The Goderich Star, 1924-02-07, Page 9M GOMICH ST" r"Aft T(M ftr vii kv fAvuik r, liklc`�'(Aff# fit XWMIAVW� I Tvivuto, ak� 44t�u il Misw Vecit i�jliwo Swim of To- U01s; 41 $WtA,u wilitc* Ruetkil, C wt sbw IN tw Tonto bratt'll ill Olympic ligorwSkat, World iii'Aftoruwp4s, 1 -twill, ItaitAU IJUC�JL Ajit 1�iatO 111AIMAX a so itig � omwition. "04is WiNi" council .ch H4v# It Colonial tl4cMars T, U, Tholusis 'Rurk Of J4WUR.� Court, W. U. watwit, Aurora, fouuA dk,A41 Important Events Wh! Get Your Auto Overhaukd 44%sad by tbo aw rijyli trkbUte to %NJ*4Qaj Qj Liu& ;jj',J? ,, Roprwtfilfi % IN cti ja ka Toronto huto, Am bewitiNg Asonalw'' llAg I Occurred Duriing the Week. 114JUm ot W6140. I Urdu b'% 6i;AUCVllOr Marx. bituminous laiuvrs approve 11,61r, im a '140 Al� ( Itil"icia, olgas In FaUtteki kt, ll,tM, tivil Stflivurt. litfl, wi'U."Ja 11ii,tar Wake controict. ego Whose Test is br*%&^ by NOW w 0,3, WWWN flowillsig't Cm�­ 1�,J�, kilt1k.4 4 M;JU, jjjj wife. lift jikjr, flu 'OR scipil'Ack] #j411wVkU vi fkhrmx VIA 410 4,9W out co"011ed Nod ftt Iss# kwdl ltvt- d4ustittm to titil" nxwjy 014 Attractive Sbv* low M'i luicr ltalraiav 111a4uVoll4ld eola- rton WAY, tcw�,; srozen �h t"k-u3, SNRIteba Nio a eelxlt ct m,30�% �1 Let its give you a py'�we uw ava v 11,11 -r Wins 14) j"R 1"41toul for Useal vtar. (0 ko *rzke up ia the Scorn. PA ared As When thr!f agi te In$ Perusal lit tko F.Mkr* of Our to Varopean powtrs. i-FVAZ citma V;AW Wor wa,, da,rn��v 14tvveU *S;lilers jitfilih wb('11 [jf_4;4J8 1! beuvr job. - r Went tor kit, INspor. 184. Michaello i3eat V.T.s,,. Toronto' Olirt_,;mra's wrct-, A 41 ba" g;�,at In 111ay We Can 011fer flit, 4DIA praceftj I'm. 4 UAC - V.0. beats Parkdale, and Aur;A Lco. r'7 J11FT, 13.4t cip, Viw4a Nat Great livitaill. 19 to ItUrbed, w�rtpl;!Vjft tttcep bacL axajx, TUFNDAY. itc6eats V. UZ 'a'. jw-Wrs. ­wA z -,t lj it# �,tok4vr, israinig U. 1.4. beat swftiva 1.14 to U. It thv�r will Only L'so X11burn"pl. Hes;,tt CN.R. ilier kills boy at CoMirne. Ddllws btawartt Illirtlini;, dauglitEr. NOVA pcotla Inluero 41, 'Fil .4 oulploy. Lqpndon. Ont., bo� �skgtcs tlzwouj�b of goVerr�or oF tht) J�c4eraj r('qQCAt7 lior raumid(d un -1 to f.,*oUvr 4%, Voutro�aj Xi)ndlty. Nervo, vjjlv�, -I Somial Rato on General OveAaul Wr ork ();Z These rills britt the 110io In tee. Bank. aostoti, 1�optwftx Suicide. 1;o; Ma Qr sewu Conivatty illakos cquteWogs to WN"N"13AY. 0 w�,Atlng to emostato to J_�sinsiqj;i. night's rest, b.,toL by flieproviRg t1ke lsldup�- Intutra. Vrvueil Alreallel ocuejt� %I'Arent Allebardop Vnill , a r�t;,kr. *01410 Of tit' AtUCS And stVe.1kqthQnj1jg (Itrinaus 'puy expensivo fars ill Britain will, not eoll verimu od -11.