The Exeter Advocate, 1898-9-23, Page 5,Q tr u tt It ;e; it ,0 a I1 , RI ear cis eto. and if ave. In - hey P PBy liar git ist 6 jut in - ;ed 'ed on,X, tch eet file wo ten of ilid nd on dr: li d be• n t' cal pon ent of of the ent ent :lay THE (xi t' r' bo sat Ia published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER, ----By the -- A leYQOATe PURL1SH1NG COMPANY TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION'. One Dollar per annum if peed in Advance 51.50 if not so. paid, Zed srertstot ?P" Mentos oat exepa'et - elo padperdiseontilaueduntil ellarreeragee axe paid Advertisements without eyeoific directions will be published till forbid and ehergeeeeeordingle. Liberal dieeountniade for transoientadvertisernentsinserted fox song Periods. Every description of JOB I'R.INTING turned out in the finest style, end -art moderate rates. Cheques, m,oneYOrd, e tee. fo• eava let iiig,subsoripticns,eto.to Sias=i. Sanders., EDITOR Ann PROP J'roxesseonal Garde. kI, KINSeLteg, L. D. R. & DR. A. R. *�.�... EINSUa.N, re D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto 'University. DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects, Office in Fanson's Bleak, west side Main S treet, Exeter, TIRO). ALTON' si11DERSON,ID.D.S-,L.D.S.,) -1-se boners tera,lueteofthe Toronto Erni- ruts- and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Oatario, Teeth extracted -without pain. ne Ail modes of Dentistry up to date. Om over Elliot as EiUa1 a law office -opposite Gastral 1;otel-Better. . aledieal T• . J A- ROLLIN'S G T A , AMOS. Reeidenees,same ies formerly OFFICES, Spaclonan, building. Main At. Dr, Relines' office -same as formerly -north door. Dr. Amoe'o lice,sente bu l pg -scut dear. el, A Redline. M. D. T. A. Amain L D '{''111,T, P. AfcLAIneRl IN. MEMBER, OF -1--a the CellegeofPliveieiensensiSurt;acne Oeterio. Plivelc ia,n, Surgeon and Ai eowse- aur. Office, Dlteltweed. Ont. . COL LIh S, lits 11RISTEIL,SOLICIT- • Ole, Conveyancer, Rotary Public. ce--Over O'Neii'e Bank, ExetertOntaele. Money to Loan. I(liCst)\ CAitisI i(], BARRISTERS, see ~elicitor'. aotaria's, Con-'eyauet re, Gommiseiouer,ete. Money to loan at and s, per cent. Office--Fauson'a Dlook, Naha the l'., 'ter. I. It, (s ane.nea.lie- d.„ T U. Dict see. t (A ember tit the siren will be at Uvulas Qa Thur. lav of cask w e k.F _ nee.. es (? sA.DtI-#:',1, BARRISTERS, Ete., Conveya'acere. and Mauer, to n, ButtOT, F. W. t r,t,n'tA'. 1,0 emrs T3 BRAWN. 'inebel8ea. LicensedAuct• • ioneertor the Counties of Perth And diiddlosox, also for the township ofi'sborne Sales promptly tAno,ia onbele.,alesarranged at posocWu- olielsee. llnenrance. E ELLIOT . Insurance agent. Main St. Exeter WANTED, HELP. Retinae°, man in every locality, local or travel Hum to Introduce anowdiscovcry anti keep our show cardstacked up ou trees, fences and bridges throughout town and country. "`Steady employment, Qom ndssiou or salary, $05 per month and expenses, and money de- asit:ed in any hank when started. .For par- ticulare writeThe World Medical Eleotr c Co.," London. Oat, Canada. 2-2 93 TILE SI I° •C i[�1il1tii7$U\ Iir.+lueSS null Shorthand College Cor. Young and College Sts., Toronto is an ,absolutely first-class business School Individual instruction by axperienaed tench - ors hobiing higli.+st mineif cations. (lona re- sults. Prospectus mailed free. Eater now. .Harrison ,I .. Taq. Jit 1f. Ninon() ]h \ ,� R. \1 i i'rineipalii Ualvondt uiand ofrP s Cook's Cotton Boot Compound Is successfully need monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectteal. Ladies ask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures,pills and imitations are dangerous. Yrise,No. 1, $1 per box; No. ?3,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two s-eent stamps The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. responsible sible Druggists in Ganadpmendedby all No.1 an,1 No 2 sold in Exeter by J.W Browning, Druggist. FILIPINO . VICTIM OF 11 L��LI 'rioted of robbing the mails ee board the