The Exeter Advocate, 1898-9-23, Page 3N
1 Owen C. Phillips, bend. 2,039. Liberal-
PilteTease, Liberayninulst, 3,447. Mr.
L Unionist majority, 1,403. Ab the last
election. Mr. Arthur Poen was returned
by 3,354 votes against 2,07 east for Sir
Thetelore Fry, the Homo Rule canoidate.
A Marked Change in PUbliC
Feeling COnCerning OrenfUs.
'rho Document* Wilt Bo Sent to a Special
C011OtliSSion-Ren. Zurlinden Re-
eir,lls and leis Place as Ministor
of WarJ 'rompt1y rilled-
The reeling +cute -News
bY Cattle.
Peels, Sept. 190-4.t a Meeting Or the
Cabinet Ministers Saturday it wee de -
aided to submit the documents in the
Dreyfus ease to a emnruission to be select-
ed by the Minister of Justice, M. Sea-
le.- rien. The Minister for War, General
Zurlinden, and the Minister of Public*
Works, Senator Tillaye, left deafen) the
Council adtouraell, tthith is interpreted
as meaning that they do not agree with
their colleagues in this matter, and they
inteud to reign.
As ho was leaving Eiysee Palace, after
the Cabinet meetinga large crowd of
people cheered the Premier, 01. Rrieson,
with eries ot "Vivo ta revision!"
apparently showing that popular feeling
was changing in favor aa re-opt:dug of
the Dreyfus ease.
General Zarlinden haS Font hie written
resignation to Premier Itriseon, ae fel-
lows: "1 be.Ve the honor to beg you to
recelee any resignetio» as Minister of
War. An exhaustive study of the papers
In the Dreyfus etre has convincetl me too
fully of lois guilt for me to accept, at
the head ot the army, Any other solution
than that a the maintenance Of the
ltulguaent in its entirety."
New Ministers Appointed.
Later in the day nuother Cabinet
Connell was held, at wheat General
°bent:rine, commander of the Ant divie-
ion of the first army Orps, Department
of the .North, and the Pas de Calais was
eppoiated Minister tor War, in seem,
'Pion to Generel Zurlinden, and Senater
(teethe, reetesentien. French India, was
appointed Minister of Publia Work*,
aucceediug 1NI, Tilley°. Wilti also re-
An Appalline Season's List sit ratalities
in the Alps -An ninglieltraan
and outdo Ulna&
London, Sept. 19, -The soason'e ze•
cord of Alpine fatalities is eletalling,
This week hoe added several to the fist.
It also bring& One of 'the most spletelid
storiest4 heroism over told.,
Prot. Nesse, well known inBerlin as
the assistant of Prof, Bergmatt, aud Pr.
Borchardt, with two guides, the toile
men ropee together, were crossban tle
Piz Bebat OAT a tlent bridge. Whieh
was considered eafe by the guides, 'Tito
beiege gave way and the leeaing guide
and Prot. Nesse fell into a crevasse.
Nesse had the rope around his 040'4 and
hung in midair.
A bolt -hoer later. to rather& this Intel.
ereble etraito the li.%tditig guide cut the
- rope ;lei seen bunsel. ave. Prof. ;Nesse*
• and dleeptieared into the depths. The
other guide au -1 Dr. Boechartit were then
able to pull Prof. Na -se up, but be was
Jo; JF. cheering to now that the guids.
wile so willingly offeral bis life was nee
hut was fentad unhurt by the
reseue parte',
Englishman and Guido Kill
Chamounix, Sept. 15. -An Englisbma
Dinned Ifinns and a guide, who iteeetn.
panted hint, while makiug .tbes deseent et
the Aiguille de Charmoz, fedli and both
were killed.
France i Contitlatory.
Landau, Sept. 19.-Frone Cairo and
front an entirely Independent fienree the
Eally Mail learns tiett Frano has as-
sumed a conciliatory attitude towards
Great Britain and has declared that the
expedition of Marchand is Waite Mat
andel. The Slate arra offer to take
Major Mareliend to (defy°, end it is prole -
Able that the Major will accept and that
Faeholla will be occupied by Egyptian
That the Mussulinan Plipolation or Crete
Must Ile Disarmed, Acceded to
by the Sultan.
Candia, Island of Crete, Sept. 19. -
Admiral Noel, the British naval com-
thander hero, handed Mahone Pashn, the
TurIcieh Governor, Friday evening, a
demand for the disarmament of the MOS -
e outman population, The Itnsha it await-
i-- bog the instructious of the Turkish Gov-
ernment on the subject.
The Sultan Accedes to the Demand.
Candle, Island of Crete, Sept 19, -
be Sultan has ordered Djevad Pasha,
the military corninender in Grote, to
commie to the demand of Brinell Admiral
Noel for disarmament, thus complying
with tbe whole ultimatum of the admiral.
A 13ritish military detachment yesterday
ocouped the entrance to the fort, and it
is rumored that tbe Ottoman troops will
be withdrawn and British forces will
canopy the town.
