The Exeter Advocate, 1898-9-30, Page 2•
Subscribers who do at receive their lager
regularly will pieaee nt tif; us at once..,
Call at the office for atte-ertlsing rates,
Ti1,L8*DAY t :': " ,:1, 1$98.
Harmon!. antrast,
White ooutr.sta with black and hr
• eni :es with gray .
White contrasts with brown and hat
simonizes with, butt.
White contrasts with blue and hate
in:Mee with sky Lille.
White contrasts with purple and har-
Ineaizee with, rose. ..
1Yza to eontrasts with green end hat
moues with pea, green.
Cold greens contrast with white and
baize with bines.
Cold gl'eeus eoutrast with purple and
harmonize with eitrine-
Cold greens contrast with pink and.
barman -2e with brown.
Cold greens deet;::st with gold and
hermenize with ileacit,
Cold greeds contrast with orange and
Rlarawnize will( G,;r d1.•
W rrla greens eti:ttrast with crimson,
end barieneize w t31 yi':crws.
Warns greens contrast 'with maws
and berme:erne wine( erer:gee
Waartm geetees esezzet with purple
end harts a 3.
Warm ,4' ';s , -, t t-aitla red awe
betnnseniee 1w alt say letie. aha
Warta geeers t,.t:r'r.tat with plait and t,;:t
termor_: e sel7h f.-r:ty.
Warm green,: - -east with white and
latineo size wilily .
Wseeee geese./ ess en with white an
worth from $10,000 to $50,000 each, matie
in the same way.
IN THE `ORLD. Calumet, et which the Celt>ttnet and
�.v • ((eels is the center and by far the largest
mine, has 40,0110 people, anti is divided
for gavern,tuental purposes into two vill•
IT HAS PAID MORE THAN .$50,000,000 ages, lied Jacket and Laurium, and two
1N DIVIDENDS. townships, Calumet and Osceola. Calm
met is unquestionably by far the largest
town without a city form of government,
t is tho calumet and Heel* (;upper yet the people Keeper without municipal
Nine en Lake Superior -Does Not 91r3-
Net the least fascinating thing about
Produce Gold or Silver. plat Ike Ian-. the Lake Linden works of the Calumet
meuee Ierotits Still Centiaue .Subparts and Recta is the big paean whteb furn•
fishes water for the twin mills. `Chis is by
all, odds the greatest pump in the world,
and is housed in a tall building by itself.
Whole Towns.
(Special Correspondence.)
From the dawn of history the mines of The pump stands sumo thirty feet in
Ophir, front which .Solo:anon drew the height and ;.at each stroke forces nearly
great stores of gold used in the ornatment. 0u0 gallons of water to the top of the
atiou of the Jewish temple, have been mills. It feeds frain a big cement cistern
syUQuyaents with mineral wealth. The having free cannerrion with the near -by
stiaataond falioes of tioleenda, whence the lane, ami Beery minute of the working
Indian rajahs secured the shining stones dray raises from 80,000 to more than 40,•
of which they were so fond, ere ofton 000 gallons of water, haring a capacity
used as an illustration of overpewet•]ng, of 60,000,000 gallons a day,
dazzling wealth. In liter days tbe :silver To furnish the anergy required in the
slimes of Potosi and Of tauanajuato, the working of the mine and hill 150,00e
ues of the Comstock lode in Nevada, tons of coal are consumed annually. No
he golden shafts of Cripple Creek and, ether single concern, e$eept some of the
e faabuloue riches of the l londz a Ivo greatest railway systems, requires so
cited the cupidity of mankind, but vouch coal.
is a stogie Baine, not of digin oro e, The "Jumbo" Gorliss engine at tin
;alt( er of silver. which is richer in Superior engine house of the Calumet
i t ral wealth than any named. brenel't of the ulnae baa long been one of
ft le the Calumet and Iiecla copper the show places of the northwest, with
mine, bleated on the iSeweouaw penin':sitla its 4,700 horse power employed in bo'.t•
tag tea•ton cages from nearly a mile's
-n .,.,. ._�..:,._�, :•,., .,>yz depth. 1G its now iwidequate, and its su'
baelenneize with, 1 r .:rr•
Waren t.,:t�,'S:'i C ^r,•-•,;" with lavender
Qtly._efe 'ip;rp1.7,n41hal*
recuiaes ,.illy 3.. .
