The Goderich Star, 1924-04-10, Page 23
"Wow ---
. . . . . . . 41ead withcut life elf "TiN, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
)CV944, Vrof*:vwrKirgstoq then rtf
GF Batteo
y the vari,,Us pl.ariets inoUr cCI;Ar $Ys- IL
IN D 0 4 Guarated Cha Rrwr
tcm, telling in general 1%.11,at is kaoWn".
$4 Wesurn Oplooia, M&OSS" MOM aW-4t tilt -0 Sul shoviing tbeia hY '16 -
*I "abook C000ting *t seoQqiti 1� Prof. Z004 of wvoraity of QkOr vybitq 094t the ru�l. th ,I"- SVriw��-
EfevAwl - 4 QV" 'Lector, vn*r INZ�ice* V E, 2 Cll �fr�"
C14 i� 0 Uto dtfeet k"rrokit, VVhJV1j Jq QhSQT1UtCJV rCCC_Q4_S3fY fQ a *'
W of AU%oL&V Then he rame ta the sun Itself. It' 4icil ,
kes your Wttensl b011 iN ch=�O 1�,AlPry
l%bWW UW dioy.xd a photograph of 6,10 of t1le hattery w,ald) 4140 Ini Al 15th exclusivil, 40,; -
TOTAL F-CLIPSE OF SUN NEXT JAW. VISISLE IN GOVERICH pruptiomi of fiery gas frora the sun ial SpAng ratci nntil..11,
Z"AW SM&Y Wos Snowy, With C r �s w . ..... which are sometimes, ubsen-eil by
,he i;q03WX*,Fi *11 ft-- Ott ight to which fbi-3
wow 0"n1w a *�, Show# Waa&r" irlews, of the Moon *ad Way Bo&eo In 00 146 ar.�ronomvrs, the be.
24- rq,,,e from the surface and the Gpce4 AARKER BROS
V*vW4ov,T1w FW4mg Tug vein *04 L*04s 000 to Contemplation of bvA*m W
CQ mar.4tra wii�h which it rqae wzvg re- 7
toaces OVA spgcUlation on of universo. PHONE 398 r 2 GODERICH
a q:isll: Centwy Ago.
Vmparations aw ulade by 0&n. Ile also nhor.7c.4 the orbit of Hal.
IWJMT YEARS AGO Pho Milo'd deatIl in tLe crnplo;vmend Tho?v irto TIPard Prof. fl- R- RiMP wwch some yeara, ag
S to tal;g, Qdva�� ...........
.tnro r
(;oilerich Star of AFT i the Trwtr, an -A Guaravtco Of tho Univeroity of Western ills �,f the ge1v iy% romet,
;wunj; close to the earth permittlu
Clul) 1=11011 minutenof tataI eclipso. AD it hap-
smy, of T route. Ontario., at the 14010 94H 1 cata. US to %"e it- This war, the, first time
�p und, at the levture in NuoX ChUrell lc� - PCVed the CnYedit!W4 to - tt
obitpary fare rooni, 4M Fri(14 Jy lina wa,3 doomed to dleappointinve., rt Pre -diction was made -as, to the al�-
"good AVA ,a, rwatt $tat W just certair of one of these badies. a0 ITC
X"Westat lit stafoTth ffayden—At Sheppurator', 'on Goad,got some inost interesting i1aforma, for tile nl:7 wa"I cloudy at aw time oil P, "MIRce SEE VV ABOUT THAI
Ftidly, Apr -it Int, logs, matilda, ot. tion about tho unl4rse obout ws the *ecllp2o and no obscrvations, were (Owitinucit va, pago 4)
o go of i%iurct.021 -t of the late W. d be an eye opener for anYll possib!o, thQuCh the program a3 it
A maAalap 11'9 wayt relic Ilaydent,
ii4l in U711"onip, lodg�� r�u'ut'4 wbichwoul
aged 71 years. one unless he had made a Atudy of had bcol Wepartd was gone�,tbrough
Awaferth, Ott Now-aya V, SIC.C.'regor-4n $t-10seph'a, ltospj,� wle�% and the Auven- with. A Pe"isistent NEW'BATTERY
condueting. the tal, Xqudon, 0.0 Friday evening, April. the b"Vell'57 1 teleseopis in u�* at the var.
