The Goderich Star, 1923-11-01, Page 14R
0 _0 N i
IOT40 i"'I Him, and ft, dcgradico thati
c,73im ing tbat in this paor,
'CAHURCH UNION z��eal to an 61;tvQE�tl tlni
IN DAYS OF" YORE cal way Ill.'s Ideal if, to be ro1lizCA
I arA Ilia prayer anmverod-
-Y Style& in 117$ Were Pretty,�—Nr. " Mo. Goo, Avitewn (2) It 15 a backward, stef in the
The Hoskr lower type of Cbur i Which it at.,
Returned how Los Avgehs,-�. S. Ikkher Opened Bakery on o PRO AND CON'temp�to form. Iwi�`ead of a Purely IrmIllygur pi,re
'%Vest Sveet—Tarchl4ht Procession at Bluovale in flonor of T.
spirs U21 BOY, as the Pres
-epking its clicls only
Farrow, N. P. Judge swfowa, of Kamloops. B.C., Says Sentiment in r4mor Of: churclinow is, Ot % �_ " '�, "I W1 ..0q0,
7 Iby moral and spiritual influence, the
Union Is Very ftong, that C*lualativo Growth Uew thurch would be a legal
Twenty Yew Ago Was Longest Howling Seawn ap Record " LPA- 4 TwtrAy Yew corpor.
at!oiniiwith corvoratto.civil powep, to
its Wore Sunuftr onsw in First Part of Novemlitr—Mows. ',battleii" in the words d lir. �,hoiivz4l, 1��i
Galt and Carey 1W,Quic1k Sw,cess in Mooft Hunt—M Brof. I . a th "reilgio-political realm. d
Howw�-4o&rkh Township Ri0a Apociatiatal
Bought Huroo (31)" It a a backward stop in It,% CUT
84 Was a Hit Event. method,of forming that lower typo
it S�vott, FiRtgr of Preshyterian Record, Says Union Would Lower, of eburieb. inatead Of christ a Way
the Typo of Church 404 He Backwasid Step in Pro. I —"I will draw oil men unto Me," it PLUS
WHAT NVAS DOING IN 1878 aut to sce co niany good looking girls grells 9f the Kingdom. ! plans to drive them. its -church
Star 4 May and robust ycomen ill the town of I Union Bill," wh
(Frow no 0ioderleb aich it asks Parliament
Mat, 1878) Goderkh on pleasure bent. The tirst audect Swanson, of Kamloops, D. world, to enforce, would, the mviment it 1,31
damo started juot before 9. 4nd from C
�Voulil They Ikat Tod;kylestylesl. an4tiva of Goderich, "nds a �o !A great MAlon Her, before the un. I passed, make all Presbyterian mem. &
that time till 4 a- in- OA 11"116WOell of The Kaw church, no matter IMaAr, X
loops 16tandard-Sentine, ted eburob of CanGda to inspire its bors of the ncw
IXOSIOrY PAY103 wx'rc Mver Prettier- Tcrp:31chore held thv fort, and vqver
ngs Ore VirtUallY OffetD waa there More good fellowship ,41of Namloop, B. C., with the follow- members to greater, effort ano zeal how unwilling. It is A reversion to
White 614w, ing Interview With 'him on his 'return, -for, the c use of Christian idith initbe Middle Ages, when the Church
in society* Some folks think no hearty enjoyment. Dancing took from attending the meeting of the canadai-a wia one in name and people wore
rtoekinga fit B0 Well au tile ketich- place In the main hall and supper joint committee on,church Union bold driven to it by civil pains and penal -
Open -work -ed stockings ate Corning Was Perved In the big auto room u - ties.