Among the prisoners already handed
over to Admiral Noel are two who are
credited with being the ringleadore
the attack on the British camp,
An Impressive Ceremony at Vienna on
Saturday -Emperor Wililam 'Was
in Attendance.
Vienna, Sept. 19. -Emperor Frannie
Joseph at 9 o'clock Saturday morninp.
received the special representatives of
foreign sovereigns. An hour later he re-
ettived the visit froro the sovereigns, with
the exception of the King of Saxony,
Whom be personally greeted at the rail-
road station.
The funeral was celebrated with im-
pressive ceremonies during the afternoon.
,An imposing procession proceeded slowly
from the Hofburg chapel to the Church
of Capuchins. The houses along the route
were deeply draped with black, and the
streets were crowded with people bearing
mourning emblems.
The funeral car was drawn by eight
borsen and was escorted by a large force
of troops, and a long train of dignitaries.
The (thumb was draped with black,
and the Cardinal -Archbishop of Vienna,
Mgr. Grusoha, officiated.
The services were brief, and, wben they
were finisbed, the casket was lifted from
the catafalque and borne down the stair-
way to the vaults, where the final beim-
Cotton was pronounced.
Emperor Francis Joseph, Prince Ho-
, henlohe' the German. Iroperial Chancel-
lor, andBaron Von Buelow, the German
Minister for- Foreign Affairs, reoeived
Emperor William at the railroad station.
The Emperors,shook hands and kissed
each other's cheeks three times.
The Poor Are Still Dying in the Streets
of Cuban Towns.
Havana, via Key West, Sept. 19. -Re-
ports from Matanzas state that dreadful
monditions prevail there. The poor are
dying in the publio streets and high-
ways at an average of four or five daily.
Resides the 27 unburied bodies before
ireported, the bodies of four men and
IS.were found in the street; one child
women who have died from starvation
almost dead from hunger was found close
to the Wall of El Oriente Foundry. This
condition of things in the neighboring
eeaport towns demands instant atteution.
Remains With the Government.
London, Sept 17. -The election held
to -day for tbe seat in Parliament made
vacant by the death of Mr. Arthur Pease,
Liberal -Unionist, resulted in the return
of Mr. Pike -Pease, the Liberal-Uniouist
earalidace, by a majority of 1,408 votes
over his Liberal opponent, Mr. Owen C.
"billies. The polling was as follows: Mr.
InOtniT VelSnleltee es ettetenneno,
Area Quaatitiee of Lava Plowing tient?
the eraten
Rome, Sept. 1). -Tie ikatIvIty
Mount Vesuvius Is inereasiug. Deep
rumblings and eeplosions are beard la
to irater end these are follatteni by the
vomiting forth of great quarttIties at 'eve
anal ashes. A torrent of lava half a Mile
wide he flowing near the ureter. A little
way Own the mountain the strewn
divides lute three branches, froin 29 In
50 yards Wide, with a velecity ati
pads an hour. All the villeges in the
neighberhotel are sprinnled with ashes.
Sento of the wile hese OW up. Many
pine groves and vineyerilli bane been
deetroyed, Tbe seectacle at night is
fle ohtervatery. which originally stood
at a eight et tile meteor is now only
27 metre:: abeve the Rea owing to
the einking of the greund. Seven new
nere hero formed areund the central
one, and thle bee not tendell to diminieh
the tear; formerly felt. whieh were based
Upen the eruption id '40004 Ann scoria,
Wier to that whieh terearrea in jeee„
Boeo Tranoferred Agates
*Madrid, Sept. 19. -The Official Gazette
intialslets the :Innen/icemen; of the
appeintinent of nenor :Montero Rios,
Preeltient of the Senate; Senor Abazaette
z;i, Senor Menace, General Carer° and
Senor Villarrutie as the Spanish Peace
Senors Du Mee and Aranguren, forms
erly secretaries to the Spanish Legation
at Waeltington, Imre been musters:0d
from St, Petersburg to Vienna.
NortePhospltarus Match X.:treated,
London, Sept. 10.-KobImann Rosen-
thal, an Englishman, and Dr. Ton
Kentooki, a Berlin ebennst, declare that
they have invented a match that will
strik.o anywhere mid no phosphorus is
used in it. This invention, they say, will
do away with the horrors of necrosls, to
width employes In match factories are
Penalty of Getting Whipped.
Madrid, Sept. 19. -The Supreme
Council of War has deoided to suspend
Admiral Monde() and Major Sestets,
direotor of the Cadiz Arsenal,
Great New Tork Presbyterian Divine
Passes Away at Ilangor. Ireland.
Belfast, Ireland, Sept. 19. -The Rev.
John Hall of New York died Saturday
morning at Bangor, County .Down.
Dr. Hall was on his annual visit to
Europe. He died at his sister's residence.
His health has been broken down and he
bad been seriously ill for two days before
his death, He had hoped to return to
New York shortly and had already en-
gaged passage on a steamer for himself
and wife.