Row% 44 Vitcliell. dolls dirtances, the professor Aealt The
proesiedings and P. 1). 1). 0 N. ca- Ist, IM, Frank, 1-twis" ison of Capt. IV his eveiii weir'll tons and the CHRONIC COUGH
Stratford, !x4mv p", iti, at lug lecturewero Wl- jous Qbservatorlas
'111". 4 x. Mcaregor, aged 30 Itaro and' mountings %vvIg1j ton� niare and Some' 'Volt 11 Plate Fully Guaranteed, for
lieu, Of tKLIEWD VY I
Among those prellent frona Dfuhlaukl most beyoftd, belief, 6
lodge wcro Bros, Cbai. A., Itiluab(x, 8 months. Att.ho luncheon at noon Prof. Xing� of these instruments are 460 feet -long, R-rway oln, Syrup
Clark, AV. !). Ty.. Chus. Car- ston spoke of tho expWitto" to the so that mah a tel6scope could'"ot be Dr, Wood's - , t, Ovedand and Star
W. IV. TWENTY-VIV8 YZARS AGO of Santa Catsiona lost Sep. transported to the scene of observa- Fo"k Chevrole
V. Gallow, 11, IV. 111.0, Thos. 11.1 t backing, --aelting. per-
tiou and set up. Tho,expvdicat that Tht constan
ticks, to Y(M in
row, (From The Godv*h $tar ot �apva it2=11r, of which be was a thembor, $15,00
Klwsbaw, Chas, A. 11*11eld, Harry D. to take observations of th(r,.,total was devieed WAS to contitruct a 60 01stent vough that S,
14. G. Nicholvoll, and from itsvite of everyttior, you hato done to
ing on the Lround, C it goi�, and the
Reed god Bros. S. rsioset, A Snowy FAstor eclipse of the sun. An eMpse of the foot teleseopa IF r!d Of' nt6ns dan,
Morning Star Loftc at �ho,, cough the more SIZES,SUITABLE FOR ALL OTHER ",CARS
ore like Sun, to be of Value for seigntifie and by means of mirrors mounted
J. D. Tigert and W. Mavilt-1. Faster Sundaymorawas in perious,,v1ponce it beeorlits to YOU
Cbrlstmas so far as the town, lake servation, required to be'a total one; one end � of the telescope, to, rellect thc
New Eltvatet-ug ait six Mill and as such events where they, eon be image through the length of the tole. RD.
4, for there BRIPS,and Co
p"d liver were concerm a to
Tbe stew leg just put in atthe Bill ri�er observed on this continent are rArep Scope, to the far end, where Wwa Get rtl of it at i1fic oul"Voi. by using. TIRES IN FA
leighlut uptown, the
Mill Vievator will unload stcAfflevs (Of was good �Q seven or eight In a cenfur plied,. The telescope. was XorW47 Pint, ,�Vruv.
4 reach them was �solldly frozen and lee covered only some 7. bo photogral Dr. Wood'o -FROM $9.00 UP
all sill%. and shapes an 0 lakes as far as ever the eye could constructed- on the spot- In t1is case Urs.. L.: V. _V*wcauibp. Owway,
it they *rgiP.,feet front the dock. It th of a telescope in 4nQbS0rV3t0�,V, the Alt.,,, Vrites.—I'Several rvima ago I
a the time of unloading a% OcV* latthe home of Rev..J. and Mrs.,Hani- Instlutuent if; moved by clock worl: -,,a, D CARS
Todut Votting �A the Square ilten, Goderich, when they entertain, g.-ontly troubled with % persie McLAVOH10 and OVERLAN
it ip of -elevating %W bush- to keep it always pointing to the ob* te�t, chronic cough that one doetor
'014 per 'hour. The sleighino being exceedingly ed the Young TwOple of their congre- ject which is to be observed, -as; the stated was tabereulosis. " T tried sev- 3*ries
good on Saturday thote was collaid, f4tion in GOdc"Ich township. Quota rotation of the eartw,w6iild i6thorwis�e eml,rotoetlics without hewflt,uutil I All Kinds of Oil$ 4114.ACCOA
ftilding Operations erable, trotting around the, $qua mh in
I . re, to the Ou or of 50 or more, Among , 41te the photographic reproduction lisea I)v Wood's"Norway Vine, Svrup,
The Planing Mill Co. has sturW V' -1n;l by
and 4 1,0(11 0111"y people enjoyed the them the genial countenance of W - of a star oppear as a streak of light, Which YOKOVO& 1116 at 0 ('0; rd Alit
work on tile second brick veneered In James Ai Anderson,. formerly a pas in continued use entirely zetnov
it) durin the afternoon. with the horizontal telescope used
17 r
tp R g litin. tor of 'Union diurch,was noted with in 7nost, Wart' v reeox.
