The Exeter Advocate, 1898-9-23, Page 1ELEVENTH YEAR. -569. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1898. O. H SANDERS, ED TOR.. Eyesight is Pre cioua1 Days are getting shorter, „......010. -Nights are getting longer, Therefore it is necessary that you have spectacles That B,IE', exactly t o your eyes. Our optician is home : RC 1� s 1 uit ( e 1 t again and prepared to give y01 the best expert attention at T. FITTOt'Z JEWETAErW STO E Mornings preferred for testing. Fos Fon. T1ce undersigned leas a number of one lit- tie sucking figs for rate. Jou;. 11IAY, d,on oudRead. F.A.RM►.e. FUR SIX.LBt 1.101 MY T0 LOAN, The undersigned lras a few good farms for Palo Cheap. Money to loan nu easy terms Jou SPACEMAN. Sam well's Week. Exeter. 1 TONI?.T TO LOAN. *- We 'have =limite _\\`ehavotinlimited private funds for in- vestment upon n-ve tmentupon tame or village property, at lowest rates ter interest. D;ettsoli & CABLING, Barristers. eta., Exeter, `] AI,C:tBLE VILL.%J T PROPERTY FOR SALE, The undersigned is offering forsale that desirable and valuable property, situated on Huron Street, being part of Lot 21, contain- ing over fire acres. There is on the premises a good brick house, containing seven rooms, with stone cellar, frame latch VII stud wood- shed att a bed ;i frame stable au.1 other necessary out baildir,g+:AS choice fruit trees, a Rend well of wateranl Othozconveuicnco$. Terms reatfonablo, nt➢ply at this office or to lAetl.1;1 P1ESLCArOR,Exeter. YtIARai FOR SALE OR RENT' The is offering his splonded farm. in the township of rsborne, for sale or rent, lot e. concession S. containing 100 acres. 'There is on the premises two good barns (ono bank), and other good ont•bnild- in,•s; a good frame house, good wells and a splendid orchard. This is ono of the bust :lures in i sborne, anei will bo sold reason- ably, or rented. Intending purchasers or / tenants should sc.o this property. Apply to MATT. 11ELLAND Devon P. 0., Ont. LAND AND TIMBER FOR SALE. That ,lesirable property situated in the 'township of Hay, being north half of east half of lot,;.e,oitoeasion 5-.1e1 miles from the: townline. There is on the premises 15 acres of good bush which contains a large number of Elm Sawlogs and a large quantity goal ash timber. This property would he well suited for a briokmaker and the timber thereon would pay for the hind. Fox par- ticulars apply to $. S. O'NEIL, or to ABEL lATALrslz, Exeter, Berlin. MAIL CONTRACT, SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until Noon on Friday, the 14th Oeteber,1898, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for iouriypears, six round trips per week, between fiensall and Hurondalo, from the 1st January next. Printed notices con- taining further information as to condi- tions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tonder may be ob- tained at the Post Offices and at - this office. POST OFFICE INSPECTOR'S OFFICE, London, 2nd Sept, 1898. G. ce Inspector. