The Exeter Advocate, 1898-9-2, Page 1ELEVENTH YEAR. -568. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1898.. C. H.,: SANDERS EDITOR,, Peo$e wil4 Deteo.iive Yisio, Remember our Optician will be al holidays from Sept. # st. to Sept. 1 an and have yQI' sight scientifically testedl before No charge made for testing at uric Z_ h, One year last ' \ednesday (24th) our Messrs, J, P. 'i estman and J. A. Jubilee Brass Baud was argauized auci 1. Gregor, , of `Toronto and Exeter re- speetively passed through the village last Thursday enroute For Grand Bend. J. P. looks the same as ever and should be glad if we could have hint in .our midst again. --The flay Tp. Fire In- surance Co. held their meeting here at Walter Clark's hotel last Saturday.— it the excursion for Detroit Saturday, ; :hiss Savona Teaman,who has ben visit tits brothers, who arrived here, working at air. Wlter Clark's the on Saturday: night. --W. Warm left for past few years, has quit wort; there Teeswater Saturday, where be has se- attid Mies elartha Brine has been eu- eured a situation as clerk in a general gaged in her stead. --.Airs. Mere Link store.-3Ir. A. Fassoid, .of Detroit, is vis. Zs attending the Autumn millinery op - Mug friends here for a few days, we cuing at London this week..—Mr. and are always glad to see some of our old Mrs. Charles Either and Mrs, Keny, boys tura up. --Quite a number from who have beeu the guests of Mrs. C. here went down to Contin City Tues- Eilbar tee past two weeks. returned to day to see the unloading of a steamer their home in Mayville, Michigan, last loaded with brick for the ten story ' Saturday.—Mr. Uy. Eilber, yi.I'.I'.r has block now in course of ereetian.a-Mr. returueii horde from Toronto, where be Contiu, founder of St. Joseph, i has been :mewling the Ontario Legis passed through town Mouth . nl bt.-- louvre the past three weer s. ---Wit are MMr, D. Steinbach was in London Fri sorry to learn that M. E. Simpson, the day no business..., -Duch shooting coni- principal of our Public School, inteuds minces Thursday and aur sports are leavit:;; is tri going to Toronto l,'rdis preparing for a week's shooting and versity. During hie sojourn with us tishlug on the Salable river Port Prattle. lir. Stiupaon has won the respect of --.Work on the Catholic parsonage is both pix+ants and pupils. Ile was one nearing completion; elect the residence of the hardest working teachers we of ,firs. Cash. Both being fine buildings have had for a long time and for ens will give the north and a rued appear- ergy ai.d ambition he passed 10 out of ance. 18 who tried the last eutrauee and P. z. loathe.. examinations. ,lir. Blooln- tield of Mooresvilie will beg is sueeessor and e are sure that be will give as good satisfaction as his predecessor. We wideet le Mr. and Mra. 1'ileomfleid into our midst and wish lir. Simpson' every success in his studies.' -Court was heist hi the TWO. Hall last Satur- day, Judge Doyle presiding. A num- ber of eases were tried. --Miss Mabel Crawley, who has been visiting her grand parents here for some time, kelt for her Moine in Detroit last Saturday. ---Miss Mary Bertrand has retained from (trend Bend Park Where she has been camping for the last week.— (Inc of Mr. Michael Beaver's children is afar with diphtheria and is reported to be very low. --While going home the other' day for dinner Miss Vinetta Banes had the misfortune to fall off her wheel and sprain her .arm. We wish her a speedy recovery. --Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ell, ber and Mr. Gottleib Morlock are at- tending the Industrial Fairin Toronto this week.. Mr. Smith and son Fred of Exeter f,pent Sunday with friends here.— The district convention of the Young People's Alliances of the Zurich district 51.€11 be held here on I ednes day evening and Thursday, Aug 31st. to September 1 1898 A very interest ing protirammo has been composed. Every body welcome.