The Exeter Advocate, 1898-9-9, Page 2Subscribers who do not receive their gape eagnlarly will please notify us at once, 'Gail at the office for advertising rates. THE EXETER ADVOCATE THURSDAY. SEPT. S. 1898. Pointed Paragraphs. Snake charmers omelet to melte ex- s'elleza:t bartenders. A thing of connfc'rt is seldom a joy Itet the wc•snan of fashion. Some men are a Trth more than others. and eorne are wenn lass. Refeem ors sluiced devote snare of their time to refernaers' reforms. Tiley a Stan le ssesses self-control be is little better than a nave, There are tithes when the absence of crankiness ,news the absentee of sense. Sum ger girls Ilene there should 'ae eronp;h naval emsta.:...tees to go round. It always hal s a ft: wen elle o:' tier old beaux n;arries her test girl frarzd. A man is thin alien he acts aeeeeeding to p...air \ mics alter en . ate wheal 'lee gats teetereneee it's a wise w :ran n e t enn reak0 her l ate'::tier: feel eve Le ee. :',..g tnlaen seta fa, tLt L°ewe- l nind _leer :name. !ae greatp'et Tees. .v"c , tee l e l; :ity snaredt`f eras. LL 4' 'c: e t.»... i6 111:1 terata,' oeatatee net tee v;..1.:; evay. '-\`leen glee tre.; S ye -'erne men, tnat e sae «,. a . .o Toet2c.r:a he . l '': essea te. ea v >e\° m;.' tee - ...,.. ,. n " f r l.1.: des LII!:.it' it tt,;, yes ecca41 wiv'a tete err pointed it *eat neat, r. .t wee ra mai; it r. .. .1 '4 (n l :. _.:M ... .?err ,:. is lee - a. ..l1 : ;a I ir •li 1'. tl . veresee: Parmelee- "lee 1.:a"" `a n F tel e, _ , in s.,.1;,-" Point.. of degree ate Invir.t:,, If* :1'5 . e...,1'1 miners selam':d bear ene Leese' ed • t,e, :. ., am gve'1 gas tars mese 3 "aim le t,.•, ease 1 I- t'1 on tai s to a no r t schen use leer S eitnat aro., 1 . no.il yet in the Seckel v» hire Yet - a.m.. man et t Dm, When e7nt' has a eltrg}ocean as a ut'st it i; t" 7'-t.-.1ti ry :lint tea i ir'>.ie:c gas ,.n ."et f ..'! t•v'•n if c•.al ale Cert 11:Ic , Ss' r + r.•' I , its 5ei tat •l. e, ;eeme'r ari's'e et a lint neon i..! .iititlt eerl er 'than eve In creates la. fere ' rao tiiat set, caul teem 1'e :t'•e"etz t a. tate neent later: .l wee -Taal rutin who calls neon a fit:elle- whores there are a number c #a•i"ter: will not gaily inquire for them, but leave his earl for e$erh. If ,tea wish a men tet reheat his vi :.t du nett seek to detain Mian when he has OLeO risen to depart. ..tsk him to come again at some future time, Never otnit a nota of thanks to any preen 'who lies sent you a gift -great or trifling. Should ;am do so you aro self-e.t•nfessed ignorant of all rules of etiquette and gratitude. You can never become a, successful hcstess if you do net keep informed upon the principal topics of the day. Read the best newspaper's and good literature, TOC1 RE A COLD IN ONE DAX Take Laxative Breino Quinine Tablets. 4t11 Druggists refund the moue" If it falls to cure. 25c c Twenty Cents fora (''ours, Dinner. For 50 years the city of Greenobie, to France, has maintained a municipal restaurant and kitchen, where meals are cooked and supplied at cost. The food is of the best quality, the cooks are skilled and tlhe service is excellent. One may dien there on bread and soup for three cents and have his hunger thor- oughly appeased, or may pay 12 cents and enjoy a course dinner. Mr. T. J. Humes, Columbus, Ohio, writes : "I have been afflicted for some time with Kidney and Liver Complaint, and find Parmelee's Pills the best medi- cine for these diseases. These Pills do not cause pain or griping, and should be used when a cathartic is required. They are Gelatine Coated, and rolled in the Flour of Licorice to preserve their purity, and give them a pleasant agreeable taste. A Point Scored. The facetious boarder had