The Goderich Star, 1924-02-07, Page 5_-:T ipmarm THE GODERIC711 STAR URSDAY, FM Itit, ItM3. 0_0 -10 - JASislature to cov*ffidate the An OPPlicatiw, from Xr- W, (",AMP OF KEEWATIN3 VISIT Atbt and at the, saaw titne letting in P64ham wita for batkUng Pertait, for thin Wgic of the u-,tdge. Hio an- *11teratioas at his biew store Frem!" t Halt A* latert6tialt Story to T01 of GREAU" INTEREST IN RESULI-iff SATURDAY L5 THE LAST IDAY Winced that %iiiiever Ztioa the W, avid was rderred to thv fire coia- %he Grtat Nartillawi of 00atio, council took Lic, would not scirept One mittke. arA ChurtWs 'W",ork Thcre %r �Ceht. To Colleet. Taxts Twice a Ycar NATED D06i Wputy Rcc��.v munnings -aid W7 T -ho finaret, reported 1'�, Much intcrest Was, t4ell �n "ll the SYRUP USED of U1 R Worship had covercd the groun ret. 111tetings ill town addrcssci by llish ty thoroughly. ITO conswereddip r"- follows - 0 c"Very kkapot%hiell littro % ttov*1i tui Gard" Cou Special Offer ther a poor policy to addhalf a n4l That tb4 csjm of $250 bits been 40- uP I.)CwdRcF Of tile 1-)":` `f Kc - 1hey Now Un fW l'otirli" lecived from the rCTrCZt1on Flax rel, �Iatm Ort Friday tast. ?MOM -Sr"; filvai0hei tW "crettorol thAt arf 4*VAB to tho tax rate for the sak� of renult-1- UP L , projmr d4lwiau a*( i'sith .--g Tt.IaQh1"0 Company as rent to, At the tons Club lunclicou at iwoti S($094- Tf6A 11011- tial V so We �L!re giving away FREE lerittion for the members. Last F04"." jin. 31A, 1924. he,, was intr4aced fly Vhicf V. R. VJ0. N"Voliaoss Asi 1001it' Al%0, NQT14L I(%_#f Wjppl*,* 4b( when. it was proposed to build a V4%ult, We have exarained the statejncvt,.i `8*unders as the Bishop of XecwatIl C heilro0iiQuil nature uwji tit lutwicaw yow One Sm TO* of MAG-L&C Tooth PaSte or at a cost of $250, which was nQccn- 91110mift.. bowelf# W thVA they "a fuovo nowraliv -41 1 from the Hjuik of 31ontrt�&l nra froni (pronouncing the 4 10DR), %hich OUN 941100V &VAI IRAU1411V #V0Q+- tUV� And One soc Titboof COLONIAL CLUSShavitig Crealil jwry for the sefe keeping of inallY A - 0 tbO Vnion Bank, showing the staud� bishop commented on 9% king for- flow "a yourt Uv�,r Xw thowtboo tklW. Vvi'th every plirchase of Irioble, MOW% it was COUA416d that Ing of the town accolluts As On Mr, vtct' 1�t;u&lly he he" the **W-" BUILDS UP SYS12114 ploperly'voliva it Rok."Va to bo 41"asiat this was too much money 'to spewis re -commend that they pronounced with the bro" 14 sourd, 0"d W"I? Tile re:1111t P4 Ll ou 01tva %V&kt: PT r and now the council was proposing 315t, and we Keewatin Is crez) In4laus IA114 mc;ms INCREASES STRENGTH up feeling doll anit tived allit Imiluentiv be filcO. I, j 1�- -Wo''. , %OIUJD to spend ten, eleven or twelve hun- n north wind, lit statcd. But thotigh miffer froul one of more sv. laptowat suet, A GARDEN COURT TOLETARTI WV have qxaminct!l the tax VO ('c I With, mell Awl women 14 all W*lk4 ot AS sick be"'Jac dred dollars for its, Own rotilinera- tors btatement of January 18th it lie had come front the land of the, life 1pointlog to their OW4 Allifek reliet, hes, aelil stms&6 gas, - tion, recommended that it W filed- north wind be had Seen nothim; like there is little wouder that evervoue 1, Constipation, CQUIS. or a aliovifl-luv, upfiet oil; STOP THAT BARK KLEAROIDS or dated 4r%li. 24th. j the MONY Or AMU 110 halt seen 8111190 talking aboottliessrup used 'by Dr. Trial Gitilwastoo A Man WorthF of His Hire 'We have a )Ott -malit Ift a With White Pine and For The Voice and Councll�or Humber, one, Of thelfrom the solicitor About for I'll ies, coming into Huron, In this county Tri*ehort or that iltuggists relu, Cet quick voller urself, Txv juPA w a milso a uw� "I clinjuplous of the indemulty, said oth- required In a bylaw to Provide funds he felt very u%uQh at home becuuse vouitillit I e I Its stioonful of Dr. *Thaebek'ti JAC&I AW SprUce Hals�xu Throat or places were doing it and he consid- for a now waterworks intake, artl he once