again, to be worn with f3liPPOrs-, r tgently in Toronto, wit One of many letters The Star has
in tairs. The party broke up at 4 110 at t be copied in The Star; received as part of the propaganda (4) It is a backward step in yca
Llir,10 - thrC011 OtOcklOgs, in Irregular m-, and the Toaa home Was barely Chi -lotion truth. Note ono,pol
tTudgo st church un� nt. "'In
W, "by Mo -ftilediob 'of th� from 1`0110 whdii6:16 -0tended art 1 - 'Is as X61161M ministers
T�$wapgon returned on r Voy being conducted again,
on the Presbytiirjan churdh'all
rilk ntocLings, hand-wrouglits are ('X-. sinking moon. The mufic, two vlo- im lit meeting of the Joi t om. NIVIRY OVpOSg -CHURCH LTNION? and elders take ordination vows, de -
I , porta n 0
ccedincly pretty. lins. and piano, was ver sweet, and mittee on eburgh union of the th I Tothe V ditor of The Star.' claring acceptance of the standards PC
ree k t
A blasoule Excursion was played Ja such goZ time as to negotiating eburclics—Presbyterian, Sirr-That is 0 � questicize for "Un- Of that church, with their great X
truths—the Love and Hercy of God,1 0 -a lk for
The members -44'"t, Masonic lOd- JwPr*�'z thO dancers wltb its excel- Methodist and �Cougrcgatiotnal, This lonists"I to answer, for they, and nol
iell are Inaking - The supper, conindttea and committee waa� empowered by their the Deity
gea in. a6der prepnra, lenec I others, are opposipg true union, I D , of Christ, His Atoning 5 ra
pla. the floor munagers did their appor- nion Is that to which one Is drawn, I euth fOi sin, Salvation by Faith in $V
no, together with the lodges in 1 0 tioned work most creditabl.
t4s3 between here and Stra, ' resfectriv incetoupcbralcourtaf tothpulthlrbeee not driven. If � any are drawn to a im,' etc. The Church stands for I
tford, t v and Cap- bil I
.have an excuroion to IAondon on St. taill Laithwaite and the general com. churches into final shape for prosen. new church none will opposd their. ese truths and is pledged to them.
mittee are to be congra,
John's day, June 24th. , tulated on the tation, to parliament at the coming going. But Presbyterians, In tons of I (Continued on Page 5)
I 'and succvAs Of thO Onlival for 1903, session. thousands, are drawn by convictiQ
Returned. from 1,06 Augele$ , 91 n
both pleasurably I
Air. and Mrs. George Acheson have and financially. - 4"The union of these three great of duty, as well as by strong and ton- I
churches will be an historic event in der ties, to their own Church; nod I Worms feed upon the VI'tality of 1.001g I t
it -is 1 4'
a its; po; ng w
returned front Los Angeles, Califo f.TVointine world. On Canada. It i's being followed, with "Unionists" avi seeking an Act of, children and endanger -their lives, A
I'M A. 4. 4% .1 O.Um,
a, W,)r AFV #A 11-ful analysis zew stories prove as great Interest not only throughout Parliament to compel them out of -simple and'offective remedy ia� Moth -
the continent the SI Dorado they 01- terrible- as the headline CA � either into a,now 046,'Ler Graves"Worm, terminator,
d, UU4 So they"L s. n4da but in the United, States, I their church,
have returned to
pecte .....
zottle again in Goderich, having sold
Qei! property in the far west.
Ovened New Bakery N war 9%.
8 it rose, to
OUR CAN slump., In .1.91
Mr. X Belcher has.opened a -new ADIA 507,29;.Ibs, 1922 showed 31,217,300
bAkery -in the promises formerly oc- -Ain- �(F,844,408, blines are aff,
copied by Mr.' Canteloti on West St. QUIZ C I N, Numing operations and - additions are.
made to some plants.
Oretto. With Tprtbligbt Proession
Afr.LT. Varrow, At. P., was greeted Questions ana; Ailiswers. on all Sorts JUVENILE IMM.
'by a largo number of his,friends tLit of Things Purely Canadian Q.W�at is the extent of juvenile
Bluevoleou his return from Ottawm immigration to, Canada?