Dr. Hall's death was due to heart
failure. His wife and sons, the Rev.
"Tom" Hall and Prot. Robert Hall, were
present at the bedside of the deceased
when he passed away.
The Rev. john Hall 'was born in
County Armagh, Ireland, on July 81,
1829. He was of Scotch descent. When
13 years of age young Hall entered Bel-
fast College. In 1849 he was licensed to
preach. During the year 1867 Da Hall
was a delegate from the General
Assembly of the Presbyterian Cburoh in
Ireland to the Presbyterian Church in the
United States, and after his return to
Ire/and he received a call to the Fifth
Avenue Presbyterian Church in New
York. He accepted it, and entered upon
his labors in November, 1887. A new
church edifice was ereoted for Dr. Hall
In 1875, at a cost of about $1,000,000. He
was an author of many devotional works,
and was known in Canada by reason of
baying preached ninny church dedicatory
sermons twenty years ago and prior to
Shat period.
A.ngliesen Synod at Montreal Passes
Resolution for committee.
Montreal, Sept. 19.-91e motion made
by the gev. Dr. Williams for a come:lit-
tee to enquire into the causes of the tow
birth rate in Ontario was considered by
the Anglican Synod Saturday. Mr. Wil-
liams, in support of the motion, made
seine very strong statements. He said
that from enquiries he had rotate from
people itt a position to know he had been
internee:1 that the low birth rate was
largely due to many women in Ontario
doing things they should not do, and
using means to prevent their having
children. He had been informed that
this practice was alarmingly coMmoll,
and he thought the matter should be
looked into.
Tbe motion for a eonunittee to enquire
into the subject was carried.
st.T. GIOUee6ter Sinai, the Soh, Alece.
doteen at Nine of Her Gm*
Irere sarownett.
Boston, Sens. 17. -The stearosbip
Gloueester et the Merchants & .Miners'
Transportation Company,whteh arrived
here yesterday forenoon from Beltisuore,
reports that et 1.30 odilack in tbe atom,
ing she collided with the Gleacester
schooner Alice doedan offAtarthatsVine
yare and that nine ot theeterdan'e -crew
were drowned, Seyeu at the crew were
Raved and brought here on the Gloucester.
'Neon north of .0ottage City about 1.40
o'clock in the morning just atter the
hte, boat had steamed through Vineyard,
Sound, she crashed lute tk Gloucester
fishermen that had milled -across her
bows. The schooner, which afterward
proved to be the Alice C. Jordan of
Gloucester, was cut down to tbe water's
edge and tepidly filled. `dile offlcers on
the Gloucester stepped the steamer at
once- and ordered the boats lowered. The
schooner sank in a few minutes and he
fore nine of the crew, who were asleep
below, could. reech tbe sleek. The-captelie
and six of tbe Jorda.a's men were taken
from the water by the Gloucester'a crew.
The commander of the lisheruien. Cain
• itt Jeremiten H. Warren. climbed In the
rigging wheel hie eeseel was struca anti
wee also reteuell. The beats of the
Glenecteer seerebed for a long time for
taros of the nima 7111A,Cs111•4 men, but noth-
ing mere W113 Si:V:1 of them.
Calitoill F. 31. Bowes of the Gloacester
seye that the tantleet. hail all her lights
awning at the time of the aceident end
thet bbsvestal was an no way to blame
far the cella:tan. The weethee wee
and the night quire dark.
Ceptein Warren of the Jordon stdtea
that- ;he most of hiaeretv were men re-
sPlied at itioueester and thec he
id not know the MUM'S of those lost. It
s thoughthat most of them were Neva
Cepitulized at $30.090.00% Val Rehhied
1;0 All the Great and banxii
New York, Sept, 17. --The Interne
lonal Silvee Company has been formed
under the 'awe of Now jeteeje with a
capital stack atel5,0110,000 preferred And
eteemiteutiti eoranton sreek. In the deal
are the Britannia Cempene and the Wit.
cox Campmate
The itritannia Company will revolve
about $1,375,8111o, ma 0. Rogers ee
Brother of Mtridest will get $590.OA and
heMeriden Silver Plete Company and
hieuning .1.; Zeeman Cempetty will
ia tz eaid.
Oho Concerns That Aro in 111.
Ai hegioning tweed Wearing all the
nuetuese of the ecgurry, the following
'cone:vita :x4r0. It Is said, aereed et enter
tee tematinatien:
lferelea Mile:mkt teentpauy. Mer
dee. gee.a. • . • •
it-eerea Bane Waterbery. Conte
lineern Sil.'er lotailatry,
1144 & Co., Walliegford.
ilatheur Silver i„,!..0,1p,tiiy. Barforli.
Tilt! Williala lioxi••1's Mitaufeeturing uizI
Iterfeiti. 1
Mat/batten enver Mee Company, Lyent.
N. Y.
Watrota elannateterine d!olineter.