CONG1ESS.Britic, wore former to eight years and the latter to one year's imprisonment at hard labor.. McKinley Will Be Asked to Establish a Protcrtorate, A MESSAGE FROM AGIIINALDQ. The Philippine Insurgent Chief Says Re was Coufideneu in the Visited States -Spain, Through the Peace Cont. mission, Will Try to Retain. the Islands -. Rae Ger•, many schemed' London, Sept. 20. --The Rong E`0:1g correspondent of the Daily Nail says- The Philippine Congress has favorably inapresieed the Bnropeana who have. witnessed the proceedings. It is believed that its deliberations will result in a petition to President Ates inley to estate lisp a protectorate. The attitude of the American army officers towards the in- surgents is pausing mnuch unfavorable criticism among Europeans who bas°. returned from Manila. Agninaldo ha$ obeyed every order, whether accompanied by threats or net, Ai;ulnaldo'S Explanation, 1lianl#a, Philippine Islands, Sept. 20,-•, The Philippine (government desires to inform the American Government and people that the many ss mors circulated regarding the strained relations between the Philippine and American forces are hello, enaliaiou,5 slanders of the enatu to both parties, are witbont any truth and are circulated for the purpose of prejtldie- lug the appeal of the Philippines for their release from the oppression and cruelty of Spain. The relations of our people and yours lave been and will t:outinue to be of the nest friendly nature, anti we have withdrawn our forces from the seburbs of Manila ae additlon41 evldeneo of our confidence in the great American Republic, (Signed), .Agulualdo. Prohibition. The advocates of Prohibition claim that Mr. Hobbs' best argument for pro hibition was that $40,000,000 was paid for liquor annually in Canada, and that the revel, ue was $S,000,000 hence expending 40 trillions to get 8 millions, and says give him the 40 millions and in a few years he would pay off the National Debt besides making good the revenue, This of course implies a strict en- forcement of the Act. In no case on record has this been the case. One Rev. Ross, since the sittings of the .Royal Commission, figured on the expenditure and made it $28,000,000, but the whole thing is only guess. Now, if Mr; Hobbs or any person else will guarantee the government that he will pay the nat- ional debt as proposed, I am satisfied the government would accept his offer. v to bble but he (Mr. Hobbs) would have col- lect the 40 millions. I claim that the expenditure for to. bacco in Canada to -day is in excess of the amount paid for liquor, and besides it is more physically injurious. Now if the prohibitionists are desirous of pro- hibition for financial reasons why not include tobacco, tea, coffee, opium and luxuries. Dr. Talmage in oneof his sermons said that there was more flu. ancial ruin and misery caused by an over -stocked wardrobe than by all the other social evils combined. Why not get up a method that will strike at the root of all these social evils at once. 1 think such a plan 18 spoken of and recommended in the New Testament. C. P. An explosion took place ie the mix- ing' room of one of the mills of the Hamilton Power Co. at Beloeil, Que. ;The building was totally destroyed, shut no lives were lost, freak ent Rasde Wine Plea/etre, Washington, Sept, 2Q. --Tho despatch conveying .Aguineldo's luessage to the American people was regarded with uauoh lutenist at the White House. The Presidene read the statement with evident epprooiation of its insportenee, bub dill not volunteer any information as to the attitude of this eoverumuent, ()Metals sere near hint spoke of the mes- sage as a '•veryemportant dooument," SPANISK PEACE, Comm -Sextets' Instructed to Defend Retention of the ].'lailipulaoe by Spain. Landon, Sept, SO, -Thi Daily Mail's Madrid correspondent says a long confer- ence was held between Senor Sagasta, the Premier. and Senor Monte.o Rios, n thonish eco Com- mission, President o f Spa Paa mission, yesterday, which resulted in the deoiston that the Peace Commission shall strenuously defend the retention of the Philippine Islands by Spain. Ilas Gcrmeny Been Scheming? New York, Sept. 20.