The Exeter Advocate, 1898-12-16, Page 5THE
1 Teter buorate
Is published every Thursday Morning,
et the Office,
—By the --
One Dollar per auntie( if paid in Advance
se1.5Oifaotso paid,
3dzrexti-=Hag Megtgs aas, •#C;Ppll.c.pacne
No paper discontinued un til all arrearages
rare laid. Advertisements without seecii;c
directions will be published till forbid and
ehergedaocoedingly. Liberal diseoeittauade
Kee transoieetadvertisezneeisinserted for
/Oleg Periods. livery description of JOB
turned out t 'n
the finest style,
s, end at moderate nates. Cheques, money ord-
ere, &o. for advertieing, snbseriptions,
be need° Peva ble to
Ohas. IL Sanders,.
EDI roil Axe PROP
IProfesszon;tl Cards.
K KINSMAN, L D. S. ft; DEC. A. R.
KINS3MA,`, L D. 4, D. L. s., honor
graduate of Toronto L'u]versity.
Teeth extracte i without eny pain, or any
bar( effects. Office in F;tnson'e Stook, west
bile Main Street,Bxeter.
honors Graduate of the Toronto nal -
awl Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Rut Eao•oP Teeth extraetr,l without pain.
All mol ntistry up to date. c)lliee
over El/lot es, Elliot'., law olffce---opposite
Central Hotel --Exeter.
7r;edieal •
rs..T A, ROLT,INS & T A. AMOS.
e„“,tepees, sang+ as formerl:e
OFFICES,Speekrnau, buil,ling,Mein et.
Dr, Rolling' office; sante as formerly -north
door. Dr. Allroa' oince,'Janie buihling -south
deon May 1st, isee
J. olline, M.. 1), T A, Ames, AI I)
Tan.T. P. MoLAIr(r1BIsTlee MEMBER. OP
the College of Ph vsiciau s an Surge one
Ontario. Peve(elan, burgeon (taut Aeconoh-
eur. theeo, Uasllwomi. tint
. oR, t:ouveyancer. Notary Pnbne.
fee eo-')ver O'\eil'e ]?ani;, l xeter,Outerio.
Money to Loan,
�J eoli'iror;, •ot•ari•.•s. Cou'Veirittireri,
Coneniseieurr,,etc. Marry to loan at en
pa. rout. )[ileo--FAneon'cr lllocl:.
)t ctn nt., *Penner.
I R Calir,tece II, A.. L. R. DICKSON.
IA member otthe then will to at Howell
on Thursday of each }utak.)
'�ierseOT :. (*T IWAN. BeRRl$TERfi.
141 Ent., Conveya.-reera, and Money to
13. V. Em.tee. P. W. (Iretemee.
T BLlOWN.Wiachoiaea. Licensee Auot-
.I.l, ieueer for the Counties of Porth and
Middlesex, also for the township of I eborne
Selo( Promptly attended to and terms rea-
.or bete, ,aloe arranged at Post office, Win-
Insurance .&goat,
Main St, Exeter
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual, Ladies ask
your druggist for Cooke Cotton Root Corn-
nd. Take no ocher, as all Mixtures, pills and
'tenons aro dangerous. Prieo, No,1, elver
r, No. x,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No.
1 or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two 8•eent
stamps The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
re l onslble and
fa CanadP.nended by all
Vn 1 e.u,l No sot) lu B,eter t;y ,T,W
Drowning, Druggist.
fi'br'e;. -
ollop, f3
t)prominent citizen of
Ch;lth;lm, cotntnitted suicide by shoot -
lug himself iu the head.
The Yeomen' Binder Twine Coin paitv
Brantford bas �,
of 1 la fi h 1, just Jaid that • st lu
1 .1
a 1 i ,of i
isbu � tet d (0 per cent, on its
capital spode for the year ending- Oe
tober lath last.
,L 11, Nihloek, agent of the Loudon
Life Assurance Company, was sentenc-
ed to three years in the Kingston
Penitentiary in the police court Monday
morning for forgery.
