The Goderich Star, 1923-09-13, Page 7....... ...
TW C4009ox" WAR
TUX txnl.x OLD HCH0011 Routs V11IRRIXIS WOM)LI
fill your ove
I Island Be to clea)j sport around tile worl&
Should wravge�
British Empire air Rawia?
Whether Wraugel. Island . should A Rift k the Mill" Overheating
to tile Empire (ir to tat Rus. I Gernialit Reparations IssiAo
18111ilt"11211a matter for the governments I There is it rift in the Claud* hARS
Of the two coq
atrie' to decide. VAR-! ing over the German reparations
adAls direct intere5t in the ijuesiVo it way W takerl for granted
arlses from tile possession of the I that the intimation of France. that CUT
ly of her 9
land for a co&ultersible period by Akil, she did not intend to pay ay
expejAition organized by. Stefa�sson' debt to the U, rilted States or to Great
and tinder Command of Allan Craw -Britain until C*rmany bad paid her, PLUO
ford, a Toronto njan, sew
A WA tas been a very par udverti -ent
Nvith his party. it oegin to 6., an for Premieir Poincare and 11% fellov.. C09 ficbpak
4;a% matter for Callad.J. nud Britain countrymen. It 114tain bad taken ........ I_ � - L L --,
0 clde whether the Isluad is wortlA that attitude in regard to her debt
claiming and whethel' the, 13111111rc to tile united States there would
allother International en -1
hus a iair right to it. The public have been
cannot decide suck issues and must tmixlem�,nt which Would not huvc
tat -,e their lead from tile fivet as pre- been $or S11111ple 48 Some of those in
liented to them by thVIV,"goverilments. tile past. Since a recent speech by
Neither -in Ottawa or London doe�;
there seem to have beclit allY of the WU
-Anget 1,ilaud
enthusiasm over Wit
litefanS4 Pattie$ dIS
� on
xhlch� the your
llplaVC.d' it is probtaNy quite trite
that the Northland of which very lit. pax kcat 0 G D E NIS
tle, Is yet known, desp4e all that have
beent sAid and writtell about it, pos- alk for
scs�nes immerise natural wealth, and
that Wrangel Island may be Import-
aut for future wirelcs.% station links
Ill the R'nipire. But there will 4.
ways be. a big quQStiob mark in'the
of the public generally as to
whather such places Over worth the
..... ..... .....
sacrifice anti heroisli:
t of which the
ha,0 so -often been the scene We
day may come within a Comparative.
them Z�
ly short time, when access to
will be a matter of 1% short lovirney Q�Akw;
in the air. Pending that it is not 01,W Now
oneejVp�ljlc, that n NIOUld go
ationj tC,
war Over them. �44 k -Stop tile C'OnWhI-CoughinS lat No buneS religion $jror 2urVjV" big
Earthquakes. caused by irritation in the respira. -morais.
Tile and or
Tho Scientists throughout tili) tory passage.% and is the effort to
d,'�,(jt.jI r Much 'to obstructions that come $rom 40.4%, a V" I* 3M 3:,AQ.
world havo oWdy tioll of the -mucous mem'-f
Trea "ifare
tlliA'r cause withoutr braille. mt with Dr,
twit Mamas,
Qlv cortaill of t1le-arigin 'electric Oil will allay tile luflamma.
of the latter. 'Nor Lam iliey able tr "LORD RUNFREW""' tion'lind in consequenc.o tile cough.
take "in. Or �sljgest any B..the jrince
of will UsuAllf StOP� Try it and YOUL Is the embodiment of tha,
of'Rer $$it sned.
