The Goderich Star, 1923-09-13, Page 1- - - . -_ _` - —VPq1Fr---T- 711,11111PIM 1. � I- __-r
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XOV-1111115P W-9 NUMIRU 3180. I . GODERICH. ONTARIO. CANADA. THURSDAY, 3 NBER 13. 1923 I V,�b"I-t�nqcwc
,T ,N(tJA,
. 0 ��Nlil,w.e,lat�- lo'—'.) a � Is 1�11X,5,
I -, - � - -11 1-1 %%IN &'i DhtJ:. J,Zw"'h�t1t*74,
. - 1-1-1- - I 1. � I I _. . �__ =----,
-11. 01 - -1 , Golf Notes ii� Evar �. '.%label Udi%ar&, Mildred - _____
. � " it 1 1" , r. 4,, urth prize, 1,01. shop, PIEONX WE "OW �, EVENING CLASSES
.. ' The ladies, rif tournament g 1`0
, � is Ila I Ili Weekly " I
. rowing down In the round w] eh yin= Jeroalette, Roy Lee, D0her- Wouilert"I T ottelountr -_
t Thuy Clerk Holman s in V.4n- �a ____
. 'S ,as ocur q
I Up life Assurance Go. of Canida I was eomylatV Q= ,Xiigs Tom ty Clark. t day of 1)rr,!I,Sm#kki MillifterF, rancy I 1. �
beat 'Alias I Ic go V sit Olive Now Lixtowel Firm Connectei Wit the eyoplayineut of hill ,oc&,,news. " ,
= h For a4ardwar* Aealer to omit Airs. Jai. T. AtePon Detroit, Mining
, ,.Allen and Un. Lloyd were to play Gray and Cartwright, ,of Goolerich Is visiting irlend$ In lVe-41�n1wil. . — . I 4
� . . paper Is just a* *ellolbl#-�O#a his I �A undcr I 11
� . yesterday and' Miss -Edith Williams The 1,sistowel standard. last Friday t a train to Ur Jas. bfc%�,Vlear Sr., h;rt rtturn d Tt-"('J!'�veDing Class'L' � - tI e ' 11
. A FAIR CHANCE got a bye. The draw for the next contained tho following announce- �travel a journey of 33 or =Oro trom a twoo wicks, vt-w. sit rtmoanh, aw,,pice-�l of -the industrial 'eimmitter
� . . Yound was to be made last night. ment* . miles. Tile fact Is that a nowyA. Mrs. o. o. 1101d. of tll,ck-'�Jo J'A viciitin-0 of the Collegiate Institute will be rc�
All that anyone can atik lov In life is * fair chance to rualle,goott mud [ The ladies were to have a game *t The store ownell and occupied by paper go" into a t I I organized lla indicated,, bolaw,. i
. to live in decent cowtort. Not everyone has that folir chotice. For Ili. :$caf9rth last' Saturday, but rain, the late Robert Thompson is no -A, Qc. thoug hou"u'll or two 1V1L1ctp4V11`A('n8"4.' *Nte' 81311 'Mi"' J' t" X'gAtt' '111c' 51111inerY Classc�A on Tuesdly :
and homes without a par. , 0vtnings. beldmilug Sept, 18th, at 1!
,. atitoco, the widow and family at the man who does not live long elaough. prevented the completion of guy of curled bX Vitallayiell. Bros. & Gray, title of efrort o r
-,v 4 or the eve 2 D the Part Of the, Dr. and Mrs. R. V'. Gabr and son 7.;,;0, under Miss makins. . �
. e to'lolloup the estate he plane upon, sud iiba makes no othec proviolo f nts. who purchased the :,entire stock �sud man who, Advertises lit It. The are visiting Mrs. Gaby's aunt, mra. -,, Knittingr eta -1
tlical. You can luake,certisla today tbot��your touillY Will be provided Fifteen men of the'Kineardine golf have rented the store for a to The Faues �ssco ol ,�
i I club merchant must r 11,
with a fair chance in lito, no platter what way lasppou. by taking A, policy are -expected down today for years, We understand rat of t,y for the space Tye, Elgin ave. . Thvirsdav ovollings, beginning Sept
� in the 6vN LIFE ov Canada. . . . e the new that the he uses said, w to the advertisto Was Vargito"Al'alt0d,40 Iq speuMmi. 20th at 7.30, under Mrs. V. �
�- 1. . . . gam sivith the men of the, local club. stock WA,9 sold to Arm at a meat that alln the space,, but hay. or boll 11%,�,s with r,plij. luNevin:
. I . it it Nor%vt 0 1 The Dressittaking
I I - __ _____ I — , .. ..._1 .— kDeath of Lieut. prowford � low price, and that they intend clear. Ing dows this all the rest or the ,ivi.s Q _ Classes on Fri. . .
I out. and Torcut). -, day evenings, beginning ftt. 11tst .. I
, P6114 US - I I U., R. LONG, District Agint The death took place on Tuotiday 4ig it out as quickly as possible, and roatter of getting this mi%�#A '. I
. - , - .
. . . . - .0 , now C, A - clintou .News, Recordt Alp. And at ?-GO. under Mrs. rellow. - 1.
, . t lagt %veek of Lieut. E, .Roy CrUW_ tUen open up with an entirels the hordw*ro dealer diattl ted I
I �
� I � - I " Mrs. Alolvllt Vlork. of Goderich, w,�,ro" Other ClansP3 will be begun In tbe
- -
"t ,��--,..,��-��--�.�--.,q.--,--�,----��- --- —_ ford, son of Mr� and Mrs. George stuck, to the business of the newspaper �
I I , .�. ;._�_�� Crawford, of Hullett, near Blyth, of. The now Arm we bilve learned are publisher, The local newspaper In town yesterday. I afternoonn as well au other eveni,
I ______ ter an Illness from double pneumonia connected with . 0iripmall Dios. ,o 'ings as the number of merilbem "I It
I . . � DENTISTRY . ,f rendorg liocal merchants & won; Wingliam Advance, 5trA. P. S.'tjoinina requires. " i I'll
I Meaffordl; And Groy & CartwrIF a a Tho3o intending to join tho Clas- I : ,
Td Tow of . three weeks, The foinieritl tooV-. Mi of dorful service and this at an &b. Linklater visited with relative , t ,
� I a. J. A, GgAlim D., 1). $., L. 1D. . VTN TROPICS ' ubt w! I g%e surdly small cost. I Goderich lost week. I �
' 1) has men over ,the gental practice ag I � ;_ place On Thursday and was attended Goderich, which no do 1 SO are advised to consult the in- I I
. � , IfJ,r 0eV...8 � by Col. Dunlop, Major ;Sturdy Anti th6W a givat 'buying power. T o It means that front three to five The Ali�isos'Maud and Vilia Luxton structora beforehand so that worh �,�:
I In et rill &CaeS4V Ault Will DO PlMed to Former Hooter of St. George's Is others of the military; R6v. Mr. selling of the ,Thompson stock at, familits can be solicited for a sint, have return" to town after spead. i
� za
I one �e iiiiyons or D � P. Caesar . or any- Preside I eqoatly reduced prices should be A a be began on the evenings of cu, � I
. , ,V. - at of Huron Wiese Altimul Abory had charge of the Services. gle brown tent, and at a five tent Ing holidays Ili Detroit. . in , .. , I
ilton ;Toring iteittai ser Jeo. 010ce, I . Iqux I g&4' means getting Acquainted piece for the solicitation of from ent. i �
I - I - ev � loatt saw servive 14 :� I
. I .1 I 1,04 ' Of ListoWel and the 15 to 25 f*mil 11ov. $. - llard,)r awl Urti. Hardy Tito splendid diaplay of the, worl. � �
. . � urcO. L. 0. Clarke. rector of the Tbe�decitased young I With tile, g!QP10 .8 e,
� I of St. John the Evangelist, in the War for the whole four ears. Its. What cheaper Were guests last wopok %vith me. and the c asses In millinery and faucy .