—A number of citizens attended. the Orangemen's ex- cursion last Saturday and went to Detroit. They report having spent a very pleasant time. Chiselhurst: C. B, Latta, principal of the Alvinston public school, son of John Latta, here, was marriied recently at the residence of the bride's parents, Warwick to Miss J. Campbell, formerly teacher of the junior department of Alvinston school. Seaforth: Miss Maggie Roberts, daughter of Mr. R. S. Roberts, of Sea - forth, met with a very unpleasant mis- hap one day last week. She. was visit- ing at Weston, and while driving with some friends, the horse ran away, and Miss Roberts was considerably bruised and shaken up, but not seriously in- jured. Wingham : There died at his re- sidence on Josephine street, on Friday. evening of last week, Mr. John Well - wood who has been in a very low con- dition fora number of weeks. De• ceased has been a resident of town for a number of years and was held in high esteem by a large circle of friends. Stanley : The barn of Mr. Wm. Graham, was struck by lightning on Tuesday night of last weekend burned, Fortunately Mr. Graham had no live stock in his stables at the time, but the barn was well stored with grain and fodder. He also lost all his harness a number of implements and other property. Seaforth Messrs Greig S:. Mac- donald, have purchased the clothing. and gents' furnishing business of Mr, F. R Beattie, of Hensall, and will con- duct it in connection with their Sea - forth business. Mr. Beattie has been in delicate health for some time, and intends to recuperate before again en- gaging in business. Wingham: Potatoes in some of the sections around Wineham will be very scarce this year. The early frosts, dry weather, and the multitudes of bugs were too much for the potatoes and the consequence is that quite a number of farmers will run short before winter is over, and wehave heard of some that will not have a potato.—Wingham Times. Ken Mr. Thomas. McKay has for the past week been nurssng a sprained leg, the effects of a straw stack falling over while Mr. McKay, with others, was assisting at a thresh- ing at Mr. A, Monteith's. Mr. McNay was one of thefour on the stack, which was well up, when to their great sur- prise the stack tumbled over; landing all on mother earth. It looked a little serious for a few moments, as it was thought some of the company was like- ly. to be smothered in the straw. Crediton in memory of that day the boys held a picnic at Bayfield and report a big time. Quite a number of business men and others were invited, but, Sorry to say, not even one turned out. This plainly shows what interest our town t takes in a band.•.-1lr. Dau Bennett left: ay for Qome i. be leaves.. T. FITill'8 Jillrij $tore SALE. MONEY TO LOAN - The undersigned hos a few gond farms for Sale cheap. Money to lean on easy terms Jowls S'evcxnAx, Sae -moil's Block Exeter .F ,NEY TO LOAN. IN"( have unlimited private lands for in - v e+. ,asr n'In torsos r Tal;ertye at lowtat rates of interest. Barra +ter -.e a•r 1axEttr. a Atsi.l itt LAtiE rr,veb;P.rr Fol: r The uu•:ir-i .Jlis offering forsale that, AR, aira,P4 , gar I v alq%1 le t rep rty, situate.; an liarati Strtct. teig.E; part t.i Lot .a, earn: in• nog CA eve awes. Th. re'son the r -r i sts a good H rizt: hussar. An.aiaing'se'4'e•ag rooms. with .toga.• cellar. frame hitchers and wood- slae,i atttchtd: a tram() stable and other •hats -.try 'ut'.t:.uildir.c-. 