vtepq NV11101 might gho a wa'.01p", I. Wale.3 tra. Ntill be
the people of countrlez�%Vlier6 oat-th. vehl: t6 Canada as the Hatl mirill8tAtiment of :the people,
qtjnkt,.� aru a eoramon oecurrenco frow on a regular sh)
14-1-.- -k
'--m ;-- lip- qf 'ho -e Alfhoupli I, and -at% a regular cab*n iiii-is nl4V;,
Ile will,Spend vbllUt. -niontla
cllibm 4. 'The vww
. li.ett, his ranch in Alberta. Tho llhistri4
the "I'
op I i6it Shows 1krim playlit, M46yow"tril Mon ArogL
i 14, 1 N "Wi
fiodft ight aim L#4*, —&U -
of the past, liowoyev, none of the c niade by this-. instrument in Canada Ph,
h1low dear to illy heavt! are -the 44fo, of %ly 'childhood" Qt;s- by Sneath
i tmea auki in other countr es be ore any 4c *0 9 East WaW41103h,'PridaYtt to the in 0 OW teadlers. pm at
Ord riQn
spatches got I tj Soeretary. ga at wet bil"d imvil r. Ality woillil It U" NOwd tUt tailk
,lich material dam. tual through from. Above-Thq tfiblet, unveiled at S. S, N
loss of life and de
ve.ent-sebool ivhich r(oplaced �;e log structure built in M... Mot 1.11M a 0*16
ft,,,;e as tbn 'recent. rmrle�i of quakeq Japan., The theory oi' scientists th 'Ile p1
4�,v) ericilepid ir two dnv9. A�
The whole in many cases eait-thquakos originat r ,doeb 11 Vllytw grat" -, "OTr (W W."444
7. eivill7cd-vurld is aid Jn- ill IM sou, seems to he borne, out 4n
I)all il L the inilli lijilkIntor, pt' IS82, %I ford and H., Burgess bow public lly, Mmy list to "o"Inho
i� flin hoiir rd her, sorrow, lifit this ci�'s6by tense tidal waves year; J, Arm. 0
-0140 goo V.UI 4,
in jo-P-111 do the which -a(ldciir to the dama%q and the chool 1�r residing In Owell-
strong, pt. 1882*83-84, Vfl�- years' TIN 41,411.
'imils Oip,,v in Oic work of r6habili. hoiroe, CC ore M&n in remind, IE S 'CHOOL
()n M Miss -tiannall Muir, sub,,for 4 months ound. f4rmer pupils who
i4lifilln'r' jpj'�jc mii3r lip, trusted to d,) ed that nature has not been conquer- in 1884; XrjSS McKim, 1885, 1, yeav;: spoke Werer W. Air Currie of r ' I, tea t. t
4 liki 0 u"in
-age fillpiration, -erestln the JaP41- Dedicated tb P 86-87, 2 Year$;L ham, and J s'; Li ater
11IN with aoui� ed., CansdWs, luL I Par. Miss Jennie Weir, I$ f T rn=�-
loneer. Teachen,
�Whe,yilll. noverflIOCSA, bo grateful to '!bse disuster wits; incremed by the fard. Miss Maggie Campbell, 1888..89-90 '3 ity, Rev. H. W. Sneill, A. If. Uus-
ents and L Pupils of St. S. No. 9, years; MISS F- Mortall, 1891-92" �1 111011112
"ho,.:'Urat'ons' which in her hour of of many missionaries from this coon- rove, Rev. C. R. Cragg and J. W.' 114110,
Hast Wawanosh. Ii
need that hul ianity try. bo;ng, there, 4nd viuch property, ... years r, Miss.-Pheolle Densmorej ''IS93, wing, r Al., P,, '41SO, " aye Addro Ira" $M'
VOL all-ar. A large gathering- old pupils, I' -Year; Mir 'Halliday, 1894-95, 2 Community Sing ijg Was, heartily
bein owneVby their re4eed 98
ches, teachers And p4repts viewed the un years; L. B. Duff, 1806-97- 4 joined in. Mr. Goo,. Pocock gavz, A
-ass tablet in 'the school .8; Miss 1900- e 1.2, reading acoll a,whistling $0.
Nature ffas,Not, Been -Can of S� S. No. 9, East WaW. Agnes Greive,
veiling �*f a bi yeal
Thc:'�arthquakes in, question Weise. Revival in Athletic Sports In Brital house a Miss Alice Duff, 1903, pt, .1ection, , 111'ildlr!'�e Perdue and L jack
nosh, on F Aciaty afternoon, Aug� 31st. 400y4earl"Ih � years, now Mrs. 'Aitkifi, Perdue violin. and piaiio duet, and a
recorded in- many countries Of . the
In Britain there. is a greatrrevival
The inscription on, the tablet read as teacher at 13luevale; Miss Mabel- duet r by Misse.4 Ruchel � and
world the-seisnlo;raph, an fustru- 11A aibletle sports as' distingUislied M _wery
11 -by J.01in Milli'll, 4. frobilt professional football which has, frQ] Dedicated to the opriolleor Walsh,."tut:4 !904, � Y_-.,yepir; Miss MI. terroon
nni invented. parents and pupils 8- S, Sits Mr 1 1905.6, 2yeai-it;, Miss Lin, served and a most happy af
Scotsman, who had�,a unique votarier
exper- of course, its Jbilliong. of a 19
ience in Japan particularIv in th- 'The Great War reaped thb flower a f No. 4, E'ast,,PWawanosh, Who built d Milne, pt. 07, ",A year; Miss brought to a close. ..........