the train all laid for a killing joke. "Itt's a won- der," he said, "that you didn't serve up this hen feathers and all." "The next time," said the Iandlady, with marked emphasis. "I'lI serve her up bill and all." And the joke was ruined. Jinard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. New Cure for Lockjaw. Dr. Roux, elf the Pasteur Institute, announces the discovery of an, efficient cure for lockjaw. The antitetanic ser- um used in Germany would not work till Dr. Roux hit on the plan of dn- jetting It into the brain under the mem- branes. s Hisplan plan lies been tried with complete @ intCe5 s on a .man,' Quickcure heais Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, etc. Valuable Paintings Lost. Seevral valuable pictures on their way back to France went down in La Bourgogne, the .most Important of them being "Crossing the Ford," by Jules Dupre, which was worth $15,000 and had been bought by Georges Petit, together with the "Zuiderzee" of Cazin and tow canvases by Bibert, the total loss amounting to about $20,000, which 'was covered by insurance. llAI1OND IS TO IING The Law Will Be Allowed to Take Its Course. BERTRAM F1R:E LOSS $59,700. Narrow Escape From a Lightning's Dolt -Toe of a W011/411'S Stoekang; Jturn- ed by. the Plash-Mr.::retortion Wi11 afeet alanufacturers at the Industrial- Itarard aisle. Talon. Thomas F. Bayard is a very sick gran at IJ,haM, 343;s, Hon. 'S\'illiaw. Paterson will meet manufacturers at the Toronto ]nduscrial. Yesterday was Pioneers' Day at the Toronto lndustriai; to -day it Is the lir heelmen's turn. lindapesr, newspapers report rhe discov- ery of s i'iat to teenier Baron Bandy, the Hungarian Premier. The statement that Toronto post olllce officiaes will not have Tatler Day holiday is denied front Ottawa. 'Plat deputy game warden at ,Stulbnry is proeeetbng :tg:lines the incitans who are shouting; deer out or seamen. beroarltu still keeps it up, Ninety-eight in the ,:hurtle' on Friatey. Ottawa was the nntetrese City at a its the shade. .a . re'itmtc tt n•nti er has lien flnt'4 $a it torrent. of preomnite that hes let lessee ern '1 area tenser. \n I .i,'r«,al tianeet tete been :-tiled szeaceetaie rite Austrien 1: to hseeth ;o meet .n i iect ee on , pt:ste lege rte. .crane B ea:ursine tun leis:ane western, skeet `rya yetees „t ;Tett . e `.: tetett 1.m :,7,-!t t(l float". at :'7+` 1 J fact, in -,:r, .N eyeat.D. Teets senate wore +tote 1 .] r. ..,».' tri:,' • hilt. E .. .=•tate c:a9A:^ :la ria :3e. Je i'-'tt' it lw nice aseene e c the, 1eeei 0 t 1" ria nb Yeele . ..t'a .=herr.r::.. `''..a,ti'v�':3 .;,:. �var...i by . • cl' :e •t, n - :gt�y;i1 � -cry teal,.., *., ... ,,.i:. w:« keh c'al.oe a. sea .,..,.a.:Wr, Sri}telt :+t, fare lagterlal.ent •1t Marino mai nisei. t°°ret` earth i•Dl .t maze • , . :D t1f the t et's eset in t •1 !D•rr'i ; ettieleit trate .^'t. John. .�.. eaat.easa ala I ri :.a; Inc Ica: t1:sat: ea- s neve refer +d ¢a' Ina, 1 area:, rl:., tet gnat" the 1. n. el (il:,4I Deaver:: of the L eyed atatise awe t en ate ain 111,4N,rze in wages. On Feeley ar N.cw 1,11.1: thcr Soar as t r4;11Lal themes," in t+.•zulr:•r¢ltnru until it ret serif ee. at n',em, 'Lore wear es launl- lk'^ of Beath- troect neat. The will of the lett' Jos. 'Simpson, roma, dieposan,.', of an rs*:ate of ea: teep e. tee, bene Item probatietl. The teles nnunt gets $145 from tae estate. A1d. Malian era justly Malian:int over the tot that ehsi.lren bad ter ivy unu scrap a skies for waver or else ;to thirsty at the. Iudua,trial Fair m Termite. U. S. cutter seig lnetniu, in; 'hi,lntrsal drydoclt.', may be seized fair war''. ung W. Berea, :demote tri be due hint by the \Yashingten Government. Mrre. John Smith, Iteth conte -dote Sullivan. had the toe of her smelting burned out by lightning, but SV'a n.