The Exeter Advocate, 1898-12-16, Page 1• ELEVENTH YEAR. -580. EXETER,. ONTARIO, THURSDAY 1)ECEIVIBER 15, 1898.. C. H. SANDERS, EDITOR. Eyesight is Precious. Days are getting shorter,"li..., , Ni h.ts are getting , longer,. Therefore it is necessary that you have spectacles that are exactly suited to your eyes, Our optician is hone again and prepared to give you the best expert attention, at T. ITTO 'S t7ESAtELtE . STOKE. Mornings preferred for testing, LSTRA X STEER. .There strayed unto the premises of the undersigned, Lot 17, Concession 12, Stopheu, a two-year-old steer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. JoBE B. NEED, Dashwood. TAI4WOR.TIi BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned has for service on Lot Concession 1. (Londen Road) Vsbornc, a thoroughbred Tamworth boAr. Terms, Si. A. BISssTT. 14"0 iE}: TO LOAN, We have 'unlimited private funds for in. vestment upon farm or village property, at lowest rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING. Darrister4.eta., Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. A large amount of Private Funds to loan st LOWESe RATES OF INTEREST On reasonable terms of payment. ELLIOT & (MADMAN, Barristors,Solieitors, eta., :Bain St., Exeter. CALVES LOST. _ Thera strayed from the premises Of the undersigned, Lot 0.. Concession 7, Usborno, 2 steer valves, one red with spots on side, the other gray and red. Any parser:. giving in- term.ation that will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. W. JONES, Elimville, VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR BALE. fy The undersigned is offering for sale that idosirabie and valuable property, situated on Huron Street, being part ot'Lot 21, contain- ing over five sores. Thera is on the promises a good brio!: house. containing seven rooms, with stone collar, frame kitchen and wood- shed attached; a frame stable and other necessary ort -buildings; 45 ehoieofruit twos, sncd a good well of waterotheroonvenionces. Terms reasonable, apply at this office or to SAMUEL PRESZOATOR , E xoter NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. C., Chapter 119, tieotion 28, that all persons having elairesagainst the estate of John Hartman, late of the township of Hay, county of Huron, farmer, deceased, aro re- quired, on or before Dec. 80th, 1808, to sand or deliver to the undersigned executors of the last will of the deceased, full pnarticulars of their elaims dale verified by affidavit. After the SOth day of December,1898, the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only of theclaims of which they shall thou have received notice. JOHN HARTMANExecutors, WEND=smivii County Council Election. COUNTY OF HURON. Osborne The nominations for Reeve and Conn, Mara, for the Towuship of Usborne, will be held at 1 o'clock, p m., on Mon- day, Dee. 26th, instead of at 10 and 12 o'clock as formerly, as the Deputy At- torney General bas interpreted the Municipal Amendment Act of 189% to mean that the ward system is abolished in so far as it affeeted the nomination and election of the council, Take a. note of this change and tell your neigh bor. Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of County Division No. 1, composed of the municipalities of Usborne, Exeter and Stephen, will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday, Decem- ber :9,1898, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., for the purposes of nominating candidates to represent then in the Council of the County of Huron for the years 1899 and 1900, and that in case a poll. be demanded, polls will be opened on the 2nd day of January, 1809, at each polling subdivision at the place fixed by .Ry -law of the municipality of said County Division. CHESTER PROIITY, Nominating Officer for County Nov. 21,'98. Council Division No. 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Kirktou The brass band has been reorganizedgreater depth and we hope it will improve under the than usual for this season of the year, leadership of Mr. Teskey, of St. Marys. I and the good, sleighing is being taken -A very happy .event took place on advantage of, as a great deal of team - Wednesday, Nov. 30, at the residence of Nicholas Shier, when his daughter, Amanda, was united in marriage to Thos Waghorn, of Walton. Rev. Jolla Ball performed the ceremony.