building of � ril it,sh . nd labored in the old. log. sohool� SqUIL rei put. 1907, pt. 1908, 1 year; -MMMMMW m—_=
I�viays. which would Br manhopfl,10cludinir many, of u nd� taught nwr
V . 1, dinary earthquakeL house, and who erected, a Miss A., L once 1908-19, pt.
it hStand " or 'r its famous athletes, inil athletes wbo P p
Shocks. The : recent earthquakes had just"begun to Show proininenee. and still teach in the present school, 1910, '2 yeal Rutherfordti.
were known to have- ow. The result was a decline in -the inter- rthis tablet !s. erected by the present 1910-11-12-13,'3 years;L'Miss D. Sal.
L.. the record L mouth, pt. 1913-14, 114 years. 'MISS
ing for. 5 autornaticaliV, ert, in si*rts, well as a lack of ma- on Wright,- 3 Months, r 1915; Miss A.'
1923. - L s, , ECTRIC PECI LS at MCEW" NO
generation ' Friday, August 31st, U oHYDRO EL A
AV,the ack of,ithe tablet there Hetherington; 9''mobtlis; 191&16-17,1
are pockets in which.r the, names of 2% years;. Miss Hargrove), 1918, 1
all the old teachersand new tenchers year�, Miss Freda Calling", 1919-20- The Pe Fr6sh, lkolbo-grown: 1,1ruit at right
ople"S. Power
will be k 21, 8 years, now Mrs. J. V. Haluesf
The tablet was unveiled by'Mr. of Morris; Viss Annie A; Nesbitt, Fresh Stipply.
John Elliott, who is still: the secre" 192948 and engaged for 1924. Cue
taiy and has been since the year In 65- years,' or 'Since the old log WASH By Tomatoes, and, III
89 chool *f5ts erected, there have only IRON'BYL ELEBTRICITV
Re oldscifool, which *as b Aand Gran
uilt Of been three secretaryAreiiisurers, viz. on Fresh Law,
logs, was first built in theyear 1858. Robt. Currieo for 16 years and.Alex-
After 14 years. it was seen'that it ander McDou&all for 21 years., . Both Onions, Cabbage, Etc.
I was not large enough for the sehiol. of these pioneel,4 have gone (in before. Convenient
Clean 110 118 joraeya �t
ars and it was torn down and and the -present Secretary has filled Joe
'A �vinich now stands.erected in 1879. V 4 110.04 0voralln froill 750 Ulf.
that position -now. for 28 yerars and is QuIck Bfyy'f4 light Surninev llnlb�iggan: Iviloruar 40e.
The first teacher in"the yes_kr 1$59 still active, I .. L I
Mr. Geo, S) S -Hat, Cap% -Ito
was Mir. James Patterson. The tea- li N q 1, uturnor s and Sotivenit and lit eq�
The present. trustee 1jr . ,
were: 0 a or
s are
'Walker, $ 1 4.) a
Phers . af ter him Archibald Kerr, Chairman. Mrs. , Jos. J. Keri che�ppp tha Go is BoIN. in Black, Grey. tid Brown at Me*
Patrick Breen, Matthew I cha-. rnrfo , I) i ;vhll Elliott, Socre. cuts S r" I erwear.
u iner .1 albriggan, Und
,.NjOj),jA Will It I
iluker, Joshua 00
Tiiinnant; John Houston, Jag. -.New -
Hutchison, George V
Aftcli- tile unve. 9 eer(-in,�n:es, ad.
combe, Archibald Macl�nald. diesses were given by 3AIr. T. A. Reid Mell's Light 811111111ol-ISOK -and Silk Rox jr," il"Voe't slmdeq.