lived in the county. Thtso people have 40moilstrated WAD 131004 sy'kap, afterthe ue-,m few looms 10 cred it absolutely fair and that the we recommend that the solicitor pre- The Bishop pointed out the vast. I Rymptoms such as those dewribed *bove be are eften the r6ult of a sluggish conill, cleariso and torte Irour ""ve"ok' P time bad conle when a man should -be ire %he necessary bslaw. ness of his ditice3o in which scientNts tiou ot tile liver. They now know that Naturc voar systeal. Somin dill consido , red wotthy of his hire. p We have a letter dated Jan, 94th were exploring its resources, boun� rclief comes (julefily when the liver I$ the Is tuo W&V )011 MM 17%F rice to darles, And gcograpb�,. The Indian cat, steep *lid tool. yatt will bs am L 0 C A L' A 4GE"N T S IN GODERICH 'FOR Councillor Platt, who had voted for from the solicitor with refort properly elegused ivith De. ThseliceR the Indemnity in conimittee the Vve-'�procedure to Collect taxes twice ti as he was to be seen in his own cou n- Livor and DI"A syrup. pletely fiatisdod. otborw1w dvillitims &TU IT . toruL V vious, night, said that he had consider. �eur,'and we recommend that thc, try Was very d0terent from the In- Givem Qui -.k Relief Dr. Tbo , 0)11%' laolley% Dr. . Thacher's, L'iver. and' Blood Syrup as here . #W,,P'4 Liver and Montt OYn*, ed that the time had come when the machinery for the collection of t4v.s diatt As we saw him about the statiti T is a scientific reason for this N sold bk'4. A. Vatilubf4l lit 0041600114 council should he paid, but he had not twice a year be Put into motion and In Ontario, wher-tv tile white mail h9d jitlick relt(11 When working as Nature A134 b2� leading iltu,#06N 10 every ci%�'i The Celebrated Vegetable 'Tonic come to tile council with the idea of that bylaws be-prepai to 4Q $0, the, taught him his vices. The Indian sitteaticd your livet porilles 3�our blootlo and toW0, remuneration, and if Councillor Turn- tax R_ - es: to be collected July Ist and was not lazy; tbO�O who saw him iTA $r *ould vote against it he might- Dee. 14th, the matter of discounts his own country trekking all doy the native -people of this country, Itnow, this mach, Ova feedififtL tit0j, Councillor Ryan said he agreed and lie"Itles to be dealt with when would not say he was 18zy' Ile '"11which the missionary spirit of the comes and he wants'to get his hw.; The with what (louncilloor Humber had striking the rate. never jealous of axwther Indian. 110 church In the Motherland followed tip up to the trough lie has to get soWtEl- PBELVS DRUG -STORE said. The time bad come when there . Ive have arranged with the Bank was characterft-ed by his good nature as soon as the appeal and opportun, olw else to call them for hirn", phoot CAM was no perso 4i gratis. of Ajontreal for a credit of $90,000 and lie never had to hold hiniself in ity were presented to them at Church. 00, n giVing.servic and if service was wanted,it must be for current expenditures r,2ie when provoked for there were no Miller's NVorm P Vc hill, on the great Inland sea of Nor. Met.,, work Ila 0- PRF,SCRIPTIONS CAREr-ULLY COMPOUNDED- 'elt the council were 4 cuss wor& in his language. ld for. He at n, rite of a per vento thern Canada, ire still the rornalnu of fectively that no traces o1worms wo pal the mo8s�v the old Fort And Tedoubt of the ex. be found. The pmts Pass Aw*V 114 jitstly entitled to something for their discounted a note of $50i000 and have The Bishop described service and he felt the Amount was paid off $4%000 demand loans, beirg, muskeg and the difficulty which the 1plorers of 1636 and on the Nvestern tho titools without being perceptible nly quite roasollable, HO fdt that balance Of 1923 loan$- white man founit in traversing it, oil Ishore of the same bay, Nelson b3s They iiinko an entire and clean xvwj� uncillors being m6de an al- We iwommei�d that'110 action bvjaccoqn� of the soft footing Nvll" long been the export centre of the of the intestines, and not by the co �04ue$_C froa� the Sick chil. I brought unused muscles into pluy., but ta I'll'04,01Z iowtince they would be Male to feel ken �ori I vast area for the otiormoun for trade. shape of a woral vali, fin( I dren's Hospital for a 9 t; the Indluft would make it portage a - under aii obligation and It they w ,an For the promotion of the great it.