The Exeter Advocate, 1898-9-30, Page 5THE .03xeUr abriorrate Is published: every Thursday Morning, et the °#'toe, 14AINeSTEE T, — EXETER. BY tl1eT-- S ! C MP. ADVOCATE PU .R1 ii NQ 0 tadY !J ' T: a rs OF SI:BSCIiIPTIofi, One Dollar per annum if peal. int Advauee i $1,50 f notso paid. ' e'i,-sx'4rt; aazga.t.Wqac MP•F,U..cam•* t;-oza No paper discontinued until allarrearagee are peal.Advertisements without sxecid,o directions will be published till forbid and ahergedaccordingly, Liberal discountmade for tranacient advertiseneents inserted fox longperiods. Every description of JOB ,, - t style, I o t nags , PE I�.CIN(l turned utin the fi s and at moderate rates. Cheenes,moneyord ere/ See. for advertising, subscriptions:eto.to homed a payable to Chats.11. Sanders, EDITOR. AND I.'ItOs' Profte :$retial, f arllll, IL EINSAIA.'1�. L.P S. Ss Dll r3., R. KI SMAN, L P, S. D. 11. S., Honor, „ reduate of Toronto I nivereity. DENTISTS, Teeth extracted) without nuc pain, or any bad efffeete. Office iu Veneon'a Block, weak srae Alain Street, Exeter. LD. M TO s A1D4R ,O3,(D,Ii S, T..Ih,. ? honors tiraduate of the Toronto tui. rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons ot Ontario. Teeth extracted without Pam. AU modes of Dentistry tap to date. free over Elliot 4. Elliot"s leer eildce—eProeite Central Ifotel Exeter. ]1a d id •tel rs, PRFYFS REVISION. The French Cabinet Has.Granted the Boon a Last, J A. RWI.I,INS & T A. AMO.3. itosette:wee, same we formerly a a an et C ti al• ii n dl tat . �[ 4 1; z ,ma , g F�'r Az Dr, it11 a las' oi'f c : ,:ame a. formerly—north door. Dr. Auto, voice, aurae building eolith T. 4 Pueblos. At. 1). T. A. t1 ti-.tuo 'Ifd.l3 Met MEMBER: ()F College of Pliviiciane and Sur goons PhsSietan,tiurgeou and Ae001,1ah. co. 1)aeliwood, tent.. Ont. our. 11. COLLINS, BAR1USTl litSnT.TC?r- ,. nee, Conveysaneer, Notary Pul,lie. Office --Over OiN eine Bar";, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. -I•elftI SoN & VARI.lNdi, 11ARRIiTFRW T aelielior , Notaries. (fon't^1'la7 l 're, Commie.>tenet-tete. Money to loan at 1's ant psrcent. Ofieee--a aaueon's Blocl:, Mala Enet'r. T, R. (tenet:s i, la ;L. L. R. I11oa:';NN. CA member ot the elms will be at lleusall. on Tltttro lay of each -,t d ek..4 is Rte.. Gone yAaneer . BARRISTERS oa l Money t Loan, B. V. Rm.LOT. F. W. etr, atter.-,-:. :t etexialteera i� llttt)WN,Wiuchclsca. laconsa,l Auet- 1J.N lonoortor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofreborno it terms reit- sOtbiprom u SL1e arrant of at Post Once. Wiu- chelsea. ffl e.Wiu- chelseaV. crafted. E EL,LIOT, Insuranca:lgont, Main St. Exeter 'WANTED, HELP. Idelifahlaa Mata `sn evert laratUt?-, local or travelling. to introduce a new Itseovery and keep p oaxr shote catrdetmeted up on tree•i fciuees jp and 1.rilge,i throughout town and cntuntry. Steady employment, eommisstou or salary. eee per mouth laud eepenees, and money de- ppo•,nte+l in any bank when start i . For pare ficular•s write'. The World Medical Electric Co,," London, flat ,Oen rola. e ti3 TUE xr.utZ1U c. It eetRISON leuslnesy and Shorthand College Cor. Young and 0o11020 Sts., Toronto is an a,tisohitoly tiretf-class llustzte3s School iadividnne instruction by eeperienerdlteaeh- ors hobliug highest iiti:tlif rations. (food re- sults, Pro.+piotus mailed free. Enter now. aK I • Blnlli '�N to . • tel m `.:1r,X';'°I. .7 ',.•gi 'reroute 1'rindii,nld Tr 1 rr:ae ari o oi' ydt L xilrursity land S. of P. ;;. COURT'S PRESIDENT IS A JEW, Cook's Cotton Boot Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,0D0Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com- pound. no other. as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger, e3 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two S cent stamps The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. �sieruissCaamended by all responsible land tine recommended No. 1 and bTo q sold in Exeter 1.y J.W Browning, Druggist, .7941ore: after. Wood's Phosppodine, 27ee Great English Bemedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Biz packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stinnulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one email ;e $1, six. $"o. One will Please, sazsotll cure. PWoodlCompano Windsor Ont. Company. 'Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by J. W. Browing, druggist. . l3risSoii Literally Wrung Decision for to Revision Prem.. U a Collea.:ueS Nc'gr Minister of War Bonham ed Neutral—Is Aho Hi peror of China Dead.':—Cable News. Paris, Sept. 27..A full .meeting of the Cahiloet ye terehey moaning decided in favor of revision of the Dreyfus trial, and the documents will he same to the Court of Cessation,. The Cabinet meeting was prolonged. and animated. The Minister of Agricul- ture, M. Vigor, is reverted to hava bitter- ly opposed revision, and he is rumored he will cosign. Instructions were issuedl toprosecuteanyone attaekeng the army, i.he City is excited and the Bourse is lit a disturbed condition. Conservative papers, however, eeutnsel the people to remain call. It is. understood that al. Brisson liter- ally wrung consent from. the Cabinet for revision,, rafter as remarkable display' of eio:iuence and personal. infuouce, and the stormiest of ecenes. 1,1I3 strongest oppon- ent was M. Sarrien, the Minister of Justice, who expressed a de,iro t a resi n , and tcariled the other Mialeters that they wero assuuhing a terrible responsibility, al, Tiger :and M..11arujouls, reepeotively Minister of AgrTeu1turo and minister of Commerce, supi:ortad M. ,.arrlcn. General Ghenoino, Minister of War, remained neutral, President Panne hastily ref -timed to Paris in the afternoon, We. M. llriaeon went to. Bos de Bonlegne, probably to avoid presidential interference until the papere Should have announced the decis- loa in favor of a revision, M. Faure !mina still strongly against a revislou. Tho oriininiatl chainber of the Court of Cessation, which will examine the Des. tier, ceuelets of 25 judges and;a president, who happens to he a Jew. Mrs. M. Harris, of Aylmer, had the misfortune to fall down the steps of,her home on. Saturday and was badly bruised about the face and body whi:;h will lay her up for some time. E. H, Abbott, M. C. R., yardmaster. Windsor, was knocked down by a way car in the yards at that place Sunday. Fortunately he fell clear of the wheels. His right collar bone was broken and his side was badly injured and a couple of ribs fractured. The other day while cutting corn on the farm. of James Cartwright, one of his sons, Amos, had the mifortu a ,to get his hand drawn into the machine, the result beim; that two fingers were severely crushed; he did not lose either, but ane will likely be stiff. Doter Griee, of Victoria, B C., wtu operating a wood-sawingmachine on Saturday, when the fly -wheal broke tied a piece of iron, mi;:isuriug two by - six inches, passed through Gricn's body, tearing, out his heart and part of his Grice was born in °Mario, where his parents reside. While Mr. Hicks of Hotnesville was micleing; crabapples the other day, the ladder upon which he was standing, turned, and hisdescent to the ground was rather faster and less dignified than that which he usually indulges in. His finger by some means or other got ea right and the rian was torn from it, producing a very painful ywound. Ra74I*>SZLO* M.V1 el: DEAD.. No t ositive Confirmation, Dot Evidence faints That Way.. London. Sept 27,—Tho Daily Tele- graph's Hong gong correspondent, writ - tug Sunday, says; "Although there is no positive continuation, all the ovldeneo toads to the conviction that the Emperor is deal!, "A private despatch says ho died on Sept. .31, directly ]le belied tho 0c113 giving the Dowager the Regency. Nobody doubts that Yang and (:hen g Yin 1ittan, who was minister at Washing- ton in 1$05, aro both innocent of the charge of poisoning the Emperor." WIN lteco•Raiee the Philippine Republic, London, Sept. 57.—A despatch to the Globe from Hong Kong, published yestore clay afternoon, says it is learned from to trustworthy kiliphio source that Franco has promised to recognise the Filipino Republic, and it is added that negotiae tIons on the subject aro proceeding at s�iantla, «hero thero aro three Pronoh werships. • LODDI) GILLI:LES IeltILIESFO1tD Ras Arrived at Singupoto—t7rgod Britain to Stand Firm. Singapore, Sept. 27.