The Goderich Star, 1923-11-29, Page 5. . . � N ."
. 1 -
I` . - - I - i— - - �____ ___11111 1:1 III 1141111 1111 11: I � --�—.�—��--.��..-,---.--------�".- ,,, � - 6
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THURSDAV� S4.0%, 12tll IW3 1, THE GODERIC11 !.zMAR - - �__ 6 _ I.i. —
—114 . 11 4 , -1 - -
_ 7�7�� __ I I -1 .- -1 _ � - 1.1.011W14 11 ,mblill 011 lowm% --- I - .- I - I W I I 11 ____1-1. ___ . - 110,1111A M"
1� __.. — — . - . ;so i, .1. _;_;'. j � . - - I -"".WMW _'� ---*� - -�, � � _ -_ 11
—i i - i 0111 I . " -------- !l ' --- �!M!r�"?r= ==1 ..
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M I'b Neighborhood News Nuggets ' "'e"'s 100'_�. I ,,,, , ,
it Since He Tw* /11 ,
I I ��
` I I . .,rj-
�. T T0110STO 64AIN StARINIV.To M11burn"Asixa-Uvor � , _,�, , fV
I . . . . . . -;Z1 D Manitoba 16%,twag�N0. a portj�cm In I A7 - -- . r - -_ --- .-..---. ____
2 . r $a. $4 .- 1�' , Picked From Our � Ex changes 1'-,�'",'O�,, ont 09 sczs, lnkvp " . ,�,
f Pill$ I III
, 1� eCn, ,
. � j"4ilttoba 0,%1sNh).3 V.W'. 4�V. ,),,Ll,tC�,$14�0,C).f".Iin!ioE,g;l% .
� t1Z;11%1 No. 4 fcco. 4��C, ,_
. Ultnitubla'Varwy-Mit quot*o. - - ",,'3, sleT. Qwt .
. � iugb� -to_4V.:1(1bj-i11�0usqi0, I I
I / , � All (at the Aboloc, C43-17- 1pay porta. Mr. Ptobt. Mett, F*ther of May -or Elliott, of WillighOW, Wit* ifs lng#r� biHon- P,��,i lliactic % homtblva, watoz? .. I
� AmIcracan voro—No. U yl�llow. s1.11 WI—Hcuik in Howick SurgUirixod-440thor of Mrs. I L. Korr, of 1;�0`,. cz.. . ",L,u wi�tl TI-,, V.Ulp:j$ejj tj �,�l I -
. trac; 't Waloweat. ., '17 -
r .. I i 0u,* " V, %7111te- UNQ to 4QC. n.", &1) qn_v� 'I f�,v eosys ee MR. �__, '% 11 �_�_ ��
I It a 17 N, r4l), ,,It, 0111�!11;111 " U I I �, Clinton, 01cs—North Huron Plowwwals Aswiation Fom"Rik— .1�
� 4vZ%!or(tIvr. to) rrVtA;ht3 out;$14% knvala La,un ,M.�v 111IN wial rm you # . I - _ I -
0 1)atrarlu %Vb(,at__14Ct. D wimer. pul"Mr, Ament Bros., of Drus"Is, BUY Wrox4ter Bugaes*--Autp Goes ,jr� I � , -
-1 " 410 , - - ___. . I I , tt . �
I . Through Telephone P91* arA Croak &W Coatiows an Aff. Way. � I
t. VA :* to We. f I, b. shippful." polnt% ,vr. j,�s, U,,1,,j, 3,74 , it, I ..
I InWid a)Aeri ; accol"44nir to freights. ,; C4 is Al;eks - . I I
If, %1Ca!*--%%mPIe, k4.rju to $1.0�. *Qcalrd- Horse Falls Into WA in Reeve BeoyeW Garden in E%*t*r_.5m. Torvu4o. jiat7, r,,rjt*x:_19Ir1vivj; �aj ___ I I I __=__________�_ I
M9 146 "09114 outoDuu, _ __ --_11.___1_.__
Oxe 8041f C'4�08 no the oakst 1;arlcy �Ufauog, G*Q to QQQ. accurti. forthMakes No Action an Spinning Co!*. J?ropoAtiorf, gool row,h.�l f��%a ulk,ag Your MR, .-,-..---. ��1_1 � —
,I ,_ ...... --- 111' ';:: :-� ,_--4 � - �__ �_ .
w*Y to tako Murkhmoat "a " tog to trejant" outajqe�, \ burn I's 14;)Tt Liver illilli �kv ifiq%11� 10 � �,_ j Ili I 1-�__, ____________�_ I
I #;uQXwhCAt-,_K0. ;". 7�10 tiou dt,lei)u�,t4liatio,l).auoll;no%viilg tLo �I - I , _�_ ',_�Z� � 4
ea4st -ay to makonou4blosaL c0rding to to tricghta, outaltdoo.' 'Oe- *Q- Faevr of wingham a 'llayor Olea lit ard Davis w4s VION40,R ROVE, Beay. a", � (\ttCnR4; iAk-,�,% I think if, P" ,IV -,._�_ � ." , I _1.111.1z;tz��
. QUtarlta Flour_,,o, P.O. .vAtcat. 44.70. Ingersoll � Cr8' 94rdell in EXeter QUO Of the hOr- q .*_�,___ - /,�` I I _11*
Dolichas, strongthenjog boo 140i 14 jug;> bows. Montreal. prompt an$ i
. I right to toll V,hvvs of e "
va, P. C. vate&. " tr. Robort VIlloU, a former pub. ses steppedon the covering of *a old ,d,,rj\,!,4 tr-on thj�sjr use. - TI
1410"; slatArta 11mir. A. , .. � "--% .
'Aing 44.N. in Jute baws, woroato shipments; �
sea other nou" *409 -jor li,,lher of The Wilighurl Times, "ud Well, which 943ve WAY, YOrtUtiAtOlY .
IRV" aAdlcoQTaIW#At*a%4Y.b* oniarju dour. uo P&. Patent. *Ild4p. bulk, fath,,i- of Wayor H. D. Elliott, of the well wits not deep and the borsea 1,was very ticp% trauble.41 wItIA on I N".. �
. kcavoartl. prompt shipment. head and front feet were above on rks? stoir'&A aftcl,r vatinr,. miti rost I. I . �, .
