The Goderich Star, 1924-05-01, Page 2PAGS TWO IN DAYS, OFY04 THE GODERICH STAR I SPAYP MAY 144,1021 Ant - 11 11.4,ftIMA D WYK U41 attlPy miaignij; Tventy Ytmr* Co= Waft 1A fir is VW*-WVW cre4cent.X4 41009� ow the Let us Chap your latte7y for you th!s� spring, C1 Wu Xwed ft�ow Is RMAW t'y Dexth -of Mr. CMW040*. absolute 44wt "ormat =ssary for a 0 Which is ibsolutely nal a its, cllarg4� EDAI Stomp battery wbich also niakes your battci�v hol T"Mty-Five To*n Agg motiw of jo - ki a. f. w J. J. Doyle, ITArqo Q louger. Rote1cir Owgisix 50o� P4utd Away, sua Mr. $now co$" W A "060A vala awaseW04 Alot 14106h, E10*0 ExhiW104 WiltAsponsible in a considerable mea�wre- strtogtheri Tits of Empire 'iforeducating'clilldren awsy from flao RARKER.. BROS non I --- OAX%�.R*j# I* 1"I Principal Gr*at VWW io G9dwkh---WifA, WkP A Woo As an advertiscluent for the Bri, farlit and manual labor "i, C '1111", *_0 going to. far, or is PHON,639$ r 2 GOMRICH Jofte -st Tororito Faik—kew m". Coli wA W. Gooding Cob Empire to its own coraponot the 4CompetO for Wor CAspo-4k HocW 1jingovi , a %hod Pmt rarto r lea$- t1mir to all the rest of 4isvernme a swina back to the i(fex - - - - - - - - - - - - tile W411141, the Great - Exl3bition -.it of training the �Voung` to 94work V.,jt.h Albert. 'WeinVy is most iwpre,�Ave ane uni. their hands" in conjunction with their Sudbury,, *ud her nephews, Walter, quo. There bus not - been, rzor goild braina. Many so-called manual labor TWENTY YEARS AGO Albert rwrlu, of Prt Albm-4.0 ani Gbarleg and Fra k, Shuialon, � 11 th*o;� bea anything 4' Joba give better returns than those to 0�v leb. Star of April Miss Lilly Campbell, of oder,4vit. of V a the world to 0"th r. $Olmael VO Parallel it, for the simple rva,.3oa that wbich the term A vbito col r A,$ ow The Goderl Th6 happy ovent took place at the .9th, 1904) On Tilesiday morning of 14st weel;, there i9L no otliJer vinpiro. to. Compare bag been applied, home -of the gro6m!s uncle, Mr. ' .5. * * 110proverdents wt St. Georges creq. as the Akin woo; rising, sunluel Cox, With that of Britain's. Mere fsgurer, Miitthewo, Rev. Dr. Martin perform. our woll-known resident of St, put. as to the jimhwition proper son to Discrimination JA (kfAA Freight telit Ing the eereviony. Contracts have been let for tho�er- rf�k street, obeyed the call of the give an adequate Id6l of its. Compre. I Rate$ and - Inituranvo tetion of ;K bundsomo stoyle eottutw, root Arehit"t of the 'Universe *n4 he'assiyeness. To %ay that its post Canada!s, colliplaint5 on, marine in. A C-str Load of Dairy Cows . e vith buag4low X -00f, tor 'air. W. L, blilkillan Sqaniuel I)Wet brought to p46sc4 to the wirld beyond. He poll. tore tbo. opening bl, the King just surance and ocean freight rates,. are Amok Horton, oil St. GeorgOs Creseent.1 tow" last week a carload OU cowa Sed 111CID the p4trilirth Of Old, full of Week wrta $100,006,00 and %h%t it being aired with. vigory in our aiwn lf*W and Ilummell will -do the r4115- from Pict*u and neighbOrI1004. yeara, and honor#. for he' had gone 0OVers 2210 acres of land, is inerely. to country before 4 sub, committee There wero 1,13 fine animals in the beyond tho allotw� torn, of r '41, Shipping Committee" oary" the 'Werlvh plarillix muls WA lood,tand it is romorvO that the ars-l- lito, three score years; sr4 alkWoltalk size. It is in Its qu,31ities as, an.the jmptrt rai veto., IRA r. ten, stid ex Mtlort 0 what van be inade and In *be matter of insurance particu- g1willhavech. 