11"ger' Cutlery C mpany, Rawl, re Come
l'Iongan e'en er Meng nempany. Cluelit.
nate 0.
Meriden Silver Plate Company, Meriden.
Manning. lawmen & doe Meriden. roma
Wileox Silver Plate Company, Meriden,
Items & Brea, elerblen, donn,
Simpson Niekel after compauy. Walling-
ford, dome
Rogers St Ilamliten Saver Plate Compauy,
WilterbUry,' tenni.
Nerwielt Cutiery Company, Norwiele
Standard Silver Plate Compauy, Toronto.
R. Wellaro & Sons Manufacturing Com-
pany. Wellingtons, teem.
Hotness st: Edwards Silver Conipany,
I:ledge/tort, Conn.
A Thief Throws Carbolic Acid in the
race of a Toronto 'Woman.
Toronto, Sept. 17.-A dastardly out-
rage was perpetrated on Esther street
yesterday, when an unknown man threw
a quantity of carbolic acid into the face
of Mrs. William Newman, seriously
burning the left side of her face and her
William Newman is a driver for tbe
Shedeen Manufacturing Company and
leaves for bis work early.
When the scoundrel threw the aoid on
her Mrs. Newman fainted, but to seems
himself tbe intruder gagged her with a
handkerchief. He then proceeded to
searoh the house rapidly, and took 05 in
cash from a vest ott Mr, nlewman's. Be
left by the rear way, and escaped, taking
with him the bottle and the hatelker-
ohief be used as a gag.
A painter working across the street
/taw him enter tne bowie, and an iceman
In the lane saw him go out. He was of
medium height. wore a Christy hat and
darkish clothes, a gray flannel shirt, and
had a dark brown moustache. No arrest
bas yet been made.
Meagher Didn't Show vp.
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 17. - Thomas
Meagher, the alleged smuggler, whose
arrest by Deputy Collector of Customs
Henry Avery at St. Clair fiats about a
month ago has developed into a case of
international importance, yesterday failed
to appear before D. S. Commissioner E.
W. Harris. and nis bail bond was for-
feited. Meagher had been released on a
$1,000 bail bond, with Messrs. Craig and
Webber or the flats as seourities. Be is
understood at present to be at lais home
at Port Lanabton, Ontario.
R. C. Mining Village Burned Up.
Vancouver, Sept. 17. -The little mush.
room minieg village at Biokley Bay, some
150 miles up the oast, was destroyed by
fire at 3 a.m. Thursday. Feghteen people
were in the hotel and escaped in their
night- shirts. The steamer Comex took
them all on board, arriving there at 4
ann. The village is the property of the
Channel Mining Company. The loss is
$5,000, with very little insurance.
Col. Bryan Will Resign.
Washington, Sept. 17. -Col. Winliam
Jennings Bryan will, it is understood,
soon end his war service. , Reluctant as
be ia to resign bis commission, in the
face of pending orders to proceed to Cuba
for garrison duty, his ambition to get
baok to his State in time for the fall 0811:1-
paign its seemingly paramount to all other
wheat la chigoe:0. and, Liverpool VilteCU„.
ated. Soinewhat-tintario Farmers
?Asking m ort. Thou gspott Price.
Saturday Zretting, Sept-, IT.
'Plea week's wheat markets. nave exhibit -
.ed some trregwarity with the tendeiry of
deeldedly upward. On the Cluetigo
board -,-are Saturday last this illeattil'e tie -
liven( has advanced 21);,c per euetoe sad
the Dee. and Meese optiums Peo and le
respeetirely. The cause c.f the upturn has
been the failure of teneipts to more then
meet aemiti requirements and it'eeesequeut
appmehnieu na the vidue of the melt tut
tiele in Northwest 114er/tots. "armee% ere
believed to be emoting teelr wheat aud
preatenling threshing until better prtcee
arrive. Ieterpool, lute feet- reeponeett ival
ea that tuareet septa rea wieter Is to -den
quoted -PA per eental, the Sept. tlelivery
Ithel and the December etaion Id Welter
bee a week ago.
As. for new °nutria wheat the prete ask-
ed hr farmers is alll away eimee expirt
pos.saetelee and cousequeenty none is =or-
Aug- Partners seem le be in 4 DO:A:loll to
Wier. 1110tigli llaey seem likely to be dis.
nriei-r.led if thes look for higher priers.
U-lier:s are paying at north and west
for ourreut supplies.
Lending Wheat Marhmtwt.
Follewaig am the closing pr.ces le -day et
ptir:atc. centres:
Cash. Sept. Deo. May.
.. O ta,",' a del ettdi,TOt 644.
Ne• se .Yeta. S7A,e.‘ 47, si diki
• 1,.,-z:„ .„. t1S. 0 0*) 0 Ode
elfeenteee 0 - *Ada • •
Teat ** 0.7i, 0 Cate
Deta .. a testa fis ease -0 ease 0 6,Zii
0 Sta 6:44. 0 GIP.i 0ILai
Mine antee .47'444 Fa:*
0 0.•.. 1111..
