The Goderich Star, 1923-06-21, Page 4il-li,46AY, JUNV 215t, 1923. t. __ . -.1 - Q I ___ . Goorsic" STAR IT o�:;� J7" or do not 1 financial t"bon Ian" ~ Comm 01110a'ance to thwir paw ke Brow, *4v*d to W toxPayer, a4mire the history of men ji have been and jAwler wail Mowat, of wbichl� nRECO Good FormHair Nets YA 100� 3 10 2$0 Vie Pray (;*Var4woont Save Away theyare as proud usNe 03*,Qf 364c,� Stoolch Toxic UNA Alterative 0"o Nosh 1*, 2 for 25; 4or 451.00 ever SAQ KUM wilt" Donald Or Whitney. (Applause)-' XW lJow HAir � of pulp *u4 timber lands to F- W- But we have got to Jk stage where $1.25 x, Bottle JUNE BARGAINS, B#cUu$, %auesotoi millionaire, by, a party ond Partisan feeling *u4 coa- ... ­.. I l etet agre'emout, and a water yow- MI&rstiona viust for the time being Ve 4e Palmoli SOP er concessionwbich plaices, 38*1m in be set aside, and the goW of the Us. WATER GLASS 3 Woo for 2!k For Preserving E$9* ivo suviog orson. �04 �ab$QlUte control of the industrial de� tion, the credit of the Province e 11- tise Palms: @*a radowivs MAN?" Y4.10,pmeat of the whole voxthwestero businei;a of Ontario be the 'first 0 a Tin TABLE DAMASK onaiii patte�,nq ana %70 WVQ-ch heatitifully. 6ection of the Froviacg. sIderoitionjor everybody OU4 -yau will ..... Heavy, fine, pure ull linen Tvib!e Dawaqk, 6131 never hjj�e it votil, you get rid of ,ra $1.49. Tho only ent Mait-Wor Face Powder FILMS Refent'sy eold At $22.5. Juno Sales ya other bids receiveil fVV the pres' incumbi&O (Applause), the Backus limits wery frQm blasi- o ing and hilidug WOOL DELAINES I inel,.t.j wislo Neat pattern- less assoc!004, of U . a6us. It was $ATISFACTORY TOTHE 35c Devel 0 , n real competitors pelaines, light anil davk ground, 3 never intende4 that CHRIST11AN GUARDIAN Nal'-wor Tokum, rk A One Day Service French. fluest all svool ould have a cbiinca to cruise the A Nevr tuo sy viva&o. wow Ya Wash. porfoctly. Regular $1.60. Ver ?wd, $1.00.- Sh PrEll J`"T1r I'limits, and It they bad done so, Back- While, the leading Liberals, iiietvd, J;W�,rdd th district, suitable for mie, have stated unequivocjilly that nL '0 e 1 19 0m.B. DER A-Aw a t jr 4r1a G.GY (710#ryff and nLAYMAJ JL;j to J6 117 only available water ing Wellington Ray and major Tol- 04W A " eat. the temperance question Is not an C. D UIVLOP, yer Rompers, (Uldren's Dwcssel too cloth, for 611ch purposeS We such developm HO t i . . 11 'The )?,Oxall Drug 5tore apes, ProbablY tlj$ bighest, clasS, cot issue in this campaign and they are light and doxii, "eat Str ttentloo' 1W yara 450. The public account$ show that the devoting their whoTd a are, Goderich ColoraNY"Irrante(l. At per dialaistrative r Bedford Block Squ ever sold. Drury Government has levied direct a ecord of the Drury Phone No. I taxation of 0001000 upon the Conn. Government, Yet 8. local Paper - DRESSES ties Of Ontario by reason Of the which is out to beat Sir Adauk Beek V0*1189, Orgauaies, Ratines, in the provalling latest $tyles and dainty, effects and beititifull I Y Biggs . I highway 80110010. This means at all costs, has dragged in the ques- Welchel, prices tango 1$15.00 to $13,60. whom they had asked and received a lay Mitediarnild. W Elliott spades fifto 16 0 44- a tax of nearly- One dellsi'* On. "cry- tion, and !A such a manuer—namelY I (North Wat6rloo); George stre of cleared land in Ontario,. by a false intervlew—thttt Oven the prohibitory, law and because of many I (North Middlesex), and others serv- 4 . . I � indst si4eat prohibitionists must be Conservatives,. deserting their Party, I Wave of 'ed in the House Of Common$' A BATHIN(; SUI0790 a %vhite, navy and golds The Drury Government Increased disgusted. Underlying it all, tQ94 was a ' , I the Conserve- oed. Navy an A a score of men'bers Of Childreii'$, 10 various styles, neatlY triml Ron. Howard Ferguson has Put Unrest which moved men to 6' - I on's and q ,,,i piendja ra%tevlal- 140 s $1,50 to $3.50% the number of permanent civil ser- n the late Lj!gIslature 000d Nvoisilt, JU at$, empl ' . from, 790 to 1250, bimself on record. and in such & clegir. change --and they �got it. The U. F. I tive group I - navy "a va oyed inated In their ridings 30090 party promised some novelties in are renom �ac�laim Childron!s 950. and in additiqn there are iOver cut Mann How I I ed, ci thsit even The,,Christlan 0. ince got Hon. . ard Ferguson nistration:. 