%, thero when these powder# ire lit op - -,Coun C i. UU401.1 en. � th mayu," cross the munkegi corrying -a load (of wn an obligation they would rerp we iq6turtippa - that era Tdom _ie .0 titmal asset ve, are still dependent up tioll. Nothing k der better service, Otherwise the an oil the Indian and, the Eskimo thovough or desit4ble tbATk %�eir at: the chairman ot the An cc commit 300 to 350 lbs. all day. The Rpt feeling would be, Well, I am not going teo,An4"thkR s4�bcjtor take 411 Action was referring to. Ontaritt'S northwe.qt, The Bishop draws' many illustra- tion. Fbign Com i to peglect ray own business to : , a , miltee's..bliort RecomMendiag Payl;gl the At entlliliecessajyij� have bonds�prlutcd and for.he said You. have northwest tit Indian tions and examples of - and *Aft council meeting. '�ervlce front AT To Pas0s Vate,of Five to Fpur, Mayor,. Reeve, Deputy sold an per'Bylaw No. 36 of, 191.13 -for your own, whose vesources, includint; JOB PliINTINo po I $a The Reeve said that he thought the gold and silver, wc, know little of. 8Linjo faithfulness to --and Coundillon-plattop d.` Hydro p his, own experience in his own Plo- At the conelusion of the talk Lion rIN",6 new nt�mbers would like to have the We recommend that demand be coso and in different parts of North. N gw LAIMP matter reconsidered a little later,on. made on the Dominion Road Machin. Dr. Gallow expressed the apprecia.' . Western Canada. Ile Vic r- cry Company for, repayment of $2,. tion of the Lions of the Interesting appeal of the present altuatioil -mil :01:01FIR V.IVIM NnTIVIF TO RECONSIDERHe felt they were giving their se vices and werq well worth Aix 1,910 260.62 as paid by The toWn On Loollu U&M. NVOM asking, bL ot public gervice.was 4 of the company due Jan. Ist, 1024, At 3 o'clock in. the- afternoon the urgent obligations laid upon uz 1p I regard to the Christlanizing un(i BRATS 81) CTRIC Olt GAS CoSt $1 %uld dut� one had a right to shotilder. BY and As guaraTiteed. by the town, Bishop spoke to the members,of the Catiadioulzing of our - native ab6ti- Ril, WoUla Q80, a Year. For Rigular Meetings, aA, 8 e .4 that it W. A, in. St. Georgels, pariah bull, and de�ayirrg the, inatter it, would -give a .. The town oil Itor advise Cost -0 , "alf a Mill' chance, to hear what the people had to isqalie legal for councilsof towns to at 4:15 gave all illustrated talk to ginleS. 110 tells of the great %"ri' A noul tfil lamli that givea an amov. v.er .0 now btf ni; done. amoug them, dej;p1to Ingly aut, a -remunerate their, merribers for their the� children. At 9 p.m. be addressed brilli. vft, white.light, evell say, Pnd it might do good. -s lit , b advOrse circumstances of 1011011"t �3 batter 'than gas or eleettit, y a arneud Out 4 public missionary gathering In the y the members (if Reeve, who is. chairifian of. the finanoc Wording of Report Lcaves,Amb oily attendattee, and we-recor and Isolation.. beim tested by the U. S. Goyernment, A iropoual to -pa thib council vote themselves the fol- Parish Hall., UG loading ultiversitlea and found the Goderith town eoun,41 squeezed committee lind who would ordinarily the wording of the report hardly I lowing: -$2 for I?Ach committee meet. The subject of the radian and,Es-. ia I'l; and on move the *adoption 'of 'the' report, gave the fii�saningjtbat itaframersdri- to be superior to 10 ordilmr4t ell", thmogh at the regular ml*ting Fridny night,lagt-on a vote-of'five to �,;,,ged '.,�av port taken up tended anyway. What was meant, he ing, and $3 for each eb'Urcll Inettitig Idmo