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of RICHARD DAVIS, late of the village of Exeter, yeoman, deceased. Pursuant to Seo. 38 of:Chapter 129 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others haying claims against the estate of Richard Davis, late of the village of Exeter, in the county of Huron, yeoman, who died on or about the fifteenth day of August, A.D 1898, are, on or before the first day of October, A.D., 1808, to send by post, pre -paid, to Messrs Elliot So Gladman of the said village of Ex- eters Solicitors for friary Davis and Joseph Davis, Executors of the last Will and. Testa- ment of the deceased their Christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a state- ment of their accounts and the nature of securities (if any) holt by them, and that after the day aforesaid the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the varties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims or which. notice shall have beeneven as above required, and the said Executors will not be liable for the assets or any part there- of, to any persons or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by them a at the time of such distributions. Dated at Eteter this thirtieth clay of Aug- ust, A.D,,1898. ELLIOT & GFLADMAN, Solicitors for Mary Dayis andJoseph Davis, Executors. •r Clinton On Tuesday .while Tho - ,k mas Blacker was engaged in picking , apples, he fell from the tree, and had the misfortune to break a couple of his ribs St. Marys: The death of Fred Farr baker, occurred at the residence of his parents, Monday. Fred was a very active member of the St. Marys Alert Lacrosse Club, and will be very much missed by the boys in sporting circles generally. Ile leaves a young wife and two of a family to mourn their doss.' Ray PAINFUL ACCIDENT, --lass, Wni. Cold well, of the Zurich road, met with a very painful accident one clay last week, It appears she was returning from milking the cows and is passing through a gateway was obliged to low. er the bars. She had passed one pail through, and was reaching for the oth- er, when one of the upper bars, which are heavy, fell upon her left hand as it rested upon the pail, eevering the fore finger at the first joint The shock stunned her for a moment, and when she realized what had 'happened was much surprised to find a piece of her finger on the lid of the pail. She could scarcely realize that it had once formed part of her hand. A physicians since amputated the finger at the second joint. With the exception of the sinal - ler children the family were at the Loudon fair, Mount Carmel, Wh;i>DI3» -A pretty . wedding took place iu the church of the Sacred Heart, Parkhill, on Wednesday, Sept. 7, at the hour of 10 o'clock, whets T. F. Flaherty, M.D., of Mount Carmel, led to the altar Annie, the accomplished and popular daughter of Mr. M. Sulli- van, of Parkhill. The ;room was sup ported by his brother, Pinsonneault C. Flaherty, of the London Asylum staff The bride, who was assisted by her cousin, Bliss R. Scanlon, of Sarnia, was handsomely attired in a travelling suit of turquois blue cloth and carried a bouquet of white carnations, After the Ceremony the bridal party partook: of a choice repast at the residence of the bride's parents, after which the happy couple left for Montreal and other eastern points. The bride was I the recipient of many costly presents, testifying to the esteem in which she is held by her many friends, who unite in wishing her and her husband many years of wedded bliss. Centralia Mr. Wm. Moffatt has had new acetylene gas plant installed in his hotel which supplies fifteen jets. The light is a good one and adds much to the appearance and convenience of the Royal at night. Rev. Hobbs, of Lon- don, delivered a most interesting lee. ture on temperance the other night. Mr. Hobbs strongly advocated the cause and urged the electors to vote for the measure on Thursday next. Messrs. Wm, Haggith, J. Delgaty and Wm. Anderson, are appointed to look after the voters and bring them to the polls that day. -Russel Huxtable, who has for the past week been suffering from an attack of rheumatism, is still confined to his bed. -A large number from here attended the temperance lecture here on Monday night. -Miss E. Tomlin, of London, who was engaged at Mr. M. J. White's, Exeter, has accep- ted a position at Mr, R. McFall's, Bid- dulph.