Orearge cora,^.ar,n ss _t'i l ues and bar.
znottlees with rel.
Orange eentreste with alive an.i bar-
la>aonl''0 with werte lslr,r;n.
Ort:n •e eneteets Fila crimson and
berme -ices with en"ne
Or tete contrasts se *la gray and ban
eanizen with buff,.
Greens ern:erect c:l°lh cen',ors eent:aine
dug red anal liaentarn,e with colors cote
twining Fellow or
Orange requires (,flap. hlneb. purple
or dart; colors f g• st, and warm
Colors for harm. n •.
If You Use Diamond. Dyes You Make
if You Use Poorand Adulterated
Dyes You Ruin Your Goods
and Waste Money.
The ladies of Canada know well that
the using of I)iametnd Dyes means the
caving oft many dollars. and thousands
will tell you that the use of poor and
adulterated dyes means rain to goads
and loss of money. The wouder•workinfi'
Diamond Dyes combine itnrnense va-
riety, merit end usefulness. Diamond
Dyes are prepared in forty-eight colors
Sar the coloring of wool, sill., feathers
and cotton goeole. Minute and simple
directions go with emit paeltase of the
Diamond I1yev so tiett the most in-
estleriencerl person can do as gond work
as the profs" Si.rral dyer.
Bear in mind that imitators are eon-
tinttally trying t:. fv:py the style and
package of Inane t:d Des. When you
bur neves for t ..;1'e'- see that
your dealer sup e -ear svlth alae
entente"; no oilier m:a'.:e of paeltege
dyes will do yol r wo: l: with profit and
catisfaetien. Seen. Wer.F4 se: Richard
wan Co.. Montrcatl, Que., for valuable
bent: of dirertlons and eanmle card of
colors; sent free to any address.
Often the -est R"atree.
Difficulty, adversity and suffering• are
not all evil, hut often the best source
of strength and virtue. Some men only
require a great difiienity to set In their
tray to exhibit the Corte of their char-
acter, and difficulty, once conquered,
becomes one of the greatest incentives
to their progress. It is not prosperity
se much as adversity, not wealth so
Much as poverty, that stimulates the
It ensever&uee of strong and healthy
Mrs. Celeste Coon, Syracuse, N. Y.,
writes ; "For years I could not eat many
kinds of food withont 'producing a burn-
ing, excruciating pane. in nay stomacb. I
took Parmelee's Pills according to direc-
tions under the bead of 'Dyspepsia or In-
digestion.' One box ereerely cured men I
can now eat anything I choose, without
distressing me in the least." These Pills
do not cause pain or griping, and should
be used whey a cathartic is required.
Natural Causes.
Charley—What do you suppose causes
this frequent rush of blood to my head?
Madge—01•i, it's nothing but an ef-
fort of nature. Nature, you know, ab-
laze a vacuum.
Mluard's Liniment for sale everywhere,
An Unfruitful Field.
Mira. Teudom—How is eft that the
sew preacher does not tall on you?
Mrs. Upton—He called three times,
end each time the maid told him I
was away attending a progressive pe.
alto party.
Quickoure for all Inflammation. 15c.,
Serve a New Purpose.
TABle—Have you seen ] edges ecU..-
Laura—No: I didn't know she wee
slaking one. What is it?
Lillie --Dudes.
Rc seaence-_ is the soul of religion.
When that is gone, there is little left
with which God can be pleased- Where
wahine is sacred everything .becomes
common. even God himself.