The. teachers who taught, .11"Ce one ofthe pioneer teachers, who now An Elecirlo VaCUUM CleaW VOill.V111104ibli) Ill'il(IN
1872 in the preaent ".chool, in which r6sides in flani0ton, and who was
'Ied, wer JUS. active in'thil purchasing 01 the pro- emoves the'dust
was unve. ghaia�. and VO&I
the tnblc�
"R Cummings, 187445, 2 yeark'i_; :11err sent tablet. The other former to.ach A Good Assortineut of prilittp Gin
Burgess, 1876-77, pt. 78, 21� years; ers who were 'present and gave ail- A Dram just moves Wo have w g.wil, flq-�()ef nielit, (if Elite Linloties Diskes
'I" A" Reid, pt. 1878-79-80, 21/2 years;, dresses :were Mrs. Oliver Andetsol., dost.
John Grove$18SI, 1 year; Miss.M. ii,ho taught when Miss A. Authtej-� stoeh. Can Vit.11 %-iit ati� tliia ni!�%. I)) 1116dal ItIose, t�ari%lan Vjtt
"tra , .1 .1 1 4 'Wt & S
wilite, fill I.- N01 1111m 114-4. ILI, 10r -W0,b.M
o part
iL-w4ur-t- fe-ijiate-British sport a submarine wbtefi excels everything W101, in alid goo display of Atal. 1; tkf die ori;,hvi.1 Awiti ian Bridal 14'se. (itilne, along and ma
iovers aie hopeful now that their else of that kfoWth as to offengive, and e
-ountry will unike aL much better . a goo lij at Voll.r 11111pilk oloiliel . a y0fir got I
powers and speed. She has turned
howTng at the -next Olyinpiad than 'Out a battle ship with guns so ;placed
wag hoped for up to a few months in the turrets as to give her advant. HV0 0,
Ago. Meanwhile it saity be pointed agei which no other battleship po i"T
a team of British -lacrosse sesses. SJIOL HE R STORE
mom waolze J. I MCEWEN
out that ig testing a device d
players is Just complethig'a tour of irigned tei'do away With the'rollipg-of Nomb Vde.ff Square Phono:46 We defive r the xoodt
Canada, that the famous Leander ship§, especiall wbenL they
Rowing Club sent an eight to
their guns, anThas Successfully test..! OK'd
country which covered itself with ed a.senplans Which* can fire a! iur- ill IMP
PlorY, that an'English; tricket team d of uhusual weight at. a very
Is now playing in Canada, and that P' e a ij.
th Corinthian Football r Club hopes n at poed. In addition, her new
C Fa d tanks for army use have More
to Send a team here next spring. than fulfilled the promine of the in� Skih,
While it may be true that the Brit- ventors. as t*, speed rand drManientr
!Sher tdkes his sport more as a re- carrying capacities, Britain dper,, .ne Reg Remon for A. Pretty..
creation than an avocation, he does, not want war, that is certain, but
__M... -what he can to. spread the 'love of she is showing the world that she vn*� Is It 6" . "a irl a freA
Chancellor Stregemann of Germany, quit6 capable of keeping in the front
there have been Indications that of militilry equipffi nt. sma-wh Wittig n r 4
meet that cau 9 it r �
France would fitr Which is life Ili. U If
waste thne wighing vou hnd ii, gt.o -bugineiia edlica. part a gift of n rded btaxO
DON T tiolli, And MISS ;V rl)Iejl(jj(j -j)(:Sjtj(jfj' W11II'll j." way. This is but confirmed bFut the ' Lucknowi!s tax rate will be 41 mills at or 0 IMU a
press despatchei. seem to. indicate. on the dollar this year,. That is one secret?
g a It is a secret, but aft opt.0 oot in
'Alting to hi-Pir'.1110 YOUR OPPORTUNITY' to with increasing oniphaqis. that the mill hi her th n the 1922 rate, but' It
it liigli place, in Ulo Conitro obtl wisr)(1 "lirc(lucible minimum" of French de. tile school board requires .2 mills which every woman "Jay'
lands may after all contain a little more than last year and that ay. consist$ in., ktiowledge of the owe
counts for the advance. which keella the skin free fribin 009 -
dons, 14
by beginning a Gommereial, 'Stenoiraphic or Secretarial (,lourne in ,rillc of Vale aislg� 0 Orions U0111111121
the ino',;b sueasgful l3u%inesg School 1' 0 :to Spend a Ationth On Good men and bad are each bsR 90 reri4val every day of all dirt, Oil #eocis-