A torchlight procession was Tormed A. -m-78,000.. boys and girl
THE E. P, RANCH, s -have
and ali addVess was presented, ex- be�n, brought -to Canada as, juvenile
r I
ce in him and Q.—Where is tha E. P.: romi -British Isles
pressing entire eotifiden granki%, from the
in the. Conservative leaders. I�The E. P. raneh is the one 'Ir during the! last .118M
A Brace of Accidents 4� 40' purtha year v"
2013 arT
sed by the Prince of Wales I �f IIN2:2
Southeva Alberta, comprising sever -
On Wednes ky Of' last 'week, whilo 1, al thousand acres � in the FDOj�111 HOLDERS,�OF CANADAS
engaged ln.powingf Mr. E. Alount- country,, where he carried oXi. extens- NATIONAL DEBT
f4Stle, Of V
'1111:on, sustained a serious ive.- ranching � and farming 'industry. -the holders of',Can-
Q.—Wbo are
accident. WbIe at work his plow
The initials'stanolL for Edward,Prince. ada's national debt?
-stone,.and he was Okrovm A.,—Canada's nationalL debt, up to
forward 6n the bundles Aerlousl�
vuijr held almost entirely Ai
m 1914, was,
hurting his chest, SW was the, HOME S -1 . irlow, although eight iiin�s-
force of the coneesplon, that the Pie Q�—Whoi iNo CanadWa first.horne- 80 per :cont is held by Cana- L:
Nvas almost thrown i6vet his head. steader? dians.
Miss Clara blounteadtle, of � 01n. RSL
A.—Canada's first W esteader SETTLING EX-SOLDIM
was a young. Seotehman, John Sand -
ton, had1bo misforturio to fall 'down For the hiv and the'corn and wheat. THR TAX11
(From The Goderleh Star of Nov.
othi 19031
A Leng 86wliui.seas
The bowling s01141in of 190 wa,
the longest on rccord so for as the
Goderich Bowling. Club is concerned.
Play commenced in April and oil
Nov- dth, in fine open weathet, the
intuppoped last game Of tile seavolit was
played follows, gov, Mr. EIliott
Ritlying a Owl on each. side.
V. 3 liott Rev. Mr. Elliott
Ii. , r, J.D. Tigert
Tordo i
it. IV.
Bali John Galt
John Wynn J. L. Grant
J. Yntes, tkip--20 W. Lane, ship—W
SurAmer Drosses ft Nov*mberA
Nbvember started, with real fine V
weather, and hod Rudyard Kipling Or
been around he, would have felt
bound to revise his "Lady of tile GOOD RED BLOOD AustraliapsrI4 nd churchless, onto the
Snows." The air was so mild that . the Motherland," said or, homeless a
many ladies appeared ill summer A REAL NERYE TONIC 3�ud Swanson in an Interview. "It street. Why these "Unionists" 'will
ietly go where they wish, but
drv�a, and heavy clothing, when. hoped that later,other branches of mot qu
"n, was not comfortable. IVeitki, Wiloty U16W the Solite4e, or the Christian clkuvli may join the must attempt this coercion of others)
I . union. so unfair, unjust, unlawful, unchri
Back From the Moose Hunt All Nervousness 44 so
The movemeitt is 'not a sudden t1an, is for themselves to answer. �
Alet-srs, John Galt and Oswald It people NVOU14 attend to their blood, 'one, but is. the cumulative growth of But now another question. Why
Carep returned loot tieck from their justcatl of jvovryIrlg themselves.,,,, 831(1 over A0.0 years. The sentiment in fli. oppose this attempted coervion?
4110000 P. I
hunting trip* � The return an eminent nerve Specialist. WO doctors vor of union is exceedingly strong 11"all I It is a backward ste In
wall liarlier than expected, but as woultJ not W out consulting roolosilvithin these churches, the only oppo� many ways in the progress of the
caell shooter had baiged his inoose crowded with ncvvou8, wrecks. MOM . sition, centering within"a. eertain see. Kingdom of God. 0
(one only being allowed. per man). it peopi6suffet from worry than OnYthing'tion of the Presbyterian church. (1) It is a backward step in its
wao nimessury to. move quickly to else. The vote in favor of union at the lowered ideal of the Church. It
Fmve the game. . The tort of thing the speclailst spolge, last general assembly of the Presby� takes ChrisVs glorloull ideal, a great
Mr... 0arles Asquith's Malden IN. 'Of Is the nervous, run-down condition 00an church stood 42 to 129. Out spiritual Christitin Brotherhood, of
clua�ed by overwork and the momy aux. of 55 Presbyterians 51 vot for un, every race and -name and type, all
ietles-eftormday. them* ion. Five ,, 11049
(16Ae's Asquith, of Auburn, who vesti it o%va tit unable to y of, the yter.
d* te of the Goderiell C Ilan church (including s of
olle. k I
late, 1139 CEMCA the position of the'r 1010 S on a 'thing' Any have declared in favor of unto . like.
nol 11 ts em likt otblow.
cber of (%urchilt school near Ilar. They ate fall of, gtotandless rekf% do, not -wise the vote of the people Oil two..
