The Goderich Star, 1923-09-13, Page 6P., -
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I I I THE V)DOW" VAR 4 � F�l 841 D--A-Y-, -t S- E If"T. 2 n) I 21,- .' 3 '
I - - - - - !!T�17� 1!! -!!"-!..TE. ! o; !- - !!!n!":��:1!111!11---.!I!:._�!!,-��-�-�---!�!t -� - I � I I --- I '.....0000a
... . -- — ��. ! �. -!!= ----..----,-- ---r- --"!'—-T-7- !!!!! � � .11 .
0 . 1, �,'C,-J, U111 cur &2�-,;744'i�-.k- iu the - — 4 �: - i i - � -� I.. . I
- dgevel of 0.�2-t, tD Cfa�"`3h z�ca ' ii AM— .. � 044t4�� - �".
Nuer , . - I iiiiqll
10-imm, . 0 f-)FwKe W101 zor tho priigm�s n2de w - - .: 1111111 1 I I
11 aca to ,cw-;&,rt yo".� pi-erpluve B;cur ' He r e'a n c=le r lie
None !�i;ith" it ii�-e-i,4. ,J;24�� rfiai3 07;ttu�'13 : _There J, I .
- -- -
4tpe bto arA work of the 1114114wtrly�i , QLAW4v **1MR4 _ Tilt G, I � I I I I ME= I -11 .
. I 401W HA . I tw It V*t
� . tilu,3 far by 3Founjt Timathv� Then I WOU iuy*- .44 4or"Awst 4 YOU Mwk go Wme in Xskisg j""
, " lateir on his growth in dticttinq yaf,� I b"A anolki utwo" tm Governmout , . - . ava
I aviLVOIrPledged by Paul, for be addres, I ot =roy $4,100 Vith Carta. befta" it is the saft"I Ole. 12=
I I . I 'us Of oat" "A the I =4mt of fruits that makes joill 1411,P J!"Ob"
k, of . 1; � i SW 41111 A$ "MY Son in thl) faitV And . row
. . O" *W*m0VXt CAMlaftift for I 7
. 0 � .L� 0 Coop X"Ot .. with
. besought bim to shlY 011 ,at Eph le;�743 ** AWCOPWC* by 001ftrlo, Ot a I; I I I
. a - . I I 160,2,� vWhen he Went into Xwed".)14a again. . 'COM111 111401ber at brltl*k settlers ' bo�tao lie 0404 amount of I
I . I . ,. I . I I
lie wished hiphteoee that thp Ciiris� T" 4�olxprlty will coulast a *%- . � . L I sdow I
ww� . I t1aps of Ephesus "teach na other . *ArdW pion. but theri! will also be, . I"* is
i - I.. ""T i � doctrine. neither give hecol to f*Vleti -NFAHL ,. 14 limit" 101timber of marriod Momi . � .
1, U"
qa A LIDX, , ' ici %ut
,'� GREEN TZA 4114 eadiesa genealogitsi which Won. and QfyOU*V noodglrls, over If years r
� . SO&CFA. r" ".
. .
i0ter que-3tions, rather, than godly 'a 08% Of the 3114tTI04 niest, Abeat . (ft"W)
edifying which I,% in faith't 1cl 'KAR1. 3" bAV4, Alriowy b"u accepted by required to make your fruit 4giel
is the, %fiaest uncolorod- green- I EUGHT 'Altof Ontario authorities In Undoa � In wi
teak procurable In thl wor144, , 1:3-4). He bad been at, th * time � do not have to boll &we - thout fail. you
, some six or seven ars sitting at tram applicants 116W dwelling In t1ilk , Ti L Irr trait to reach the jelly.
lRebriden v 1�
SUPDX-Joils to,, tho boo$ JapiolMoo . TTV M, , the toot of Paul. orbe later events I . ing point. And you V. To much 1randorfol naturid
(XI'm S - I - Where agents on behiat Of flavor. Corto In I-Wtiv, "Mother Nat4rols Jell Vsker."
. . . 1. . �' 0 imothy's life are leis known. . . thot provi4co have bReu carrying ** If YoUrL grocer do" not, have Certovrw,,db1*=m* =4 .
imr��!a- 1-.-1.---------, WANOMMokum 4 here, seems to be no mention of his L . . A special ,iwu to for some time
—�--- � I" 11 .. I .L . van Oc and we will mail you 4 bo
� . � I I Paul the two a lie 10"t. The ogeat& at st� .,nA.a. -4 _ tile. rit's for new rla�'
was I rison at Cosarea. f0i cer. � . I 'I- . ;yOuTins to select from the name 1 V1444 soal alerted Certii uOoki of 73 wip" (froo),
tain 0 that lie was with him In - , OP " . . 14191144 a number of female farm I . V"91410 P491UX COMP0111y, L6L I coboar
Rome ,w en he wrote his epistles tol, I workerx,, And. there is a Proposal I �1 . a
the Philippians and Colossians alli - e � I : -41 . L. that a special ship shall be cliorterqA 11�111
to Philemon, for in each case 1 � *0 an.11 frQm tho *0 999 111111111 111, 11111m,11 REV1101IN111111
e � , tland to i . F . I'll
cou Ili cOUVOY these settlers In a body, .1 I �
Ples the name of Timothy wh ,- 4 . 1.
his own in the first verse"Of each I , I —� J � I How to Moke Defilelous Gmpe Jolly
'OVIS00. Durin i
if Pault's second Im- . . I - 11 I X8vICIX$ HAT. Alto. - The
. . — ,
prisonment. at ome lie wrote urging —, --- A! akw I 4-1 110080 Hall, was r. e4Uy'thqL Scene $tol AA4 Crush thoroughly about tha JU" jvwf� la� avai ,j i�w
. � � -- -Of What Is probably the, %post Impor- 2 lbs. r . a- & it - I
Vb a I 0 ; � Timothy to come to, Rome, 4'Do thy I . , of"
Jr. Add % cup water, stir and bring to. 4L boil. At once add I
Jesus, with Thy Chur bid inother, Eunice, and' his grandul'other I diligence to vorao shortly Do tlog their Lord and Savour it was felt t*At railway function in the history until lioll 4 and, simmer 10 minutes bottle (scaut cup) Certo, stitri , ng
. Be her Saviour, Lord an� Guide, Lois, than about, his father. In 2L ,diligence to conne before winter. the missionaries were very tonserva- of M6d1clAe,,R&t. The occasion wam- -In tlosely-covored saucepan. Place constantly, and bring again to a fall --- -
I '0 sveread of the rhara'Oter Of . There wore certain things he espe- e evan. an4L Presentation. in bonor 0.
Whiloon, varth her, faith is ,tried. . Tim. 1. tive in askinir for sixteen war 4 banquet ookedfralt in cliceoe-cloth bag;. and, boll for % mimote. .Rlmovo ;from
We U-.Dcccb Thee, bear Us. the3o two women* that their Chris- gelists in the next five years.. .