- 41 , 1 UVS1CAV . .I . 'London, a former rector of St. Geor- He was 82 years of age and J ant- large nuri, or of customers from the solicitation I*. possible or desifed. Utg 11. Thoulpsop, 1,ioudou, Of t I .
�� — k I
I -i�F;-_ 01sidow, , I lumu '. -rifttry and towns that X , ' ,laitting_niadoin April last, ought to
I gels, Gedoricb) has been elected pre, ndf,ql4 (,lie A
W. mxwfi i. - vived by four sisters and one, broth. r . ,any a hardware dealer has spent
, Or faines church, hoadon, and -of er, Mrs. A 4 - Air, and Mrs. 11, Black. LNelyn and Th largo enrol meat this term. : :
..� sident of the Alumni Association - Radford, of Uullett; Mrs. always pittvs;q the late Mi., a dollar weekly to solicit the fov. 030 t �; J
Noisrallist St. � .
val Director. London Coil$ or Huron College. Others officem are. Robert Dear and Mrs. J. C. Cutt, of Thompson. We VXmi'l 4 to the Billie .returned home on Monday af. Chrinwa are old lit the Pub. �
erva;ory new Or of shine Young lady in ,whose lie Library basoment and the fee I. -I 01
, at home, firat our best wishes aIY4, a welcoine, atreetion he would have a high
.:1 MUSIC. Teacher tit Singing find Piano. va, Rev. ff. A. Wright, of Authersthurg, town; and Peter andBessio I ter holidaying Ili Toronto and Nla� � I
cancies. huffiber of pupils. first gal'a Falls. $1.00 for a courK of 13 lessons.
Studio, foJ611111411ea(fl, , bson. Til- also by his parents. The familv I place. He has spent a dollar or *, * . .
� at !i.l P,sow$. oatte Vie- ; vIce pres.; Re*. P. Do to oftr town. . �
I r, ow, . OV - f T e ew firlwa opening in , ,- . more weekly -perhaps a A 1�
. toria , It n '11�*-Aw. Clinton Now Eri: %tra, , ndrow J� IV. FRASER., J. P. 111TAlk,
$01001. in oil eatiestlays. bury, second vice; pros.; Aev. 10. M. were all In attendance at the ,unert I Ii. , longer Chairman.; , I Scerot�ry.
. ".. Foreman of Waterloo, �secrettwy; Town Water of Excellent r el took blacc, on 'T''4esday, So 11th.", norlod-to have the favor of , ' It of Godorich, has been A, vial� . . . I
� I INSVItANCE.AN111, FXAL MATE � P. bobson, Pf Tilbury, treasur- Sanitary Quality . 1. an( , was in - i$tOwel *:31,49le individual; Yet has baulkead � � I
I I Mr. Chapillaiii ft P0 or,
I - . .'.1 ....... ~� I Rev, I . , .1 tov with her sister, Mrs. A. Tyndall, � DIED :
. .., V, " ,�-��".A, —ler - � ' lot- the day., I at'-kiptiending &]a equal 84iii to so. during the past week.. ' , Iltil-I , In 'Wittig 01011111M lit (lut, filth"
� , , with Rev. H. Small, of Winglia ,01'4 A report on the town water &6m. " . �a .. . . lit , 0JI)IIII 'AL 1101. U110 0�60 a%nV Aild(U-111%, . . �
Houses--4iouses , '.. . .ov, S, P. Irwin of Kirogsvlile,�,an, 0- Mail 1�aroer of VAppy Indians Ch It 161 favor �.of 1,000 or more Exeter Advocate; Mrs. Dearing �
. fatoilles , wh000, business would Year 490 tollay. septentht . 'r, J3111, J%h,�
the Branch Laboratories of thePr ock' and Mrs. J. * Paine were In Goderich ,"t,,olie but.11ol roraollou� . . .
� . . I . Rev. W. L. Armitage of London;.the vincial Board of Health, London, on It ed At GGderlth,* Constable Pellow quickly return to him the cost of ossisting In the Salvation Army aer. 1, ERNV,,q,;'l`-iWil ,I. r. . I � I 4
All kinds for sale at about hall ,executive, � . I I sample of the town water froin'to Off to the 0.11nual PoW*WoV1r up. solicltatiou�. Une ifrouders why so I d. � � 11110141114Y. -In
I � what it Would cost ,you to build. It Rink Co*petition Closed . wn Vices over the wook-on . loving iilejj�llry lit ilts. I ;
,� I - ,. hall tap, sent in Aug. 29th, states that north with a couple of bottles of many men. lit th6 retail business Mr. And Xrs. .L. P. Rundle. I ' Ilrolthey, x0lif, pLI4%vlJ ,ity,ty 4 . ono, . . ��
I � will be to your, interest to see I110 be* I The last of the series of ton TInk tile "analysis t"611111t,111461. ";Nlt. .
.1 , indicates a water of ex. "home spun" lit their cart a couple neglect the a liclti�tjzn of St.
� - he 4 , , 0 of I 000 or Catharines, spent a few AIR11141141,;l1fis 41tit SISTWOK
I I ..,,. tore buying, ,Several, Properties 04' compotitibna. was, Id t the Picton cellent sanitarv.'quAlity.11 Repor,ta, on of Indians from 'the Sarnia reserve 1 2,00-() community f days -with I ..
- .
..." .. Ivory easy ternts of payment. .See ray street ireenion:mQnday evening . Ilaj?les �y the Mr, -Rundleli father and brother at . IN MEMORIAM . �
. . 'list, I . I . � - and samples of milk .and oream selit in'the bad �,,Alte an exoltinc time on Tuva- agency of advertlsinir�k - 1111rdworo "The StorlIngs," Huron Rd. I VAN STONE ---.%I 10Z� i,itteea st. .9inoth � I . . . I I
- -1 - I � .- _. . vi)l L � llatoll 11., Lift' Moll0aA" bolitelphilp Itut � .. - ..., . � - ---
, . I . .. � ' P, J., ItYAN . � � I the prize Winners for the series.,, bavq same date -showed per cent -.2i a§t week, ending up -in police ,, and, metal. . -Ift, Aud Aim Jus. Qfialdo ot Vdrt' "I
. � go.of day J$1 .
I I . 1. . .!been declared. CAm. T*6ed%, 'with' boutterfat as follows., . � � -- court and t IL, jit Godd�lch. Col�l - - - I I . . � . . �
. Real, Wale and Insurance.. ! a plus of 66, heads the list; I _ �. xtjjf�lo, lar&- ATOM I an St011o, loolove(o I I"
. . I Reg. . I Milk Cream stable Pellow had It � . .4 Albert, spent a week with -.Mr. and tor Samuel J. find NlVi, Van SIM!, . . .
'* ..
I ,lint 8 044 -MMUS � I :; :� � i k� !. _ _ - ," - . I I
. I . LES Fbilt SA ..� ISbarman and 3. Swaffield each had Beattifi 8.80 18,25 tinle of it tooin too Ing the cap�urc- . , Mrs., Writ. Vrooman, corner Elgin age" Zo year -4- . .
I ARTIC L8 � I., � � 84,11VI(IO lit the alitive atifirm.'s fin wedueto. � � .
. .1 .. . T 50 and F. Hunt 43. These four are Bell, � . � . , ,::::.': When the Indiana were near Thed- ave. and Toronto St. recentfj.' 114ay n it � .
I , _, A10 .34-00 Per . 114terliteat at - , .