An Undesirab e Remedy.
Tont—They say kissing is a cure for
Ethel—But the remedy will never be
applied. A dyspeptic looks too horrible.
The royal arsenal at Woolwich em-
ploys about 155.000 workmen and has 40
settee of internal railways.
lesE tenant InsOlni .
eossar is prang built tend will generate
,0?fal horse 'Laver. There aro few iutlus
trlaal ente;•p:iars 'which aro diseartlir;
ear Ines of nearly liorge rawer t,;.
can -e they „ire instant.,r:it paver,
.1, wit enet teluta ' buntline, anti Weary
f•sr tho free use of eit:lloyrs was mentis
-021114O244.. Tla.r l are n:r elier ;es f 1r its
As a canasta( huelneas eneeese the ('alta
nee and !levee stareie tis ill:e tt .3 /INT. As
un a la ritlyi.'r t.: hien, h .111 just and gen.
orou =, it has few ten .ls.
l%+asrne-Jonee* x tate.
Sir Ellwarti I1t , • -Jamas' estate bias
been vault( at nt etee i. 'll:e pictures tis
:hat long ren of Lard winch Sots north- this artist have ben given an additielne,:
:tarn from the a--ntar of the southern voleo by 13i; death anal *eine of his un-
s'.ttar,: of tale retner. Qr. Accounts of tee iiniebcd canvases soil recently for bieh
r}a.irveloue ria'hee of this Inane do not till prices. The "Leve end the Pilgrim" ;oi:
ttata newepepers, for the %nine has long for 6,5 00 guineas. 7:h.+ "Dream of Laney
eineo passed tha sense of advertising, and lot," whloh sold for 147,0 guineas, was a
it requires a small fortune—mere than " pastel. Eighteen water colors bzou;;'st,
the average gross tetrnings of a Canadian say, $33,080. Even a small slmtell sold for
workingmen for au entire year --to buy a
singlo one of the 100,00 shares into
wbleb its capital stock is divided. Its
managers are averse to publicity, and
quietly ignore bntb crltieisma and fiat- " don for the purpose of promoting a plan
tery, The ono they do not fear, the other for the estaulishnent of a permanent
eannot help them. for their great property answered to Sir John E. Millais. The
bas long since reached the pinnacle of Duke of Westminster was appointed abair
lumina enterprise and to -day stands all Inau and Baron Ferdlaand de Bothaohild
the largest and most profitable mum in , was mado treasurer.
the entire world,
Conflicting stories are told of the dis-
covery of the Maine, but it seems rooson-
ably certain that the conglomerate vola
on which it is opened was once worked
by that probistorio rocs known 1.0 us as
the l'lound Builders, for tutees of their
excavations and teals were found near
the flrst shaft sunk in the present mine.
(lining was begun in a small waxy in
lend and leas since coutiaued uninter-
ruptedly. Within the short space, of less
than ouo•third of a century the mind bus
paid In dividends the almost inconcely
able stun of enenilat,1,00, anti has on hand
in case, bills receivable, copper, copper
mineral and supplies, proporty which
would rtatlize fully 410,000,000 more
within a few (reeks. this not including
the many millions of dollars worth of
maebiuery or the mina itself, which on
the husi, of meant stock sales is worth
*Z5.0110 WO. To dtvt.Ion this great mine
Peremenent etexuortnt to ]iiilaia.
A meeting has Suit been hold in Lon•
assessments of rsee teetel0 wore levied,
wh:oh have been returned more than
torn fold.
At nrdeent, and for several years past,
the mine is path:: quarterly dividends of
entesu,±10, cm c:,fit+,t100 per annum.
Even this great sum is far below the not
earnings of the mine, which, with copper
selling at 13 cents n pound, can hardly
fall short of $0,000,000 n year—$e00,000
20 profits every month tho year round—
$20,000 for every working day—$1,000 an
hour for each of the twenty-four hours
daily when the mine and mills are run-
ning, for they run both day and night,
winter and summer, stopping only for
Sundays and holidays.
