The Exeter Advocate, 1898-12-16, Page 6Subscribers who do not receive them paper
.regularly will please notify us at once.
tall at the office for advertising rates,
THURSDAY, DEO. 15, 1808.
ere of tho Fowl.
Keep down all surplus, stock; market
cell that is net needed.
Fed wheat to ebickena as moan as
they are able to eat it
Damaged grain or fermented, food are
very ;alit to induce bowel disease,
Fowls that are overfed ere nos';
kealthy 'lend will not lay regularly.
To fatten geese rapidly feed boiled
.oat with milk two or e-hree uiea
Iienroving to warm, dry quarters will
prevent the biggest half of any dis-
I'rortn this time on through the win-
ter ,early feeding will give the best re-
Lime water it tt cure for bowel dis-
eases, sad is also a remedy nor sort-
elttlked egg*.
AI:ii Itis all the noon ar! elements'
for the production of tat, and gives the
skin a good color.
In too naany cases the poultry are
e!verfeu, emeseng bene to become toe
rat and nnproduetive,
Dry lime 1. tat causes to b* givers
*lone. A better pan is 'to keep a vt,4.
lief of liras• water e(inven;ert.
I1oiliug the milk that is ted to fowls
will -increase its value aud lessen the
s:sk of lis prot:uc!ng disease,
Chiclaera Intended for breeding stoc*t
should not be pushed too fast or be
everfetl. A. steady (development is best
Too few ro+.stera, or old inferior s'toek
vn the mule side. want of moisture dur-
urling In( tl,atir,m are well-knowcause*
of infertility of eggs.
Airs Ce''". e Coma, Syrecu-e, N. Y.
writes; "1•'o rare I could not eat many
kinds of nen av-:tlaotrt producing a barn-
enerteneatime " in in my stomach. I
took l',.r:tte,cr Inils eeeor.iing to di'et.''
tions rieder tee bea+I of 'Ilyspepsia or In
digestive.' One box entirely cured rue. 1
nisei' Cz1, 1 choose, without
tietree :n._; rte in the least,' Thee, Pula.
to not c.a',:-e p-;1iu or griping. at:ai should
Je used e:it:mrrlC
rot -mined.
• :ia'li,fial Dairy ate,..
Grind the grain that you feed the
Ineep the cow warm or she will shrink
iker milk.
Peel the cow all the grain that she
inn utiiiee..
Prepare vo give the cow walrin water
this winter.
Pure air ie necessary to the formation
aef pure milk.
Take off the horns. They are useless
sale dangervua.
When the cow Weiss the man we do
•something to prevent ber repeating it.
Wen the man kicks the cow we do
nothing. Ought to tie his feet to-
Minard's Liniment the Lumberinan's Friend.
Issdly Twisted,
An Irish laborer having overslept oss
=earning, and in bis hurry to get to
work on time put on his trousers
bind side before, arrivedat the build -
log on which he was workinga little
late and hurriedly ascended the ladder.
When about half way up he clipped
and fell to the ground. A crowd otfel-
low laborers soon assembled, and at
once began to about, "He's deadl He's
dead!" But Mike, looking shim avec'
sarefuliy and turning him around, said,
la solemn tone: "No he's not dead, but
le got a turrible bad twist!"
Dyspepsia and Indigestion.—C. W. Snow
& Co., Syracuse. N. Y., writes: "Please
send us ten gross of Pills. We ase selling
more of Parmelee's Pilis than any other
Pili we keep. They have a great repu-
tation for the cure of Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint." Mr. Charles A. Smith, Lind-
say, writes: "Parmelee's Pilis are an
.excellent medicine. My sister has been
troubled with severe headache, but these
*ills have cured her."
famomefee eat.
He—No: I can't afford to marry.
She—Why I'm stere the tailor would
trust you for a di ess suit if you men-
-Clotted papa's name:.
t.;t, tall u,l
nun- 'With ,t,t sereno.
Who is a ghostly relative? H -aunt.
Who is your sourest relative? Your
teenier in vinegar.
What relative is most welcome in a
•for•eign land? Mother -tongue.
Why is a kitchen chair as good its one
In the drawing -room? Because both
are sat in (satin).
Why er., ,food church members not
human? Because they are in sects (in-
Nearpass—I hope the ministers didn't
.:refer to the creditors the deceased left.