—Roar--.•Ldinlral Lord Charles Beresford, who is en route to China as the representative Of the British Associated Cbarnbers of Cone- Mereo, bas arrived hare. In a speech made by him yesterday before the Cluaeber of Commerce and the Straits Settlements Association, he urged that Courlar ial treaties between Great Brit- ain, Grmany, the United States and Japan `Would ensure peace. Ho deolatcd that the waterways of Chine would be developed under the protection of military police, and then railroads would follow. In conclusion. Lord Charles urged Groat Britain to take a firmer and more defin- ite attitude in regard to China. THE REMAINS OF COLUMBUS Exhnmcd at 13avonn, Cuba, in the Presence of Goo. Ilranco. Havana, Sept, 27. --Yesterday morning the official exhumation of the remains of Christopher Columbus took place in the presence of General Bianco, Secretary Govin, the Civil Governor, the Bishop, the Dean of the Cathedral and other authorities. The general public were ordered out of the Cathedral and the entrance Wats guarded by a force of police, whioh kept back the orowds which assembled le front of the edifice. FY e A BLACK CLOUD MASS than lieeerilaad: fuer° are few buildings, but the damage. from thispoint can. be better tabulated;! Generated a Force That Wrought Death and Destruction IN ST.. KITTS AND MERRITTON. Three Were and Many 10,1 aced by the Storm, Witicit Also ljaroofed Many Buildings in tine Fated Towns -4 Graphic Story of an Indescribable Scene. St, Catharines, Sept 27, --This. city and the adjoining municipality et Mer- zitton were visited about a o'clock yes- terday afternoon by a terrific death - dealing tornado,. which spread desolation and destruction in its path and laid the principal part of Merritton low. At the hour nanied the tornado, which was zunnol-shaped, approached the city front the uorthwett, and, as it passed over, tress were uprooted and tossed every - hero as if they wero shrubs. The sight on loony of the principal resi>'eneu streets was truly nnagniticent. The roadways Were rendered practically impaszahle, nod it is a great wonder that the raft escaped without loss of :life. .As the ole ld aver the city it swept as space sewed blocks wide, felling everything thee was thdat seenrely fastened and teeing eti many roots, t -,vas herahlod by a sharp Taal ot thunder out of n cleats blue hi.y, said 1n a very shore time a terrific term edo bels an Its deadly work. Tee wind -eland Seat ar- spout was seen below \Cellcn,l avenue, d .,e smote. It 13411'46u I.alto non George traveled in a direct line frank tithe point to the southern limit of the cite p to lag out at or 11o.1r 5110 PleitarLl t3C011ie Works, A11 among the teur.i a this d estrue- tion is vteible up to Ohureh street, peveral minor °boots aro shown at this pain. The drill shed is practically denolisn- ed, the western arch being blown in on the gun sheds, breaking thele in, and the roof of the hall 13 completely gone. Frohn here it passed along Church street, evilero it bad unroofed Oruikshn nl:"s largo harp, and carrying the roof oft the Nelson Boarding house over 100 yards away, :lli ;ht damage was done at the First lnresbyterlan Church, the scuttles being carried away. C. K. Mooro's barn was Unroofed, and all the chimneys blown from Itis house. St0deats Natrrowly;escape, At the Collegiate insaten) a largo idiom was blown down, falling through the roof into a class roonh, where sonic of the students were at drill. Lnok- ily all escaped. St, George's rectory roof was l:atlly smashed, the ohirnuey falling through the roof. Mcllugh's cigar factory bad part of the root Carried away, anti chimneys blown down, and Dittriok's calico also suffered. Graham's restaurant roof was blown off, and part of it carried aoross the. street, and landed. in St. Paul Streob Church yard, The St. Paul Street Chnroh had glass blown ant in the front cud sides. Packard's Electric Werke lost the cornice of the