The Calumet and Heels owns minas,
stamp mills, smelters, railroads, docks,
steamers, water works, saw mills, taruls,
forests, a ship canal and cities built on
its own laud. Standing on its property
are nearly thirty ohur:ems — Catholic,
Lutheran, Presbyterian, Congregational,
Methodist, Baptist and other denomina-
tions—in which the gospel is preached in
English, French, (3erman, Italian, Swed-
ish, Norwegian, Finnish, Slavonian and earth's surface, the located do fields have
other languages. To each of these churches an area of only 12,500 square miles. The
the Calumet and Reale has furnished a seven tin districts of Europe produce
free site, as well as ground for a parson- about 8,500 tons yearly, with 8,000 tons
age, and has helped to build by a cash of this credited to the Cornwall mines.
donation wbloh has invariably been the Asia has two tin districts; Hunan, in
greatest in amount of any received for China, said by some to yield 10,000 to
the purpose. 20,000 tons annually, but proven to yield
Twenty thousand persons are dependent loss than 2,500 tons per year; and the tin
directly upon this corporation for their mines of the Straits Settlements and ad -
bread and butter, earned by the more jacent territory, the richest in the world,
yielding 58,000 tons yearly. Africa baa
no known tin mines; North America has
no paying mines; South America mines
less than 4,000 tons per year in Bolivia
and Petu. and Australia contributes
about 6,000 tons a .year.
icture of the Proposed Statuet or I3erllu
by Herr Boger.
BIti\1.17{ori-1ii till Lr:GAtr•
taoareity o2 Tin Ore.
The soaroity of tin oro in the world is
pointed out by Geologist B. G. elkortoh-
ley, of Australia. in a published mono
graph. He shows that while known gold
fields cover 1,5u0,000 square miles of the
than 4,000 workman whose names are on
the pay roils. Tho wages are the highest
paid In the copper district and the men
are never overworked. Employes of the
Calumet and Hecht receive higher wages
than is paid for similar work elsewbere
.in the world, with the exception of South
Africa, .Alaska and some of the Rooky
Mountain mining oamos. Deducting the
actual post of living, an employe of the
Calumet and Heels is better remunerated
for his labor than the workman at any
other mine on the globe. .Another million
a year in profits might be squeezed out of
the employes and still leave their. wages
above the average level, but there is no
disposition to do so.
The sums paid for labor and the an-
nual dividends are about equal, There
are 2,462 shareholders by the latest.
official report who divide among them
$4,000,000 annually, an average of 21,625
for eaoh shareholder. There are a number
of single shareholders, who; have millions
invested in the "stook of this one mine,
while there are hundreds who have but a
single Share or two. Many of the em
ployes of the mine have systematically,
invested their savings In the shares of the
property for, years, end through the steady
appreciation of the stook and the , enorm-
ous dividends returned have grown inde-
pendent. One man; who began twenty-
five years ago as a surface laborer at the , ,e..f}
mine, just over from Germany and with-
out a dollar ether than earned with his WONDER S.
hands, now owns over 560 shares, worth ncbes:high, weighs 235 pounds and is
mere than a quarter of a million dollars. only nineteen months o1d. His sire is
Every dollar saved was invested, every Eboracum,jr., and dam Trick Beauty,
dividend paid Millw•r.s made to MIS more the latter of Englisb breed and impo;:ted
stook, there are a;anos of old (implores at a cost of 82,000.
The Biggest Dog in the World.
C. Blank of New York claims that his
St. Bernard (Wonder S. is the largest dog
in the world. The dog is thirty-eight
Mr, Wm. Elliott Tells How to
Obtain It.,
1 o Has Been Subeeoti to Fainting Spells
and Crauups-Was. •Gradually Growing
evcaner and Weaker,
Prole, The Echo. Plattsyifle, Ont.