•t otherwise hurt, the other day. Sir Charlet 'hipper on the I: 1i will open the NM? Bruuiswiek 1'lxh1bitdtin at Sr. John, and will sail, with Lady Tup- per, on the Mind for a short holiday in England, George T. Decker, pump manufacturer at Forest, has received word tha„ his son William had been drowned in hid uncle's well about ten miles from Halniota, Manitoba. Friday night Toronto single taxers list- ened to a Iecture on Henry George, on the occasion of the anniversary of bis birth, by Very Rev. Dean. Williams, Cleveland, O. The Newton estate in Guelph, under the will of the late Henry Newton, who died in 1875, is in the courts, the son and daughter suing the widow, who bas married again. Markham and Newmarket played lacrosse at Richmond Hili and then wound up the game with a free fight, in which the police were assaulted. The ringleaders will be prosecuted. Four hundred striking coal miners, under District President Dolan, marched from Monongahela City on Friday to the Ivil and Cabburg mines in Pennsylvania, and forced the silty men at work to join the strike. The Sandwich jailer is kicking because Essex jail bas to keep some prisoners sentenced to the Central, Toronto, for months after they are sent down. The bailiff who calls bas no fixed time for such work, Bessie and Sadie Uonder, two 18 -year- old girls of Welland, ran away from their home last Tuesday and have been traced to Buffalo by their parents, who have asked the police to locate them. Tbey have plenty of money for an outing. An agitation at Yokobama is growing out of the State purchase of the four trunk railroads, and reports are revi\ed that the Japanese Government intends to raise a foreign loan of $80.000,000 in order to complete public works. Oscar Jeffrey's left band was caught in the planing inachhe rollers, in the Phil- lips' mill at Toronto Junetlon on Friday, and was mangled in a most terrible man nor right up to above the elbow. There was no one in the mill at the time, hut he put out his right band and stopped the maohinery himself, The machine had to be taken apart to release him. It is understood that the capital case of William J. Hammond, awaiting execu- tion in Barrie jail on Sept.15 h the for murder of bis wife. Kate Tonga, at Gravenhurst, has been before council. It is ptobabie that the' law will be allowed to take its course, as the atrocity of the crime and the evidence of the man's guilt lead to,the.conclusion that it is not a case calling for executive clemency.. Yesterday was Historical and Pioneers' day at Canada's great Industrial Fair. Tho York Pioneers' Sooigty, with repre• sentaitives from the societies of York, Peel, Simooe, Wentworth, Grenville, Elgin and Oxford, Thorold and Peter, born, assembled at the Pioneers' hut. Amongst those present were the follow. Inge Sir Oliver Mowat, G,C.ie.G., and Hon. .I. C. Aikens (ex -Governor of Mani- toba). THE MODE. ElaboDratele Lined Cloth Capes the Acme of Fashion,. The ne plus ultra of elegance is at thio moment exemplified by cloth capes of a simple style externally and trimmed with stitched straps or a circular ruffle. These are lined, however, with ruffles orpuflings of mousseline de sole or silk of a light col- or, which entirely cover the inside and at': re played by the cutaway fronts of the cape, which allow the interior to be seen. For example, a cape of chamois cloth with Vin. wiETHOD'S OF DUSTING. Glimmerton Hopes That Some Day ease win Use Cloths as Wont** Do. "Man's dusting iznplemene is a feather duster," said Mr. Gllmnlerton; "woman's is a dust cloth. here can be no doubt which is the better, but