Tozetra red- 0 Cid
1,•••1. *Sit.
Wooten* St, Lawrence Marteet.
liternees et am!. Arne? pro.
due. %nee target Zo-Oity--tra0 bu,:tels
et bey Asia a 444e eaanel
ne Tee-I:jean fruit. butter* *WoritTl aul
armor, 1IP ir..sheis selting es fel*
lewd: Welte 19e te Video add 020 to l'altd
Mote alts to dee per otrJite.,
tar;e7 eliesittly ettedor. *thin eX ela to
Oats eeiler: 2609 beete:e treed at tide to
tiadded--Peor Untie steel at Vele per to*.
rwroes drat at Nie' 1,i) per bag.
Aptea pleneltul az le per isbl.
Ihr :or mid at 18e to tele per lb, r94.15.. tho
bul aoiu4 at f40."' et die.
iteee; emote eelting at tee teISe eat!
2.0e ter a tew aoiee new laid.
The ItOwever. Ag. about teet pet
40-te •
le 75e and dune Gee to 20a
per neat
Cheeee nineteen.
Coreeente One,. Sept. 1170-ent tba eerie
wait neeete Inetri atelay. 17 Wearies
twastlat Pee %dee-. tesatrtel. 'dat otenerit
tan, Ad :alai ea 15 *awl. AV:Gregor. AM
wnile t117..t..,.% at e 1.4 Auteri.
Cala eia7 wiele
at Mee eme .A.m..r.(cann .Se.; Ward riles.
aalte. leatt nage et :emelt lootte. tint
alma; throe dees ,tf eesott tater. natk
*at, kir•-m-47. itcard ad,t-uraell for t
weel;q, 1., cleat Oft it 01, 1.
C141,V.31),41111 QUO,. Sept. 17e -At lb.
taltease Mare b» -'lay. raeterive offeegel
leen hena ; toile er,...c:iterv, 110 beeee
leaser, .- •411."-; • 14-: 11.1‘,11
NM to .1. Giitien for 1.1;4.1, $.411fine5 80141
J. tlibion for salti.„ lee boos gtthito j
7t* 1* ewe tieild to J. Menet
for Mee :IV sold to P V. Verantou
for bolo'. sold VS 11: F. Fereteter
ter y e. eertes eelt1 to P. P. Ferguetta 'rot
to.ise• 07 11,1x0,. told to P. P. FeWr4r11 for
$7.111.4 1 hisei *old to P. P. Ferman
lee Se: total sold. EN; botwa. Theie elteeNt
were made in Last won ot Aneust and ars(
week, i. iieptereher. Adjourned to *Sept. 24,
Lotolon, Ont,,. Sept. 17.--Twentydaree
fao.lories offered SAS.. August entice. 'Salo
here all made ttitdor the agreement; ile.0 al
dd.*. 13e2 at 8-10e, '2200 at Seta. 42.1 at
sodnee rsit* at sear. Paddine very -brisk.
rauglug trout Se to 6,14.
tageentietrz, N.Y., Sept. 17. -There were
15 lots-ned boats-Ma:red; late bid; et
sales. Later on street, nearly all s'1111 at So.
Bust Buffalo ‘attle 3itteleet.
East hullaet, eerie 1T.-Te5 total sale re -
testae were tie Zia:44h. Ur wtileii Only 'tend
or Ague eueehes wen- s Taut hal:tare lie.
ingstuelters neld tor .3loati4ty'e market.
!,p, w, were In fair supply4 moderate de.
Waled mud lower. Chem., to extra, were
quotable at enen ta .geed te elenen,
Sheep tallti Latubs-The total offerings
rere 21; loads. The market was very dela
a thade lower ue top lambs *tad genereite
itnVer and irregular on rite C141111100 grades
end eteittly ou beep:). rhe hetet or geoa
lamb prices Wail '4474.10 10 S0.7,i, with an oe-
t.,,tional sale of extras at eta good. to choice.
lambs were gout:dee at $3 tit $3.50: eom-
total to fair, to$0. liheep, %others,
choice to etre, eten to $4.110; common to
fair, ,e.3 to ell.50. There was only a mod-
erate clearance, and the close was deli and
Dr1ttslt 312teltete.
lilverpoid. Sep.. 1i. -I2.;.10. -No. 1 North.,
spring. stook exhauoted; red relater, 5e 1-141:
eet. 1 - cal., es al et es ell: tetra, as lied;
tens. as; 141; ne.rk. tee; tares eat 9J: tel.
low, 19s; haeou, Leave, Le., 30s 6d
held, Ws; short cut, aus 011; cheese, white,
.;Zs; Colored 38s.
lAyerpool-Close-Spot wheat steady with
red winter at 5s lid; futures, 5s teed foe
Sept; .5s 44ad toe Dee. and 53 51i4 for
Murat. Maize, Se 11.0 lot spot; tutu:es,
14td for Sept, as for Oot. and 83
teed foe Dec. Flour 20s ad.
