The Goderich Star, 1924-02-07, Page 8kp_4
bat,�7een'tbexjf- two
_WW people to travel nine thousand miles In these
goluts, according to the trt0lo i
Sir Lown P. -brodeur, it -is retired days of r4pid and easy transportation is a fre. experts of the Cana jan "'acift
pis FOR I
c Railway, officers at I,
7 qUeut 9,courvence, but fox, three children under jiftean which company looked after the welfar4 of the eWl;,l
Willie Rjt0l%,.0f 11le Finnish Amerloan Athletic from. tho Supreine Goin t to be. Mlle. Hebe Vere, uaiversall�y considered. the most Years of ago. to do so unaecompanjed by'an adtilt is dron thrdughout,their journey. From jAc�xouvjllo thiu
ClUbi'. has� startled, his clubtfiAtes by 4nnouncino, e0me li0itfOn'"t-t10yernor of Qao- liesttitf(Ul gRI in Franw, has marpied. Arthur A. -iunusux1 it nothing else. More remarki0a 'till 11 the (revelled to Chicago on the MXle FlIer. 'rm thcral
tifact that one trio of youngsters who covered m6re thi.13' travelled via, Capadjan pactf;qc
jtb$Lr& this taWt -no in, - r� they L
for. F peo, He subeeed,; Sir Charles ' Kingsland, son -of a prominent New* York stnee alone,�Jacl; Tui r, aged fiftee Mw to vancouvom I
that hevould %.I .1"laild to compete InAlw" 'Ind transferreIi, tQ.the Canadian paolfje� S.S,, I
Paris Uyinpic jg.i Os:` He had intended riltinim'r Fitz trick, a 'notable fignro In May
PA ,,his ten-yqgr.old sister, and Richard, agetl fogr, "ZI n1press of Aussla.11 They left Jacksonville ou D#.',
for 1�4 V. $It,, b4t Wething!has cliangedo Ns mind. publie 140� Paris famiky. Ar4ve led from , J"Icsonvillei Florida, to ShinghAl, c0irlier 21st, arrWhIR at Shanghai onjanAarr, uth
'ChIA4, withbut one chauge of ettrs, and one. ellargo covering. the distance of 9,1$3 mil4i -in It 114 e ovok"
T46r the steamer. making the tr.o on recox 4, tiriguty-fine days.
6, 1 ".� , . I : . I - 11-1r, � I-, 1.i� :,:"- �� 1!.
1. B. Gugholf has'retatu�4 to Ills
nativ6�duntry of Bulgaria and is: aid,
ing in th� formation of A un -i". par#
ty. Ile was sentinced to. hn I J)risono
�shows p4rt of' t1v `AVIIiiallitn" fleet whi& is ell ge ill tbz 1-1161,ruthtini tradc toont by th�.&rmer ov'"riment,,but
ncquver and.Anweickall 11pits It a! to lv� "lega tvntil'th� boarila–, ',s crossiod. 6ea 'ttbift Oe count0,
Alfred T, Moore, head"oUthe Waif str . . . . ..... .
....... ..
..... ....
.1 Cet tipping ------ 4
bureau,. Claims -it *as or). cable information.sup-". Hon. A. M. artiste, millionaire sljlpowner,� of
jjy..kL at! 9 n U
plied I bigla6d, and, brotber-tn-la�v, of Lord,,- Plifle, is
in d ' y't; Ma 1111a that Lie t. Wood,, -
:son of the gov�rnor-geoeral. of the Philippines; cycle addict.� No car cafi tempt him to forsake
hisbicycle, and he rides astfide it to fits office In.
made a f6rtunt IV stIpcilla'U"an'
QI -onddn, daily.-.:'
Art of'.31000 Christicta across the Tigri,�;;Jrow the city of ltoinlL
h"" T' if
H -tisk I
unt e, 'A y Veteran of t e: ra
0 00 i
IM to thn Chsteaq Ftftteuge at Quebee 'VeTY Youvit- Ris training wag e tie but t
And ' lly, th0ft lVinterr VS* 4M 00 'Well did he %eq air W so!]