people in their relation to the IDo you eonaider Si Perkins' u lamp:4. It burns without odor, umoki- r voted *downb supposeil, was thAt � a member not for, the year -ng church and to' citizenship In this great liar-po asked Uncle � Bill Abbot'n lor 11(tise --nO PUn1l1ln$' ' up, 'a slmP'4-1� 0 latim -h IOU -Membora bel four but will have te'run. the gh nt-' at t a eing at a meeting would not get tho absent from either,� will forfeit thelboati f vital -importance, neighbor. "Well I don't know an I clean, mate. llurn,� 94 per emt AV 14' again iit . next., meeting of, the I only the Reeve, the Deputy Reeve b nion' on" 0. 1 b� Bishop Dewd. an - - OP. respective arhourtts; _sOd We - Vecom- and,, as -�x�cse wouldoxactly call him A liar but I do d 6 per vont common, hero4 . nv coun-Al the �Meve' riving notice of' and Councillor' Platt voting for this pay for, tbatineqUag. The report, as .3 __....3 _ , tll I : (coal oil). Aotioii thiti lie would move at -next, course, -eted to mean mend that U bylaw be passe P tkex, li,;, nat ng until it stood, might bqAtiterpt The InventoK F. I N.'�* Johnson, 2V %acEwan then said that it that he would be asked. to fokeit at, Ing for. sline. thrilling Interest.* In his story be W., Xotitm4lo Is om-401; to meqtb1ig to�hiivoths matter -reconslil� Reeve. list GODE CrAig 81 A number of accounts, were recom- touches on the romauce,�and on- RICK MARKETS I sond a lainp on'10 dayn' ]FIZER. trial, ered, Thei.m4fter e�me up" the T�_ eltijise 10-of-theveport,whIch he ad(litional amount. in was: menj mended for. payment# ishing adventures of pioneer days, or even. to &.0, Ono FREE to the fira,,' port of the finance committee, w ' hich objected.too this 'being -the clause re- Councillor Holmes moved. to. a *rhen trails.an . 4 waterways were ox- Wheat, per bush .... 91) t 0 LOO user In � ofteh, loeulltv 'Aybo NVIll holl the report - to read that a councillor Other Repbft� 1 40 hint Introdueo jt. Write film todaY reeommendod that the -meinbeis -of commending a payment to the mem plored, fertile 'valleys and rich for. Oats, per bush U to I for each.bers of the. -couriciL He intiinated rid boirig present would forfeit hi -I Tlid�f1ro*cQmm1ttee reported as fol - the council receive ests, rn ar, Buckwheat, per bush.., 70 to 75 for- full partieplars. Also aslti him tt� mleoting of � the council and $g t?r that he could not support thovlausfj right tp the �aymont for that meet- lowa; disoovered even in northo Veas,' per bush... ... 1.40 to 1. 5 Q explain how you-Cati get tile 4go401'... eas, and resources were located,,whoso �cjl committc6 meetinj. and if it pissed. the -toupcilhe would ijag, and that the report be 4doptcd 6 r�ieive;l-q�6tatlons on fire Barley, per bush.,..., 55 to 60 and %�,Ithout expOrIonce or monov. w i, �re the [gi�e notiod to',recousitler the matter this. antoodmento, Councillor We bov abundance continue to beckon courag. $.1150 to. $500 per nionth. When fb4 r6port bw from the 6derich Rubber Com- I I Family flour per. cwt. 196 to T!,45, moke d eous spirits on down to 6ur, own day. Pateht flour per myt*_ With i.35 to 8.50 nj,text reg-ulat m6oting- Hami;er seconded this motion. �any,. Dimlbolrti� aiid,,'A'pbber Corii He tells, how the commerce -of the Dran, per, ton._ 29.00 to 80100 �ManyBoards -Glve�, $erviqeg In,.the meantime'a written inotion, public PAT1Y,,Gutta1P*kha ai;0abbOr C01- Empire bogan, throvoll "Prince Ru' Shorts, per ton,. 31A to 82.00 ';ved by the Mayor and seconded by i m panv' and Doi�flriftt 9.rat _� _*.r vateni, pert and the gentlemen ailventurers Ilay; per ton ......... 8100 to 9AO r4odol.Theatre ths.Deput�y Reeve wad� passed ug to and. we -reco Uis Woqhp point aaked, the,.*desk that ramend' 01�4 W felfit Of itf il;e Hudson Day CompanY,'11 to Ilog o per CV ...... 17-25 to .7.25 ith6,Roevo. iti'take the,chaft as, liv the matter'be -referred Dunlop double Sskkotl -1pottolaturn reach out into these great -store hou. Cattle choice, I per a8vt. 5j5Q to ,NF�K'4 0.