1 prs�W*4 at sk moment!* notice. Rye -No. 2. 144C to �ac, %cvordID4 to whigham, passoj aws". Monday night TW -ay it ni't, . �e� I t
I freights, outst4o. . or Tuesday- morilliar, o� last weck at ground. A derrick from, the marble k 711t'a sleep. but aftev "%Itlg �.� . I
. I I
. AW Oxo Cubes love & 11140011044 94111t0bM b'4oUVYIT$& patent. $440. his -homi� in Ingersoli. The deceased $1101) was crected and after a couple tw(l vials, of Xour 1`11113 I call t th. ... I . 1%_� . I . . I
Toronto; SOLOW1 Patent; $5.110. Toroato. Ph I .
and,000,1renaral ,cownx as" for millf4ed - Policrea, montreat 'was in his 76th year and since le�vin.- of hours the animal was remcued. fullF nay that I f�vl 10% bmter. �, ". ..
.. I
.. .
fta4gbts. b3aw included. Isran. Potion. Wingbam helhad been High Treasur- Death of Mrs- $4*&A Elliott, Exeter rv,"Q0 .0w. a Vill at all dvalera, or r I I .
41. 4* household, adding variety, 07. snorts, per to 0. in � 110.? IV er O ,,, , , /,, . I . I
t�l 4 � �d 111ropt on 'reivipt of P;iov bV . I,.,, .
� Ilayor and, nourishment to *0 to t�e Ilour. cr 4! f the, Canadian Forestvrs for over, A sudilcu death took place in IP,w-. "'ailk . , ., .
. M$4!30; good 4 1 Wo a quarter of a centory while residing ter on NOV� 15th, yhen -Mrs. Susan Tbo T. Alilbum (lo.# Liullt0l, lforoui�, I , .
, . 0 a t. I �11 I �
.1 � - . .. I I . W . old . 0 you serve ...-11. - __ � .. -,: - .4, � . — 1� in Brantford. The remains were tak- Elliott, widow of the late Mr. John I I .. What to Expect I
. .. I � , I - ra en to Wingliam . oil - Tjxursduy�- of -lost _ U, Ujo I .
� I OX0 **r4*b144 ftlo, CATT I'll.. .1 I tti.passw away ut-the-age of -178- ==I�..!! . ._ ; � . �; 11
" 11,`P, wool; ,and the council attended the yearg.. I ________________1_� . .. . 11 1..._.Whm uym* Electric Lamps I
; I � hineral. Ili a boily, . . __ __p - , 9 _417 I
. rqu'j,1r,b,,,'1e& no or More e 6 ' TORONTO IjVti) STOCK. 1. Engagement Announew I _P . � ".". . .- _ .1.11'...- - -1 -
. I L a 'U�' r'. TORONTO. Nov. 20-0attle rocelDtls Death of Resident of Winghant Town 1: Mr- and Mrs. Geo. Ualrymple, of . . . 0 . satisfaitetion . . I .
I I . .r il L " 'if At the Union Stock Yards last week � � Plot , . I. I
. W �4
1 tq �
.Iliai 4 were Itubter than in the p 'TuckersmIth, announce the eng* ! .
_. ttl1plu �ll . @41l. -*,d I
_ y � .. oj a , 0 . revious , ge. : . I
",.y ,7 Period. and while this broglit6neo up An old in j.ned resident Of ment oftheir eldest da I .. . Effided'ey
') . d este, hter, $Uslo 1 . .
I . . I T.he.tmdo at, the 4tart there was. ,no Winglinin Town Plot passed to 110" Christina, to Mr. Lonwool R. I
, ., ";, I
ol Purdy, I . Long Life I I % �
4X liopr.,cinepi on the w�Qlc wOok, TIAM eternal rest on .Saturday, -Nov, 17th. of Tuckersmith. the marriage to take . .
. 'I= a 9-0 detuglad all weelt torchotco E conomy * .
it ,ling cattle. but ,there were again in the person of Mary Ann Galbraith. place in Decomber. - I � .
I I "'Orr KOWof-toesemarUoted. Irlie4sup. bel9ved wife of Mr. Win. E. Fkpley, in, �\ A. �
I oly or urklIntslied COXOMOU cattle coo. Proctor -Brooks I � .
I � uolles, beavy and the demand at beat her -63rd year, I I A pretty alltumn wedding took plae Theo.0 qualities art all built into t1le Ilydro -
. for these classes IS. of A ljotleza char- . Died in Saskatchewan I A prett autailm, wedding took . I . Lamp, so they fire bound to be. givea out. I
,A , 40er, . . I I .
. I I I wiport steers brou0t ifrom. $6.36 to Mrs. Richard E. Lane, 4 highly re- place at tKe home of, Mr, .and Mrs. . WITH THE LIONS � H 11 AM Lamps are Factory inspected and . � ,. � . 1 "4 . I � . ''
� . .$T on tho,opealng! market of the Weak spected resident of Warman,, ftsk.,- Arthur Brooks, Centralia, on Wed. .
I . cumas I And some 1�ood Xr-edurs were taiceii. tot, — . I
� Scotland trom $6.1.10 to so. -A former -resident of Ashfield tp., nesday, Nov'. l4th.,when their eldest jact expert3. � .�
I and , tested by Hydro, Unginecra g � �
; � latiosia(4,10.50autd 10OAC4@s. , Price was $7.2.6. Palo by onoTo"re 'tOhve died at her western home on. Fridayl, damchter,'Elva. Un was united in 10terAlitt0fiAl Headquarters Secured � I I �
. I , abattolks for a load of steers avoraging Nov. 9th, .after A WeeVa jilue&s. df marriage to Mr. An rew Proctor A. In Chicago --some of 1, .
� I � 1. e. __. . IN I I I V1 1,500 Jos. Clualco butcher steers were, diphtheria. " 40 34 a Of the Orl(* the Activities -_.., . ' I I
. - - I . , - . . I � ,scarce and some sales we" m°rom . Teted.jon of the late Mr. and Wto. nization. IT PAYS TO 13UY TIJE BEST ! .
. _4� Zook for 0411
. ' Celebrated Silver Wtdding ) . . . I label on tho, . . I
. . , . I I .. -t�—. so to $446. Medium to good kinds had - 9. ."Detor,. Belgrave. , i . � .
: ,a On Friday evening, Oct, L 19th. Senterth ,
I I Itugapil s&14 from 44 to *s. Thin light Permanent beadquawtora of the later.