Tie, sit $400 per annum, duties to Sleep Well At night. UMISChtS &n(I occasions.
COMM Mee on'the first Of January.. other nerve pains are put of the wisety, VThe legislation uow ro
cied f ol.
A Hotel Chgage audit all "Meg from st4ritki nerves. lows along the lines o t e act of
The Huron Hou -,e,, whicql 11gs bQQn DOclofl"r the nerves with poilsollons 1875, which gave C%ffkt to the union
tv long atd nucetnofally �conduetcd sedlitives a a terrible WistAkO, The of the sovers] branches of the Pres.
by MA V. 11. Swart,,;, was sold this church in Canada. Theful. 'SAL
Irlin and nei-vousnegg and run-dowil health Dr.
Week to VAHS RV03" of Be rich red Wood. Therelote to rellpvwlest provision in made, to protect th6 up
Tomito Who will take pu3sosion lVinisme pink pilla should be t&kto. I rights of all dis.�entients or non�cou. to
#eutting mebibers. The rightof eseh
when he tr#05fer and Other details 'Ill* pills eadch tbo bloodiiwbtehi llgk�egatj 11
axe completed. The now propriletors tonestho nerves, Imploves ibo spPelite, to 0 to vote on thequestion COUGHI
() 'Well And faVOThbb- known to the gives now strength d s, trits, si% Months 0ter ras.
aV sm p and of union within,
travelling Public. one of thtinj having makes hitherto despondent � sing. of thO aet 114 copied from the act DISSOLVE' a 11,*5 et
r0nllftted the ColanterefAl at bilghtAMebeertul. It Nou arepeOP161of 1875. If the congregation by it in the wouth Whe er
robirth. at all �Taajority vote decides Agaitft union your r1hoest feeU raw a�nd
and litter the %valper at Berlin. "out of 8041r, Va should begin toddag
It remains out of union and retain% cough trotiblesome.
Gokrich. To. Rile Alssoclajion Ball Dr. W1111ALM%!, I ink Nls.
you Can get them Vas through any its propety. The powetfal wtdiOnat v&pours
The Eecond annuml Iball arj OY-alt`ie d I I
ealer in indiftellie, or by mail at N' live"
j "In addition to this it cor4fnj!,%'1On 66 by Vt^ tie h"IoWly
tupper of the, Godelich ToivasV
BP P%I- ccuts A,box fmm MO Dt- AVilligIlls' Of 'nifie is Constituted to apportion
is — 44 wadlel- Ont. j equitably the general property -of the 1
lows MR on Friday evening. and its (colltWem, hospitas, h6ineand
6tairs and break her right arm and
streAt success ensures its wr* held She $ft*ttA
e"Ipmerit) be.
there next jesr, and, as one of the 3ennibits mother hod caught a cold. tween 06 c6noftationa soft into
that Is reaped,
I IlftnKS Tor We CrInIS011 apples,
Injure hor aboulder'ou the #22nd Inst.
Poo* ii:
jequally good tot 9we
th"#A" kfto OUA Wftk
For the.labor-Well done,'and die barns
Tha0s fPr the goldea grain.
Sir GeorXt
Wei vi��4,ors from town W the 101*6 her #Vfol.
majority of thoge rl"eat wore f6m 'V�thflr," the liFfIstfr in big OMM06ft thma*h Ctft
Medical aid wits at once obtaineol Od
the froctovo reduced'
Loai(l Aolemilly, aft Its$ eloquotly n:i
thw 6M fown�bip,i nod It W&M 01"t C . Iltr"'sed tbik me
ming f4thees �ecent.,, timent aniollgtt 60 rations of
that are heaped,
F or stirruner's pl6asanfsiuishiiiel
For Ap -It's ral
Runaway cidents
ForAlie,sun and the dow aud �tbe sweet
I genial
ve thanks for all th floNVers
Pi e
On. -Thursday morning, rvtr.� John..