00fl eearpell. vat Of the Cows Means a reduction Of his children and Gotle. pr aced within the 10%upire that it larly the discrimination boo. Avow rg reAchod ter jolihill t Is lat quite the price of milk to 5 vents'per QUOrt, rich town mud, township revereft 0. nd 3 stand apart and above.all other a point where it has becoute not only 9 . 11 Mr. Bisset. says he had to 90 elkst to honored, him as f0the 1, fr,*nd And hi itions ever held. gore than Irritating but a heavy han#eltv ,exte vemeitfis snado 'ex b by a. �lkmeroa, in a lug vex -an, got cows at a reasonable price. neighbor. The dee4ased gentleman *,nytb1pg v1se, it will be a factor in against the at. Lawrence route 6178t 54W.1,110 fight -in County T�rrojje, the binding of the Empire In ties of which has been steadily improved at 44U, eonstrv*tory, carriage porch F Ireland, and, at tho age of ten, with 44, beSideS Completing the tower Ot TWENTY. WX YAAAS AGO - - mutual knowledge and undorstaW- the expenditure titany millions of the Castle, *iA'x scheme, of luttd!;vispe (From The Goderich Star 'off April 4ther* mother two brothers slid two ing, -The hope Is "pressed that be� 'dollars, It- 1% iAced time for 4. gardening 40sweltil the owneks acting 2KII, 189% sisters, s4led for Can,94s, at that fer* the Vxhibition. Close$ in Septem- I chance In Wit particular&. 'The va- in C0*(*rt*j)1 quite remodelthip cor- The Minstrel Boys, time 4 very distant ru".. iron, the ber it will have attisketed between lue Of coill�m s in, the trade be. all W=t" y Green Isle for there wore. no octars. forty. and tiftv millsitili; of people. tween Britain and Canada lufft year 'Aer of thim two. 'Us The minstrel boys paraded at nooll greyhounds crossing the Atlantic -'in XAUY� thotl$4440 are goine; trom, Vvet- totalled *621,241klOO. That is iiitit, A Lsoidmis Moved yesterday, leading the I procession, tile those days. AlthoiiRh. the rebellion stas Domirtions, volotties.And protoo , led to some Consideration ftQM the Xr. 04a MeLaren Is movin closing it. The &at df h the mayine band was raglrq, at the time Of the arrival tOrate$ in addition to those V 0 w15 Interests which mAlce decisions on fritme house from the lot west of the boys was, Jonathan Mmer4 " of the Cox family, :they reached. go from foreign land,4, freight and insurance.- W#tsoWs 'bakery on Montreal street manager, who was seated in an open Ooderioll towtiship saftlyj and set. to the vorner of Newgato 4ad Cum. buggy, then camo the troop of twon. tied on the Cut l4no, not tar from Two Traditlonsj Parties itay FinA in tht Balkans and A11104 State$ brim, streets, Previous to the vebel_ ty performers nicely riggeil out a la, prtev,is Ifill and Wilkfasor�`s corn. Otmieft to Vnito to Dqeat There -seems to tle, sitmething, in thg ripare 1211) lion of 1837 the house wo built and Guy Brothers, altd. the band in thAir P 1 8 A 1. 6%. , 1 4- U.* IM -1 64. .3 fimt. I rf)p whOrt, Mrt Cox resided until be, x4tDonald, lutture ota scramble among the 1�41_ �t-&) * " '"W94 ly 1; 1* V_ -t raw v sumnser AV.00, 0 "JuAnars with his faintly, moved into, town toil kno and allied states for Aliianj�cs jjoyii George is getting tired of 10ther'of George Black, 'This wou4ilooked iiecedingly nice and� ther and militar years sinem: y Agreement$. obviously A, A -arsilgm the Libevul,party's lenience., toward OB f U ever 10 yc so' Of the nations 46.' not tru the Labor%goverament, and, is urging me � 0 Death o Mrs'. NY 6 WAAT WAS DOING -IN 1881 have such vight of the Bla& family,. three f , more vigorous;- , Indepandout notion. those With whoui they j)xugbtm and five sons, our -towns- Mrs, boyle, mother of Judge U. L� Wrom The Go -of Sept.: 2, Ire. 1, said lionoe%.. Am. -the eva lot, uUmlisal man llrst seeing the light of d4y in 4erfoh Star to have gabieil­06 full 0sat and J. J. Doyle, of town, died in $ud. peace s: still ixi , the future, Rou- 'th, approval of former. PreinjOr Asqul bury on Moriday.last at the advanced principal Grant vilatea I mallia is tow represented as desiring. Death -of Air, exessitign a. Ooderl4i. wko, in narAt, leads the party. What age Of '85 $cars. - The remains were !tas given keener edge to this feeling all agreement with Turkey against On Sat;a4ay, St. GeOX*,.e`a Day, brought to t Pxincipal Grant left Godorich, yos- Russia, vAbile Bulgaria is ropdrted to , having been is 4be uncompromising attitoilp of the own by, train on Tuesday ttirday;, Alows Cressmau, one of our old vest, -evening and on Wednesday ill�tnjag days, with oltov. D sPeaditig A few be in a pac! A *od and ready to, raj$0 ZjWay I r; Upo on his, returu Laborites to" -rd the party whent4 fIL 4ent.�, at the age of 71,the funeral took.place from the reaj. troin the X aldkt� ?low and binding arrangements 1yealto otfter a very long illness, Ile delice of decoased's son, His Hollot orthwest. He was to have they sPrung, and to which for 4 0011 -.,with Greece and some other* of her Vreaelied in Xineardine last Sunday, ludetable. time they vore 'more Or less died at the residence of bb Z011411-IJudgo Doyle, The procession pro* but the 'boat, rrived too late on the ulliOd I" thoughts . apa plans. ' Thus y day that former Onemie* Ever law. 1114 'Alex. Saunde Cambria c6eded, a to St. Petees where ma passes without actual conjilet be- A .5 velebrated by, Rov. Pathor Weists, Was do" trip. while Prentier KucDonaltt. addresses t*een the prospective belligertent*. Is IvVilded at Betinford And Mr. A. A10; Afttk IV49 Judge' great gatherings of his supporters in' I at its Condusion 'the casket was von- c4nodent ton�r. anil talks of the leg, so much gained by tbeforees that are Toronto'Fair. There was a: prettyhouse weddiof� veyed to the Colborne It 0. cemetery III striving to make all the arts at *6* 0 . Mr.' A, Me Wative work sti -before � It, exper- of peace 30 Thuraday aft0nrlon of last and placedin the family plot. h ame. Meanwhile good �vork jrj' e D. 'Allan has. been ap,. ion hupr oed. politicians, of the two tradi- w6ek at 176 Dolhoiislci at', Brantfon.l. will-bearws were her son% Judge.B, pointed one of th vo ixp6tt jud- being. done toward giving a e tht `ng to figure oud tional schools art tr� onle, of th �Ihe contracting partits being John L-ind J, Of town, and Silve$tlel', Of 90a -On- the Professional Olaii Of fruit the questlotj or principal up , whidh brokon nfttiona� a new start, at the. Hiulsen�s Casi, May G& Pr to llrdulitr' E�blbltiQn to be the two, Will un te to defeat t gov" B LL held in Tor wtiy that t e in -put ernment in such 4 1!, - Z W M. Xt$srs. Geo. and IV. iloodiiig'in mier Will be compelled i tende e Council E There is a WIng Rate resignation of himself and 1 lea� - possibility that the ca ittrst Stre t Garogp -243 0. Phone,. This afternoon about 6 oclock- a b Ntr gues. As 1.sso often the c oc, of orle,ftanseu, sentenced'rt6, de G likol At'$ N Cox And Mr. W. Gooding will casiOrt Is. Mor6 to Pr t itstlf for murder Avan Lake, Al a was row Another rame for the silver. cup, u0suspoctingly and with e . ss whose sentene reduced to, .6 'Coding brkg won it twi(*, Alla jj� ijue- dating'. debate on some apparently I C (06tinuid on,page "o). MEN V kll.