main building. Several windows wero blown out, and n wooden =ramose known as the old barrel house was razed to the ground and blown down the hill, Batolifie's large loo house at Lock 4, was completely demolished. Tho King :street enol of the St, Catha- rines Ilouso tumbled over, and part of the Beagles Bros.' cornice cane down. Flynn Bros.' shed was reduced to kind- ling wood, All along the path of the storm extend - Ing from .lames street east to Queonston street, the havoc was complete. Giant trees were uprooted and tossedod everywhoro, its if they were shrubs. Tho sight along King and Academy streets was a magnificent one. The road- ways were practically impassable, and the wonder is that St. Catharines has no death list to report. The Wonderful Spectacle. Hundreds of people watched the funnel - shaped monster traveling over the canal and over Merritton, where its funnel end could bo seen licking up force and scatter. ing destruction broadcast. It scooped up water out of the canal as it passed over, and its gyrations made 1t appear as a thing of life. It could be seen sending down its slender tentacles, as it carried its awful work to the movabio things on the ground beneath it. Joint Heirs by Purchase. London, Sept. 27. --According to an' article in the Fortnightly Review, the Anglo -German aareoment provides in detail for England and Germany to be- come joint heirs by purchase of all the Portuguese possessions in .Africa. The first outcome of this, the paper says, will be the leasing of Delagoa Bay to Eng- land. Our Fruit iu Lnglaud. London, Sept. 27.—The sample boxes of Canadian fruit, recently sent from the St. Lawrence, have reached their destiea- tion, viz., the ports of Bristol, Liverpool and London, and on being opened the contents were found in each instance to be in excellent condition. Peace Cotniuission at Paris. Paris, Sept. I7.—The Peace Commis- sion of the United States arrived hero yesterday from London and was met at the. railroad Ration by the staff of the United States Embassy, a number of Americans and many reporters. .IIOun SOLDIELLS FOIL CANADA. Large Draft of Men Will Leave. England Next Month. Halifax, Sept. 27. --Tho military au- thorities hero have received notification that a trooper, with a large draft of men for the regiment and companies in this garrison, will leave England; early next month. About 800 men will be sent out to strengthen the Leinsters.. I3aif of those, will bo sent to the West Indies to the second battalion, while 150 men will be added to the Royal Canadians in this garrison. The men coming in the transport aro said to be mostly army reserve glen,.. formerly in the Leinsters. i TOWN OF MERRITTON Acetylene Gas Work's power soused No, 1 and 2, partly destroyed, Disper's store, almost demolished; also hishoose ani barn were weeoked, Joseph Eara's :beautiful new house, badly delneaed, g l 1 'a b c- _ 01 es of 4, d ii'i ll I 7I - JFI; r e l m �a Cumber. A. Lawton Mrs, Grant, John Livia*Ston, sirs. S, G, Phelps, all more or less denholished, A, R. Thoinpson's store, part et it leveled. Ileuses of Thomas Hastings mad Charles P,iohardsou, badly damage& B. Thompson's house, levelled to the ground. House of James F. Bradley, leaoleci. Orange Hall, levelled, School house, roof off, t en Ace yi ne gas house, end blown i , St. James' Church, totveedamaged and roof Shattered, Presbyterian Church, levelled to the ground and a masa oe kindling wood. Idncoln Paper dill, goof off and oat - houses demolished, an awful wreck. Sara Smith's house, not a. ;Stich of timber standing. John Bradley's house, leveled to the ground, llouorTlais eeltoolteastress. The teacher of the school. Mies Ida Smith, saved the lives of Malan of the chiidlrerl by getting theta oustin safety before tte worst of the storm r aehel there. The children were bidden to fly for. their li'cee and most of them got nut in time. The secne of alesolatlon at title ptllnt was lnde-,*libable, Children lay under de line, z sof . 