- We are sorry to hear of the death, on Nov. 29, of Mrs. Robert Dawson, who has been sick for some time with ty phoid fever. Her remains were in• terred in the Pres'ayterian cemetery ou Dec. 1. Harpley Snow has fallen to a London Road North, Mr, John Hawkins little son is re- covering from his recent illness. ---tiro. A, Whiteford, of Virden, Man., is visit ing friends and relatives here. --The threshing in this section is completed and farmers are now having the straw cut. -Mr. Geo. A. Hawkins, has re- turned home from Manitoba. -Mr. P. Case is having the brick drawn for his new bauk barn to be erected in the spring. --The snow is very deep in this section and iu many places higher than the fences. Whalen Mr. Philip Brock, who, some time ago, was injured by falling from an apple tree is not yet able to be out, The injury is internal and it may be considerable time before he is well. One day last week his wife. who .is a very heavy woman slipped and broke the cartilages of her ankle, and will likely be laid up for a long time. The old adage that "troubles never come singly " is surely verified in this case, as one of the girls has only lately recovered from a severe attack of typhoid fever. -Mrs. William Gunniug and Jonathan Brock are suf faring from an attack of La Grippe. Mr. Joseph Morley is also laid up with an attack of rheumatic fever. Of William H. Sanders, late of the town- ship of Stephen in the county of Huron, yeoman, deceased. Pursuant to Chapter 129 R. S. 0., 1897, notice is hereby given that all persons hay- ing claims against the estate of the said late 1William 11. Sanders, are on or before the -Hirst t{:,•l,rst day of January, 1899, to send to Elliot, Sit Gladman, Exeter, solicitors for Robert Sanders and Daniel Davis, executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased full particulars of their claims, and that after the said date the said executors will proceed to distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and they will not bo liable to any person or persons of whose claim or claims they shall not then have received. notice. Dated at Exeter, this 28th November, 1898. ELLIOT & GLADMAN. Solicitors for the Executors. McGillivray Connell Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, in Town Hall, MoGitlivray, on December li. Present : J. D. Drum- mond,, Reeve; T, Prest and R. Hated. - Son, Deputy Reeves; N. Grieve and M. Miller, Councillors. Minutes of last meeting read. approved of and signed Prest-Millar, that accounts amounting in all to $1068.03 be paid. --Carried. I3utehinsou-Grieve, that By Law No. 4, of Ii16S, appoirtiug place for holding the nomination, the place at which polls will be opened in the several polling subdivisions, and the several deputy returning officers who shall preside for the election of Reeve and Couneillors, as read a first and second time be now read a third time and passed, -Harried. Miller--Prest, that this council adjourn to meet in the Ton n Hall an Thursday, December 15th, at one o'clock p. in Wm. FlttSult, Clerk- Clandeboye. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hodgins cele- brated their wooden wadding on Tues day evening. Many and curious were the gifts presented, and a very enjoy able time is reported. -Mr. William Hepburn, of Centralia, was in town Sunday afternoon. Nothing slow about Willie. -Mr. Jas. 14icl lhargy was in Lucan on Mouday, relieving Mr. F. Porte who had gone on a flying visit to Sarnia that day. -Mr. Walker Jell has returned home from Owen Sound. -- Miss Sellers was visiting her uncle, lull•. Ellwood, in Denfield last week. -It is rumoured that Mr. Jos. Cohblediek is completing negotiations for the sale of his storehouse and grain business here. B1,imnreJL'S Iron Nerve. Was the result of his splendid health, Iudomitable will and tremendous en- ergy are not fouud where Stomach, Liver, Hidoeys and Bowels aro out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Liver Pills. They develop every nower of brain and body. Only 25 cents at any. Drug Store. Mr. H. Oliver of Percy Township was driving to Campbellford'with a load of grain, and while on the way the load up' it, bearing Mr. Oliver face down- wa ds in : he snow, Assistance arriv- ed promptly, but he only lived a few minutes after being taken out. Centralia Mr. and Mrs. T Fitton, of Exeter, spent Friday here, the guests of Mr, Samuel McCoy. -Miss Mary Mardon, of St. Johns, is visiting at Mr. Mr. J. J. Colwill'a.