I . � . AMONQ THE CRUKHES I � ulie I e I g1t I
L I . S L .'-I e I xrovd. range. slze the prize winners., , . Bisset ...... ........ 3,60 , 24.60 ford their car, a Vard, went into the . . .- _. . I .. 21tiss Faully r4eo, of Loudet,borr. with I ou. Ill, ,Y.ziv) li. Ili . I I . . . . .1
I . 2. 1 all 'r, ot t r 0 1:1 urns "On Wednesday of* lait. Week Dr. Oke, B . Rev. Mr. Diinlop, of Xyliner, will . " cou I . I � I . 1.
. �Iios. � ........... 5,20 26.00 �. ditch alidtho Wife ,of one of the oc. Ill, si b Miss Sadlo otiotor, of Cltutou JUST AS WELCOME AS PAY . .. .
I I Cos 01, o , I t cl a Condir Hunter- And Jos, Brophy and A. J. . ])reach morning and* evening In the WOV Visitors fit tile Wine of UrA, S. it. . I .1. I
01 In to s 0. I . . . DAY . I . �,
Iliall!".. ar a . � . I MeMartus,,.....,. ..0.20 17-0 �r. OuVants Was hurt This. apparently - I I I I
I 0 .. at Goldthorpe and- F, , We' - 'Fish9r ........ i .... 3.55 25.00 � Baptist chumb next ,Sunday , Sunday Ltiot; Volington strcet. 1, ab w.11, It. .. � .L . ,. L
. TA F t . S. . ir were win did not dampen, their high spirits . . 1. . ,�
I . %, 1
ners of. fli-st and second prizes in the 1x markpd'15 per cent. . . . L though they had. to., leave the- lady schoolat 0.06 A.M. 4'. , You tire JuAl as wo-woluo In our .
, L, in rat- , I . L and , Whelt� they PASSed I I Mrk laid Mrs, W: J. Little, of Luck- store ag par
, I poncir Von sALS.-Olass , ore double$. '. - � I U,4 . , - behind I day. Whether you buy . .
1, L . . I \ Tho regulat� ' -Xiliox Churob �' visitors in towo last weeki or not, it -W 11 do: You good ,to see out L 1,
. . . aY evening a series of xillary. W K.8'. will be. held next ,'; t1A . I �
" . . A meeting of the guarantors of ephofied to Couppable Pellow at ' e4' ,he fair,. and called on. Mr. samples.. We have nothing else -
I class condition. Apply to . . Box - 1923 Chantauq a Finances �' rao,titaxot
4�81 - . , Last Mend , I through Baylleld '06" authorities tel. Ali `V '_ I
. l compotitiona-in doubles on, the Same � 1923 Chan Tuesday, Sept. 180, at 3 30 p.m� tdiss no'v�"ng - i
� � I I . - I . I th tauqua was held inthe , At'( fin I Rutledge and other do but show.thom to you. If any. , _
� ,� , ' ;j1_LTCTI SALE I plan 'as the. r4ok competitions, just Goderich to Intercept them here, lUbel Strong and Urow UoVormid W11i and At 4 1
1 friends�a. 1. . !
I L I . I
. onda v . I 1. . I ,
_01.1,- closed'started Board of Trade room on X thy ben: ThiIi he attempted to 40L and started hove charge of the .program, A tall I . thing suits your taste WO Will juiii I
I ,
t,,,� I V TION, tZ,t 10;" ; IF1311111, Meth , . erdn& when a statement ,of . out .entrance attondauce to requ I r,xeier Times: o0issos Jean � and Plat �tbd tape on you and yott can t �t
- . '� . ..,. , ollist District Meeting I - , . . to nwet. thero; At *the L , ested., . . CloilloSL on in ton days. 190 ,
" I RNISHINGS, .. ances of the affair was submitted. to the town he catites up
XITTURNE AXNAD"Vt . .3 Irene' Bloomfield v.�, returned to Y041 . � ,
. 11
L I ,
I .
"', . . V .I — ' :1 The district meeting and itilssion.; The sUitenve nt L shows as followg: -qn them and The pulFit of St. George's church .i �
I . I
.. � . MKI OHN )KELLY 1. . called A halt, but this Indians wove in their home In Go riW titter visit. worrying about whoth0 they will fi .. , . I I
L . ., . . . 4rY conference of the Methodist . -, Receipts I .. I . was occup ed on $4nday'at both ser. in
to auction at his residence, the mood for ,"no'surreMe'r','.; aod It vices . by, , Vert 'I With M Pridbam, the tailor, around I
I I : Will son by V , I
. . . - Archdeacon _ Jones.1 fle d I, ,,,r*, and vs. Fron #0loom. I or 'not. -, North ft . , . . J * ,*"I41 , , .., I
; . �, , I ,.,.: t., - oclerich, on -�,. top held next - Wedu6iday, Sept. 19th, mittee (including tax).. 41202 40 was not till the constable " a cou-� Bateroah, the rector, Rev. S. S. Har. On 4y , . MUS too shop. I I
. duttroti street�l churches ill.the�Goderiqh district, will Sale of tickets by local com- . ter . 11, Lthe. cornet
. . I . $ATURVI I ple 'iif- shots that""they decided 4is� M ,ndon Free Press - - J, Wost"e'll"'14161"itoft. "� , .4 .,� .
. . . - ' 1.90 o'cloolt' sharp - ' - in the MetbodiAt -church, Bayfield, d3t, being in Ridgetown, his former , toy Aolelt.. 11pholil 1, ant . ..
.1. bornioneneini I Yo SEPT.115th I . 1 25 per cent. on gate i has been serio I 4 I
.r. a I receipts 158 91 creticilt was the ,better Part of valor. I. 11 . untovhc li$ly Ill A in 1100 9 a their halId 'Zol;. 30�,J%J, ". ... -
� I � � � 11 at,10 a. mi. and 1.30 P. � I I . . parish, Preaching .harvest thanksgiv . , .� 4, " ., , : " ... , , , . "
. . . . . . . f parloi� cabliaeti � J 6-plece parlor quite,, with soosions . - They were" driving V A�'pfeoty� i - ed' . I , � . . , , y . 1. I.. .. I f, . .
" . .
I , I Molf 2 large Upholstered chair -4. In. The morning session a '' , ape Y Ing Sermons. . � � . . , 80me w0kgl In, labila H"Pitalb o . . 1. . . �
� . I . .
J;, I 1 . . . " Coverifig faw � , � .1 ,
z ,Is Chair,,,, will,be tak- Tota 11 ....... $1361-31 1 ISO' . ly and will re� . I , ,,,
, Sever , raticy v airs, a larre rugs In 41310n� . I 11 Paci, in fact ,the Conot4bla. aamits , X06i obare - � .
,I I . � did condition, several mail rugs hall and en Ap With dUtriiit business, afteir ' � Disbursements . be 'had some job to keep' up, �iiind an h. Theoitieryloes will .be tu to his home. I WeLiu. I � I � . :� �
11, �:,.: . ". . . stilp carpet, a waintit tables, 6 'smau U- I which Infichooit 'Will be served at. /Chautauquxi. ' conducted by the minister, .Subjects of, - I it OF GOD IS TO PREACH TOR ,' ,. �� I I ..
I . - I guarantee ..... $1376 00 inspection. of,the tourse they took on Clinton News Record. ` ,Dr� Floldi,'SECULAR AGENCIES ,S D I ..... �� I I
. 1� I . I ..
1"! I I Dies, pictures, curtatfig; .;dra es, ,china. 12.10 by, the Bayfield congregation. Amustment tax ....... _ I . . . . , the Bazirfiold Ishows fft had a Sermons, it a.m. "Esight at F . , IJOUL .: . .
.� " .04 ,voalag,, a, . I . I .
r� quip . i _ . serulonfor tile Old folk" I P.M. ,,Great. I own, today to . . .... ;
. . .
. .