Dr. \i illianns' )'.ink Pills have attain-
ed al roost enviable reputation in this.
eonmuuity. Probably no other uiedi'
eine late had such a large ally[ inere zes
lag stale here, Wile reason. is that this
medicine cures, Old and young
are benefited by its use- Recently we
an account ee a remarkable
care of a wellelomeme lady of this place
through the ageney .of Ter. Williams"
rink Pills, and since publishing that
we have heard of another similar a:ase,
lir. \Vm. Elliott. ra farmer living la:1.;
(;right, 14 a st^.el1-luaown figure there
Although ann old man, he simost daily
scuts to the spillage, a distaavee of
nearly a anile, for dais mail. Many
Stars ago he came frons* Scotland to
she farm on, which he now elves and
cleurect it of ftrest, la conversation
with hint, he related to an Echo tea
itorter the following; "I am 78 years of
age and strong and healthy for an old
man. Mine has been a \:!gnrous eon•
stentinn, ami up till six yearn ago I
lewdly knew what it wag to have a
tray's illness. But then my ltealtlt be-
gan to fail- I bei'atiue# Stals'tet to e'r rep..'
in- the aztaniatin I ewes treated by does
t+li' , but reeriveetl no benefit. I gradual-
' grew weakere end an I was past the
three score and telt I thought my time
had come. Nest I took f:tilrting ills.
•lu -1 often I would have to be f'at•r,gid
1 et-': to the home entirely helpless. e.'
.ir etl,ra said nay trouble swan
2104' to olrl. age. an.l ,ulv].u.l
no. to e.:Ty seutc stimulant wi:h ale to
use when 1 fait talnnae s (,*(unit: en,
but this I refused to dm I had read In
tlu- papers of Dn. Williams' Pink Pills.
and thought they amid() be sweatily
adopted to me envie • I triedone her,
leg they did not eet'm to help ins•. in
feet, •1 thought 1 feet worse. I aloe:d••d
to eoutinue them, however, and afleet
Inking, four boxes there was a marke.I
improvement. My Strength re'turued, tilt;(
I was no longer troubled with fainting
pens. :In six months' time v: ith this
tment I gained fifteen pounds, talc-
ing In all eight boxes of the Mills. To-
day I am a well Haan, anal I owe my
complete recovery to Dr. Williams' Piule
771ese . pills cure not by purging the
system, as do erelinary Inealie]nes, but
by euricliing the blond and strengthen*
inn the nerves. They cure rhenium.
Vern, sciatiem locomotor ataxia, p:ualy.
his, heart troubles, erysipelas and all
forms .of weakness. • Ladies will final
them. an unrivalled medicine for all ail.
meats peeullar to the hos; restoring
health and vigor, and bringing n ropy
glow to pile and sallow cheeks. .There
is no other medicine ",lust is good,' Sae
that the full mune, Dr. Williams' Pluk
Pills for Pale People, is on ei;cry* pack.
age you buy, If ynttr dealer dues not
(lave then,, they will be sent post ;'id
at K0 cents a box, or six bares for r:.70,
by acitlreesing the Dr. 'Williams 1Ce'li-
eine Ca., I$rot•kville, Oart., or Sthen.•c.
tady, New York.
I wonder many times that ever a
ehild of God should have a sad heart,
consialering whet the noel is ln.t•1lsrilig
for him.—S, Peale. f••rel.
Widow—Yes, I. h: ,: nt r lir levo has
beetle cremated after death, while rag
third reneted in a confinare.
linty to Glare Ilemetehe,—Some people
'tnffer uutaid mieery day after day with
Headache. There :s rest neither day of
night uutil the nerves are all unstrung
The cause is :rent. %ally a disordered :roar
aclz, and a cure can he effected by thine
Parmelee's Vegeral.le Wills, containien
liaudra a and Dandelion. Mr. Finlay
\Vark, Lysander, P. Q., writes: at fini
Parmelee's Pills a first: class article fel
Bilious Headache."