-A special to the Herald from Washington says; As an In dloatiou that Germany has been solemn- ing to share in the disposition of the Phllippnas, the authorities have learned that, sating under instructions from, Berlin, the German Commander-in,Oblef of tho Asiatic station bas made an ex- banstivo investigation of the coal deposits of the islands. Aware of Gointany's proceedings, the authorities aro taking precautions to pro• vont the consummation of any plan which will enable them to road) fruition. Tho report made by the Gorman engineer explains to the ofliciels hero why the German vessels wore stealing among the islands. Attempt to Poison A ;uinnldo. Manila, Philippine Islauds, Sept. 20. - Tho Republica l iiipiva asserts that un attempt was made to poison Aguivaldo on Friday night. A steward, It is added, saw a Spanish prisoner, who bad been allowed his freedom, make a movement which appeared :Ike tampering with a bowl of soup intended for Agninaldo, Whereupon the steward tasted a spoonful of the soup and fall dead. Eleven Franciscan friars are alleged to bavo been engaged in the conspiraoy. The populace, It is further stutod, at. tempted to lynch all the Spanish prison- ers, but Agninaldo intervened. Troops for Manila. Washington, Sept. 20. -Five regiments now at San Francisco have been ordered to Manila. Arrangements for their trans- portation will be remade at ouoe. Correa Incensed at Toral. Madrid, Sept. 20. -The Minister of War, General Correa, bas issued instruc- tions fol the return of the Spanish troops in the West Indies. The sick are to leave first and the archives, especially those relating to the war, will he brought to Spain with the arms, ammunition, nags and material stored in Cuba and Porto Rico. The Minister is greatly incensed at General Toral sending him a despatch on the latter's arrival at Vigo (Spain) from Santiago de Cuba, and said Toral already ought to be court-martialled for his conduct as Governor of Santiago. Ten Per Cent. Die on Board. Madsed, Sept. 20. --There is consider- able indignation here at the fact that there were 123 deaths during the voyage among the 1,000 Spanish soldiers who have just arrived in Spain on board the Spanish transport San Ignacio de Loyola, from Santiago de Cuba. Tile Spaniards attribute this heavy death rate to the "Inhumanity of the Americana in oblig- ing the sick Spaniards to embark and make room in the hospitals for Ameri- cans." Dreyfus Entrapped by Those He Was Employed to Watch. MAJOR ESTERHAZY-TO CONFESS Another Octogenarian Gone. Cornwall, Sept 20. -Another of the old landmarks of Gengarry bas been re- moved in the person of Catharine Mo Kinnon, relict of Angus McDonald, who died at the residence of her son, Donald Mof)onald, Alexandria, in her Seth year.. She was born m Knoydart, Invornosshire, Scotland, and came to Canada with her husband and family in 1853, and has since resided In Glengarry. Her husband died in 1859. Two sons and two daughters survive her. Judge Dugas has got his commmssiee as, judge to succeed Justice l clit.iru the Yukon. Gut of 1,000 Papers Relating' to tete Case Congioting Dreyfus, Over 000. of Them wore Forged - An I',naginative. Journal, Says Dreyfus. Was $eacued Two Tears Ago, London, Sept, 20, -David Christie Murray publishes in the Morning yester- day a long story regarding the Dreyfus affair. The author vouches for .the truth of the story, but deoiares that be cannot disclose the souk° frons which he got his information. The artiole states in effect that Dreyfus was engaged as a spy, in the employment of a secret denartmeut of the French artily, against those sus- pected of traf.oking with Germany and other powers. His zeal here, so the start' goes, led him to become the victim of revenge on the part of Col, Henry. Comte Esterhazy and Col. I'aty ru Clam, who themselves were concerned in treasonable