I , , THE Co*,, THE X mold 'downward to V10 4, hun- 5-1r, i Declines to, Back Spinning national .usoolatiou of filons Clubs hall X- 4. .
- . . BUY HYDRO LAMPS ' , 10"w3j,vu 1
, OTHER drO4. � and Mrs. Jas. Roberison, of' Whito.. I ' Co. I been securod4n. . htw.
� OF - PROSPERITY Several 1044s of wood western stoera. . Chicago by the Board I
� - . � I I brought from � water, Man., celebrated the twenty- . I .
� . . I., , $4,15 to TS^ while � I , I The committee 'of Senforth touneil of ]Directors TbiH Atop 'was talten only I . . 1,
. . � . - I I . - WooGra cows and lieigers ao,%, fro;,, 4.t fifth anniversary, of their marriage* appointed to invftt-1900 'the Worst� after thb&nt witaturo .� .. 1000.
! . . . - . deliberation in � 11 ID . I I -
1, Yaluible Illustrated Treatise to -$4.60, ' , -, place in Wingliamo Oct. ed ,Spinning Co, �eported as f THE - HYDR10% STO
. . on which took . , ...
. Dalry.Farming Being.. Distributed. The veal - market Venere I . . ollows, Which the entire -Board of birertors I
; . steAdy prices, Ily held *t 19th,, 1898. "That after thorough examination of to1k part. Many of thola made tile � . � 1�
� . .at with receipts heavier., , I i I I t-
. . e , by the Bank of Mentre Anythluf showing rood Ausilty. held , . 4ailt-auttery -the proposal for the Town of sea, Joaracy tochicago tocaRtthair Votes, North We Square, coderich. . � L 11 I
I . I
.. T . I — . around 11. There were ii lot'.og poor The wedding was solemnized in All forth to assi�t' tho Company inian, Headquattert, haii always been at I � . . � R
. � . . . I � I I . ..
. . "Where the cow Is kept and cared for, Qmssera brought, 42.7i � . t the prq� ChleQ6 and It has mow boon ded('o I to . I I I
1. � :-. Calves alld those bad A Flow trade at Saints Anglican ellitirch. London, on cially, it was decided th4 * .
vasier prices, L � I . . I � I . "I � - .
elvilization-44vances, laiiiis grow richer a hundred. . 1. . Wednesday, Nov, 14th, of Ada, daugh- alievts for success of. such company t4onlain there. ft voto of tjj(.� dire,4gols .. . I I - , I -..-- - . . . , . . , .
. I ,homes grow better, debts. grow fewor.'�' The Iamb market opened strong, but ter of Mr. and Mrs A. I Secrotary-Gelloral Melvin Jones has . . - 1. . . .1 0, � .. I � . . . .11
I , Tile above Is an extraot from the pv�- had a weak close. .$uttery, of were not sufficient to warrant tile I - :- ____7741�� .
opening "les vrer* Winghanis to .Mr. Kederlok G1% of Citizen's ,at Sclaforth incurrIng. any been Instructed to talce qnarters under . 16
from sn.2s to siixo; with some choice , ._-._-1-_1__.1_ _.__-_.._-,_._.__-_1_ A- � _�__--__ . . .. ..
I faceofab6ok entitled. "Tho-l0ow, the Ones- as high As ;11;74. At the,end of London.. - I I I liability, either direct or indirect. " � 4 loag.-torm lease. . ., I 17HE W
. , , . �
� I . I 'This -sectiou ottlio, country Avus, re. ndles today on noct: ,ot PWR short but. , ... I ., . WIP9K . � . � . . - :
I . . � I Mother o9-PrOSi*rIty.,7 copies Of Whieh the week, saleii were hard to maks'at , A to Accident . To Organize Detr4ft for Seaforth R,e., prescUted In the deliberations, by Inter- .I gems tua, will, never Not dolle razzIng
are being d4strlb;ited by the Bank of U decline of ;I a hundred, ThIn'lazubs 13ad u � , . - 1� _ .. I
. I . . I I .
. . Montreal. This. book is Orobably the for feeding oold ft6m.'so to s8150. A bad accident occurred about sev. . . union . . �, national DIMOtor ,11arry, A. 14�wujaa, him for being 8oL%Vj(io. 2 blowouts and . . . liEROINE" . .
. The sheep market was unsettled, ow, . "Richard Da � While 411104vto of tho Valted $tatos that Is doing 1)1,ltt.v good. Mt of are . . ____`_ , .
. I I . best Popular treatlsO on dairy farming Inir to 4 light offerInT7 QoOd light ewe :en o'clock on Thanksgiving night,',a- 'Air. Wson, of Detroit, ! . . .
,m. ,)Out .
I . . willob has ever been published, , It has -14 frorp $L60, to , and-olose4 at half a -mile souUf of: Belgrave, brothmof Mrs, J, F. Reid, of Sea. and Canadatoolt part. in, 0404orlug tho 1011110dr4to Ifthill.g went to bed illaging 4k Rtlbjeot of- couv�orsatloh throughoub .
. .
. I . 43"n written with. a view, not only 0 Woo, . L when Mr. John MenzjP,'4.,aut;o. collided .90rth-Lhas -accepted the positiolk of quObtioll, �he couseasugAvAs that head. the, oational alriforooLSweetilonlo, - oftaafU at the present flulo Is tile idea. . .
, hog rnarl�et was steady �
On and The _ .
guldingthOW-Werin the seleett At ;8. - Ali wout with Mr. Davi . . . 0 . "'', . �i I
I . . -Lyt,ith select$ d Hanillton,g buggy. organized for betroit and promises quarters Should tie lunintaineid to a I
. 25, fed and watered, I . t3Y tit "Thd Wiimlertul iforojup,, whoSS .
breedjug,of the best and loost profitable quoted at $9.06. At th Mr. Hamilton was going south when to bring at least fifty auto load$ j PlacO cOntrmlly located and caolly -ThingsArePr tyQuiet .:, minazing file otory was pubjI.Owd in tho . I
L . e close packers' I all 40 ot .
I �. .types of d6iry cows, but also to guiding dootAtions for hext Week were Boo a lie,notir auto swerve to acoessI614 fro"i partq L Of tile ealatle, .
hundred lower. . . . of the road nion next Au- , , ,
. ,ed tho his aide Senforth Old Boy Acu Vatolly IleraM and Weeldy War of *
. . I . bbn In the care- and feeding of dairy Live stock rec.elp I ts ,at I the",union and'he pulled his horse gust. 'Mr. Dawson was raised. in Sea- 110131% Such a Place, all couctiled iv" Haa Nothing to Lialineut over Nont�Zlal. tsiving under appalling con -w . . *1 I
. last there IN was Un � , I Its a 01111049, handicapped wore ottea than , L I .