Amounts to the same.
Grandma—In my day, they didn't hay,
all this slang. When a girl nletnt "nu,'
she said "no," and put in her time knit
Niece—And now, instead of lnitiinl
and saying "nob" they ,are knowing
and say "net."
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can
riot reach the stat of the (dense. Catarrh is o
blood or coestitunooal disease, and el order tl
euro it you must take ate nal remedies. Hell'
Catarrh Cure is taken mte,natty, and acts eir
ectl,y on the blood and 1000,108 sur: sees. hall'
Catarrh Cure is net a gnaek medicine. It war
prescribed by on: of tote best physicians 11
ibis Country for leare, end is a regular are
scription. It ie composed of the bust tonic
known, combined with the best blood purifiers
acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Thr
pertect combination of the two ineredionts i
what produces suelt W nderful results in curint
catarrh Send ier teclimDnials free.
F. 3. CHENE' & co., Props., Toledo, 0
Sold by druggists, prier, 750.
Imperfect Distribution.
Old Maid—That is just like the in
justice of things. I have been tryini
all my life to get a husband, without
success, while you have husbands ti
Take Laxative Rrorno Quinine Tablets. Al
Druggists ref al;,d theMoney if it fails to cure. 25
The Very Latest.
"You're not the whole school beeauat
you have a pupil in your eye."
"Nor are you a whole cornfield became
you ' have big ears."
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia..
Effective -Retribution.
Maude—What are You going to di
to ,Tack for deserting you so slkamefulll
alt the party?
Delia -Marry him.
Quiokcure for Pimples. 15c., 25c:, 50c
He—I know flow to manage any wife
She—Why don't you, then?
He—She's so obstinate she won't le
God's pity is as some sweet oor•dia
poured In dainty drops from ,some gold
en phial; it is wide as the whole scope
of, heaven!; it is abundant as sld the
dr. -8. F. Jarvis.
Fc'm one Day's Work
We glee this fine Watch, Chain & Cham
for selling two dor. packages oresgi0.
Site perfume at res CO4131 each. Send
address and ere forward the perfume,,
postpaid, andour rrrmium List. 1 o
money required. Sea toe perfume �.
among your friend;,, return moue and
s.e send the watch. prepaid. 'this as a.
gennino American Watch. manatee.*
r r pz „ 1'
Sod. timepiece, 0' FRpap
Sonss ecistx Co '.r St.rorentp
Tet Neither McGowan Nor Long flung En-
joyed Any of It..
There was a series of mishaps attending
tbe visit of John licGownn to the laundry
of Loug Hung. (McGowan went after the
only shirt be says he owned and was some-
what disappointed when the Chinaman
could not find it in the piles of wash. Mc-
Gowan protested vigorously, and what fol-
lowed in the laundry resolves itself into a
question of veraciry between Long Hong
and McGowan. All the police. ]snow is
that there was a ;tight.
Detectives Hart and Murray of the El-
dridge street station were passing when
they saw licGowan run out of the laundry
followed br a Chinaman, who carried a
hot iron.
"Stop thief! Stop Weir shouted the
The detectives started after McGowan.
Just as he turned the corner Detective
Hart made as grab for bin. Hart miseal-
oulated the distance and fell against the
swinging tlooriof the , el0an of J. eAntlers,
The doors were provided with plate glass
The forto of Hart's fall dlslcdged tho
doors from their festenings, anti the de-
tective awl a pile of broken glass were
mixed up on the 11001' of the saloon, to the
consternation of the crowd in the pence.
Several eu-aoniers and ctupl-;yees grahlied
tile dcteetive and would have 21 111 ]rim
roughly if bo bad araC displayed his shield
in time,
In the meantime Detective Sara-
ceetlecl in ceiptltring''it-tims•an. The China -
nem then deeleteel that McUowan had at.
tempted to rt:b his till.