-Mr. Thos, Neil has completed the task of drawing 30.000 brick for the erection of his new residence next spring. -lir. Wm, Elliott is hauling brick and other material with which he also intends erecting a new brick dwelling in the spring. --It is currently reported that a new grist mill will he erected here by Mr II. Sweitzer, of Cred iton, in the near future, This will in- deed be a valuable addition to our vil- lage. -Our town is alive to almost everything, but mostly with geese and turkeys. Mr. Parsons has already shipped from here ten carloads of pnul try. -Mr. Wm. Down recently parches ed a young i' Clear Grit " driver from Mr. Glavin. -The sleighing is excel- lent in this locality, and is being much enjoyed by the young people. -Wm. Hepburn and Wm Anderson bas each purchased a handsome cutter. -Messrs. W. Haggith and Jas. Delgaty will oc- cupy the pulpit here on Sunday next in the absence of the pastor. -The Cdn- tralia Sunday school purposes holding their anniversary services and Christ- mas entertainment January 1st and 2nd, -On Sunday sermons will be preached morning and eveniug and a mass meeting of the Sunday school will be held in the afternoon. Monday ev- ening a tea will be given in the church and a splendid program furnished. - Nearly every person 18 suffering from a cold -Mr. Ed. Stewart, who bas been indisposed for the past week, is recover ing.-Miss E. Tomlin, of Biddulph, an companied by Mr. John McFalls visited her brother here on Sunday. ing is being done.. -Mr. Jim .Sherrat is almost fully recovered from the acei dent he received and is able to be out again, apparently none the worse for his experience with explosives. -Mr. Charles Stone intends building a new house next summer and will have a bee .hauling brick from U. C. Baird's yard, Parkhill, on Friday next. -Mr. T. Turnbull and friend, of Brewster, passed through our burg on their way to Springbank to visit relatives. -The ane nal Cbristmae Tree entertaiement in connection with the Grand Bend Presbyterian Sunday School is dated for the 19th Inst, for which a good pro- gram is being, prepared. -The addresses given by Rev. McKay at Grand Bend Presbyterian Church in behalf of mia sloe work, both home and foreign, was very interesting and well attended. -In the matter of appeal by James Cronyn against the award made by Engineer Farneombe in favor of Hugh Love was tried at Crediton, lith Div- ision Court, on Thursday last, and the award snsta3.ued without any amend menta, Crediton Mr. August Hill has purchased an acetylene gas plant, and so far it has given entire satisfaction. Mr. S. Brown has also purchased one but has not put up the plant yet. -Mrs. Geiser is still very low.-Willie.Oestricher, who has been ill with diphtheria, is slowly re. covering. -Adam Finkbeiner moved into the dwelling lately vacated by Geo. Motz; Jr. -The Rev, Mr, Litt at- tended the dedication of the Shipka Methodist Church last Sunday. -The residence of Thomas Williams, Hay, was the scene of a pleasant event last Wednesday, when Miss Fannie, daugh- ter of Mr. Richard Williams, of Exeter, was united in matrimony to Charles Hoffman, of this place. Rev. Smith, of Exeter, officiated. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman a long and prosperous married life. -Mr. S. Brown shipped about 30 bags of clover seed last Tues day. -Miss Davis, of Toronto, was in the village last. Friday, inspecting the Lady Maccabees Hive -.Mr. Hy. Eilber was in the city Tuesday -The brick makers have nearly sdld all their brick. This week it was a common thing to see over 11 teams in line loaded with brick. -It is rumoured that a wedding will take place in the near future: More particulars next week. Children Cry for C,.c�; STORIAr Greenway, On Monday evening, Dee. 5th, the Ladies' Aid of the Boston Methodist church and a large number of their gentlemen friends met and drove to the residence of Mr. Wm. Sberrit and surprised Mr. Sherritt, nee Miss Jenny Whiteside, who has been a faithful worker in the church and Sabbath School for several years, and presented her with a beautiful lamp, a sofa, two large arm chairs, a purse of money, and a carefully written address. Mr. and Mrs. Skerritt were greatly surpris- ed but made the large company wel- come and they enjoyed a very pleasant evening together. Happy to meet, sorry to part, happy to meet again.