The Arneriestn Secretary of Agri -
Culture has received information that
foot and mouth disease, one of the moat
feared of animal maladies, is raging in
the Province of Hainut, Belgium.
The trial of Andre Riopelle for caus-
ing the death of Leon Boyer resulted
in a verdict of guilty of manslaughter
at the Bull Assizes. He was sentenc-
ed to four years iu St. Vincent de Paul
Penitentiary .
The wild cat which hits hien prowl.
ing around in tarn swamp of lir. Geo.
Noxwell, Lobo, and nett with its death
the other day, while in r,)rnhat with
Mr. Noxwell's pigs. has bewt•n secured
by Mr GeorgeEdwards, London townn
ship, who will have it stuffey(i and keep
' it for a novelty.
R E Van Horne, a brakeman, was
killed on the Grand Trunk in London
Saturday last. go was working be-
tween two separated. cars when an en-
gine caused thern to go together and
the unfortuuate man was caught be-
tween the draw heads` and received such
'injuries that he died an hour later. A
sad 'feature is the fact that
taee ,ased
was to have been married in a few
weeks to a young lady of Elmira Ont.,
his former home. His fiancee was
notified by telegraph and arrived in
the city this afternoon with 'relatives of
Story of a Stave.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the ch tins of disease is the worst
form of slavery. George D. Williams„
of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a
slave was made free. He says.: My
wife has been so helpless for five years
that she could not turn over ` in bed
alone. After using two bottles of.
Mt -eerie Bitters, she is wonderfully im
proved and able to do her own work.”
l has supreme remedy for female dis
s quickly cure nervousness, stern
•lessnese, melancholy. headache, back-
ache, fainting and dizzy spoils. This
miracle warkine medicine is a god
send to week, sickly, run down people.
Every bottle kuarantred Only 50
huts. Sold by all Druggists.
Horrors of Dyspepsia
Sour Stomach, Heart Palpita-
alpitation, Nervous, Sleepless
No Able to
1N A Do All tho Housework
—What Cured Her.
The excellentqualities of food's
Sarsaparilla as a stomach tonic and
appetizer enable it to relieve and cure
dyspepsia even when cure seems hope-
less. a '1
e@.. Read d T1irs, �yI lett s letters
ct C. I, Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Gentlemen :—I have been sick for
about six years with dys-
L,a#ter pepsia with all its horrible
nightmares, Steep as sour
No. 1 stomach, flatulency, palpi-
tation of the heart, insom-
Pia, etc,, aid all that time I. have tried
almost every known remedy and the
best doctors in the state, but nothing
did me any good. I was very
Weak and Nervous.
About Ave mouths ago I commenced
taking hood's. Sarsaparilla, and after
using Ave bottles I am able to do
all my housework and feel better
than I have in several years. Also,
my husband bad pneumonia last win-
ter and Ids blood got very bad; he
had rheiunatism and could scarcely
walk. Ile commenced to tape hood's
Sarsaparilla and in a short time he
\li as better in every way, his rheum.
Belix lies left hien anti is in better
Health than for e long time." ales.
W. 3, WILLErr, ]It, Holly, N. C.
Still Praising; Hood's.
cc 0, I, flood 45 Co., Lowell, Mass.,
tc Dear airs; --I aux still praising
Hood's Sarsaparilla for the
Letter great benefit both myself
and husband derived from
No. 2 its use and I do not hesitate
to say it is the best medicine
we have ever used in our family."
Mics. W. 3, WIl LETT, Mt. !lolly, N. C.
Sarsaparilla is th® all
True Moe-
l'urlrier Sold by all dreggists. $l; six for $,5.
Hood's Pills `slob Ueadacbe I.' 0. and
Illaneibard ; A very pleasant affair
tool: place at the re•'ideuce of Mrs. C.
Switzer, on the third line today (Thurs.
day), Dec. Stb, when her daughter, ,Miss
Mary 1'i. Switzer, was united .in mar
ringe to Mr. Albert E Thacker,ofTece-
u'ater. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev. John Ball, of Isirkton, in `
the presence of some G0 invited guesis.1
I'ho bride's sister Nellie performed the
duties of bridesmaid, while the groom's
brother, lir. John Thacker, of Tees
water, supported the groom. The
bride wag dressed in pearl gray trimtn
t d with satin ribbon and lace, and
wearing orange blossoms.