I cows iir,overy conilltion of. climate'anil , stock y,ards the d tell to th6 fence, but the forth and Went. to 1)etroit about 25 'tore 'Jostructed the socrettwy-gencral to bix wbor4tory._.AqovorP .
. . . for to -day'# across i I obleago. Thal', Doord of j),V(!OtOV6, riblatant chemist .. � "
, � market were, us fol VIC auto followed and crashed into the years ago. . , an al4ed by bor great beatityl thit, �
. mil thto6gh4ut the oolitineat *oil,Xorth �-Iwg- Are, k9l), eat-
L America.. ,The author, Xr. Ralph ,&. tie, 4,$61; calves, 3.10v; ho , L I - � damialtioui I wbudot I .1
I sign a SIX ye%r.loaqe for the rooms now to Ou"004, 1110 mother needed his woman t4trl,v and achieved where tea . . . ...
Hayne; , -of -the- AgricaRural.-U4..%tong . L 98- 610", horse and rig, breaking. the 6111intil's Lucknow� Old. Boy Dies a Toronto oconpi help L there Was a Younger olater to . . ..
I � I . 1. . IOU' sheep, 2,192. .. ......1. ... � L 11 1. . million, .. L�
.. . .. L . � �L :13UPPAL6. LIVE STOCK. ,. 14is, and 4emolishing-the buggy. Mr. I . I ed, something m6to than .3,00 rs might fail. . , , . - .
, I ,
I . Department, latem%tional lUrvaster . A, popular Ludknow old boy passed square feet, of floor spacti In tho lve(lov. 14,teuiltt thrulk�lk 110,001 and there wore. , ,619a V . i
. . I nVol"AL0. Nov, m - Cattle -�- Re- Hamilton was landed oil top of the ons o his own linked witill gl '181nouncP4 that a beaut)'flll 'L . I
away at Vrontil, on'Wednesday, X icago, 0 Wou(jorf ol 01VIno L L . I
. , ov, bilek Dull.ding All Ch * it I Winsoine eo-ed. 14c .learned to love. " I L 1.
I 'received a few briilies� and. A. ad to seat to .
. . � company. in big foreword. describes thie celpts 476; dull and steady. engine and n. an option , .04 to SWUM painting of �'Tli 11 I . 1. ", L " . L , L 1.
146, in the person o;t Mr,,. John 13 on tho Sa66 space for a while at Coll 'W'� . -
. cow as one of the greatest blessings to Calves-Rdeeipts ' a sprained ankle, Th �L it,lt Hbal) be tie I . id, 4WI a roprotluct" In L , ' '.. i
L t1behumatiraCe.L "Non&0touo toL $12.60. 2751, Active - skid e horse had, to' neft Who, L q I b"'L bee,jutieetim I
I . , rpeople,?, steady. $4 L . hadL been -esiding ift the No I0,uK hu�,; tr%je 'Colofa,
L, � . , longer perioil Sired, I without orover rest. - .-
. , Uo � ludiffQrIent 110 riallmentLand capeallgIly
� be Shot; and -the bug y is :not wo#h Q I i � give , frto t6 size ISX24 lu3bos will be I . :
I . . he Says, , "has become � llt�dhly 'Civilized ,Ft,a--RocelPt8, L4.000; ,actlye; pigs, 9 . L' aeon. City for tile Past `thirteen bocrotary4oenerat- ,j6oes 'bas boon. t,ho dust. 'U anbscribern of tho FAMIly 11 . �
I . I
. . I I_ . 250 (wer: vthers,. loe,lower; heavy, repairing, . I . I I tion L'Silloo It wa,4 tile fUrnea and the, Oink I I ?.
. I without' her.' Shel produces the best $.7. I . 1. I �. . . with tbo orgaulza part(clejA of chemical matter. ,tviiIjill Ilemitlaud We.okIy..4tarf1Voatro&I, that - . I �
I . . to $7.65.',mixed. ;7.50; y6ricers And I I . L' years. !, � � I . 1% . L . U&LI 4
ligvl yoricers, t?.25 to si.5o; lit formed I u 1917, Ad Is had It to thoft,v � L 4
. . . . I . Jama&u food'on-eaeth, She WRIces this I i s. V ..26: � NVinghim Town �Hall Redecor te ercoutract to Dettled in, htt4 lunas, Irrad ly broke 'Ilia SubLerilip 1.
healtb-balldli�ut, strength-gtvin , I roughs. so. atags.,si.00 to $IG . . . 1. a A Chaton, RockeYlsts'Reorganize . serve until I - f4. tIme' L . �
9 food -stleap, afid , . e iriterior of the allditorium at The � . 19127. flellas.bad hispart. down lite health. Alt attaelt Of the . . � . . , I I
. ,. grom-grasliladcoarso plants. 'Without 'is' I, Soo � y � team rear - I t 04) easily (fr- ONTARIO PROVIN,CI4tI,,- W NTE&
. - 11 . lambs-necelp Th . Clinton liocke 'Plu aldn"t 1110. Ito go .
I , ,gan In but ding up the Mols latornatioluxt I .
. . . 1. handy lambs active, heavy lambs'aaa the Wingham town hall ling been re- ized on Wednesday even ed out and so wtak at hisworiv that . . FAIR L I . .�
. . .ber ageicaltnce is not pevuiaueut ov aheev slow; others unchanged. ing of last from the few hunclj-O�d� men With .wbJoh dome serious trouble was'j4tisIjqjcte& �. 'L .. . . . I I ... .. N.