11 choice trait trtia, to, „ago,' welt tet'vt•attrawI other conveniences. T"crmtt reasonal•lt-. a,ppl • at this office or to $A71C1•:t, L'i:E*$i ATt.lL.Exttvr. IAltat FOR. ;ALE OR BENT' The nndersiotued is offering* his srlea leri sarin* to the tuacnsbtp-ot 1'r,burne, tar sale Lir rtnt, lo: t:. ce+rcession J. containing he'tl acres. fh••ro i, ou the lrremi.ses two good harass tone bank.. and other gond out -bund- law.; a good frame frown. good wells amt a ..pleuditi orchard. This is nno of the best farms in i'aborne, and will be r.old reason - ally, or rent..1. Intending purchaser) or tcnaints should see thin property. Apply to lih.T'r. Nlit.LA\D Devon P. O., Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS of rn•iiAita, DAVIS, late of the village of Exeter, yeoman, deceased, Pnr>uax t, to ,•e.:t-. of Chapter 129 o2 the Irtvised Statute of Ontario, P.07, notice is herubv given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Richard .Davis, late of the village of Exeter, in the county of Huron, yeoman, who shed en or about the fifteenth tiny of August, A.D, 788s. are, on or before the first day of October. '1 I..,1si); , to send by post, pro -paid. to Messrs Elliot& Madman of the said village of Ex- eter, Solicitors for Mary Davis and Joseph Davis, Executors of thn Inst Will and Testa- ment of the deceased their chrlstian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a state- ment oftholr accounts and the nature of aeouritios aft anv, he11 by them, and that after the day aforesaid the said Executors will prnce'd to.listribnte the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims ot which notice shall have been given as above required. and the said Executors will not be liable for the assets or any ,art there- of to any persons or persons of any claim or claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such. distributions. Dated at Exeter this thirtieth day of Aug- ust, A.D.,1FMS, ELLIOT & GL ADMAN, Solicitors for Mary Davis and Joseph Davis, Executors, NEW e MEn MARKET. The undersigned has op- pened up a new Meat Market 1 DOOR SOUTH CF DRUMS' STORE, where he will keep the choic- est of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED, John T. Manning. 1151riqSAADCiv (ON THE STCLAIR RIVER) S H' I , N" AR / . ' FILL TERM BEGINS SEPT. I 116 of our students have been placed in excellent positions during the past year.... Our system of book-keeping is ACTUAL BUSINESS from start to finish. Our SHORTHAND DE. PARTMENT is the most thorough in Canada, - For further particulars address A. S. Mii MO Pr oprietor. i3iddulpb. The very severe electrical storm on Tuesday night of last week, passed off without doing any serious damage in this locality . We have much to be thankful for in this respect. Some as crihes our good luck to the exemplary 1 conduct of our people who are noted t, for their good behaviour. ---Mr. and Mrs. McCormack, a Toronto, 'were the guests +; of Mrs. Ellison Hodgins last week —. Mr. Oliver, of Lobo, Mr. Ellison Hod gins and family, of Claudeboye, Mr. W11-1 bert Itcvingtou and family, of Moores -1 vine, Mr. McCormack and fetidly, of reroute, and several others camped at Grand Bend last week. --Mrs. William: l3odgius. formerly of Lucan, but now a resident of Killarney, Man,, is visiting friends in Lucan at present.—Mr. W Powe, whose residence was pillaged by parties hailing from Dashwood, has lodged a complaint against the same, one of whom is already serving a sent- ence at the Central prison for stealing a bicycle at Rensall on July 12th. Greenway, Mr. S. Hariton's barns and stables were destroyed by 'lightning Wednes• day morniug. Loss over $1200; Insured for S00.—Several of our young people spent a very pleasant evening at Mr. Thos. Jennings last week.::—.Mrs.. C. ir`,ickhorn, of Glancede, Man,, arrived here last Saturday on a visit to her old home,—\Liss Esther McPherson return- ed home last week from. Sarnia where. she has been spending several weeks visiting her sister, Millie.—Mr. C. H. Baskerville, of Centralia, was around here buying apples last Monday,—The old church was landed safely on W. J. Wilson's Melliu farm last week. He is making it into an implement and driv- ing shed —The bills are out for the 25th annual harvest dinner on Sept. 7th. The friends from Crediton are to furnish the music. This announce - meat alone will attract a crowd. They are away up in " G" as singers and re- citers.