Bennet—He merely said that his loss
s<,uld he felt wherever he was known.
A Aiadtlened Sailor Succumbs. To Mels-
aeric Gaze.
Hypnotism was employed recently by a
New York hospital surgeon in si bduing a ttt
Yvan in a fit whom live policemen could
net overcorlre, Dr. Wheeler, the surgeon,
was on an ambulance which bad been
sent to Third, avenue and. Sixteenth street
to the aid of a sailor who had fallen in the
street. He found the man in charge of a
The sailor rose to his feet and tri to
get away. He was suffering from a vio-
lent form of epilepsy, and he threw the.
policeman around the pavement es if he.
were a tiguro of straw. The policemen
rapped for assistance. end four other blue -
coats came to iris aid -
The sailor, who bad developed all the
strength of mania, bandied the five police-
men as if they were children. The officers
were OM ts? use their clubs when the
ambulance surgeon arrived on the sceuo.
"Let the mean go," he said. AU the
policemen relinquished their hold, and the
sailor ran into the middle of Sixteenth
street. Dr. Wheeler followed him up and
caught bis eye. The doctor is slight of
build, and the bluejacket, who belonged
to the Brooklyn, was nearly S feet tall and
bad muscles like iron.
The surgeon followed the man with his
nnignetio eye. The sailor gazed into the
face of the doctor, uud an exereesit:n of
astonishment and of fear carne tato hls
eyes. The surgeon made mystic passes
about the man's bead The salilor, with
his eyes intently Axed upon thep ysici»
The doctor steppedepeio ARA side, and tbo
jail ie followed b,
"Turn in," a'tid the doctor, leading the
way toward the ambulance and going
through motions similar to those of sling-
ing a hammock, -
The sailor followed him. The walk of
the sailer grow a little unsteady, and he
lurched against a post. This distracted
his attention from the hypnotic eye It
acted much like snapping the finger and
the shrill "Wase up" of the stage Sven -
'being lost his view of the doctor'a.
face, the subject partly recovered bis
SCAR'S. Be started itt run. ler Wheeler
jumped upon him and bore mut to the
earth. The sailor struggled a little, and,
then the doctor again :nue strange and
weird passes. The a;tiler wee helpless He
gazed into tho *lectern face and nllittered
soluething which sounded like "Aye, aye,
sir.' "Jho policeluen lifted up the lilnp
form and placed it in the alnibtli:ettte
The dieter kept the roan under control
1 hurried uplltird,
while the ambulance but is i
avenue. He resembled a lion tamer sit-
ting on a narrow bench in the ices of a
restlerrs ding of beasts By the bene the
sailor reached the hospital he had rally-
ered from his fit and was easily utanaged,
di Supposed Rescue Turned Out to Its
a Tragedy.
Mrs. Davies was drowned on .Aug. 20
off Cape Horn while trying to leap from
her husband's ship, the Ulenericht, to the
British ship Balmoral, while the vessels
were locked yardarm to yardarm Her
house was on board her husband's ship
Her death was a particularly sad one.
When the shlps cane into collision, Mrs.
Davies rushed on deck, and, seeing several
sailors jumping for the Balmoral, which
seemed to bo tearing the Olonerieht to
pieces, she climbed on to the bulwarks
and, with a sailor holding her aria, made
a jump for the Balmoral.
Captain Davies saw the sailors jump,
saw them land safely on the other vessel.
He saw his wife jump and concluded that
she bad been as fortunate as the sailors.
A second after sho took the leap the ves-
P.a••r Throwers.
Dr. Ray—People who live In glass,,
houses shouldn't throw stones.
Mrs. Gay—Oh, but that only applies
to men: A woman's throw doesn't
amount to anything.
London tends to become a city of
bachelors, while the country round be-
•o•enes a vast encampment, of families -
Ask for Minard's Liniment and take no other.
At the Photographer's.
Sitter (grulnply)—Want me to look
pleasant, I suppose?
Photographer:Not at all, sir! Our
,specialty is truthful likenesses.
Looking Forward.
Mrs. Noear—Do you think my, daugh-
ter wall be a musician?
Profiessor—•Igant say. She may. She
dell me she some of a long-lived venally.
Different NOW.