May obe One In docti'lao be 3 1 Man piety wos' of a high order had i 91ally wanted and cligged Timothy Of Henry Rardy, X F.; Asher siO I sqUiMM Out joift. MeAXUM &-level fire# let stand I allauto, ,sk.lin and
I to takp with him: "The cloak that Today, there is one now evangells- -
One in truth and cbarlty, that they hod given young Timotb$ I left;Oat Troas with Carpus, when tic worker at ThOs. 0041iRle. all engineers in the ,CUP448%. As.) sugar and 4 cups, of Pour quickly., I .
L - leareful training, Instructing him in thou comest, bring With theo, and language study, I and Canadian Pacific Railway Xerylgo . 11 I 1 1,11,11.7. 11 I . .
Winnitig all -to faith in The, V two. of the former wbrk =1
'We bewech. Thee, hear us, the ,holy scriptures. , the books, but especially the rareh_ L longerwith the ,,,,,,,,. M are , no ;Who bavo recently, retired, Thern � .
I His mother was a Jewess, worried were moror-lbou 200 guests, Aeon- som�LOOXQUIN" PAUX . FALL, FAIR DATES .
May she holy triumphs win, . - - ndous- and awe. in I .
� 110 a Greek, but the law against Such ments (2 Tim. 4.13). It Timothy inspiring thing to, face a d siderablO number of the guests were er w aderlarld two thous- — . 1,
Overthrow the bo$tSr of sin, . ninde �his Journey it is quite 'Probable ead ripe, rell through- . and feet ahovoo level .embracing Lorldon-Sept. a to 15, .
Gather all the nations in . - - ho L witnessed Paul's martygdom. harvest of hainaTi souls, and obsari,e Out Caamd[16L . � I Sea
a marriago,wvois wolt very $trletly en from other railway cent � A
. forced W the 40ws,who lived Ja the rang Up be_ the number Of r9a - 2721 square miles of 40001 - Stratford -Sept. 18 to 22. .
Tho friendship which . pers decreasln�, .F ..*� . I . green for .
�, We boscech.Thoc hear us, midet of heathen nations. The.fatb- Ipt , o L ests hundreds of gleaming lakes and Tt'L 17 to A& ,
b a requently To- where It ought to increase , ' Exeter -Be ,
. Thomas Bea.son Polloex or was evidently not unfriendly to tween those two wa CAWARt, Alta.-Uej �, . w
. . I � Our fathers prayed -that the nou- .1eker, a town a 14 ,yrinth of . i.nding,streams,7-this Listowel- ppt.� 20 to 21, . .
I , forred to in warm terms by flaul, .1 an the C. P. X and 0. T, P., about $6 Is AT L �
. PRATER tile Jewish religion, #is, he ,11sid not ads migbt.Qpen to wel� gonquin Park. Seafovth-Sept. 20 to 21. I I
even using the endearlr 3 W,ngham L
L the rL 'I ig term of Christian lu .Palen northeast �Or Calgary 00 the It is A favorite relidox.vous Of the _Be '0
Almighty (;oil our Vother -Which hindered the mothqr seeing to Q* "beloved son," and expressing a long. -come the Gospel,' dod b4s answered
, . their prayers crOYr, MON. ft In the trip of a PC 24 to 20,
avo In heaven, help Us *0 lift our liglaus edueation of their -son. (21,in ' . n in. angler, and canoeist and 'You can Kinc .
f g d'esire to see him, and even re- --And ours -and we are Pleat Oliver boom. On saturda,r cruise in a canoe throug ardino-Sept. go' to 21. . I
b Tim. ootlf)) "From a child thou bust MAW 1-feaking fafth with Him by not ent. � cl Out the en- 'Dungannon -Oct. 4 to 5. , "
,earts to Thee in confidence and all, to tho%. tears which Timothy 0 - . . and Sunday meft.,from the ocal I ' . I
. hope. AS Thou hast led,our fathers known the hol seriptures ,j on eringin I 11 .
y .11 He was I olls� tire district'without AL gu do vitiol find Gorrie-Oct. 6. . .
I V 1). M one occasion when leaving utet and' from Points afield., where. no partiou �
in the way Of life, so wilt Thou lead evidently quite a young, mal 't Ile Ill .L . I I - — L " . with I . Tar diffloultiesi I � Bayflold$apt. 25 to, 26. .1
I I ,
us also. ' May the Holy Spirit rost Paul met him first, about A. 0. A There is .no authentic record of, - . . . : . . . I . . ... .� , Vie news spread the usual ra- The clear-, cold lakes are literall Mitebell-Sept.. 253o,26. I .-,.-. L
. : Molity of such tiodings, staked out - alive with fish -brook- trout*. salm, . . .
0 � Blyth -Sept, 27 to 28, 1
fLnd 01de 446a the-, ministers of the for in writing to (I. Tim- Timothy's - IaWr llf�, bui tradition P. claims covering sevoritl. sections trout, gray'trout and black bass,' LucknoW-Sept. 27 to 28. . L
4:12) he stiA 11L T11110t, - - .
gospel that -they may be worthy 4u,, -#.,h Fk 1#. 4� et lie man despise .SAYSL -he became �%Sho#'Qf Epliesus 11 about lovir tval.. .. #. f, 41. 1� '111 Ul T .
� L�,� _ 4.;_ 4u 4, u I . . . .
. . .1 Alit - I .
ers 01 -111y e0pley Silepilerving I - 0 ". is wgt nA;-vvt;r400Au . peaut
At he died tUero slid, was , rig, , Zurich -Sept. 27 to 28. .
tat leads unto ever- WAU at this time a cOnvoit. to the burI64 I Tbegle were reglAtareol ;it the fed6ral fUl CAclie ,Lake offers e' I I
, office In Cxlgary�. . commodation, to lovers of th Ider;. . .1 . I -0 I � .
� � I . Mail J o � � " %; th - .1 11 I I I
. I them in'the way't. 4 there, but *that afterwards h . xce ,eat ac. .Brussels -Oct- 4 t9 5. .
:1 'Christian �,V is bones Offl-be) U 11 - � - . land
I .
. . ", I . lasting hypiness. Through I Jesus mother (Acts 16,I), The gospel had Pro taken to Constauthoqpl�-. Of ... . I No assay has yet been, made,or the . I
Ireliglon as 'was, also his - 10 U,
. �4 , Christ our Ord. Amen, this we Are sure that his early train. � � . , Aess w'hQ would enjoy all the com, - - �
been Preached some six Or sqven inp,, at -his . ' . ore, but those later4sted in the pro- forts that gQod Children ,Cry .
. S. s. I,E$SOX FOR SEPT. 23rd, years before this ; mother's knee had much to , �OY ROSS Farquhar ,- I ser -47,00 And Awlal I
. - I . , . . . Pauland Burna- do. with his subsequent excellent L*— — I 'I . PertY are sending a Wimple to Ed- companionship calk, hring. There are . FOR FLETCHER% - P , pl"
,, . 1 1923 . . - bas, in Lystrit conimn. Timothy chilr4cter and ,his eminelit Christian,. -: I � 211011104. It 'may be necessary to also delightful log ea,Mu camps for . i- , -
. . . I'll"
r .---1---- ........ �,.. ' , - vom4*- - the --- not' -of the I ,if - - _ bore-,iiuother test -hole ,tbw1Indd,rx-' those: desitin . -TO-R] A - - .