—W. A. Wilson is engaged in the city of London selling the Chilqua school boards. -Mrs. Dan McGregor and family, who have been visiting friends in this vicinity, returned to their home in Detroit last week. Centralia A. Hicks and P. Hanion 'spent Friday in London. Miss Bella Sparks, of Hensall, is spending a few weeks with her uncle, Mr. J, Delgaty.--Miss Grace Salton has left for Lucknow to spend ber holidays.—Miss May Livens, accompanied by Mrs, Frank Colwill, spent a few days last week under the parental roof in Seaforth.—The annual school picnic was held on Friday last, but unfortnuately the weather in the fore part of the day was very dis- couraging. However, a large number gathered antil three buses were filled to their utmost capacity, two carriages and over a dozen buggies and friends and reja,tives from Exeter, Crediton, Adare'iind Eden joined the crowd and helped swell the number, The weather turned out excellent later on in the day and a most enjoyable time was spent at the lake side including' boating and foot racing. At 7 o'clock the merry company started for home very much pleased with their days outing and we question whether a quieter and better behaved party ever attended the Grand Bend.—Quite a large number of the Centralia leaguers attended the convention on Tuesday at Kirkton and report having a good time,—On Sun- day evening last some low -lived, black hearted wretches strewed a quantity of carpet tacks on the road a few rods north of Centralia', intending to play a trick on a young man, who they saw going to Exeter. The person for whom the trick was intended did not happen to come along but two bicyclists from Exeter became victimized. Their tires were badly punctured and one of the riders was thrown into the ditch nearly breaking some of his ribs. This is a mean cowardly offence, and the per-. petrators if found out should be given a few mouths behiud the bars; Daeliwrood, The busy harvest season is now a thing of the past, acid the farmers are busy getting in their fall wheat. The flax Is nearly all harvested also, and the taking of it up is uow. onward.— Our Y. P. A. met on Monday evening this week, instead of Thursday as us. nal, as on Thursday they intend being present at the Y. P. A. Convention at Crediton, --Mr. Ii', Snell left on Satur- day for Toronto. where he will attend the Conservator;. of Music for a term or two. Of late he has been a member of the Evangelical choir here, and his absence will be felt by that body. Last Sunday Rev. A. W. Sauer preached on "heart purity," and through his dis. course scored his points heavy, and in a way to be understood. It was iu- deed atimely sermon for this commuu ity, and we trust will be the moans of doing some good. in the future.—This week the eodference in connection with the Luthertan church will be held in Dashwood. A grand time is antici pated by all —Our village has bean on the increase of late. On Saturday Aug. 20th, the homes of Messrs. John Hoffman and. Andrew .Musser were gladdened by a baby girl and boy • re- spectively. School reopened Aug. 22, and the youngsters can be seen daily en route for the school.—:Mrs Sauer is at present visiting ber mother who is sick.—Chief Gill passed through here oue day last week, en route for Smoking Hollow where he was going to see what kind of lumber Mr. i' illert bad there, t a have not learned whether he got suited or not, Grand Bend Park The best concert of the season was held in Mr. Spackman's beautiful park on Saturday evening last. The p'ro gram was long and varied, embracing many choice and interesting selections. The Hazlewood troupe, of Kirkton, was present, and also Mr. Thos. McDonald, of London, who furnished music on the bag pipes. A large number were in attendance, and appreciated the efforts of the talent very