practices, Was 1#rolftgs released;' George B, Sinits, the piaywriht, main- tains that J ayfus was released freest Devil's Wand twat o years ago,, aal a sub- stitute found, be a Fresneh syudicate organized to secure the liberation of prisoners in penal settlelaonts who can pay heavily for their freedoms, Sims say . i "The real diihculty of tiro French Gov eminent is to fin Dreyfus, who is in South America under all assumed nem°. His wife dame not quit France to join him; that would mean a plat for hits re• serest or assassination, Dreyfus does not yet feel sstfticient confidence in the authorities and the French people to put his head in the lion's den." ESTERHAZY'S CONFESSION. Tlie bEajor, Who Is Now is London, Tells a Tale of astounding Forgeries to Conriet Drertus. Buffalo, Sept. 20, -The Courier has the following special cable from London: Major Esterbazy is about to make a full aonfesaiOn of his connection with the plot to disgrace Dreyfus. The Major has been sMoly staying in London for some days. Shaving off his Moustache was his only attempt at disguise, but this has proved suflleient, as his whereabouts remained undiscovered •by private detectives, bath English and French, who have boon hunting hint in the interest of the Drey- fus family. The Alleged Statement. The Mayor has authorized the follow- ing statement: "There is. no longer any justice for sue in my own country, and the time has arrived to make a full dis- closure of tho part Iplayed i n the Drey- fus ro -fus affair. Intendto snake this dis- closure in the interest of truth, regard- less of its result to Dreyfus personally. I can no longer allow myself to be made a scapegoat, The responsibility must be fairly distributed. "Everything I slid Was in blind, un- questioning obedience to my superior otlicer, I am a professional soldier. I know no law but the law of absolute obedience to my superiors. Abandoned by Itis Chiefs. "It I were ordered to take a gun and shoot my own brother, I would do so without the slightest hesitation. I have now only my own honor to consider. My military chiefs have abandoned mo. I awe them no further allegiance, "You ask me if I was a spy, a secret agent, employed by the Fronoh mnilitary L 0 watch the attaches of the n forei staff t g powers. I answer that I acted loyally uncler orders. My justification shall bo made plain at the proper time, which is very near at hand. Six Ifundrod Forgeries. "You want to know whither my dis- closures will clear Dreyfus. I answer that out of a thousand documents malting up the Dreyfus dossier papers in the case, I know that six hundred ars forged. I am prepared to show by whom and under what circumstances these forgeries were committed. Whether Dreyfus is the innocent his obampions suppose remains to be seen. That can be safely left to the public to judge when they are in pos- session of all the facts." Started for Devil's Island. London, Sept. 20.-A despatch to the Daily Mail froin Paris says that La Cecile has started for Devil's Island,with a view to the return of Dreyfus to France for retrial. France is in a ferment over the later developments in the oase and the reported interview with Major Ester - hazy, which was cabled' from London last night, and which has caused the wildest excitement. There is a hesitancy on the part of the Paris press to pacers the interview as true, until Comte Ester - hazy himself Domes from hiding ani makes it good. Yet the people are ready to believe the story, and it is generally thought that Esterhazy, seeing the futil ity of denial in the face of trial of Drey- fus, is ready to turn against those who, with him, aided in the conviction of Dreyfus, hoping thereby to save his own skin. British Barque in Trouble. Yokohama,Sept. 20. -British barque q Heathfield, from Shanghai for Tacoma, which put in here on Sept. 13 suffering from the effects of heavy weather, as previously reported, Is found to be ex- tensively damaged. Hor repairs, It is esti- mated, will cost 01,800. MP to Injured any - eop �.