. l;vsxqnT1tIt---Timothy- w'God.111U., had ..:4-upoler , ice, � e . i0day h, � , I �g tO -live -evk-tlolter to - C A'S ,
. '! . I . � . : Sun -I 'don't t In pA wood say, beforo-suftl nature. .1101 n4 1
. . 1: , cleUt ore can be ob- L 4�smp ,%inaLe'sing", and - . , � I I I � � im-1 I �
0,9�. make ,a Very'',900d ska0l � teacher ,be- ' tained to get A reliable ama "Nominig4till c . .
� fister Of JESUS Christ. � . Christians there and was "well. To. , .
, . I I
. � 16.1..a. ported" by them to Paul when he OPP04TUNITY AND RETREN cause he is so polor'at I . I I Y. The onsist of a large ceu� . � . --- � ,�
. � . Lesson , Passake�-Aetq . a I'MA there, the. second time. Plot - , .. VENT � +. 1 1 Original ,find 'was made -by� crews tral, lodge surrounded by a series Of �
� . . . 1. 1. AclaimingUingo witob " I I .
: . 1: PhIL 2;19.22; 2 Tim. 1:1-6, 3; 14, IS- was drawn to Timothy, as. he was to � I drilling for Water and much of tble log eabing,. all built of- cedar log.% � .
, Gololea Text --I Tim. 4:12. � I L all likely young men, with he a- . (BY Dr. Xenvoth A, Balrol) �' YOU Ast him to' tell you I I first ore taken out has. hien giv . en with the bark on. chInk9d *hlt. ce-t, - ' Jt'cop V0u;-,)'hoes)Veut i ,,, 1i
. . �t , when, you dont� no ., � .1 !
. , It is true toola� As. it was. n6t: five I I nd moss, and Ili' perfect bar- I . . I
. All Our information about Timothy vowed object of niakilig I I away ;is saroplet. The first- find Went a 1�
. I g them tot on. hatilln . bout, It, 'ago.,,' � mony with .th, I
years 0 ---r Like X was * il
. p io gathered from tile New Testa- ly disciples. but ministers. We kath- �90, even more true thwl two; for 4uVarit today 11 * ,m4 � do about tbrpe mojWii �ir natural surround- I . . I
. . , I I , .11 I . I
.1 . nl�nt, and largely from the. Writings er that some:of the things- that led Wears tigo�-that the people Are ;wil. . I . I . 1. - � i ings, while � for tho" . desiring to ' - , * ' I
, l . . � , _ i I
, .
I . I . of Paul and of Luke In his mirraUve Paul to Indlice Timothy to become And in many I oat him to tell ine � � CALGAR*,'Alta.,�"We can"hot ex-- camp onr, t eir own, there are buiv� , I
. . 'In . cases anxious to ,what constituted trew . . �
. .. of ille �ourney latom And t heArr' �the G09pe. � . I
I I . . I ings . of Paul and thip his co. ravellin com- I . . . � Peet to roe -over In. a ,veat. or so from dreds, of ideal -camp sites. . . . . 1
I I � . .
� I - . I COMPUM011s. It is from the 14%f% vanion were, (1) his y6u V hi, LQne . of 'our . veteran missionaries+ politeness in. a man. . . the effects of abnqrmz�l clrcum� 1, sk'Canadian Nationa, INI : . � I !�
; I I � -t .thi I a and- he" sed pblito. I . ,I Agents., for - � .1,
� I I . (Acts 16.1-3) that wc gather *tbat knowledge of -the scrjptures, (a Iii Ireturned from furlough this - year,. man A , stances the vih7le country' has been illustrated folder. ' 11 I I � ,
� - � $- is a, man witah I � . I . 1. i I
I Tftnotb� wa talent$, . ' � . . i
� I s born at cither, Derbe or �, V) his popularity Among and 'wAs-surpriged at the change for . suffering from. I remark�o W, 13. I I .
. I . I -1 - - lissells. with'. Interest Lani , 0 1 : kan:V F W 11 11 rr IF, I ,..� m. 11
I I . I . it one of..the chore members; 0) his arnia ,the better, evenAnce, b went harne. -�an, of montreal' rroiaht ir4fr16- been'relieved of corns I ' �. w4
I - . � I . . ,iy,8,trUr,ln,d.,t,h4t his acquaintw bility of temper. In Acts 16:3 ewo inisaionarion to, thing& ho =V All Manager of the. Chnidlaii Padiffe, in . Is Corn Remover. . It ' : ,
. . Aul made , On6 of our 6rdalnede by, --Holloway , *
:� ance� �toro. is - when they. art! the course of an iaterview *ith The 114 it, power Of Its Own tbi,tt will I* t ShoeDress* 0 . . � ;,
I ab6ut 1110
. , . written about his see how 'Paul 'chose him 'as his 1per� has 'a tent and a .group of Chinese told to hbn by a noth" ' . . .. � . . . I � )
. I . , 11 .
; I . ..., ,,, "'., 1, t sonal helper find, In order to satisfy evangelists at work iii a district er Mo), Witch dussent - , I I. I Herald, in Calgary "but I alit. safe In � found Wood , - - [ 1 ` I
I I . - ,. . . ive, i
� . . �41 . .- CAKE' OR LIQUID
. , i" I . � .� . . � the prejudices. of the Jews, and to Where there are About 8,000,000 peo� obolot� L I making thi's proph, esy that, this year � . I I I I . � , ,., , � � ,
1, 10 , I . . no nothing' . �.. . .. A canalbAPs. motto for strangorV I , ,. .. �, *
.�. . � ,111 - ,� . " . . meet, Any opsible obdectiotis to his ple liviiig in varlous'eltles,and about tfi,�m, Witell I, dont . wIll.-Witness .throughout Canada a , "First come: first., ierved. . ----.---. " I' I ., .
� . � 1111 . � veal e to fill the' office Of a min- 2,00 revival at Industry and. agricultitre. * I � .1 11 1. la, . �
. "I'll, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillilill'i'l,ilI I . r
. . q - . � . ,,,00 . 11.1: .. . 14 X 0 v"lages, �ln a 9004 'Many Of see no sent co, ue . , . I I .. I - .. I I
r . I 11 being - --
1, � i�' I I I . ister, Paul circumcised him and for. these there are little groups of Chrls� a4 e And (44t by 1924, tbe city,of Calgary I : �;,
, . . . . - — I . I . � -
- I in.% ;'s � ,
� 11 . � I . . S aturday-, . and lbo-country tributar* toAt, as, ..... 11..�,!�' .. � 1. I I . r .. - .. 1.