•� TOti
For Infants and Children.
«: fen
k on
,.2; `-
,� n�/� . every
‹i ee gram:
n �
let e. •
a ( •i'h
( On rsd
'hl av n f last
"I 1
vttl Mamie t n o i4T. eldest daughter t ter c ;
Abraham Smith, died after an illness of
ten,;days from an attack of appendicrts,
much to the sorrow of her many friends.
Sea forth. On Monday week there
died suddenly of paralysis, at the re-
sideuce of Mr John Dodds, Mrs. Hod -
girrs, late of Forest who had been pay •
ing her mice, Mrs. Dodds, a visit. The
deceased was in her usual health on
retiring. hut ehortly after Urs. r'odds
heard a sound as of someone falling.
and 00 going to the room found her •
guest lying on the floor. Kind hands
raised her up and medical aid was
sent .for, but she only lived a couple of
hours. Deceased was the widow of
the late Edward Hodgins of the firm
of Atkinson, Gattis & Hodgins, gre'n
merchants of Forest, who about 30
years ago last his life, by the accidental
discharge of his gun, while out duck
shooting on Lake Hurou.
!t? E1oodr
a Where the Mood Loses its ;i°
;i ;y
intense red—grows thin and
:b watery, as in anemia, there is 0)
i6 a constant feeling of eshaus- 0))•
eo tion, a lack of energy—vitality d90
le:and the spirits depp
ees d
,x Scott9 s [muision ,.:
t. xu
tit 19
rf9 post) eod of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- i
phosphites of Lim and
d*. is peculiarly' adapted to correct fr
l this condition. ' The cod-liver i
oil, emulsified to an exquisite :Li
Se, fineness. enters the blood direct . e
to and feeds., its ever corpuscle,„v
aro; Y)
•t\ restorin the natural color, and A,
giving vitality to the whole ; v
(6)6,' system. The hypophosphites
m reach the brain and nerve
Ol centres and add their strength- lir
4 eningand beneficial effect. -,o
n) If the' roses have l ft our s16
e y w
ie Cheeks, if you are growing >iu
thin and exhausted from over- wi.,
ore or if, age is beginning Ad. S to tell, use SCOTT'SOg Em- 0)
Sion . til
h Be sure you get SCOTT'S
01 Alt druggists; 50a. and $i.00. yrs(
SCOTT & BOVINE, Chemists, Toronto. V%
tee.4 rr.Cv:CEeEe.A>*:Pc .vt;li4e
rr tt 1 (� 1 c�T edict astonished the Chinese,and the
Ll�t ilLt� `� � E> R� S j action .of the Rmpress Dowageis likely
bave salutary elToet
to e t 1 :,
^ (Changed every Wednesday)
Emperor Willia.rn Thinks Britain
Is Showing Unusual Tenacity.
Deputies Rose During a Dreyfus s Inter
potation and Rushed at One Another
Protest of the %'retnier-Pietntart
Riots in the City -Comte 3,;ster-
hazy Willing to Testify-
able News.
London, Doo. 13. ---Tho Berlin uorrete
pondent of the Daily News says "I have
not been able to prooure an autbentlo
,record of Emperor William's 00AVersation
with the Reichstag oflicialls,. hull 1 have
reason i
n to believe that it covered a large.
ileld in foreign polinios. The Emperor, I
uuderstand, di=_oussed the eventuality of
a serious Anglo-Frew/1i conflict, express-
ing the opinion that England was in
earnest and was parching her political
objects with unusual tenacity, as the
ITcited States did before the late war."
A Violent uproar in the French Chamber
of Deputies-.T1,e Premier Culled
From the Tribune.