-- ­ 1, lopes ulth inuk IT. lighter. Winter'Storage for Batteries shares. reply to lettcr fret" nrltUh PrUi-V " eepk 0 - Loudon maruct. tlr( .. &r Haniva tka, heart, skutl titerv;)y laawar-ttle V03111filon 1� J. 0. Anderson %vins, Auntralian . y Macolingid wcl� goelal. Service Congress vara("a V. S. Atuba0eador Kellogg. Vkoe g0tev Work in harmorty. openkAt St. J03a, %73). singlee title. Forgustin 01l?l1n(% polieli's UcLaugklin High Grade Cars Urs. ly. J. aryee. Port Art � t3VTlQ10P Of 390 ba6.N' 81191104 15 lal �41 OKWU CQUOUGtor retircs after 44 "roallot Volue scandal to lic for developkient of olitgou it, vism4at N17c.itrAl With In wcatera Ontario. Come in alld hii)k thetil over. hurl novelty In. 104to. - at Unwiltoul 031t., writ".�491 -was so nervous I rAtrd In eourta of U. R. Fcar for doelo:rsl btrike on wage Minor changes to Amumnuent Prelulel- MacDoatild'ii totitr to crutuent "0"" COU141 Pot AeOV at Vigbt. I WUS % Act riald to Ito lik0r. Mineare outilain forolp pollQy tit 0%'�VVP1UU ChAllgQ11 to rffC(-t CCOUQWr, Qwv�lion dthturblur, Uritaln. Labor In aritain re. ON,, and Accessories troubled with faixt axA diz;7.y vspellil, 10ifteeu people were. injured Ila Seetind wiethil of Iulnu light at Labor Aloverall)"Ok. ­)tnjIzvs Soviet Itilftlaut Govvranio nors on.,; licadiebea, would kqt4rt up, bt C. South Porcupine Iti 4ead. The .0vtnioust sittilenient Ut. wrvc6, near Calgary 4lrj%t#3jj co . &r leg, Mira- Lee and V. of T. win 0.11.A. fet-iij London. klng., wlilltn;jA, a, 1. �;t� MWA U"y sleep onir sere ("winda, defeats ezvelloslovakla In 0 ki I aks M Qrd jump, up,, hockey tournament. venior group No, I cattle$ (lie death of two Iumdgt,;m boy* .. 101, to vile4t allust-, ot vlub liquor -and Ike lfaat Uttj� 110iff'o Would put meffor"ll Ale6loriAl School In Onrtrw lity 11 Iteport1putilf4wit In LoOdou 'Na't jGodertch Witter who whi-fred erves on edge. I wt nt tp sco illy A"to awl tried his Ill rAilway strike has been BetIled. 03hawa Is 901.1lially opened. Canada tteats Switzorforld, 3&I't to 0j, "llonle" boy, Is 0(tatcarea to P. It, Cor Wo M BELL r � cd1eine, but jj Lz4bor Party in Ontarl* Legislature W-pal'tizon toal. In viyultile Iloclivy, tourthly, V. .4. t1vo muths. Ididn't 6celu to do we anV, gova. At will hold alool froru otber partiva.' lul'ItWe .111 TmVot. Dowe ocandal. wins front Pratice, kind Urcut Britain Sterling exeligage jumpti rvo ci ow" Ust X went to the dral; store and got Ottawa, orde Calladirm SaUtioul gailway:qlacti Meats Beluitiol, , - , V14 to 4iscontinuance ot eaused by atitiolluceultnt r -.AST ST. OARAGEV box Of 41burnis Heirt uIttl N-OTrIk vustultia elvaring of 41Y froul Petite build"" In Paris soutut r"0941tion of U1160ta. PAIN an4 whell.�T found they Ivere 1,L'Qtel,, Pogk-Uottom 14 Western vitualla "last post** arountl, 'the arialle Ot judge throlva out e;kov at Toronto avo prPtiaring to 1,eturit to nita!�,ja, 414ilig 1" .1*40011 centiulted their it". Wbolesule'u:qe of jo4lne 15 oilpored Charles 1. at Londou and cmka�e a de - I have takon four boxes, ap(7 �uli now by bledical tlealth Ofte of Sault Ste. Toronto girlm' aud Hantlitaik C.1, Lnkw, tn the House. wbleh husband seeke dainkigra fur lie do n nit4a sleep w4ttlont 411T Uoy, 4111-Autiolt of hts witc's afftettookm troll. Marie, : s' relay tq4ram beate;l at '.Nlpw 1,11011AY. l'obert It. 