much. The Hazelwood troupe are first-class music- ians, and are only to be heard to be ap- preciated. For a good laugh hear Ed. Hazelwood sing, and for choice quar- tette selections this troup are excellent. Registered at Grand. Bend Park for week ending Aug. 80:—W. H. Erwin, Geo. McKenzie, Mrs, .F. A. Edward, Mrs. H. W. Erwin, Misses Meta and Jane Erwin, Master Wilfred Erwin, Bayfield; Mrs. M. Fisher, Mester George and the Misses Ruby and Carrie Fisher, Kincardine; picnic from Centralia,Rev. S. Salts]]' pastor, Miss Jennie Delgaty, teacher, W. C. Huston, superintendent, and 125 others; Mr, and Mrs. T. Case, Usborne, A. J. Rollins and wife, Exeter, Chas. Sanders, Mrs. Robt. S. Walker, Roy S. Stewart, Blake: Thos. Bolger and family, Chicago, Ill.; James, Ed., Mary and Tilly Hazelwood, E. N. Shire Wm. Dawson, Harry Mille, Chas. Brooks Kirkton; Thos McDonald, P. C•, and wife, London; H. C. Facey and wife, Irene and Glenn Facey, Russeldale; Hope Wigmore, Toronto, Woodbine— J. L. Russell, Chrisie, Cecil, Bert and Nellie Russell, Russeldale, Chesney Wold—Mrs. H. Spackman, Mr. W. D. Weeks, Exeter; 'Mrs_ J. Cartwright, Toronto. Ivanhoe—Misses Nettie, Ella and Jenny Gill, George Gill and wife, Mary E. Yoe, Russeldale; Mrs. Henry Yoe, Bert and Zetta Yoe, Staffa. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heaman, Herman Hea man, Mr. R. Frayne, the Misses Frayne, Mr. and Mr. Jas. Jewell and family, Mr, John Evans and family, Exeter; Dr. and Mrs. Clark, Thedford. Clinton: While descending the stairs at her home Sunday morning Miss Maude Cantelon met with an ac cident which might have proved more serious. When about -half-way down, at a curve in the stairway, she 'tripped and fell to the bottom, and struck her head which rendered her unconscious for a time and has since confined her to bed. re eutl o left thea IRan Ieuse Iof +bbeu, Refit, �to weddingham: A bright and took place at the residence; of p ' "f ;earn his own living, wee brought Dacia Me Geo, Blacb,weti, of this town, oir last week, it being' found that the Tuesday, when his daughter, Emil• Rouse was the best place for him. Lois, was married to \Ir, W. J. Kenna - Clinton: John Derry, who has been dy of town. The ceremauy was per - a faithful employe of Taylor a: San f4rr formed L't 1 o'clock p.m-, ley Rey. Mr. about tag years, has. sold his house Freed, in the pre€ei.t a of the itnieedfate and Jot to. Mrs. Fisher, and intends friends of the coittreetiine parties. The leaving for the illi Country, where his bride fooled'. at.tar�tivat u. a gaud, friends resale, about then muddle of Sei)- j range. Fa'a c5 of n l,2' i.l.iaJ10 1:ri:l,t brid- tentber. ak is itl:d C irri!'--ti ' ..0 lueF off- t'rhita3 : A good many people be - ;+Lard atiotas arid sweet ;.efts The brides - Clinton gen to think that George Connell, late maid tris Mass Agues Facile, of Tare- of town, was proof againet the fascia- berry, and the gr,oiltsauau was Mr. ations and charms of the fair sex. but John A' benne? , brother of the he has surrendered at last, and on! groom- Weduesday was married to a promi•- ' T tehr ^ -r- nent young lady of G Brie Now that the tehaca o aro is be- ad i h Township, a �, � lx ' am>?i 'Hiss Reua Sturdy, eldest daughter of u„ .©ttri s' the, faarn eersr arge mal: - Mr, John Sturdy, of the Otis eoacession X in larepzratiotis for tS c.uriaag, W ;arid niece of Mrs Pike.Crawford. Ceder Springs, has erecteit Hibbert: During the eto vin of last N a 'ol'afe a Traver ay IIry aai.4l �� , week: while . , 1 r'e'do rs alio a neetsl l¢ n larva 1)4'11, Fred, aici,•atlAhhn, of the .fox tJ:e. ii;t)ue; purpose, first concession was driving in from r;, calor: e. utlln lcnuleid 14'aIIiace a the field, at, flash of lir•tituing struck " P - the wagon, and so stunned the driver : pc orad t1 court of qua eir'rl 11eue13 at that he fell back completely prostrated 11lontreal on a share of attempted far a