- Messrs. James Wallace and John Sher rift met with a warm and startling re- ception in the Methodist church one night recently. It appears the gas ma- chine was out of order and had not been used for several weeks. They went in with a lamp and thinking there was no gas took the cap off the gaso- meter which contained a small quanti ty of gas. It exploded, knocking the lamp out of Mr. Wallace's hand and in filleting a small cut on the chin. Mr. Sherritt fared worse, the blaze'flashed in his face, burning him considerably and at the same time completely blind- ing him.. On examination the only damage done was to the top of the gas- ometer and .one glass window blown out. The Guelph Acetylene Gas Gen- erator Co., were notified, who sent Mr. Codman up and the damage was soon repaired and put in two new genera- tors of improved pattern which lit the church up beautifully in a. few minutes. The trustees of the church feel confident that the church is safor from accident by fire than if lighted by oil lamps, and if the gas machine is at• tended to in daylight there is no dan- ger whatever. -We received word • by telephone last Monday that Mr. Wm. Foster, of McGillivray, died suddenly Sunday night. He was better known in this Vicinity as " Blind Billy." Dashwood, Messrs. Hoffman. Bros., undertakers, report a rough time in attending the St. Marys; This week it is our sad duty to record the death of James Hamilton, of Fort William, at one time a prominent citizen of St. Marys, who funeral of the late Mrs. .'lames Latta on died on Friday last. Deceased was 55 Saturday. -Miss Alfie Hodgins and years of age, and a number of years Fanny Snell, together with a. number ago was a member of the firm of Craig of the Junior Y. P. A. were photograph- I and Hamilton, who carried ou business ed "on Saturday by D. D. Willert.--Mr. in the *Wine. trill now occupied by J. Kellerman, intends going to Michi- J D. Moore- He leaves a widow and gan between Xmas and New Years',- five children to mourn bis untimely The Xmas entertainment in theEvange- death. lical church here will be held on Fri- 't area : On Wednesday week, at day evening before Xmas, Dee. 23rd. the residence of the bride's parents, by The entertainment promises to be a Rev- Sbaw, Mr. Fenwick Stewart, of grand success and all who attend will Stanley, was united in the holy bonds be well repaid,-Ia our last weeks lof matrimony to Miss Alice Rathweil, correspondence, we made mention of of Goderich} Township The groom the officers of the Y. P. A. In so doing was ably assisted by Mr. Adam Stew- we overlooked the office of superinten- Stephen, School Report The following is a correct report of of the Crediton school for fall term. Names are in order of merit, -V--• Petty Danes, Chas Braun, Carrie Kuhn Garnet Baker, Ira Brawn, Clara Riau ale, Lily Treitz, Otealla Treaty. IV - Wes Piukbetuer; George Hockey,, Ben. Bertrand, August Kuhn, Elmer Gower, Vivian Beaver, Ethel Clark, Otte Brown Elia Beaver, Clara Heist, Manny Fink - induct, Edwin Trietz. Sr. III ---Albert Fahner, George Sheardowu, Edmund 4i eurth, Garfield Hill. Jr. III -Edna 1, Either, Wilda Banes, Tillie Wein, Nor- man Holtzman. Ono, Brooata•Irr.D, Teacher. Jr. III -Olivia Holtzman, Ida Fah rlor, Flora Sims, Eli Fahner. Sr. II-- Loede. Finkbeiner, Louisa Fahtior, Ed- ward Trietz, Pearl Hill. Middle II --- Lula Young, Pearl Holtzman, Bruce Rienzle, David Wein, Jr, II -Frazer Brown, Fred Mangnus, Ralph Litt. Mabel Stanley, Sr. Pt. II -Wally Hill, Lizzie Wein, Annie Ewald, Claire Litt. Jr. Part II -Frank Finkbiuer, Lucy Masse; Bella Hill, Ezra Appleton. Part I -Etta Fahner, Fred Bassaw, Part I - Hilda Shenk, Irvine Fahner, Edwin Fahner, Gladys Eden. V INETTA BANES, Teacher. Jr. III -Wm. Hockey, Laura Clark, Ettie Clark, Jos. Wein. Sr. II -Alma Hill, Willie Finkbiner, Melinda Trick, Fletcher Gower. Jr. II -Chris Fink biuer, Myrtle Hirtzel, Lizzie Finkbiner Nelson Shenk. Sr. Part II -Alfred W uerth, M. Bertrand, Edgar Clark, Ed die Winer. Sr. Part I -Laura Heist, Minnie Finkbiner, Ada Ewald, Sylves. ter Wuerth. Jr, Part I-Ivau Hirtzel; Harry Trick, Willie Oostricher, Ada Meaguus. L. M. Counsnr, Teacher. dent of the Junior's. At the same meeting Miss Fanny Snell was elected euperiateudent and Miss A. flodgins assistant. Our ommission was Pot at intentioual.--•Butchering seems to be the order of the day.-Tbe stage bad to lav iu several days last week. TIIE STonx,-Well Mr. Editor we noticed in several papers last week re• poxes of the recent storm which we think are,quite correct. We sketch a few items to let the outside world know how it was in aur vicinity. It came on Sunday afternoon and the auow fell Sodom Some years ago stealing was almost unknown, but recently poultry theiv- ing is quite common, every resident having lost hens, geese or turkeys. As the persons were suspected and knew it, a short respite followed, only break out with renewed vi er to g , many persons losing hens, etc. Last Saturday night S. C. Prouty's henuery was invaded, one large gobler and two turkey hens being stolen and another left with a broken leg. Two persons were engaged in the theft, as the tracks of the persons were discovered, leaving