Jahn -Sa o
Gi:y y, poi), did you ever mesh
you lad lots of little boys'
Papa—Yes, my son, ' before I had
eels parted, and in a few moments lost
sight of each other, Concluding that his
wife was on the Balmoral, Captain Davies
as soon as he reached Montevideo made
all arrangements for her reception. Mean-
while he secured a nurse for his little girl
and settled down to await word of the ar-
rival of the Balmoral.
When the Balmoral arrived, it was learn-
ed that Mrs. Davies had slipped when she
leaped; that the sailor on whose arm she
depended had released her to save himself,
and that the skipper's wife had met an
awful death instead of landing upon the
deck of a friendly ship,
An Omelet of White Ants.
Africa seems to be the great country for
insect eating. Large quantities of locusts,
caterpillars and beetle grubs are consumed
by the natives, and in certain parts white
ants or termites are esteemed a welcome
addition to the bill of fare. These ants
may be prepared in various ways One is
to boil them down in water to the consist-
ency of porridge, or they may be eaten
simply dried over the fire, Cooked with
beaten up eggs they make a not unsavory
omelet, or they may be used in /neat pies
instead of flesh. A European traveler in
Africa remarks that white ants taste
something, like meat stuffing, Bo received
about 50 loads of them for the use of his
The save traveler tells us how on his
marches he used small ants' nests, mush-
room shaped and about the size of a man's
head, as hearthstones, three of them being
arranged in a triangle.-Lschange.
trials Mmes.
One of the many useful things which
absolute privation has been the means of
making known to the world is Irish moss.
The poor inhabitants of the Irish coast
were drives to tis use by the pangs of hun-
ger When boiled it produces a thiols,
nourie~,liing cud not unpalatable jolly: It
is: most beneficial fordiseases of the throat
and lunars.
L.ady Kilarney^ Is Sized Up According
to Iter Butaps.
Miss. Jessie A Fowler, daughter of the
famoas phrenologist and herself an expert,
in the science. recently examined the
bumps of Mrs. -John Jacob Astor's chest-
nut snare I,ady Eilarney. "This noted
borse," says Miss Fowler, "has an atuaz-
iugly large social brain. She requites this
because, being a saddle horse, she has to
enter into the life of the family to which
she is attached,
"A saddle horse creeds a well balanced
organization and a particularly harmoni-
ously develoned head. Indy Rilarney bas
both these requisites to a tracked degree.
"She has nono of the tricks of the Shet-
heel pony, nor the fiery gait of the hunt-
er, Icor the slow, plodding disposition of
nano letteetn E>; Ann tiFeee puma's.
the care borse, but a suitable blending of
all the best characteristics of her type of
horse. Even her nese has a good tempered'
Molt about it. It is nor at all vielouse
whish stn uneven nasal organ always is.
" he has n large development of ideali-
ty; consequently she is gremlin in All her
movements mitt hits case of motloe and
l'('auty ttf step. I:e Inv es the freedom of t
fine surteeti^.tin! Pullen a canter through
the pert. *en a sunt:;: u.ctaing MASI 1 tit
her in line fettle and make her feel in her',
1' wet
"She cortaiuly has a sousoof tho artistic'
mad 11V 3 i.s, t o ,s,,01 amount of subli:n-
sty. `l'1 i t prd.':iu is situated in the front cf
Clan iu•ad At`.ivty a'_tl forward et thocar.
Slit; itis the ergan oe weight splentdidlydt'-
vel(>l ed, which teed les her to adjust hot'
nlQvena(ut tat Its desire of the rider
"Lady Kilttr:ley understands locality
and has a t. '; 1 memory tom. These traits,
she shows 1 st; the bzeadth and thickness of
her hi::d in the frontal lobe above tl,e
a i
l�o of the eyes. dile is II➢ot at all ca1171;.tt-
Ivo in her 1.,,lture, and tl.ercfore the brad
behind the mire is comparatively setell lI
and tnlderehtied, and utero is little ria',:'
that she vt^i1I have the iaablts of kicking,
and bitl. g.
"SLe is a Fagacious Imrso anti has more
than the usual amount of intuition. - ht
seems W untdt't'>tatitt the people with whom
sho Is brought in contact."
1'1tysleal Training.