Oakes, of the Oth concession, Ash
r'e and the ]I' -
Forilthe os ,,tnd the song, ar
That God In, beauty sehds,
fiold,'driive .into to -mi and t1W his'.
vest,brought hopie—
But most of,all show gratitude
team to a post i� front of S. And-
I'lianksgiving" ! Thahksgivilig.1
-ind and ge croos friends
For 1, n
rowe butcher sbop while he Nvmt to
t1oh Association is an artruistic or.L
mn I can bigh)y r�ceommend them to alt
mAhers;,t Tranobiamoo . tagno's
transact aouio bughiess. in one of the
a0acent stores. : In his abse6lco, *
lie skill and
For the , tr I ide and t the
What Matter if tiiils� f prest tied
buffalo ix the, which *6 In the wag-
q and,
we, ltb. in our 1,
No ton -ger wears.the leaf,?
On. 'Was blown on the horseslobacku,
when they started towards the mar.
For the ting arid. streng th of the`..
wo, an's hand
Our Mildly �iother -Nature
lciet house, and � rushed headlong Oil
the� chains surrounding the Court
For tile good that our artists and, poets
-..But tries.our unbelief,
And $he herself itr*thankfulne,�s
sure aul �safe wedfc'n6i for little Moo
House square; One of the horses,
ran agoinzt.onn of the posts, which
have taught
For the friendship th�t'hooe arid affe'c-
Now seeks a �bricf rep6se,
location and -to help him in his p
chose of farm -and e quiprnont, it, io
ontered Its breast, tearing awn e.
skin about six inches solunre an en.
tion,have brought—.
Thanksgi'ving rhanksgiving r
Arid.sirtiles lovingly
-, From out her robe -of silows.
tering diqep� into 'the flesh. The ton,
flilanced by the Dominion Govern-
gue of the wagon was broken short
OR. and other damage to the vehicle
Put the I that 'with purest affec-
Ionles . I I
Thanks for the natioI1*1s liberty,
menti and railways i �nd by pri�,
vote interests,
wjaq done. The wound ;n thohlorstlo
breast was wwn upri, but It will be
tion are blest,
For the, season' of plenty and well -d e7
-hanks for our wealths increase
For faith, for hoi$I-'_�, for charity,
vome t1wo before.' it will be able to
s�rved rest.
. And, most of ill, for -peace
On Tuesday luat a- farmer n.
-For our country extending fr oill sea to
Blow, winds, our glad ThaiTksgivin,
R oxomith from the township of Hur.
on come to town to transact souie
The land that is -'ours, we gNre thanks to
Ye oceall -billows roar,
And swell the hyniu:of ratitude
busineor; and bought a valuablo,, Wg-
gy. After he got to his friefid's
Thanksgiving Tbanl;sgivin,,
To Cxodfor ev6rnlore 1
house it) town and took his wife out,
the horse ran awa *i making a total
57- —Sale'ned
Proif. W. Whitman Bailq
�vreclz of the volifetc.
(From The Goderleh Star of Nov.
othi 19031
A Leng 86wliui.seas
The bowling s01141in of 190 wa,
the longest on rccord so for as the
Goderich Bowling. Club is concerned.
Play commenced in April and oil
Nov- dth, in fine open weathet, the
intuppoped last game Of tile seavolit was
played follows, gov, Mr. EIliott
Ritlying a Owl on each. side.
V. 3 liott Rev. Mr. Elliott
Ii. , r, J.D. Tigert
Tordo i
it. IV.