I I inut at e- , held., 1:40 "Th Opportinjity of . I I r A40CIATI(doN * I k'�
I . . t Jrr0P, 1 At 1-80 "issioTI4W--ronfereqqe'wI1I Cirtaire on tent �nd q --- , 4 .."
I ,dishesi. %Ia$sware, t British p ate ni of Goderleh, is in t ,ro. �RK- -
- no, es., 2 wilaut trained sofas, i or- be dizzy rivei : quent exeural4ils liqls, I P,
. . saxp� , � ,.
14, I I I I . S� tbrouge f,,orVlce.,,, side A the SuTplementury exii.1" nt%- 0
� . . con, t iargo,owc.sideubarct, I wa! e meat 4., �. ,'.... _.. 2500 , - ,L%,., "a.. ,�, Sabbath school tilons to .
, �.�'; . . � . foard,, 2 extension dining *016s. 8 dinfrig tbb Ch into thj�lailt '# �L 141hoinuson was , be bel , for those who fail*4*111@1 , � � I I . 1
'I, ' . ristihil, chotch," Rev,* J. � E. -Elettric fight 'acCount,y. �11 19 00 tIVA'S.OubmAr �116 11 01 Zen 1%) &nd Bible,040818a at 3 o'clook. The E UPON RE' . .. . .
,� ... L . .. I _bur.eau,� A.. . , I � I 'AR0 I . 1 ,
... .1 0, . . _1! ' 011034#11*4L0010111 " " � L . I
1, .; � �!�*, �:: -� I I -M , 0-609 *14-, Wfti6o�� I - . I
.1 rs, -I wattlut'!t-oraver � 86W� or t- Z44,A, ,,- W4. , -W� -; -W,_-,.�!! -, -.-.. , .;�, �.` �.; *# -& Id the 4x9ai% Will,bet U0110gO lot ��PQJ%614 . Inore A, octj in thet.mid. PARTIR& SEND POST. (�
,.� __ a P 4 11 I ,�� r 11 �; I I
.1 .�,� �tu, X141 -pintiox.' - , ,I
.. �. . , , ril
, I , , , '.." i � , 1W �
I I . . - witit inattress)", i . y'41F�j tea ah -'starn, '**,I Gllwk-& 6AW4wa., : I .
I. " i--- I3!ff6hk6` epresentati0a; Sundr, , __ __ =od :4 � I .
- .1 � - iobi( 11M.- � .
, , _ &r,TA4CbWft---1 , ,, ' - ' ' - - . - . .
�, I I . . writoir dealt. I hat -'s I � . I . . � . urt. John Mauass,`�* . . . I .
. '"Mrock, t' �i 2-.0 P. ' Im, Round Table � Con. I& older mani Lutknow Sentinel: Miss . .. I . I
. . � . txerF 04i6td Ps ' W65 It . . 1 7 . .
,;, � . : - . cook stoV0 with Wiltor front <new), !a New ferente; 3:40 - p.. Ili., I - little,roarl'blixt is wl'biother of the The regular monthly meeting of Osterhout ,Doris ' . I . , . - I . I
1. � . . . . Perfection 3 -burner -oil -stoves and, ovens. p I "'Our District - - I 11 . $84 81 �bil-j WAS (one of the five .1 I I I I , . I �. .." .,� ,(
L I $1 1 of the Sarnia `tfisetvej and .the' Arthur Circle of Knox church at the wingliam"High Schoo FIIIWPI�18 wits of f6flowill't tracts �. . . I . I
' I I . I. elfoctriegoaq, I coal on heatet, i rorris- rogramil". Rev,, A.. C. TjJ%n; 400 Vabilities ever,recelpts anlount, to acco will. be hold' Monday eveningl $ep- �O.L eirilain:44 ' � I
, ��11. ..� . . I hairs, 2 IlittChOn t2bleS, I P. m.,.deputations from departments. S225 -0a, ov $4.50 for each 0 e rding to .the Story, of friends. suc eded in getting I 0801ridemp is It Di�Ai I . �. .
. . orator, 6 k ithen p f In t . c a . . ;
;�,.. . ,. I nowet, .stand, ,k when . utonsng,'�'t B-diky' or f th ro be reserve who stopped to tomber 11th',, in the lecture room at ,at the recent uppor a .- . Y -Permitted? I il . . �. 11 I
� Special QffOring .t .defray'oexpenses, guarantors, which they lialre now t 9. Gordon Bissett � and tiots, 'or min . . ot-*_Ag. Standards? -,,'. � . . 0
1 � oloeTc, I step ladder, i ISVM ragWer large . L. I I � . 0 make enquiries on Monday 8 'o'clock.' Air choo1%111X`A I
, . .
I , - .
� I - , . �carpet swoe ., I I I pay to meet the loss. and she. will attend Norm, I � -'A I , I .,;��
,tger, g3rd6A � We, `too a 4ul(l Xernigfian-Macl)onald 1. too were on the�.the pow -wow, charge hr. I . I � I 1.
;. . . . Atimerotis ot or articles. A pretty � 'wedding. was� solemnized Public School 114 - ' I Manass, I 1% . .! . I . . -GUNDRY
Ill boL dISP I � I is Pretty AS they Miss Ruby McLeod will have -this yo 0 *iuc �
, . . . Even -thins w. � Osed or.. aq Im P. J,.W.L. ard , - I � . well to do. Ppar. of the meeting. Mrs. Albert Tay a si'm . .18TER . � .
� , , I X011v b'6 S�ld the house-.' 7 L . at. the home of Mi, and Mrs, i During the school � vacati enti? Was having the time of Ili$ life, lox will give a repoit of the Prosby, rNater ' !tlm'es: Mr. And � Airs. SATURDAY, Sept. l5th_,Xwt;;, . I 1�
I I I . T)911518�011914. I . I I . MacDonald, Cambria Road, at 8 ol� I on the Sitt ng in. the back of the -car, A - terial meeting bold at Hausa,,. this rrank Tom and,family and Mr.:gild sale of houselipid, furtilture �and fur I .
_ L
1, L JOHN XT.LLY, I T- GAI-,`��1)1(1,kjl,'�e,. clock, on 'Wednesday morning,* Sept, ' ; ctoria school was re� . ping his 'hands an ap week. All the �oung. ladies of the Mrs, Laniggon, of Toledo, whd -are nishings at Mr. John . Kelly's tea'. . . . , � " " ..
1. I 1. Proprietor. at e � including the putting in of ;D, I d. laughing; and spending t e summer . . . I I
" I . 1, I ._ _ _ ' - 12th, when their eldiat daughter, Ma- w Smoke- box and the ceilings of evon in court. when Thomps,oft ex- t,Ongregation, -are also invited, , lit the formQrin donco, Chnrcb,'Areet,.Godorlell, cow � i
. I 1111111111 .
I . . . . ()UARINO -AUCTION SALE - Or :P%PM bel Gertrude, became the bride of , he class rooms have been plained to hiln:*Afit he bad to pay ,4 - At the' Victoria street Methoill 4 8 let, home In GoderIch, Spent -in eing at q.,30 o'cloolt. Jon, . .
`��, I . 5 Thursday with Mr. Tom's alsiers, K �LLY,. Proprietor. '.., (**u
. murdscoed. L t . 1�11
OUSE- Mr. John S.Xernighsin, of Colborne., A con ts for the improvements,, ag. stay church next Sunday morn! TIIQ.,* :� �
i , 0010 14TOOX.: IMPLEM , ENTS I L. and H c If fine of $200 for having liquor or . , , ,. ;
I . �'. 1) ErnCTS., . .1 .1 " 1, . tp., older son of,Mr. and Mrs. J e Inonths he laugbed, the - �astor, Rev. J. W. fro at " Mrs.. ..(Dr.) Sweet L A d : the ,Mi .�tloneeif, . I 1. . � . I . �,,
�, .. .. , - .'N.' gregating $380, were �,passed sit t e r . L �� I . 11 . .