�151ful today yvill be eittjqe�j to rp- trivial irtatter. tain R4 Immigration Flowing to CAijudi C11torge's ellut 7­ -piciliC of St. Gebrqt�'.k chure,11 Sinc�/Marqh laiLd u� to the end of The this;zmnth it. !a mt1mated that: the Sunday school was held last FAday, humbeV If- Immigrants frow I tho 4nd, notwithstanding the �04yolle- ment, was a pronounced success. Clydo dlst�iet 'of Scotland alone. will j Mr. R. X. Lewis and A -Tr. total 8,000, If other centres, 4 tho Do"con old land are �ending ]people to Canada it 0 thFil; -ffidde n, managed the games' arkd sports for in -like proportion!, isil?t It 4 . ratho the chi)dton.�.aitd the jorig ,to Were car. count" eart readily ah -,orb �ali Plildc from,Seaforth Ovp ty. erly contended for. rwholml;ig flood? - It riay Ito that, - - I ounts, the t -thit C who. came� 9xperiences in ziolno ci- The Union 8�04Y` sch0ol Picuic ties t6 which Many of the-inintigrants, E. couid build another bicycle from Scaforth last MoAda3r brought crowd, is - rooer Against this -viaw% about 600 'strangers to town. The It has been argued, howeVer, by some a LU Car W. that'would be almost Tw' - . yet Aw day was So War#' our cc Ing Julidd who look into the matter, that this to tl2e -C,C.M. in appeargfia;Vrd" breeze proved very aqcept�;l country *ill need lots'of immigrants, be far infdrior. ah, Jmvery job the Steamer Josephine Kidd, which Including. a large- go -of- tile Without. your knowing it, we could had been chartered for tho excursion- mechanicAl und - trodes Classes, to When a man nee4 a car every Job that car* h4%w - use . cheaper tubing for the' frames ists, was largely�, patrouizod. make up foi- the. drain from. 66 bo - for roanyjobs he rums over been uoed fitr-�_mak. Bush Fires Around Fort. Gratiot, minion to.the United States., It !,da, instead of our high-giade, gligl1ilt instinctively to the Ford ing,the quick run to to" Stainless Vubing, rtinforced at the even- vexoil question., *04nada would be the touring car. On 1vtilnesda afternoon and better Or it she could retai onuWAtemnils-taking 'ing the smoke was so aense around tbL. best joints. ates, to Aiwar0y, the Ford tour. produce to market and this neighborhood as to obstgr tht, of the citizenhood that. mign fAre could use 'a -cheaper hanger 0 the republic and those who olue, from grer ing is a 14mllY car VW A0 '�UPPhes back home- -sunlight, and many storekeopers i6tr instead of the three-piece Triple:K' overseas. Induetimetbat.-bouldbe such' has estah. A compelled to light up before fivie e- ywoo. cai because. thiq country cannot that Maltes the C.C.M. turn go smooth 46hed a splendid In faC4 that a utfl­ Clock. It probably came from acroso I yy ly and ea the lake, -is the wind blew froshly, help but -develop ona settle keyond all oily'. We could onift.mally inspettionn and reputation for ItY car is called from the southWoat,and Capt. Mooie our estimates and expectations at this We could use cheaper bearings in- ct,tests, instead. of testing every part for service and de. time. Then-we'slitill witness a lireat. upon to.,dor of the Quebec, on her arlival yester. stead of our -Plint-hard Steel bearings alit'r. size and finish, and inspecting and odability. day morning, stated �6at exttit * . er influx. from Across the border than 'ttain up"' the bicycle at each stage of Pe sive . I that a file cannot cut. Ssewgl - And it do" thera firo; were raging in the woods arourd is now the east-, for even at the . pre. lug, also before shipping. the com. But its useful- jy� e4o.. Fort Gratiot sent time there is