-Mr, Revington, Sauble Line, passed through here on Tuesday pur- chasing apples and bas already secured a large quantity. -Mr. Milford has started a butcher business and is serv- ing his customers with first-class meat, -Mr. Coleman has also opened out a tailor shop here and is prepared to fill your wants in that line. -Mr. G. Law- son shipped a carload fine lambs from here Tuesday. -Mr. G. Blunt, who has been here for the past few weeks, left for London where he has accepted a position in J. Campbell's carriage fac- tory. -Mr. J. Delgaty, who has for the past four years held the position of public school teacher at Fairfield, has decided to resign his position at Christ- mas. Mr. Delgaty has been a good, faithful teacher and his many friends will hear with regret that he purposes leaving us. It will be a difficult matter to secure a teacher who will give the general satisfaction that Mr. Delgaty bas. -Mr. J. McFall$ attended the Irish picnic in Biddulph last week, Mr.` G. having charge of the shoit in his ab- sence. Our cooper, Mr, Wm, 'Pickle, who lately started the manufacture of barrels for Mr. Parsons, is doing a rush. ing trade making from sixty to a hundred barrels a day. THE COUNTY TD Soul 1 and 2; ewes, J Cooper & SO1341 Davis, J. White; fall Pippins, J. White! LADIES' WORK Faros shear toge, J Cooper .F.; Son; ewe Iambs .1. Allison; Colverts, Wm. Bawden, Cr1 Rag carpet, M Brethour, Miss Et J Cooper & Son 1 and 2. PINS, TQui.sltiev.-Boar, J. F. Goodwin, Geo, P.anale; sow, J. F. Goodwin, 1 acid 2. In conjunction with the Stephen St Usbornb Agricultural Society the South Huron. County Show was 'held here on. Monday and Tuesday last and will go on record as one of the most successful in every point of view that has been held in Exeter. The weather was roost propitious being neither hoe: or cold and that combined with the many other attractive features a very large crowd was in attendance. The exhibition was a good average and the stock particu- larly good. negate receipts autount.- ed to over $5110. following is the prize list: - PAINFUL - HORSES HEAVY Data 3GIIT-,.Brood mare, Chas, Bean Thos Calquhon, Geo 2 'iateith; foal, C. Bean, T. Coleuhou, 31.. Maag- girt; three•year old, Dixon. & San, W. Brock; tweeyear-old, J. Horton, C. R.,aa:,, J. 13, McDonald; nne•year-old, Win Moody, Dixon & Son; team... A. Dow R. B. McLean. AGRICUr.Tar..AL.-eRraod. mare, W. H. Kay, Jas. Bell, Eeriest Cies; foal, R. B. McLeen, E. Gies, S. Staulake; three. year•old, B. Matthews, Wm. Kenrick, Dixon S: Son; two year•old, fly. Ander. son, J• MeNeelts, Arch Bishop one•year- old, John McOrc'gier. J. '31eNeviu, Plica & Sun; team, Win. la..le, Dixsest & Sue, Thos Colquhon. OENERAI. Pt'ni'o 1. -Breed mare, It, Hicks; foal, Jas. Beattie, Geo. Monteith Rich, Rieke.; three-year•old, Ed, Deters Wm. Balk will Robt. Kidd; two-year. old, B Matthews Jas. Fressue, Alone Foster; one ,year-old, 3. Hey, J. May, R. 13. Mclean; team, It, Luker, 3 Roeder Morgan Bros. CARR IAfIE.