6 v the Were i10 rl ,sat many of them data P holly hurt, ant OS they ran home as quickly us possibly their 11411103 a,ouid not be learned, Ono of the little oues lay with her leg broken beside kraniIa 1isiret t, the only child kil.n1 outright. There were terra many peopl•t at hand aiding in the resohl- ing of the injured. Conveyances wero proeured. 'inti twiny injured outs wero taken to Aho hospital. 'titans wore 40 Children in that sehool at the time, mid it is intraeillotls that the easnaltie3 were not greater, lir,. Btcl:ley Street: Dead. Mrs. Beekley was rimming to her Immo from the storm. and had just got inside the door when she dropped, struck dead. Plank sidewalks aro up on end every- where, Trolley lima and. Natures heisted out of all shape ands even -,vire fauces were llavellel., Not •1 ohilnlioy le left standing on 011ie Phelps or Noah Phelps' residences, and the staunch pulp mill in the valley there is unroofed. When last. sedan the fennel wax pa siug over Niagara Falls, and there may be serious reports of *matte wrought in that (lirectien,. Got the Worst of the Storm—Three Per- sons Killed. and Many Badly In j meet. The town of Merritton slimes the terrible ordeal it has passed 'through in a most awful manner. Kindling wood scattered over and beyond the path of. the cloud for many hundreds of yards, and demolished houses, torn roofs and upturned sidewalks, testifying to the terrible force of the storm. The Billed. Clara' O'Neill, an employe of the Lin- coln Paper Mills. Mrs. John Bickley, killed on the side- walk in front of Mr. James E. Bradley's house. Frankie Moffat, killed in the lower end school house. The Injured. It is impossible at this early period ` to give a full list of the injured, but among the most seriously .hurt were the follow- 131'7;r: Maud O'Neill, Lincoln. Mills. Jennie Nestor, Lincoln Mills. Box Bradley, Lincoln Mills. ,Tames McCarty, Lincoln Mills, thought will dio. A son of Samuel Smith, hand all broken; all the other members of the family more or less injured. Arthur Bradley, hurt in A. R. Thomp• sort store, 0. Murray and Ed. Doyle, injured at the: N.C.R. car tracks at the Lincoln Mill, 13essie Kerr, lowor school, logs broken. Willie H. Wilson,badly burl. Hardly a Iluilding Left. There is hardly a building left in the path of the cyclone in Merritton. Tlie wind struck the village at the Lincoln Pape. Mill and unroofed the building. The next building in the path was the power house of the Acetylene Gas Works at Lock 8, and it was knocked completely out of shape. From there to Disper's store VISITED MANY S"ii L MES. a t I 11 (tray Yin i Athlone, � t The St t �*t to , Ice ens- Mug vlile, Colgan nod Tottenham. Tottenham, Ont., Sopt, tit. -•-A terrific storm of winds and rails, accompanied by hall stones passed over this sootion yester- day afternoon doing it great deal of dam- age. It traveled in a southeasterly dire°• tion. taking in the villages of Athlone, 1 eaaansville. Colgan and Tottenham.. Thera was a heavy shower of hail stones as largo as good sized plums, lasting for some 10 minutes, and as there was a heavy wind at the time, inuoh damage followed. Nearly all the northern wine doles in :Messrs, IKidd's store, Athlone, wero doulolishod, The trodden factory and dwelling boos° of W. ea C. Brown, I%Conansylilo, were nearly bereft of glass on the north sides, as also were several private residences. Several `vineloWs were smashed in the Methodist Church in the vicinity, Tho next village, Coigne, seemed to come in for a modal destruction, Five large stained glass windows in Vit. James' Catholic Chureh were completely riddled, as were the aorthern windows in nearly every house in the village, The wrath of the storm king seemed to have boon considerably assuaged ere it reached this village, and not a great deal of damage was done here. iiinla Damaged at Guelph. Guelph, Sept. 27.—About a quarter to 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon at heavy gust of wind, which appeared to come from all parts of the compass, struck the new skating rink being built by Mi', A. B. Petrie.. A stretch of brick work 90 feet long and 20 feet high was esvept to the ground. The bricks were not much damaged. Fortunate it was that no ono was working on the wall at too time. A team conveying material had a narrow escape. The wort: of rebuilding will com- Menoo at once. EXETER MARKETS, (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat pet bushel..,. ..:............ 