Bali John Galt
John Wynn J. L. Grant
J. Yntes, tkip--20 W. Lane, ship—W
SurAmer Drosses ft Nov*mberA
Nbvember started, with real fine V
weather, and hod Rudyard Kipling Or
been around he, would have felt
bound to revise his "Lady of tile GOOD RED BLOOD AustraliapsrI4 nd churchless, onto the
Snows." The air was so mild that . the Motherland," said or, homeless a
many ladies appeared ill summer A REAL NERYE TONIC 3�ud Swanson in an Interview. "It street. Why these "Unionists" 'will
ietly go where they wish, but
drv�a, and heavy clothing, when. hoped that later,other branches of mot qu
"n, was not comfortable. IVeitki, Wiloty U16W the Solite4e, or the Christian clkuvli may join the must attempt this coercion of others)
I . union. so unfair, unjust, unlawful, unchri
Back From the Moose Hunt All Nervousness 44 so
The movemeitt is 'not a sudden t1an, is for themselves to answer. �
Alet-srs, John Galt and Oswald It people NVOU14 attend to their blood, 'one, but is. the cumulative growth of But now another question. Why
Carep returned loot tieck from their justcatl of jvovryIrlg themselves.,,,, 831(1 over A0.0 years. The sentiment in fli. oppose this attempted coervion?
4110000 P. I
hunting trip* � The return an eminent nerve Specialist. WO doctors vor of union is exceedingly strong 11"all I It is a backward ste In
wall liarlier than expected, but as woultJ not W out consulting roolosilvithin these churches, the only oppo� many ways in the progress of the
caell shooter had baiged his inoose crowded with ncvvou8, wrecks. MOM . sition, centering within"a. eertain see. Kingdom of God. 0
(one only being allowed. per man). it peopi6suffet from worry than OnYthing'tion of the Presbyterian church. (1) It is a backward step in its
wao nimessury to. move quickly to else. The vote in favor of union at the lowered ideal of the Church. It
Fmve the game. . The tort of thing the speclailst spolge, last general assembly of the Presby� takes ChrisVs glorloull ideal, a great
Mr... 0arles Asquith's Malden IN. 'Of Is the nervous, run-down condition 00an church stood 42 to 129. Out spiritual Christitin Brotherhood, of
clua�ed by overwork and the momy aux. of 55 Presbyterians 51 vot for un, every race and -name and type, all
ietles-eftormday. them* ion. Five ,, 11049
(16Ae's Asquith, of Auburn, who vesti it o%va tit unable to y of, the yter.
d* te of the Goderiell C Ilan church (including s of
olle. k I
late, 1139 CEMCA the position of the'r 1010 S on a 'thing' Any have declared in favor of unto . like.
nol 11 ts em likt otblow.
cber of (%urchilt school near Ilar. They ate fall of, gtotandless rekf% do, not -wise the vote of the people Oil two..
Tie, sit $400 per annum, duties to Sleep Well At night. UMISChtS &n(I occasions.
COMM Mee on'the first Of January.. other nerve pains are put of the wisety, VThe legislation uow ro
cied f ol.
A Hotel Chgage audit all "Meg from st4ritki nerves. lows along the lines o t e act of
The Huron Hou -,e,, whicql 11gs bQQn DOclofl"r the nerves with poilsollons 1875, which gave C%ffkt to the union
tv long atd nucetnofally �conduetcd sedlitives a a terrible WistAkO, The of the sovers] branches of the Pres.
by MA V. 11. Swart,,;, was sold this church in Canada. Theful. 'SAL
Irlin and nei-vousnegg and run-dowil health Dr.
Week to VAHS RV03" of Be rich red Wood. Therelote to rellpvwlest provision in made, to protect th6 up
Tomito Who will take pu3sosion lVinisme pink pilla should be t&kto. I rights of all dis.�entients or non�cou. to
#eutting mebibers. The rightof eseh
when he tr#05fer and Other details 'Ill* pills eadch tbo bloodiiwbtehi llgk�egatj 11
axe completed. The now propriletors tonestho nerves, Imploves ibo spPelite, to 0 to vote on thequestion COUGHI
() 'Well And faVOThbb- known to the gives now strength d s, trits, si% Months 0ter ras.
aV sm p and of union within,
travelling Public. one of thtinj having makes hitherto despondent � sing. of thO aet 114 copied from the act DISSOLVE' a 11,*5 et
r0nllftted the ColanterefAl at bilghtAMebeertul. It Nou arepeOP161of 1875. If the congregation by it in the wouth Whe er
robirth. at all �Taajority vote decides Agaitft union your r1hoest feeU raw a�nd
and litter the %valper at Berlin. "out of 8041r, Va should begin toddag
It remains out of union and retain% cough trotiblesome.