� �, � I I . _. .1 . h dley" willt �..,� . .11 . .. . sselq PRY, AW I I I I I I I . . I
.. I . 11
. ighall, of Toronto,' Rev. R�,G,�,; first meeting , for thi fall' of tho Ill., Weat L �'SDAY, Sept. l8th-Clearinir .11
, � I . , ,411t. IMANIC STANLEY Xorm . At time of. writing he is in jail at, : from, the text, '-T� shail, -to. Tom, , ' � � I I . .
. Wilt �Pll
. '
I � . by pubile.atiettoli at Lot 10, 6tf� McDermid performed tile Ceremcinj.� �chool board, which was Thompson was fined and sent t6 jail 4elve the power of the -Holy Spirit Mr. and Mrs, Lowe, of' Dogotn' ;N" auction 0 .. .1 �
., 7. E. V. Coiborile-11 nille We4 of Alililli'll) at which the immediate relatives ol -Monday evening, held 'on ; for driving a car. while :under .the in.; coming urn you,. and e shall be J�o are on a viSit to L friends all , .sale , f . the well-knowl" . . . , . . 1�
. -
- -ir i_ . . I . . 1. 1____ft.__.____.1 ------ fft.- W Sept. ,th. The d rela. -Granger Herd -of Pumbrod Short, . . "I
L W'N 'a . . . � � -
� .69PT.-, NI) _ The contr Om ,par tea were presen . ew teachers are at thei - posts - * ' " - UANO _7 7 -_"_-._,___1 ,
I , on . ,;X 1. IV , -_ . -19- -ftence -OfAi - - - -witnesses, . -the--ove g ift-"Ke -ti-Vef+--AtGod - n nt twffi . . .1
I . _1� roli , , ' i it. , hum -In- L it , CdW15'. =,S JOHN a . .
,� . ai. 4�,6100c)A sharp were oo attendants, .and after .At the school board moetina- on :,A few charges of, Inebriety have service *111:be taken by,Uey. Percy' other.po nts in thi noig rhood ar, ER, -12th con. Hullett, PropOetrem. . �
. I ... L . A eow. du('� to ealvii-abollf, oec�, �� 1!4V�.4'L vvbddiilg� breakfast the -young con- Mondav there were present Trustees en dealt'the police magl� Balles of Auburn, The Sundj'y riving last Saturday. even S.. rs, THOS. GUNDRY, Auctioneer. . I . . . .
, I -dile to calve '-filidlit, Fop.; ,%I etow%,"'I" Oe left on x motor trip io, Lo 8trate and a charge of. breaking into &hooi will meet at a o'clock and the. Lowe Was L for L . . . . i . I
1. . I"Irl 5 -calvell. this qto6c, I"i In Ill, -elasLA ndon ' J. -F. Thomson, W. Wallace, T. merl bliss Gladys Me- SATURDAY,. Sept. 22nd -Clear. a . L , � I �
I I.. 00" ,Xtra soolt Kraue.4;L I I)III,P . Brantford, and Niagara Falls, & dry, .J. C. Carrie, A, Saunders Gun-' Dr, - Dickie's cottage was heard morning prayer r4ecting at 10. Ev-, , Loan, of Du and went to , .
L� .,�g,jjlofo alft4l 't ting ,Pigs; and eryoue -c . Inp%, auction sale of farm stock, im� .11
.."� 'tovi y4irkshIrA sow, with Ili yo their return they will take L nP Lresi- J. W. Cra Tuesday and Wednewdargovenin S. ordially welcome, Bogota with er o I., r, rs. Harold plementi and household offeets, w �
I jout,raj .purpose borse and pony. - - . Ttlrner, and I r. u er, About ton 10 . I 11
. igle, Trusteer Sallows .in - I I .11 I
.1 N"oL atid I gander; .17 young - ;' donee on the groom's farm in Col. the chair.. I . � . The;! ini-Annual Coll Ye&raL a 0. ,
"I, ire", . gole.0. MI A:P so foretice of the t 10, Coll. 7, E. D. Colbiorne.(I, mile
.1 . "Voitip JeRtiorns. .0,1 .
, t 6 ft. rut Massin, marrig borne tp. - Ambhg the guests resent A colmhunication from LMin "Mae ' L' . , PARODY . Aurgn .Presbyterial atid also. a meot�- _ e will be visiting In West of Auburn) commencing tkt," I � .. , .
I . �
11 . Dirwe-*, in brat-oass condition- 1'eultiVa- was the groom's, p Af1r, and Rogerson offering 'as Bielitlies. ibere a man with SoUl so Ing of the Pres fghbo oo' � to a coupl . .,
ter, I wAggon WitErack,4 fike, ir, Criek. X.r.g. bet, services (I tery of Huron were weeks. .. . . 1 STANLEV, Pro �
T J. N. Kernighanj oi Toronto. supplY teacher was read 4 PRd 117 on Tuesday. -Rev. Xr. Uf R.L.SdIOWS, prietor. .T. - GUNDUY, Auctioneer, . . 3
11 it I ither.L�'f4li"ns, laillMe- � nd placed who 'iftiver to hinikeig has Said. Lbeld At Hertail
I litan"b"4gy1l sef double barrietis, i The'Young couple were the redipients on Ille, Miss Ilogerson to be notified "Dr y tratie of late is 6ttingL bad;. I'll Air. MoDermid, Rov. Mr. Hamilton . Accompanied by � TUESDAY, Sept, .05 - th-Auction I
1 SOF4111 it. hariloss; I AOW Silling cal*. Pope, of many beautiful,aAd useful g try another "ten 11op k �
,hL ad"
- forklm T'd 'Pulleys donooldto; I ifts, that the Board will he pleased to A& , . - It such and Mi-, X Weir were in attendance To gallows leaves thlis Saturday for sale of far ,
'ale 81oll 11 in 11%�� 4n(l L
� L 11 rne-* and the. beat of wishes of a host - _-2-2 1 there be go mark him well JmPlement& . ' 't
�_, _ --he , e9Z _qt__9 __ Icos_ ______.._.._..P lot, him, 130 at the meeting of the Vre9b ter the �, ro-ach River. J�L #'
, '01fora ,rj_,wIth.oVoU__ "';Plec ... I:lr - -,N,- ' Mr. gallows has LL �#. im. q t I— __ A_L�i'_l ___ . .
1, . ove& by, I - -b'Lb a a t _Aig�eir -ild --- r _ it. W Talce oil � I __ I W_ .
I . . . ToUr leaves. Rayrnond,seWinx joi . � -7 ee Craigifi, qecond , C, ge a W -tho-s-e-fidirk V-ode-rielf-lattOn Ing T; 0 north of rt I A 'Comm I . - . .1 .. I
- TeWis - folldw__thein� _b6_fh6a1i_ - Add ),a
eXtension talflV*_� T- r ,
� . Parlor stitte; dining room ,, I nevA rust ei� � It I 1n; -commission iram the 0. en�,� . ..�L__ -_ I
. r . . I .)Chino; bome.. . L ed by watch tbe stair., to welcome the. Presbyterial were blendames, scenic Views ,
L' V �,::_7!.._",__1 .1 Trustee, Thomson that Trus, b me a of& fivenew sualmerro ini at I o'clock JERI/ S WILES, I �
. , OCIArop with rIn9(T;,, new* " - _ , I .1 .
'k, (, rn
a I sy I 11' I 1. - *-- tee Sa
'.. � 89 . . , '_ ' ' --- u: O' millionaire. The man, who Redditt Rev.) sort being laid ( I
I . , now; 18 long ot good inixen riders enquite into. the inattet H , MacDonald, NeNithyl,( out by the C.P.A. people, Proprietor. T, 6 - I I � .