� � . I . . mally got him a A by the laying.on flans who in.vited him to send Same- 'reading in the toose- ' . :'�'.;.:'.�*�.'K.*..*�,'�,�.,i;,.�'-�:�:�--il','.i . . . ,;
. ,
. ! J" , � ; I , 4% of hands. (I Waal. 4-,14). ., One tO'instruct thelp *Ore fully' and ; well as, the rest at.canada;are going :'�i .'�.-��"".:*�'�'.:*.;'.�-.f,.'..:!,e.t�-.*., ',:���:!:!!'.:�:il�::*.�:�:*.,.':��!�t:*,-'..�.e- . . ��
.. ......... ;'*N,::;: -,X:%;§: I
, , . . ;�,;::,.%,N.'K` -
. I I . :-:"*�. 1-,:i�i:"� *.�*:!�:i".-:I:i�.,:i�:-�'.�i:;i � .r.... 11..� ....... � ,i'��i`.'�.".`,*--s:i, I .
�i;'.�..,.-,i:,.i>.-,'.:�*'.,,*.,�:�l'..,.�i,.".Ii�i�:i:;:i , ..��'...,.;,X . I
I . . �. �ii"K,11*.$§i
� . . I - , ,tq ,enjoy -a return Or -.'."...,.3:.;,�.1-�.......-.,.; ... � .
, - I - - I- � - -- - I - � i � .1 Paul'onil Silas and new Timothy to prea& to their friend.-,. . . '......-,-. ... ::�-;-::�:i:i:i::-:,.:,:, , 1.
� fto - � paper about a Indian way up in'the -i;,* ..
, , . V . their , forniet, , iil:ii ':1 " - N -
.i 1. . . . I � north witch got hard �up and traided .. pros erlty�?, . � I I � '-*i;,. ",,X �r.y�px, -:!:'.-%.j:j:�f�.:::i::*.,.:...:�. xi:x 1 1
., .�.. . I �
. .. �,.-,::Z�cf-:" .:i
. . . .. *%i
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� � I .. . . . . ......... �::;Iii��i,.Ii�i�li��*-.�,.i?,i���*,.i��i'��i�i:f .... ;`
I . . I . proceeded on their Journey establish-' Whether 1pviteol 6r not,- there are hb wife for a horse, P . . X4, " , , ` "' . ... j;���:::::i:::��;;,.-:,;�"..,*. : . � . . "',
... .. -:N.- :�;:::Z::ii:j: : . � .. I .
,:�� ... :':':'�:"'
.1 .j$�: .
I '�.�i'.'�'�'�: -
. -I.- -, *!':�.:� �%��::!, --.iii�',
i, . : - I I . ' I ' ,, In lists cannot preach to a -full . freight traffto ma -taster of the great . - , ... ; -:� 11'��', I . ''. ,i ., I .
" ing the ehorehes: kind adding to them I but few villages where tlie: evange. " "she Smiled laffingly. Wood you as ]a � these words that the � �` I Kffi *:iil "*...
. l : I .. ......
. ...
- � , � Ma sed-io, ipa. , It w, �,�: 14%,iffil '.."%%ii�:�:iiii���,�;l�'-.*'.*-.:-i�;.�,-,iii, �,::��',�:-,*�:if.;�:��:�:�:..:i 1.
I :
li % : i , -11�i;.'$%Iii?.i�iiii . i�i,, �� -,
) , if i0but biby w' daily such 'as should be sgved. . . ., . � .-'.Ii�'.�', � , A� I
.1 . Mat oV- tra& yore little Wifey. fo� a horse `�.l ....-.-.-.-.",:".,...*-.",..'*, . .. -
, � - �. I . I . i-.; .-1'.-..1:.:-1.'.-*;.. , , ---.,.:.
... ,
.1 �,.. � :�*:-%:;�,. i �
! lied to .... L . .11 -!�K�i"'ii-,-..;..:.*, . 1� I -171.
.*: � i i, ,�,�; ., .: !1 ,t: � ": .:.,.:. ." : .:,:: ., , �.. - I � . � , - .
. �i.�'::!!,�:�:�:�7;i:".,�:�'-*"-:".,-.:�:;:�-�:. -:-;-�.- .. .
, I I , *' I 1'. . � 11, � - ,I . :�;i*i�!%::::::1 . I I
I i -
I I , � .1 �fi
i "
1 1 "".
. � -for A *eek to an Audience deer, . Pa was bizy reading the. sport the qUestlon'as to bov�hs viewed I,.` ,
I f � � ...'� 44 41" . �tbe Vourso.of timej they, in,ausiy6r. ery night tranatiortatToin . company Top . I
,� . . . I . flotgaitu;190 I : to an invitation given by a man that Wor4orly aild will' g to leara� ' . -��:�',".��, :K; -,."..i'. I .
, �. I . . in �'iiii, �'�.�.'L��i' " :i'.
. . . . Alaccoonia seen in . . news and he replied and sed. Why preSo ..:.:': ii*i,�-K.�, : .. I..."I.I.-.. K .
�� , a vision by Paul, .. , �nt ,�,�:::i:�::i � . . I
11 11
I . , of the doctrine. ,conditions, � "No MA tfor vVbat �:'��i'�-i",'-":�'�;.;.�.�....�.�. �! I " . I �:iii'�*!:�:i*�:iiiiii�iii .. ? .
horses is Oil, out of date be ,:;: ;:', ��:$;�:�;�-. I - I . ..
I he needi tl�is reached Philippi, , AeJ. � Z,�::,:,:..�::::*�;i,�?. i'l
I . �, . j . I I . � . 11% this. city, after This part -of the field of North . RO" I Thata all.butj a, gee od to get, $Oril "341114180�'WAY 347,'"he 6141nuedi i:!�;: , j, . I i�i�i:ii"�K;i*i�i�i,lk . I
I I I .. I ..:,.�
1- 1'� � . L A time Paul sad Silas were put In nan would Scarce be fully occupied can:pbow. 1i In "me res urcot,or-ibis country, in I I -:%!:% 1:�::%i�K.. . :::�:!*i*i*i$::;,;::..' 4
1 � � I � - - ,
1- nouirishing, , � , ,,, . � . I 9 . . .
. . --�-.` 1:i�!�ii�i�i�*-.*, , I I I
I i�i��-;:�;il�Zi'..�'�.,� � .*i.iii;i.
, I irison, but to mention is made of Vltlr� five forOgn workers and ton Sunday -Walks, home from Sun. m1h4raU and In the fertility ot-its ; �': -,;::*: �:::, -:X . a - "��;j�i:i:�;�i�!!:�iiiii: I
I , , � like treatment being meted Out tOL wi a !roup of -Chinese evan. adil has not been appreclably toftae4 , :i'��';,�,-�.:��:%, � I ... .. 1. I I � -. I.
11 -
.. � I
- *�k Milk. .. - Timothy and- Luke, who was now of �h in each tent; and it of th - '' . b I says. Witch and It has been, Inadequately, qcIveir- , - . I 11 .1. 7 ,:!��!::i,,iil;i,���',. * .. . 'i
- I d4e3tt . plist"S 0 PrOal day skodf-with Jane and in i�,�iq��*-"'� ill,."'." :
'*� -the coarse iiisiii::*,:i �:i*ii��, : a
� I
I . .
11 i 0 epliversas on . .