-Urood mare. John Cham- bers, 11. Gould; foal, .1. Chambers, 3I. Gould A. Bissett: three, -ear -old, Geo. Holt, G Walker; two year-old, Dixon i Son 3 Emery Jas Subfile; one -year- old, .tl Bissett Morgan Bros., J Beattie; carriage horses, It N Rowe Hoffman Bros carriage horse, John. McLean Chris. Enter, Rich Welsh. BOADSrras.-Brood mare, Thomas Skinner IT, Spackman T. Skinner; foal, T, Skinner 0. E. Mason Jno Landers; throe-year•old, Wm. Dale Ed. Deters Jas. Batten; two-year.old. 3. Chanalltlrs, J. AleNevin; one year-old. R. Brock J. Ilogart J. Delbridge; .road. eters, Jas.. hackney 3. Ilawkshaw Chas. Griot; roadster, Wm. McAllister Wm. Dale, Miss Ella Creighton; saddle horse, 3, Treble J, Wood Wm. 'Bawdeu; 1a,15 .iIivar, hili. 1,17ebilt, J. l atilport Wm. Dale. SPEED CONTESTS. 2.2G eI..t'S, King Stanton, T. Murdock...... 1 1. 1 Texas Minnie, C. R. Pollakewsky 2 « 2 Marguerite, Ed. Bossenherry- 3 3 3 Time: -2,85 2,28 2.26. 2,35 CLASS. Melba, T. W. Hawkshaw, 1 11 Irish Girl, Geo. Henry, , 2 2 2 Grey Bird, Wm. Wenzel Time: -2.36 2„ 3i,l 2,134. • 3.00 CLASS. Sidney, George Whitley . 3 1 1 Nelly K, Wm. Kay 15 2 Bessie Wilkes, Wm Wenzel 2.2 4 Chicago King, A. E. Tennant 4 3 3 Dady, J. W. Rutledge, . 545 Fred Hooper, T. Fotheringham 6 6 dr. Victoria, A. Scott, . 7 7 dr. Time :-250 2.491 2.49?. CATTLE, THOROUGHBRED DURIIAM.-Cow, T. Russell 1 and 2, H. Smith; Three year old cow, Thos. Russell, H. Smith Two year old heifer, Thos Russell U. Smith, T. Russell; One year old heifer, Thos. Russell 1 & 2; Heifer calf, 11. Smith 1, 2, 3; Bull calf, H. Smith, Thos. Russell H. Smith; Herd, T. Russell, H. Smith T. Russell. GRADES -Cow, J Roeder, J Del bridge, Wm. Dearing; three year old heifer, T. Shapton, J. Delbridge; two year old heifer, H. Smith, T. Shapton 2 & 3; one year old heifer, T. Shltpton, P. Hartman, J. Davis;. heifer calf, T. Shapton 1 & 2, J. Roeder. BUTCHERS' iOATTLE,--Two year old steer, T. Russell, Jas. Frayne; one year old steer. H. Smith 1 & 2, A Scott; fat steer, A. Scott, H- Smith 2 & 3; fat cow H. Smith, J. Davis, J. Roeder; steer calf, J. Roeder, J. Frayne. JERSEY. Cow, Wm. Bawden 1 & 2; two year old heifer; C. Coates, R. Wil- liams; one year old heifer, C. Coates; heifer calf, W. Bawden, A. Dow. POLLED ANGUS.-One year old heif- er, T. Brock, C. Coates; heifer calf, Jas. Atkinson, Wm. Cameron. SHEEP. LINCOLNS-Aged ram, L F Goodwin Wm West;'shearling ram, T Shapton L F Goodwin; ram lamb W West, T Shapton, W West; ewes, L F Goodwin W West; shearlings, W West 1 and 2 L F Goodwin; ewe lambs, W West, T Shapton, L F Goodwin. LnicEsrnn-Aged ram, G. Penhale T. Currelley & Son, D A Graham; shear - ling ram, T Currelley & Son, G Pen- hale, T Currelley & Son; ram lamb, T Currelley 1, 2 and 3;+ewes T Currelley & Son, G. Penhale; shearlings, Penhale, T Currelley & Son, G Penhale, ewe lambs G Penhale, T. Currelley & Son, G Pen hale. GRAD. -ewes, Jos Davis, T Case & Son;, shearlings, Thos Case & Son; ewe. lambs, T Case & Son. FAT SHEEP, -Fat' ewes, T Shapton, J Davis;; fat'wethers, L' F Goodwin. SHROPSHIRE DowNs-Aged' ram, J Cooper & Son; ram lamb, S Cooper & POLAND Cate:A.-Boar, J. F, McKay 1 and 2; sow 2 years ofd, J. F. 3lcKay young saw, J. P. McKay, CitesTi R WRITE -Aged boar, Chris. Fahner, 3. Gemmel; boar, 3 year old, A. Bissett; young boar, C. Feltner, 3. Gemmel; aged sow, Q. Fahner, Jos. Fos- ter; saw 1 year old, J. !Gemmel, 3. Fos- ter; ,young, sass, J. F. Goodwin, 4. Fah. iter; I3lMr;aeninn.