, ;, f� best 1=1 3N Abotlt'80D L . . WANTEV i , never wills for local line or ad amllto I VND Y, Auction . I . r
, L , , ng teaching facilities fol a, n; Strachan, Dunlop, Weir, Re wl I 'Ilftv'c 014193, (14000A anti in wr� 1.
. .. "'Lle, a r" 'at%* other art Cles too nurn- — �� of providi 0 � �., *4
, � . U t e tinu� .,The - proprietor will 1WINTED.-Poultry *anted-, MAX P.4 N �mental defectives. -Carried. I . 90h1ved- care" wore - tot test; than Taylor, MacKa , Naftel and Misles boatq placed athis diapotrat to cover tj eer, -..-=---*-- , ,� . . . L 4 I .1
. 11 lus' I WoNfIl',V gain, and patronage, but gives Nairn I . hesititiful scenery on the .French anil I
. 1111A ,are r alltlelf.4 botltbt Until WedneS- ZER. INapler .4c.. ,' . I and Mime. be, struthers, A Remedy for ' .
I I . , Tom -Stanley . I . Earathe.-To have
y, tile . Sept. I -all lightly, let no rude missionary at Hollan, China, lit pre. a to ondure toeture. .
day, the .� I ' him Pain. Trf I Pickerel: Divots. This work is for tbe the - earache I � I : I
. T�311114-�-All Storll,r ,Or 111110 anit Under. Vr1NTk*D,.--4DIrI or woman for generid Hol� Trinity Church, Lucau, beauti. 510111110 disturb, b1s; solitude tv6totillag, sent home.on furIgugh, gave a �ery Publicity Deputment nf the C.P.H. The. ear is a delicate. or# I I ;
I . . cat,ax: over that amount le month.41 creftis ,fo 1161I.SO4-Ork. Apply Ifl --; N111R. HEN fully 'dedotated With 4-ft6lun flowers,. bet"' let Min live In 4111111'ObAse ull- interesting talk on his work and re. R08111tBilreall: Ste, Hallows-expectsto care to deal With it, , an, and few . . I .
I . . will be given on rurnistiffir approvod joint OGARTH. Cor, 1jayfleld Blood afid Rag. . le considering, It
� -, :. L : note -4 A diseount of 5 per eent, anowea loll �!,_-_ . . . .. , was the scene ot a VO4 Prettv wedding s0119116 OX60pt hk tilft he o4es and produced some.of the Chinese njusic be away about a week. , work for a doctor.. Dr. Thomas 0 Ec. I I .
, forlw4h on eredit arnouno, There Will ba on L Wednesday, September 4) b when he dies go lillut him dee V that with a phonogiapb' record. Mr.. From the Sterlitur Datihls publicad lectric .011 offof4 a simple romedy. . .
�, 1 � � . nothins # at big I
reserved, as-propirletor Is learing �W1kNTXD1_A woman for general house. noon, when 13(-V. X. MCGOun un naught filov 4JApel tile quio, Connell L
, tile farm. . . . I Ited to t at be Johnatono.', president of the Toronto tion, Tile Teller, J. H..F.. A few drops Upon a piece of lint or . L
I . . .. . ,
L . .. Work. No washIng, . good watres. ,marriage, Alice_
. . P,POrg STANI'LEY, � L T, 1RNnFtV, Apply at STA11,01lFiCE, .. � dsught6t Of NO- Bore- l0v F40 well; and that, Cho world may Presbyterial, - also gave a very in. who was .Accountant at Goderich Q medicated cotton and placed in the - . I I
, R�Pletor. - - ard W. Stanley of Lucati, to Mr. J know 18 loss place tin bis gravia it atructive address. 0 mu n I
I P -huctioneer.. `--j� , � I
. OARDERS �wj�7D�.71,leo prere ,, has been doing relief work fit the ear will d chJ relieving pain. 11
.., L . -.13 rred. Archibald J. T6m of' Stratford, son of wreath of 080,1 and on the stone al eve I ___.-_A_._4A , . Goderlell district, hag been of - . L .
I . AUGrI021 SALE 'OP TWO CAt%L0AI)S I L Loeation near, barbop. 41) � Modern Mr. and Url'.4. Fi. Tow, of Goderich, "HeroL lion h eblitnp Who lVoUldn't' . wip - THE GIST L OF
. nces In house. Apply BRIEF TOWN TOP" . ed manager at Varna., We sgoint THE LIST AND .
I CHOICE MANITOBA. CATTLE, . . . Soon. , . � 31r. NEW ADVERTISEMENT$ 'IN . . . .
. I Wlveate I . I 11 CAtinnell every succean In bi,i ncliv .1 .
01 AN (it IsTAR Ont. The bride, who waq given in marri. advertise.' '-Walt
. . . . L Nll�' JAMES PIERCE * , L ' __ age by her father. wore a chortialug , Atueek Chapter, LOX.H'., will hold work. At. A. McLaughlin, who was THIS, WECK'S STAR .. . ."
NTQJ�--Anol . . I .
of rilthorn Manitoba, will.sell by POW, . ntlous Mon, "Sitions of white chiffoll, taffeta with veil thins Sufters'Dr. J. D' thole regillar monthly weeting In the manager at Varna,.has been o,ranted . � . . . ,. . . .
1 a J. Open. Clerk 'teno gow"Mulld blossoms. 4adearried a lion. comes Board of Trade rooms on HoodA,y, Sept, . I .
�. , auttion Illyth on - 4. Salesmen, 1, ra- TO 'S Asthma Remedy
�. JohOPS, llook-kef,pem- Unlimited opporun And o f rosea and lily of the Valley. Miss Xell "Inking 17th, at 4, , L i I to Su�
41'. . # A likeng lbelping .1land to: 4 . I slek leave As the result of. his an. ReOV '1�ly'y0UrLWftnttl in
, �,_ . - -t; -, 'k -
1, � � . MONDAY. SEPT Uth ties. �Oud P�1-165,f,' suite W -is Page . . .
. at, I fe, and . 11 T dergoing an operation for appeudicl. A i ,
i eonimencing at t.M wetock fildg.. Orono 0 w1le"Iel: Stanley, sisier ofthe bride, Eta swinimer. it gives new I Fall % Indow R adi6s-Smith's. Art I . . .
�, " . I I , - o i *ft , Store. Page ...... I ..... 10 - I
. Oat- ,epr ot gveoptionally,wAl-bred y6upir WA.NT91).-Aep maid of bOnOr. dt,04sed in shell pink, hope --something he hats come to be- A, eompan� I the 33rd. Regiment tia. According to recent reports he and Go . I
( L t6wo. A number due to ellive soon. otu_ VeSentatlVe tot, 111h; dis. 14tarted drilling oil Tueaday night under is getting along ver
� . . lieve impossible.. Its belhefit is too I .y Well. I Hoot Gibqton. The6dore, fltob�,rts, . I
ri %rig Ini'O". Also 3 r0load of steers, stoct. 1*19 to lialidle, l.qsue dnd a, ' had Dr, Mary I. Tom of Guided I coluniall(l of Major Stdrdv, And the Buck Jones. Buddy Mcs,jonvr. Al L' I .
11 &)Poinit dl,4- oll." .1
I ,
. Aind feeders, It Yon Mi 1111111fle Mono trilotillon akenelel for broolts .. cam �16. bridesluald� In lavender, were th evident to b q ostioned-it is its Mr. and Mrs"deo, At. (!6.�, of Mail.
this new L tp pi 0 . Slanalling'Peetion AWN on Thurgdav St. John and Sumbine Comedy at I I . .