considerable tinter and the horses !'nurder: Ile i� allege4 tel bctve shot were, so frightened that they ran with airs. victim ;el'auitf Iasi spring, but as ail the speed they could to the barn, ?, the protanl has :dispppexu-ed the casts It was some time before. ilcl.aru hint will probably be dropped. recovered from the shock to realize the t At Amhersburg Thursday morning situation, Miss Teeter, teacher In the public McKillop : The barn of Mr. George sehoot, was chug 'd with administer. Dickson, of the fifth concession of Me ing excessive bolt- °latent to Fix yeair killop, had at narrow escape from de -old bur I.cry Iiia. The tivi•"lenee struction by lthgehthniantg v aotnortnTues ay showed otmhetheteunitir at rtmolast, During s were Bieck and tl as sl.ouIIder; and twelve o'clock a holt of the fluid struck: the elbow swollen, to twieu its normal il' the ridge of the barn slivered the ; siact• The ch,,..d was punis!rc'tl 'with a hoards, ran along the roof and des• ruler bemuse orf its re:f:isal to pay at- eended along one of the posts of the ten ton to th" r+'aelttttr. JuJge \Ik:Iingh building, leaving its .nark as it weut. reserved dt etst )Ll +G I �, e„c.&-. T4mark- Fortunately no serious damage teas fug that the .thefts was too se - done. ,were Seaferth: Much interest centered in C,'ap. J, Innis, whn liva�s wltlHin Friday s laergisse match here beiweeil short disiaoe.s of Lifers was:s:rn ami off Seafortli and flrangeville, as both �<-iildeor, otg :he rki tar fraitt, was ant in his boat ou the river 'I httrsdaty mor- ning then he saw ti.o men break a window in his house sail climb ith. By the time the eapratin got eager(' they had rnusacked the house, one of them had on the captain's bust suit, and a Ow of articles was on the bed,. Aided by a neighbor, Mr, Innis captured the robbers, who gave their names as Wm. Carroll, of ,3t. Catharines, and Wm, 'Madden], of Toronto. Women Foresters. Toronto, August 27 —The supreme court of the Independent Order of For- esters yesterday decided by a vote of Ile to ld to ndinit women to the order as advised by Dr. Oroubyateka, H. C. R., in his openiurr address. Mr. 13. I. Solomon moved, seconded by Mr. Wardroper, that the table of rates given in the supreme chief's re- port be adopted. Hon. Mr.Aitkanc .tial this was the most importaut t, tstion that could come before the ...der. He would. favor an increase tri rates, even if no additional benefits were conferred. The rolling up of the surplus inthe past did not prove that the present rates were high enough. An increase iu the rates was absedutely necessary. The rates must ultimately depend oa the mortality table. The speaker cited the case of several beneficiary orders that had collapsed, and left the old men, who had been members of them without any insurance at all, simply because the orders did not collect high enough rates to protect those men. The actual cost of carrying the risk must be paid, or disaster must ensue. Better to have $500 Ientrance and be sure of, than to beinduced to carry 51000 and have the risk of losing it all. The eloquent supreme vice -chief ranger made the most powerful ad- dress that har been heard at this meet- ing of the court, After full discussion the motion of Mr. Solomon was put and carried by a vote of 126 to 16. This makes the a- mendment a part of the constitution of the order. teams are malting a strong bid. for the C. L. A, senior championship. The re- sult was a rather easy victory for the Beavers by five goals to two. Cotlsld• arable rough play was indulged iu, Brialy and McDougall, of the Seaforth team, being especiallyy conspicuous in this line, Lionel Ring, of Orilla, was referee. McKillop. Many of our readers will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Daniel Manley the wile of Deputy - Reeve Manley, which took plaee on the 13 inst. Mrs. Manley was quite a young woman, being only 27 years of