the road, entering the barn yard and returning to the road again by a dif ferent route. However, the tracks were followed, here and there turkey feathers being found on the snow, within a short distance of the where- abouts of the missing turkeys. Con- sidering that the evidence in hand was sufficient to justify further pro- ceedings, the followers returned and placed the work of further investiga- tion into other hands. Thefts of var- ious things are being committed in different localities hereabouts, but the officials of the law and victims of theft are too carless or indifferent to the in- terests of the community, and those thieves are allowed to go on with their nefarious traffic. Some victim will take the law in his own hand, and de fend his property by a way that will not be pleasant or agreeable. This compromising business on the part of the victims of theft is not in accord- ance with law, or justice t0 the com- munity. -The Sunday School Christ mas Tree Entertainment will take. place here on Thursday evening, Dec. 22. A splendid program has been arranged, and an interesting time may be expected. Admission 15e. -Miss .Robertson, teacher, received the sad in telligence Friday of the death of her sis- ter in Goderich. She left for that place Saturday. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of. joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, cures them; also Old, Running Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives .out Pains and Aches. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. .Sold by all Druggists. art, while Miss Aggie, sister of the bride, performed the duties of brides-. maid, The bride was made the recip- lent of a large nustlber of valuable and useful presents. Mount Carmel: One of the old and respected residents of this place passed away on Dec. 1, in the parser) of Mrs. Thomas Johnston, of 15th con., Mc. G illivray. Death was due to apoplexy. Ddceased was 71 years of age and bad passed the greater part of her life in McGillivray. The funeral took place on Sunday and was largely attended, thick and fast and kept it up incessant- testifying the esteem in which the de- ly for one weak Everyone kept iu- ,ceased was held by all who had the doors, as to venture out was sure to pleasure of her acquaintance end in being suowed under. We don't Tuekerswith; A very pleasant know how deep the snow is as no one has dug a well in the auow yet to look for (terra. firma) suffice it to say that the tops of very tall trees, the smoke stacks on the mins and factories and ou very high houses, are still exposed event occurred at Auchenbay, au Wed- nesday evening of last week, when Miss Mary Sproat. daughter of the late Mr. John Sproat, was united in marri- age to Mr. Adam Hays, of Peaforth. The important ceremony was perforut- to Jack Frost. ed by Rev. N. ;Shaw, 11• A . of Egmond- TOT1IE EDITOR or EXETBIt AD\OCAT.6. Ville, and was witnessed by a goodly D>*hn int ;-Ere this, your readers number of the friends and relatives of far and near, will have got the im- pression that the Dasbwood Public School Board is composed of a very stingy lot of fellows but nevertheless, we think we know what we are doing, and it would be well for any person to inquire luta matters before making severe criticisms, and allowing such the contracting parties. The esteem lewhich the bride is held was abund- antly manifested by the large number of costly, useful and beautiful presents Mr. and Mrs Hays will reside in Sea - forth. Goderich: Word has been received at Goderich of the murder at Loss to get into the public press. Angels of Peter Edmonston and Geo. Jos Si,HELSee'y, Engelke. Edmonston was formerly- a Dashwood Public School Board i well known said highly esteemed re- sident of Goderich township. The crime occurred a year ago, but has just been brought to light by the con- fession of tho mistress of George Han- cock, the murderer. The woman says she was travelling with her paramour, and one morning she was awakened by the noise of a pistol, and found chat Hancock bad knocked both Engelke and Edmonston on the head with an ince, and shot them twice. Hancock thou went through the pockets, of both men, but only got $18, a bank book, and a small quantity of jewelry Around About Us. Goderich: A daughter of Judge Doyle fell on the icy sidewalk, the other day, breaking an ankle bone and injuring ber spine. Tuckersmith: The Carnochan farm in Tuckersmitb, which was offered for sale in Seaforth by auction a short time ago has been sold to Mr, Samuel Cann ochan. for $5,500. Brucefield : There