The core of the body bus been up to
eompttratively recent years strangely neg-
lected in the public schools of this COMP
try, It bas been considered quite suAi-
cient educational trainin; for the young
to exam and overload their brains with a
quantity of matter dlfluult to digest, and
In too many Instances even when assimi-
lated of little use in after life, says The
Medical Beverd. Numbers of delicate.
highly strung children have broken dow:
under the :,train, and the dreary daily
grind of the Monotonous cramming sys-
tem, undergone in unhealthy surround-
ings, has developed many of the nervous
diseases to which the present generation
is so peculiarly susceptible. What docs
knowledge profit a nan if in the gaining
of it 110 loses the still more precious gift
of good health? The nations of the old
world, notably Greece and Roane, under-
stood and appreciated much snore clearly
than do the people of these times the harm-
fulness of unduly forcing the mind to
the lasting hart of the body. Tho gymna-
siums of ancient Greece probably reached
in their methods of training the young a
higher ideal than have any of the educe -
tonal systems now in vogue. In the face
of this condition of affairs it is pleasing to
note that the people of Amerlea aro rapid-
ly becoming alive to the pernicious effects
of developing the mind at the expense of
the body.
Bicycle Polities.
Among the League of American Wheel -
men of Illinois there havo been two factions
for a long time, and this year the contest
between the two has been stronger than
ever. In the excitement of "making up
slates" the date of presenting the nomina-
tions was overlooked, and George D.
Locke, the secretary -treasurer, at the last
moment filed with himself his own nomi-
nation for chief consul, not a single nom-
ination for any other office being made.
Ballots containing only his name were
sent out, and in duo time he will bo de-
clared elected. As chief consul it will then
devolve upon him to fill the vacant offices
of vice comet] and secretary -treasurer, as
well as an entire board of officers~.
A New Billiard Fad.
What is known as the two ball billiard
game, sometimes called the "Al Smith"
mune, has become very popular in Now
York city. It consists of simply playing
with one ball to hit the other and touch-
ing three or more cushions before count-
ing. Smith, who first introduced the
game, is quite expert at it. He competed
against both Ives and Shafer and defeated
both of then', remaining today unbeaten.
Mechanical Pacing.
"The most popular form of mechanical
pacing in the future," says an English
cyclist, "Will in all probability be the pe-
troleum driven motors, as i etroleum can
be purchased at almost any place, while
electric machines can only be charged in
important towns and cities. It is said that
two reservoirs, one tandem, are capable of
pacing for six hours at a speed of 30 miles
an hour."
Tandems Not Popular.
While the price of tandem bicycles has
been reduced, it is stated by those who
ought to know that the use of tandems is
decreasing and that the makers are not
sorry. It appears that the reduction in
prices is not due so much to ehe desire at
the manufacturers to increase the popu
larity of this typo of machine as to a wish
to get rid of the material on hand.
avoid i.'igevns JJctinct.
The Stnithenniail ;institution has an
nounced that all efforts on its part to Ma
tain a live specimen, of itie will or passen
ger pigecm Naive rer-ulted in.'fail uro. 'b at•
withstanding -a liberal reward was offered
by the haste 1':iteen, and ouch correspond
ecce and inquiry were carried on, no live
passenger pigeon has been produced.
Even Rs First B
ISrnniuteIfr e lieWaHadNot Pleaats of Gall, arate
hist 7 ianployer Soon Learned to MIX
In days gone by where the bulk of good$
was sold on the road the real, genulue ar-
ticle of drummer was soarce. Idon who
controlled a large trade and commanded
large salaries also received large commis-
sions in addition. Business ruen were al-
ways ou the lookout for good neon, and
lots of dead ones were given an opportu-
nity to show their fitness.
Down in one of the Third street cloth-
ing houses a retired merchant had desk
room just to meet his o1d, friends and as -
sedates. This gentleman lead a nephew
named Max. Be was a tall, thin, un-
gainly *bap with what the boys tern an
ingrowing face.