62 to 63 Flour per met., - - BaFI PO toY5 Oats ee tot 23 Peas 4e to 50 Butter 51 to 12 Potatoes 'airbag ties to 10o r t r ton s t e.e0 laP 9 per 00 Dried Apples per lb 4 Peter Fountain, a G. T R. traeltn'arl, was killed in a tunnel yard at Sarnia Robert Clarkson, of Stouffeilie, who seas assisting Noah Stot'tle,1 ueight or in threshing at the latter's farm, '.White church township, Tuesday, fell from a beam in the barn to the floor, a die. slice Of 22 feet. He landd oil his heed and sustained a fracture of the skull and other injuries, from the eff.cts Of whichhe died within a short time. De- Cesst-d was 55 years old and a premix: - ea farmer. He leaves a wife and five children. Mies leettia Powley, of Kingston,. a domestic, tripped down to her guar tern after dint or in a city home, and found a tramp in the kitchen. Hr 46ed eoarS-t:augur g.„ dentaialing diin- ner. tint the girl, cake 19, 'wean quickly tacl,ltd the bully. blackelacd his eyes. and alien he got his wind, found ,As' ball secured a rolling -pia, and a few bard raps eallsd•d him to speedily n,'as a r.'treat. 'i fee young Woman is con- gratulated .for iter bravery. TTcPHOID AT DAtWSON. Number of Sick There on September 6 Estimated at 3,000. Port Townsend, Wash., Sept. $7.—The steamship Topolta has arrived from Lynn Canal ports with 130 Eloudikers, the most of whom have little or no dust to show for the experience in the land of gold. They express themselves as being glad to got out alive. Three thousand oases of typhoid fever is the estimate placed on the number of sick in 'Dawson on Sept. 6. A large number of deaths occur daily of which no record is made. The cold weather coining on soon will cheek the fever. It is estimated that 9,000 people joined the rush to Stewart River. Nearly every foot of available \ground has been prospected, but no gold was found. That section has been desert- ed by all except a few, who hope to create another excitement next season. THE ELECTION PETITIONS, Dates and Places of Trial -Judges Who Will Preside. Toronto, Sept. 27. --The following have been handed out: By the Chancel- lor and: Mr. .7ustioe Ferguson—North Toronto, at Toronto, Oct. 19, at 11 a.m.; South Toronto, at Toronto, Oot. 15 at 11 a. m.'; North Bruce, at South. ampton, Oct. 31, at 3 p.in. By Chancellor a.td Mr. justice' Hero• dith-North Grey, at Owen Sound, Oct. 12, at 3 p.m,'; South Grey at Owen Sound, Oct. le, at 3 p.m.; North Perth, at Stratford, Oct. 14, at 1 p.m.; South Perth, at Stratford, Oat. 14, at•1 pen. By Justices Ferguson anti Meredith— East Northumberhuacl, at Colborne, Oct. 9, at. noon. Adiudged Insane. Montreal, Sept. 27.—Alphonse Bros- sard, who stabbed his ' blather, purser of the Longueuil, when he refused to give him 8100, has been declared irresponsible for his actions, as the doctors who ex- amined him for his sanity make such a report, that be will bo sent to the asylum. The wound inflicted on his brother was not serious. Nave You PCfl Siel; Perhaps you have had the grippe or a hard cold. You may be recovering from malaria or a slow fever; or possibly' some of the chit- dren are just getting over the measles or whooping cough, Are you recovering as fast as you should? Has not your old trouble left your blood, full of impurities? And isn't this the reason you keep sa poorly? Don't delay recovery longer but Take It will remove alt impuri- ties from your blood. It is also a tonic of immense value. Give nature a little help at this time. .Aid here by removing all the products of disease from your blood. If your bowels are not just right, Ayer's Pills will make them so. Send for cur book on Diet in Consti- P tl 'on. IWaa'IIe fo our Doc(mrs. Wo have the exclusive services a physi- cians in the Uinn'ited States t write freely and receive a prompt reply, without cost. A+ldiress,l7R. Lowen, ;Bass, • ?;a +/r { N1 tb h" - i pppm : h"'tt R idl ,''' . rti ii u„ r The Leading Specialists of /burin 20 Yeats in lietnit. 