each clings to bis own. But I think I see signs: of .a change. I aaw a boy • walk out of a store uptown this morning and walk across the sidewalk to the curb and stand. there and shake a dust cloth, just as a woman would shake one cut of the window. I don't know where the boy got this no- tion, whether he made the discovery him- self that, except under favorable colleen tions, with doors and windows open at both ends and wind blowing through, stirring up duet es th a duster only serves to redistribute it, ter whether there is a woman in this store who theists on I dust cloths and has taught the boy tee use of thein. Maybe as the boy grows up and becoznes confirmed in this way ho will teach the use of the dust cloth te others, and to his children, and they will teasel it to their children, and so it may finally come about in this simple manner that all mon will come co use it, and that the feather duster will go." MILL (i.,SFN. ati el e d l 'end' 1 Hegel el 'li very fell ear' V.,"-; t., w:> i b tae•.":..- -1:qa• rl 0ee1 q; ge t? .-. dire n e ' letter erent gl lege are tile) mete 1 esti t e;iut'e l.i:.i: lir r i .Dl;0..1 ., i,o o fare: . .3 \ ever r 1 n '1A2131101/ :. nntl t :a5S:a5'� esf 1 time; ¢ '$ in gill. . . ,. to the.. t a•et ri.il elft 's .\Liebe at atp,,n'..> Tile , rave' l�irlt. earnez. daze green :a, . Tera s n int- rater s D a a 1, y e° i. au meat yt etu is, t A n of a ball' . D' of w ,ter gram sint. °J.1" slate et a l Lime. and a: the left sale- is as leitel cream and eictuve wattle, seek. femme 11 v' stamina; of ert'auui. lave. The 1'ut.ii'., geen silk bee en irregular dceeellet,.;::t. ell°_.'d leg a. hand ,'f leatha? Mlle, alntl 1-. clset ti at the lett sighs muter a similar, 1,:t:te . a'linweil lav t re.tuille t5f laee. sl •,'v,'s consist .'t \ride, frills tit' last'. belt is of mina- vt•1\ut. Lang gloves e,f oreani simile are worn, and jt•a\°'tied ee .Dec Alf` Ile.: are p'kn'ell at the bit 5ilit,4'f thy. Deft and th5., deculletzigee Ji eat (.iienaE'i', VARIOUS NOTES. tSuggestlons With Renard to the Toilet and Wardrobe. A flet: -on in ineureilie who is invited a \\edtiing sbnuld always tentage from the. mourning for the mansion, ns it is nt;ver peen is:4 )l10 tel appear at a nlarriarito caro - many in tlu weeds of woe. Mauve, ray: and white may be worn, and it is an lkng- Idle fashion to use bright reel anti black. b'requentTeethe are b'neit:eat to the skin, but the baths meet be short, ray ten Mill• utas in length. If they are protracted and taken very often, they are apt to soften Moussement comers. the flesh and render it flabby. Cold sponge baths with sea salt or alcohol act as a tonin end stimulant and are an aid to the gon- ral health, as they increase the circula- tion. A charming new model for a cape is composed of alternate bands of base gui- pure and jet, Wee( plaitin gs of black tulle and white being placed at the edge. A novelty of the moment is the tailor made costume, very natty and severe, of light color -sky blue, pink or mauve - with a short coat opening over a white vest. Tho sketch shows a costume of pink mousseline de sole over pink silk, the skirt having a deep flounce mounted on a curved yoke of silk, which is outlined by f guipure sure medallions 0 surrounded a g P by pulling o2 pink lnoiisseiine cle soie. The flounce is edged with throe little ruffles. The draped bodice has a shirred yoke with medallion trimming, the sleeve gaps being made to match. The sleeves themselves are puffed lengthwise. The belt and collas are of pink silk. JIIDIC CxoLLaT, Old Regiments. The oldest British regiment dates back to 1.660. The oldest Austrian regiment is said to have boon raised. in 1618, the oldest Russian