The Methodist Conference,
Toronto, Sept. 19. -After an enlighten
Ing debate, the Methodist Conference on
Saturday passed the committee's room.
mendation that four married ministers
be transferred front Newfoundland yearly,
with the rider that after eight years'
residence in tbe Methodist minister's
colony they may be retransferred to Can-
One hundred and two out of 140 voted
to transfer the Nlpissing and Sudbury
districts from the Montreal to tbe Toron-
to Conference.
A Board of Management for the 20th
wintery fund, with lay. Dr. Canaan as
chairman, was appointed, and the con-
ference adjourned.
Building Collapses, Burying 16.
Butte, Mont, Sept. 19. -The Yorl;
Building, a three-storey brick structure
here, collapsed Satorday, carrying down
sixteen persons, burying some of them,
but, so far as can be learned, killing ne
A Romantic Marriage.
New York, Sept. 17.-Ilenry Sanford,
vice-president and director of the Adams
Express Company, and reputed to be
many times a millionaire; was married
to Mrs. Olive Buraliard. Sanford is 78
years old and his bride about 85. Mrs
Sanford's maiden name was Wilinet, and
het home was in Newcastle, Ontario,
where she has toenail, spent most a her
tiros. She was mulled several years ago
to Dr. Thomas H. Burohard. She is
deeoribed as a woman of groat beauty.
The wedding was attended by Mrs. San -
ford's father and by Mr. Sanford's chil-
dren and grandohildreu.
The "Body Pound.
Peterboro, Sept. 17. ---The body of Rote
tad Murney, who has been missing from
his home in South Monaghan since Fri-
day last, was found in the river near
Robinette's Island yesterday.
Coropreirenalve Review et the emir -
Wee Lessons -Golden ToZt. Ps. lx,144v.
11- Oentemetare by the nes. D. lite
Le:ssolt 1.-1be Kingtlona IdIvided (I
Kleas dii, 16-20). Golden Text, Prey. ate
1, "A gift answer turneth away wrath,
hut grievous words ear up anger." Bo -
nen Solo/non turned away bit heart front
the Lewd and worshiped the gods winch
hie wives worshiped, allowing his wine
to num between him and bis God (chap.
ter ni, 4,9), therefore the Lord divided the
kingdaws rending away tan tribes and
leaving to his SOD only tbe tribe of judati
(cheetor4, 30), with which wenn to have
been identified the tribeet Benito/lire The
divided leingeout was the outward of the
Melded heart.
Leeson II -et -Mall bbs Propbot (I Kings
evil. 1-1d). Golden Text, I Kings xvii,
26, -And the barrel of meal wasted not,
neither did tbe vote of oil fail, according
to the word of the Lord." In coutraet to
Solomon and Itie daviecd beast here is a
roan witle.a whole heart for Gad, ready to
Statict before kluge toa. w hado bill:telt by
Cherstel, or to the widow's house at 'dare-
pbach. a Relate, witeess to the tiring anti
true tied, oto diem it) lLtpu aed depending
whedee upon Him.
Lt oett on Cartnel (I Kipp
xvin. ;t0-29), (Mem Text, I Kings so ha,
an "And when alt the vole saw it, they
tell on their faces, end they said, The
Lord, be is tbe God; the Lord, be is the
God." The desire of Elijah Was that all
might hum' dm the lane) God of AM*,
ham was the Godot IsrAel and that helm
His servant (vim 30. So the desire of
Davie woe elm the Lord of boats reign t he
=unified (I Sine. xvil, 40).
Leeneel IV.-Elijah's Flight end En-
eourogemeut (1 Kings xix, 1-16). Golden
Text, -the meth 7, "Rest in tbe Lord and
wait patiently for Him." Seeing gulp the
Lard, Elijah was strung and fearless, but
wben he saw Jezebel and ber anger he
wa$ weak indeed and fled for hie life.
Truly the leer ef man or WQMAR bringetit
a mare, but looking up steadfastly into
heaven (Acte nil, 51 Mime away all fear.
We must nes Wait that we aro essential
to God. *get lie appetite otaii sateetrnor
(cluipter xix, 16).
Jena= V.-Neiman/4 Vineyard iCiugs
zt 4-10). Golden Text, Ex. xx, 17, "Thou
ebale not covet thy neighbor'a bouse."