I � . " , the towpany also. On "bbft--f6RiiZ a I q such an inerimsea stair tise& The ProvinoeOf Alberta, with Ili::i:::�;!;'�I�,*�,:.��:�l'..��� 1. � a I ;,.; I I I F ;1
., I � . I � . . . I Poy does she .111ce beat in are Sunday Its" agricultural PoAsIbill ;::�,::":-.::::; . .�.. ,� ........ I .1. ,
I I . I .. ZM14401, . ed they got as for as Berea It.n. 1 �'04ch - the COS- skool and, she Sed 'Wh3t 1 like tl�ein . ttos� - its' 11 "%1.1.:�:;:�ii:�,i�%:: )IRE, �.- ... I , t
� . , 11 which place Paul proceeded alone to .01 * ( week, wealth of coal. and In -my o * . . -A� P1 . I I . .. . 1
14,411� Up? RD AVn A Ok 16 � . : � all awfly well. The trobble: with the; pin'lou. �:�-,-".:-,-.::"..:,�::: t -- - . . .
... ...
. �:� �d��:;:,�:i�i!i , .
W1.1 W 01- age wall't-4 some time � . . v waterpower Of Its streame.and %��i��:j�iiiiii�% I 1.1--:. I
. I I I winimbil to that they really like us - .i . .. 1� ARV " .. I . I ''..... il . I � 11
, NNSW MILK until joined by the other$. He co . Two Year$ ago th �re 'were eighteen hill& need 001Y, Poolitation, to brink , i.':, �. ,.,;:::;;::::%�'; ," ", . . t� ... � 1.�
al- I . , �.:'%: I . 11
- .,:5�;%:%.�::!:�::: I � :: -�
-! .: �i;'.�:.:::':% . ;i:�' ..-::::; : 1.
I ran a 151A4V OWN$ WISSIOxied Timothy to go Sion *' MlSsiOnArfea, eilgn men,but Its terrible -bard to get theal: tbese possibilities Into wealthi HOW :`.:�::��::��-��-?�:.`.iii . 11 .. .��'.Ki-.-iii:: . I . .�.
� wrifelo 04WAGO C6�. , in ev� to Admit -up -to it sum tinoe�. ; . . ,.X - . . � . . .
, .' ,�;% . I
::;-:�.:* $:j%:;::j::::i; ,
:-`:::,;:,-'�i;%' . . , �..� -,.;, �i .1 . i
Ll ftlici?4140" Thessalonica to visit and c:m)f,a.Qr,ir I ,f(,)rolr I, V q011 any persoa can tfurvoy.all these nt� �i����:����i�::�:��:i�'.'.,:'�l� :j� ..... ::-i.:::.'-,'.ij�; . -
watAroal, -to te is, vork in North non, In AIOMAY�Ma 90t a letter frqm her :i:ii�:,:�?i�i .�i;-:.�' � . �
.1 M-= OU44ft =k " I � tile Oburch, there- "And sent Tim, I view .of the Increasing oPTrtuAitY brother. witch - ,turat - ' ,:ii.ii:�:�:.:i; Iml ` .�' .. . . i
, :.:.;!!!::-"..;,:;::::�:;,.;.":";.;.;,,;:.
. cObAttlafts 4ad still .remain a ' - � ,�,;*i'�.�.:�: i . � . ! 1
!,:ii� i:�:::.:;i:�:���:ii;ii�::i;��Z.i�� - -.ii;:.!§!."`,i,!i-�i� ili' i:;, - I . � I
is ,camping -UP Ili veir. pes I ,:'..:�,:.:.*.,:.�;,�:,�, ,;,. I
.... .. ;:�:.%;., I
.....:....... ��:i.' i:..i�::.:.,.�,��,i�:.::, - ,
-other, und minister of I to win Chinese to accept esus *4 moat and he s er n! I � . .:.,:i:.j�j:!:.:j%.'�-:�', I
iotheus, out bi e a M104 In Something I ca�niot,uw- , , �;:�j:��,;�:i:::�:�:.:�:::�:j*j:i - i, .:.::. ��-:-. . .�
. ,... �:j-;::i'i:'.::;,::!.;::.-:� -:iii,.i��.,.....,.. !
vl�,�-,-- .0 �.11.11.11�� --- ---- - 1�' I...... . . . . 4 to thOY derstaaV' �, � : � I I—, :1 i � I
4A I �, . , - to havid sum fudge ajt�,� ,i:.,�i�iii;�.-.".*ii;�,.,�i�:��,� - ". :.W`:-::::�:�;. -,-.- ---X�,�:,m , V, I I *?;; .
. I I I ---�- dissided . . . I J, I, iii�. - -.:.;.;.:-.�::! ... ;. � �., - .. , ".. I
. . I � I . I.. . !::.:;;�.:.::�:,.i:::::�;.:-:,.:- .:�;:;, - I
I . . .. ...:-1',:ii:%, .i��i��.-�',::i,.,.�:���:!::;:',p ..:i:j::Xj i
, , I . ,:i�i�.ii�i�ili:iiiiii ...... ::-%`�,::-.i� . i�i;� :.:::::::...:.;.:-�::i.,�:
L - .:��j:��:�;wi:-:ii;�:�:j:��i; . .-1...1-.-.-.,...'.*; X .1 I
. . . . 1, .i:::::;.�:.::::�.::I:i:i;.:::..:; , �*� i:, I �
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* . . . I . .��ii�i�i,� ,..,,.,.,,;,, .�::ji`. : .. ". ..... -
�r -��N. , ,,�r I I 777777777= ..-..,..:-K.:.,.":,:.:. � .. .::::��: ::,�:�;"�*!:X$i:" . -:.;�-;, ,*%;-;-. I I
.. . � � I they bad tetired abd his wife got up �,'�;g , �!x;::ix,:i::�iI. '.-.�'..;..�,:i::ji':j5 i:� :-:iiii:i1i;15:::1: �iS�.i*::i*, � , �i; - �.i:;,......X.;-:-�'. �
'. �. . ir, -1 I ni -1 t .1 I . .1 ROVICYIN"r.9, ft.*..#�, b--1 ! ...... , -�.:*:,� ... -:�� !:: .;1::.-.. `-�-i!;:::.:; ";j!:�i-:*:*� ., .. I . ..
. . : .-:;-;-:"`:.;
. . -U, her itio6casills. ., ..,.:4....�........"......::;.%�:;:.:.;:�:::;�...:�.,:;: �1�; .
, .
. I � alld made Fudge 0 -. .'-� i$�i ii��.�i'.:ii;i��illi��,:;i�::::::::t:i:!:i:�;li...:.:.;......� . I'll, ,:.'.:,: . q - I
, - .�, ..-::�::1:-:�;;-;' ,;... .`:'Xj:.:,::-,, , I .