Paris, Doc. la. --lo the Chautbsr of
Deputies yesterday, M. Grou.s s. Radical
Socialist, in,orpeI1eted the lievea'ntuent
on the .directions of the general stalT 1n
the Preyttls effala lis read extr,e.- s from
newspaper articles. 'which are alleged to
have emanated from membor,i of the gen
era( staff, which caused a violent uproar
during which the Deputies rose and rueb
ed at one another and eugaued in a series
et net fights,
M. Grousott continued his remarks in
the midst of this tumult, and rucallel an
article in the Iutr r elee:int, referring
to letter,] from Emperor William and an
intereiow between Count you Munster,
the ecrnlan ambassador at Paris, and
hl, Caseitnir Perrier, the former Presi-
dent of the Republio,
The Premier Protested..
The Premier, M. Dupuy, raid that, as
heart of the Government, he protested
with the utmeet energy ageti:tst the lang-
nage of the smatter, who, he added, had
Cat measured its possible effect, (Great
Al, Derouledo, revisionist, shouted,
"Como oil' the Tritium:"
ceased a rcdoubloment of the Up.
When seml.qulet bad been restored,
M, Graussot said the centre of resistance
to the revision ot the Dreyfus ease was
no :longer the Ministry of War. It was
elsewhere. As to the secret documents in
the case, bo pointed out that they bad
been ridiculed by Emperor William him•
self. Russia and Austria were also mixed
up in the affair.
The Minieter of War, AI, de Freyolnet,
repudiated M. Grousset's allegations.
It 1, Dupuy asked the Chamber to close
the discussion and adopt the order of the
day, 'c high was done by a vote of 163 to
The House then adjourned.
"Spit upon PIe.quert."
Paris, Deo. 13.-M. Millevoye and tho
Comte do Ramal, both members of the
Chamber of Deputies, headed an anti-
Deeyfus demonstration yesterday atter-
noon. They marched to the Chorobe
Midi Prison, whore Col. Picgnart is con-
fined. On the police interfering, they
said they had achieved their object, of
being able to shone ",Spit upon Pio-
quart!" who could hear thele from the
wludow of the prison.
Troops 'Under Arms.
Paris, Deo, 18. -The city is greatly ex-
cited, and the troops aro under arms.
Col. Iis nart,
s rt
lease is still delayed,e
owing to the judicial quibbles 'between
the civil anti military authorities,
Esteritnzy Will Testify..
Paris, Doo. 13, -Couto Esterhazy has
written M. Mazertu, president of the
Court of Cassation, declaring his readi-
ness, if granted a safe conduct, to appear
before the court, to bo confronted with
all the witnesses, and to defend his own
honor and that of the late Col. Henry.
Tate. Trouble Between Norway and Sweden
Seems to Bo Growing.
Stookhohn, Deo. 13. -Dagens Nyheter
says that at a meeting of the Norwegian
Cabinet, held Sunday, it was resolved to
ask the Iling to sign a decree legalizing
the deoision of the Storthing, establish-
ing a separate Norwegian flag. The paper
adds that if the King does not aosede to
this request the Ministers will resign.
The Bitterness Increasing.
Christiana, Deo. 13. -The feeling be-
tween' Sweden and Norway keeps inoreas•
ing at a dangerous rate, At the bottom.
of the quarrel is the Norwegian senti-
ment' that Sweden w n has the hesof
t the
union and all the benefits while Norwe-
gian independence is curtailed.
The Swedish array consists of 105,000
men. The Norwegian army consists of
only 43,000, Sweden bas six battleships
and Norway two; Sweden four cruisers
and Norway one, with a similar disparity
in other vessels; yet, notwithstanding
bow absurdly unequal a struggle would
be, war Is actually discussed.
To any
other alternative lee except that of
continuing the present conditions, name-
ly, the peaceful severance of the Scandi-
navian union, Sweden will not consent.
Measures are talked of, on King Oscar's
instigation, which will make his.
Nor -
'Medan subjocts more contented.
Blow to. Anglo-American Trade.
Antwerp, Deo. 18,-'i'he Government
has proposed in Parliament a bill abolish-
ing the customs' pie-emption system ap-
plied in the case of disputed ad valorem:
declarations -a system which is the lin-
portee's only' safeguard. The Anglo -
Ansel Man
ngloAnsetioan Chamber. of Commerce:oonsid•
ers that trade between England and
America and Belgium is seriously threat-
ened, importers under the proposed law
being exposed to 'official caprice • and has
petitioned' Lord Salisbury to intervene
A Marvellous Change.