��'Jlfh,tw FEB., back to the committee for reconslder�l treated :2% inch,,hom, W, ptirchased 0-00 --sor meditim,: pet! wisliett to bavo .4,ething. to Say on, fr9ril tive�Dunloop Tive afid Rubber Co. sea 'of opportunity, ranking the fur Cattic* 4 , The Making it conta6t with cwt, I .......... 00 tAD, -.5.00 Ithis xecommeridation. Ile id not trade and thus vote was the Mayor, the Reeve, at $L76 per foot,, cou e pot, cwt_�. bers of the Deputy Reeve anj Councillor Platt f. o. b., Goderic'll, pled oomplet Monday and Tuesday qlaestion. the right;6f the. mem !!-- 1 , Lambs 9.00 to 10.00 & colinell to remunerate themselves in favor of referring the mattei back flideR, per 0a to of 'Tho play ttiat has pleased millions: The cemetery arid..paillo committee being done at the harbo� at -W 1118011)uiry Butter. p -r lb... to .:tj nor did he belittle the value of. their and Councillors Worsolly Ryan, Turn- reported as follows: the advantage of Go as a trans. dorich PAT -07MALLEY setTices. The qu"dtirl with him was, or Holmes and Uumber in favor of Xggs, per to - I" 11ti, We have exam*9d the cernetpry shipping point for Alb6ta coal. with a strong cast Iq Potatoes. of) f Is it 9 wise policy or. a policy of ece, awo-pting the vaport'as amended'. sextor�s Teport for the month of Do.. Reeve MacEwaia suggested that thd orny? _11�' pointcA out that the-tomwit rdy Wild Irith Rose" Re0e XaeEwan's notice of motion comber; and recommend that it be matter might be taken up with 11ah- man- ublic. LARRY SHMON, in Ill F "No Wedding Bells, co 14, IF X boards In the town, none of which for their services; there to have tWe matter reconsidered at-Ine Aled. ager Parsons of the elevator who next meeting of the council was put We meaminead that no action be would be irt'a po.qItfon*to give advice Itaken USE SULPHUR TO Plot. 4ou Weatiesday and Thuirsday.i were paid 'vere tho'Colteiiate. Institute, pt!blle library boaids, the in* later oil in the. meeting.- on thp suggestion to -.hange the as to: What form rooresentations to I The council were . all present at the name of ."Court Rouse Park to Mani. the Government should take. 11 . ZAI YOUR. SKIN' T, THEM TS JACQUELINE LOGAN 1Ire 00 aqd piiblic 1 . ousin omniissl6n, the., fall, fair moeting. 1 orial Park. 11 4 Councillor Humber drew. attention, The tax'collector reportetl that dur" The public works, committee re- to a letter about, it wheeled vehicle WERE 0 in a 4o6rge.Velfoid Production our , etc., all devoting much time in t e ublie interest, and while theydid irig January he had paid to. the tress -ported as follo%,vsl,' for use lit cleaning streets an� urer $�,754.51 ($600, of 1922 taxes and We recommend. that. free on Buy- thought it would be. better. to r thL Broken.. Out Skin and. Itohing, Eczema Helped Over r4f�fit t4SaJ0My jatie" not get any moiretary r6turn yet they a deal of education. ; I $af,50.51 of 1,928 taxes), field road in front of Barker's gange town to get such tltawto.use whool-I I - and Yott Pell 0vor the' 11all Room. Comedy, "Tin Ktii9lits in a Hallroom got great He pointbd out that the suggested to A request from the Bell Telephone be removed as requested. barrows. Thirt was' refemed to the to for permission to erect two poles.1 We recommend that Mr. Jus. Buck public imoiks committee I Vor 11n;ightl� , skhi oru ti,)n4, ra ,h or Roc�er W Xtitr H,�%re feet remuneration the member a w6uld. mean $90 a month, or $1,080 in A year on* Cameron, two on: . Britannia and be engaged to look uftor the town The Mayor pointed out that withl four Maple street, was refe"od to blotchoi on face, neck, armi or bruly., Firiby. land Sitttlrda'y for the regular meetings, which W, ott dumping ground$ for the year 1124 the collection -of taxes twice a year, it the public works committee. at a remuneration of, $19. Was time I for the Aluirnihn of vach you doo stot bave 6 wait for lief imni torture or embarrassment, di:c1are1z, a Hush! Don't Ruili Your FRANK MAYO im-ore than half a mill on the assess- that when embers ment, He felt in d in. committee to get busy and, j -epare I L, L. 182 inviting goth,South'Ah I The method.of disposbag of the 11 nottd. skin sperialka, Apply a Jittle and ifflpro%C1114111t Disposition, BUY a ill Xvirile mystery dmtba "The Bolted-Doo`r" of the council looked at it in this way they might wish to: reconsider th(? 