• Bradford, Eng.,' Sept. 20. -An electric street car was derailed while . descending a hill bore yesterday. Fifty persons were seriously injured.' Several of them are. et' ing. Tried to Drown His Daughter. London, Sept. 20. -Edward Havens, Lord of the . Manor of East Denyland, near Colchester, was renmanded at Har- wich yesterday on the charge of attempt- ing to drown his 12 -year-old daughter from a quay. Jago Gets Eight Years. London, Sept. 20.-J. W. Jago, form- erly chief officer of the White- Star Line steamer Britannic, , and John Kynaston, who was the second officer of the same '+teamer, both of whom have, been con. NIT1 Ci1WANG RAILWAY LOAN., The Tsang Li Yemen Authorizes Its Con- clusion With British, Syndicate. London, Sept. 20. ---.The l .ekin .corres- pondent of the Times says that as a result 01 the British protests, the Taung Li Yemen has authorized the conclusion. of the Niu Chwang Railway loan with a British syndicate.. TRE SULTAN YIELDS. Candien ilufians Are Now Surrendering' Their Arms. Candia, Island of Crete, Sept, 20, --•The disarmament of the Mussulmans has been delayed, Djevad Pasha, the Turkish military commander, demanding that the arms be delivered on board a Turkish warship. Admiral Noel, the British nevai commaudor, insists that they ba,landed to a British guard. Edhont Pesha, the Turkish Governor, has just had a proclamation publicly read, saying that by order of the Sultan all arms must be surrendered to the corn.- luittee formed for that purpose. The sur- render bas already begun. Thera is no disorder, DEFENDS HIMSELF, Bex. Mr. Thompson, Known In Toronto, Gets After the Editor of the Kamloops Standard, Vancouver, B.C., Sept. 20. ---Rev. Mr. Thompson, scent's' in Toronto, Baptist Mluieterf who the newspapers comment- tel oumen ,el on as burying one wife one day in Boston and marrying again the next day, his child dyiug suddenly shortly after, has sued the editor of the Standard of Kamloops, who announced Thotupson's arrival at Kaniloopswith his pretty wife. The editor recorded Tbompson's history and headed the article "Wanted in Boston." Mr, Thompson took no notice 1111 a St. John's paper came out with his history there, whoa he sued the Standard for criminal libel. The editor of the Standard was bound over in $60Q to stand trial. Suspected of Stealing 88,000. Several misters discharged from the Golden Gaaho mine on Saturday are sus- pooted of stealing 800 ounces of gold amalgam, valued et $8,000, frown the ccrn- pany's safe at the mines in Liilooat, re- pxoseuting a thirty -day clean-up. The pollee are scouring the country far the robbers. who ere thought to bo coroka Who passed themselves off as miners. DIRS. GUILFORD IN otmaEAL. She Was Soon There. But Mas Again Flitted -Gone to Europe. Montreal, Sept. 20. -Reporters yester- day traced Mrs. Nanoy A. Guilford, the suspect In the Bridgeport mystery, to the Place Vigor Hotel here, where she bad registered under an assumed nasno, and from thorn to a private boarding house on St. Donis street.. She left the latter place at 8.30 p.m. Friday, taking her trunk with her on the drivers box, which is the last -rase ob. tained of her up to nate. Tho police be- lieve she caught a Liverpool steamer hero and that she has gone to Europe. Northwest Legislature Prorogued. Winnipeg, Sept, 20. --The Northwest Legislature prorogued :at. Regina yester- day, and now elections will bo held at Once, Before adjourning the following resolution was passed: "That, in the opinion of this House, immediate action should bo taken by the Federal Government to force the location. of and issue of patents for all lands in the Territories to which railway colonize- tion companies are entitled, so that these lands may bear their just proportion of taxes for schools, loual improvements and other purposes." In the absence of Lieutenant - Governor Camozon through illness, the Legislature was prorogued by Judge Richardson, Administrator, Serious .Shooting Affray. Montreal, Sept. 20.