0.04 theprov levej�where in Western the, temporary staff. Guardian, the. ufaclal organ of the ;adia# Ontario last RUGS, L*AXARING t,.()o for $48 00, Methodist Church aid Without 1010it those,:. too. W confidently for 08.66; 3 x 4 ypij, Roll, -V. 0. Biggsi, Minister of ithorto st�oajjy . Conser- week as next Prem" I he would ber fie:jojles� AX-minstor"O .00 Highways, awarded. the contract for Oatario, has expressed Itself as tbor, 'd represented' in th 7443, $40 *tho strongest probibielo.n. *Paper in tvaR�vellgwsereh e late Predicted himself that Ig a Government after June utomobile markers 1923 a to the can- oughly satisfied. Here is. the -state- Legislature by U. F. 0. inembers,'forinh. rjtlj�- 25th, and at strathroy he added: under meat of Mr. terguson.' who got even their noininatiOm V -li the gove I rnmeni -that adian Colortype CO.P Limited $,We rea ze conditions that dict not permit of fair zho Conservative party . has out a c6intest because no one SuPPOs-1 �in will have a herculean task t.t. 'pursued �, A istent ed. their election possible. Many comes on. By not taking the low- te d,, cons compe I I y 0 c of all the 4eficits and ar-- _nge pald_;�000Q course n the temperance question, C.sWppt into legislative, taking are Wi, -AC JLJL&ZvN',.& SON eat tender, the It has contributed Mori! to- -the. such men. w-er !rears and debts, but the situation, mort.than was necessary- hallO withOUt a bit of experience. ill cause 0j temperance than auy'oth t fitu has to be laced and a Conservative* it again ea- public life and withou . ess for nnient will do pretty well-" 'Minister of High, er Party ever. did. one 0over Hon. F. C. Biggs, trusted with thereigna of govern- the sery ice expected of thela live party will ys, purchased motor trucks. vient the Couservat s been a pitiful exhibition ion is necessary 0 t CounXy the. DrurY GOvera, we utain the same, conSi4tent atti- result ha 'No surgical OPeTat In n arl.0 om a friend in Dun Mai at, is the charitable oving corns if Holl6ways Corn at over $1,000,000, This is Ing $117,899.fr ring tu4e and policy up9n.,.this questiolu. of stupidity—th in rem TUV went spe . Would . ex- da8, witho%it competition, aiau � their word—in connection with the work Remover. be used. more than tile Goveriinient The People of Ontario. by I -he Legis'A- - . 5 . him that there would be no Other votes declared for prohibition. GOVERICH NAMT RIV 5OF pend in 60 Years upon the education tenders If "they knew e*AOUgh to keep Prohibition must prevail, and be delving upon, them in t aided by until thq'� pe?Ple by. their- 'turle. At first they were TIM REC t Wheat, per bush---, 1.10 to 1-15 Of children in, tboit Man Y- observed ti 'family, �er ewt 3.50 t(11-16; icir 1�aoutbs shut-,". votes pronounce against it. 'The the'Opposition or things w9uld-have DV IV fact Which Mr. Flour, On been even wors S-.60 to � 3.90 GOVERNMENT The total expenditure to the close peo ich they them and ple must accept the situati edged Flour, patent, Oek'cwt DRUIVA run- Another comparison Of the same *h] attyes dreated, st Drury : has , at timqs acknowl, 0 1 Bran, per ton.-.... . . 29.00 to 30-00 of last sesson on �Duiftdas street, ion shows that the City Of the Government of the -day mu on�during,Shorts, per ton..,.:, 3zOO to 32.00 -Toropta-anil 11�amllto to see tha""* IT but has forgotten to nienti n, a than eight Toron at any time the eampA gm y e 9 Promise of 1kolo'01 loss risidly ent6rcedi If 60 Goywwwt,� Fleclei is,� $1,4^000, and less I Barley por bushel. - 55 to I You Vote Fol shortly after 98,9as' so that the there should be a sufficiently MR111- from' such conditions, the Conserva- lEuckwbeat, per buqb, 70 to 15 & - W & - , . mjj�s of, permanent' surface, have to, the Province as against the price fe0ted desire for a change in the ....... 