What Maxie lacked in looks be tirade up
in gall, He always was a bit with him-
self. His uncle persuaded the clothing
merchant that Maxie was the real thing,
and as a drummer ho was bound to be a
success., So he was engaged for three
months, His sample trunks were packed
nihil final instructions given, Filled with
hope and business cards Maxie sallied
Days passed and then weeks, but never
a line from Maxie, The papers were rare,
fully scrutinized forrailroad aeciderrts and
suicides, but no sign of Max, Telegrams
were sent to the various points laid out in
his route, but It was all in vain,
"1 holm he is deed," said the proprietor,
"for then ha can"t draw on itis,"
But 711asie was a long way from being
On the twenty-flfth day MAXI° blew In.
no didn't have a chance to say A word, s.9
the old man opened up at once.
"Well, here you aro. What eyctlsehere
you for living? How many orders bars
you got?"
one," replied Maw,
"None!" repeated the boss. "Why. I
could have sent a shall boy out to pass
circulars, I didn't need you, Don't ex.
plain anything, You aro uisehargcd."
much," replit.t1 Max,. '.-I awn en-
gaged for three mt,nths, and Z'il quit If
you pay IRO off in lull."
"All right, my worthy drummer, I'll
keep you for three months," said the Iaoss,
"Il4'liQvt perk at 8 o'clock every morning."
rise came round every morning„ Be
was nrderccl to stay in front. If he sat
1(?wwas ordered to(
down, ho (arae d stand, and if he
stinted to wrtk he was ordered to stand.
Newspapers were snatched out of his banth.
lie was not allowed to smoke. In fact,
everything was tried to make Menlo quit,
Hut Maaioevouldn t quit. He needed the
One day be was playing with the rale -
tor. It was ono of the old style, with
an endless wire rope for stopping and
starting. Alex was busy starting, and
after the elevator had traveled a few inches
ho would stop it. The old man was back
in the oi;ico watching Max and said to the
"Dave, I wish that elevator would fall.
and break his amok."
'filo words had just been uttered when
there was a loud slamming, banging nolsc,
followed by a dull thud. Clouds of dust
Silted the front end of the place.
"Thunderatlon," shrieked the old man,
"I have got a damage suit on handl Max,
aro you bort?"
"No," replied Max.
On investigation it was found that the
wire check rope had parted and fallen to
the collar, but Maxie had decimal in time.
"Step book in the (dice, Max," said the
old roan, "`Dave, write out a check for
bim. Hero's your salary. Getout. You
aro tbo picture of bad luck, and I don't
know what might happen if you staid
much longer."—Cincinnati Commercial
Love at First Sight.
I'rlond—So yours was a case of love at
first sight?
Airs. Getthere—Yes, indeed. I fell des-
perately in love with my dear husband the
moment I set eyes upon him. I remember
it as distinctly as if it were yesterday. I
was walking with papa on the beach at
Long Branch when suddenly papa stopped
and, pointing Irian out, said, "There, my
dear, is a man worth $10,000,000."—New
York Weekly.
Valuable After Alt
Maria's singing was never admired by
the neighbors when she lived in London,
but vv hen she visited Africa it was much
appreciated by Cook's tourists. Parties
traveling in the jungles paid her n5 a
week to march in front and scare away
the wild beasts.—Comic Cuts.
Typical Sweetness.
He—There's that Smythe girl—she's
going to sing "In 01d Madrid."
She (with that sweetness wbich is a
characteristic of her sex)—Is sho really?
What a relief ! I we^ afraid she was going
to sing here f—New Orleans Times-Demo-
Slightly Astray.
Miss Townley—I think the country is
just sweet: I love to see the peasant re-
turning to bis humble cot, his sturdy fig-
ure outlined against the setting sun, his
faithful collie at this side and his plow up-
on his shoulder l—•Punch.
To Spare Her Feelings.
Mrs. Styles—I hate to hear a man whis-
tle in the house.
Mrs. Phyles—Then you must have your
bills for millinery sent to your husband's
office, I suppose? --Yonkers, Statesman.
She ---Ada has married one man out of a
Ile—Well, bow sunny did you expect her
to marry? Two or three?—lehiladelphia
North American.
Its Size.
Miss Totling 11liss S.incoo was born
with a silver spoon in her mouth.
Atlas Dimling ( a g
aftor'lance at the
seouth)-Tablespoon?--Nlarlem Life.