regimentin 1700. The old French army boasted of regiments raised in 1556. Tbesewere disbanded at the time of the revolution, but were again brought together by Napoleon, being finally dis- persed on his downfall by the Bourbons. Woman, Short or Tall, It Is it curious fact that the majority of men don't seem to be attracted by tall girls. We wonder why: asks an English critic. Perhaps, remarks the Chicago News, It is because men are so accustom- ed to be looked up to -at all events. by the fair sex -that it is only natural for them to prefer the girl, wile in bar little caressings and fas=cinating lover -like ways, bate, ea acenunt of her shortness, to look up at flan for the pnrpeso of peering up into his lovelit eyes. But- very short women can only sound the note of a for- lorn eondit-son, unfor'tunaately, for fussy modetrn map, takes.' hint In the abstract, p-1?•e4i her est:>• sit cele. his choice fall uI:1U her cornlearilicely taller sister. This sillt.'rl:itiFelt t:111 women and the post- timely s1101 t women the averegi than It ave, set erei r alone. Tall women are tt-lt.illy dhhn'Med and aplto:u' to ween late:ease way s. and ab h •earth they menace co 'Ira+v attaniiration it -;'i r.erh'°r Of til.' aatsd•la+plying ?triad'• No at lilt, owiue, totheir entelbeteeofstature and pretty. pl:tefal ways, .men give to 4strlc woman more taring than the tell, D: ,r itleti WUellan dementia Thi lever's ea . sepe•att-:1 expt -.:t;n "You little darn r " roolil hazel °:a zp''it;g, t•] elle tilt elle without tee::line the rielbilltiee of ti:ose who over'he:tee it. Thie is eaerr,sinly very hard and lw'at, like a pialti•hluenti for being tell, bits: vi llo can help her ,t stun'.': And it Is .1 fact too, that men .ire ratter shy It;•.,nt alierc:lrhin g tall wom.tn,, icetau-:e of restraint whfeh they feel but e:aualut exp l:tin. They aro under the impression. these tan w' men, why, it';, hard to tell ---til It tall women aro born to bo conanteider•, and tidy they are in their element where: lett alonle in their re- served dignity :Ind musing; in their lone- ly wanderings:. stn ,1,ppro,ed ('ritir'i,.m, Stuart labored under ono rather an- noying dimaelvicen l'i'ter white) has become historic, and which erase from the eir- cumstetneu of Washington's ill-fitting set of false teeth. .As Stuare said, "Whoa I patutod ban be had just had a sot of false teeth in serted, which emetic nte for the coostrainod expression so notircable about the mouth and tho lower part= of the face." Enough has been made of this and more than onongh; there is even in. elleC.- dotee about Stuart having porsuatle.d his famous sitter to stuff cotton in his mouth while he was being minted. M1 -s :lana Stuart gives the following amusing no count of a narrow escape. of her Le tear: "While talking one day with General Lee, my father happened to remark that Washington hacl a terrible temper, but held it under wonderful eontroi. "General Leo breakfasted with the President and Mrs. Washington a few days afterward. "'I saw your portrait the other day,' said the General, 'but Stuart said you had a tremendous temper.' 'Upon my word,' said Mrs. Wash- ington coloring. 'Mr. Stewart takes a great deal upon himself to make snoh a remark.' " 'But stay, my dear lady,' said Gen- eral Leo. 