1,0.00 to 12-00, Hof YMS is MIN le t, has taken WKh After ee been laid.' re�eived by the, City of Toronto 'was law to warrant the Government in tiVc Party, at as di-lEggs, per, doz ...... 19 to 20 Record like the. Followilm ? r believing that there is a teal Pub" to nominate this.time as its cmil 25 to, 30 �ek $1,004,400, change it dates men of standing in their'own Butters dairy, j)er 1b., lit demand for such a I per cwt ...... 'ROO to 8.26 OP14 be the duty of the Government n of municipal ex- , Ogso 5,0 e to be made upr-bY the V! For every five dollars exPOnded by ary expenditure bav Will nitie.s;. me 6,tatoeE Minn. per bush, it, 1919 the Ord", the Drury Government on primary , The Drury Government laslats"as to isk the people by their votes to most casesi and ul 'Cattle, 7,00 to 8.00 of Ontario was $21#4154,674 (deduct- e su�ject- - To perlexice in export 4 $$5 on a flp 'otgr vehicles. In. piquounce upon th ey have expende 'et _of Sgq Prior to 1919 the leaders Of '00 education t1i ases ex -members, C e butchers 6.00 to 7-00 riking number of c g or s, request st attle,, thoic log war tax, 059)- F 1023 Iti�Izod'.1be the education of professional -men. to refuse such I le . ordinary, 5.50 to 6.50 - r$1 movement Olt 1024k the Govirr. ant owned 90 mo- There. the Ordinary expenditure will be 0 farme '41 It autocratic and in. direct of Legislature or :1 Conmio.ns. 0 0 an, BuUs, per lb. 8 to 4 road, program of the former admin- s. and ruckS, Dr, Ta- I attly $3$,W,O0.._Tn other tor�car violation, -of the spirit of our insti- one -former speaker, H6n. Sheep 5.00 to -7.00 overmuent had 'stration as -too alal6ttlous 'An t1Y- The Drury Goverunielit migson, an the cost of G' has waste4 d,ih West Elgin a former Lambs, J)ek cwt ...... 9-00 t 9,50 words Ing Office over $jOOOOQ0 of the.public money T e o paid $616o60 isin' Guardian in com-, h... 18.00 to 12-00 cally doubled in three and 0 W h _Peo*.a. Ontari The -Christ in ster of public works,, Hon- fin- Spring iambs, eac Tko-. , jthj4 ;%,year sitter Usual P"Leti the Minister of. 11194'WAV8 enlarged in the einpilbYWOUt Of lawyers, jud-, to furnish an apartment for Row meating edit6rially,on -the situiU91% year$. lneial hjghw�jys system iron, gqs, equanlasions and individual ex- Mijiming. Doherty, -Minister, of Agri-, accepts. Mr. Ferguson s statements ithe Prov 4 milm-to coit $22,000,060. ports to do wor that shQiiM have as finally settling the questions rewl liabilities of, the 1500 to 182 culture. In 1910 the, direct been Performed by* the Ministers in maiking: chat ore Tho People of. Ontario, Paid. $749.20 "We accept Mr. Fergusates top province of Ontario, v.ere $07i672,41 -ge, of, the 441ilitmelits ar: Less t all - or Hiop. statement without reserve as a r the fiscal Ye .3, per cont. of tbe..Vio At the -close a re -1 1 lai highway I system uwng moto carefully 'Considered And *dell�.et; n an Ir the.di et liati ivinel awyer friends bf -Milif cation. 18, I completed. These must not be tot- been imid to 1' 0 'S the, list% , boop Over *250,000,:Of public T40neY bus to furnish a, 10 0A October 01, 1992 1 the 11. Otalit, st6r OV01u. pronouncement of his' ot f utiix� of thislyrovioce. amounted to, ds, 1 Government. the temocrancel er words --the fused With county provincial 'to* party's policy upon I in, issue, and we are glad to know 0440231896. caucus, The Dru*�, GO n%ent has, air jebt of the piovinee under three and county toad. or. mneed the'V&Vt -that the -leaders, of the three p # I ce Drury den( yj EQ imposed addi-' Liberal and Con - teased taxiltio Vo_, ties 'Progressive; Extrallvagan', ojjj�hsg. years of the 'DrO.rY regime yet Drury has held more Party eau- c hoa� almost trebled, the debt that blid I Under the Biggs highway scheme