Here is a ram tbe very opposite ot Elijah ,
and the God ot Llitah-as man who lived
met' ter himself aud to obtain what be
desired no matter Who and'ered, lie is in
the lino of Cain awl Minted to entlebriss,
of whom we rend time he shall do accord-
ing to bis .0111 and exalt and Magnify hint -
self above every god, aud sitting in tbe
tthittle of God will billow himeelf that be
is God (Dan. xi, 341; II Thess. II, 4). The
Christian magnifies Chriett
VL-Initah's Spirit; on Blisha
(II Kings IL 6-2Z1). Gulden Text, Luke el,
le, "How much more shall your Heavenly
Father give the Holy Spirit to them that
ask UM." For SilhatI011 we do not need
to cling to Christ. When 0110 we have rat
(Mod luIuu, 110 ;Mogi to us and will nev-
er let us go. But for power for service
and for iutimate fellowehip with Dina we
much cleave to UM as Elisha did to Eli-
jah, never taking our oyes oft Him, seeing
no man save Jesus only.
Leneen V11. -Tho Shuziamito's Son (II
Kings iv, 25-37). Uohlen Text, Pa. 1r,
22, "east thy burden upon the Lord, and
Ho than sustain thee." The boy restored
to hie :mother front the dead would be
much more to her than if she had never
lost bin*. God, who gave her this son,
would be more to bera/so. She now know
the joy not only of the gift of a son, butt of
the rostoretIon of a son from the dead. 011,
that we may know tho Son, God's Son,
and the power of His resurrootionl (Phil.
hi, lie)
Leesen ITIII.-Naarrian Healed (II
Kings v, 1-10. Golden Text, Jon avid
14, "Heal me, 0 Lord, and I shall be
healed; save me and I shall be saved."
All tho greatness and honor and might of
Nauman was marred by tbe fact that he
was a leper. All tbe greatness of earth is
marred by sin, and there is only ono who
can deliver, the God of Israel, Ierael's
Messiah, tbe Son of God, our Lord Jesus
Christ. As a little child was the means of
&reining N'atunan to the healer, so may
every boy and girl who knows Christ di-
rect others to Him.
Leeson IX.-Elisha at Dothan (II Kings
vi, ege). Golden Text, Ps. xxxiv, 7, "The
angel of the Lord eneautpeth rountl about
them that fear Him and delivereth them."
When people take counsel with each other
againet God or against His servants, they
are sorely blinded and deluded by the
devil, Our Gad sees and knows everything
and has all power and can do everything
(Ps. =xis; Job xlii, 2; Math. xxviii,
20). Let us ever rejoice in His presence
and power and in the ministry of angels
and gladly serve Rini without care or fear.
Lesson X. -The Death of Elisba (II
Kings xiii, 14-25), Golden Text, Ps.
15, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is
the death of His saints," Though Elisha
bad a double portion of the Spirit, yet he
was perraitted to die, while Elijah was
taken without dying. Either way 14 1. a
gain. They do rest from their labors, and
their works do follow them. Tbe bow and
arrow incident suggests that limitations
In the service of God come from us rather
than from God. The coming to life of the
dead man makes us think of the power of
His resurrection who died for us.
Lussox XL -Sinful Indulgence (Amos
vi, 1-8). Golden Text, Isa. xxviii, 7, "They
also have erred through wine and through
strong drink are out of the way." Ease
and self indulgence are not becoming in a
child of God, for "even Christ pleased not
Himself." It is our privilege to have
quietness and peace and rest, but these
only in order to serve Him wbo said, "My
Father worketh hitherto, and I work," and
"I must be about my Father's business."
We are soldiers and chosen to please Him
who bath called us to be His soldiers (II
ii, 8, 4).
Lesson XIL-Captivity of the Ten
Tribes (II Kings xvil, 9.13). Golden Text,
I Cl3rOn. xxviii, 9, "If thou seek Him, He
will be found of thee, but if thou forsake
IIina He will oast thee off forever." Every
word of God is true and shall be literally
fulfilled. The Lord testified against Israel
and their sins, warned them of the results,
earnestly and lovingly eetreated them to
return to Hire, that lie might forgive and
boal and bless them ; but they would not
bear. Therefore He did unto them as He
Ltd said (II Kings x vie 23). "Every one
of us must give /lenient of himself to
God" (Rom. xiv, 12). Our works will be
approved and rewarded or rejected, and
we suffer loss (I Con iii, 14, 15). Are we
living ea if we believed itt as will have
to say to wante, "Depart from me ye
cursed." Ho we believe and teach this
Cigarette, by Electioneer, won the fletle
pace en Oireleville, O.. taking a merit
2e10 in the afth hoar.
Cantata by Sinneone, reduced his edete
°ea front 227 AO in an eight hen* •
pee at Legansport,
e:23, by Advertiser, tee, amine
pion yearling, was Indent)y driven an
eighth in 163O seconds over the Glen* Felist
Hittite, owned by Adolpb Spreenels, the,
Califoruia sugar Mug, is the only trotece
in leeattught stable. Her -dem le Alit at
the dam of Heide, 2:nd%.
"You couldn't drive a redbot twit in%
a snow bean" was tbe greeting.of a Street •
Arab, so the driver of a bad gOtor on the
speedway, Neve Yorn, recently.