I . K %?. - , , . .. . -
I 11 n Aganous ..,.To Wil, Cat ay - 3,,.,, rettroments.oapeii 44reamool; 06d I .", i::-i�::�ii::*K .'.:�::i%:;i��iiiiii�ii:�i.���*:�."i-.",.-.'i:i�.�,'-':i"!.",�i:ii:�.i�i-,,�i��f!i,".,iif.i��l:..,i::i�i.-,.-...]�,.�i�i.,.i?.i�:���,-�,:... ,% -� i��.;j�'ri!:F�'. : I -,
. I r , . Pa sedhe woodent of cared for enny. . ,40 , n . K-*� .:* - .. ..!.. Xii.;i.: .�
. . - ;- -;-. :�.�i ...�i
.. I
I .1 � 111IN1141 11161 ill 11111111111 1111 . 11 � 11 . �;. ------- � -.%. ..: 1, I... I'..::.. i..;i:.;:;; ; xi.:;�:'.j;� -,.:.:i;�,.,.,.;�ii; - I I
� ., ...�, .. ....... :.;.:.-.., 11
, . . I . ., ,.,
I � � . ....... 1'. ','.�,;;',ji��iii,..-�il
I i i .4" � am in the secrit oer, this.,viclalty. , � , . --,�-,-� - �;:: .. -- - , . ��.Z;, ; i . ":�
,.. ..
. . I oxx the CanAdian. Pa, a al --- ; ., .
. , Wig it Tway in .:�:�!;Ii��."::i�*�i;�.i:�r,�.�i.!:%�:j
- . � � . . . � . . I Tdusday1 :::, -,.,4L2M=:--.:�": . : ; - . . . .1
I I I . . vus. now. Ir - " - .1 �1 � ;: j j!i�j%!:X .,'�. , :
I I .. . I I . I -.;;:�i�i:i;t%:::$vi::! .-
I . . . I . .* I 'N �� �. , . � 1. *NA., -.,- , .�:, . . . �). - � . . I ,� I . I . I I . 1� J- '" � , , " r ,!,,e, Jelly. road, nos .::;: ;i . I . I I . . . . ,;%i,:;,-,MkX14 . � i
F . . ,..- ". I'— I . I � . that ennyways. Pa told mo �um. u . tor for the. iiii�i-g�:�ig:,.;,-:3, . I . � , : -1 ,. .1
. . . .
4. I � .
. I 11 �.
I.. I �
I . .
1, I . - -
. I .. � 1. I �. � . � - . .1 I :i�:`iK,K:0- I I I .
. . , . � . ., . ', . r I N
, . I � , I., I , - -;§ '.� ** 1., `.�i:� .,��-.
.1 . . 4&,X.� �� ,
I ., . . I :"� �,<,,,- , . . � I , � . ,: .. . 'A . , . . Is a going to get Ma for he - r3IIWAY at CArlftoli, Place for,aoaay I :' *1;.*:i.'.%- .�? :,'I -
. . . I : � . ". � I—. I � I . I I . I �1� � �:�, � r we4 �,',,kK*Ii,�:.i��;� �!:�-::;:,i`.::::::!:-. . -
, tre:110 . I . . . ,:i
*, � . I I . I . I : '.. I., . � I .1 I ,", I ", � . . ,. 11 I . 'ding, anniversity, and ma told told' years, and a nativo bt Leeda county. ii1:%i:i i:`.`ii:.*: . :: I -
. . . . .�: I , . . . I ., I ", � . , " � ,: �. �:,;. .:, . . ,�.�.:.:-;;.�`�;��:f .. .
, I I : j , ' ' � , ,..; ,.'-' --!j:�:;:i;:::::: . � ,
. . . ''. I v . I I 11 I . I � � . , Man � .�. ,�j. . . �-�;-. �
. I . I , ': , . � I . in is.retired on Von. upoift reaching Ma& to We
I ��... I ', � � 11 � � -�. � �11 . "..,; .. .. a what .she is, gitting pa for his the Age � �%,::,-.,�;��i.`.i,�:: - - I ---� r. . -1�1;::ii�::��,.ii*�� I
i , q.: ..i. 1- . I—. . .�', I I - , ., ,,,,,, I . I . I `k , ''. :: .. limit. He eateved the rAll- - r . I :`.:`;-�::'��.ij:�::j I
� ., , . . .1 -.1.1-1.- -- -s,t . I Wedding annive ity a I will ketch
Z '.. .. 1". ,. � 4-11 .�., � . rs I . . . , ,
� . . ; � I I . 1 %:!�;:�.',:.* li`�:-.i* I .
�� I . - � , '. , � �:ii.,�-... ,. �*X`ii:�:iiK'.-,;�' :�,- I
I I Z�: I 't., .. . .- . I .
, .1, . 1,,,,,,� r . " .., � . ', wtt Isorvic as a yotAk slad- h :��".j:.:, I .. I -!:::*;*i*i;::�$;
;, " . �, :,:� , , ":�,� , � . -� � � : -1 '. ", . , , � �: .11 I It if I tell inlay one. Both anniver- y .e , I .401 Me" , . .
I 1. , I i:�i%Z.kiiil' I
� . , ,I ... � .1 . I ,
-, I 1, I � . . � I � I ,,�z* I ; be h- .,;:!Z-, �-;::::;::%:; I . I
. .-.I , I - I I � � � �1' -!Z �"... ��7`r,' . , � " ,.. ., I I -1 I sitys fall on t�e'samt! day thi% VoAr, the railway grow VOW � � - : ,SUR PRISF, is SPeCiAllyadapied �i:r�i:-;i"i;;;:1*�f . �
'-," � , ..'' . I . . .: - . -- . I . Wonsday-Cant rite much il- nings Into the present stest I * - .' � `
i � � i'001W. ,... I - . : l , I . I "t i the A—�-- a � ;:�::!.,�",i:.,:ii: . � . -�:�.:.`. i:��.,:ii�f'.�'. I
� *\. . old dtr Section � !:;�%:!:��ex��:::j '::�..'..%:-:.ti,-�:.�
, �
-- I . , I . , 1� 1, . I � .y tonito as I have been in- bed Jaitfies Milliken, ;;;:,:-,.::;::�::::::;; for --use irf,hot waterAt lather's ,��',"-",.:;".:�:�:�-.,.�i-.I ... .
. �. ...
I . An'r, .
I . I � . 1 ,,,,,r the C.P.jL, t C � .
�� .� � I ... . . . . . �'.. . . .111. with &npes and pluxiis. All day. a Arleton Is � ��--'.��,,�ii'K,.�ii?.`.*: 4 �.p I - �* J'Maitfl&.:� I . I - ..:�:�;�!i:j:-�j:i`, ;
,� . F , ,i,� 't - r. :':::j1
4; + a. I 1k - r . . 1,
a few &Vee" staft -era -1-4 th- , �;X�K*jli� �'Ot k j.,..� §:.
� I 11 I . --- .: I ,
- 1. I . . I- .
. . I I . I . ) t. 44, ,� #. - . � t .� . 01011404 WT I"*- . , , I '.., - . ir . � JF -" 6--, 44itw - -K:`,.;:,*x-%i. �
� . * , .1 . - :111 . r V. o - Cukury. � ArV= . . � � ;::s:;..X:$;,:� . 4. �. ,- ,- - ---
I � � I � . . - -;;';'..!,,.1:� :;,:;-�,%:"�:i:Sj!ji? I
� . It . '* - ." , . , : ' . . � ,: ,,, ' ` `:, -
. - I .. * . . �, . rs. Hays is in deep �be was On duty On the Man
� . I .- � , mOrnifil," for .her husWnd. since he ;00 a * � .", . � without. cruniblini, or. break- ::`:ii--i:if . .