Gokrich. To. Rile Alssoclajion Ball Dr. W1111ALM%!, I ink Nls.
you Can get them Vas through any its propety. The powetfal wtdiOnat v&pours
The Eecond annuml Iball arj OY-alt`ie d I I
ealer in indiftellie, or by mail at N' live"
j "In addition to this it cor4fnj!,%'1On 66 by Vt^ tie h"IoWly
tupper of the, Godelich ToivasV
BP P%I- ccuts A,box fmm MO Dt- AVilligIlls' Of 'nifie is Constituted to apportion
is — 44 wadlel- Ont. j equitably the general property -of the 1
lows MR on Friday evening. and its (colltWem, hospitas, h6ineand
ROQ lu"V- "my sum9lwn RAW
pmect QW04t the da"M-11 at Vot,
streAt success ensures its wr* held She $ft*ttA
e"Ipmerit) be.
there next jesr, and, as one of the 3ennibits mother hod caught a cold. tween 06 c6noftationa soft into
memlwrs mid, many Plca!iint and as a precautionary measure had,uniolm and tho" voting, themstav"
hW het"n"' On NeCoUnt 'of the 'rftefted U
to that old-fashioned remi-,� a t� This ullift is in Mrmony
P"W14rity of the nine AviWilition, 0115'=�-x glift of hot vhhkey� J�the dorainant spirit of th hour the
at X"d *tteM#nCe` Was aftfftated, A WHO litter JeArile, i� five, tk;am 11 world Over. vhvh Is to draw
Poo* ii:
jequally good tot 9we
th"#A" kfto OUA Wftk
bet the number Present VIOM that rexdy for bed *'Pil as Ai6 kisW her'clo"ly to
Telfilled the expectatift". TJWI* mother, a 160i Of rt -gether the great bonds of
p"Ch crtipt intO " huMfirs Wthftilto6d.
Sir GeorXt
Wei vi��4,ors from town W the 101*6 her #Vfol.
majority of thoge rl"eat wore f6m 'V�thflr," the liFfIstfr in big OMM06ft thma*h Ctft
Loai(l Aolemilly, aft Its$ eloquotly n:i
thw 6M fown�bip,i nod It W&M 01"t C . Iltr"'sed tbik me
ming f4thees �ecent.,, timent aniollgtt 60 rations of
'nut culture' a
t rried on c6m-
mercially in Canadal,
A.—Nut -oulture promises to be
made a permanent commercjaljndus�
try in British Columbia, in L Walnuts,
chestnuts and almonds. Canada im-
�orts nearb, $5,000,000 worth. of nuts,
4-�_What- ate the latest fur farxn-
J ing-figures. jo
A.—Canada had, in 1922,,1,009 fur Have a packel 10 �our
farms, with animals worth $5,570,088 poket for.eVer4esdy
—an incrippof 197 farms in or,.
Prince Edward island leading.
PTEODUCT�QX Allays thiiist.
Q.—What is the value of Canada's
.4 forest production? .4000M the throaL
A.—Canada!s forest production is For Quality, Flavor aNd
dly, the total value of
growing rapt Me Sesinfackag%
the 1920- operations (the latest avail-
able data) being $234,398,396,, made 9d
up of the products of logging and 4.
wnlll , operations—the[ highest Oil
Q.-�To what extent Is nick6l pro-
f duction increasing in, Canada?
Ae--Canada nickel p1roduction is a.
Igain on the increase since the after-
44 44
.4, New Men's Overcoats
aftipment In
In Blanket clot!I�.in . all the latest sbades, new�est, at special prices. for
In a large assortment 9,f Velours, Duvetyns aud %Nfarvellas, newest shadeg,
and stylesi, sliedd for Thankswiving.
Get your new Dress for Thanksgiving here. We have them in Sei-ge, Trico.
tine, Mint Twill atid Canton Crepe., Very pretty Dresses at reasond"lile priceii.