cuses. than the Conservative and Lib- ti�naj taxation in fifteen fferent ser�p ajiv6, stand nowpublicly com- ttuance and cu - ail roads In 0' mitted to the maini bem incurred from Confederation to the- average cost of ari The atar,- eral- parties it, the House, during the way" forcOment of "the Out o Temper easuc- Itirlo. is $21,018 per.mile. , eathas hela ante Act We agree most. heart- N..W. TREWARTHA ha's.'mad 1,est,to this is' thp., -Province oj� 1whole tiftic, t116 GOveruth LIBIRAS BACKARGUSON rthibr - 1, . � 11 jjy with Mr. FergusoWs fu is offide,' statement. that Ontario wants' her Farmei. 1W has 4so For the four fiscal years that the bees where the average 'Cost Perhaps the moit:Aignificant and '.laws enforced, and the Government coss as. a 13jrury Government bas -had control 326 per mile. e� -week that Is romiss in; its'duty in that Business' -Man., inportart development Of 6 as, a The � Pmvincial Treasurer maul ade asucce of.the finiinces of Ontairlgj, the or.- - lie, 800unts to show 3pect, will not long he tolerate4i In -legge of prov! pulated the pub ad we . tru Of the total in, has been. growing ree0gliftiOn by re'.. !st that all,our 0uhHe pewditure bas exceeded the estimAte4 us and Alverted $2,907,599- Liberals of th the zi- vAll bear. , 40, over 80 uciisel'ir a surpi e s.criousness Of men this fact in min&., ss an by $28s196,095. lit oastituencles reprowited from ordinary to capital account, as tuation intowhich the" U.: P."*6. La- The Position of Hon. Ilowar4; Per- Let a Fatmer. and� Buiiness. M cent, is in c lie airs, by.Mjnj$t�rs 01. thb Drury Govern- shown by Mr. W- -F -Xickle On'the hor Government, has brought the gusoll'is likewi . the position of Sir a 'business methods to the af f e ac�uracy of Mr. province during. the., past th pply in Imoo the Provinelol Treasurer budget debate. Th . I ree and's kdsm Beck. ap& the Conservative At Nieklevs,.-statement6 were not chal-w1i a 'rs.-;M4 �iac 4itly Md-� dfdates in Western -Oilfisrlo., 1�f Ontar* th am he. did. as: isold $14�000,000 of be ilf yet as can io e s e as incial Treasurer ing. the present administration by such a pootion is satisfactory d4coulit Of 1.66. within two 1140ths For every dollar speut by tl%e leoged by the, Prov to The - meat speaker. should. den the bonds 'Were 'Voted, at pat. A Dt4ty Government on township or any govern. giving supporVtp� that one of the old Christian Guardian Surely it War, of the County last year Uut the same time the Province 101 d "00 oil Most be satisfictorY to thl t0mperauCe 6 ty Taxeso 3!0145, tfiey have enmidt The Provociai Treasurer kept jbe parties *bit , U adinittedlif, in n oa, - 10. Mr. Ferguson.por- men and Women of'Loudoii and Wes- Reditc g your Con Qwbee jold 44,0000 Of b0lids'stljor Told�b likely to . Ir 0.- 'The discount On the Quebti: 4- books. of the 1`04incer open. for over Co��ervstive candi- tern Ontario. There1i. every, reason soosilly, sail to nth after the 4ose of- the fiscal to believe that it is, and that -they Inue WAS otly $40.000. The Province dates i%i Mi4Y ridingst, particulaily 'Work ana vote flor will I On ILI miles Of tho Kingstolk roji4s, 86 that $703,163 received after *h -1W 10�0 Liberal: is running,, lovill AiDt be stampeded byauy mWe.-- llt�krlo lost $1;22510001 'Which 'years 09,0 ould be in, th6se entation or falsified by the 31st of October last c opponents have come a saiirgilees from a very pres 'F cluded, in tlie revenue for 1921-'22. Haportarit' -number of Liberals that of the Cooservative&, "Ai&,tbe Consdrvative, party No NO TREWARTHA ne The.memixts of the Drury GOYera- they Will asi6n for the pui:P�4e ;;f A 114ESS. TO . CLEAN UP* jai) ment de . ag, a costly* experiment at Toron- . : .. , in 1919 tive Can4 date, South Huron H ON ICT. in iient - U. F. 0. gained power nounded tlie cost of maintain- On this Occ CENTIOM: UR EL 0 C Governi Ifouse, yet. under end! The Conserva Gov. to. Many Others, no doubt, Will ie�- I . I VOTE IS REQUEESTED FOR their