some movement Wt . neddrVt clean our frames so plete bicy.01, a I quick that way, it is not all abWAtely one. thoroughly, nor treat them with a coat, BY saving 110rel and skimping there, w 1 0 WtFad norai0olly alad Minister of Publi� Wor�s Visited sided. utio does not eW .1 of -fust before enamelin& 'We ul Port Albert could give you a cheaper bicyttle!that wo d thele. You will Nowalit*rWh4to"'O(A live of drive your kay. Utedlet put on so many cioats, 'bf look like a C C.M., but wouldn't be one. Sit Ifector Langevin, Minister of Election Issues in fiouth,�rrica our All the extra hid . den find the Ford tho near"t itervim stA. =w1dor";W-1 strous special QCX enamel, Waking d6ing ""Also PaWe Works, "VO4.0 Port Albert rich, lu _quality you Cannot 111111411111*1 "I'll", an rtcreQktion, A curious t1do issue of the South see with your nilked meYe -would be missfiAg. nor leave tua fraw-es in, the inamoling The bicycle wouldnt give you all tho_ Utra last Thursday front �jncardine. Re African tentral oleetlans, And orle ovens so Jong was receiveA by a, nurnber of tht' which Canadians Can regard witil F. a Ford, Out;%6N $445. Taos txtm Years of Itasy R14ing ibai tht QC.X. givea. -ttd to eomplacelleY is that which re-preperts 86, when You go to choose your bicycle, prom'a#nt �'tlzens &W #!Sao' We needn't'take so much In clean - the harbor- wlieve ht AxPressOd'llim" inttresti 1 ' the gold mining lit the !iis our handle bar]s, cranklaoKs-tri hubig rimember that It is the hidden quality that 80f well sAtbs1led with the work ala n and 4thtr, parts belore they're nickeled. couAtg most. If you kave to Rand, as turning their attention to pay a small ready done, avid spoke ver We t*ke off tvtry speck of dirt and grt4ve. amount Mort for'A C 0 See Atly Authorized Foyd,Vealer the goldfields of Ontario and British so a to howe a thoroughly clean Audsice. X. than for oome� "Irl"Illy about the propeots for %it, Columbia. The PAnd-in tho Trans- thingthat looks like a Twin to the C.C.X,v other grant from the Dominion Gov. vskol-is; said sit the present time to Xtxt we'cv*t the parts with colplIte to just;rOaeftiber that undor the surface it rrumer%L 7'revent rust. 11iA!t a bt furnishing about sixty per Cent. of Then, the O.C.M. parts are left in the The most pro4toble part of iegr invest. lei also the world's gold supply. It i Avest beginhing to 8kow aigns of the dt- 4A cum itickel bathit f4r about two hours, instead ment is the sij�sjj e*tra amount you pay (K NOT to Ow of th6 twenty -minute at %.o dip gj*ort for Quality� C.C.14, quality Is "Ortll all it HAT is tbtt question hich ho frottse -unless silt Teports Are wrong. okestply nickefed parts, boats and is obttrivkblp only in bicycles T twu causing deep eo, 11106AS14 tavAtion, difficultiva be- WO 'ttle exi bearitir the C.C.H. traolo m4rk� Look for ught and uldn't you rather pal a 11 ra tor" raising piles of reports aild torte- t*"n whitet slid blacks over th� C.C.91 itist-proof nickeling, than to get a- it when you buy.' ICA" WXUCIKS spondepce aniong Canadian Pacific matter of labor, the hket that *hat- bicycl-6 that, beforb longshows little marks 4 khdx who have to do with the evtr.it is now the N&tjOua%,. 1) rty, Of red rust pcepiqgthrough the nickeling? C -0 -m -A are selling today At 1,15 to $20 if U less than the After -war "peak" pvicej. nation opt of obiservation 4:ars On which furnishes the stronge9t Opposi. Fp- Wo could isive expense by not making They are noarer brC.War 1%ft'00'd I-ftll UA146 413-volut numal Us= Muting. 