The Coterie legi.eleture will be, netitiont-
ed by the Canadian Horse Breeders' aseo-
elation to establish an inspection legmao.
for all hersee standing for serviee 1zs One
trbile John Martin, a driver, was ad.
lusting beots. on Imperial Hal, 2:16Ys. at
Portsmouth, 0., be was kiened in the
aud the eight in hit right eye arterly
11. M. Hamm, Clevelaud, bas enede tbe
final payment of entry fces for hie recent
punentee. Mantie trsumu, in the (Ilene
7tals k..N. Y.) meeting awl the daughterat
Tilander svill inake /ter bow in the ease.
Monomne, who reduced his record tw
:Lefaor:7n. I:eat ef Lis rare alit
Old 'Oretnerd,ide., lust weeh. Mendel' le be
Leicester -Robin, ler Abraham, and the
faeteet light hereent none by tins records,
ever lend in Vermont.
In tmewer te a telegram .sent by Mate
leyrnes, asking Marcus Daly it he would
-consent to race Hamburg ae,einst Ornee
meet in epeciel rare, the reply Was re-
ceived stetieg that "Hamburg will neve/
again race its America."
Just before retiring her from the track
Frank Fowler,, president of the We ads
Driving Aseociation, Chicago, had Traium
Harri,ngten $euti Clara King, 2:10g.,
mile over the Garfield perk count. The
mare tureed the trek In 2:13,-uama,
Colonel Jfielt Beverly bag -returned to
the minstrel ileld.
Sydney Rosenfeld and Mark Twain are
working OD 0 aew comedy.
It is wig that Mnie. Rime, who bas set-
tled near Paris, will become a teacher of
Julia Marlowe's manager intends to
present her next eeasen in a modem so -
Clay play.
"A ttallane Surrender," by E. R. Kid-
der, has been succeeefully produced in an
Nat Goodwin hav purchased au estate in
Kent, Eugland, theat half an bour's ride
front Loudon.
It is anuouneed that in her now special-
ty tbis fall Adelaide Herrmann will Wimp§
her elothes 50 times in 10 miuutee.
Coquelin'e success in London bas been
eel great that he hos arranged for Another
engagement in that city mixt year.
4. me* between bicycles and a train 111
feature ot "A. Spin For Lite," a melo-
drama recently produced in England.
Ono of the fortheoming plays in Lon-
don 1s asserted to be by Oscar 'Wilde, al-
though tie° autborship is not disclosed.
loamy McIntyre and E. L. Sander bave
been re•ongaged for leading roles with the
Bowdoin Square Tbeater company, Bos-
"On and Oft" is tho name that Charles
Frohman bas decided, to give Alexandre
23h/so:I'd fame, "Les Controleurs des Wag-
ons -Lits."
Manager:1 Brady and Ziegfield have en-
gaged Miss Merri Osborneto play the part
of a maid in their torthcoming production
of "The Turtle."
4. clean apron worn while hanging the
clothes helps keep them clean.
Calicoes should ba swished in clean wa-
ter, dried in the sbatitt and turned on the
wrong side to dry.
Red tableolotbs keep their color If a lit-
tle borax is adde*1 to the rinse water and
they are dried in the shade.
Bluing added to the rinse water does
not whiten the clothes, only covers the
dirt and need not ever be used.
Dish towels and eominon towels can he
ironed just as well in half the Ulna if fold-
ed together once as if ironed singly-.
Letting clothes hang after they are dry
or lettiog them hang through a storm or
in windy weather to slat about is not
conducive to long wearing or to help the
good man's pocketbook.
A clothespin bag made of bedticking of
something stout in the farm of a pooket,
with a slit on the front side, is much easi-
er to get at than a common bag. A bed, -
ticking apron, with a large pocket across
the bottom, is better than either. A basket
exposes the clothespins to dust, and the
clothes suffer accordingly.
The A.nterican Angler, formerly pub-
lished by W. C, Harris, will hereafter be
published by the Outing Publishing oom-
It is now said that the manuscripts of
"The Heavenly Twins," "Ships That Pass
In the Night" and "Robert Elsmere"
were all declined by one New York pub-
The San Francisco Argonaut has offered-
• prize for the best story of western Amer-
ican life. The length of the story is to be
within 8,000 words, and $100 will be given
to the successful competitor.
The monthly magazine Sunbeams has
just been consolidated with The Universal,
the weekly magazine that presents com-
pactly all the news of the world 1 suoh
form as to make it hateresting to young
The closed mouth eatohes no insects.
Many a so called saint hi merely a sin-
ner's understudy.
Actions don't speak louder than some
golf stockings look.
The race is tot tdways to the swift, and
Ib is never to the loafer.
The wise man knows how little he
knows of what may be known.
,Adain had his foibles, but he never re-
lated anecdotes of his boyhood. days.
Love may not be biassed as a disease,
but it is frequently of a rash hatnro.
When a man meets Ins wife down town
he always wond.ers what it will cost hint.
It's hard to deeide whether the ice dealet
or the grocer is entitled to the light weigh*
ohanepionalaip.-Chicago News. •