'He added that the President had it under wondereul control.' "With something like a smile General Washington remarked, 'He is right.' " The Left -Hand Shake. It is a fad now with some people to greet one another with a left-hand shake. This strikes an every day sort of person as embarrassing and awkward. Human nature can never associate good fellow- ship and sincerity with the left hand. No expression of heartiness can be conveyed through the ]eft -hand shake. There is something unoanny about it, A child naturally shrinks and draws bank when made to shake bands with a one-armed man. Just so do grown people shrink from the man or woman who gives the left band in greeting. This variety of the oommonplace greeting always affects one unpleasantly. The high hand shake which was the cause of so much embar- rassment was bad enough. The pump - handle hand, shams was worse, but this left-handed grip is the worst of all. When a thoughtful person sees friend meet friend on Fifth avenue or Broadway of an afternoon, or men and women gather in some fashionable afternoon tea room and greet ono another in this way, he f'jels like crying out with Mark Twain, "I say, dern a tool." Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can - .01 reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to sure it you must take betel nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts dir- ectly on the blood and mucous sur; aces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was 'prescribed byone of the best physicians in this country or years, and is a regular pre- scription. 'It is composed of the best tonics known -directly combined et h P the best blood uritiery acting dh scaly on the mucous: surfaces. The perfect combination obthe two ingredients is what produces such w rider lul results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free: F. J. CIIENEY e, CO., testimonials, 0. Sold by druggists, price M. Hindoos Use Vegetable Soap. The only soap which the Hindoos of the orthodox type employ is made en- tirely of vegetable products. 13ut soup is little used in India, being almost an unknown luxury with the natives. hiinard'i Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, Andrew Lang says there are 100;000 novelists in England whose works never got into print. PACE WIRE FENCING IS THE CHEAPEST } "u can boa. Ask anyone using it if tilts is 11.1 so. Our fence bas !wen in use 12 year, awl the. tint is still in peiteet eel:tilt:011 Don't experiment iment with the teammates imitations now iu the, market, None of thein are equal tatlie Page. We have some illustrated advertising natter. Let us hear from gnu. TILE PAGB WIIci: PENCE (`Q., Wntkerville,Ont.. Filets tor Farmer*. Don't forget to cut the weeds along the roadside before they mature their st•ed. Planting beans --the navy -in corn,. says ai subscriber, gives a. double crop 4111 the laud. be weer sluing and early summer in niauy localities Omuta cause you to value drainage. It is tile. time «f year when man and betst slloald Ire s!1se'ded from the hot sing es nisch as i'it.ssible. Clever er hutild lm cut, an experienced 1n'uwer says, Wrote baarelly any of the heads begin to turn 1 zoivn. It is claimed :lief limo fully slacked serail:led nit t, lel.a e while the dew is on will hilt cabbage, wrings. If it tree 15 eying ter vine's failing never teat until you tied the /muse. The trctlblee will teftt'n lee fount in the rote. Iltllel pair 'gain as Iohg a$ you can. Lct the 111811 Whet tla:D.t .sell da s'+ au'1 dell t t"eni4ir a with 11+!11 11 you eau 1),:11 it. lire 'bought sited eeaa lilts spring, and all b'. oiee 1.;;slat».. sad replete 't'. only (I epDDere,: .o' it .1r':v, a feet feat .eget 1^t :meet h,. \..,.., l titin COULD NOT DRESS ALONE N Non sent 1,;11 ,':aider '1', -ll•, ot 111. tea., t•atee duly. tint- 1,,.in athrrl'-al-1 seed now its E.:WG•,ui 14^•° t t. 1<'r+?