� I .decorated and the entire hall rewired Week and it was decided to, enter in lo staited'to jtt4 pr6soasize of 750 clubs Well. it turned out to be. -T. This Inereastagi , ' & ., �
.L 'a,V * y popu4r ,.%*jUteV:
. I r .;'jprosperous. people' arty u6t healbhy or C =CAQQ_U VE STOCK. I and iie*.fixtures put in. - , the JUnfOV 0, R. A and the 40,000 rnembera distri. , and now ho Is takinir tho curo at the ilelphotj 1',rilday
1happy. Wherever the eow has taken : CilICAGO, Nov. k6,_C&ttIe-_n6,ealpt4 - . I .North- with more,tban � r a t (,I L '
I I . , I I
. . . . states of tbe. J!njoa, 1AUdL ,Uuokoka. lfospttal ter (7011suractives. will '11, I
I ber rightful placet and -'man has done 0; compared with .Week ago ted ' L, owic'k Hurglariz , : ern LeAgue' again this year, - . . I Tho doetorat ma IDD -11 - : �L �
I I ,I,00 House in H , ed folf6d over 47 Nov.30th , and oolittaue until Th%jr,-4&:V"
. � the, home of Mr. David Pocock., . . ' Comett' ; . . f .. � : L .. . ,� .
� �
. his �psrt 'We L find farui,4 furatshikig an stelars and Yearlings -;25c -to 3se lower; . :. . �,Parke, ourprovibees of Canada,' � ho *111 ket otter. I)etealber jjtb, . L I . t . . 1; 4Z4,
.11' 16p heavywelght'syeers, $11.rjU-. haudy� t These 760 clnbs In th6'1%st year have occupation. Ito smiles pluWly4and . ! .
% , . income evetv week at the year. We I L Mr. and Mi;� laut Ito eannot wo baek to his former Pot particulara of rqAtuced fares all .r'. I I
. L findhomes with conveailpaces, ,L�Vo 1,6d %V'elght, $12,1 yearlings, $12.50; veajcrs. HQwiek, was entered by robbers on The home of . Thorn ' 11
r 8" =d In more than 3Q0 major. aCtIVI, mayn ho hAs nnthlor to lament over. . � . .
Joe to,$61 lower; bullo and stockers and- Tuesday evening of last wee):, when colisitt WAS the scene of a very hap-- Pl.V to Ticket Agi-ilt .
., . intelligent, thrifty, . debt-froo . peoplo feedere, nC hi h . fortho, , 1%. 1 . ..., L
� er; u k 'pfl I upbuilding ofthele eom� tile enadfast , L .. I
L g COO tol- the family was at the born doing the t on Arednesday afterno6n. ot U.unitles,.the teaching of service and
l . with minits and hearts algrt from steady low: Fed steers and 3-1 I Hogs. $8.25 t( I
W0.404 & go0a , 'butcher cowts ej ) milking, The house was thorout,hlv py even k W' . , I ,� 1
employm6nt, altiz - h to ) ,�w, n their d4ughter,,.Antin patriotts poul Guelph 114 1 .
Slit I p, a good agrioult . ate. �611_ $10,26. r MID 'as' Wce w S le ni in. and tile prow6tion of good . . 1. I . . I �' -
1 $6,25; eptinerg end t= ;t*Aa to ransacked and what money tbere'WAS Pet, ' ted in marriage to fellowsbip, Theyk,bivo built ljobools I . , . .L ",
� . Truly tile Low ,fl, yealers. so to ".7 7 ers an Cla rl, u adian rao'llia , .
. Is the- mother of progperity.11 . I loolders, $6.2S to $64% .0 on hand, some three or four dollars, rence Parke, I of Stanley, .1 and a$�InulE� Ouredlorthe poor, helped . .. . 'L ., i , � V.,
. I Ile proceedsto describe typical local. . Sheell-IteelePts, 1,000, choico ,,a- was taken. . � . I . .. . . I � bo.js and girls fortil cliDbq and liv6iir I . . . . 11 Cl, �
,, . . . Stalta 11fill Burned . . I �'.
. L Ities to *blob the cow Would bring pros- lives and .40 westerns, steady at M6ther bf Airs, Xerrj of Clinton'. Pas- A serious. fire oil , Satu ' the apen. andoued hospitalij warkea I ., L .. . L
. perity. Thou he WIlshow to select the ;12.60, for week about 8,00 direct; ses . . . . I rday even- I for g d 0 0 -2—M-09112110 1 0=0 . 11. . � � I
- . compared with week ago. m I . . Ing, Nov. 17th, wiped Out all old s and don a ill asaa4 L 0=0C=====0=* . . I .
'. . . . *lit kind of 6ows; dosel:14ing In detail und sheep 25o lower; Yearitnis, 66c to 1401Y act& One Lions Club has-estab. I I I I 0. � . I
I I . the gooLl and bad points of cowsi from 6N_- lower; feedinir larnba, IGO to 25C loff� Mrs. GOO,. Brown, mother of Mn. landmark ' in the village Of Staft In lwhofl for the blind cbIIdr#jU of tile . .1 ' ' I
wo fat lambs for weeki 4!2,0; top I . he fibur mill. The � .. . I
� . . J L Kerr, of Clinton, passed away at the burning � of t . 1: . I
I 1. head to talli The breading, care and western feeders, $12.60,'- .1 I I state M Magazine In which abildre04 .
feeding of pows, the best kind of feeds Hogs-fteccipts, I . IUAI . . .. .
10,000;; fairly fte_ hL,r, boiae in West.Toronto oil Sunday building wap a three-storey struct- Stories are rioted In Braille, tile raised SEL LING I OUT , BAR"" " NS L I . .
. in various 190aUtlesethe ;6ustcuetiou, of 'tive, steady to stfdng; bulk good and in "' Nov* '8th,.after a short but ure and 'was erected 'about 1860 by jolttera w,bloilthe blind cau read., I ,., .. . . 1,
. I � bitros, the making of klagoi the testing choice 200 to Soo-tbs. butchers, s", to' ornin' � the funeral taking a Mr. Rad6liffe from New York State, This city offers gil oxample of the ` * 3 l"Itakai'm of Nintoollith and '0110 of Star (,'rystals- or, (;ue . I . . ,,,
. 's
I I govol I "' 1 I
. . I . of cows and thbir wilk, 'method$ of 1.' , top, $7.26; enlrabld IGO to 190., place on day afternoon,. with In- wild, Aftek- putting -up the building, splon d type of a)on who total 1,10as . . 0 (it I
'('a at . . a I . . I I
.1 � . b. av r es. 6.90 - to, $6.96; Packing torment T r1c 'werit back' and'ehai,ei, returned. The Clubis overV%here and tho noble w6t* Peftl`fil)e ok- 0 0 of (,'jjjj)rj(j0 jif 1,julo. . . I .. . .
sla g -Y 09, R' , " t k' onto, � The deceased's iiiialden natne -era then persuaded Mr, Robert Ali ' Ringo 4 Ineltagm for 24 eontq. , �
. milking and the typo and zare of dairy so s, . t G.T6, estrable ' in Ila Lawn cemetery, Tor- . the 4 p;lokage�q for."M cents
. . t 9 ,,, farm a . . : .L .. . .