-A serious shoot- ing affray has occurred at 34 Donogani street, nice iitating the removal of two colored persons to the General Hospital. It is said that a quarrel arose between a man named W. H. Renfrew and a woman known as Annie Nelson, at the house mentioned, where the latter resides. The latter then took a revolver from a bureau, it is further reported, and fired at Renfrew, the bullet lodging in the abdomen. She shortly afterwards turned the weapon on herself, inflicting serious injury. The French Shore Commission. St. John's, N11&, Sept. 20. -The British Royal Commission to inquire into the French shore question started yesterday for cruise along the treaty coast. The Colonial Government has scored a signal victory by inducing the commissioners to accept the co-operation of the colony's representative, Receiver•General Morino. The commission did not wish to have colonial officers accompanythem, but the Colonial Ministry insisted that their representative should go in order that the settlers' case should be fairly pre• Sall ted. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wedeesday) Wheat per bushel_ .......... . ..... 02 to ee Flour per cwt 2.15 Barley e0 to 05 Oats t.s2 to 23 Peas 40 to 50 Butter 11 to l2 Eggs. -,,,--, f0 Potatoes perbag 25 to 90 Ra per to 5 Oto n 0.00 p a Dried. Apples per lb 4 Against the Chinese. Winnipeg, Sept. 20. -At yesterday's meeting of the Labor Congress the Chinese question was taken up and oocu • pied tb3 attention of the members all day, being discussed at length. Is was 1 resolved that the •Congress again urge upon the Dominion Government to in- orease the present head tax upon Chinese immigrants enteritis; this country from $50 to $500; also to prohibit their em- ployment assteamer stokers or other responsible positions. This latter will include the Japanese also. Church of England Synod. Montreal,Sept. 20. -Nearly the whole of yesterday's session of the Church of England Synod was occupied with the consideration of the scheme proposed by the General Synod at its last meeting' in Winnipeg to merge the Domestic and Foreign Mission Society of the Provinoial Synod into that of the General Synod. The scheme met with strong opposition from inany of the delegates, and no de. Melon was reached by the hour of ad- journment CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. :omit 4a to alalic Grit 418aa:us , Children.: 9 at 2i �� n4rnre, After* Wood's rhosplbodine, The cry Fngltsh Raney. n druggistsSoldand inrecommeCanada, Onsydedby reitail- able medicine discovereU.. Six packages guaranteed to cure all (diens of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse Or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one paokage $1, six, $5. One will please, sir, will cure. Pamphlets free to any address,. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. fTWood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by J. W. Browing, druggiet. The sheds contait•in„ the wir.ter cars of the'elcntreal Street railway` Co. at Hochelagn were burned, causing a loss of over $150,000. Must Pay Protest, Costs. Toronto, . Sept. 20. -The ' Court of Appeal gave judgment yesterday morn• ing against the South Ontario Conserva- tives, who will thereby have to pay the costs: of the election protest. Sure Cure for Colds When the childrenet their Leetwet and take cold give them a hot foot bath a bowl of hot drink, a dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and put them to bed. The chances are they will be. all right in the morning, Con - Or the Cherry Pectoral a few days until all cough has Ws - appeared, Old coughs are also cared; we mean the coughs of bron- chitis, weak throats and irritable lungs. Even the hard coughs of consumption are always made easy and frequently cured by the continued use of Aqers Own pectora Every doctor knows that wild cherry bark is the best remedy known to medical science for soothing and healing inflamed throats and lungs. Put one of Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plasters