.1 . , 4. *' , I . . . - , :, .. . i�, .� � , to mat One and I I ;i�!:i.:,, .ii*'K:,+.-:j .. ,.`&i$. ", -
� I 0 " :. - , I : .... ,-�-:�:�:ii-�:.i�":�: " . � I � , K%,�*.'
- � ..AJA" . . I . I I ,�:%'�':i*K,;;1
. i ; I . " . , I . dic& � She Wont wear nothiing but rl ',:;:�i:::,X,:-:..i!i:! I ,*,-Xi::�:%X.�,
. I I I I � I � - . I *t .1 1 � lexrs ago was trausto . I . . � 1. I I ,*� I .
. I . "WrIt" . � 1, . . ., `,:� , in I
.1 L - � �" I � .I. ., � Ilack close and, all she canned' up ton Place. . ,�i I . �,
. � OL. i. .1 . . . �%1*0�$% , 9 �Upl , , .: 11
� I 'ALP I I " , !. �.......... .. - . . � -";-:'::--.-$"� L
. 1.17pasw. * I- .v. was - After 29 years me, station ent; k:.-1?ii-:`�.%,.::: I . � ---"?-r�:i��s,�,� . ...
I . , - I I : ., - 40 . 4,111V . , . this �y Blackberrys and .she . .. .1
. . �z , '.. �� I . I I "-`-:v-:-! A -Pur6 .Hard. � :., �`�;,�*'ffiie - .
1. I . -& :- � a , .: � . .
. . - --- -�X— . !�.-;:�N--.,�K .
- � I � . � na but the blac I
� 4 0 . dussent plar.onnvibing -on the p an. - Merrickville, aad� nearly 0 vltrs in . i'�,,:;i�..�!"��:'..i�.� I so �!,?`?
. � I - I the e6mv I s I . � -i�iiki-,*-;�?,�i:!...,
1 , I I I I eys j; .V-:-.�::;:;i;.; � .
LL , :ak , � lzo� � lz- on it. I avy's service, '.1% , , X �. - --�:i:zii!�-,-*-,. . I I - .
, I I — ". � . . . , .
ft . I 1- . - — , �*!:. � �: � . . 1, . � '*;":'�A �
Angus-liss; also retli" 'Olt "nalon. I .. :Z�-'-;�';' * � .
. �. Worms in children, if they be -not, ge, is boliog,succeeded by it. S - :.�;,.-,!-::�:,;:: --- . . . . .
. I , Cot ;:.-�: .: -.:� ..:.,-" .
. I ;%:;..%�i.;�*.%;--i�'�-'M - ,-,:..�:-.���:�"..,-,.i�:..-.�,���;.::..�"i:., -.,.. - -i-...�-,-!, ...."..I.,
I %-�% - ci�,i ��, ,,�i�...: .:, ..-�,
� . I Attended to, cause convulsions and bett Terreopono, Que. ..ii�-iiii;i*�:� -..., .-;.;::�.r.,;- 0. -. ::. ., jj,-�:: '.."':: .`.".
:-.:i�i�i� :`:, - - - - - --- - ,
I I . ;:;;,�;:.! �,,*:% . , ..,..'....::�,; 1.
often death. . . . . ,I - - .....". .,Z. :. :� - I..... � .. ..... ::. �.. :.....
,. . . blother' Gr4yeV vvornl 9' AT. Jell�, who has be.!ft assle sont , .. . :".: �,;!;::.:�;.�-.::�:�:;:;:t.?.�', �-� ::.-, ��t�-'..-.-..L:`: Nl::;,� �.-.*'
� ... " --- .... .. .... ... �. ,
- .. 1. �., :
. . -::: " ". %?. 1� '. " - .." "..".1'.." '..". -.1 L,
- I Exterminator will rotect the enlo- division engineer of the C "I "" ::� -;,,; *"*";*;: "..:.. .
" "" ,
� I -�- ".
. -a 0:1 I .?-. : .1
�R,o IL , ... - ...-...'�,:,...,,....,.-"...".."�"."..*�.I..*....,..'.."..'...�*...."..,., ..,.. �
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14 I dron from I 4 affiict- JiVilainted dt- I ... ... . .. . . . .
.these d 8tressin .....,. ,.-,-,�.,',.:, .; ..... " . .,�., ..
. . ion'S. I f, . , SmIthij FaIll, has beet' ... ,'.-'-.:;,. .... . � . .
- - I . 64� visiou earivelst, same roaa, at schret, i I all 11 Iiiii 11 , I I I- - I I -wassi - I .
I I I I .. OvAlluk)IJ t-AIM5 JjN HURON- . I
, "T. *
� . . I e .-I I I � I . . I I � I 4 , . 6 following Is a. list of school . The steel structure tar the now
J 2? I . � fairdates for 1923. , I C,P.R. Overhead bridge artr the 0.
. I,/. 11 . .
. I I 11 .. 1. 1� : � . . 'J . , ', . St. elvas 0 t. 13. -T. R, tr*4ka It 10n93tOn ItOoketiOn
� I .. ,;� , i�' vlll� t. � I . , hus arrived and M6 Domiftio* Srld
4 a, - I
1`� � � hfi - � , to
Al � . . I I . . I sh eld- � 14. 1
,� ,,, il . I cat4voily, Montreal, the ,contractors,
I � . 11 �, �, � -� V-11 � . . I -, . � I rlow--40 e. 17. . I . . I I .
. . . � .1 , I .- ',� I—. I I Clinton t. I& � boa started to erect the likidge.whicb.
b . I ,14� ��. � . � % . . I --,.. -1 I I . 11 * . when completed, will Open tho Abw
�� I . A \ . I *W,W1 - I Zurich ept. IV. � . . � 11%oa-Into the city for Me C.P.R, Wd
I . . . . ,.I .. . It I � . le*, . .. - � � : I Vn�%h1Vood--Se1)t. 20. , - - I
. . , , �� 0 . I - 11 Winelielesea-Sept. 21. .C.N.R. tral", I
� , I � I � . I Porter's Hill -Sept. 22. . �
� % \ � . .
/ , � I .. . I . . L I � , , ;
I I . � � I 1�1- I � Winghani-Sept. 20442,15. I INFORMATION FOR S OUTSM-EN
. I
. .
� � I ` . 1VaItOn-&pt. 026. .
� 11 N. - . . . .1 - - . ,�.:, I . Dublin-Sopt. 1=j� . Changos in the Ragurations under
. . " 11 -,IV, ., . . mlytIl-Sept. 4J." . tbL% Migratory Birds Convention Act
I : 6 . -1 � . : I varlia-NL 1. . affectipsr the shooting of inigratory
, V i . ., ".- " %,' 1- 11 I .� . . -.1 - .,4� % . -,, I . 'Crediton -Oct. 2. 1 game birds in eertain provinces have
I .. '.. � Grand Bend ct. 3. 1 1 recently been authorized by Ordo in
I I �4?k -1 ." , ; � , '. -;-0 �
I '.. 1� ..".., I , I �
� " . " OL ,Aa, 1W., 1 -. - I I I I 11, -1 - -- . "I ! I.! � 1: - . !! . ! � COU'Ad*'I . ' 11 1. I � I
� " I ON, -�1-011 I , 1��' I I vhde� the Ord�r a further� closed
I -- VW . season throughout tbo Dominion has
. .... - ----k Uf f ered.