Loudon, Dec. 13. -the Pekin oorres•
aiidont o[ the Dail Mail. a
nsays: "An
Imperial reseript, just issued, sentences
to death a Chinese littera;eur who wrote
threatening letters to 'a foreign mission-
ary Kiang Si; and confers' high Chi-
nese honors on the missionary for his
tact and forbearance in - the matter. The
Sir William Jenner Dead.;
London, Dec. William. Jol:ner,
the distinguished pathologist and physi-
clan.ln-ordinary to tbo Queen And the
Prince of Walee,.died yesterday.
The late Sir 'iPillialn ,Jenner was
born at Chatham in 1815, and who was
president of the Royal College of Phylii-
cians from 1881, tt. 1880, when be retired
from the practice of his profession, ire
was the first to establish beyond, disputa
the difference in kind between. "'typhus
and typhoid ;Fevers.
I, oats' Grave in Roane,
London, Dec.
13. -In consequence acneo of
information having been received
Ronne that the grave of Keats, in the
outskirts of that city, may be destroyed:
In order to construct a new road., repre-
sentations are to be made to the muni-
cipal authorities to prevent any desecra-
tion. nailing
some of the poet's ad-
are considering the sugiestiou
that his ashes should be brought home to
England for interment.
Want the Terni Extended..
Cairo, Deo. 13. -Tho Egyptian Gotern-
lnent is about to send a oiroular to the
powers proposing Haat the terms of the
mixed tribunals, which end on Feb. 1,
be prolonged for a year•,. Tho mixed tri-
bunals were instituted In 1875 to deal
with civil actions between Pennons of
different nationallties and with crimee
committed by foreigners.
Another Brief Sas„los or the JUint Coax*
mission at Washington State of
the lteeiptoctty matter.
Washington, Dec, l3, -The American.
Ganadfan commission held a meeting
yesterday anti adjourned until to-dtiy,
The ,American anti i3ritisb members eaoh
held separate ses.;lons before the jolut
session. The questions considered, it wag
stated, were those whim have been before
the commission (luring the pass few days,
It is understood that the published fore•
cast ot an adjournment about Doe ;10 till
next March i, well based. \1 kilo no cillo-
ial motion ot this sort has been Made in
oonfereece, the matter bas been discussed
and such a proposition is likely to tomo
front the Canadian side at almost any
meeting. The commissioners continue
their stereotyped replies to all enquiries
that "the negotiations are proceeding as
satisfactor]le as could be expected, but no
cenolusiou has yet been reached.”
The Canadian oommissl000rs will, it
is understood, seek to force (fiairs along
at a more rapid pace this week, so that
when the conference is adjourned, next
Monday or Tuesday, for the Christmas
holidays they will be in a position to
know what is the furthest extent of the
concessions on the trade questions that
can be put through the Milted States
Senate. Yesterday the Americans on the
reciprocity committee were again un-
ready. The Senate is the real stumbling
Won Further Fame AS an Agrienitaral
anti 'Mining Country at the 'trans- *
Mississippi EXpnsition..
Ottawa, Doo. 13. -Canada's triumphs
at the Worlrt'e Fair, which enhanced her
fame es a produotivo and progressive
country, have boon repeated on a 'modi-
ffed seine at the Trans -Mississippi Exposi-
tion, recently brought to a close at
Omaha. Canada's display of agricultural
and mineral products was conceded by
visitors to bo one of the real features of
the exhibition, and gave an impressive
object lesson of the possibilities of this
country. Favorable public opinion as to
its merits was confirmed by the judges,
who bestowed upon it the gold medal.
But this was not the only honor won by
Canada. A bronze medal was S A a
for the BritishColman'
bit f
a gold,
silver and •copper ores, while gold medals
were given for the general exhibits of
grains and grasses from Alberta, Assini-
bola and Manitoba. Those honors wore
won in competition with all the western.