Ladies� Get a New Halt, for Thanksgiving
We have Ltdies' Hats in ell the latest styles, and shapes fof Vall and Wintir
wear. All ready to put on and prices are the lowest.
We havie �iceivid a new sbipment of Children?s Coats in Velours, trimmed
with far collars. Also Roys� 0orcosits.
1! Ill 11401 W �JJ1111'1 11
Wftt Sde of -%uarq
erson who, on Oct6ber -14, 1881, re- I . . .1 . ..
Q.—To whai extent is Canada set�
ceived,the fifst free patent for gov- tiIiig landT
. :
or6ment . land' in Western Canada,
A.—Ciiiiada hooz 'helped -to, settle'
�ear the �sriesent Portage to Pliairie. 27,000 eX-s6ldiers on the lan(f, at -412.
'.�J "has,
krm he - says, yielded - as
all i expense off�00,000,000., V
in y lioney as the majority of gold
Mrs.. Alfr(d TrancIleniontagne, �t.
Q.—What Is, the Westerrif Canada
Michel djea'. Saintal QIM'
"Di6y's.0t%li Tablbts. are an Excei6t
Colonization Association?
A Western Canada Coloniza
1111"1161110. They saved my -baby's Ilte,
t1oh Association is an artruistic or.L
mn I can bigh)y r�ceommend them to alt
mAhers;,t Tranobiamoo . tagno's
intended to fill the tap '
1!� that thousands
the immigration betv�ean.
experlidipce ot of other
have thft
chain tee
time of the gettler�,' arrival ara his
motbers, who t.estdd W61th. Of
Baby's Cwn Tableto. Thetabletsarea
location; to advise him as, to �rultable
sure aul �safe wedfc'n6i for little Moo
location and -to help him in his p
chose of farm -and e quiprnont, it, io
and uever'�fail. to'regulate the bowels
and stomach, t hus k4ii�ving an tile all-
nor, 111% from which children suffer..
flilanced by the Dominion Govern-
Thoy v &010Jne dealers
menti and railways i �nd by pri�,
vote interests,
or(. sold1b Qr by
indif at 25 cents s LO& from the, Dr,
Williams, Wedlolue Co. �, Broo4ville, out..
'nut culture' a
t rried on c6m-
mercially in Canadal,
A.—Nut -oulture promises to be
made a permanent commercjaljndus�
try in British Columbia, in L Walnuts,
chestnuts and almonds. Canada im-
�orts nearb, $5,000,000 worth. of nuts,
4-�_What- ate the latest fur farxn-
J ing-figures. jo
A.—Canada had, in 1922,,1,009 fur Have a packel 10 �our
farms, with animals worth $5,570,088 poket for.eVer4esdy
—an incrippof 197 farms in or,.
Prince Edward island leading.
PTEODUCT�QX Allays thiiist.
Q.—What is the value of Canada's
.4 forest production? .4000M the throaL
A.—Canada!s forest production is For Quality, Flavor aNd
dly, the total value of
growing rapt Me Sesinfackag%
the 1920- operations (the latest avail-
able data) being $234,398,396,, made 9d
up of the products of logging and 4.
wnlll , operations—the[ highest Oil
Q.-�To what extent Is nick6l pro-
f duction increasing in, Canada?
Ae--Canada nickel p1roduction is a.
Igain on the increase since the after-
44 44
.4, New Men's Overcoats
aftipment In
In Blanket clot!I�.in . all the latest sbades, new�est, at special prices. for
In a large assortment 9,f Velours, Duvetyns aud %Nfarvellas, newest shadeg,
and stylesi, sliedd for Thankswiving.
Get your new Dress for Thanksgiving here. We have them in Sei-ge, Trico.
tine, Mint Twill atid Canton Crepe., Very pretty Dresses at reasond"lile priceii.
Ladies� Get a New Halt, for Thanksgiving
We have Ltdies' Hats in ell the latest styles, and shapes fof Vall and Wintir
wear. All ready to put on and prices are the lowest.
We havie �iceivid a new sbipment of Children?s Coats in Velours, trimmed
with far collars. Also Roys� 0orcosits.
1! Ill 11401 W �JJ1111'1 11
Wftt Sde of -%uarq