+:11 tell' 111: l:.4 X:;.t. r, \.;+., l,rtts^np:i,;(k. Slttr'lt Sntfrritnu', «.t rhennaatf`he 4-:411^45 tbt' Vitt11111 l.i tl'Vitali' it tai -t l . •':f i ;:Meets *loans-l.,t?blt'. t hely' 111,S,*s. ll 1 Steethe fleeter ite rungs .rule ilii .le 144' Ne,y• .'f 4o.'e 1'. in, has hetto fart, ,l f14,4a 115 t'.11tu'• ;t1r..1, W. I'tal3:ola11(llta. wl New T flat N. s•, is steer' t'1 alit ::e who la:avo l40,1, it•1..D-rel Inial 118ii1, anti who be' Berta.: it his ditty to fat '.ala.„ flew a mire • 011 I,t• .'11131,1. Met F':11etet- hain 15 a 1 arnt.l anal like ria wlhs fel- few i1is esielimes lett honorable ealliu; is :s7l+jt't t Oillt11 to cal,t'rsltr(', it ryas this e14e4.4.sl1rt' that brought e,11 his tl'uub e ;itrrl a tu-r•'1' hint Sri lunl•11 su11'oriug hes fore lit' w;as rill "f it. Ile says: ,"In the s't', i71 .4f 15117 I r"lltraete d tint 11171 itb..u. 'Fhrotial,nt the whole summer 1 suilr'1•- ted front it. enol ,D1..ut the first of Oe -to - leer It 1.,'e•uint ser 11at1 that 1 t'e'nld not gait rout of the haus•', The piazze were le alta . iu nig frill end back. mid what 1 sultel't'd min hau'diy be expressed. i be- e:nue su helpiess I toted not dress me - self wit'le,nt arid. Eventually the trou- ble:spread to my bends and arms, ttu,l at times these would lose all feeling and become. ltselcss. In November I begin using Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills, and after talking four boxes began to im- prove. .Atter using six boxes the pains and sureness had all gone and I was able to do a hard day's work. I intend using a few more boxes as a pre- cantiontu'y measure, and I would earn- estly advise those suffering from this pniuful trouble to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and be made well. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills cure by go- ing to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving dis- ease from.. the system. Avoid imitations by insisting that every box you pur- chase is enclosed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Lnr_est C,a'tometer. The largest gacmeter in the world is at East Greenwich. When full it con- tains 12,000,000 cubic feet of gas. It weihgs 2,200 tons, and is 180 feet high, 800 feet in diameter, requires 1,200 tons of coal to fill it with gas, and cost near- ly $200,000. The great demand for apleasant, safe and reliable antidote for all affections of tile -throat and lungs is fully met with in Bickle's Anti -Consumptive, Syrup. It is at purely Vegetable Compound, and acts promptly rend magically in subduing all coughs, colds, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, etc. It is so palatable that at child will not refuse it, and it is pit at a price that will not exclude the poor from its benefits. Cats Can swim. Cats can swim if they only care to exert themselves sufficiently. The an- cient Egyptians used to fish with thele on the Nile, according to the represen- tations on walls and so forth that have come down to us. Seeing Is Believing Farmers 0f Ontario ! We want you to see the quality and yacht of grain per acre the tattle on of l i.n?toba an el the Canadian North-West will produce, GAL:VEST EXCURSIONS Will be run on Aug. 30th, Returning Until Oct. 29th, and Sept. 13th, " " Nov. 12th, 1898. nsruaN FAMES TO Winnipeg lea ins $30 Port. la. Prairie Monsejaw Brandon Yorkton Deloraine •!1� Reston 2.�J Prince Alb't i s3,k N'stevan V Calgary W er Binscarth A Moosomin - Red Deer QAO Winnipegosis Edmonton e➢'t From all points in Ontario, Onasiug, Sault Ste. Marie 'Windsor and East. For further particulars aln,ly to the nearest Oanadiaaa Pacific Agent, or to C. E. efeP}IE1ISON, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 KING Sr.'EAST, TOttoNTo. Kite telephones for torpedo boat de- stroyers are being tried by the British navy. A kite is seat up held Ily two strings, each atiathed to a h si e,t er, along which the message is tent, ,Of what