly-only, dlittion, wouldIt not be -a wise thing t10 do away with statute hot, and havo the, council attend to Only absolutely �11i;tve" you fouild a ritce"ary row" fili. aftek. we hare My Alatch yet ? won threwat, it we can YOU to at all Your Happy New Spring Footwear The tolloWlagaeounts were ordered If not we Can supply you. pold, v1%--Trft%Vrrer, Hdrou To., bM- anob at boundary amount 1017. $117-31; at Popukir Prices TRY treIiAturior W. Unwanoah Till, bodance boundary "Count 1917 aud DIvIston Fam ("urt "M,011t, Sli'.ft MntdCJP&J World, Have a look at olar Many pov styles ot up -to -the -Minute Aw"Isor and other flupplies. $16.11; tntght be broken up t6tuorrow. Footwear. made In grey sna -and X. P, ftylkid, rop. towtiship aftl, 1111,00; In these war -stirred times. bus, , chocolqte, black.vici kid, patent are good. 9'ee our calf leAtlietS at last seagon's price,.,, owing to our contrit;ts Thos. 0. AMpt. 1-4 salary 10,16, sud bands anti sons ar- being call. IN Win�ow di6phty on Situr- eirorm 604 td to the deteke of their being placed several months in advance of tile re,:en t r-,11, e in ftr ofacts Wantoo of 1911 pirtating Country. Springand Summer Footwear. daY, Nfarch:13t(L ot a6munt.. j1'44$; each ftbrabbr of , o*un- Wivesand daughters are tak- as p6A,bg4ty, #15, $78.00, John ing thenla ptates. Separations =yq. C04*8 " At JAWW" Slidge. see0ur Windows Wo, liare no 006 "todmest , ot 11 ate frtqutetit.. ril-uh PrustA ilk at Ise, Joe, 260, 111118,46" 0. Wo, 31j", light," lialawl� bou"t fell tobave'Obotograplis for Pried 66 -bigge browfi Boots, Inakie �%,jth Neo',;6 goles 'and 112V a lid !,So pot M I bdue, 411.00: W". ItI601111106 10 hours toade here to exchange with rubber lleOsr. 1"laww6kir.. B. county toad, iijo. S"*&ft **d Oo4t*ta. di Allow vour flaftkilif and friends. 60. 4 X.# otloo', 13"IM 0 t". 1 "11119-4106. vw* r-44% I IL, VISO; *Wm. Full. HA CHAS, BLACK S AMAN, THE SHOE MAN 4 too, 0 016,00" 14%. sum""; is T% FV .1 it IWAMWOM" 14 n ......... .. ­­­_,­_ ...... .. . r