1`0110 "11it for 0119 101. They 'Oro 9061 tors. Investigato. mas r eee todde's attendants. 'The groom wlt, own best argil, en its ; best ad- chester, England, made it brief visit
,� Usual terms, TvIllell is now being, shown at the Toronto evening. under command of Lieut. to l e14. I'Ago........5 A ,
1 T. OVINDAY. Auctioneer. , E11111oltion. Give reference in yotip evilly Supported by his cousin, Ur, J. A. Ray, vertiFordent. If. you su from As. Goderleh the past Wool.. Mrs, � �
,", 1gr., Z ning .�-It' Of StrMtfbfd. Mr. 0. Ityan and Dr. A. thmLA get this ti e -tried remedy and Rundle. Cox attil their son have been visiting Evenilla ClagsenGoderich In. . .
YK. J. RADTKE, b1stric; ZI —.- dustrial Clanges. Pag .... I
I V ic AN't) Ny .. Kiteliener, out. M. Startley acted- as Ushers, while Mrs. find help liko t ousands. of others. . the ladyla parentq at Preston, Ont. .o ...... . .
� �� . . . 111PIXAI8N1VQ. ,�. ________1_4_ . ff. Monroe off � . tOLE .1 Some L little tittle. '51r. Cox came I p Poultry Wanted-IlAx Panzor.-. I . �
, � . 'YERVIS NVILPS WANUD.-Olstriet Representative ftathroy Sang beautifully Unemployment In Uritalft Will Ut lif ra. J. T I I I for I P , :1. ... I
during the signing of tile reglater, aylor Is vlofting her daught- * over largely on a businesa trip and, ul! ........ .... It, " *.* *
. Auction Sale of b anitoba (
*,M, Lqelt by ruble. apepon at tot 3. J.ake wanted f6t "0011trieh" And After the ceremony a Ivedding luncheoli Serious er� mro"J. clonufall, in Galt. i- -attla
t Atifilleld, onis hifle north of Port surrounding territory to repre%ent . . J took timp to run up to hiq old 11oult,
� . - Alaljnel[��r, on wag seivedattho home of -the bride's While Britain continues to show to 51r, win. re6tgau and ji,jually, of town. They plannM a hurried trip Jame,4 flieree.. Pagp . ........... I , I .
I ' the Old Reliable Fouthill, 1�urserlo, par u cap ;; Property for Salo -R. Reid. Page I
11 VTRDAY. 149PT. �,jth 612ts.- ]�Atet Mr. and Mrs. Tom left France and her -other allies in thol Goilerich ' 'ille"t k;. aday Witil frlerld$" � to ('hiCago And - Minn 0 , wbert,
.. L cov-,juilehplom At I. 6,�ploek, tho followilip; Atillendido ening for the, right hian. for Toronto ar a striking exam L 1, Boarders Wanted -Star, Olffice�.. - ' I
, M 4ke the Et,. Lawrence W mple of f6ftitud-o. at Nur, . 1. I.. f they..h!liped to lnp(!t.a'bUMb0.'af their page----------- '" --''L '- .. � _11,
, .
I vs ON- - I Ite $TONE and ftguoww ttill. GUcAjS_ - were � ture. L in the way of'shouldering financial I liev. j. j. jollnst,orf left lacit W408ft for L , I _ ,.. 1-11, I
- - - ' - � ' J �rev Verefieron horse. 5 0a For full in amation wrl I , . ........... I
. . V relativen"ivilli live n, the West before %, *** ... * I ' I
� . . hogge, It %,cars (-Ill- I liorse, i NtlarS 41d, & WELLINGTON, Toronto. . SM6 from Giodoricb, Toledo. Buffalo, burderkA so that her dolots may be hit, vjcatlon. .Mr. Cant,elou. of returning to Xmgland, Their tylany . usic.Card-M. Anderton. Pagol
1 7 steeq. ritilDiQ vesp,; oldt, A negeri, Vs- I— - Stra she must fsee t terious Problem,, Godej.18h. talteij pa6vt of hIq work in big friondq in thin n0ohborho Woman Wanted for General �
I Mir e yeArA old, -I qtter. I yest, aid. 2 MIR S.kLs Oil tforil, Uronto, London and met� od WAre Houstworl:-Star ftep. Pap, ..A ..7"
hovs, d niontliq old; J. sow. due to tarrow L V0 LET filst6wel. L at home this winter -that of unew- ab,geheo,. plenned to nee them, even if only for . 10
I 100t e3h: I solh'. due to farrow Nov. Ist., 11111111 ,Q111E.-Prolperty on Elgin L &vetftle. . �
. I wnw VIM* 10 fIrrOw Nov. t! The School Childreres Aster ployment. It isr predicted that the byr. Via",; Wilooll 19 100U,ag ver,V a sbort time. Girl or Woman Wantol for . . 4
Inipltmeal4l.-I MAO-tov-11arriq hinflor. I ' Housewark-Mrs. Ron flogtiartli. L .
. co 10119 or halt Acee (if 19011. 1with Competition . out -of -works in Britain will almost at preneut. bpeattao he expects I ?", I rs. ftIlrty J. .strjeljor, of SC)Uth 1Ja;Te ... L ... .......... .......... �1
_11arriq LMrjWpf,. (;� fruit f I I kinds rave,q, ploincr, A%plesl, I
-lit; I 1W4011-11arrip har loader: t Nag lie I � ti L StarLWin*
fo(4t cut, now. f Almolik touch the two million mark by Ica"'n, oranawe, Ni J, accoralmniod by her 'ation,
. , , I on I � ( Cbristnla
a ptle-storey frsnoo onqe' qf1 the Unrest will L. Kelly, Of WOr- Annageddon--4. D. $. A Page....." .
ft. ( -,. At me of writinp The oun lady who for a few (lays All the N % 51archma to
sov-113triq IS-licift drill. 'utarly now; i For tell and"Powulars, dpply "I "11- dow 1*19 a niass, of beautiful b1001111, _q tiiao beeall, t%at A Yo brother. Mr. D
fill"u'pp tt&k#" I ftrfil,lo"llek. I VV$ghn b(J'.Z1 ,�V.j to, hom beon, living at wyal. will swu come
. wrill averlue. — ,there being 97 bouquets of usteri . and financiaLstring.ency on the con. I to reRfdt) withillts. I efester, Musq., are hoinp on a vigit to Introducing rligand's Vn Air I.
- . h0d QbPlni?S; I 0.11i, bob,. Aleiglici: I etittor, . *bent, formented by the action of 'AfISS , St. Currey t),
� '2100Y new; I lAnd roltbft 11 disk birrow; I ]31'sl�NE'14 FOR 1"ALE---42$'5P0 C19h And front, plants grown by Goderich i ti ,tpeetq toL leatre thiq tbeir. 1mirent,). h1r. and Ti1w. J. 11. get. alballmo-Campbelps I)ruj; .gtorv. I I
� i Ital against Greece, will make ft I � , 1.4 .
I C -t troy$ bArrA1%,q; I swift ploW, I 11011.1y A Cqrr.,� nlpoepry. Loft(lon. (,Jvl)Nvv IY, Lighthowe street. Thoy calue p I i
'. I
, - 41�DNVV school children from seed suplied Itolitreat t4 engatle In by motor, leaving New Yor?i at 10 ...... .... ................ 5 1
� wa,'kinsr plow. NO. `13: I ling rack- i ran. NYTHR. Alark"L Une� 1�oridon- 30WIllore weelt to ga. to 11 11
. � difficult for British export 1)0_ L 41
11 Mug mill, I wravet DO = by the Goderich Miticultura 'ficoacwt work. She will los'much , Z It Rugs and Pflat,-IV, Acbe- 1, I
� .%- I toli vilgity; i SO- tra& to recov6r itgelf. Already I 'CIO It last Thursday morning. aeeiv- ron & Son. Page. � .......... :...4 .