is some, talk of having our village illuminated by electric light, a proposal having come from the Seaforth company to entend their wires here if sufficient number of lights were subscribed for. Goderich: Last week as John Wynn was splitting wood with an axe the piece of wood flew up and struck with such force as to render him insensible The point of the piece struck him in the corner of the eye, breaking a lead ing blood vessel, and it said that the wound may result in the loss of the eye. Mitchell: Mr. Albert Elliott, just outside the corporation, north, died on Monday morning from consumption. He returned from Colorado three weeks ago, whither he went for the benefit of his health. A few years ago he was a robust, healthy young man, but caught cold in Manitoba from which he never recovered. Hay : Word was received by Jlrs. Shirray last week that her son, Nichol who resides in Manitoba had his left arm so badly mangled by the gearing of a grain crusher in which it got caught that amputation above the el- bow was found to be necessary. Much sympathy is felt and expressed by everyone over the occurrence. St. Marys: Mrs. Laughton, of Sault Ste Marie, died at that place on Satur- day. The deceased was the relict of the late Malcolm Laughton, who for some 25 years resided ill St. Marys, carrying on the business of merchant tailor. She moved to the Sault some five or six years ago. The remains were brought on Tuesday to St. Marys for burial. Your Danger Now Is from the overwnnced condition of the liver and kidnt . a which are unable to expel impuritiee from the blood. This causes rheumatism. Hood's Sarsaparilla has been wonderfully suc- cessful in curing this disease. It neutralizes the acid in the blood and permanently cures the aches and pains which other remedies fail to relieve. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best winter medicine because it purifies, enriches and vitalizes the blood. It gives help just where help is needed. It tones the stomach, stimulates the liver, and arouses and sustains the kidneys. It wards off pueumonia, fevers, bronchitis, colds, coughs and the grip. Annie Hughey, a girl of seventeen years, committed suicide near Thornton by hanging. Henry Leconte, while felling trees near Ridgetown, was struck on the head by a limb of a small maple tree and killed. A horse driven by Miss D. Warren near Thamesville ran away and dashed into a moving train. The youug lady was thrown out and killed William General, a well•to-do Indian farmer, was killed near Brautford by the discharge of a shotgun that fell from its position, leaning against the table. McKillop : We have this week to chronicle the painful intelligence of the death of Mr. George Henderson, of the 10th concession, eldest son of the late James Henderson, which sad event took place on Friday, December 2nd, after an illness extending over a period of nearly 20 years, although only con- fined to his bed for about a month be- fore his death. Wingham : About five o'clock on Thursday morning, the alarm of fire aroused our citizens. A dwelling house on Minnie street owned and occupied by Mrs. Kincaid was found to be on lire and the inmates had barely time to escape. So rapidly did the flames spread that noneof the clothing or household. goo:is were saved. There are. eight of a family, and were left des- titute and homeless. A subscription was presented to -day in their behalf by Mr. Lloyd, and our citizens are respond- ing liberally as they always do incases of need. Children Cry for CASTOR IA. You Should Xino'sv What Hood's Sarsaparilla bas power to do for those who have impure and im- poverished blood. It makes the blood rich and pure, and cures scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia catarrh, rheumatism, nervousness. IF you are troubled with any ailment caused or promoted byim- pure blood, take Hood's Sarsaparilla at once. Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, easy to take, easy to operate. AIAl ifLIALGJES. HAY•rBR-EocK-On Dec. 7th, at. St. Jame's Rectory, Parkhill, by the Rev. C. R. Ginnie, M. A., Miss Ethel Irene Rock, of McGillivray, to Mr. Thomas Nelson. Hayter, of Stephen. DEALT lift JogaisoN-On Dec. 1, Catherine John- son, wife of Thos. Johnson, 16th con., McGillivray, aged 71 years. DA1tRAcrt-In Parkhill, on, December 8, Catherine Darrach, wife of James Darrach, aged 613 years GILL -Tu Clinton, on Dec. 7, Jane Hall, relict of the late Thomas Gill, in her 76th year. CARRiCK-In Clinton, on December 7. Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Henry Carrick, aged 24 years. 6