tq" that mounted Pollee wrote,of 1 04
Carttiul ther6 1aVebru*ry havat a tre,%t in gtor46 for missed A VAtTol or J*en, * day houl never
tbom—that of driving behind a t*&I northern dor llau AIM." d;ty sll
ttx*o led by Otte of the treAtest huskles; "in the #bus,* 1% is it rest rolicentill and no In . eid M046 fiero,
hem so mountie, tm latest se"Isition to the teala. m -worker tot yearit -with the goMrk
November It -was found tv"etmU to wuiv a _des of r,%Wh jM#n
As l)tWPAte4 Vitl0etAld and Awr heroic trail.
;r,ew I#Ad#r for tht Chateau FftMense buskles. It vs% makers of CarAda's glorioug gotps, A comrade grown
doeWi tbitt'nom but t1ke very best availshle would old in battling through snow slid orrA on the Kine*
do. Wires and letters were sent broa&ast throulth. buoin"s tot the Inginten&TWe of 16 right.
OUC the C-s"Adisn: 8iih-Arttle to Edmonton# L6 :P*% Hountle, as Opeof thd fittelt hVitles ever I.,epton
JP,Dtt M0 40M, AM Peftee River; in fact, to pvery the bookft of t
)* 00ft, is a rda"Ricent-lookin, rel,
Point whertea, a husky 6f muittble standard might bit lowt a dark Vey xhmt with 8hi"11% slit tyes, "Intod
waved. It WAR only after a thm weeks' search loy fAvs, Avid *Utli, thkk tat and eleArkling fangs. TWO
V[Aftr authorities on huskies that Xouutie� 'was tvfntu- Is AbOlAt 111ft more thim a breath of the keen,
AlTy ae-urtd, at to rts, Xanitobok, the Ptic-e Phill Imita Aretic winds aw r0l"Ance,
t"Atly exet*ding that usuAlly Rivon. fftlh the X0"ted I to Oy* is rot xWbTjsQ;t4 leaph,
It was & rejkl stmke t4 Wok vhielt *,ecurej this a4how *I*ftwer lAllee that uht has 41*41# bott
hag bet,, &ralt,,
`sPU"4l41 Aftimul, $Or he 11% A vC Ma Of th# rof thOr" And cajAbilltlos.m , 1)6th from &PPL _6
troult and. mor# thaot t%_f, as 10k, name 10*1100, The work sit the elw fau'Fronton" be PU
�48_40" ew lj�,sll his Aervict with tho *601 TAY to xviatio soft i aftawt. &.It I.-
xW orwnwily Uvw in t1le tat ftt 4W WIL5 "vow7g,
T?* DrWA* ffd$bW HUCkleigh is lXrft!nd Art the 'L(MA Isla"a SAndsand tbreAtentj 'Xith d0ftw,64111 frOM thCP0UQift9 sea!4� AUMpts 1A_t-&*x,WX!Xtj, ""0111 t4he"fK`7r* 1416111rlib", he Wat �oa well of tho P"Ji.
-tim, Owvw Grt;4� or tmt fanovi twoo, 1 4) Of CAM" AM bas r&W MA arA tw low
to Ttkw wkkk were at Amt lhoqbt swtsiful. bler prov fort U ww
f, U% 7. _.t, .,_ _a
- - -:; - - W.-7 --
, MM
t gg
.it,- -g.
Alfred T, Moore, head"oUthe Waif str . . . . ..... .
....... ..
..... ....