States, so that the achievement is no
empty one. From the immigration point
of view the exhibit was a success, and
will doubtless have a )narked influence
in accelerating the movement Canada -
ward from the tfnited States. The medals
and diplomas were received at the Inter-
ior Department vosterday.
At Levis on Monday, Tion. Charles
Langelier and Boutille Bourassa, Liberal,
and E, Emile Galley, Conservative, were
nominated for the local bye -election.
At Veroheres, E. Blanchard. Liberal,
and Mr. Archambault, Conservative,
wore nominated.
At Bedford, Dr. J. B. Comeau, Con-
servative, and Dr. C. L. Cotton, Liberal,
were placed in the field.
Foreman Wilkinson Tithed.
e s a teed.
Vancouver, B.C.,'Deo. 1'3, --News has
been received here that Foreman Wilkin-
son, for many years employed by Tacoma
& Realm Harbor Lime Co. at Roche
Harbor, was instantly :i
lied last Wednes-
edge =day by an
unexpected explosion of pow-
London Man Instantly Tilted.
London, Ont., Deo, 13. - William
Fraser, an em
Inyo of Sutherland, limes
& Co., was struck by a falling tree in
the woods near Glencoe, Saturday after-
noon, and instantly killed. His compan-
ion, named MoEachren,,was also severely
Wheat per bushel 5 tc Gu
)}lour per cwt- .1 83 to 2.00
BarlBarley 39 to 42
0 to 27
59 to 01
15to 15
gggs•--,.. ,-. 15
Potatoes perbag 65. to 75
li e t
.Y r ton 4.50 to 50
Dried5 Apples per ib 5
klu tter
see a s +w
Sorm �u
We never did; but we bele
seen the Clothing at this time
of the year so Covered with
dandruff that it looked as il' it
had been out in a regular snow-
No need of this snowstorm.
As the summer sun 'would
melt the falling snow so will
melt these flakes of dandruff in
the scalp. It goes further than
this; it prevents their formation.
It has still other properties:
it will restore color to gray hair
in just ten times out of every
ten cases.
And it does even more; it
feeds and nourishes the roots
of the hair. Thin hair becomes
thick hair; and short hair be-
comes long hair.
We have a book on the hair
and Scalp. It is yours, for the
If you do not obtain all the bene0ts
write ibeodoctoor bouse of tPProliably
there is some dialoulty with your gen.
oral system which may be easily re.
move&. Address
DR. J. 0. ATEft, Lowell, glass.
The notorious" Moilie Matches," the
cleverest bank burglar and picl poelie•
in America, was tubi a few days ago
keeping a grocery in Montreal. He
was arrested on a charge of non sup-
port of his wife, but he gave the police
the slip while the case was pending
and is not now to be found.
-Beff re. mer. Wood's Phosphodino,
The Great Ragtfsh Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
edi iao discovered. Six
pat• uara eed to Cure all
fdhns of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, $5. One ioitlj?rease,
sizioiil cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood' Company, Windsor, Ont.
Wnnc7 sPhesphodineissold in Exeter by
J. W. Browing, druggist.
Cr �1
Me Loallin% Specialists of America
150,000 CURED.
Nothtnc; ..tan be, wore demoralizing to
young or middle-aged Men than the pres-
ence of these "nightly losses." ''They
, ,, pre5uc. weakness, nervousness, a fueling
z of clisg,xstandawhole train ef symptoins.
v3 Thos. unit, P. man for business, married
axi' 7 so 'tad atri?i ',
b happariliness, habits 1'Iion matteryouth.rhethe ei ail ,
2turat coul.:ressor see al excesses, u e., oar
t i New Method Treatment will positively
o c ,n' ycu.
,F•• NO CURE -10 PAT
:Reader, yv,,.need help. Early abuse or
t r� ]water excesses n,ep have weakened you.
Eapesuro na.-ha a diseased you. - Yon
are n, ase tial cured. Our It: ewMethod
will eu, , . +. Lou run 110 risk
B'4113ri '."-r„--, nu ere pale, 'feeble
and ha or ' .. r o..- irritable and. ex-
alts -bib. -
alts -bio YOU Lai Hae fief, edul, morose,
and desponclem, blotches and pimples.
s(mken oyes, wrialreld face, stoopm
forma anet downcast aouatenanco revoa-
tho bli, htoy TOM. existence.