4 -already his es North'Huron to Celebrate. ance committee's reporfluka. timates so that a rate� could Twelfth in Golerich been recorded, and the other reports be struck. bhows next day. Ifecati.-e. of fts j,-erai Afestro$,it;g 11rop- SUN89INE COMEDY. .1 matter. . The case of township coon it, was difte A letter from the Goderich Orange were adopted. Depoty Reeve Munnings comment. Lodge spoke of, making an effort to A motion 'Was passed leaving the. ed, on the fine spirit of community I ertieti. nothing bas tvrr been futind tit take the placc oi this sulplitir prepara. VICTROLA "Hold On!' UUTT AND JEFF, in cillors, who were paid, ent. They came long distances and have both North. Huron and South colleetion.of taxes in the� hards of the service the Mono'Club bad shown in I lodges celebrate -the collector to press for payment. of all 1'entortaining the county council. flon. The nin'"Ient " lit aliply it bral. ing begins, - Ooly Woz %vivo have 11a, ,#Chewing GutrP I bad to leave their work in the day, -time. As to the. position of tov�rrl oft county 110" Soon as pqssible� I I I is very much appreciated by Twelfth in Goderich this year. The arrears as This wt 'the U111,11htlY SUR tr0t1hJ98 call JUMV tilt delig it this Melitho-sillphur brjtlgq. 4.15. councillor he said "None of you stand I do. A -Ad county lodge meetings were o n The Deputy Reeve made the gug-, the councillors arid it was a pity more 8th of February. The request wo,,,; geation. that it might"be a good idea'such events could not be arranged. I 'lie, 11%Vt sicry, itchilig eczmlla ii tirlcd rinht, , 1. upbet H. E. JENNER Hatinees-31on. and Wett. at $at. at 3.100. to lose more than consid. ering all'tbese things I eertal I a for a grant towards the expensesand'to try to get the Alinister of Publie moved, seconded by Councillor - referred to the finance com- Works to come up to Goderich and- Ryan, that a -vote of thanks be tend�' a,�tllnll jar of 16,ovIes 5hudio. p!iur fru"I ally good dragglit tilld against it." It was hardly colunis[iistenriat this was Imittge, i impress on him the need of more work ered,to the Lions Club. Me it lilvt cold cream. - - - - - - - - - - - - -- to be preaching economy, going to . . 'D pg gh in N P n i C V Spri n... a S F&4%#shl*l ew atte"r .'s U11 T RE El E ANDERSON'S FINEST ,SCOTCH col GINGHAMS in Abso.-lutely. Fast ors February cCall THE NEW The Sprint McCall 'GINGHAMa PATTERNS -QUARTERLY v 0tir new stoek of Me(:all Pat. For Spring you will find the The Spring McCall Quartetiv terns is very emilplete it) all Si2'e.; 1110st'dolightful showing of frestl of Dress Styles is now oil Sale. �tn 'Itie so well printed that ill find them very my tip In it you wIll find wbat is corre,�i\ �,)dtj new patterns in the best of Aii. and proper to wear for Spring, lit) 11be, Thk is the simph! way w dersons Scotch Ginghaws and the Matter what the material you ar.� inliking your 11wil g'arillents 'It colors are absolutely fast, tile Pat- f" making up. New and very sina - 11olne in �tyie:� that take away that terns are in small and large cheaks ftles are shovvil for Misses anJ litime 11mae look. you tAftl Ile -ow— Irfor over plaids, cross bars and sinall C ildreii's wear. It roally tioligliteil with your dresses mad S TIM NOW ruR SPRING' mWING patterns for childron's vtnar. fashion book. trom McCall Printed Pattern%. Choose a Style From the New QUARTERLY SOON w14 L ORDERS SENT PREPAID T,A&FIT OUR REM ANT TABLES 1) 1 0V vurb &# a RETURN YOU'LL FIN 11HERE GRAY and CARTWRIGHT k� 17