When A1e;h:wtan was arraigned in the
Essex Market policy court Long Hung
„Tho man Millet) into my laundry.
hal Johnnie,' he slay, 'ewer sea the
game e, war Chinaelepen. Chinese ship
coulee up,' he slay, 'Lookee,' be slays,
'this is where Chinese sbil€ee hit Japan
shipeo.' I wateltee. Ile hiteo ne in the
kueekee, I fellee. Ile pullee out drawer,
I grabeo iron, He gotco out. IIo getee
no money,"
"When I entered the laundry." said Mc-
Gowan, "the Chinaman was in a back
room. I hanged on the counter and be
rushed out and accused aloe of trying to
get at the money drawer. When I asked
for the shirt, because I wanted it to go to
a 'chowder,' be said be didn't have It.
Than he chased tree with the iron."
Ma0owan was held in $300 bail for trial,
..--Now York Sun.
ie it9 , e
"So glad to meet you, my dear follow!
I've left my purse at home and want 20
"What do you want 20 marks for!
Here's 10 pfennie':s, so you can take the
first car and go batik after your purse I"—
Unsere Gesellschaft.
Psychological Moment.
Once more did Ulysses relate the story
of his wanderings, but still Penelope, his
faithful wife, shook her head.
"Where," she persisted, "are the labels
on your trunks?"
Of course, being a woman, she could
hardly bo expected to understand that she
was living 6,000 or 7,000 years ago, the
feminine mind being largely impervious,
as it were, to the time concept.—Detroit
Innocence and Law.
Warden—A dying burglar has confessed
that he committed tbe murder for which
you were sentenced, and as it was a clew,
ease of mistaken identity the governor ha,
granted you a pardon.
Innocent Man --A pardon? What am 1
pardoned, for?
Warden—For committing the murder of
course. Go, but don't do it again.—
"Man's inhumanity .to man makes
countless thousands mourn" is the legend
in lieu of the proprietor's name which
adorns the sign of a High street ice cream
saloon in Glasgow.
Free and easy expectoration Immed-
iately relieves and frees the throat and
lungs from viscid phlegm, and a medicine
that promotes this is the best medicine to
use for coughs, colds, inflammation of the
lungs and all affections of the throat and
chest. This is precisely what Bickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup is a snroi ee for,
and wherever used it has given nnlemnrl-
ed satisfaction. Children like it becan•.e
it is pleasant, adults like it because it re-
lieves andcures the disease.
Household Measures.
One cupful means a hull• pint.
One pint of granulated .sugar is one
One heaping ttaiblespoonrul of butter
equals two ounces.
The weight of an average' egg is two
One cupful of butter is equal to half
a pound.
One teaspoonful means a rounded
spoonful, or as mnueh above as in the
Sixty drops are a teaspoonful.
A cup of rice takes flour cups of wa-
ter for bailing.
For a moderately moist dough, half
the quantity of ' flour is needed in
Far stiff mash, half the quantity of
rolled oats to thatof wafter. Y
The large size egg cup is equal to half
an ordinary -sized cup.
'.flit bieyelist gees there with both
The little green apple ie always ripe
enough for mischief.
Poets are been. lint some of them
manage to live it down.
It's a mean min that isn't a hero i1►
the eyes of his doe.
'Fhe 10012 who hesitates 4s last, but
the woman who hesitates is won.
Angel food is the proper diet fey
those who dwell in air castles.
The man who hakes hay while the
sun shines is Pelee to get sunstruele
The '110"t netions of the little steasp
are rt'speensillle- for many loud words.
The person a ho leaves fly Ilaner f n
a ehair is neV('l' the one who sits doyen
en 11.