Niblock Gets Three Years.
Ottawa.' Deo. 13. --John T. Niblook,
local superintendent of the • London In- • e•
suranoe Company, who admitted several 11Y
charges of forgery, was yesterday .morn-rs
ing sentenced by Magistrate O'Gara to
three years in the Kingston Penitentiary..
Emigrants From Minnesota.
Winnipeg, Man., Dec. 13, -Four dele-
gates who returned to Minnesota yester-
day say that ;fully 200 families will
move to, the Northwest from Minnesota
and Wisconsin next s_ring anti locate
Ed o t
aaa.r in n on.
n c d .d at xVl it wood
Winnipeg, Deo.. 13. -John 1'.•'Nelson,
an ox -bank cashier of London, England,
and son of the late .Joseph Nelson, ; Hud-
son Bay Railway promoter, suicided on
his farm at Whitewood, ,Assiniboia, by
taking stryohniue.
No i -natterbow serious your case may
., how,n-yry t n yhavehadit,our
ilr MEils.t)) 1R11AT:111.1iT will,
cure it. 'rho 'wo my '1 tuna" return to.
tier eernal condition and hence thy
carnal cr,mas 1 r.lIt'S (,roper, nourish-
m tnt, i l u c •- a beeonne',•italioed, ai'I
i. Lu. ,1 e rr 10
_s cease and
1; s,mcc ; 1 ' n, No temporary.'
hut. ,Cali 017,5asanrect.
t '
1'at La' t;'. NO
I! " NI, V, Dia.$lY-
I itU., I; ,,.:.iSS$,
t Ld.' i'
cat r •
5T1 yrry
E. disEeasesOU.KS , t;ii'I07Y
MO1)L' call, tin to
for a QUI STIO r1 'chit. for .11OLIE
ria, 1
' r,s
DETROIT. efitn e , '
Inn fix �' . a
4 tl o,
but don't think you can patch.
clothesto look like new,,
Then hen again it -Would not
pay you when you can busy
clothing at the
prices wesell.
Elit NM
Pants made c toorder,all
wool heavy tweeds $2.00
Suits S-9.80
Overcoats 8.09
Black Worsted suits a1,ec-
ial, 81%00
Our $20 blacks beat all
others at $23. Colne and sea
fm. yourself.
People patronize us because
they realize that we always
soil clothing that is strictly
up -to -(late..., .
Opposite Ik'it fiffice
Bicycles !
Bic y c1 T
Bicycle Pleasure.
Aro you seeking Bicycle pleasure •
if so, you should seek first a good
wheel. We ea.n furnish you any of
the best wheels made at lowest prieae
Do you want anything' in th..
musical line. We have a choice lot
of Pianos and organs, Gall and in.
spect them before buying elsewhere.
A full. stock
Of sewing machines, baby car-
riages, etc. ete.
Perkins & Martin.
for Coughs, Co"ds and Bronchial trouble
in old or young.
1B'c. aSanufactn e-8
which is an excellent remedy for
Cramps. Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat
and Influenza.
The Old Reliable, Winan'$
clition Powders,
still holds first place in the market.
Also Lotion for scratehes on horses
and Condition Powder for same
Cola -
emineenneteent enente nes eatee sate sl
IT ,1 ,`Ya.
To read the big stores' a
vectis t
eme ts... ,
STOP! TI-41Vic t
For whose goon are we in.
the furniture business? For
yours cure
and ouare rs. If we not
useful to you wecannot be. use
1g l�
ful to ourselves. Wt
to carry the goods you want at Mr
the prices you pant or we can '
not make a success of our busi-
ness. But we have been doing
business rightalong for years,
which prevt•s that we are the
right kind of people with the.
right quality of furniture at the
right prices: Come and see for
yourself. .. .
S, G1j F
Furniture, Undertaking.
41 P
'� "lir'' a�eaQea�r�cs,ylc x�rxt,`'t