-Aged Boar, W. McAl. IEster, H. A. Graham; boar 1 year old. 1'. McAllister, H. A. Graham; young; bear, W. McAllister. C. Fainter; sew, W McAllister, C. rainier; sow one year. oId, W. McAllister, I3 A Graham; young sow, W 'teAll'eter, 0 Falaner. FAVI OltTill,---liottUA boar, R. Del- bri'i ;e, C. Fainter; sow tair a years ofd C. Fulmer; sow one year old, e• Fahner young saw, O. Fahuer, It. Delbridge. Pan of any breed, Wee. McAllister C Fabner, II A Graham. POULTRY, Light llrabamas, J. C. Lyons, Geo, Irwin; dark Brahamac, G. Irwin I & barred Plymouth Roehs, J. C. Lyot►1 Geo. Irn'iu: white Plymouth Roel+s! Gee. Irvin, C. & D. Baird; Buff Coehius" J. 0• re olds, C. & D. Baird; variety cockles J. G Lyons, C-& D. Baird; lang. shave +C,:: D. Baird 1 & 2 silver grey Perkins, lel. A. Graham, 1_ C. Lyons, Black I3relSt 1ted. Games. A. 13issett 1 and 2; variety garner, Geo, Irwin J. C. Lyons; sliver spangled hamburg a I 3. Jewell, W. Carter; golden apettgled tanibnrgs, W. Carter; silver perncilted hatnburga, W. Carter; black hatnbnrgs', W. Carter; Lloudaue. W. Carter J. V. Lyons; white crested black Rolando W. Carter D. A. Graham; golden polands 1 W. Carter 1 and 2; varletyr Pobtrds W Carter 1. and 2; While Leghorns, J. 0, Lyons, W. Carter; Brown II egbetirss Mr. Wallace 1 and 2; Black Spanish, C. & D. Baird, Geo. Irwin; Black Alliances Thos. Prior, D. A- Graham ;Silver Lace Wyaudottes 0. & D. Baird, Mr. Wallace; White Wyrtndottes Geo. Irwin. D. A. Graham; Red Caps Mr. Walleye. J. Jewell; Pheasants J. 0. Lyon 3. and Bronze Turkeys D. A. Graham, 3. F. AleKay; Toulouse Geestl D. A. Gra- ham; variety geese George Irwin; Pek- in Ducks Geo. Irwln, Thos. Russell; Rover; D)ueks 3. P. McKay, 0. A. Ora ham; Aieahury 1)u.iks W. Carter: var. iety Bantams Oeo. Irwin. Carling Bros. pigeons R. nicks l and 2: B3elga= rah. bits Chas. Snell 1 and 2. BIRDS BRED Irl 184 -Light Brah- mas,_3. C. Lyon 1 and 2; dark Prah mas, Geo. Irwin 1 and 2nd; barred Plymouth Rocks, 15 A, Graham, Geo., Irwin; white Plymouth Rocks, C. & D. Baird, Geo. Irw.iu; Buff Cochlea, C..& D. Baird, 3. C. Lyons; variety of Cochlns Geo. Irwin, C. S: D. Baird; Langs utas J. C. Lyons 1 and 2; Silver Gray Dor- kins, Geo. Irwin 1 and 2; Black Breast Red Games, A. Bissett 1 and 2; variety Games, Wm. Wallace, J. C. Lyons; Silver Spangled Bamburgs, 3. Jewell Wm. Carter; Golden Spangled Haps- burgs, Wm. Carter; Black Hamburgs Wm. Carter; Uoudans, J. C. Lyons, W, Carter, Black Polands, Wm. Carter 1 and 2, Golden Polands Wm. Carter; White Leghorns, J. C. Lyons,W. Carter; Brown Leghorns, Wm. Wallace, D. A. Graham; Black Spanish, J. C. Lyons', G. Irwin; Black Minorcas, Thos. Prior 1 and 2, Silver Lase Wyaudottes W. Wallace, 3, C. Lyne;White Wyandottes'' W. Wallace, D. A. Graham; Red Caps J, Jewell, W. Wallace: Bronze Turkeys D. A. Graham 1 and 2; variety. of Turlreye G. Irwin; variety Geese G Irwin; Pekin Ducks, J C Lyons G - Irwin: Rouen Ducks J. McKay, Wm. Wallace: variety Ducks G. Irwin, A Bissett; Singing Birds, S. Prouty. IMPLEMENTS Wagon, Chatham M:an. Co,- top bug- gy, Wm Kuntz, 1 and 2; piano box cut- ter, W Kuntz 1 and 2; bobsleighs, J Dignan; iron beam plow, J Finery, 1 and 2; wheelbarrow, J Dignan; fan- ning mall, M Campbell 1 and 2; gang plow, J Finery & Son; roller, J Fleury & Son; turnip seed drill, J Fluery & Son; turnip pulper, J Fluery & Son; horse hoe, J Fluery & Son; grain seed drill, P. Hamilton ; iron pump, Wm. Trevethick; wooden pump, W. Treve thick. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Fall wheat,, white Michael Breth- our, A. McEwen; fall wheat red, Albert Bissett, A. McEwen; variety spring wheat, J. Airth, J. Williams; 6 rowed barley, M. Brethour, J. Hagen; 2 rowed barley, 31. Brethour; large oats, NI. Brethour; common oats, 31 Brethour, J. May; black oats, M. Brethour; large peas, M. Brethour, A, McEwen; small peas, M. Brethour; timothy seed, M. Brethour, S. Stanlake, flax seed, M. Brethour; beans, A. McEwen, M. Breth- our; clover seed, M. Brethour, collection grain, M. Brethour. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS. Variety winter apples, R. McCord, J. Allison; winter apples, R. Sellery, J Horton; fall apples, P. McTaggart, R Sellery; Rhode Island Greenings, G A K. McLeod, John, White; Northern Spies, D. McInnes, Weekes Bros.; Rox boro Russets, R. McCord, Mil, McTag- gart; Spitzanburgs, Wm, Ford, P. Mc Taggart; Baldwins, John. Decker, H Chesney; Westfield's Seel-.-no-further, J Allison, 1. Roeder; Snow apples, G Walker; King of Tomkins H. Chesney Wise; door mat hooked, Airs Q Nett J. Fxan, .ir, , rce I'i'dmase, Canadord;a, IcAleed til. BrethdersJour;IoRihstoatonJFaPip BrethourIlise;, heoorarth t mat hookewed3:I, R Hey'• pias, 13 Sellery, J, A1Disto:i; \ aguers ` wood, lit li isle; hearth wa6 sewed, 3 J, Allison Si', Bawden; Arlteriean Gold-; Tom, I Armstrong: wool sock, M en Russets, Tebarz Elle,tiingten, .John' latz►izsan,°a1C:lsi htotn:wool swei;i.ngs Decker; ].lafdeu's Binsb, Wm, Bawdczl MCreighton, M,lantiesou; cotton seeks 1J, Chesney; Golden Insets, J. Decker ti Jamieson, 31 Creighton;torten, stock- Elterangton, Ben Davis, Y i Ford legs,'1 Creik been, 3Irs (r tett; ladies' Geo. Walker; Wealthy, Robe Sanders wool mitts, M Creighton, J Tom, metes' 3, albite Duchess Oldenburg, Mrs. G. Wooi mat's, J Toto Mrs is Net, m'+ns' Nott, Stas Stanlake; Blenheim .Pippins wool gloves, J. Tone, M Creighton Tbes. Chapman, J. Allison. ccalaaterF nes wove, €I Wes a E Creigb. Special pis« 1 oz, Pippin, ,Dobn Willis 'ton;colztateupaneskEuitted, Creagli or PFAP►S 13 Tom:coun�erpsnescrc?her,. olCrelgb.. Winter pears, Semi. k3.azk; Ftetmish ton, `tze.o. Sweet; eoetcterpeees, tufted Beauty, J White, Alex Meb wen; Duch- { 13- IS ISO; i calico nils, ;sirs. C, C mpbelt ess Ata; onlime, :i1, Brethour. T. Ereck - , Mrs. ±3 -7s01'; eteth +alit. 5/1 Brethour Berra Clairgeatt,Weel..es Bros- T Brock 1111- L%ise, se,a qus t, .D. Tom: IesQ eaten CD4pp's Fal or;te, :iters- G- Kokt T. Ernes,. I qu.1-, J,, `Tare, 3.r . Nor:; Si^.Ek sty>G Pell Lueratave, A., 51 Dea.vitt; Sheldon r t:f44' s 0lk, ,Irs. 0- n pl-elt Loehr 3loim- 'i'm. Ford, Alex. 31eEwen• Feet Deur teltb; crochet wool shawl, 34- Creighton A, 3, Dea.' its:Ile;a 11ean; da Jerotns 3irs, Caetlppt>>;a; r;taaa a rt •Thos Brut:;. John WiIDis; Bnr+:au do eau: p:ata;9itaah, ;i' Earl T t lfeit?!egao>:; Au jou, AMcPhersau;Oitrtlett,Jodiedat- Deeker, J Roeder.twnrafara- PLl"MS It:; Pt 8 items,, ei of htoR, T m, z mar, I:- yrs, peon, Mrs Ponds Seedling, W., IL Trott, F;Campbetl;lJ,;edo,)•l..'s,'tiraltata M Wood ; Grand Dune, 11.• N. Rowe, I, Arm- Brethour; toilet set Mrs. Campbell, M strong; Washington, J. Elliott, Mich. Brethour; pin cushion, Mrd Razelwond, Williame, Pumice. Purple. Weekes Bre$ Mrs, Campbell;age illow, Mo. T l3roek; Lombard, ll, Iluesten, 11 • N. a hell, Mrs. Nott; c:roe e" ' 31re. b � work, 31ro. Rowe; Variety, J. Afar. J, 1.'i bite; W"2d Campbell 3iaer4ana' lari 3i. Dretbour Plums, J Raeder. A :itc1'herson, Mrs, Campbell; wax L. aero,:l,. 