250,000 Cared. WECURESTRICTURE wiiKProrerbg but don't think you can patch clothes to look like new. Then again it would not pay you u w iten you can buy clothing at the prices we sell. Pants made to order, al tvdld)I i e xy tweeds $2.00 Suits Cy9.$Q Overcoats $.00 Black"Worsted suits a t tierw- d , S .2,00 Cllr Sea blacks beat all, others at $23. Cuti a cud see for your&ett. A T ROH1ZE US. • Pedal t•�because @ patronize ZGus .. 1 � Ili. C lili.,i.' they realize that we always sell clothing tlmt is .trietly M u1'tvo-( date... J. S. t E (site FI.Ss f tilled Bicycles! Bicyclesi� f R Rye c s .. to Bicycle Pleasure. Are you. seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel, We can furuiah you guy of the best wheels wade at lowest prices Musical. Do Sou want anything 1u the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and orans, call and in• spect than before buying elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing maehines, baby oar• riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Fartin, Thos: , f young and middle-aged men are ,adwiththisdisease-many unoonseit, y. They may have a smart- ing natation, small, twisting stream, shat- eating pains at times, slight dis- clue tlifleulty in commencing, weak oris. 'missions, and all the symptoms of nervous debility—they have STRIC- TURE. Donald doctors experimonton you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing you. 'i'hxswill not euro you, as ito-ill re- turn. Our NEW 111PTROD TREAT- MENT absorbs the stricture tissue; hon oe removes the stricture permanently. It can never return. No papa, no suffer- ing, 710 detention from business by our method. The sexualorgansarestrength- °nod. The nerves are invigorated, and the bliss of manhood returns. W CURE GLEET Thousands of young and middle-aged men are having their sexual viggor. and vitality continually sapped by this dis- ease. .They are frequently unconscious of the cause of these symptoms. General Weakness, Unnatural Discharges, Fail- ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Mem- ore, Irritability, at times Smarting? Sen- sation, Sunken `Eyes, with dark circles, Weak Baok, General Depression, Lack of Ambition '-Varicocele. Shrunken Parts, ete. GLEET and STRICTURE maybe the cause. Don't consult family t . i doctors, as they have no experience m these• special diseases—don't allow quacks to experiment' on you. Consult hpeeialists,who hav°made alife stud of Diseases of Men and Women. Our NEW METiIOD TREATMENT will post- r tively euro you. One thousand dollars canntcand on e. Trmsmoderateforame 141 CURES GUARANTEED �yy o treat and cure: EMISSIONS. r1tRICOCELE SYPHILIS, GLEET. STRICTURE, fliePOTENCY SECRET DRAINS. UNNATURAL DIS01URG- ES. KIDNEY anti BLADDIiII Diseases. CONSULTATION ' FREE. BOOBS FREES. If unable to ca"l1, write far QUESTION BLANK " for ROME TREATMENT. relceSte its KRG N��N�DY� KC Cot. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St. ,'' DETROIT, MICH. b THE ttaN5DRUB STORERA1 . _ Try VaI\AN•S COUGH BALSAM for Cough. Colas and Bronchial trouble in old or young. We manufacture—:, WINER'S !MOMENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps. Pains,. Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, 'Winan'S Con- dition Powders, still holds first place in the market. Also Lotion for scratehns on horses and Condition Powder for same sensaps SOLD AGENT .4.0 DIX LUNG SYRUP. C- L U TZ, DRUGGIST. OVER LOADED. Every incoming freight train, since last January, empties part of its cargo on our floors, and the new things have crowded every foot of our lart e'floor space. WE .ARE NOT hurrying you to purchase, but many prefer to get as near as possible the first choice of new assortments. Our sloes of Fur- niture of all kinds was never more complete... Purehasers get from us always the LOWEST PRICES and the advantage of all thestudy of styles and of the most perfect taste that we can command. R t+1 �e ra-Rj � � S' l Furniture Dealers & Lrrdertakeis