� � ........ I I - � been provided for Wood Duck, ex -
1, 1�*i. . � . III � tendithg until �Tanunry 31st, 1924. A
� � .. I. "Ift . ..... . . .- r -1110-M, A Or"t Dftl sinulai closed season has been pro.
. I. -*"I , I . I I - , . � . -s. c
I * � . . . .1. I - � . . vided for Rider du4 me -opt that
I . .1. , I . Li � Imto Eider may be Axot in the Yukon and
.. � . I.- I .�. 1 � 1. � I ....- -.1 --- � From Nor KW I .Northwest Territories during flip To.
� I
tAWrit) §16og lKsaig fi*k bo reoai6 '. i0*04 a sklarosi*0 h*kt Jsokfk� (Cir CIP.9-41. �rsow"% of cialkilde U L 9MY gular open seAmon provided- fov duek,3
Waroft That 0*1 uVal 4:**j00, lklooeo , . in t ose, oealitiea.
211609 140114 Itowipot. MA0 a 411*1 Vim 36we Itim biatwr* oaosit bewit. a" * I t tv "1441" 1111 -ft atfoaffs witl0i *11 . e open seitsons provided by the
WHXN You toakt yout ttip to the . I Mrs. A Wyna, IM. 3rd Av*4 Xsstq Regulations under the Migratory
ton river. Both JOUracyS Aft Inter- ins about" attd at aftAoir. They ave O*m somw otit., writft:-,tx wish to HIM% Convention Act for. the season
,, .
amust 6, - but the rum, on the Canton all pigtaresquo tcj a degree, with . ftprm vaZk,sfOrthebenAt1b*vt 1923-19,04 for Onb%rio sad Zileb"
. . Far E64t, in whiek chiml Ifing,
bo sobtaceil. vaa will be sure to river *111 be MOTe 411440L A *um- th0it Vkh braws smile, peculiar rig- , t= Your w"doitfal Doman are As fellaws ..
,Visit Hong Xong ani. ber of the caftionvivir ateafflorlo at strktly indistuous to .014 Catlosy,�- PIPOY Pilit AN tho b^" ftvisinly Duck,;. Geese. Drant and Ralls
Wh plates Are ten Clinton, for well as w"t lar es fast shot spoel. ar-d the.'r bulN with art eye oft ths 40* imit A j;4i deal 74z. ,-t�� I In Quebec: Septen5b" I to De&
4*4 Prose the world o'n'"I in NettY Ozig veosels, will Xle at Itit of beating *ftol statbetril side* of the b3w, Itor shout two or tWee yeaft� I hod *mbtr 14s both dates inelwive.
Over. You csn- as tegAtils w1commAstion, table sad lo;�.Ixt the 'Clible,46 will, ompl*in ta huflofttl t#ftlbly with my ki In 0�itvxio: Seotember I to Dec.
. I I % drifys; - .. , � - -
—a- TRIJ, —11# Can At HOrg tLolig V 4% TV Ce. ane 11% *16 All yow .Oupm" n& got 'eye, " can
�vfthoat "making your nuft*L,rip etl tiftles plenty of extoallent Company om mia?,
I COard - visitors like yovr"lf, onol StreteW before you, as ,yout.
, IrA*W, for the Places art wy eithty EuropeAll rtsidehft in vOtIous "�Ttx stesm�r pasies to, her wha;1 et
Mike distant ttom each other. I � *3,1A 'Oft whom, y*0 will Abi- Kowloon. is the roble rtaym-now
er, Am;
VIU Camadiark Pacific IaEmptefteso coal , . , "Cand instructive com- named Cootnaught loid-or water.
all at X*ft Kong mod It6fa thele.,vahgohl ft6at. The denixens o., slotlighat
Y" 440 vrooft4 to esnt4h by either Thei; will bt at *wk to Akttrw& rail their waterfront, The 7hrA
trak ow ril" stoismer. Thom in the
I I yo0ur Attontift Ili Itoft XM -C tkaot ftrt of the Prays$ t6 the lefti, lot
lkmow" ""Ir go by ttsim an, r,%., year heatro oi*ire will be to "Jitst IS" rotlAimod, 6,674 the tea. $#left.
ism -W Abeamr, or Vice versx� By "05 #V*7 Plate of latorso at a* 414 balkha
. C with- their tiers of
010 tftf* ."* will be ah"e, to reAs firde�" 'a 1"t stoaaftor am&ot latoo mshblis Ve bc*n fkwtod upon it,
Vftr oirm 06 wmtkern Chi""s inland the mag"W&IO Mtb6%kt hi"re4a of 11AIIAN 'Which it that at the 110119
AJ, the CbirAst Jinki will ba, 0m *1
sctimy sod vIr1w file. xtft Cl* oft of Im Awt IMMI.
'M~ Ift 20 VO 4017 44W)k -ala. $out vieovi, *oft 40110, lacktol lorg$ will' lastitstlems fa the V001110
fto 166t; silteli Or rest in any �wq;
emu not da Z�y work (,�r the Pking 3A
nirb000lk. .
. - I Vto-j4d about the r)t)4 ot vour
- I
I 'it 4604awr tkoft 1W
*khook � whom I
ItAIM-40 U116 19101or 16.4� .
D004's xi&ey, P116 V6 A&. per box,
04 611 400)(01% W **Ad V1000i 44 re -
"W of "- by rto T, moms 00`1
Uib". zwooki;iN. OAL
I. to Dee.
I. to Pee.
otive. ex.
o -,*n te-t.
her 25 to
21* oy" of the *old w%er r-�A
.... I � ---
� . � � . . ' '
1. e%"
. .
. .
. I 11
.. I - 11 - .. ..
OW" -.-.:. �
� .
. � It You are thil' a � of t"g 6
. M
:Wobs 0
� the Toronto. E ition or _ '4-1-
I Me
- - . � --4 I
-Londbn INair �-effiaps' yod WM
; nelad a now QLU B BAG or' SUIT
CASS. We have �spepial "n-ri
-1 MO
01� M0 13 Suit CatesK and
'r-sy' week 'Our dis"�,..
. TraW mv- for 0
1 Play', is m, the Basement 0 I
.. I BAu 11 I and have
. 9 the Riddies "n ---- I
. them see our di splay of . '
I ReedDoll's
Cardages. A shipment julast tea 1
Veivel.ftom thelsootory. I
, '.1 -J
-1. .1.1.11.-J 1,11, ''Ift
-- -- --- �-�--�----
eqwt,i, j"o,A,",. *1V*.V# t& 40se,
I 41� fiip� 167 ,
� 1 � .