dwelling on East street for Mrs. IV. 12: eVening the pastime was go the,' observations of last September thMOP, 1 0. 0 A BELL
evening the mirrors regeeting the light meu(l it for ;my throitt bronchial
A. Rhynas. H. C* Munnings bus con-' pleasure. - The event of tug were
tracted for the carpent e
or* j, V Aing in April F T'hone 249
ork of ti
0 ued. was an address and, presentation to moviedby clock work. 114+11. 'W"e, A mily
a #gar Davidson, wh bottlot large in AST
brkk dwellings to be created on the Mr. - . eorge r 0 for The 0oie of shadow thrown'by -the
robased by (in Friday"three r[nRs of the lion. e time Ili ry efficient V,10,; put,ul) only. y The T, Bill-
Vassmom let, recently pw . 4 sow s been, a Val moon when it gets directly between 1411,11
oall Curlivk C ab arrived in Goderidi hion burl' Q0., Limited, forouto,
Mr. Moser, one of which will bo own 3 worker in the gongogation of -U the a4n and ihe earth was graphically
-1 161y J Alb Moser and 6 other by land nlayed games afternoll, and OV00- �f R Society
i� , I. � q I Shown, on tne sQreop Anu e pat
W. A. Chisholm. Ing with a like number tif rinks from but as a Bible class teacher and as such shadow takes 48 the barth rewL
Wingham Possed Loan Bylaw to tkwacderlch Assoolution. 14 the af- eidar. Ile in leaving our midst and
olves. In the I case of the, eclipse of.
ternoon there was, keen curkingI and -,�ojug to Chicago, when he wili tittend last September the shadow started
Alesirs. Walker and C 699
�h some of our men curled in one of Air. Moody's training- hu4titV- ' 6where in the north west 'of'thc
Wiligham an Too9day, by a vote qf grand style, the Hensallites were the gom
k4l, to 8, decided to 10AP. $10*000 to victors by sixteen Shot$, and they Pacific oceark, swooping In 4 -south-
CominaAdets eastern direction Aill it struck the
Messrs. Walker and Clegg for the The Fishing Tat
Avere, also on the top In the ovening,
improll"r, of their upholstering . two. So for no chanes,blve. been. =440 North, American. continent somewhere
anders of the fishinc south of Los Angeles, continuing in
Ant. in the comm.
r AlogX14 Poss#d A�way that Captain Dau McKav the same direction and pagsinlK Out
Mr. AlexavAe tugs, so
.1 Seldoul have -we the pleasure of to- will, command the %�a Oull, vp&eor through tile Betmudas. Another . to- . . . . . . .
Alexaoder Aitcheson MaeKld, a, cording ouch interesting. events as .1
A McLeod$' and fish frdM'the DuAR, . tat !eclipse of the son occurs on the
onowtime, resident Of Goderich, died golden weddings. George, Sheppard -McDonald, the Sea morning of January . 24th, of n6xt 'Year
Pather suddenly at his residence, Tor- slid Sliza, Pentland to , ok eachother Capt. . Aturdock
11cIvor, and fish' and, the path of' th-�
, 6�Lll
ineer Dan dow passe..
Qij�gn, ongi
orkto, on Wednesday �gvouing of lost for better orfor worso on Match l3th, 5 CapC over;
week. 'rho late Mr. AlseRid was South BaY,�, . tile Clinic Goderich and out 4 Ontario at
184% and on the s4mo dat* In IM fr m TbAber-;tNiagarii-� In "eri
years sinceolils AICZ ckaweI, fishing fro ch the eclipse' oc-
born in this town, 00 Mr� and Mrs, $hepoard celebrated moray; theEvely* Capt, John CraWcuri only a few moments after Sun -
father, Rev. Alexander XacMd, of- the fiftieth anniversary � of their wed- , N
or IV. McLaren; the Soa rise; at -ingam it would 'be aboat
the old: being one of our best gle, engine
dingr day, a. privilege, V1110h few cQU- 't onfiineor half atf,hour later, if it.sliould be a
knom-l! citizens In tile .50's to 70'so ples attal Xing, Capt. Jai, Inkatei
arly riseisla Goiie-
Jas. Leonard; the Selbold,.Capt ��r morningI e
He was for many Pears 001MOCOd Peter ch
A F4rowill Presintation to Aft-, GO- Wylie, engineer Aoht, 1s1*ster,. all, rich, it they get to, a point,where
wit�b the Bank of C�witieroo, having , I � . . : .1 1 . i
�Uxu- Davidson fisbint jr) the neighborhood of Gode- they can see the rising sun, will see
been employed lit the Goderich', Of. bents.