practical use in warfare this de- vice is expected to be no information is given. Can Recommend It. --Mr. Enos Bore - berry, Tuscarora, ore-bezry,'t'uscarora, writes: "tI azo pleased; essay that Dr, 'fhoinas' Eclectric 011 is - all that roil clainn it. to be, :s we bavo been using it for years, both internally - and externally, :tai have always received ben tit from its n -e. It is our family medicine, and 1 talo Feat: pleasure be ece°onllnce:uiing it." P,' -;i t teem. The deepest lake in the world is Lake Tlaikel, iu, S hnria, In some parte It itt U,:,'t Piet deep Its length is 811 rules, with an area of 15.000 square' utile•., It is the largest lake in Asia, caul the Signa lamest. it the world. Use Vppu 's 0 Ouiciccure rar is!i$'fiiz Troubles. l ..�. I !�! 1U,C;i. tb hairy. A t1.k•8,,"ai•ni of lignid air pourer cit a inial . na't 1 wit: -':y will freeze :at ..e..0 lee. !let e 'alt's. As all agent (.i t' . - tree, tee, uteri i air is enormously psi:.,fel, len to. a•, tel ob,ee-t las beta :mind f•: it as yet. C. C. RICIIAPf•s & Co. Iia r Sirs, -1 11 ..1.0 great faith in MI\.\RI?'S LINIMENT, as last; year 1 c ured a l*rr,'(' of Rtin4-bone, with five bottles. It blistered the horse, but in month there was no ringbone and ne, lameness, DAN 1 eas MGRCHISON, Four Falls, N.1;. ereatherStatlona, The United States Government is «bout to establish on the Cnribbean see. a complete system of weather stations for the benefit of all nations wdlose in- terests lie in that direction. Mother Graves' \Vortn Exterminator has the largest sale of any similar peeper prion sold in Camila. It always gives satisfaction by restoring health to the little folks. finard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Careful Habits, Restaurant dining is becoming more than ever the rage in London. Scoticiiman have another grievance They object to the adjective "Scotch," espeially in official documents, and dee mend that "Scots" or "Scottish" be used instead. Itis only necessary to read the testi- monials to be convinced that Holloway'o Coru Cure is unequalled for the removal of corns, warts, etc. It is a complete ex- tinguisher. Engineers 1lfnst be Carefai. A Danish locomotive engineer has been punished with a fine of $12,000 and four months' imprisonment for causing a railway aoddent by his carelessness.. A Handsome God Ring Set With Genuine Garnets and Pearls FREE! send us your Name and Addres plainly wrlttou, and we will sen, you S0 packages ti ' (Soented0lotii)to sell for us tit SBICIO you ean'j among friends at Ido. per package, When sold remit us the money, and we will send you free the above described ring, Send address at once mention this paver. We take all risk. Goods returnable. Handsome pre- miums in proportion to amount sold. Senclo Agency, 91 McCaul Street, TORONTO. HAVE YOUR FALL STOCK WELL ASSORTED WITH OECKH'S gRB�OHESS, M AND WOODENWARE. , Manufactured by BOEO'B8 BROS. 3t OO., Toronto, Ont. DOYS AND CIRLSFvoorrl. ou e a few hours a a e. absolutel FREE C IIUINE MERICANYWATCH Nickel P ata ..r Gilt Case -a good time -keeper -by selling MI/ of Moth T MI/ar•- Presto a,iioth Cleaner. tide on the market rot- rani, t , n;4 ,.tains trom Fabrics. Kid Gloves made to look 1.ke new. Send name and address Senclo Agency, 91 McCaul Street, TORONTO. HAVE YOU TRIED THE NEW LAfNP RNIA o� L The Water White's as good as Amerb• can -Cheaper, and Lasts Longer. Your dealer should have it. THE QU10EN Ci'rlr OIL CO., LIMITED, Samuel Rogers, President, Toronto. T. N. U. 183 THING a young man or woman can do is to *5. tend The Northern Business College fora term. DI . you war.0 to know what you can learn? Then write fad L_naouncement to C. A. Fleming, Owta Souwi, Get