age. She was at daughter of Mr. Lee- man, of McKillop. She was a most es- timable woman, who was greatly be- loved and respected by all who know her. Her death is a severe bereave. wont to her respected husband and family, Brinsley : A serious mishap oc- curred recently, on con. 4, McGillivray, when Mr. John Robinson had the mis- fortune to have his threshing engine'. run into and upset into the ditch by one of the brace -rods connecting the tongue with the engine becomiug disconnected, which allowed the engine to swing off the road, has the horses had no control in guiding. Messrs. Robinson and Gil bort were somewhat injured but had a miraculous escape from being badly hurt. We hope that he will soon have his engine in running shape again as this is the busiest time for threshers. Mitchell: During the storm last week considerable damage was done to orchards, and several windows were broken, illr. Skinner's greenhouses suffering most, where about 850 lights of glass were destroyed. In the south ward the lightning struck the house of Mr. Wm. Clegg, demolishing he the chim- ney, and in tnorth ward Mr. Far- rant's house met with similar fate, while the same thing happened to Mrs, Bennett's in the west v,'ard, but for- tunately, no lives were lost, The storms were the worst ever experienced, so far as the oldest settler can remem- ber, iu MitcheIl. Clinton : A couple of lightning rod peddlers had a narrow escape last Fri- day. While driving down the Bay field Bead one of their span becoming;' irritated by the flies, . kicked over the'. tongue and struck the other horse.; This sent them both off and they ran down the road at racing speed, not- withstanding the efforts of the driver to restrain them. By and by, bow• ever, the wagon struck some obstacle on the roadbed which threw both man out of the rig, the driver in front of the fore wheel which passed over him, but as the hind wheel struck him the team came to a sudden stop, the lines, of which he had not let go, having be- come entwined about him. Wheu the runaways stopped, the second peddler had one of his legs between the spokes of a wheel, so if the team had contin- ued their flight louger the consequen- ces onsequences might have been serious. The thirteen-year•old son of Captain Bradley of Buffalo was drowned at Port Bruce while bathing. George Bevis, aged seventeen years, of Hamilton, attempted to commit sui- cide by taking strychnine. The Freight and passenger business on the C. P. 12 is now heavier than at any time during the year. Thieves broke into the store of Mr• L. P,-Lazure. merchant, of St. Remi, blew open the safe and descantped with $4,900 in notes, drafts and goods, and $170 in cash, e.., w• w�'.�, r5✓.,x{'.'.�.,,�Glt�. I�dL:'1'r�.k.,....Li.:,,;�--; ti Pall Fairs. Industrial, Toronto, August 29 to Sept, 10. Western, London, September 8 to 17. South Huron, Exeter, September 19, 20. Heron Central Clinton, Sept. 20, 21, Hay, 'Zurich, Sept 21, 22. Ailsa Craig, Sept. 22, 28. Tno.kersmith, Seaforth, Sept 28. North Perth,. Stratford Sept. 22, 23. Turnberry. Wingham,Sept 27, aa. Parkhill, Sept, 27, 28, Mitchell, Sept. 27, 2s. Goderich, Sept. 27, 28, 29, Si. Marys, Oct, 4, 5. tet tL$ Bias VINCENT.—In Exeter, on Aug. 27th :he wife of L. D, Vincent, of a son, Subs.—In Crediton, on August 80th, the wtfe of Job Sims, of a son. aatt.BL$ ,etJes. DxtiTz—PlloIUT.—At the James Street Methodist parsonage, Exeter, on Aug. 27th, by the Rev. R. N. Willoughby, George Dietz, of Crediton, to 111iss Sophia, yortugest daughter of Mr. John Front, of Usborne. el rrnny.-PFI\cn.—At the 11inse Hensel!, on. August 1Sth, by ne v. J. S. Henderson, Mr, Gerngo Jeffery to Mrs. 1:L• Prince,, all of I3r,y township; aM1 Au.4.3 k1;(81, r� Iliin :—In Exeter North, on August; 30th Mari A,; Purcell, beloved wife of J. S. White, of Toledo, Ohio; n teed 40 years, 4months, Funeral to day (Thursday) at 2 o'clock.