aligoville, Brantford and Barrio'brati- I The evening of Frids y 0' Mardi 81sto rich. It is, said there'will b� but one: the sun. rise And In a few nio"A
eased a very pleas4n gatherhuo safli boat Ashing from thig'port,. b0ome.obso�red,again. The event I,%
hes of that inatitution, but was at witu t e*
c weJl.-wprt1h sooi49 ngstop told
Prof. Xi bid I"OW
would be worth:a
the Llofis, in. fact It,
get . ibe
trip, to Niagara jo order to
theFord cti�, go. shi t car—
better view that the later appearance ned on it se a c ar,
of the eclipse at that point would acturately . to one thousandth p art
therd isno possibility -of failure
is itot
rgive, lwap,providod the skV I of an Inch—
to accom lish pai shifX in the,
Ordinarily the
cloudy of * course. 'Void car. p There- a lad change.
.&oon pas;O's abbve oi�. bel6w the dir 6o F�ord front a*le is made to.
t act. line b . etween. the sun:.and the ithatand ShQas and stuailli ten of. clashing, gears in the �Foid
earth: I so thht:no oclipae:bacurs arid, times greater.than aye over met
our oulricvc -if, tR earth is at a point in its orbit
M, .,ter
nearer the siln tharr at other seasons In ordinary usage 000 operations are per
the moon may no -be each
4 Ainks t' th� Ford car!"'compo"Cl'of four fo��ed iii the building of each
t -arg to,caver, the %whole, face of the
VF6; n own e cemplete unite. Power Plant— Ford. chas-ds��
t -nd in tl
iat case, where there
sun a
would other se, b6 a total eclipse, Frout thedative biillding,of Ford
there is a. ring of, light left outside ning Gear—FrWne— closed body retluires, 38' hours
ri�6 of the moon's orb,,
"Ry real boy or under the Uediest tisa�a a he4thy-
th4,circimifere alid 15 minutes. d
r r only five movr uring whith
%V110 1�ai It lit f, 8, �of re- of liand
J.;4 gi. .31 . at boyrwill. givi it..T rame in Pic -
All this Vas sbowu eloirly I
Are . V4 jhe-boii� passes through
bicyclo wg%ts one. Inforc.-d Li nrdj%h Searnlcs��Vublng turos onthe sereen, and feet quire(l_ td occon,
s at a -shift frobi noutra 0, tho -hands of W49 skilled body
are tnarvelg of strqngth� The bear. The colialtion. total !eclipse plish the
if yLour.boy hasn't Prof. Xingston ,aeseribo as wondor!- on car firklisbers�,_
ings., are ef flint-hae'd steel of a,.,*- 2 kr9h a Ford not
orle he must feeUpretty I ful. , Powl go � to, 140st � as for, the
tremo accuracy. Th rims of second*,
blue ts be left behind e night; catt�e in the,fold turn houie�
Lon- as the atirk's disk is
-*vhcn his chums ride _- grovill hard maplo, re excepti .'ward, and just See An'y AuihorkOj Ford Dedler
g4yly off to -u plcnt�, or �V
the corona,-appearai th
Veathe� e bola of - light
in n r1I;
to play ball on the - .0 ,
-h nd the black disk
commons a mile or so proof. whit appears.arou
.[of the moon,
0%vay, or for a jaunt in d 1 s, Professor Ritigston received' the
%vith the adults, ara wArn. thanks of the'Lion% for his
A the countr7, Tlo boys' and
well as t4ul od Zitil
130Y sco, 4anger, vory'lnstiuctlf�e talk. He is a pleai
th.� famous Triplex Crank I inz speaker au4 -in oider to cover his
var bttiir for him 'that malres Oedulling $0 tazsyl' zina, tbject in half o)h Ithur had to speak
st I . I
to be out riding, than. WiV.1 t110 C.0 Al. Hercules' Brake' quite. rapidly. CARS' TRUCKS TRACTORS.
loitering on� a strut c6r31tr. At the ov�ning 1�eture on "the
that c6asts so freely and StOPS So
-Wondorful.Veavens�' Prof.' Xiog9ton,
Cycling is on�of the eleantzt,of 0, had a. subject so' vast that, in order
ts. and There s a rnodh ior your boy to confine bix talk,to anhour and a
its your bO'V'. Nvitatever his ge—including the halt, lie bad again �o speak. rayn-AX,
teasur, and better a and repeatedly he would dismiss,*74at
will, r"eive from riding wita tile Curved Bar model, the bicycle the
Vow, wad.a would, make a lecture in itself by say.