'Moorcgor declared uu- The crop is shcort but there Pi u me 0' yorlt, 4t . vu, kle, anti bay$ xo*e of those dGy and New sche roposed to IWO 141- Natural Gas Iloard zilti; 4 Chi.t. se;itrd aq joil-st VA-Puty lzettvc. or I"lar'; nerrous bliells, T hava certainly lAnd calkholan clues access to the �Xbrfolk.fitriuerfil Insurance com. haill.- Y-ivk t . mr.ablil U%ving to raet hit w1w ty *.11uugh cotton to preaelve the nur-41 It v g"VI Nvollitt"nave her Molloy 410 found your ta)io 4 or Atlantic. Puny rLworts unusually lleavy Il...0 1-tudary curicra, witit I livee troldii, o iud rina, it would - ,fill olle.0" Prentler King -talbi detiarttus Soo$. v, tool, tmett it ;it tjitlk� of 111B t,it (,Itoll. uy ber own dinur 11A talo, hera(;1611r, to pay for it. Hilburnlo Hftrt xna Nom lieftils tn colifpronce to cut civil ser t1ense'fooling over prolloisial 'Ot t4tielice m4rriar bt ,: is annullod Vre Me. M box Vt all 4eoletsi. or= pillo, viet. costs. ompliton, to tweetle front C01111ty Of cuk,;4'. Svoijaw! dervatol 3� to 10. 4W ' , Imile was duvellved. Wifict 'an r0pelpt of price ty Us T. Through the tillne explosion at Peele. culted Stllt(-I� defirlats llrttali-. Ili A:UrW%I)jqll8 tibli'lliated trow Lug- - Shanktowit, Pa., 110 children are polneare's �euenllppl delay debate Olympic 1100ov tourtfaint'la. ibzli Ctq) compottraw. 30burtt Co.. Lt4., Uronto, 00, theriess on tax Isropouds. by Wrilducing side Frene:1 aluthorit; on epLuklepsy ras.�4 al(q. "IssUos. out4 ollE ne �,op art: Gertie 'Whitely, lulatv*,�A, $or 'a burlea 411Rv. Of4r. DOMINION EXPRESS 0 =0=0 il.-WWO V411, ;. !, MoQa(+ at Atliahasep. wain shot 4oad Din 110al(hri strow path% or'�Wl Utiaftoiia it, ztki�s half t ininiott naj. .... -k tt, ivia, publican Varty In 11rk!Wdeuttal cam� tiL tit thret.- amahis' 11quor il4i'd-je. a4.,L, .11 1. 4c,t mu'V12140" Voltnf." Own and yuung ME AVOROC, POWER MONEY ORDER pidga. Julialtry alid h�wbv ;-tt� tl,%*-,',�� isv.d 4#1 %_ol "a hro: watilell for jlusinon% which 1% tl;�; Qrouv of OntaVto 'farm Cajltlea�,,i uwato"41! KOMS MWER: Whose Halt If the ers 4114 44., 11 � .1", Rook Ilion vittertalueti At (mt ermtwilt t't%-.4V4t A?) Ilroliuse W I, 4%;Lt 41hi V 1.1 'Na. WC., 1.�sist gradmates to positiolis DOMIN!�'N LXP�,` A�.,Nk';� 34PIZA IN voutrol alitl Olit-IM1011 (A Atilitt aill y haw -netival traill. uc, lt�ckk tho" A Ill XIc Ili- tvhleh onfiNeg' t1wtri Ni invel gem I allt, _Xorrollt and WattIrlot) I, Ut Child Is IN1106to 9 1.4 C, 1. tional L&ag �!nitntl(,8 lil.gp devvlopra�:ixt uj, pt�jt Gill hok-kit... ;W4 'OOK V Axwthet- firy Ili ba-4ollik-lit dlocovor- til -s. with neecan. Stuewnts tire r- 0 N. ed tit nciv 0ttaWLL 1. The success of your clij)d's. futu. re DONY" 11116or. 0411wwa authtd,11.1k 