3icPher- :en.R:373A son; a er bowers ,l To .P it ni, Sirs, Calnp• oJos A.irU8 Con: bell; piano scarf, Mrs, Nott 31, larethour; cA,S Mepsessee: table cover, Al Creighton Mrs. Nett la.aleware, F. Woad,, Wm. Trott; Rngen N whist; holdee 31• Brethour, Mrs. Gra. No, t, John 5 enT15is; P.wgero No, p, WS'at ;1101:4171t ols; t11. I`., Ci. lglttcll, 31, Ctuiglx- alnr;hi. 110; err' No. 3,t*, Mitsuo :tboatim ; Bl re;t;'h, :caro• CM ipbeB 33rs Rogers' No. 4, M McTaggart; 13ct ;ers" 1' 0 t. "4 ructions. pt neltap wer», M No, 45, 31, Brett:our; 3%eltten, T. Prior, Jawlttson; eraehoe t: la, V* - Earl, T. El• P1'74011 ES leriogton; ku;ttcJ tidy, AI, Cr 4 preen .1 To Lawford, J I' Rtias. t , MalwranTom;drawee wort: IL Wise 33rs. Nettetching, 3l• IGrelg3n:tan. 1:, 31oalteith variety, P. Hartman, J. Dicker. Appkslei s war;., 3irs. Nott; tI l; ;wrens - MISCE L.A' Fl)i, r A.ppbque world, dtorzl, 31'. Creiglttau Canned fruit. 1I. nArNe ar,:ire. ,las, 31res Campbell; ArresenC embroidery l iehard to turner or in comb, 1:, S'1'1Dl• '►lir;. Centra fel=' l', Sir:. 'firalaam; csi,;vt easels, ;S. Bissette ItouHy in. ,jrrr, lw ','�tt1 ltrntbrtutdt r; , 3irs, �tt,t. etillur,);der,1^ ©al lams: ltomea•teade wine, Jae. Tom, 3frs- n silk 3i. c"c4,h•on, ;3184. X4:4; t:mbro14- cry on flannel. tars. Graham; knitted stitch embroidery, Mrs. Campbell, 31 Creighton; rihbun embroidery,. M.Breth- our, Al Crel ;Ilton;. ehenile work, Mrs Nott, Airs Campbell; Willett emhroid. cry, 3irs. Calltpinlll; braiding, M. Creigh- ton, Mrs. Graham; bead work, 31. Crc'i; htou E Creighton: Berlin wool work, 3I. Creighton, Mrs. Campbell Bros.; red 0111003, Rich \Vifiatlla, Josh. straw plait. H. Wise, J. Tom ; lave ltnyal Hey wood; tomatoes.1st, not known. 4, iiattenberg. Mrs rr'amplmil, 31. Creigh- mitittrs: celery, J. Creech, W. tilartin G 800; t'r+atlt 1 -tee, k,.. i\'i:1e, I',. CrsTlittoen; ' " f3onitou lace, airs. Grabaul, Mra, Nott; knitted laee, M. Creighton J. Toni; crochet lace, Mrs, Campbell. T I flt�riug. ton; rick rack wort:, Mrs Campbell, II Wise; tatting, 3irs. Nott, E. Creighton; darned net, 31. Creighton Airs. Nett; drawn thread and hemstitch, T, ).herr. zn ;ton, Mrs. Campbell; sill,; wort; nu Java, lira. Campbe:'. E. Creighton; panels, 31. Creighton, Brethour; home made bread, John Dineen, Itabt..lion- teith, John Decker: Bracket Drapery Mr. Nett 3I. Brethour. Special -1' mbrotdery on cotton, T Ellerington. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Darned socks or stockings, W. Earl; crochet work in wool, W. Earl; crochet work in cotton, Geo. Andrews, W. Earl. Special. -Ornamental wool, W. Earl; etching, W. Earl. JUDGES. GRAIN AND SEEDS .AND HORTICrL- TURAL PRODUCTS. -A- J, Rollins, JOB. Cobbledick. DAIRk PRODUCTS AND MANUFAC- TURERS -G. Samwell, E. 3. Spackman FINE ARTS A --NTD FLOWERS -W. D Weekes, Geo. Samwell. HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSES -Peter McGregor, Brumfield; John Kennedy and J. Robson, London tp. LIGHT HORSES -Geo. Whitley, Sea• forth; John Coppin, Mitchell; W R. Carr, Kirkton. CATTLE -J. Atkinson and Mr. Came- ron, St. Helens. ImeeEhiENTS.-D. McNicholl, Farqu- har; R. Robinson, Winchelsea. 