. . if. � utensils. tbe best methods of mark6ting I ar0uh $4.25, *-4t ated ey do. They arcohosau from 'the I , . .
I . . hol to) -r 00 . . . . . I ti� eilts. , - I . . I . )
milk, the care of calves, either for rear-' . . was Mary Elder and she was- the Webb, who recently came, out from best professional atal busin6sH wen in. - 116tits V is Mookorbranj) 2 pack .J., .
.. � . . . . �__ . - I . youngest daughter of the late Mi.. England to cOmPletO the mill. At each'community, and the 1,1 v I I 0 ageq for 2i e � . I
. � Ing or for Ole production of veal, the' liso . . 11 .. . . . Qns Ah sys , Croolts re(Weed front 30o a gallon it) ,25 cents. . . � � . . I .1
of Xnanure, 'the'liest, breeds for varying, TO BLOCK LIQUOR RUNNERS. James Elder, one of the pioncer.,j oj thattime it WAS the only flour mill CO-Olmrato'Witli Chambers of conitnerde .ficribbl'ors, tile je.1jillij, i)',fov �,'), cv-jt4;, tile 10 � . i
I oonditions find the trearment of Als- I I . __ , . Howick township. . . .. . in, the district and was a great,con- and other oivlo orgatlizatioliff, Irbio I . I I L e. 16110. :1 f(w. . I . I I . ..
I lowds are all dealt with fully And In . � . 1. I Xlect . . . !.15 cenk's. A fow ItAt. I . - . . . . - . ?
.. , Cavada May bo Asjc�d -to Make , - Plowmen -T venience to the ourrounding com. Lionx International also oublisbeg a . '. .� . . . . I I �
� . � 0 ulohthly* magar.loc, Which reachept its ) I I :`,
YWD lauguagte that anyouvviiu under- Suluggling 164ti-Aditable Offenob. '.A 11111114Y.. It is not known. how th I . 6'rrape 1.ivee, 35o 1)6ttic f, r 2 --it.: 01. . hottlo *Tur ,�50(!- Ga � .�. - -;
. �
. . .. I . I
stmid. . ale,Ainl' was held in Brussels fire orfglnat�d. . I ,� Some for 010 holiday ficafioh. 7 I . .
I .. � ontlee memb "-011p at 40,000. . I . . .
. . C . .. � . I
A -.valuable fwture'of the book is the WASHINGTdX, Nov. 26. -Pro- town hall, Saturday ovelling, 40i'. . I bleage is now the permanent head. . . Qoarn of NVfjdat, 1.),5o tL 11,ickag I . I . . . ;. - ... .. 11 � ;
I oint.dealt with is illus. posals of the United States Govel-ij. 17th, when, a Plowmen's Association PAY 1. � . . 11. I � "I
_ 401. 'N (I" .
. fact that every P 'jorth S. HIGH WjB &rtorfs at the International orgRuiva. � . ..1. I . .
aRen went for blocking lNuor and narm Huron 'was formtd. . Pro- � I . . . ,IS lion . $'of the tyvoqt prominent thr(q. tivie , � ,toll 450 call -for $5 canf;4. . . 1.
. traced by fiff6fographa.spealkily t, - . � Spin. I I I .�
. forthe purpose or by diagrams. Over cotIc drug Smuggling at 64 Calla- sident, vice president 4nd secretary- . To NEWSPAPE . Clubs hi, the Valted States, . � �()Xo. 3 loo tin,4 for 2' 1
r - , I . �_ .- , . I . U4_.entf4-, 2, �.)150 tinfi for I 55 e.
.. ,
250 photographs &to Loproffuced. . diad border are ready ,tot. presenta. . treasurer were appointed. A second - I . . . . I . Chorrim, 200 bottle for Ih) valAw 30n bottle fill. 125 verlt'A."
I The bank of Montreat is doing a tion at .a conferenee of Unite s meeting, was called for Nov. 98th at R61- J- R. Holmes, at Seaforth:An- I . I . 40c bottle for 35 centa. . I... I .. . . I . �
. � I .. . I � . 1. andUanadVin offfER-LN whiclI vig be. 2 p. in. at Brussels to Select a siatT niversary. Says Newspapers Are � .� I . . . . . . . . � I . ' i6 . I I . .1
I I glu at Ottawa to -morrow. Assistbut Of directems from the differeiit town� Steadily lmprovllkr� and Uphol4ing . . . A tow tinti of-Peaq and (J,I)er,
. . I" . I , I , - . , I -4 loft, I.M. till. 21. for :11 vellt4... � . I
ili. ' . . - -_ — ". I
. . C�,..i�74r,rLiiT.!,,,,�4.,d,oz."I,i,l:ll,,I�,,,r,,,i,;!'.,Olz; ,w�,,,,,,�,1,1,,�",M,r,��,,r,,,,,;;""�,,v..!",.Iy $00ietltrY Mass, of the Treasury, wil ships forming the Association. viz-,- the Right. ' . I I- : ,
. I— .11 .. . I . . . ' . . I . I I I . . .:. I .
. . I . I . . I meet his.,associates lit New York " -NIcKillop, Grey, Morris, East �Vawa. I - -1- I . .. �'. I I I I . I . I I � . I I .
. I
1. . I I - 1P reporting the nuilil,cl. . gaVy . Her. . . ; � , - �
. . I � . I N ijk6ceed to Ottawa for the opening of,,�ogh, Turnborry and Howick. . is, Ho LEACH . . . . I . 11
I . I .. I . the deliberations. Tile discussionnE , B vleeg at Heafortif ATC-1116111st Chu,c), on 81dt51'D'1dFU 0 PHONS Is& . 001121S410" I I I i
11 I are expected to be brief .and informal, russets Firm Expanding sunday-Nov 11th, tile ANew,qfjaId:.-*fwo V . - .
'" I
. I I 1. � I sit , and probabir will - c.0"tinue only tw6i . Ament Bros., Brussels, who hav�l exceedingly'intcrcstiog sol,filonq VltrO i=6=_-===b=Z6=====*=0, � I ,� � � , � Ila I OX===== 9 . .. I
. . - or thr yo but the reeling in of- . I I __ —_ -0, . . "'.., I . � . �
,. \ � Pe da ; provon thoinselves,hustlerg in .the prOached by Mr. flolineu, wbow. persoll. It. I . - � � _ —_ � I �
I I . . ficial quarters here is Ituat.they will large, business carried on in their nifty 14 inspil-ational, Though not a Fildav--well I I'm e I (. I . �
I ilave the %vay tot, agreements that factory, sawmill, aild other depart- yonag 111(la. Ile ba.4 all tile physiq ),?DYID 'I visit down Ill . .