.1 Cet tipping ------ 4
bureau,. Claims -it *as or). cable information.sup-". Hon. A. M. artiste, millionaire sljlpowner,� of
jjy..kL at! 9 n U
plied I bigla6d, and, brotber-tn-la�v, of Lord,,- Plifle, is
in d ' y't; Ma 1111a that Lie t. Wood,, -
:son of the gov�rnor-geoeral. of the Philippines; cycle addict.� No car cafi tempt him to forsake
hisbicycle, and he rides astfide it to fits office In.
made a f6rtunt IV stIpcilla'U"an'
QI -onddn, daily.-.:'
Art of'.31000 Christicta across the Tigri,�;;Jrow the city of ltoinlL
h"" T' if
H -tisk I
unt e, 'A y Veteran of t e: ra
0 00 i
IM to thn Chsteaq Ftftteuge at Quebee 'VeTY Youvit- Ris training wag e tie but t
And ' lly, th0ft lVinterr VS* 4M 00 'Well did he %eq air W so!]
tq" that mounted Pollee wrote,of 1 04
Carttiul ther6 1aVebru*ry havat a tre,%t in gtor46 for missed A VAtTol or J*en, * day houl never
tbom—that of driving behind a t*&I northern dor llau AIM." d;ty sll
ttx*o led by Otte of the treAtest huskles; "in the #bus,* 1% is it rest rolicentill and no In . eid M046 fiero,
hem so mountie, tm latest se"Isition to the teala. m -worker tot yearit -with the goMrk
November It -was found tv"etmU to wuiv a _des of r,%Wh jM#n
As l)tWPAte4 Vitl0etAld and Awr heroic trail.
;r,ew I#Ad#r for tht Chateau FftMense buskles. It vs% makers of CarAda's glorioug gotps, A comrade grown
doeWi tbitt'nom but t1ke very best availshle would old in battling through snow slid orrA on the Kine*
do. Wires and letters were sent broa&ast throulth. buoin"s tot the Inginten&TWe of 16 right.
OUC the C-s"Adisn: 8iih-Arttle to Edmonton# L6 :P*% Hountle, as Opeof thd fittelt hVitles ever I.,epton
JP,Dtt M0 40M, AM Peftee River; in fact, to pvery the bookft of t
)* 00ft, is a rda"Ricent-lookin, rel,
Point whertea, a husky 6f muittble standard might bit lowt a dark Vey xhmt with 8hi"11% slit tyes, "Intod
waved. It WAR only after a thm weeks' search loy fAvs, Avid *Utli, thkk tat and eleArkling fangs. TWO
V[Aftr authorities on huskies that Xouutie� 'was tvfntu- Is AbOlAt 111ft more thim a breath of the keen,
AlTy ae-urtd, at to rts, Xanitobok, the Ptic-e Phill Imita Aretic winds aw r0l"Ance,
t"Atly exet*ding that usuAlly Rivon. fftlh the X0"ted I to Oy* is rot xWbTjsQ;t4 leaph,
It was & rejkl stmke t4 Wok vhielt *,ecurej this a4how *I*ftwer lAllee that uht has 41*41# bott
hag bet,, &ralt,,
`sPU"4l41 Aftimul, $Or he 11% A vC Ma Of th# rof thOr" And cajAbilltlos.m , 1)6th from &PPL _6
troult and. mor# thaot t%_f, as 10k, name 10*1100, The work sit the elw fau'Fronton" be PU
�48_40" ew lj�,sll his Aervict with tho *601 TAY to xviatio soft i aftawt. &.It I.-
xW orwnwily Uvw in t1le tat ftt 4W WIL5 "vow7g,
T?* DrWA* ffd$bW HUCkleigh is lXrft!nd Art the 'L(MA Isla"a SAndsand tbreAtentj 'Xith d0ftw,64111 frOM thCP0UQift9 sea!4� AUMpts 1A_t-&*x,WX!Xtj, ""0111 t4he"fK`7r* 1416111rlib", he Wat �oa well of tho P"Ji.
-tim, Owvw Grt;4� or tmt fanovi twoo, 1 4) Of CAM" AM bas r&W MA arA tw low
to Ttkw wkkk were at Amt lhoqbt swtsiful. bler prov fort U ww
f, U% 7. _.t, .,_ _a
- - -:; - - W.-7 --