11. Weise; Piekues, Mrs. J. Richardstta sweet turn, 3i. Brethour A. S. Deavitt Indian, corn, T Brack, Weekes Bros. watts melees, 1''s I'y eu, S Staulake musk melons, John Willis, Weekes Bros. Sweed Turnips, F Bawden, J Bawdeu D. 31'eInnis; tttrttipe any varlety, D. Melones, I. letwden, Wm. l alkwill pumpkins,$. Hunter; squash. Wool;es ctrons, 3. Stacey, R. Sanders; parsnip; A Bissett, W Martin; collection veg- etables, Weekes Bros, W. Trevcthiek. Special -Ma mmoth pumpkin,Weekes Bros., J. '4Vi ilia. DAIRY PRODI-CTS. 5 pounds butter, Peter McTaggart Jas.Ilorton, Itobt, Sellery; 10 pounds! butter, 3. Horton, Thos. Ellerington; telt pounds butter, P.3'IcTaggart. VEGETABLES. Potatoes -American Weeder, A. Bis- sett, Josh. Heywood; Beauty of Hebron J. Heywood; Red Elephant, 3. Decker: T. Brock; Rural New Yorker, 3. Hey. wood, S. Stanlake; three new varieties, J. Heywood, A. Bissett: variety potatoes; A. Bissett, S. Stanlake. Winter cab bagel T. Shapton, 1'. Hartman; blood beets, T. Ellerington, G. A. E, McLeod sugar beets, A. Bissett, S. Stanlake', long>;mangolds, P. McTaggart, 3. Hes-- wood ; ,globe mangolds, J. Heywood, F. Bawden; intermediate mangolds, Heywoo:l, Simon Hunter, R. Kydd;;horn carrots, P Hartman, W Martin; Nantes carrots, Weekes Bros., S. Hunter; red carrots, M. Brethour, H. Huston; field carrots, D. McInnis, F. Bawden. Special -Sugar beets, T. Prior. • MANUFACTURES. Home made quilt, Miss H. Wise, A. 3lcEwen; domestic cloth, Mrs. G. Nott; flannel, 31 JamiesonMiss H. Wise'. blankets, H. Wise, Miss E. Creighton yarn, Mrs. G. Nott, J. Tom; domestic cotton warp, M. Jamieson, E Creighton factory flannel, Mrs. G. Nott, H. Wise single harness, John Treble ;double har- ness, John Treble; eured ham, T. Prior, J. Tom; cured m at, F. Wood; sewing machine, Perkins & Martin, 1 and 2; organ, Perkins & Martin, 1 and 2; par- lor furniture, R. N. Rowe, S. Gidley & Son; bedroom furniture, S. Gidley, R. N. Rowe, stuffed birdsA. McPherson, 1 and 2; fine salt, D. 31i11; salt for pack- ing, D. Mill; baker's bread, A. Bagshaw 1 and 2. Special. -Couch, R. N. Rowe, Gidley & Son; parlor table, Gidley & Son; Screen, Gidley & Son. FINE ARTS. Water colored painting, Robt, Hicks 1 and 2; painting in oil, R. }licks, J White; crayon'sketch, Mrs. 0Campbell, T. Ellerington; pencil sketch, Maggie Jamieson, Mrs. C. Campbell hair work E. H. Fish. FLOWERS. Varieties, Mrs. 3, Richardson; Fuch- sias, Mrs. J. Richardson; Foliage plants, Wm. Bawden, John White; Begonias Mrs. J. Richardson; Geraniums, Mrs. J Richardson; Hanging basket, Mrs. J Richardson; flowers in pots, Mrs J Richardson; Dahlias, J. Cottle; Ger- man Asters, J. .Cottle, H. Huston; ten weeks' stock, J. Cottle, H. L. Huston; Verbenas, J. Cottle, R. Hicks; Petunias J. Cottle; Phlox Drommondi, J. Cottle R. Hicks; Zennias, J. Cottle, Wm. Earl; cut flowers, J. Dignan, S. Sanders; An nuals, J, Cottle.; Memo:one -At Renfrew, on Tues. day, Sept. 13th, 1898, to Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Handford, a daughter. BROwlr-In Exeter, on September 711I,. the wife of Mr. Robert Brown of a. daughter. TRIETZ.-In Stephen, on Sept. 1Stbr the wife of Chas, Trietz of a son. � �.EiidA3ll•.tEl9. Lucas-GInSoN-In St. Marys, on Septa 13th, by the Rev. 1'. H. Anderson, Thomas W. Lucas, to Miss Celestine Gibson, both of St. Marys. CROCEER-TREBLE-At the residence of the bride's parents, Huron Street, on Sept. 14th, by the Rev. W. J, Waddell, of Hensali, Mr. Roger Crocker, of 'Toronto, to Miss Veda,. daughter of Mr, William Treble. DEA.TRFJ SWEET, -In Morden, Man., on Sept. 7th, Mrs Richard Sweet, formerly of Step; hen, aged 76 years and 5 months; HtrTTON-In St. Marys, on Sept, Sth, ryf. Theodore Hutton, aged 67 years. MA ELL -In. St. Marys, on Sept. 10th•, • ; David Maxwell, Sr., aged 66 years. In Rankin Township 'G, Radke's twin sous, aged three years, were found drowned in a well,