administiation the cost of because men such as HO ), E- C - YOUR : booths ent House has increased about Main at home oil polling days but Drury Went irrw'the polling booths' is beyond all doubt. a Wide - there ad knifed Sir William �Hearst, 'of 0_� 0 year" a tin I spread. movement to defeat. the Drury mom "NLOCK erm it "*daus E I The. Drury Government retired'Governmentf even though JV11N I GOV $0,416i200 of provincial securities. support . of Onb party by members of IJOUAL CANDIDATZ beoirtrig interest at 3%, 4 and 4% another on this Particular Occasion. bse Mr. Oovtnlo�ll stands for mighty serious for Drury, inlitistirs J*n4s hearing interest at 6 per tent, ly in public ]�Xpenditure. in Western Ontario, none Of Whom oats ]Uouou adding $1go,000 a $rear to the lnt6v rine cial Tsixatimi �per cent,, and Issued in their places 'This develO011611t k going' to -Clea C ,pposed by Liberals, but can't be 0 Reduction of PfOiVitl pie intist are C rin $ careful# Honest Administration of the Tiniber and lb"'g" which the peo helped in view of their record, .91 Palo a the bdlance-'of oat stock'of Lad!& other resourejS of tbe*Pr0ViU0e. Itecognition $t this desire on the Thisweek"we offer you. a fingl, clearA ce of ties. Your op - exception al val Liberal *Joctora to hold their s criftrautee dro Power Rates. In order to secure raymout�A)f sue. part of and Alisses Spring coats;;. The Price Wort' 1� Ultliblt RV Icession duty from the estate of eltizeasbiP more highly than party, yne or Velour. Pric0s $13,50 to $23.50 ortUnity'to gecure a Springc6at in Du;�et Gov. ; A, Well alauced tatleational $Ystem. Sir .70ha Eatons, the Dru and to aid In restoring sound govern. p Representing the' late A Iegisliture and Government ernment, gambled $43.0bo 01.4 T block ment, was mado'by Ron. Mr. Fergu- Regular $%8.50 to $32-50, ftole PeOpIt—Ijot any class especially. 'es son at several Of his Western Ontario of suece"loii duty free securiti two meetings. At Paris. spo%king on be- wpum Y01jXG1 Spe 11 which Would have matured I of. La&ie months' time and could bee redeemed half Of Mayor X X- Patterson, c 81 sale.., Istanton Crepe DresSes prcsidettV, H. Liberal Awai- Goder-10-11 Liberal at Par. didoe in Norflo. Brant against. X611. 44ixov, be said: n Blacks NavY, Brown and jade._Th�� styles are the very latest. Prices ces were from V2.00 to $55. "Itithdreds of Liberals have told. Through injudicious buying, the range from $x6-50 to $27,00- RegtilaLr PrI. i 111 116111 hey will support our psirty in or- Provineial Treasurer forced the P ke too t r' I der w got Ad of this Government, Light, coot 1)resses, for Summer wear, in Ginghami of bit own seeuritits up 30 points, when by the. employment of proper 'not that Liberils arit weikoning in Summer Dre Sses Rtize and Normandy Voilie, flowered and' ligured the lowest in consideration of good value. !t patterns, Pricesrare & � I CHAS., BilurA (".4 � mr? 0 We have a splendid line of Ladiess Sport Apparel Suits.and Sport Skirts in anappy styles. Guide 9 outin Brown check Flatnel Suits And plain white jw mgno# 44d says, Store worth While Boy Scout and Girl Ladie mv for outing W04t. just tile thi Skirts, Very lowest prices. Sale of Ladies! a- nd Misfts' Pattern RUNNING SHOES Milak and Moire cof it, Black, Brown alld Navy. Prices TaUgO froM rer the says idol, lAdlest HaN ored natg f3birt %WAA 3.so. Regular $4.50 to ulna $1-25 tO $ Beltg Shirts CW V411, what hi'ven't we &OV All our Tennis Goob ad Running %0" U6 MOW qt4hlla Attrgetivestyle.q in Ladies! and Ifisges' Midsummer Millinery in Baroaette ItA Onlig 3"all short) bnt the ohm. 1110 *ear ­every Pair made unaer tho rrees�!e ca" pt"M Ostrich Vevithers%or Flowers, MAIM". FAVOTything trimmed with Tbeto are no betver Made and C116Y "t no mott thtn otheyt. satin avid oth9v li6PIAlat de*nsr F10-.1-0 %J CHAS. A.: CORN vqu *0 0%1 Roy'a 0 storoo worth WMI*** OT 514 OP GODERICH HERN'S DO WeSt Side 4, �qujre G 43W TA* sq"ro PAO" 210 'Pho" atom 1k R