Scoutis', or with toy of the other dashlnft Ing that we could uot Stop to talk
toy Nvon't outIg
'Sport AjoOol'for tho older boys and about that tonight.
tt�nftrd of boyhood
adults, Also nea,t* trim models for Pkok Kingston. -started by talkluir
in Cgftada, v�jll reony, many times - t $15 to $20 less about meteors, or shooting stars as
O$t of a C.C.M.r. an
vot, the s 10. C: they are often . popularly called, I"
than the "PPAICI, pricose A Big DOI.
reaty they are not, stars at all, but,
larls,,Value for every dol- small particles of matter more like'
JUSt t1lint.- of th� w1joop of joy jar you Invest in a. C.C.M. grains of solid, which revolve around
your boy wouWlet out toftight it the sun Just -as, do the planots. As.
Take your bq:Vor your
you told hiln yog .Vejo goitt" to.�get several thougand, of these pass in
girl 'with you to thi 23 -hour period, it it Ivere not, for our
hn a bicycle. Vhm-1 yen tal"d him
hl dealer's. Get the "�mau"pl%4�, hullian 'b�ibgs�would bo
dawa to the 104A dcalar'o to pliek in-:'aangei of bvin� pierced. by these
bicycla'ilow and let him
it out ho, vn1l:be the hap. leaf boy have bedrf,'.appointed Exclusive
P enjoy -A -whol long sea-� �arifcicx for at the Speed' at which
ill town. %ey Aravel, thoy would -.go clean WE
catht Dstributors in this distn*et for the
eon's rAeasure. You caA throustli floy body. Aalialf of our at -
o is a bev.r pay in ff.100WM. 01*1%$ it wilosphere is Vmthin bl�, miles of the
the famous
y 1924 Seas6ri for
�for punblatiieftt, It',VVill Stal-d Up eavtb. sind balfo(
(be iomalfling IVr-
tion in th`�uext 34 miles,aud so on,
distatice of 60 wiles from. ibb eartli's
C surface, and as these me a b&%voe q quo
KWV X T. lUb very. little Atiftosphero at a
Holden inmo
visibIc! owing to the hex. �ttusfd by
M the hiction of passing through tho letle :S4�_
-omparat ely
air, they are only a k IV ftnd will, earry'& m tuck
—RED 81RD few V111103 from, the 09fth when t4y
J PERPEcr— Mmmy
aw obArve& %lien there aro larger
bodies, weighbig several pounds
q (""t "VELAAW—COL-UMBIA Let us book your order now for, delivery
LC 0 0
which sometimes 8trIkA,, the carth,
A —ril or May. Me will guarantee
The Ct-nada Cycle Motor c4pany, Limited wilich we eaft metorites. in, Akjp
Going further front the
delivery if
next body we came to is the moort, our present prices tor pring
i the,
WO '1� whiell travdq around the carth'and order, at once.
k J
our view. Some, wonderful phow.
always has the sanve'ai& expoqeil to you place your
prap)Li of the moon wefe thrown op Ames Holden Tires need Ao reconmendation from, us. All
the VC-reen, Showing tho eratere." you neod do is to
Arount, de., 4on its "Andaek" whiell
A CleVe loam� out with sno much detail that the
6 s0etator could look down, some, 4 P E EAR"
tbe�V Mter1q. see th(� nhadmvc."t by
C one vlge of Ae crater over tho lcef�
I%ed jBird, UAIL%& I Blev 8
tr tml eavitV fowards tile ridge oil the TMo DAVIS
, " � I � owsW, "Zd(�. And evell note the Deal,
Accessoriesv Partst I ires and IUD" tvi of,a mountain rishig %ithin tile &derich's Leadi*r Ti' Shop
trater ca that its toli caukht the 14an.
HICYCLO REPAIRW light The nloim�s ersitero are much
than tho-w on the earth. which Gas Ace"sories oil
"MILLER, jpw Michine Shoplar." wut moro thmi throf�r or tnur milr�!
Fo W. Garamft and t�fL -
hm 259W GQDERICH, ONT. Imerm a1v r�o milf"s The tnwo.,.�,
Cor. Victoria ani Usin Am
Lk 1W i
Mob am