For 25 Years
ST+JACOB$ OIL has cured with,
entire satisfaction, surely and
promptly, all forms of
Aches and Pains
CIY�tilitM1f+rga�tfir'a x�xist7arcxaerc4rrr►hhV�dk�'ifl'INW�tftM1liiYCi!`r�,ft�tit'yYt'+tiit'+�'4`t'dlf�lt'l�Y�+tNJ�i[WYt`�kirYll'fr.`
re Ibis v.desble Watcb, Male and Charts by selling twenty Tops*
Scarf I'In , at ISosela cs b, Send your address and we ferwatdtbe
Fins and caw Prematra Lig. postpaid. No money required. Theta Pitts
will almost sell themselves, for the Topaz has all the brilliance of dm lest
diamonds, Anti has never before been off red at anything like this price. Tke
Watch is neat in appearance, thoroughly well made, and fully guaranteed. ,
Uasgld Fins May be returned. Mention this paper wben writing.
Ogg 1'IN CO.. Freehold Eutiding, Toronto, Ont.
Skepticism,—TL`lds is uuhapinly an age
of skepticieln, but there ie ono point upon
which persons acquainted wish the suis•
feet agger, namely, t'iat Dr. Tltonlas'
Eclec'rlc Oil is a int 1b'sue which eau be
relied upon to cure n cough. renovc pain,
heal sores of var:oes kinds, and ttenefit
any inflamed portion of the body to which
It is applied,
An African fat used fee domestic pur.
peocs Is the ell of a species of heetlo. It
r(Fent blt'a Wedeln -el cocoanut oil.
lit, „ru• It
"tI ean't odor you enytliin " said the
lctnl-hearted lady, "but corned beef
and ealibnge."
"Madame," replied Meandering Anise,
"it 'ed be my salvation. I've waked
fear utiles tryiu' to fad a house where
they'd offer me sttu(etliin' besides dark
aneat and wine -hone s"
01aati A'ltr't.kftax'rile•.
"Shall I have your Christmas present
- . ., .w. _,..• charged, dear?" vsketi a business man's
wife, smiling sweetly upon hilar,
,1 It •'
1. +� e e h. B. , f
5 .lave �r r d the y t
"'mud if it's any tltitn like, the Christ'
mus present you ,; .vv' ale last year
it charged with dynamite.".
We believe M1NARD'S LINIMEN '
la the best.
'Matthias Folev, Oil Cite, Ont.
JoNepla ,Sn0w, Not way, Ase.
Chas. Wllooten, ti ulgrave, N. S.
Rev. R. 0. .1rmstrang, Mulgravo, N,S,
Pierre Landry, sour., Pokemouelio,
N, B.
Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N. B.
nulilost'.s Pride.
Bobboing--Wsuet makes old Bullion,
the tniltioneire, (beefs so shabbily?
I{obbing'--Pride of station.
"How's that?"
"He's ,aflatid of being mistaken tor *
it onOsyllable.
"He gave me a dictionary of words of
one syllable."
"Flow funny."
"Oh, I don't know. He warted me
to learn to say 'Yes.'
To introduce Dr. Weston's Tmpmred Pink Trent Tonic. PIIS
for enriching the blood, armee Pratte, drtlrate Indies, Ilvar
and kidney dlesi s, rheum—Mani, 'bars o d a nervufsnrss,
• erne:al d0Llllty, to, xogiven 14k got/Anted
w;atch.Ladles' or °enta ral,tlo 13 G timoker1 per. war.
ranted The 1511, era EOr. tier nox, $8.80 fur 8. beats, Send this
amount and you receive Ahores sod the watch, orwrtte fele
particulars. This is n t.'nulne offer.
Worms derange the whole system.'
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator de-
ranges worms, anti hives rest to the suffer'
er. It only costs 25 cents to try it and be
Her Prompt Reply:
He—I saw a beautiful smile iilumin-
sting your face as my arm stole around
you. Te11 me, darling, what were you
thinking about?
She—About the pins in rely waist. !�
This Se,aurt correct.
Riprap—the eyes are the windows of
the soul.
Wigwag—Then the earl elf the man
whose eyes have beenblacked looks
out of stained glass windows.
Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians.
A lady writes : "I was enabled to remove
the corns, root and branch, by the use of
Holloway's Corn Cure." Others who have
tried it have the same experience.
He Wanted to Know.
"Remember, my daughter, that noth-
ing is gained by deceit."
"Why, mamma, how did you ever
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