otter your lungs The Best Medical 4 Advice Free! We now have some of the most emi- nent physicians in the -United States. -Unusual opportunities and long expert. once eminently St them for giving you medical advice. Write freely all the particulars in your case. Address, Dr..J. C. AYER, Lowell, Maes. a -s'% .t I' Rr, 4 ,15 ICL dddddd� '••' The Leading Specialists of America 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 CURED. WE CURE EMISSIONS Nothing can be more demoralizing to young of tmiddle-aged"t men than They produce weakness nervousness, a feeling of disgustand awlioletrain ofsymptoms. They unfit a man for business married lie and social happiness. No matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual excesses, our New Method Treatment will positively CUM you. NO CURE -NO PAY 'Render, yo:i need hole. Early abuse or later excesses may have weakened you. Exposure may have diseased you. You are w. safe till cured. Our New Method Will cine sen. You run no risk. 250,000 CURED you:.��2»--lou are pale, feeble and haggard..nbrvoa ,irritable and ex- citable. You evenne forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and pimples, sue -en eyes, s wrinkled nklod face' stoo n" form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. fi9'ECU EA' RICOCELE, NO. Matter how serious your vaso may lea.ser how long you may have had it our NEW METIO» TREATMENT will euro it. The "wormy veins" return to their normnal conditionand hence the sexual organs receive proper nourish- ment. Tho organs become vitalized, all unnatural drains or losses cease and manlyowers return. No temporary benefit. phut a permanent euro assured. NO CURT NO PAL NO OPERA- TION 1 t.tlSSA ILNO DETEN- TION Pl Olt BUS ELS S. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and cure SYPHILIS, GLEET EMISSIONS,` IMPOTENCY, ST1tI01URT: VARICOCELE, SEMI NAL LOSSES, BLADDER AND Kit- N)Ydiseases. CONSULTATION Fi1DE.BOOKS FREE. CHARGES MODERATE. If unable to call. write for a QUISSTION BLANK for HOME TREA HENT. KENNEDY& KERGA4 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT. MICH. K&K K&K K&K withPio!verbs but don't think you can patch clothes to look like new, 'Then again it wouldnot pay you when you can buy clothing at the prices we sell. BARGA1NS.-meo- Pauts made to order, all wool heavy tweedsO o h� y 52.0 Suits 9.80 Overcoats 8.09 Biack Worsted suits a spec- ial, B12,00 $20 blacks beat all others at $23. Come stud sea for yourselt. PATRONIZE US. People patronize us because they realize that we always sell clothing that is strictly up-to-date... . GIRIEVE Opposite Post Office - Bicycles Bicycles l l y 1 Bicycles , . Bicycle Pleasure. Are you :seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good. wheel. We can furnish youany of the best wheels made at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in- spect them before buying elsewhere. Afull stock Of sewing machines, baby oar- riageS, etc. etc, Perkins & Martino THE. jk1RAL Dave 1 STORE. Try R'INAN'S COUGH BALSAM still holds first place in the market. and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Winstn,s Con - and Condition Powder for same Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat which is an excellent remedy for I Also Lotion for scratehes on horses &Mos, Powders, for Coughs, Colas and Bronchial trouble in old or young. We mtianuraeture-0 WiNER'S LINAMENT SOLE A.GENi' VOA LUNG SYRUP. I C_ LUTZ, DRUGGIST. OVER LOADED. Every incoming freight train, since last January, empties part on floors,a d the of its cargoour n new things have crowded every foot of our large floor space. WE ARE NOT hurrying you to purchase, but many prefer to get as near as possible the first choice of new assortments. Our shock of Fur- niture of all kinds was never more complete. Purchasers get from us always the R LOWEST PRICES S CES and the advantage of all th t r g e e u.�) of styles and of the most perfect taste that we can command. S.& GIDLEY SON Furniture Dealers & Undertakers,