� , I fig and j eae,�(� 0 . I .
. . . - will have definite r�esjjltg in checking nlenta of labor, have bought the mental viyor of youth anti Ilia Optimistic t very hugely. I I . � . P
. soluggling. � � White & Son business at Wroxeter view of life alivealsi to titlD , . I get to (10 a 1()tR Of tbiligH I . I I
. I I I . . . . yujlnLfa� w(. I 9 I I , , I , � . .
. I . Ad -vices from the Caaadl�n Gov- tind have talren Clarence White as aq cittrie-4 tot ce witli the old. 111% ut�r. cuddent do at home be- . . a
. _�31 . few days have a partner under the. firm name of wonju the evenjagwat ,jVbaf, ba,4 cauge Ilia dowent want I I hris as . .
S,on, . �, .
. -11 , � 6od, Wrought,- and Ill, � . I I � . I - I
� Z *11 that -the meetings. wilt be Ament Bros. & White,. who will carry .4, Of toappearlilean wile We .
secret, and that no record will be On the manufacture of children"a thesubject; wa,4'owg�jnal. I attaugein, To, . I .
� .Cho spealiev tire. amoug 9S .
. I . . kept, but ofifelals here assert that. no sleighs, wheel barrows, eta., in their dealt With tile by-pioducts4of religion to dav I neen 13 well having . . . " 0 6 . . . . .
. . . I I I .
.1 . .111"strate the te%t. Ile f4bo it lite, and a lady witch . . I I .
. permanent minutes are necespary, in- lar4e factory, Bra. Sailin
' . qsets, Mr. White . weJ ,that .1 I
Much as 06 diolornatio exchanges being in charge. The firm at Wrwr. r1l"hic Iva% a 1)%..0 happened to cum 1324t I U. . . .
as � I rodilel., tit elij"on, . r>
'Save her i4any � fixfn,- the date for tile conference oter oibliloybd thirteen ar mort- Theg"eat olatutfos iveie the outcome lilarked. !low vely dus. _2.ils. . �
I I MileS also oct out its purpose. . - -- hand,-,. Expectation is that the trade as4ing be Ing$ . %V --at B als, Ireland � . .
A 24 * Of the I ife C f Ili(- coln poper. In 1) guat lavroonilly I . For 0"'re raw .
Said lt%va.4a retlectiou tjo the water. Wander wh,tr f4ho v%. I . 6 . I . . . 11
fauguing , There wu some talli to-day"that wilt be boosted at Brussels under the Iftlistle prcsent ago, 11 OSOMA the conthment ft I I
, I . . thio Canadians. would be asitca to'enl�rgcd and improved c6ditioAs. �grf,at Inu, tilat It had given no IXT1111 for "Othiti'l- I I I
� .,,ca, Coln poQt jt�lj f4 I() t1le thot it won a pritty goolt mpg&%&
What more -%v le I co W 0 agree to malge smuggling an "tra- Arne -at Broa. will continue the head- V.,(,r!(1, - �V(,n ,,vote, � too, buf4y . � 11 � . I
ditable offPnee. muldlig on(!. And Dinupvy and., . I I
Xma§ Gift for your wife This afangement ing and cooperage business but are moneytoprovide inntl*., Arellitemi'le T1VIR, lvoht cula lir-re and
' It - yard. and. �thv . . SPECIAL TRAIN 89RVICE .
i ,or niother than an ex- . it wa,; said, would aid materitilly A ' closing out the lumbei . wag anoilstr bV_ptu(jjj(% in bpantiful eatettain her (or that : . I
� .
. . I �
runnijig lown law violators, whether cu%torn planing.'mill work. latif.11139c, tll(. elevatlua nature got tho Pkl(-'(-" . . . IV , I
tellolon telephone ? I clitzells V'11110 criuntrY or Canada. ... � . . %_ i
. I - Stadelbauer-Kraft, 6(thic fit)10 ofarchitpetuce uaq .110it 'Faterday . TO SHIP'S Mge FIROM" . .
. . � la%('41- IN vointed orfre preetcd lilgh Illobt of I he % 11(do 'Plitiro dail, figgering
,,, , . .. . .. T�he Mue and strength Wholesale Executioll lit Slog Sing A quiet bu� pretty wedding took 0j,"t-V mirtouilding boildingq 1% a-4 a fingcr ()tit V., rout NVIth better roads 6U u Itch to TOIRONT010 HALI " AL X . '.
;�,,,, . xov.� -.10 O' Place at 2 o'clock 15'aturday pf ter Ir lim . � - I .0 ..
1184 In rutmin.g. up- andL " OSSINGTON, N.Y. . A Y10040 pointim! upwal4to heavetr" Ilia wan 90 home On, "'.104 I 2nd 11jo-tilotion. . � I I
,. I tv aleGale execution, In which four Nov. Idth, at the, Lutheran parson- digtipg"ILilipil iroln tile bt,ar4t jl�_ tilli, Went to a pitchot, I , i I. . . JI
&wn staft-s to ansiver , It . F low wiscre a It 11 el 11
men convieted as murderers will die age, Daahvvood, %then Dora Catherine, oa!,le %sith ,tvhIch lit- Could j(,(,jj till, and P,Otttuctlrowu(fotl,autlft,�VCL!) ro leal I VIA OANADIAN. NATIONAL. RAILWAYS 11 1, I
lit th,e daughter of Mr. and - Mrs. Pettr tile man % , 0 �
or malce telephone calla . electric chair, will tafte place 19, vept hiq e$ -O& & the ,wanteAl to run dov?n the Nic and jutup - _., , - , , , -1 �
. . ean be better employed. at Sint; Male Prisoll. on Thursday Kraft, was united in marriage to Mr. ground %agdogenerating to tilp lot�-,pr in tile water and vavo her leoru a wat- 1, � . 11 I Ir.