9 dISPON vi %lil., . glistored ('ach NVQQI�. Opt our fivo 1�61y dependent upon'its present AU,.waret Dondfielb goes to ot�n(iva ButitliNgs. tit) ot alevaGI iral)(jr(t4 trolli 1,1.lttfl ­tnlogup ond learli, "O"loWriq i. i's lar t T. SWARTS licalill. The time to watch its bed1th 0 41-91t,190 AlW34,.4 q ' I , Interautlonul U18ter inspector of constabulary bout our dit6rent departmvzvi�. is '10jile it is young��durjllg the grojj_ Label- Coagrous... - (;ftys uordel- jtjioaj are tilled witil vrue. efrorta of Vederal uvv� 'ELE"HICITY, Rttnis.q 4viAcOoll.lid glt ig age. Oive a boy ot- girl licalth �s YS Ovvprn� -t, priliti(thk .rk..11qt ate Ival, 4 coualled to CIVIL Nto AC A D. A. L. 111. k Auto and porse -hi a ioundatioil. *and their iunirc is fair. nit uill viviAls up DrItfith I,w:-3 1111 dletribialoix tit ly.:wcll assured. Isn't Welicate licalth Radical elt, sclIOU4 grausi COUtt.11)II)LIM'd uv P"er;- Frawco dt,0441 to viii, t.,trjAr on in 4:hUrcil. sommitn" ilie result of CAMW3 ' Witt (Aj0l'.L i1vitatil lic"at e.i1elit.% ail kid to Stab W 4 gwwn (r6w!rIldlent. tinintentional neglect', Parrius oft6l Sm-t'(wa ;,-ut eralw�*. I.C."I)ectively, 14. ktecervjldtl�4 on "liquor quc.'Aloti disimiss Owse troubles with the re�,,. v,-ttiCs, to 1. -v Inark, 4411 be all right tonior- Y -M, to have lier- ONMAker a Alous f0re('Wit. 14 RP(%eh. frow Theoitc. In Notne Ilank (lepooltom I lAtur t tit' 041ova dilrillghe CANADIAN NITIC140, rjw." Dr�%vsiiivqs, wcakness, lack, of I v. o rc.'o'k be Im to Pelfv Tarltdaiv C4900 I -lDf enCrj,1Y, 10AS of alillelltv, itlablility --_ro4 it) i Ut, VV�X- 130NOvit. notod eu0neer of TRAIN SERVICE to TORONT01 in Moy I . Uviiartwout of Cara'S, t to study anti �oncelllrate�, etc.. *toll. z.4 -k ot Sundoty, r Ir cl.,!dreo are . dtie to ilt-health. L!,q. owv t4omaU z 4. 1.1 tt" q1tt Ott y4l), 'My r0ft,- Vorfy-six dwasand dollars dive suddenb% V411 1. .1 :,to (!X.1 Ill oally 1hrliat the child. boy or girl, >�ror Or squire- was 1161 IV- Dr. G. C, Urcelia'All", ill NewcapAlo Lve, Cmlorivh 01 Ott .4 Its, !�..20 lt t1l.j ticeds is a tonic.. Cartiol bas ',otked Jaw C itlth-410ti­ �rolll threa cor4t.d. It, stevl etojupanvlo books. nddro44, deqlares Jnertatsud iltivolgTa� I., , Usses meet 110t I riosto �*044 .1intolt t ) 1� ,) , 1 .4 ).1.114 pAnSS ago.r 110141ifi wojldcr� ai. a tonic with childmn. 'evlzjl,4#� !4,rru.sw ImIV;;�abillty or 0ov- tion Imperative. t 149111'e�i given tO trultj^Arors Read what Carnot did for Nits, Ida %houlng and twWrig - I it gt is wom IV4; Saw. Harri's claims Otltal*jo loops forth ivill. n1low ullddx�nia va Wo Mite's little girl : dutiVr Of Nlagal'a Plunis and, Veacht-_s of. Mitelioll -7.04 %111. :1. 1 1.1 port the Own - �Ior I k I.: I 1 4 1.1 ot d 7 .10 :k, 10 41 1. a*m NCF,y glad to be able to IA'Itisli lu'railliv Steel publlsjl(-� Its tur IndUstry. trains m 0. T. R..or C. $0. spp, to any parent and explain io tit!n), Sedtilsh C�p tie g;jjIlt_jj rc, lehedule of wtigeu Paid to into .20 a.11). 