I blim 10199y. 12 ON doublit harnosq. I It 'T.r0_r__1_fi9,`h� diety. Each entry con!�ists Of six twenty-three million pounds have Ing at G(!n(!VA, X. Y.,
i . yrtNISHER Rooms TO L16 tals-wd while She 1,9 awa.y. Her work of 9' e
. . I singtTo harness: 3 fieft ftublett"4:_ 2 iseek belloffl prit,15. Evotoy colvenle Mao The e-Ittries wero rimeiv. It$ to cope With Un_ Traveller's Aid Is ver ituportant. 80010 -Wil 111003 The Now Thi"q for Fall; Still, ;;;
� � FORM,, I Ret FOLIO. 0 0 , His 1,,tinsir kettle, Apply at TRE ,4T.Jin oFFJ'a, I ace; blosto i beta spent In effor 1.-y " . I
0 � distant. that oveninj;. Friday th,O.v They Come, blorp and Lovelier— '
. voitalgin robil: � MRO el . ed at noun yesterday (most of them) ,
ankpin I tvirs, sult&W fop t%o girl and the jndgiflg ,.V'aa done by ... employment, again8t an original es -1 is
valle'V411 IrolA and eltitell., I Ft'asNtttl'4d't"IIEID9','ttoo-v, tiniate of ten ifiglion ponlid$. P camo through to StratfOrd, univillf.- Gray and Cartwriaht� Pago ...... 5
att(-febop, Centfally IoCAtJ!4 L 'Witr% el. 'lit The unre8t of this weary world �
� wa'stolnor Insehinit. nearl.v no"OV: I PANY its unvoicod cry after God, thero at 10 o'clock that ntght If4d Nown Corget Display �
o I Thi,; Wock �il
thUrn: t %V'M barrow. & nural ct gap- frPirfe Hitht ond e6fiventenees.' Appiy at Harry Wit2on, and the awflrdi W#re the government la taking # it not been raining 1:eai�jlv thc!y -Gray and Cartwright. .Page..10
rod nfiek 11"Sq. 0 &.;If twiKile4q. e doren flyn-,.. fill oFFICE, handed out after school. One first ! coo.operflote it, the. Way of "tf'a"tthe'Or The mo3t terrible of lies 1,3 no, would ;,ave come on to Godortell. [jut Alillinory Openlrg--Mig.-4 NaeVi- , �
�', Sin wks; I eow he'Att? 1111d Vvt4- t 104ion - --- 'Prize Of $02 Was awarded, two Ole- 1090 morleY traritc: to varlo that which is utteredo but that which �
""4,4"'#� -,'I'd C�prllliflv-l: I r -19P TiR �OA �,kL:%U.Zrcaljl. U.4 l"uni. '.�, "a t U rd a V. op. , _ I
� L � I hj� U " 's1ft pl. �, qtaved 'over until VI'Ll, car. POL L , I
'i I'llos. 1 , *kolv r(s
. Z11 I ��,� gon rolq: a nurabor 4 DE: for'NabLive, C*0611-1111119 4r6t#Ikg6 'On PI Ceeftidg of $ each, thred thitds - cipalities, to *dij Work. Xtift, - 11 lived. � Shickler 4viill� It .irnaln' a hpr ........ ....... , . Ao
� , , ! rk, lit -11 jlfwv,�Oi I 1pq . viinnis Mod. J35t West Of Alegalidra IV)- : rths of 50, provi 0 -1.1 ,- I Playing Carib. Tallies. .RCOM3
100 11`:),� W. Pal Undertskin
Tel spot Ron; f 111001, ie�-74, ,I ,.;�Z).,,,; 410 ,M.A I'l-i"uple-d Aq -gs of a variod, nature 0. p3rent!), hoi-ne about a ln�mt!l. I
f0V[i(Z_L qeVIDn"t� qJr0t0J4' ('r2a..";.4 fi$"61 ('21""? !",,If nw;lvra ci�nwaw"thc tontges' DO #'- ketits eaeb, and it Is worth nating irreruding dotl�j slq bsrb,org, trant , I 1� and Pri?03-Portees. Pago .....16'
� �v .. - �'. !q' Me" he '"J' that the childwho winis the gward I$ 1. Fall Goodi Are Arri viag-A.
411711:00.4 tf* numpranS ta mention. tll,,�"4 11 p4rll-, FrIf furtupp psta. 'WAYS, the reclamatioll itif land, cu.$, . URM
7En!%t`411=1%ll RUM9 or $13 and undor. , , I
V,11, 104.4, V. J, W. ARMS119*16. "Vor At child who -to parent4l, take an in. 'laded in the I)Ijkn whj�h'it it; . MURN Cornfield, - Pago ...... I .. . 1.
0141s; ov#v that sinoant ca miDniticil opep jtloik, 1, 104v. 113,'q & 11AY4, ',Q311cit"t��, 09' teMt In floWers. So the moral la Art, fitt CASTO RIA Plain and Far-trinimed Now Fall
win to? (iicon va turntsitink appmved Joint , . ��.� 131331ter. Eltocutor. 11OPM will provide work for at lesst . Don't forpot the fowl "mppor d .
,. i � . I
I I .1, � 11 I I
1, � I
'I- 1 I I
---" 1
1 —
op �;. 711
,we d 4S
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Qrrv,,r1ti 11 81
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i F fit
nd A o
I 0 0
0 in I
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hii I
lit) IRE
. � . . . if you *&4 y6ur child to win priges POW XI&Ift A" 0144res all Co*0�--Roysl Lad;64' Roddv�zo-
*15!041 ft 4111MIM141 Or , thred hundriid thoo-ftnol met. � eoncert Ili Beebarn chureb Oct. Ifith. %ye,%r. Pap I
5 V'r Cow. ro� ea.qh t6r flowfts filto, all inti!rest in 116W., �.�__ ,0 ,... '
All 4,rj�13 alrl;,10411,3, *L*40n FIALE�ftr- anad it hin r-i4-��,y rric,vI I . ... � .......... 14
. L &4 An tvjwifi�, %1vi elot'u'ce ritf.414, Vk3tv'r. ev rouse rwoversoyooft T1w progrXin for the evoning will bo Ctoqod Tup-:idav Afternt�nn and
I 1i 'Vilct im4 1b, &�pwzol or. , ra3a IIINI *.wld rjlitot�, - ,�vffot wl whots 1% a 5 Ypurself. The prite winnctrs 101" A fooli-ah man, ffifnk"4 all $trfo
I .0M, F02. A -I f0II6VM: First PrIte, Kennoth friondly *he meot hilln wiffi IgmLileg, Alwolls fievs W,..o in char96 of Miog AbAl. Ltwknov;. W�Anoiday -5L 'Pv,)bX,i- Pc,,z� ...d
I f'%"t';Vn r�WVUI &'�,11 IZ11V,*l*C1� APPIS #��r -
. ,1frr4,V4 wjf.rcl. T. #'.1;%T;AV 1. �1.9.11 t � Pqi._, V,14, ., 4t r6f, f`w!:�'., flzkq � I Jaek So-cond vrize, Gertrll& F,vl- Thore am so 14dny wayl tq %t(,,t i 'Watch for fartht? ani ", mt 65nito C, ;+.1-f:_ - '', . . , , 0,
,� a4�tp i44 -L'. ,:�*T-o� -I 1:"t sto, *_ I.' � I
P�,, ,I I AV4,4181,4, -J- , � h r a S"I Itot ,4 %To
. I q � ia -I! $133, hi Cook, Third Prhte, Les. trouble, ljr,ij so fevr to got j)ut� .�-Attlw of f4a?�eo 002K annoupcomentl later. Cona.11.4w.1 � ", ,:�_ " .11 , I .
. . _ .
. . .
. . I 1� I I . . ,�
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