u file Province, tile His Ranth In Alberta tiow, excests. cold cream, pow&r U141
0 L COM CLINTO,r For almost a month Canadar %'Vill than they 8eem. A 'r totliae.
ER Elf N Ont.. I - I-SIVII r P. To do t* use;ap, maiissee
SCHOOL F. M C Or ptianc have the heir to the. British throop
it thoroug* iaw Yott, Swa asl&-tj
-:par Intormation write tig --a r 'the t A A t
4nf*W he Car move with many Ansiogs, The mU lade
I, t 8. F. WARD, 8, A., bf. Acts Lord lie to this Comi.
K. A. STONE.,com. Sp"la is try on a C. P. R. pasronger vensel. oap you can choose for this or# juke,
n. OF HEART TRONBLE is Palmolive. It contains
He mingled with tile other passe I used
04 0%, flow %0 hAo-W %0 %0 — — — — — — — — — — gerg and was, in facts simply a titled IMMEDIATELY NELIEVED NY 06vt oil.% These rare oils ate the ut;
cat elmsers. nature ever pro.dualUlate
__T' gentleman, and not tile most Popular
the oilm used by GkO060
urince on earth. to whom this coun. the
try would have been glad to have ex S
MILBURN Zuulft of years ago.
Thtir combination in ralwouve Z"
11 MI 10 tended a t.-eries of tumultuous greet
triumphal proee.,,sitanq,
Tinirs ond N, mind N,. PILLS ducts it prolust, creamy lAthtt vowu
Everything On the, Market I lift ere 1.,4 L nothing str4nge In the de. Penetrates every tilly port, rMolts
ire. W. roo" *#0 "W -
every I
'd Prince iviia haq proved to be such 8 Oat., der And k*ves thii skju ivui6kh W,
Frem' Fif UlIft-8--ani Veg a tremendoualv popular man should wrltft-� "Four yearg ago I had a very fresh as, a rose.
W111 Be Pouacl At Oar Store ftiltrr3r. and there )lave been some severe attlick of hevit troub!e. I ircm. Yofs cAn bay Paboakft $44W 44
hint,, that I& Visit to lliq, V
, .abadjan sultod my doctor, he tre:ited Ine for
lanch in Alberta pre.4ages a last some time, but I only rccmed to p t.
9 Cort�, Tomatoes, Carrots, Seets. calbage, Cauliflower
bachelor titrip, Whether' tbose 1,cive,
,c. ta fLiall tiq *orw. I fin&lly went 19 our drug.
Refres)iing Drii& �for the Rot Weather or not cannot make
e, I s beloved by the people &t and purebast-d thrice, lifilirs. of Atil,
Raspitrry Vinegar - %
� I
Grape joite, liale jiliti. of the Vinvire., It is to bb 11oped that bum's Ifeart arli Nervo 1,411� and de.
ROMAN MEAL 35v A PACKACE tile boot Canadian weathor will holly tived immoiliato relict fraw ilwit use. PWO #)a slow #ik
01"Oke hiq Gt4,V one that be will In, all I Uok tvvvlve b3tes, and Pau truth.
elf4ish In the years to. colun, a" SAWW"
0 111 * fully aiy thv�v are a vwn&rlut virAidne. smwes j"M taw VVVIAW 24AMOO
LEACH Britain "Kepoinic to the Fr4 _C , aid if I fe-A
ja H 0 Put Per I always 1, p a bov on hand
Military E4alphient out of softs, I vz,�,a it few pjols,wid foil t
OURS MONK 160 Thore ato voices fit. Britain crying all tight uitm.
"A*0 6ut PV0t&*4 AgailAt further redue- Milhurn's Ileart and Nrrvo Fills nza
P411110"t Vormet wednesdav Half 11011day tioirq in the array and apainst thie to a box at all 4talea, or M&A dDr"et
vol"46='V X
'tattle -�4 12.80 acral) i9els. It fot to W It
Mi -ping of war vc
noted, hoWoVerif that Within flIC
t Ga ft price by tha T. Milhara
tow wecka the 9titish bave launched I CO., Li'W, V 404te. Wt.