5.20 Depots. cj.$ Interosting coke eyperintents to be, Orti: ;iy litAle girl has bee VV 11 Coln- Played. a-ieragio wago -.17 working Ithells0d In R1111111ton to -4-4y by Uua)ph .4-45 1 in* 1), 5 0 1). Piromot servic,44mt pictely restored to licalth by the,use lkra6fer. or N�mayk li4seblll Qlub days- Federal off1clats. itlsh' suprentacy -in nuanc Toronto 10.10 min; 7.40, p. tit, of Carnol. 81he bus been frow in Carefu I Attk-n 4441ceu, is completed. U1 j.,11 Poroes combating uprising of rell- fancy ti, Nveat-, ddicate child and vay George Webber, or'logersoll, kill . ed world being clialleagea by Vilitc(I 9lQus fanatics In Phillitipines,slaugh� Retit.) n1lug"-Lii-m) Toronto 6-5ff twn,-o 4heipar than goal or WoDd ner�,011s, but tbe � use � of carnol has and Holland, says Sir Harry ter 1,800 Of thelil. pall. aniVGj.Q IlInv- `0 11DUr Ll%fiWY, �fiif "k, %t�vrvlci. by L�dl),nj; tree, -%atO$ - 14 L onjy completcly strengtfiened her, a 1100_k�rriest Lapointe is, now Min- of 'Convealedi Cap, 010 Nat restored tier to perfect ll�laltll. Ister of Justice. Judgment of First Divisional Court �ults'in brief halt ot Ttapdt Dolne Pal -lot Cafe 1) Tor will, b* NOW kit%,ka-4*#o recounnend Carnol to all, mothers litn. on 111Qi'ljj)jg trail), J111t] 'I74k)j'j)jtt11[ lot , 4 Ve#*V - ro-4.00cl_ �iwod(-U� InVitei Canada for C�jli_ (11ititles -loine rectors to Ott leases investigation, Simi e. am- �vjlcneycr a sale atid vffectiv� ti Goderich f) ST01M . "n" bil.16ii hockey gain k;lwody trhil -by Coulity Court judge otuada wins world horkey ch Voa(.11 (joderjell t is necdcd,"-Mrs. Ida Waite,. 5 1, - . d 0anadlens wili Xa- Arithout jury. I)Ionship by deteatirig 11nited. States, Through o Torooto Your toNtrojinat 'Afootilea THE RYON, tult. Street, Halifax. 1675 %)tt"`W`tt all tional League giales. Carti'61 is sold by all good druggist's lival, 6 -to 1. T' $Pv�Qial vreforvuetv t1raws Impoij Business in are. told Labor 1,'% 11. 1 4tWj(EVCU, 04 .4 () N .R 1,J W, A t�Tr,� Britain fsAwpro*1ng, 1pitit".. fill "."t idt, it, v I Torte ' i '111rient Avill not conside;- giving', row Ila j�r And"ricIMA AR�111% S wft� by-elec"Ort in 1 0116111 Govel n $5en #or sale at Campbell s. Drug Store.. "'it"ilsignal. Votioter, rom-ra ure- 1;ng. subsidles at,, iu-xlug food luiportit. 'Phone 8 The large iwnr -Walto iihow O'hout two y"Mr, The Ciradiats Piidjlo� X.11, Itator !%%. hundred yeam at growth The ittauller im- of =14 the C.P.134S. FJNO� cesar. In Vlotorls. harbor da.routo to Xyda -a inawmath -which had lieint.at.. for biaiigarlition of Yoncouvor 101641% Draw of laritain examine Itolling)tat" Aptoingkile, forty NdrVleo� 7-M Am f"t Ciivadlan 1? 1. Ullway %lalottok which cover their 6,010 itille twr of Canaft and tk* United Stat". L 0 At Aw ap At"Als �.pA A W" Ps' If, 11 *11 Wko 'IQ A , F;r�;2, a" 0 8 �It 01 N lFry .. ....... .. A.