. . I night, December I.S. in n, son of animals. Literatutc, tvag ,,L"()tllc.r iav, ory death. . THAKK 614103 LgAVIlt "ALIFAX, VEOEM89R Sth 11 i.
I Warden Leiria H. Lawea annotine- Urs. and tile Intc Mr. Job" Stadel- WMIlIct tit religion. Thv niliqh- Hund,tv -Wm Invitril otit to dioner ti, I L .
I Extension telephono. ,ution to -day. On,b bauer, of Ingeraoll. of tho literaturp y lqyle d f4W01 fee(jr. S.S. "OfibXXV, �Cooak4j Lioll." , for Liverpool " la Queenstown
I ed lite fourfold exer I or to'day %%as t -tall, O,V and 41)t a A,�ually thoy ,
. ,
2a_ , f0i'41011 pip. I Wt114 Mo unwh on the ta I)[(, that. ",tlkv.� r
Mt 0111Y $1.24 a nionth I of the men to be elvented to Ab Car Breaks ON Telephone Pole and tieloulill a'.4at%liv tit the 'i. .S.S. "DORIC', tWhItostar-Doollmon tine . fort'lVerpoot vfa Relfast I .. . .,
I The char,ge for install- L hato Df,eke� of, Ille Bronx, who was � Cro3sea Creek VMI(41t, In flIN 1"p',Ct, tIj(j rpeal,o.� � 4VII14 UVAI ly MOW f0V P4 to Pitt IAN I S.S. "S,&T(,'RNI,&" P.,,Lknchor-I)anauua-,t Lino . for Wao,go%4;
tolivieted of murderin his Wife, Und .. 0!)'i��
ing is olly $1.00! They 9 'i d!C tuallaged (P 0 aloua I*
I'll. .1 - . , . wlio,recontlY V= 4,eelared,-earws aftn - To, a,hpovy fog, oa Th%m&y vigobt, ll � 111911 ttiblItO EO thO 90Wf4p3i)P1q 1, I�OWE; 00 h9t 110 , I 9 SOXCIAL VIRAIN$ Ivitil StandArd Sle*pinp and, ('QL4)#jq.'P4 Clk�q., I ' '
tig<�, � , Th,pp -iv�tvptt; afflpitjtr.i,�v. I �!,.j It 01201" �. " ''.. " . I l- 1. I . I , I -1 I � . . .
- . 'k w6nat'llflul, -toll- * I _ .. . , . : � 'whl I&W6 Toiiihto, tl.08'pan., Prideti, DaIdol"ber Tth, .
't i, 6 L 111,01UDting to PSOMPO the cliair ,bY Nov. 15tb, an automobile, failing to in�; ,and In uver.t pjacp tile -�etw)pavtl, I mowf�,y .. wunt aut lit me vnjotlq % Itil I 1.
: I 1�1.
I venience. make the furn about a mile couth of tvg,��uu thit,iftia ime upboldlug %ill t Vu ,.4% (.1aletwo ill 111113 nuvi anti aillif .11, ALSO .-,. . .�,
. I Claiming In'taniiY, . a lir L
. " _ __ Centralia, tooh to the dift,h, ard wa4 wjoil- Th -A, ION pl-04juctu (,,,(;a bad, (,Ie, man got sinatt and aqt it lu, Inot tile THROU004 CA I RS will operato (too' Toronto tta Ship's Ade, I � . .
U you order n6w, %�,e, struck a telephone pole, breikifig it "nsught iu lite %orld thrmigh tile lite of along for a Dir-cov. . I
I ,wn install an Bxbmion spl(Ind ill v�oiit for the farnicts by haviniz 401T. The etir erw,acA tile srnall erceL (11114t. I Ti.tct'da,,,.-We'�to.%to�oiu,,;tolsmvo-(Io. 113111fas, In contlection ulth the folloulng saillings.. - . I
t&pilouo for ChAs & nPecial c-dition of many thomanin. of and came up ovto tbe road on the �- - -- tulay. 'I'lloy ate a ('16 inaid 'witch . haq 1S.S. 11 PlITSUILIRG " (WhIto �qtar I Ine , Dtcember 14th, for .
� tlflao* thig valuable took printed for frco diel, opposite r4do and continued on its If one hv troubled witli cbrim, Ue Clira dovin lsvrcl to Mt rid (it her Wtoula. I 800thamPton. ("hetbourA'and, 11,1111bura. I;
I I , ,
. L . ttibittlon throngbout tatintag ,11attlafs 4 journny. I will find in Ifolloway'13 (;Iorn ip,erglover tilim and hur MaIden naduc. floo iq Ltem Toronto,, Wedit,podory, &censber 121h. �
.A I I . I I , in Chwiha.' We underataud .that thp . Amos-lial" an application 11lat will ontirely re. LueL,. .
� , - I Acmanalertho haok lim c�zlcccdca all A quiet autuil n weddiag took ;lave lieve quiloring. 1_� I Wom-day -well vw Lot 0"ITICd and S-8- "' CANADA " AVIAlto Star-Dilininion I lne:,. December 13th, I
. I I . enpeestations, but MOO 3 re,�.Crve 90,pply ill Made a hundetil aud :tfj willua Oil ore, . ,for Glastow and Uvorpool. .
I hnLe jeen SeeUrp Stratford oil Saturday, Nov. 10,01. Vat Mon short Out boule. We ate at lladu",a , UOVO 110tonto, ;1.00 p.m., Thursday, jkt,rmber 131h. -1 I
g t _A, po th,,It IL Illaitt
. -a when Alarraret Lotfice, daughter of I .
ourlibc-rig atill available feco of Coat. the late Mr. Wm, Bolles an(I 1%1r, On tlw wa;y howc. toniqla Fnttv Irifilto and It ja rascing anti pm `jq pritty
. ivillication for the b00% rillould be mad cr. . vilue mcr tho ptrilspecLa aq Mey toll blin S.'s. "ANDAN1,V o0wiM I.Inei, December 116t1s, for Plymouth,
H:N I 1� I — - 1�1'
1, I 'i 'I', "
I I I I",
to the Ioml Twaneb, of Me Ranlz ct Mo7att' role:,,, wa.t; unitcd in parriage to Ja,i atopped la front of a haGAasheen the rolaq %'Vill 1;0, to njollft I(j ti, 1,0"4LOIJ.
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