0 tion to Premier Smuts, was avowedh,, all of,tbo 1,761 parts Of C.V-14. WcYclts, villut than almott any other bil,.%.quality last few month& At various thues with such care and precisioa. articlo. you can buy. A previous to the war, smoking in slid *,99ttisivoly ro-publikan, all add for every dqllar you tit DoWar"t; Value thest cars WAS permitted, goluetham to the uneasiness of tbe-gouth Airt. C -C-1143 are made so ateurattly, you hrtest In * C.C.M., only for cigars nnd, cigarettes And can gold miniog interests. There is couldtako two bicycles t6 pieces. mix up The C.C.M. dealer is waitivg, to show thert again even for the Motous pip(, it feeling that the Premier and bia the Var4s, then, re -assemble the machibest, you the new 1924 models, for Irea, womft* its0f. During tho war smoking wa% South Afnearl party Is doomed to do. and all t)Attg would tit tfl$ethtt Pet&007, boYs and.eirli. X hinuty v-'Uldt 111311Y 'e;"re willing fe-It by -the vorablued Nationalist Qnd to f0r"90, gill the' Labor grou^ though the latte�r are ,�Oro fre6 1voliv totnew. but afwr now represented'aq unk�terably op. the war the demand -Io? jwmii.elsion i to smq%e In CIOSQ posed to, breaking PlAtIA)i coi%edtioll, ) favored prCcine"'.; it�rea�cd to, a itqtl�etbl�, tht-M. the A serious complication is the over� I *4nqt% comirg rot onb,% fireni raert whelming Numerical superiority of <; OMO -L I NOW baf ffoul kldi6l, as tf* 693rottk, the black races which cannot forever habit kas undoalitedly grown, among be d0lieit the right ttt vote and to GLEVEZAIVD�—MASSEV Y—PERFRO" the fair gov. The pros�aro, of. thia take active part in politics. publit. opiniall beeslue i,�o pron"a"Ied Rro Bliw—COLUMBIA that it was d(s'Wed to, exptviwent one$ More And to Allow 8m4dag in Miss 51tPholl on Out luntsiti6flal Nade in Canada by -C4 this part of -tht train, Altbough it System CANADA CYCLr, & 'NIOTOR COMPANT, limited TiRiPLEX wit admitttil that the traias eirry' Aliss Agnoi Stacphiij, our only TOVC�Ist4 WXSTOM, Otjt�, WjAjjj�t& iog such ewts had sl�so Metping IcAra Z HANGPt;t roett. , ot Iti Tklean:g Paelt with its smoking complir., minhie mrmbtr of Parliament, ut. Atakora gh-Grode Canadian Incries ior gs r4ra,� Pt*lk opiniolij, �o**ver, N a fkkk, 0811Y has *;Omething the"Ot-mmiwet. Also of C -CX JOYCYCLES—migh.gr*dergi$y-tunning Trigyolo,% Easier thfa#, *nd tht,,de, -d ll�, �the imO a u D., rtown �lillk tO FAYWhe'd es v bfi� jW14 t* fxelOde the huMan %oleattop 444f,035. Ifer criticism before it divt , 0 ftom thrie C -ars, Some of thot6 W110 gathefinq of 'tc-hool tyu'��tcL*,3 and ot*inslly Urged *6 SrAnting 101611, tfachero-'ef thf3e(jac�atjonaj permimion Al't now reAl"ostiffs itq. ()nt$LV.;0 8ystem of ftft WhUmmol, '*v1denUy finli" fhit ltsrcea lotn' of roolo !or ar- . M. ' I M a a 0+,practi!-t is rc�t qr�to, ,�D deli smment. lo'c' 1M ine , to 1K ni i -.elvel tw. highly about that PPMRW - fulasthftheary r�,Ctirc&wyl. flatteyou1% ed `rd and Oft"ctf veland Bic In its;fkst'o to g7Nto, ttt jtrcwc�,, -F�:Aent. ard it tho jolt front Aji!�3 V-siti4a0ion to its tr�knv *-, ev..�,Xe il mliephatt give.,,� u"q a� 11r.,W angli, frorI I- (jej� �p I �Sq Altreft)y, Acce"ries, Pbt�j res and T _o much the f*t-i I Ube's to Ow tht Or t rk Ctrt� 14z" j�1`1,f.% --r� I DICYCLM REPAIF&D 'tzg.nru . � I . 1 1, 4 Pfi; M v4w �1 x 4f i � i , silr�,ffv o,.t T! , , , JAiviw�,, r0a;l1tv Ntt,aww it ua-'I built to*v Poo il 0!t� OR* MILLER, nd tftA!k tbir"R. , Machha%._ Shop 7 Thil h4, I Cor. Vichwia &*A 911*114AYt. hm* 259W GhMM91% AUT foj� t4w R riv0t. _3� 1. i.4 A k.A. 1, � .