-t woman prefers n husband eviler
then heretcf, se she can pretend to
beak up to him -
:some mutt go to the front :and ens-
m ge in battle and others stag et home
and get n- arr,eel.
You rover 1 tela• the 114 or ratan who
has lest :t. forta:re '.a stn, Hair; about
tithes lhener 0 .'alt'*e.
rlrgUA :l:; r$. f',ra.nt,
mats, tan... 1,ci`, -el hilts to tleeek
Fon fie € ,,,tat.` 1 l`}:.: '1'U''at, aqt
I.cleo'r't' 11.1 ;.1: r t .ting p'l,et. ' I 'ray
rrt,111.1(al with 1ll.'1at for ne-ariy llfp ten
real:. and trio 1 al meet as fisa•.a•M I
he -,r tar alela, ; of Clown,
- wn ale# ':ors net "eat - }'•,• Per. 1, flak. 13°,•la
would 1•:rt•a t :t Pito •, 1 i1. tar n(34? It tart
frtee front t1 he ail -.1 :tai„ complaint for
nearly ls+ te.tth1.a., a r.r•e ch.-. I hope ,-tau evil)
continlu'tn1 . '' c. _.,�'►'. •
. r.^111 .il•- i: tn.
Training is the ce•t ef gaining,
Qi::€1111' s is lhi'- LotiLli:er of nenee,
1?'1t enee ie the int—meter Of feint.
Ousel notes atee tee C.l.ra' of faith,
Tate num o' Ito 0t;'tttla nor Got] is sale
to stand :th'ale,
alto la..-. t•1 nzteins not law over men,
but love in them,
Temptation is tne balance where
chntesete r is wto:+' l
Spam:silty is site 'channel in o•ide's
the current of a a0 '-'bought runs..
ltinard's Liniment Cars Burns, etc,
1ta,*S,,rin,1 s.•s r "don tO eve] k,
Alost Chinese mandarins pass the
whole a their lives o•itlydnit
single yard of exeuice. The late Nen-
:nking viceroy (father of Marquis ! 3ene)
was considered ,:t remaritable charac-
ter heottuse be al lys walked 1,000
steps n des. in his private gatrden. Un-
der no circ'umstautt tis whatever is •
mluadnrin ever seen on feet in his own
g a
Quiekaetlrtt for :O rea 15•„
for ns to
The grandest thing in all the world .�
do at any element of our IIve9
is the tieing faithfully -the immediate
duty nbich God has planed at oull
A Thoroughly
Reliable W o •
man (married nr widow pre-
ferretl) in every city, town
and village e in Canada, to act as solicit-
oliciting agent for a well advertised and
es,alllished article. Easy to sell and
satisfaction ensured. No deposit re-
quired, Give references when reply-
ing. Address
E. A. iPRONO, Hamilton, Ont
1 111) t (fi121 ACHES Imvved rmnindg anim.
in So Ahern Michigan, W s;opsin, Mitee Iota
and North Dal oti. soil on lo r„ time and EASY
PAYMENTS, a 1 the , a •11 year. Coarse and see
u3 or write. THE TRUMAN MOSS STAT.
BANE, Smilax, Center, tilteh„ or
Croswell, Sanilac Co„ Michigan, U.S.A.
Manufactured by t301•.CICH [312.09. * Co.,
Toronto, Ont.
T. N. U.
For either. Business ora Shorthand Course. No one
should expeettosucce.d without a good business train
]n1e Aaoomaement free. C. A. Finning. Owen Sewell
We give this fine
watch, chain and
charm, for seiingtwo
BUTTONS, at len ct5.
each. Send your ad-
dress and we forward
tbeBu ttons,postraid,
and our Premium
List. No money re-
quired. Sell the But.
tons among your
friends, 'return the
money, and we send
the watch, prepaid.
A genuine' American
watch guaranteed,
for a few hours' work.
Mention this paper
when writing.
20 Adelaide 5t. 13.
Toronto, Orlt.